]> git.saurik.com Git - wxWidgets.git/blob - interface/wx/frame.h
added wxTaskBarIcon::IsAvailable
[wxWidgets.git] / interface / wx / frame.h
1 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 // Name: frame.h
3 // Purpose: interface of wxFrame
4 // Author: wxWidgets team
5 // RCS-ID: $Id$
6 // Licence: wxWindows license
7 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9 /**
10 @class wxFrame
12 A frame is a window whose size and position can (usually) be changed by the user.
14 It usually has thick borders and a title bar, and can optionally contain a
15 menu bar, toolbar and status bar. A frame can contain any window that is not
16 a frame or dialog.
18 A frame that has a status bar and toolbar, created via the CreateStatusBar() and
19 CreateToolBar() functions, manages these windows and adjusts the value returned
20 by GetClientSize() to reflect the remaining size available to application windows.
22 @remarks An application should normally define an wxCloseEvent handler for the
23 frame to respond to system close events, for example so that related
24 data and subwindows can be cleaned up.
27 @section frame_defaultevent Default event processing
29 wxFrame processes the following events:
31 @li @c wxEVT_SIZE: if the frame has exactly one child window, not counting the
32 status and toolbar, this child is resized to take the entire frame client area.
33 If two or more windows are present, they should be laid out explicitly either
34 by manually handling wxEVT_SIZE or using sizers;
35 @li @c wxEVT_MENU_HIGHLIGHT: the default implementation displays the help string
36 associated with the selected item in the first pane of the status bar, if there is one.
39 @section frame_styles
41 wxFrame supports the following styles:
43 @beginStyleTable
47 @style{wxICONIZE}
48 Display the frame iconized (minimized). Windows only.
49 @style{wxCAPTION}
50 Puts a caption on the frame.
51 @style{wxMINIMIZE}
52 Identical to wxICONIZE. Windows only.
53 @style{wxMINIMIZE_BOX}
54 Displays a minimize box on the frame.
55 @style{wxMAXIMIZE}
56 Displays the frame maximized. Windows only.
57 @style{wxMAXIMIZE_BOX}
58 Displays a maximize box on the frame.
59 @style{wxCLOSE_BOX}
60 Displays a close box on the frame.
61 @style{wxSTAY_ON_TOP}
62 Stay on top of all other windows, see also wxFRAME_FLOAT_ON_PARENT.
63 @style{wxSYSTEM_MENU}
64 Displays a system menu.
65 @style{wxRESIZE_BORDER}
66 Displays a resizeable border around the window.
67 @style{wxFRAME_TOOL_WINDOW}
68 Causes a frame with a small titlebar to be created; the frame does
69 not appear in the taskbar under Windows or GTK+.
70 @style{wxFRAME_NO_TASKBAR}
71 Creates an otherwise normal frame but it does not appear in the
72 taskbar under Windows or GTK+ (note that it will minimize to the
73 desktop window under Windows which may seem strange to the users
74 and thus it might be better to use this style only without
75 wxMINIMIZE_BOX style). In wxGTK, the flag is respected only if GTK+
76 is at least version 2.2 and the window manager supports
77 _NET_WM_STATE_SKIP_TASKBAR hint. Has no effect under other platforms.
79 The frame will always be on top of its parent (unlike wxSTAY_ON_TOP).
80 A frame created with this style must have a non-@NULL parent.
81 @style{wxFRAME_SHAPED}
82 Windows with this style are allowed to have their shape changed
83 with the SetShape() method.
84 @endStyleTable
86 The default frame style is for normal, resizeable frames.
87 To create a frame which can not be resized by user, you may use the following
88 combination of styles:
90 @code
92 @endcode
94 See also the @ref overview_windowstyles.
96 @beginExtraStyleTable
98 Under Windows, puts a query button on the caption. When pressed,
99 Windows will go into a context-sensitive help mode and wxWidgets
100 will send a wxEVT_HELP event if the user clicked on an application
101 window. Note that this is an extended style and must be set by
102 calling SetExtraStyle before Create is called (two-step
103 construction). You cannot use this style together with
104 wxMAXIMIZE_BOX or wxMINIMIZE_BOX, so you should use
106 frames having this style (the dialogs don't have a minimize or a
107 maximize box by default)
108 @style{wxFRAME_EX_METAL}
109 On Mac OS X, frames with this style will be shown with a metallic
110 look. This is an extra style.
111 @endExtraStyleTable
113 @library{wxcore}
114 @category{managedwnd}
116 @see wxMDIParentFrame, wxMDIChildFrame, wxMiniFrame, wxDialog
117 */
118 class wxFrame : public wxTopLevelWindow
119 {
120 public:
121 /**
122 Default constructor.
123 */
124 wxFrame();
126 /**
127 Constructor, creating the window.
129 @param parent
130 The window parent. This may be @NULL. If it is non-@NULL, the frame will
131 always be displayed on top of the parent window on Windows.
132 @param id
133 The window identifier. It may take a value of -1 to indicate a default value.
134 @param title
135 The caption to be displayed on the frame's title bar.
136 @param pos
137 The window position. The value wxDefaultPosition indicates a default position,
138 chosen by either the windowing system or wxWidgets, depending on platform.
139 @param size
140 The window size. The value wxDefaultSize indicates a default size, chosen by
141 either the windowing system or wxWidgets, depending on platform.
142 @param style
143 The window style. See wxFrame class description.
144 @param name
145 The name of the window. This parameter is used to associate a name with
146 the item, allowing the application user to set Motif resource values for
147 individual windows.
149 @remarks For Motif, MWM (the Motif Window Manager) should be running for
150 any window styles to work (otherwise all styles take effect).
152 @see Create()
153 */
154 wxFrame(wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id,
155 const wxString& title,
156 const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
157 const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
158 long style = wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE,
159 const wxString& name = "frame");
161 /**
162 Destructor. Destroys all child windows and menu bar if present.
163 */
164 virtual ~wxFrame();
166 /**
167 Centres the frame on the display.
169 @param direction
170 The parameter may be wxHORIZONTAL, wxVERTICAL or wxBOTH.
171 */
172 void Centre(int direction = wxBOTH);
174 /**
175 Used in two-step frame construction.
176 See wxFrame() for further details.
177 */
178 bool Create(wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id,
179 const wxString& title,
180 const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
181 const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
182 long style = wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE,
183 const wxString& name = "frame");
185 /**
186 Creates a status bar at the bottom of the frame.
188 @param number
189 The number of fields to create. Specify a
190 value greater than 1 to create a multi-field status bar.
191 @param style
192 The status bar style. See wxStatusBar for a list of valid styles.
193 @param id
194 The status bar window identifier. If -1, an identifier will be chosen
195 by wxWidgets.
196 @param name
197 The status bar window name.
199 @return A pointer to the status bar if it was created successfully, @NULL
200 otherwise.
202 @remarks The width of the status bar is the whole width of the frame
203 (adjusted automatically when resizing), and the height
204 and text size are chosen by the host windowing system.
206 @see SetStatusText(), OnCreateStatusBar(), GetStatusBar()
207 */
208 virtual wxStatusBar* CreateStatusBar(int number = 1,
209 long style = 0,
210 wxWindowID id = -1,
211 const wxString& name = "statusBar");
213 /**
214 Creates a toolbar at the top or left of the frame.
216 @param style
217 The toolbar style. See wxToolBar for a list of valid styles.
218 @param id
219 The toolbar window identifier. If -1, an identifier will be chosen
220 by wxWidgets.
221 @param name
222 The toolbar window name.
224 @return A pointer to the toolbar if it was created successfully, @NULL
225 otherwise.
227 @remarks By default, the toolbar is an instance of wxToolBar (which is
228 defined to be a suitable toolbar class on each
229 platform, such as wxToolBar95). To use a different
230 class, override OnCreateToolBar().
231 When a toolbar has been created with this function, or made
232 known to the frame with wxFrame::SetToolBar, the frame will
233 manage the toolbar position and adjust the return value from
234 wxWindow::GetClientSize to reflect the available space for
235 application windows.
236 Under Pocket PC, you should always use this function for creating
237 the toolbar to be managed by the frame, so that wxWidgets can
238 use a combined menubar and toolbar.
239 Where you manage your own toolbars, create a wxToolBar as usual.
241 @see CreateStatusBar(), OnCreateToolBar(), SetToolBar(), GetToolBar()
242 */
243 virtual wxToolBar* CreateToolBar(long style = wxBORDER_NONE | wxTB_HORIZONTAL,
244 wxWindowID id = -1,
245 const wxString& name = "toolBar");
247 /**
248 Returns the origin of the frame client area (in client coordinates).
249 It may be different from (0, 0) if the frame has a toolbar.
250 */
251 virtual wxPoint GetClientAreaOrigin() const;
253 /**
254 Returns a pointer to the menubar currently associated with the frame (if any).
256 @see SetMenuBar(), wxMenuBar, wxMenu
257 */
258 virtual wxMenuBar* GetMenuBar() const;
260 /**
261 Returns a pointer to the status bar currently associated with the frame
262 (if any).
264 @see CreateStatusBar(), wxStatusBar
265 */
266 virtual wxStatusBar* GetStatusBar() const;
268 /**
269 Returns the status bar pane used to display menu and toolbar help.
271 @see SetStatusBarPane()
272 */
273 int GetStatusBarPane() const;
275 /**
276 Returns a pointer to the toolbar currently associated with the frame (if any).
278 @see CreateToolBar(), wxToolBar, SetToolBar()
279 */
280 virtual wxToolBar* GetToolBar() const;
282 /**
283 Virtual function called when a status bar is requested by CreateStatusBar().
285 @param number
286 The number of fields to create.
287 @param style
288 The window style. See wxStatusBar for a list
289 of valid styles.
290 @param id
291 The window identifier. If -1, an identifier will be chosen by
292 wxWidgets.
293 @param name
294 The window name.
296 @return A status bar object.
298 @remarks An application can override this function to return a different
299 kind of status bar. The default implementation returns
300 an instance of wxStatusBar.
302 @see CreateStatusBar(), wxStatusBar.
303 */
304 virtual wxStatusBar* OnCreateStatusBar(int number, long style,
305 wxWindowID id,
306 const wxString& name);
308 /**
309 Virtual function called when a toolbar is requested by CreateToolBar().
311 @param style
312 The toolbar style. See wxToolBar for a list
313 of valid styles.
314 @param id
315 The toolbar window identifier. If -1, an identifier will be chosen by
316 wxWidgets.
317 @param name
318 The toolbar window name.
320 @return A toolbar object.
322 @remarks An application can override this function to return a different
323 kind of toolbar. The default implementation returns an
324 instance of wxToolBar.
326 @see CreateToolBar(), wxToolBar.
327 */
328 virtual wxToolBar* OnCreateToolBar(long style, wxWindowID id,
329 const wxString& name);
331 /**
332 Simulate a menu command.
334 @param id
335 The identifier for a menu item.
336 */
337 void ProcessCommand(int id);
339 /**
340 Tells the frame to show the given menu bar.
342 @param menuBar
343 The menu bar to associate with the frame.
345 @remarks If the frame is destroyed, the menu bar and its menus will be
346 destroyed also, so do not delete the menu bar
347 explicitly (except by resetting the frame's menu bar to
348 another frame or @NULL).
349 Under Windows, a size event is generated, so be sure to
350 initialize data members properly before calling SetMenuBar().
351 Note that on some platforms, it is not possible to call this
352 function twice for the same frame object.
354 @see GetMenuBar(), wxMenuBar, wxMenu.
355 */
356 virtual void SetMenuBar(wxMenuBar* menuBar);
358 /**
359 Associates a status bar with the frame.
361 @see CreateStatusBar(), wxStatusBar, GetStatusBar()
362 */
363 virtual void SetStatusBar(wxStatusBar* statusBar);
365 /**
366 Set the status bar pane used to display menu and toolbar help.
367 Using -1 disables help display.
368 */
369 void SetStatusBarPane(int n);
371 /**
372 Sets the status bar text and redraws the status bar.
374 @param text
375 The text for the status field.
376 @param number
377 The status field (starting from zero).
379 @remarks Use an empty string to clear the status bar.
381 @see CreateStatusBar(), wxStatusBar
382 */
383 virtual void SetStatusText(const wxString& text, int number = 0);
385 /**
386 Sets the widths of the fields in the status bar.
388 @param n
389 The number of fields in the status bar. It must be the
390 same used in CreateStatusBar.
391 @param widths
392 Must contain an array of n integers, each of which is a status field width
393 in pixels. A value of -1 indicates that the field is variable width; at
394 least one field must be -1. You should delete this array after calling
395 SetStatusWidths().
397 @remarks The widths of the variable fields are calculated from the total
398 width of all fields, minus the sum of widths of the
399 non-variable fields, divided by the number of variable fields.
400 */
401 virtual void SetStatusWidths(int n, int* widths);
403 /**
404 Associates a toolbar with the frame.
405 */
406 virtual void SetToolBar(wxToolBar* toolBar);
407 };