Reviewed, and re-organized members of wxGrid, which now makes the interface header...
[wxWidgets.git] / interface / wx / grid.h
1 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 // Name: grid.h
3 // Purpose: interface of wxGrid and related classes
4 // Author: wxWidgets team
5 // RCS-ID: $Id$
6 // Licence: wxWindows license
7 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9 /**
10 @class wxGridCellRenderer
12 This class is responsible for actually drawing the cell in the grid. You
13 may pass it to the wxGridCellAttr (below) to change the format of one given
14 cell or to wxGrid::SetDefaultRenderer() to change the view of all cells.
15 This is an abstract class, and you will normally use one of the predefined
16 derived classes or derive your own class from it.
18 @library{wxadv}
19 @category{grid}
21 @see wxGridCellBoolRenderer, wxGridCellFloatRenderer,
22 wxGridCellNumberRenderer, wxGridCellStringRenderer
23 */
24 class wxGridCellRenderer
25 {
26 public:
27 /**
28 This function must be implemented in derived classes to return a copy
29 of itself.
30 */
31 virtual wxGridCellRenderer* Clone() const = 0;
33 /**
34 Draw the given cell on the provided DC inside the given rectangle using
35 the style specified by the attribute and the default or selected state
36 corresponding to the isSelected value.
38 This pure virtual function has a default implementation which will
39 prepare the DC using the given attribute: it will draw the rectangle
40 with the background colour from attr and set the text colour and font.
41 */
42 virtual void Draw(wxGrid& grid, wxGridCellAttr& attr, wxDC& dc,
43 const wxRect& rect, int row, int col,
44 bool isSelected) = 0;
46 /**
47 Get the preferred size of the cell for its contents.
48 */
49 virtual wxSize GetBestSize(wxGrid& grid, wxGridCellAttr& attr, wxDC& dc,
50 int row, int col) = 0;
51 };
53 /**
54 @class wxGridCellBoolRenderer
56 This class may be used to format boolean data in a cell.
58 @library{wxadv}
59 @category{grid}
61 @see wxGridCellRenderer, wxGridCellFloatRenderer, wxGridCellNumberRenderer,
62 wxGridCellStringRenderer
63 */
64 class wxGridCellBoolRenderer : public wxGridCellRenderer
65 {
66 public:
67 /**
68 Default constructor.
69 */
70 wxGridCellBoolRenderer();
71 };
73 /**
74 @class wxGridCellFloatRenderer
76 This class may be used to format floating point data in a cell.
78 @library{wxadv}
79 @category{grid}
81 @see wxGridCellRenderer, wxGridCellBoolRenderer, wxGridCellNumberRenderer,
82 wxGridCellStringRenderer
83 */
84 class wxGridCellFloatRenderer : public wxGridCellStringRenderer
85 {
86 public:
87 /**
88 @param width
89 Minimum number of characters to be shown.
90 @param precision
91 Number of digits after the decimal dot.
92 */
93 wxGridCellFloatRenderer(int width = -1, int precision = -1);
95 /**
96 Returns the precision.
97 */
98 int GetPrecision() const;
100 /**
101 Returns the width.
102 */
103 int GetWidth() const;
105 /**
106 Parameters string format is "width[,precision]".
107 */
108 virtual void SetParameters(const wxString& params);
110 /**
111 Sets the precision.
112 */
113 void SetPrecision(int precision);
115 /**
116 Sets the width.
117 */
118 void SetWidth(int width);
119 };
121 /**
122 @class wxGridCellNumberRenderer
124 This class may be used to format integer data in a cell.
126 @library{wxadv}
127 @category{grid}
129 @see wxGridCellRenderer, wxGridCellBoolRenderer, wxGridCellFloatRenderer,
130 wxGridCellStringRenderer
131 */
132 class wxGridCellNumberRenderer : public wxGridCellStringRenderer
133 {
134 public:
135 /**
136 Default constructor.
137 */
138 wxGridCellNumberRenderer();
139 };
141 /**
142 @class wxGridCellStringRenderer
144 This class may be used to format string data in a cell; it is the default
145 for string cells.
147 @library{wxadv}
148 @category{grid}
150 @see wxGridCellRenderer, wxGridCellBoolRenderer, wxGridCellFloatRenderer,
151 wxGridCellNumberRenderer
152 */
153 class wxGridCellStringRenderer : public wxGridCellRenderer
154 {
155 public:
156 /**
157 Default constructor.
158 */
159 wxGridCellStringRenderer();
160 };
164 /**
165 @class wxGridCellEditor
167 This class is responsible for providing and manipulating the in-place edit
168 controls for the grid. Instances of wxGridCellEditor (actually, instances
169 of derived classes since it is an abstract class) can be associated with
170 the cell attributes for individual cells, rows, columns, or even for the
171 entire grid.
173 @library{wxadv}
174 @category{grid}
176 @see wxGridCellBoolEditor, wxGridCellChoiceEditor, wxGridCellFloatEditor,
177 wxGridCellNumberEditor, wxGridCellTextEditor
178 */
179 class wxGridCellEditor
180 {
181 public:
182 /**
183 Default constructor.
184 */
185 wxGridCellEditor();
187 /**
188 Fetch the value from the table and prepare the edit control to begin
189 editing. Sets the focus to the edit control.
190 */
191 virtual void BeginEdit(int row, int col, wxGrid* grid) = 0;
193 /**
194 Create a new object which is the copy of this one.
195 */
196 virtual wxGridCellEditor* Clone() const = 0;
198 /**
199 Creates the actual edit control.
200 */
201 virtual void Create(wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id,
202 wxEvtHandler* evtHandler) = 0;
204 /**
205 Final cleanup.
206 */
207 virtual void Destroy();
209 /**
210 Complete the editing of the current cell. If necessary, the control may
211 be destroyed.
213 @return @true if the value has changed.
214 */
215 virtual bool EndEdit(int row, int col, wxGrid* grid) = 0;
217 /**
218 Some types of controls on some platforms may need some help with the
219 Return key.
220 */
221 virtual void HandleReturn(wxKeyEvent& event);
223 /**
224 Returns @true if the edit control has been created.
225 */
226 bool IsCreated();
228 /**
229 Draws the part of the cell not occupied by the control: the base class
230 version just fills it with background colour from the attribute.
231 */
232 virtual void PaintBackground(const wxRect& rectCell, wxGridCellAttr* attr);
234 /**
235 Reset the value in the control back to its starting value.
236 */
237 virtual void Reset() = 0;
239 /**
240 Size and position the edit control.
241 */
242 virtual void SetSize(const wxRect& rect);
244 /**
245 Show or hide the edit control, use the specified attributes to set
246 colours/fonts for it.
247 */
248 virtual void Show(bool show, wxGridCellAttr* attr = NULL);
250 /**
251 If the editor is enabled by clicking on the cell, this method will be
252 called.
253 */
254 virtual void StartingClick();
256 /**
257 If the editor is enabled by pressing keys on the grid, this will be
258 called to let the editor do something about that first key if desired.
259 */
260 virtual void StartingKey(wxKeyEvent& event);
262 protected:
264 /**
265 The destructor is private because only DecRef() can delete us.
266 */
267 virtual ~wxGridCellEditor();
268 };
270 /**
271 @class wxGridCellBoolEditor
273 Grid cell editor for boolean data.
275 @library{wxadv}
276 @category{grid}
278 @see wxGridCellEditor, wxGridCellChoiceEditor, wxGridCellFloatEditor,
279 wxGridCellNumberEditor, wxGridCellTextEditor
280 */
281 class wxGridCellBoolEditor : public wxGridCellEditor
282 {
283 public:
284 /**
285 Default constructor.
286 */
287 wxGridCellBoolEditor();
289 /**
290 Returns @true if the given @a value is equal to the string
291 representation of the truth value we currently use (see
292 UseStringValues()).
293 */
294 static bool IsTrueValue(const wxString& value);
296 /**
297 This method allows you to customize the values returned by GetValue()
298 for the cell using this editor. By default, the default values of the
299 arguments are used, i.e. @c "1" is returned if the cell is checked and
300 an empty string otherwise.
301 */
302 static void UseStringValues(const wxString& valueTrue = "1",
303 const wxString& valueFalse = wxEmptyString) const;
304 };
306 /**
307 @class wxGridCellChoiceEditor
309 Grid cell editor for string data providing the user a choice from a list of
310 strings.
312 @library{wxadv}
313 @category{grid}
315 @see wxGridCellEditor, wxGridCellBoolEditor, wxGridCellFloatEditor,
316 wxGridCellNumberEditor, wxGridCellTextEditor
317 */
318 class wxGridCellChoiceEditor : public wxGridCellEditor
319 {
320 public:
321 /**
322 @param count
323 Number of strings from which the user can choose.
324 @param choices
325 An array of strings from which the user can choose.
326 @param allowOthers
327 If allowOthers is @true, the user can type a string not in choices
328 array.
329 */
330 wxGridCellChoiceEditor(size_t count = 0,
331 const wxString choices[] = NULL,
332 bool allowOthers = false);
333 /**
334 @param choices
335 An array of strings from which the user can choose.
336 @param allowOthers
337 If allowOthers is @true, the user can type a string not in choices
338 array.
339 */
340 wxGridCellChoiceEditor(const wxArrayString& choices,
341 bool allowOthers = false);
343 /**
344 Parameters string format is "item1[,item2[...,itemN]]"
345 */
346 virtual void SetParameters(const wxString& params);
347 };
349 /**
350 @class wxGridCellTextEditor
352 Grid cell editor for string/text data.
354 @library{wxadv}
355 @category{grid}
357 @see wxGridCellEditor, wxGridCellBoolEditor, wxGridCellChoiceEditor,
358 wxGridCellFloatEditor, wxGridCellNumberEditor
359 */
360 class wxGridCellTextEditor : public wxGridCellEditor
361 {
362 public:
363 /**
364 Default constructor.
365 */
366 wxGridCellTextEditor();
368 /**
369 The parameters string format is "n" where n is a number representing
370 the maximum width.
371 */
372 virtual void SetParameters(const wxString& params);
373 };
375 /**
376 @class wxGridCellFloatEditor
378 The editor for floating point numbers data.
380 @library{wxadv}
381 @category{grid}
383 @see wxGridCellEditor, wxGridCellNumberEditor, wxGridCellBoolEditor,
384 wxGridCellTextEditor, wxGridCellChoiceEditor
385 */
386 class wxGridCellFloatEditor : public wxGridCellTextEditor
387 {
388 public:
389 /**
390 @param width
391 Minimum number of characters to be shown.
392 @param precision
393 Number of digits after the decimal dot.
394 */
395 wxGridCellFloatEditor(int width = -1, int precision = -1);
397 /**
398 Parameters string format is "width,precision"
399 */
400 virtual void SetParameters(const wxString& params);
401 };
403 /**
404 @class wxGridCellNumberEditor
406 Grid cell editor for numeric integer data.
408 @library{wxadv}
409 @category{grid}
411 @see wxGridCellEditor, wxGridCellBoolEditor, wxGridCellChoiceEditor,
412 wxGridCellFloatEditor, wxGridCellTextEditor
413 */
414 class wxGridCellNumberEditor : public wxGridCellTextEditor
415 {
416 public:
417 /**
418 Allows you to specify the range for acceptable data. Values equal to
419 -1 for both @a min and @a max indicate that no range checking should be
420 done.
421 */
422 wxGridCellNumberEditor(int min = -1, int max = -1);
425 /**
426 Parameters string format is "min,max".
427 */
428 virtual void SetParameters(const wxString& params);
430 protected:
432 /**
433 If the return value is @true, the editor uses a wxSpinCtrl to get user
434 input, otherwise it uses a wxTextCtrl.
435 */
436 bool HasRange() const;
438 /**
439 String representation of the value.
440 */
441 wxString GetString() const;
442 };
446 /**
447 @class wxGridCellAttr
449 This class can be used to alter the cells' appearance in the grid by
450 changing their attributes from the defaults. An object of this class may be
451 returned by wxGridTableBase::GetAttr().
453 @library{wxadv}
454 @category{grid}
455 */
456 class wxGridCellAttr
457 {
458 public:
459 /**
460 Default constructor.
461 */
462 wxGridCellAttr();
463 /**
464 Constructor specifying some of the often used attributes.
465 */
466 wxGridCellAttr(const wxColour& colText, const wxColour& colBack,
467 const wxFont& font, int hAlign, int vAlign);
469 /**
470 Creates a new copy of this object.
471 */
472 wxGridCellAttr* Clone() const;
474 /**
475 This class is reference counted: it is created with ref count of 1, so
476 calling DecRef() once will delete it. Calling IncRef() allows to lock
477 it until the matching DecRef() is called.
478 */
479 void DecRef();
481 /**
482 See SetAlignment() for the returned values.
483 */
484 void GetAlignment(int* hAlign, int* vAlign) const;
486 /**
487 Returns the background colour.
488 */
489 const wxColour& GetBackgroundColour() const;
491 /**
492 Returns the cell editor.
493 */
494 wxGridCellEditor* GetEditor(const wxGrid* grid, int row, int col) const;
496 /**
497 Returns the font.
498 */
499 const wxFont& GetFont() const;
501 /**
502 Returns the cell renderer.
503 */
504 wxGridCellRenderer* GetRenderer(const wxGrid* grid, int row, int col) const;
506 /**
507 Returns the text colour.
508 */
509 const wxColour& GetTextColour() const;
511 /**
512 Returns @true if this attribute has a valid alignment set.
513 */
514 bool HasAlignment() const;
516 /**
517 Returns @true if this attribute has a valid background colour set.
518 */
519 bool HasBackgroundColour() const;
521 /**
522 Returns @true if this attribute has a valid cell editor set.
523 */
524 bool HasEditor() const;
526 /**
527 Returns @true if this attribute has a valid font set.
528 */
529 bool HasFont() const;
531 /**
532 Returns @true if this attribute has a valid cell renderer set.
533 */
534 bool HasRenderer() const;
536 /**
537 Returns @true if this attribute has a valid text colour set.
538 */
539 bool HasTextColour() const;
541 /**
542 This class is reference counted: it is created with ref count of 1, so
543 calling DecRef() once will delete it. Calling IncRef() allows to lock
544 it until the matching DecRef() is called.
545 */
546 void IncRef();
548 /**
549 Returns @true if this cell is set as read-only.
550 */
551 bool IsReadOnly() const;
553 /**
554 Sets the alignment. @a hAlign can be one of @c wxALIGN_LEFT,
555 @c wxALIGN_CENTRE or @c wxALIGN_RIGHT and @a vAlign can be one of
557 */
558 void SetAlignment(int hAlign, int vAlign);
560 /**
561 Sets the background colour.
562 */
563 void SetBackgroundColour(const wxColour& colBack);
565 /**
566 @todo Needs documentation.
567 */
568 void SetDefAttr(wxGridCellAttr* defAttr);
570 /**
571 Sets the editor to be used with the cells with this attribute.
572 */
573 void SetEditor(wxGridCellEditor* editor);
575 /**
576 Sets the font.
577 */
578 void SetFont(const wxFont& font);
580 /**
581 Sets the cell as read-only.
582 */
583 void SetReadOnly(bool isReadOnly = true);
585 /**
586 Sets the renderer to be used for cells with this attribute. Takes
587 ownership of the pointer.
588 */
589 void SetRenderer(wxGridCellRenderer* renderer);
591 /**
592 Sets the text colour.
593 */
594 void SetTextColour(const wxColour& colText);
595 };
599 /**
600 @class wxGridTableBase
602 The almost abstract base class for grid tables.
604 A grid table is responsible for storing the grid data and, indirectly, grid
605 cell attributes. The data can be stored in the way most convenient for the
606 application but has to be provided in string form to wxGrid. It is also
607 possible to provide cells values in other formats if appropriate, e.g. as
608 numbers.
610 This base class is not quite abstract as it implements a trivial strategy
611 for storing the attributes by forwarding it to wxGridCellAttrProvider and
612 also provides stubs for some other functions. However it does have a number
613 of pure virtual methods which must be implemented in the derived classes.
615 @see wxGridStringTable
617 @library{wxadv}
618 @category{grid}
619 */
620 class wxGridTableBase : public wxObject
621 {
622 public:
623 /**
624 Default constructor.
625 */
626 wxGridTableBase();
628 /**
629 Destructor frees the attribute provider if it was created.
630 */
631 virtual ~wxGridTableBase();
633 /**
634 Must be overridden to return the number of rows in the table.
636 For backwards compatibility reasons, this method is not const.
637 Use GetRowsCount() instead of it in const methods of derived table
638 classes.
639 */
640 virtual int GetNumberRows() = 0;
642 /**
643 Must be overridden to return the number of columns in the table.
645 For backwards compatibility reasons, this method is not const.
646 Use GetColsCount() instead of it in const methods of derived table
647 classes,
648 */
649 virtual int GetNumberCols() = 0;
651 /**
652 Return the number of rows in the table.
654 This method is not virtual and is only provided as a convenience for
655 the derived classes which can't call GetNumberRows() without a
656 @c const_cast from their const methods.
657 */
658 int GetRowsCount() const;
660 /**
661 Return the number of columns in the table.
663 This method is not virtual and is only provided as a convenience for
664 the derived classes which can't call GetNumberCols() without a
665 @c const_cast from their const methods.
666 */
667 int GetColsCount() const;
670 /**
671 @name Table Cell Accessors
672 */
673 //@{
675 /**
676 Must be overridden to implement testing for empty cells.
677 */
678 virtual bool IsEmptyCell(int row, int col) = 0;
680 /**
681 Same as IsEmptyCell() but taking wxGridCellCoords.
683 Notice that this method is not virtual, only IsEmptyCell() should be
684 overridden.
685 */
686 bool IsEmpty(const wxGridCellCoords& coords);
688 /**
689 Must be overridden to implement accessing the table values as text.
690 */
691 virtual wxString GetValue(int row, int col) = 0;
693 /**
694 Must be overridden to implement setting the table values as text.
695 */
696 virtual void SetValue(int row, int col, const wxString& value) = 0;
698 /**
699 Returns the type of the value in the given cell.
701 By default all cells are strings and this method returns
703 */
704 virtual wxString GetTypeName(int row, int col);
706 /**
707 Returns true if the value of the given cell can be accessed as if it
708 were of the specified type.
710 By default the cells can only be accessed as strings. Note that a cell
711 could be accessible in different ways, e.g. a numeric cell may return
712 @true for @c wxGRID_VALUE_NUMBER but also for @c wxGRID_VALUE_STRING
713 indicating that the value can be coerced to a string form.
714 */
715 virtual bool CanGetValueAs(int row, int col, const wxString& typeName);
717 /**
718 Returns true if the value of the given cell can be set as if it were of
719 the specified type.
721 @see CanGetValueAs()
722 */
723 virtual bool CanSetValueAs(int row, int col, const wxString& typeName);
725 /**
726 Returns the value of the given cell as a long.
728 This should only be called if CanGetValueAs() returns @true when called
729 with @c wxGRID_VALUE_NUMBER argument. Default implementation always
730 return 0.
731 */
732 virtual long GetValueAsLong(int row, int col);
734 /**
735 Returns the value of the given cell as a double.
737 This should only be called if CanGetValueAs() returns @true when called
738 with @c wxGRID_VALUE_FLOAT argument. Default implementation always
739 return 0.0.
740 */
741 virtual double GetValueAsDouble(int row, int col);
743 /**
744 Returns the value of the given cell as a boolean.
746 This should only be called if CanGetValueAs() returns @true when called
747 with @c wxGRID_VALUE_BOOL argument. Default implementation always
748 return false.
749 */
750 virtual bool GetValueAsBool(int row, int col);
752 /**
753 Returns the value of the given cell as a user-defined type.
755 This should only be called if CanGetValueAs() returns @true when called
756 with @a typeName. Default implementation always return @NULL.
757 */
758 virtual void *GetValueAsCustom(int row, int col, const wxString& typeName);
760 /**
761 Sets the value of the given cell as a long.
763 This should only be called if CanSetValueAs() returns @true when called
764 with @c wxGRID_VALUE_NUMBER argument. Default implementation doesn't do
765 anything.
766 */
767 virtual void SetValueAsLong(int row, int col, long value);
769 /**
770 Sets the value of the given cell as a double.
772 This should only be called if CanSetValueAs() returns @true when called
773 with @c wxGRID_VALUE_FLOAT argument. Default implementation doesn't do
774 anything.
775 */
776 virtual void SetValueAsDouble(int row, int col, double value);
778 /**
779 Sets the value of the given cell as a boolean.
781 This should only be called if CanSetValueAs() returns @true when called
782 with @c wxGRID_VALUE_BOOL argument. Default implementation doesn't do
783 anything.
784 */
785 virtual void SetValueAsBool( int row, int col, bool value );
787 /**
788 Sets the value of the given cell as a user-defined type.
790 This should only be called if CanSetValueAs() returns @true when called
791 with @a typeName. Default implementation doesn't do anything.
792 */
793 virtual void SetValueAsCustom(int row, int col, const wxString& typeName,
794 void *value);
796 //@}
799 /**
800 Called by the grid when the table is associated with it.
802 The default implementation stores the pointer and returns it from its
803 GetView() and so only makes sense if the table cannot be associated
804 with more than one grid at a time.
805 */
806 virtual void SetView(wxGrid *grid);
808 /**
809 Returns the last grid passed to SetView().
810 */
811 virtual wxGrid *GetView() const;
814 /**
815 @name Table Structure Modifiers
817 Notice that none of these functions are pure virtual as they don't have
818 to be implemented if the table structure is never modified after
819 creation, i.e. neither rows nor columns are never added or deleted but
820 that you do need to implement them if they are called, i.e. if your
821 code either calls them directly or uses the matching wxGrid methods, as
822 by default they simply do nothing which is definitely inappropriate.
823 */
824 //@{
826 /**
827 Clear the table contents.
829 This method is used by wxGrid::ClearGrid().
830 */
831 virtual void Clear();
833 /**
834 Insert additional rows into the table.
836 @param pos
837 The position of the first new row.
838 @param numRows
839 The number of rows to insert.
840 */
841 virtual bool InsertRows(size_t pos = 0, size_t numRows = 1);
843 /**
844 Append additional rows at the end of the table.
846 This method is provided in addition to InsertRows() as some data models
847 may only support appending rows to them but not inserting them at
848 arbitrary locations. In such case you may implement this method only
849 and leave InsertRows() unimplemented.
851 @param numRows
852 The number of rows to add.
853 */
854 virtual bool AppendRows(size_t numRows = 1);
856 /**
857 Delete rows from the table.
859 @param pos
860 The first row to delete.
861 @param numRows
862 The number of rows to delete.
863 */
864 virtual bool DeleteRows(size_t pos = 0, size_t numRows = 1);
866 /**
867 Exactly the same as InsertRows() but for columns.
868 */
869 virtual bool InsertCols(size_t pos = 0, size_t numCols = 1);
871 /**
872 Exactly the same as AppendRows() but for columns.
873 */
874 virtual bool AppendCols(size_t numCols = 1);
876 /**
877 Exactly the same as DeleteRows() but for columns.
878 */
879 virtual bool DeleteCols(size_t pos = 0, size_t numCols = 1);
881 //@}
883 /**
884 @name Table Row and Column Labels
886 By default the numbers are used for labeling rows and Latin letters for
887 labeling columns. If the table has more than 26 columns, the pairs of
888 letters are used starting from the 27-th one and so on, i.e. the
889 sequence of labels is A, B, ..., Z, AA, AB, ..., AZ, BA, ..., ..., ZZ,
890 AAA, ...
891 */
892 //@{
894 /**
895 Return the label of the specified row.
896 */
897 virtual wxString GetRowLabelValue(int row);
899 /**
900 Return the label of the specified column.
901 */
902 virtual wxString GetColLabelValue(int col);
904 /**
905 Set the given label for the specified row.
907 The default version does nothing, i.e. the label is not stored. You
908 must override this method in your derived class if you wish
909 wxGrid::SetRowLabelValue() to work.
910 */
911 virtual void SetRowLabelValue(int row, const wxString& label);
913 /**
914 Exactly the same as SetRowLabelValue() but for columns.
915 */
916 virtual void SetColLabelValue(int col, const wxString& label);
918 //@}
921 /**
922 @name Attributes Management
924 By default the attributes management is delegated to
925 wxGridCellAttrProvider class. You may override the methods in this
926 section to handle the attributes directly if, for example, they can be
927 computed from the cell values.
928 */
929 //@{
931 /**
932 Associate this attributes provider with the table.
934 The table takes ownership of @a attrProvider pointer and will delete it
935 when it doesn't need it any more. The pointer can be @NULL, however
936 this won't disable attributes management in the table but will just
937 result in a default attributes being recreated the next time any of the
938 other functions in this section is called. To completely disable the
939 attributes support, should this be needed, you need to override
940 CanHaveAttributes() to return @false.
941 */
942 void SetAttrProvider(wxGridCellAttrProvider *attrProvider);
944 /**
945 Returns the attribute provider currently being used.
947 This function may return @NULL if the attribute provider hasn't been
948 neither associated with this table by SetAttrProvider() nor created on
949 demand by any other methods.
950 */
951 wxGridCellAttrProvider *GetAttrProvider() const;
953 /**
954 Return the attribute for the given cell.
956 By default this function is simply forwarded to
957 wxGridCellAttrProvider::GetAttr() but it may be overridden to handle
958 attributes directly in the table.
959 */
960 virtual wxGridCellAttr *GetAttr(int row, int col,
961 wxGridCellAttr::wxAttrKind kind);
963 /**
964 Set attribute of the specified cell.
966 By default this function is simply forwarded to
967 wxGridCellAttrProvider::SetAttr().
969 The table takes ownership of @a attr, i.e. will call DecRef() on it.
970 */
971 virtual void SetAttr(wxGridCellAttr* attr, int row, int col);
973 /**
974 Set attribute of the specified row.
976 By default this function is simply forwarded to
977 wxGridCellAttrProvider::SetRowAttr().
979 The table takes ownership of @a attr, i.e. will call DecRef() on it.
980 */
981 virtual void SetRowAttr(wxGridCellAttr *attr, int row);
983 /**
984 Set attribute of the specified column.
986 By default this function is simply forwarded to
987 wxGridCellAttrProvider::SetColAttr().
989 The table takes ownership of @a attr, i.e. will call DecRef() on it.
990 */
991 virtual void SetColAttr(wxGridCellAttr *attr, int col);
993 //@}
995 /**
996 Returns true if this table supports attributes or false otherwise.
998 By default, the table automatically creates a wxGridCellAttrProvider
999 when this function is called if it had no attribute provider before and
1000 returns @true.
1001 */
1002 virtual bool CanHaveAttributes();
1003 };
1007 /**
1008 @class wxGrid
1010 wxGrid and its related classes are used for displaying and editing tabular
1011 data. They provide a rich set of features for display, editing, and
1012 interacting with a variety of data sources. For simple applications, and to
1013 help you get started, wxGrid is the only class you need to refer to
1014 directly. It will set up default instances of the other classes and manage
1015 them for you. For more complex applications you can derive your own classes
1016 for custom grid views, grid data tables, cell editors and renderers. The
1017 @ref overview_grid has examples of simple and more complex applications,
1018 explains the relationship between the various grid classes and has a
1019 summary of the keyboard shortcuts and mouse functions provided by wxGrid.
1021 A wxGridTableBase class holds the actual data to be displayed by a wxGrid
1022 class. One or more wxGrid classes may act as a view for one table class.
1023 The default table class is called wxGridStringTable and holds an array of
1024 strings. An instance of such a class is created by CreateGrid().
1026 wxGridCellRenderer is the abstract base class for rendereing contents in a
1027 cell. The following renderers are predefined:
1029 - wxGridCellBoolRenderer
1030 - wxGridCellFloatRenderer
1031 - wxGridCellNumberRenderer
1032 - wxGridCellStringRenderer
1034 The look of a cell can be further defined using wxGridCellAttr. An object
1035 of this type may be returned by wxGridTableBase::GetAttr().
1037 wxGridCellEditor is the abstract base class for editing the value of a
1038 cell. The following editors are predefined:
1040 - wxGridCellBoolEditor
1041 - wxGridCellChoiceEditor
1042 - wxGridCellFloatEditor
1043 - wxGridCellNumberEditor
1044 - wxGridCellTextEditor
1046 Please see wxGridEvent, wxGridSizeEvent, wxGridRangeSelectEvent, and
1047 wxGridEditorCreatedEvent for the documentation of all event types you can
1048 use with wxGrid.
1050 @library{wxadv}
1051 @category{grid}
1053 @see @ref overview_grid, wxGridUpdateLocker
1054 */
1055 class wxGrid : public wxScrolledWindow
1056 {
1057 public:
1059 /**
1060 Different selection modes supported by the grid.
1061 */
1062 enum wxGridSelectionModes
1063 {
1064 /**
1065 The default selection mode allowing selection of the individual
1066 cells as well as of the entire rows and columns.
1067 */
1068 wxGridSelectCells,
1070 /**
1071 The selection mode allowing the selection of the entire rows only.
1073 The user won't be able to select any cells or columns in this mode.
1074 */
1075 wxGridSelectRows,
1077 /**
1078 The selection mode allowing the selection of the entire columns only.
1080 The user won't be able to select any cells or rows in this mode.
1081 */
1082 wxGridSelectColumns
1083 };
1086 /**
1087 @name Constructors and Initialization
1088 */
1089 //@{
1091 /**
1092 Default constructor.
1094 You must call Create() to really create the grid window and also call
1095 CreateGrid() or SetTable() to initialize the grid contents.
1096 */
1097 wxGrid();
1098 /**
1099 Constructor creating the grid window.
1101 You must call either CreateGrid() or SetTable() to initialize the grid
1102 contents before using it.
1103 */
1104 wxGrid(wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id,
1105 const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
1106 const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
1107 long style = wxWANTS_CHARS,
1108 const wxString& name = wxGridNameStr);
1110 /**
1111 Destructor.
1113 This will also destroy the associated grid table unless you passed a
1114 table object to the grid and specified that the grid should not take
1115 ownership of the table (see SetTable()).
1116 */
1117 virtual ~wxGrid();
1119 /**
1120 Creates the grid window for an object initialized using the default
1121 constructor.
1123 You must call either CreateGrid() or SetTable() to initialize the grid
1124 contents before using it.
1125 */
1126 bool Create(wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id,
1127 const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
1128 const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
1129 long style = wxWANTS_CHARS,
1130 const wxString& name = wxGridNameStr);
1132 /**
1133 Creates a grid with the specified initial number of rows and columns.
1135 Call this directly after the grid constructor. When you use this
1136 function wxGrid will create and manage a simple table of string values
1137 for you. All of the grid data will be stored in memory.
1139 For applications with more complex data types or relationships, or for
1140 dealing with very large datasets, you should derive your own grid table
1141 class and pass a table object to the grid with SetTable().
1142 */
1143 bool CreateGrid(int numRows, int numCols,
1144 wxGridSelectionModes selmode = wxGridSelectCells);
1146 /**
1147 Passes a pointer to a custom grid table to be used by the grid.
1149 This should be called after the grid constructor and before using the
1150 grid object. If @a takeOwnership is set to @true then the table will be
1151 deleted by the wxGrid destructor.
1153 Use this function instead of CreateGrid() when your application
1154 involves complex or non-string data or data sets that are too large to
1155 fit wholly in memory.
1156 */
1157 bool SetTable(wxGridTableBase* table, bool takeOwnership = false,
1158 wxGridSelectionModes selmode = wxGridSelectCells);
1160 //@}
1163 /**
1164 @name Grid Line Formatting
1165 */
1166 //@{
1168 /**
1169 Turns the drawing of grid lines on or off.
1170 */
1171 void EnableGridLines(bool enable = true);
1173 /**
1174 Returns the pen used for vertical grid lines.
1176 This virtual function may be overridden in derived classes in order to
1177 change the appearance of individual grid lines for the given column
1178 @a col.
1180 See GetRowGridLinePen() for an example.
1181 */
1182 virtual wxPen GetColGridLinePen(int col);
1184 /**
1185 Returns the pen used for grid lines.
1187 This virtual function may be overridden in derived classes in order to
1188 change the appearance of grid lines. Note that currently the pen width
1189 must be 1.
1191 @see GetColGridLinePen(), GetRowGridLinePen()
1192 */
1193 virtual wxPen GetDefaultGridLinePen();
1195 /**
1196 Returns the colour used for grid lines.
1198 @see GetDefaultGridLinePen()
1199 */
1200 wxColour GetGridLineColour() const;
1202 /**
1203 Returns the pen used for horizontal grid lines.
1205 This virtual function may be overridden in derived classes in order to
1206 change the appearance of individual grid line for the given @a row.
1208 Example:
1209 @code
1210 // in a grid displaying music notation, use a solid black pen between
1211 // octaves (C0=row 127, C1=row 115 etc.)
1212 wxPen MidiGrid::GetRowGridLinePen(int row)
1213 {
1214 if ( row % 12 == 7 )
1215 return wxPen(*wxBLACK, 1, wxSOLID);
1216 else
1217 return GetDefaultGridLinePen();
1218 }
1219 @endcode
1220 */
1221 virtual wxPen GetRowGridLinePen(int row);
1223 /**
1224 Returns @true if drawing of grid lines is turned on, @false otherwise.
1225 */
1226 bool GridLinesEnabled() const;
1228 /**
1229 Sets the colour used to draw grid lines.
1230 */
1231 void SetGridLineColour(const wxColour& colour);
1233 //@}
1236 /**
1237 @name Label Values and Formatting
1238 */
1239 //@{
1241 /**
1242 Sets the arguments to the current column label alignment values.
1244 Horizontal alignment will be one of @c wxALIGN_LEFT, @c wxALIGN_CENTRE
1245 or @c wxALIGN_RIGHT.
1247 Vertical alignment will be one of @c wxALIGN_TOP, @c wxALIGN_CENTRE or
1248 @c wxALIGN_BOTTOM.
1249 */
1250 void GetColLabelAlignment(int* horiz, int* vert) const;
1252 /**
1253 Returns the orientation of the column labels (either @c wxHORIZONTAL or
1254 @c wxVERTICAL).
1255 */
1256 int GetColLabelTextOrientation() const;
1258 /**
1259 Returns the specified column label.
1261 The default grid table class provides column labels of the form
1262 A,B...Z,AA,AB...ZZ,AAA... If you are using a custom grid table you can
1263 override wxGridTableBase::GetColLabelValue() to provide your own
1264 labels.
1265 */
1266 wxString GetColLabelValue(int col) const;
1268 /**
1269 Returns the colour used for the background of row and column labels.
1270 */
1271 wxColour GetLabelBackgroundColour() const;
1273 /**
1274 Returns the font used for row and column labels.
1275 */
1276 wxFont GetLabelFont() const;
1278 /**
1279 Returns the colour used for row and column label text.
1280 */
1281 wxColour GetLabelTextColour() const;
1283 /**
1284 Returns the alignment used for row labels.
1286 Horizontal alignment will be one of @c wxALIGN_LEFT, @c wxALIGN_CENTRE
1287 or @c wxALIGN_RIGHT.
1289 Vertical alignment will be one of @c wxALIGN_TOP, @c wxALIGN_CENTRE or
1290 @c wxALIGN_BOTTOM.
1291 */
1292 void GetRowLabelAlignment(int* horiz, int* vert) const;
1294 /**
1295 Returns the specified row label.
1297 The default grid table class provides numeric row labels. If you are
1298 using a custom grid table you can override
1299 wxGridTableBase::GetRowLabelValue() to provide your own labels.
1300 */
1301 wxString GetRowLabelValue(int row) const;
1303 /**
1304 Hides the column labels by calling SetColLabelSize() with a size of 0.
1305 Show labels again by calling that method with a width greater than 0.
1306 */
1307 void HideColLabels();
1309 /**
1310 Hides the row labels by calling SetRowLabelSize() with a size of 0.
1312 The labels can be shown again by calling SetRowLabelSize() with a width
1313 greater than 0.
1314 */
1315 void HideRowLabels();
1317 /**
1318 Sets the horizontal and vertical alignment of column label text.
1320 Horizontal alignment should be one of @c wxALIGN_LEFT,
1321 @c wxALIGN_CENTRE or @c wxALIGN_RIGHT. Vertical alignment should be one
1322 of @c wxALIGN_TOP, @c wxALIGN_CENTRE or @c wxALIGN_BOTTOM.
1323 */
1324 void SetColLabelAlignment(int horiz, int vert);
1326 /**
1327 Sets the orientation of the column labels (either @c wxHORIZONTAL or
1328 @c wxVERTICAL).
1329 */
1330 void SetColLabelTextOrientation(int textOrientation);
1332 /**
1333 Set the value for the given column label.
1335 If you are using a custom grid table you must override
1336 wxGridTableBase::SetColLabelValue() for this to have any effect.
1337 */
1338 void SetColLabelValue(int col, const wxString& value);
1340 /**
1341 Sets the background colour for row and column labels.
1342 */
1343 void SetLabelBackgroundColour(const wxColour& colour);
1345 /**
1346 Sets the font for row and column labels.
1347 */
1348 void SetLabelFont(const wxFont& font);
1350 /**
1351 Sets the colour for row and column label text.
1352 */
1353 void SetLabelTextColour(const wxColour& colour);
1355 /**
1356 Sets the horizontal and vertical alignment of row label text.
1358 Horizontal alignment should be one of @c wxALIGN_LEFT,
1359 @c wxALIGN_CENTRE or @c wxALIGN_RIGHT. Vertical alignment should be one
1360 of @c wxALIGN_TOP, @c wxALIGN_CENTRE or @c wxALIGN_BOTTOM.
1361 */
1362 void SetRowLabelAlignment(int horiz, int vert);
1364 /**
1365 Sets the value for the given row label.
1367 If you are using a derived grid table you must override
1368 wxGridTableBase::SetRowLabelValue() for this to have any effect.
1369 */
1370 void SetRowLabelValue(int row, const wxString& value);
1372 /**
1373 Call this in order to make the column labels use a native look by using
1374 wxRenderer::DrawHeaderButton() internally.
1376 There is no equivalent method for drawing row columns as there is not
1377 native look for that. This option is useful when using wxGrid for
1378 displaying tables and not as a spread-sheet.
1379 */
1380 void SetUseNativeColLabels(bool native = true);
1382 //@}
1385 /**
1386 @name Cell Formatting
1388 Note that wxGridCellAttr can be used alternatively to most of these
1389 methods. See the "Attributes Management" of wxGridTableBase.
1390 */
1391 //@{
1393 /**
1394 Sets the arguments to the horizontal and vertical text alignment values
1395 for the grid cell at the specified location.
1397 Horizontal alignment will be one of @c wxALIGN_LEFT, @c wxALIGN_CENTRE
1398 or @c wxALIGN_RIGHT.
1400 Vertical alignment will be one of @c wxALIGN_TOP, @c wxALIGN_CENTRE or
1401 @c wxALIGN_BOTTOM.
1402 */
1403 void GetCellAlignment(int row, int col, int* horiz, int* vert) const;
1405 /**
1406 Returns the background colour of the cell at the specified location.
1407 */
1408 wxColour GetCellBackgroundColour(int row, int col) const;
1410 /**
1411 Returns the font for text in the grid cell at the specified location.
1412 */
1413 wxFont GetCellFont(int row, int col) const;
1415 /**
1416 Returns the text colour for the grid cell at the specified location.
1417 */
1418 wxColour GetCellTextColour(int row, int col) const;
1420 /**
1421 Returns the default cell alignment.
1423 Horizontal alignment will be one of @c wxALIGN_LEFT, @c wxALIGN_CENTRE
1424 or @c wxALIGN_RIGHT.
1426 Vertical alignment will be one of @c wxALIGN_TOP, @c wxALIGN_CENTRE or
1427 @c wxALIGN_BOTTOM.
1429 @see SetDefaultCellAlignment()
1430 */
1431 void GetDefaultCellAlignment(int* horiz, int* vert) const;
1433 /**
1434 Returns the current default background colour for grid cells.
1435 */
1436 wxColour GetDefaultCellBackgroundColour() const;
1438 /**
1439 Returns the current default font for grid cell text.
1440 */
1441 wxFont GetDefaultCellFont() const;
1443 /**
1444 Returns the current default colour for grid cell text.
1445 */
1446 wxColour GetDefaultCellTextColour() const;
1448 /**
1449 Sets the horizontal and vertical alignment for grid cell text at the
1450 specified location.
1452 Horizontal alignment should be one of @c wxALIGN_LEFT,
1453 @c wxALIGN_CENTRE or @c wxALIGN_RIGHT.
1455 Vertical alignment should be one of @c wxALIGN_TOP, @c wxALIGN_CENTRE
1456 or @c wxALIGN_BOTTOM.
1457 */
1458 void SetCellAlignment(int row, int col, int horiz, int vert);
1459 /**
1460 Sets the horizontal and vertical alignment for grid cell text at the
1461 specified location.
1463 Horizontal alignment should be one of @c wxALIGN_LEFT,
1464 @c wxALIGN_CENTRE or @c wxALIGN_RIGHT.
1466 Vertical alignment should be one of @c wxALIGN_TOP, @c wxALIGN_CENTRE
1467 or @c wxALIGN_BOTTOM.
1468 */
1469 void SetCellAlignment(int align, int row, int col);
1471 /**
1472 Set the background colour for the given cell or all cells by default.
1473 */
1474 void SetCellBackgroundColour(int row, int col, const wxColour& colour);
1476 /**
1477 Sets the font for text in the grid cell at the specified location.
1478 */
1479 void SetCellFont(int row, int col, const wxFont& font);
1481 /**
1482 Sets the text colour for the given cell.
1483 */
1484 void SetCellTextColour(int row, int col, const wxColour& colour);
1485 /**
1486 Sets the text colour for the given cell.
1487 */
1488 void SetCellTextColour(const wxColour& val, int row, int col);
1489 /**
1490 Sets the text colour for all cells by default.
1491 */
1492 void SetCellTextColour(const wxColour& colour);
1494 /**
1495 Sets the default horizontal and vertical alignment for grid cell text.
1497 Horizontal alignment should be one of @c wxALIGN_LEFT,
1498 @c wxALIGN_CENTRE or @c wxALIGN_RIGHT. Vertical alignment should be one
1499 of @c wxALIGN_TOP, @c wxALIGN_CENTRE or @c wxALIGN_BOTTOM.
1500 */
1501 void SetDefaultCellAlignment(int horiz, int vert);
1503 /**
1504 Sets the default background colour for grid cells.
1505 */
1506 void SetDefaultCellBackgroundColour(const wxColour& colour);
1508 /**
1509 Sets the default font to be used for grid cell text.
1510 */
1511 void SetDefaultCellFont(const wxFont& font);
1513 /**
1514 Sets the current default colour for grid cell text.
1515 */
1516 void SetDefaultCellTextColour(const wxColour& colour);
1518 //@}
1521 /**
1522 @name Cell Values, Editors, and Renderers
1524 Note that wxGridCellAttr can be used alternatively to most of these
1525 methods. See the "Attributes Management" of wxGridTableBase.
1526 */
1527 //@{
1529 /**
1530 Returns @true if the in-place edit control for the current grid cell
1531 can be used and @false otherwise.
1533 This function always returns @false for the read-only cells.
1534 */
1535 bool CanEnableCellControl() const;
1537 /**
1538 Disables in-place editing of grid cells.
1540 Equivalent to calling EnableCellEditControl(@false).
1541 */
1542 void DisableCellEditControl();
1544 /**
1545 Enables or disables in-place editing of grid cell data.
1547 The grid will issue either a @c wxEVT_GRID_EDITOR_SHOWN or
1548 @c wxEVT_GRID_EDITOR_HIDDEN event.
1549 */
1550 void EnableCellEditControl(bool enable = true);
1552 /**
1553 Makes the grid globally editable or read-only.
1555 If the edit argument is @false this function sets the whole grid as
1556 read-only. If the argument is @true the grid is set to the default
1557 state where cells may be editable. In the default state you can set
1558 single grid cells and whole rows and columns to be editable or
1559 read-only via wxGridCellAttr::SetReadOnly(). For single cells you
1560 can also use the shortcut function SetReadOnly().
1562 For more information about controlling grid cell attributes see the
1563 wxGridCellAttr class and the @ref overview_grid.
1564 */
1565 void EnableEditing(bool edit);
1567 /**
1568 Returns a pointer to the editor for the cell at the specified location.
1570 See wxGridCellEditor and the @ref overview_grid for more information
1571 about cell editors and renderers.
1573 The caller must call DecRef() on the returned pointer.
1574 */
1575 wxGridCellEditor* GetCellEditor(int row, int col) const;
1577 /**
1578 Returns a pointer to the renderer for the grid cell at the specified
1579 location.
1581 See wxGridCellRenderer and the @ref overview_grid for more information
1582 about cell editors and renderers.
1584 The caller must call DecRef() on the returned pointer.
1585 */
1586 wxGridCellRenderer* GetCellRenderer(int row, int col) const;
1588 /**
1589 Returns the string contained in the cell at the specified location.
1591 For simple applications where a grid object automatically uses a
1592 default grid table of string values you use this function together with
1593 SetCellValue() to access cell values. For more complex applications
1594 where you have derived your own grid table class that contains various
1595 data types (e.g. numeric, boolean or user-defined custom types) then
1596 you only use this function for those cells that contain string values.
1598 See wxGridTableBase::CanGetValueAs() and the @ref overview_grid for
1599 more information.
1600 */
1601 wxString GetCellValue(int row, int col) const;
1602 /**
1603 Returns the string contained in the cell at the specified location.
1605 For simple applications where a grid object automatically uses a
1606 default grid table of string values you use this function together with
1607 SetCellValue() to access cell values. For more complex applications
1608 where you have derived your own grid table class that contains various
1609 data types (e.g. numeric, boolean or user-defined custom types) then
1610 you only use this function for those cells that contain string values.
1612 See wxGridTableBase::CanGetValueAs() and the @ref overview_grid for
1613 more information.
1614 */
1615 const wxString GetCellValue(const wxGridCellCoords& coords) const;
1617 /**
1618 Returns a pointer to the current default grid cell editor.
1620 See wxGridCellEditor and the @ref overview_grid for more information
1621 about cell editors and renderers.
1622 */
1623 wxGridCellEditor* GetDefaultEditor() const;
1625 /**
1626 Returns the default editor for the specified cell.
1628 The base class version returns the editor appropriate for the current
1629 cell type but this method may be overridden in the derived classes to
1630 use custom editors for some cells by default.
1632 Notice that the same may be achieved in a usually simpler way by
1633 associating a custom editor with the given cell or cells.
1635 The caller must call DecRef() on the returned pointer.
1636 */
1637 virtual wxGridCellEditor* GetDefaultEditorForCell(int row, int col) const;
1638 /**
1639 Returns the default editor for the specified cell.
1641 The base class version returns the editor appropriate for the current
1642 cell type but this method may be overridden in the derived classes to
1643 use custom editors for some cells by default.
1645 Notice that the same may be achieved in a usually simpler way by
1646 associating a custom editor with the given cell or cells.
1648 The caller must call DecRef() on the returned pointer.
1649 */
1650 wxGridCellEditor* GetDefaultEditorForCell(const wxGridCellCoords& c) const;
1652 /**
1653 Returns the default editor for the cells containing values of the given
1654 type.
1656 The base class version returns the editor which was associated with the
1657 specified @a typeName when it was registered RegisterDataType() but
1658 this function may be overridden to return something different. This
1659 allows to override an editor used for one of the standard types.
1661 The caller must call DecRef() on the returned pointer.
1662 */
1663 virtual wxGridCellEditor* GetDefaultEditorForType(const wxString& typeName) const;
1665 /**
1666 Returns a pointer to the current default grid cell renderer.
1668 See wxGridCellRenderer and the @ref overview_grid for more information
1669 about cell editors and renderers.
1671 The caller must call DecRef() on the returned pointer.
1672 */
1673 wxGridCellRenderer* GetDefaultRenderer() const;
1675 /**
1676 Returns the default renderer for the given cell.
1678 The base class version returns the renderer appropriate for the current
1679 cell type but this method may be overridden in the derived classes to
1680 use custom renderers for some cells by default.
1682 The caller must call DecRef() on the returned pointer.
1683 */
1684 virtual wxGridCellRenderer* GetDefaultRendererForCell(int row, int col) const;
1686 /**
1687 Returns the default renderer for the cell containing values of the
1688 given type.
1690 @see GetDefaultEditorForType()
1691 */
1692 virtual wxGridCellRenderer* GetDefaultRendererForType(const wxString& typeName) const;
1694 /**
1695 Hides the in-place cell edit control.
1696 */
1697 void HideCellEditControl();
1699 /**
1700 Returns @true if the in-place edit control is currently enabled.
1701 */
1702 bool IsCellEditControlEnabled() const;
1704 /**
1705 Returns @true if the current cell is read-only.
1707 @see SetReadOnly(), IsReadOnly()
1708 */
1709 bool IsCurrentCellReadOnly() const;
1711 /**
1712 Returns @false if the whole grid has been set as read-only or @true
1713 otherwise.
1715 See EnableEditing() for more information about controlling the editing
1716 status of grid cells.
1717 */
1718 bool IsEditable() const;
1720 /**
1721 Returns @true if the cell at the specified location can't be edited.
1723 @see SetReadOnly(), IsCurrentCellReadOnly()
1724 */
1725 bool IsReadOnly(int row, int col) const;
1727 /**
1728 Register a new data type.
1730 The data types allow to naturally associate specific renderers and
1731 editors to the cells containing values of the given type. For example,
1732 the grid automatically registers a data type with the name
1733 @c wxGRID_VALUE_STRING which uses wxGridCellStringRenderer and
1734 wxGridCellTextEditor as its renderer and editor respectively -- this is
1735 the data type used by all the cells of the default wxGridStringTable,
1736 so this renderer and editor are used by default for all grid cells.
1738 However if a custom table returns @c wxGRID_VALUE_BOOL from its
1739 wxGridTableBase::GetTypeName() method, then wxGridCellBoolRenderer and
1740 wxGridCellBoolEditor are used for it because the grid also registers a
1741 boolean data type with this name.
1743 And as this mechanism is completely generic, you may register your own
1744 data types using your own custom renderers and editors. Just remember
1745 that the table must identify a cell as being of the given type for them
1746 to be used for this cell.
1748 @param typeName
1749 Name of the new type. May be any string, but if the type name is
1750 the same as the name of an already registered type, including one
1751 of the standard ones (which are @c wxGRID_VALUE_STRING, @c
1753 and @c wxGRID_VALUE_CHOICE), then the new registration information
1754 replaces the previously used renderer and editor.
1755 @param renderer
1756 The renderer to use for the cells of this type. Its ownership is
1757 taken by the grid, i.e. it will call DecRef() on this pointer when
1758 it doesn't need it any longer.
1759 @param editor
1760 The editor to use for the cells of this type. Its ownership is also
1761 taken by the grid.
1762 */
1763 void RegisterDataType(const wxString& typeName,
1764 wxGridCellRenderer* renderer,
1765 wxGridCellEditor* editor);
1767 /**
1768 Sets the value of the current grid cell to the current in-place edit
1769 control value.
1771 This is called automatically when the grid cursor moves from the
1772 current cell to a new cell. It is also a good idea to call this
1773 function when closing a grid since any edits to the final cell location
1774 will not be saved otherwise.
1775 */
1776 void SaveEditControlValue();
1778 /**
1779 Sets the editor for the grid cell at the specified location.
1781 The grid will take ownership of the pointer.
1783 See wxGridCellEditor and the @ref overview_grid for more information
1784 about cell editors and renderers.
1785 */
1786 void SetCellEditor(int row, int col, wxGridCellEditor* editor);
1788 /**
1789 Sets the renderer for the grid cell at the specified location.
1791 The grid will take ownership of the pointer.
1793 See wxGridCellRenderer and the @ref overview_grid for more information
1794 about cell editors and renderers.
1795 */
1796 void SetCellRenderer(int row, int col, wxGridCellRenderer* renderer);
1798 /**
1799 Sets the string value for the cell at the specified location.
1801 For simple applications where a grid object automatically uses a
1802 default grid table of string values you use this function together with
1803 GetCellValue() to access cell values. For more complex applications
1804 where you have derived your own grid table class that contains various
1805 data types (e.g. numeric, boolean or user-defined custom types) then
1806 you only use this function for those cells that contain string values.
1808 See wxGridTableBase::CanSetValueAs() and the @ref overview_grid for
1809 more information.
1810 */
1811 void SetCellValue(int row, int col, const wxString& s);
1812 /**
1813 Sets the string value for the cell at the specified location.
1815 For simple applications where a grid object automatically uses a
1816 default grid table of string values you use this function together with
1817 GetCellValue() to access cell values. For more complex applications
1818 where you have derived your own grid table class that contains various
1819 data types (e.g. numeric, boolean or user-defined custom types) then
1820 you only use this function for those cells that contain string values.
1822 See wxGridTableBase::CanSetValueAs() and the @ref overview_grid for
1823 more information.
1824 */
1825 void SetCellValue(const wxGridCellCoords& coords, const wxString& s);
1826 /**
1827 @deprecated Please use SetCellValue(int,int,const wxString&) or
1828 SetCellValue(const wxGridCellCoords&,const wxString&)
1829 instead.
1831 Sets the string value for the cell at the specified location.
1833 For simple applications where a grid object automatically uses a
1834 default grid table of string values you use this function together with
1835 GetCellValue() to access cell values. For more complex applications
1836 where you have derived your own grid table class that contains various
1837 data types (e.g. numeric, boolean or user-defined custom types) then
1838 you only use this function for those cells that contain string values.
1840 See wxGridTableBase::CanSetValueAs() and the @ref overview_grid for
1841 more information.
1842 */
1843 void SetCellValue(const wxString& val, int row, int col);
1845 /**
1846 Sets the specified column to display boolean values.
1848 @see SetColFormatCustom()
1849 */
1850 void SetColFormatBool(int col);
1852 /**
1853 Sets the specified column to display data in a custom format.
1855 This method provides an alternative to defining a custom grid table
1856 which would return @a typeName from its GetTypeName() method for the
1857 cells in this column: while it doesn't really change the type of the
1858 cells in this column, it does associate the renderer and editor used
1859 for the cells of the specified type with them.
1861 See the @ref overview_grid for more information on working with custom
1862 data types.
1863 */
1864 void SetColFormatCustom(int col, const wxString& typeName);
1866 /**
1867 Sets the specified column to display floating point values with the
1868 given width and precision.
1870 @see SetColFormatCustom()
1871 */
1872 void SetColFormatFloat(int col, int width = -1, int precision = -1);
1874 /**
1875 Sets the specified column to display integer values.
1877 @see SetColFormatCustom()
1878 */
1879 void SetColFormatNumber(int col);
1881 /**
1882 Sets the default editor for grid cells.
1884 The grid will take ownership of the pointer.
1886 See wxGridCellEditor and the @ref overview_grid for more information
1887 about cell editors and renderers.
1888 */
1889 void SetDefaultEditor(wxGridCellEditor* editor);
1891 /**
1892 Sets the default renderer for grid cells.
1894 The grid will take ownership of the pointer.
1896 See wxGridCellRenderer and the @ref overview_grid for more information
1897 about cell editors and renderers.
1898 */
1899 void SetDefaultRenderer(wxGridCellRenderer* renderer);
1901 /**
1902 Makes the cell at the specified location read-only or editable.
1904 @see IsReadOnly()
1905 */
1906 void SetReadOnly(int row, int col, bool isReadOnly = true);
1908 /**
1909 Displays the in-place cell edit control for the current cell.
1910 */
1911 void ShowCellEditControl();
1913 //@}
1916 /**
1917 @name Column and Row Sizes
1918 */
1919 //@{
1921 /**
1922 Automatically sets the height and width of all rows and columns to fit
1923 their contents.
1924 */
1925 void AutoSize();
1927 /**
1928 Automatically adjusts width of the column to fit its label.
1929 */
1930 void AutoSizeColLabelSize(int col);
1932 /**
1933 Automatically sizes the column to fit its contents. If @a setAsMin is
1934 @true the calculated width will also be set as the minimal width for
1935 the column.
1936 */
1937 void AutoSizeColumn(int col, bool setAsMin = true);
1939 /**
1940 Automatically sizes all columns to fit their contents. If @a setAsMin
1941 is @true the calculated widths will also be set as the minimal widths
1942 for the columns.
1943 */
1944 void AutoSizeColumns(bool setAsMin = true);
1946 /**
1947 Automatically sizes the row to fit its contents. If @a setAsMin is
1948 @true the calculated height will also be set as the minimal height for
1949 the row.
1950 */
1951 void AutoSizeRow(int row, bool setAsMin = true);
1953 /**
1954 Automatically adjusts height of the row to fit its label.
1955 */
1956 void AutoSizeRowLabelSize(int col);
1958 /**
1959 Automatically sizes all rows to fit their contents. If @a setAsMin is
1960 @true the calculated heights will also be set as the minimal heights
1961 for the rows.
1962 */
1963 void AutoSizeRows(bool setAsMin = true);
1965 /**
1966 Returns the current height of the column labels.
1967 */
1968 int GetColLabelSize() const;
1970 /**
1971 Returns the minimal width to which a column may be resized.
1973 Use SetColMinimalAcceptableWidth() to change this value globally or
1974 SetColMinimalWidth() to do it for individual columns.
1976 @see GetRowMinimalAcceptableHeight()
1977 */
1978 int GetColMinimalAcceptableWidth() const;
1980 /**
1981 Returns the width of the specified column.
1982 */
1983 int GetColSize(int col) const;
1985 /**
1986 Returns the default height for column labels.
1987 */
1988 int GetDefaultColLabelSize() const;
1990 /**
1991 Returns the current default width for grid columns.
1992 */
1993 int GetDefaultColSize() const;
1995 /**
1996 Returns the default width for the row labels.
1997 */
1998 int GetDefaultRowLabelSize() const;
2000 /**
2001 Returns the current default height for grid rows.
2002 */
2003 int GetDefaultRowSize() const;
2005 /**
2006 Returns the minimal size to which rows can be resized.
2008 Use SetRowMinimalAcceptableHeight() to change this value globally or
2009 SetRowMinimalHeight() to do it for individual cells.
2011 @see GetColMinimalAcceptableWidth()
2012 */
2013 int GetRowMinimalAcceptableHeight() const;
2015 /**
2016 Returns the current width of the row labels.
2017 */
2018 int GetRowLabelSize() const;
2020 /**
2021 Returns the height of the specified row.
2022 */
2023 int GetRowSize(int row) const;
2025 /**
2026 Sets the height of the column labels.
2028 If @a height equals to @c wxGRID_AUTOSIZE then height is calculated
2029 automatically so that no label is truncated. Note that this could be
2030 slow for a large table.
2031 */
2032 void SetColLabelSize(int height);
2034 /**
2035 Sets the minimal @a width to which the user can resize columns.
2037 @see GetColMinimalAcceptableWidth()
2038 */
2039 void SetColMinimalAcceptableWidth(int width);
2041 /**
2042 Sets the minimal @a width for the specified column @a col.
2044 It is usually best to call this method during grid creation as calling
2045 it later will not resize the column to the given minimal width even if
2046 it is currently narrower than it.
2048 @a width must be greater than the minimal acceptable column width as
2049 returned by GetColMinimalAcceptableWidth().
2050 */
2051 void SetColMinimalWidth(int col, int width);
2053 /**
2054 Sets the width of the specified column.
2056 Notice that this function does not refresh the grid, you need to call
2057 ForceRefresh() to make the changes take effect immediately.
2059 @param col
2060 The column index.
2061 @param width
2062 The new column width in pixels or a negative value to fit the
2063 column width to its label width.
2064 */
2065 void SetColSize(int col, int width);
2067 /**
2068 Sets the default width for columns in the grid.
2070 This will only affect columns subsequently added to the grid unless
2071 @a resizeExistingCols is @true.
2073 If @a width is less than GetColMinimalAcceptableWidth(), then the
2074 minimal acceptable width is used instead of it.
2075 */
2076 void SetDefaultColSize(int width, bool resizeExistingCols = false);
2078 /**
2079 Sets the default height for rows in the grid.
2081 This will only affect rows subsequently added to the grid unless
2082 @a resizeExistingRows is @true.
2084 If @a height is less than GetRowMinimalAcceptableHeight(), then the
2085 minimal acceptable heihgt is used instead of it.
2086 */
2087 void SetDefaultRowSize(int height, bool resizeExistingRows = false);
2089 /**
2090 Sets the width of the row labels.
2092 If @a width equals @c wxGRID_AUTOSIZE then width is calculated
2093 automatically so that no label is truncated. Note that this could be
2094 slow for a large table.
2095 */
2096 void SetRowLabelSize(int width);
2098 /**
2099 Sets the minimal row @a height used by default.
2101 See SetColMinimalAcceptableWidth() for more information.
2102 */
2103 void SetRowMinimalAcceptableHeight(int height);
2105 /**
2106 Sets the minimal @a height for the specified @a row.
2108 See SetColMinimalWidth() for more information.
2109 */
2110 void SetRowMinimalHeight(int row, int height);
2112 /**
2113 Sets the height of the specified row.
2115 See SetColSize() for more information.
2116 */
2117 void SetRowSize(int row, int height);
2119 //@}
2122 /**
2123 @name User-Resizing and Dragging
2124 */
2125 //@{
2127 /**
2128 Return @true if the dragging of cells is enabled or @false otherwise.
2129 */
2130 bool CanDragCell() const;
2132 /**
2133 Returns @true if columns can be moved by dragging with the mouse.
2135 Columns can be moved by dragging on their labels.
2136 */
2137 bool CanDragColMove() const;
2139 /**
2140 Returns @true if columns can be resized by dragging with the mouse.
2142 Columns can be resized by dragging the edges of their labels. If grid
2143 line dragging is enabled they can also be resized by dragging the right
2144 edge of the column in the grid cell area (see EnableDragGridSize()).
2145 */
2146 bool CanDragColSize() const;
2148 /**
2149 Return @true if the dragging of grid lines to resize rows and columns
2150 is enabled or @false otherwise.
2151 */
2152 bool CanDragGridSize() const;
2154 /**
2155 Returns @true if rows can be resized by dragging with the mouse.
2157 Rows can be resized by dragging the edges of their labels. If grid line
2158 dragging is enabled they can also be resized by dragging the lower edge
2159 of the row in the grid cell area (see EnableDragGridSize()).
2160 */
2161 bool CanDragRowSize() const;
2163 /**
2164 Disables column moving by dragging with the mouse.
2166 Equivalent to passing @false to EnableDragColMove().
2167 */
2168 void DisableDragColMove();
2170 /**
2171 Disables column sizing by dragging with the mouse.
2173 Equivalent to passing @false to EnableDragColSize().
2174 */
2175 void DisableDragColSize();
2177 /**
2178 Disable mouse dragging of grid lines to resize rows and columns.
2180 Equivalent to passing @false to EnableDragGridSize()
2181 */
2182 void DisableDragGridSize();
2184 /**
2185 Disables row sizing by dragging with the mouse.
2187 Equivalent to passing @false to EnableDragRowSize().
2188 */
2189 void DisableDragRowSize();
2191 /**
2192 Enables or disables cell dragging with the mouse.
2193 */
2194 void EnableDragCell(bool enable = true);
2196 /**
2197 Enables or disables column moving by dragging with the mouse.
2198 */
2199 void EnableDragColMove(bool enable = true);
2201 /**
2202 Enables or disables column sizing by dragging with the mouse.
2203 */
2204 void EnableDragColSize(bool enable = true);
2206 /**
2207 Enables or disables row and column resizing by dragging gridlines with
2208 the mouse.
2209 */
2210 void EnableDragGridSize(bool enable = true);
2212 /**
2213 Enables or disables row sizing by dragging with the mouse.
2214 */
2215 void EnableDragRowSize(bool enable = true);
2217 /**
2218 Returns the column ID of the specified column position.
2219 */
2220 int GetColAt(int colPos) const;
2222 /**
2223 Returns the position of the specified column.
2224 */
2225 int GetColPos(int colID) const;
2227 /**
2228 Sets the position of the specified column.
2229 */
2230 void SetColPos(int colID, int newPos);
2232 //@}
2235 /**
2236 @name Cursor Movement
2237 */
2238 //@{
2240 /**
2241 Returns the current grid cell column position.
2242 */
2243 int GetGridCursorCol() const;
2245 /**
2246 Returns the current grid cell row position.
2247 */
2248 int GetGridCursorRow() const;
2250 /**
2251 Make the given cell current and ensure it is visible.
2253 This method is equivalent to calling MakeCellVisible() and
2254 SetGridCursor() and so, as with the latter, a @c wxEVT_GRID_SELECT_CELL
2255 event is generated by it and the selected cell doesn't change if the
2256 event is vetoed.
2257 */
2258 void GoToCell(int row, int col);
2259 /**
2260 Make the given cell current and ensure it is visible.
2262 This method is equivalent to calling MakeCellVisible() and
2263 SetGridCursor() and so, as with the latter, a @c wxEVT_GRID_SELECT_CELL
2264 event is generated by it and the selected cell doesn't change if the
2265 event is vetoed.
2266 */
2267 void GoToCell(const wxGridCellCoords& coords);
2269 /**
2270 Moves the grid cursor down by one row.
2272 If a block of cells was previously selected it will expand if the
2273 argument is @true or be cleared if the argument is @false.
2274 */
2275 bool MoveCursorDown(bool expandSelection);
2277 /**
2278 Moves the grid cursor down in the current column such that it skips to
2279 the beginning or end of a block of non-empty cells.
2281 If a block of cells was previously selected it will expand if the
2282 argument is @true or be cleared if the argument is @false.
2283 */
2284 bool MoveCursorDownBlock(bool expandSelection);
2286 /**
2287 Moves the grid cursor left by one column.
2289 If a block of cells was previously selected it will expand if the
2290 argument is @true or be cleared if the argument is @false.
2291 */
2292 bool MoveCursorLeft(bool expandSelection);
2294 /**
2295 Moves the grid cursor left in the current row such that it skips to the
2296 beginning or end of a block of non-empty cells.
2298 If a block of cells was previously selected it will expand if the
2299 argument is @true or be cleared if the argument is @false.
2300 */
2301 bool MoveCursorLeftBlock(bool expandSelection);
2303 /**
2304 Moves the grid cursor right by one column.
2306 If a block of cells was previously selected it will expand if the
2307 argument is @true or be cleared if the argument is @false.
2308 */
2309 bool MoveCursorRight(bool expandSelection);
2311 /**
2312 Moves the grid cursor right in the current row such that it skips to
2313 the beginning or end of a block of non-empty cells.
2315 If a block of cells was previously selected it will expand if the
2316 argument is @true or be cleared if the argument is @false.
2317 */
2318 bool MoveCursorRightBlock(bool expandSelection);
2320 /**
2321 Moves the grid cursor up by one row.
2323 If a block of cells was previously selected it will expand if the
2324 argument is @true or be cleared if the argument is @false.
2325 */
2326 bool MoveCursorUp(bool expandSelection);
2328 /**
2329 Moves the grid cursor up in the current column such that it skips to
2330 the beginning or end of a block of non-empty cells.
2332 If a block of cells was previously selected it will expand if the
2333 argument is @true or be cleared if the argument is @false.
2334 */
2335 bool MoveCursorUpBlock(bool expandSelection);
2337 /**
2338 Moves the grid cursor down by some number of rows so that the previous
2339 bottom visible row becomes the top visible row.
2340 */
2341 bool MovePageDown();
2343 /**
2344 Moves the grid cursor up by some number of rows so that the previous
2345 top visible row becomes the bottom visible row.
2346 */
2347 bool MovePageUp();
2349 /**
2350 Set the grid cursor to the specified cell.
2352 The grid cursor indicates the current cell and can be moved by the user
2353 using the arrow keys or the mouse.
2355 Calling this function generates a @c wxEVT_GRID_SELECT_CELL event and
2356 if the event handler vetoes this event, the cursor is not moved.
2358 This function doesn't make the target call visible, use GoToCell() to
2359 do this.
2360 */
2361 void SetGridCursor(int row, int col);
2362 /**
2363 Set the grid cursor to the specified cell.
2365 The grid cursor indicates the current cell and can be moved by the user
2366 using the arrow keys or the mouse.
2368 Calling this function generates a @c wxEVT_GRID_SELECT_CELL event and
2369 if the event handler vetoes this event, the cursor is not moved.
2371 This function doesn't make the target call visible, use GoToCell() to
2372 do this.
2373 */
2374 void SetGridCursor(const wxGridCellCoords& coords);
2376 //@}
2379 /**
2380 @name User Selection
2381 */
2382 //@{
2384 /**
2385 Deselects all cells that are currently selected.
2386 */
2387 void ClearSelection();
2389 /**
2390 Returns an array of individually selected cells.
2392 Notice that this array does @em not contain all the selected cells in
2393 general as it doesn't include the cells selected as part of column, row
2394 or block selection. You must use this method, GetSelectedCols(),
2395 GetSelectedRows() and GetSelectionBlockTopLeft() and
2396 GetSelectionBlockBottomRight() methods to obtain the entire selection
2397 in general.
2399 Please notice this behaviour is by design and is needed in order to
2400 support grids of arbitrary size (when an entire column is selected in
2401 a grid with a million of columns, we don't want to create an array with
2402 a million of entries in this function, instead it returns an empty
2403 array and GetSelectedCols() returns an array containing one element).
2404 */
2405 wxGridCellCoordsArray GetSelectedCells() const;
2407 /**
2408 Returns an array of selected columns.
2410 Please notice that this method alone is not sufficient to find all the
2411 selected columns as it contains only the columns which were
2412 individually selected but not those being part of the block selection
2413 or being selected in virtue of all of their cells being selected
2414 individually, please see GetSelectedCells() for more details.
2415 */
2416 wxArrayInt GetSelectedCols() const;
2418 /**
2419 Returns an array of selected rows.
2421 Please notice that this method alone is not sufficient to find all the
2422 selected rows as it contains only the rows which were individually
2423 selected but not those being part of the block selection or being
2424 selected in virtue of all of their cells being selected individually,
2425 please see GetSelectedCells() for more details.
2426 */
2427 wxArrayInt GetSelectedRows() const;
2429 /**
2430 Returns the colour used for drawing the selection background.
2431 */
2432 wxColour GetSelectionBackground() const;
2434 /**
2435 Returns an array of the bottom right corners of blocks of selected
2436 cells.
2438 Please see GetSelectedCells() for more information about the selection
2439 representation in wxGrid.
2441 @see GetSelectionBlockTopLeft()
2442 */
2443 wxGridCellCoordsArray GetSelectionBlockBottomRight() const;
2445 /**
2446 Returns an array of the top left corners of blocks of selected cells.
2448 Please see GetSelectedCells() for more information about the selection
2449 representation in wxGrid.
2451 @see GetSelectionBlockBottomRight()
2452 */
2453 wxGridCellCoordsArray GetSelectionBlockTopLeft() const;
2455 /**
2456 Returns the colour used for drawing the selection foreground.
2457 */
2458 wxColour GetSelectionForeground() const;
2460 /**
2461 Returns the current selection mode.
2463 @see SetSelectionMode().
2464 */
2465 wxGridSelectionModes GetSelectionMode() const;
2467 /**
2468 Returns @true if the given cell is selected.
2469 */
2470 bool IsInSelection(int row, int col) const;
2471 /**
2472 Returns @true if the given cell is selected.
2473 */
2474 bool IsInSelection(const wxGridCellCoords& coords) const;
2476 /**
2477 Returns @true if there are currently any selected cells, rows, columns
2478 or blocks.
2479 */
2480 bool IsSelection() const;
2482 /**
2483 Selects all cells in the grid.
2484 */
2485 void SelectAll();
2487 /**
2488 Selects a rectangular block of cells.
2490 If @a addToSelected is @false then any existing selection will be
2491 deselected; if @true the column will be added to the existing
2492 selection.
2493 */
2494 void SelectBlock(int topRow, int leftCol, int bottomRow, int rightCol,
2495 bool addToSelected = false);
2496 /**
2497 Selects a rectangular block of cells.
2499 If @a addToSelected is @false then any existing selection will be
2500 deselected; if @true the column will be added to the existing
2501 selection.
2502 */
2503 void SelectBlock(const wxGridCellCoords& topLeft,
2504 const wxGridCellCoords& bottomRight,
2505 bool addToSelected = false);
2507 /**
2508 Selects the specified column.
2510 If @a addToSelected is @false then any existing selection will be
2511 deselected; if @true the column will be added to the existing
2512 selection.
2514 This method won't select anything if the current selection mode is
2515 wxGridSelectRows.
2516 */
2517 void SelectCol(int col, bool addToSelected = false);
2519 /**
2520 Selects the specified row.
2522 If @a addToSelected is @false then any existing selection will be
2523 deselected; if @true the row will be added to the existing selection.
2525 This method won't select anything if the current selection mode is
2526 wxGridSelectColumns.
2527 */
2528 void SelectRow(int row, bool addToSelected = false);
2530 /**
2531 Set the colour to be used for drawing the selection background.
2532 */
2533 void SetSelectionBackground(const wxColour& c);
2535 /**
2536 Set the colour to be used for drawing the selection foreground.
2537 */
2538 void SetSelectionForeground(const wxColour& c);
2540 /**
2541 Set the selection behaviour of the grid.
2543 The existing selection is converted to conform to the new mode if
2544 possible and discarded otherwise (e.g. any individual selected cells
2545 are deselected if the new mode allows only the selection of the entire
2546 rows or columns).
2547 */
2548 void SetSelectionMode(wxGridSelectionModes selmode);
2550 //@}
2553 /**
2554 @name Scrolling
2555 */
2556 //@{
2558 /**
2559 Returns the number of pixels per horizontal scroll increment.
2561 The default is 15.
2563 @see GetScrollLineY(), SetScrollLineX(), SetScrollLineY()
2564 */
2565 int GetScrollLineX() const;
2567 /**
2568 Returns the number of pixels per vertical scroll increment.
2570 The default is 15.
2572 @see GetScrollLineX(), SetScrollLineX(), SetScrollLineY()
2573 */
2574 int GetScrollLineY() const;
2576 /**
2577 Returns @true if a cell is either entirely or at least partially
2578 visible in the grid window.
2580 By default, the cell must be entirely visible for this function to
2581 return @true but if @a wholeCellVisible is @false, the function returns
2582 @true even if the cell is only partially visible.
2583 */
2584 bool IsVisible(int row, int col, bool wholeCellVisible = true) const;
2585 /**
2586 Returns @true if a cell is either entirely or at least partially
2587 visible in the grid window.
2589 By default, the cell must be entirely visible for this function to
2590 return @true but if @a wholeCellVisible is @false, the function returns
2591 @true even if the cell is only partially visible.
2592 */
2593 bool IsVisible(const wxGridCellCoords& coords,
2594 bool wholeCellVisible = true) const;
2596 /**
2597 Brings the specified cell into the visible grid cell area with minimal
2598 scrolling.
2600 Does nothing if the cell is already visible.
2601 */
2602 void MakeCellVisible(int row, int col);
2603 /**
2604 Brings the specified cell into the visible grid cell area with minimal
2605 scrolling.
2607 Does nothing if the cell is already visible.
2608 */
2609 void MakeCellVisible(const wxGridCellCoords& coords);
2611 /**
2612 Sets the number of pixels per horizontal scroll increment.
2614 The default is 15.
2616 @see GetScrollLineX(), GetScrollLineY(), SetScrollLineY()
2617 */
2618 void SetScrollLineX(int x);
2620 /**
2621 Sets the number of pixels per vertical scroll increment.
2623 The default is 15.
2625 @see GetScrollLineX(), GetScrollLineY(), SetScrollLineX()
2626 */
2627 void SetScrollLineY(int y);
2629 //@}
2632 /**
2633 @name Cell and Device Coordinate Translation
2634 */
2635 //@{
2637 /**
2638 Convert grid cell coordinates to grid window pixel coordinates.
2640 This function returns the rectangle that encloses the block of cells
2641 limited by @a topLeft and @a bottomRight cell in device coords and
2642 clipped to the client size of the grid window.
2644 @see CellToRect()
2645 */
2646 wxRect BlockToDeviceRect(const wxGridCellCoords& topLeft,
2647 const wxGridCellCoords& bottomRight) const;
2649 /**
2650 Return the rectangle corresponding to the grid cell's size and position
2651 in logical coordinates.
2653 @see BlockToDeviceRect()
2654 */
2655 wxRect CellToRect(int row, int col) const;
2656 /**
2657 Return the rectangle corresponding to the grid cell's size and position
2658 in logical coordinates.
2660 @see BlockToDeviceRect()
2661 */
2662 const wxRect CellToRect(const wxGridCellCoords& coords) const;
2664 /**
2665 Returns the column at the given pixel position.
2667 @param x
2668 The x position to evaluate.
2669 @param clipToMinMax
2670 If @true, rather than returning @c wxNOT_FOUND, it returns either
2671 the first or last column depending on whether @a x is too far to
2672 the left or right respectively.
2673 @return
2674 The column index or @c wxNOT_FOUND.
2675 */
2676 int XToCol(int x, bool clipToMinMax = false) const;
2678 /**
2679 Returns the column whose right hand edge is close to the given logical
2680 @a x position.
2682 If no column edge is near to this position @c wxNOT_FOUND is returned.
2683 */
2684 int XToEdgeOfCol(int x) const;
2686 /**
2687 Translates logical pixel coordinates to the grid cell coordinates.
2689 Notice that this function expects logical coordinates on input so if
2690 you use this function in a mouse event handler you need to translate
2691 the mouse position, which is expressed in device coordinates, to
2692 logical ones.
2694 @see XToCol(), YToRow()
2695 */
2696 wxGridCellCoords XYToCell(int x, int y) const;
2697 /**
2698 Translates logical pixel coordinates to the grid cell coordinates.
2700 Notice that this function expects logical coordinates on input so if
2701 you use this function in a mouse event handler you need to translate
2702 the mouse position, which is expressed in device coordinates, to
2703 logical ones.
2705 @see XToCol(), YToRow()
2706 */
2707 wxGridCellCoords XYToCell(const wxPoint& pos) const;
2708 // XYToCell(int, int, wxGridCellCoords&) overload is intentionally
2709 // undocumented, using it is ugly and non-const reference parameters are
2710 // not used in wxWidgets API
2712 /**
2713 Returns the row whose bottom edge is close to the given logical @a y
2714 position.
2716 If no row edge is near to this position @c wxNOT_FOUND is returned.
2717 */
2718 int YToEdgeOfRow(int y) const;
2720 /**
2721 Returns the grid row that corresponds to the logical @a y coordinate.
2723 Returns @c wxNOT_FOUND if there is no row at the @a y position.
2724 */
2725 int YToRow(int y, bool clipToMinMax = false) const;
2727 //@}
2730 /**
2731 @name Miscellaneous Functions
2732 */
2733 //@{
2735 /**
2736 Appends one or more new columns to the right of the grid.
2738 The @a updateLabels argument is not used at present. If you are using a
2739 derived grid table class you will need to override
2740 wxGridTableBase::AppendCols(). See InsertCols() for further
2741 information.
2743 @return @true on success or @false if appending columns failed.
2744 */
2745 bool AppendCols(int numCols = 1, bool updateLabels = true);
2747 /**
2748 Appends one or more new rows to the bottom of the grid.
2750 The @a updateLabels argument is not used at present. If you are using a
2751 derived grid table class you will need to override
2752 wxGridTableBase::AppendRows(). See InsertRows() for further
2753 information.
2755 @return @true on success or @false if appending rows failed.
2756 */
2757 bool AppendRows(int numRows = 1, bool updateLabels = true);
2759 /**
2760 Return @true if the horizontal grid lines stop at the last column
2761 boundary or @false if they continue to the end of the window.
2763 The default is to clip grid lines.
2765 @see ClipHorzGridLines(), AreVertGridLinesClipped()
2766 */
2767 bool AreHorzGridLinesClipped() const;
2769 /**
2770 Return @true if the vertical grid lines stop at the last row
2771 boundary or @false if they continue to the end of the window.
2773 The default is to clip grid lines.
2775 @see ClipVertGridLines(), AreHorzGridLinesClipped()
2776 */
2777 bool AreVertGridLinesClipped() const;
2779 /**
2780 Increments the grid's batch count.
2782 When the count is greater than zero repainting of the grid is
2783 suppressed. Each call to BeginBatch must be matched by a later call to
2784 EndBatch(). Code that does a lot of grid modification can be enclosed
2785 between BeginBatch() and EndBatch() calls to avoid screen flicker. The
2786 final EndBatch() call will cause the grid to be repainted.
2788 Notice that you should use wxGridUpdateLocker which ensures that there
2789 is always a matching EndBatch() call for this BeginBatch() if possible
2790 instead of calling this method directly.
2791 */
2792 void BeginBatch();
2794 /**
2795 Clears all data in the underlying grid table and repaints the grid.
2797 The table is not deleted by this function. If you are using a derived
2798 table class then you need to override wxGridTableBase::Clear() for this
2799 function to have any effect.
2800 */
2801 void ClearGrid();
2803 /**
2804 Change whether the horizontal grid lines are clipped by the end of the
2805 last column.
2807 By default the grid lines are not drawn beyond the end of the last
2808 column but after calling this function with @a clip set to @false they
2809 will be drawn across the entire grid window.
2811 @see AreHorzGridLinesClipped(), ClipVertGridLines()
2812 */
2813 void ClipHorzGridLines(bool clip);
2815 /**
2816 Change whether the vertical grid lines are clipped by the end of the
2817 last row.
2819 By default the grid lines are not drawn beyond the end of the last
2820 row but after calling this function with @a clip set to @false they
2821 will be drawn across the entire grid window.
2823 @see AreVertGridLinesClipped(), ClipHorzGridLines()
2824 */
2825 void ClipVertGridLines(bool clip);
2827 /**
2828 Deletes one or more columns from a grid starting at the specified
2829 position.
2831 The @a updateLabels argument is not used at present. If you are using a
2832 derived grid table class you will need to override
2833 wxGridTableBase::DeleteCols(). See InsertCols() for further
2834 information.
2836 @return @true on success or @false if deleting columns failed.
2837 */
2838 bool DeleteCols(int pos = 0, int numCols = 1, bool updateLabels = true);
2840 /**
2841 Deletes one or more rows from a grid starting at the specified
2842 position.
2844 The @a updateLabels argument is not used at present. If you are using a
2845 derived grid table class you will need to override
2846 wxGridTableBase::DeleteRows(). See InsertRows() for further
2847 information.
2849 @return @true on success or @false if appending rows failed.
2850 */
2851 bool DeleteRows(int pos = 0, int numRows = 1, bool updateLabels = true);
2853 /**
2854 Decrements the grid's batch count.
2856 When the count is greater than zero repainting of the grid is
2857 suppressed. Each previous call to BeginBatch() must be matched by a
2858 later call to EndBatch(). Code that does a lot of grid modification can
2859 be enclosed between BeginBatch() and EndBatch() calls to avoid screen
2860 flicker. The final EndBatch() will cause the grid to be repainted.
2862 @see wxGridUpdateLocker
2863 */
2864 void EndBatch();
2866 /**
2867 Overridden wxWindow method.
2868 */
2869 virtual void Fit();
2871 /**
2872 Causes immediate repainting of the grid.
2874 Use this instead of the usual wxWindow::Refresh().
2875 */
2876 void ForceRefresh();
2878 /**
2879 Returns the number of times that BeginBatch() has been called without
2880 (yet) matching calls to EndBatch(). While the grid's batch count is
2881 greater than zero the display will not be updated.
2882 */
2883 int GetBatchCount();
2885 /**
2886 Returns the total number of grid columns.
2888 This is the same as the number of columns in the underlying grid table.
2889 */
2890 int GetNumberCols() const;
2892 /**
2893 Returns the total number of grid rows.
2895 This is the same as the number of rows in the underlying grid table.
2896 */
2897 int GetNumberRows() const;
2899 /**
2900 Returns the attribute for the given cell creating one if necessary.
2902 If the cell already has an attribute, it is returned. Otherwise a new
2903 attribute is created, associated with the cell and returned. In any
2904 case the caller must call DecRef() on the returned pointer.
2906 This function may only be called if CanHaveAttributes() returns @true.
2907 */
2908 wxGridCellAttr *GetOrCreateCellAttr(int row, int col) const;
2910 /**
2911 Returns a base pointer to the current table object.
2913 The returned pointer is still owned by the grid.
2914 */
2915 wxGridTableBase *GetTable() const;
2917 /**
2918 Inserts one or more new columns into a grid with the first new column
2919 at the specified position.
2921 Notice that inserting the columns in the grid requires grid table
2922 cooperation: when this method is called, grid object begins by
2923 requesting the underlying grid table to insert new columns. If this is
2924 successful the table notifies the grid and the grid updates the
2925 display. For a default grid (one where you have called CreateGrid())
2926 this process is automatic. If you are using a custom grid table
2927 (specified with SetTable()) then you must override
2928 wxGridTableBase::InsertCols() in your derived table class.
2930 @param pos
2931 The position which the first newly inserted column will have.
2932 @param numCols
2933 The number of columns to insert.
2934 @param updateLabels
2935 Currently not used.
2936 @return
2937 @true if the columns were successfully inserted, @false if an error
2938 occurred (most likely the table couldn't be updated).
2939 */
2940 bool InsertCols(int pos = 0, int numCols = 1, bool updateLabels = true);
2942 /**
2943 Inserts one or more new rows into a grid with the first new row at the
2944 specified position.
2946 Notice that you must implement wxGridTableBase::InsertRows() if you use
2947 a grid with a custom table, please see InsertCols() for more
2948 information.
2950 @param pos
2951 The position which the first newly inserted row will have.
2952 @param numRows
2953 The number of rows to insert.
2954 @param updateLabels
2955 Currently not used.
2956 @return
2957 @true if the rows were successfully inserted, @false if an error
2958 occurred (most likely the table couldn't be updated).
2959 */
2960 bool InsertRows(int pos = 0, int numRows = 1, bool updateLabels = true);
2962 /**
2963 Sets the cell attributes for all cells in the specified column.
2965 For more information about controlling grid cell attributes see the
2966 wxGridCellAttr cell attribute class and the @ref overview_grid.
2967 */
2968 void SetColAttr(int col, wxGridCellAttr* attr);
2970 /**
2971 Sets the extra margins used around the grid area.
2973 A grid may occupy more space than needed for its data display and
2974 this function allows to set how big this extra space is
2975 */
2976 void SetMargins(int extraWidth, int extraHeight);
2978 /**
2979 Sets the cell attributes for all cells in the specified row.
2981 The grid takes ownership of the attribute pointer.
2983 See the wxGridCellAttr class for more information about controlling
2984 cell attributes.
2985 */
2986 void SetRowAttr(int row, wxGridCellAttr* attr);
2988 //@}
2990 protected:
2991 /**
2992 Returns @true if this grid has support for cell attributes.
2994 The grid supports attributes if it has the associated table which, in
2995 turn, has attributes support, i.e. wxGridTableBase::CanHaveAttributes()
2996 returns @true.
2997 */
2998 bool CanHaveAttributes() const;
3000 /**
3001 Get the minimal width of the given column/row.
3003 The value returned by this function may be different than that returned
3004 by GetColMinimalAcceptableWidth() if SetColMinimalWidth() had been
3005 called for this column.
3006 */
3007 int GetColMinimalWidth(int col) const;
3009 /**
3010 Returns the coordinate of the right border specified column.
3011 */
3012 int GetColRight(int col) const;
3014 /**
3015 Returns the coordinate of the left border specified column.
3016 */
3017 int GetColLeft(int col) const;
3019 /**
3020 Returns the minimal size for the given column.
3022 The value returned by this function may be different than that returned
3023 by GetRowMinimalAcceptableHeight() if SetRowMinimalHeight() had been
3024 called for this row.
3025 */
3026 int GetRowMinimalHeight(int col) const;
3027 };
3031 /**
3032 @class wxGridUpdateLocker
3034 This small class can be used to prevent wxGrid from redrawing during its
3035 lifetime by calling wxGrid::BeginBatch() in its constructor and
3036 wxGrid::EndBatch() in its destructor. It is typically used in a function
3037 performing several operations with a grid which would otherwise result in
3038 flicker. For example:
3040 @code
3041 void MyFrame::Foo()
3042 {
3043 m_grid = new wxGrid(this, ...);
3045 wxGridUpdateLocker noUpdates(m_grid);
3046 m_grid-AppendColumn();
3047 // ... many other operations with m_grid ...
3048 m_grid-AppendRow();
3050 // destructor called, grid refreshed
3051 }
3052 @endcode
3054 Using this class is easier and safer than calling wxGrid::BeginBatch() and
3055 wxGrid::EndBatch() because you don't risk missing the call the latter (due
3056 to an exception for example).
3058 @library{wxadv}
3059 @category{grid}
3060 */
3061 class wxGridUpdateLocker
3062 {
3063 public:
3064 /**
3065 Creates an object preventing the updates of the specified @a grid. The
3066 parameter could be @NULL in which case nothing is done. If @a grid is
3067 non-@NULL then the grid must exist for longer than this
3068 wxGridUpdateLocker object itself.
3070 The default constructor could be followed by a call to Create() to set
3071 the grid object later.
3072 */
3073 wxGridUpdateLocker(wxGrid* grid = NULL);
3075 /**
3076 Destructor reenables updates for the grid this object is associated
3077 with.
3078 */
3079 ~wxGridUpdateLocker();
3081 /**
3082 This method can be called if the object had been constructed using the
3083 default constructor. It must not be called more than once.
3084 */
3085 void Create(wxGrid* grid);
3086 };
3090 /**
3091 @class wxGridEvent
3093 This event class contains information about various grid events.
3095 @beginEventTable{wxGridEvent}
3096 @event{EVT_GRID_CELL_CHANGE(func)}
3097 The user changed the data in a cell. Processes a
3098 @c wxEVT_GRID_CELL_CHANGE event type.
3099 @event{EVT_GRID_CELL_LEFT_CLICK(func)}
3100 The user clicked a cell with the left mouse button. Processes a
3101 @c wxEVT_GRID_CELL_LEFT_CLICK event type.
3102 @event{EVT_GRID_CELL_LEFT_DCLICK(func)}
3103 The user double-clicked a cell with the left mouse button. Processes a
3104 @c wxEVT_GRID_CELL_LEFT_DCLICK event type.
3105 @event{EVT_GRID_CELL_RIGHT_CLICK(func)}
3106 The user clicked a cell with the right mouse button. Processes a
3107 @c wxEVT_GRID_CELL_RIGHT_CLICK event type.
3108 @event{EVT_GRID_CELL_RIGHT_DCLICK(func)}
3109 The user double-clicked a cell with the right mouse button. Processes a
3110 @c wxEVT_GRID_CELL_RIGHT_DCLICK event type.
3111 @event{EVT_GRID_EDITOR_HIDDEN(func)}
3112 The editor for a cell was hidden. Processes a
3113 @c wxEVT_GRID_EDITOR_HIDDEN event type.
3114 @event{EVT_GRID_EDITOR_SHOWN(func)}
3115 The editor for a cell was shown. Processes a
3116 @c wxEVT_GRID_EDITOR_SHOWN event type.
3117 @event{EVT_GRID_LABEL_LEFT_CLICK(func)}
3118 The user clicked a label with the left mouse button. Processes a
3119 @c wxEVT_GRID_LABEL_LEFT_CLICK event type.
3120 @event{EVT_GRID_LABEL_LEFT_DCLICK(func)}
3121 The user double-clicked a label with the left mouse button. Processes a
3122 @c wxEVT_GRID_LABEL_LEFT_DCLICK event type.
3123 @event{EVT_GRID_LABEL_RIGHT_CLICK(func)}
3124 The user clicked a label with the right mouse button. Processes a
3125 @c wxEVT_GRID_LABEL_RIGHT_CLICK event type.
3126 @event{EVT_GRID_LABEL_RIGHT_DCLICK(func)}
3127 The user double-clicked a label with the right mouse button. Processes
3128 a @c wxEVT_GRID_LABEL_RIGHT_DCLICK event type.
3129 @event{EVT_GRID_SELECT_CELL(func)}
3130 The user moved to, and selected a cell. Processes a
3131 @c wxEVT_GRID_SELECT_CELL event type.
3132 @event{EVT_GRID_CMD_CELL_CHANGE(id, func)}
3133 The user changed the data in a cell; variant taking a window
3134 identifier. Processes a @c wxEVT_GRID_CELL_CHANGE event type.
3135 @event{EVT_GRID_CMD_CELL_LEFT_CLICK(id, func)}
3136 The user clicked a cell with the left mouse button; variant taking a
3137 window identifier. Processes a @c wxEVT_GRID_CELL_LEFT_CLICK event
3138 type.
3139 @event{EVT_GRID_CMD_CELL_LEFT_DCLICK(id, func)}
3140 The user double-clicked a cell with the left mouse button; variant
3141 taking a window identifier. Processes a @c wxEVT_GRID_CELL_LEFT_DCLICK
3142 event type.
3143 @event{EVT_GRID_CMD_CELL_RIGHT_CLICK(id, func)}
3144 The user clicked a cell with the right mouse button; variant taking a
3145 window identifier. Processes a @c wxEVT_GRID_CELL_RIGHT_CLICK event
3146 type.
3147 @event{EVT_GRID_CMD_CELL_RIGHT_DCLICK(id, func)}
3148 The user double-clicked a cell with the right mouse button; variant
3149 taking a window identifier. Processes a @c wxEVT_GRID_CELL_RIGHT_DCLICK
3150 event type.
3151 @event{EVT_GRID_CMD_EDITOR_HIDDEN(id, func)}
3152 The editor for a cell was hidden; variant taking a window identifier.
3153 Processes a @c wxEVT_GRID_EDITOR_HIDDEN event type.
3154 @event{EVT_GRID_CMD_EDITOR_SHOWN(id, func)}
3155 The editor for a cell was shown; variant taking a window identifier.
3156 Processes a @c wxEVT_GRID_EDITOR_SHOWN event type.
3157 @event{EVT_GRID_CMD_LABEL_LEFT_CLICK(id, func)}
3158 The user clicked a label with the left mouse button; variant taking a
3159 window identifier. Processes a @c wxEVT_GRID_LABEL_LEFT_CLICK event
3160 type.
3161 @event{EVT_GRID_CMD_LABEL_LEFT_DCLICK(id, func)}
3162 The user double-clicked a label with the left mouse button; variant
3163 taking a window identifier. Processes a @c wxEVT_GRID_LABEL_LEFT_DCLICK
3164 event type.
3165 @event{EVT_GRID_CMD_LABEL_RIGHT_CLICK(id, func)}
3166 The user clicked a label with the right mouse button; variant taking a
3167 window identifier. Processes a @c wxEVT_GRID_LABEL_RIGHT_CLICK event
3168 type.
3169 @event{EVT_GRID_CMD_LABEL_RIGHT_DCLICK(id, func)}
3170 The user double-clicked a label with the right mouse button; variant
3171 taking a window identifier. Processes a
3172 @c wxEVT_GRID_LABEL_RIGHT_DCLICK event type.
3173 @event{EVT_GRID_CMD_SELECT_CELL(id, func)}
3174 The user moved to, and selected a cell; variant taking a window
3175 identifier. Processes a @c wxEVT_GRID_SELECT_CELL event type.
3176 @endEventTable
3178 @library{wxadv}
3179 @category{grid}
3180 */
3181 class wxGridEvent : public wxNotifyEvent
3182 {
3183 public:
3184 /**
3185 Default constructor.
3186 */
3187 wxGridEvent();
3188 /**
3189 Constructor for initializing all event attributes.
3190 */
3191 wxGridEvent(int id, wxEventType type, wxObject* obj,
3192 int row = -1, int col = -1, int x = -1, int y = -1,
3193 bool sel = true, bool control = false, bool shift = false,
3194 bool alt = false, bool meta = false);
3196 /**
3197 Returns @true if the Alt key was down at the time of the event.
3198 */
3199 bool AltDown() const;
3201 /**
3202 Returns @true if the Control key was down at the time of the event.
3203 */
3204 bool ControlDown() const;
3206 /**
3207 Column at which the event occurred.
3208 */
3209 virtual int GetCol();
3211 /**
3212 Position in pixels at which the event occurred.
3213 */
3214 wxPoint GetPosition();
3216 /**
3217 Row at which the event occurred.
3218 */
3219 virtual int GetRow();
3221 /**
3222 Returns @true if the Meta key was down at the time of the event.
3223 */
3224 bool MetaDown() const;
3226 /**
3227 Returns @true if the user is selecting grid cells, or @false if
3228 deselecting.
3229 */
3230 bool Selecting();
3232 /**
3233 Returns @true if the Shift key was down at the time of the event.
3234 */
3235 bool ShiftDown() const;
3236 };
3240 /**
3241 @class wxGridSizeEvent
3243 This event class contains information about a row/column resize event.
3245 @beginEventTable{wxGridSizeEvent}
3246 @event{EVT_GRID_COL_SIZE(func)}
3247 The user resized a column by dragging it. Processes a
3248 @c wxEVT_GRID_COL_SIZE event type.
3249 @event{EVT_GRID_ROW_SIZE(func)}
3250 The user resized a row by dragging it. Processes a
3251 @c wxEVT_GRID_ROW_SIZE event type.
3252 @event{EVT_GRID_CMD_COL_SIZE(id, func)}
3253 The user resized a column by dragging it; variant taking a window
3254 identifier. Processes a @c wxEVT_GRID_COL_SIZE event type.
3255 @event{EVT_GRID_CMD_ROW_SIZE(id, func)}
3256 The user resized a row by dragging it; variant taking a window
3257 identifier. Processes a @c wxEVT_GRID_ROW_SIZE event type.
3258 @endEventTable
3260 @library{wxadv}
3261 @category{grid}
3262 */
3263 class wxGridSizeEvent : public wxNotifyEvent
3264 {
3265 public:
3266 /**
3267 Default constructor.
3268 */
3269 wxGridSizeEvent();
3270 /**
3271 Constructor for initializing all event attributes.
3272 */
3273 wxGridSizeEvent(int id, wxEventType type, wxObject* obj,
3274 int rowOrCol = -1, int x = -1, int y = -1,
3275 bool control = false, bool shift = false,
3276 bool alt = false, bool meta = false);
3278 /**
3279 Returns @true if the Alt key was down at the time of the event.
3280 */
3281 bool AltDown() const;
3283 /**
3284 Returns @true if the Control key was down at the time of the event.
3285 */
3286 bool ControlDown() const;
3288 /**
3289 Position in pixels at which the event occurred.
3290 */
3291 wxPoint GetPosition();
3293 /**
3294 Row or column at that was resized.
3295 */
3296 int GetRowOrCol();
3298 /**
3299 Returns @true if the Meta key was down at the time of the event.
3300 */
3301 bool MetaDown() const;
3303 /**
3304 Returns @true if the Shift key was down at the time of the event.
3305 */
3306 bool ShiftDown() const;
3307 };
3311 /**
3312 @class wxGridRangeSelectEvent
3314 @beginEventTable{wxGridRangeSelectEvent}
3315 @event{EVT_GRID_RANGE_SELECT(func)}
3316 The user selected a group of contiguous cells. Processes a
3317 @c wxEVT_GRID_RANGE_SELECT event type.
3318 @event{EVT_GRID_CMD_RANGE_SELECT(id, func)}
3319 The user selected a group of contiguous cells; variant taking a window
3320 identifier. Processes a @c wxEVT_GRID_RANGE_SELECT event type.
3321 @endEventTable
3323 @library{wxadv}
3324 @category{grid}
3325 */
3326 class wxGridRangeSelectEvent : public wxNotifyEvent
3327 {
3328 public:
3329 /**
3330 Default constructor.
3331 */
3332 wxGridRangeSelectEvent();
3333 /**
3334 Constructor for initializing all event attributes.
3335 */
3336 wxGridRangeSelectEvent(int id, wxEventType type,
3337 wxObject* obj,
3338 const wxGridCellCoords& topLeft,
3339 const wxGridCellCoords& bottomRight,
3340 bool sel = true, bool control = false,
3341 bool shift = false, bool alt = false,
3342 bool meta = false);
3344 /**
3345 Returns @true if the Alt key was down at the time of the event.
3346 */
3347 bool AltDown() const;
3349 /**
3350 Returns @true if the Control key was down at the time of the event.
3351 */
3352 bool ControlDown() const;
3354 /**
3355 Top left corner of the rectangular area that was (de)selected.
3356 */
3357 wxGridCellCoords GetBottomRightCoords();
3359 /**
3360 Bottom row of the rectangular area that was (de)selected.
3361 */
3362 int GetBottomRow();
3364 /**
3365 Left column of the rectangular area that was (de)selected.
3366 */
3367 int GetLeftCol();
3369 /**
3370 Right column of the rectangular area that was (de)selected.
3371 */
3372 int GetRightCol();
3374 /**
3375 Top left corner of the rectangular area that was (de)selected.
3376 */
3377 wxGridCellCoords GetTopLeftCoords();
3379 /**
3380 Top row of the rectangular area that was (de)selected.
3381 */
3382 int GetTopRow();
3384 /**
3385 Returns @true if the Meta key was down at the time of the event.
3386 */
3387 bool MetaDown() const;
3389 /**
3390 Returns @true if the area was selected, @false otherwise.
3391 */
3392 bool Selecting();
3394 /**
3395 Returns @true if the Shift key was down at the time of the event.
3396 */
3397 bool ShiftDown() const;
3398 };
3402 /**
3403 @class wxGridEditorCreatedEvent
3405 @beginEventTable{wxGridEditorCreatedEvent}
3406 @event{EVT_GRID_EDITOR_CREATED(func)}
3407 The editor for a cell was created. Processes a
3408 @c wxEVT_GRID_EDITOR_CREATED event type.
3409 @event{EVT_GRID_CMD_EDITOR_CREATED(id, func)}
3410 The editor for a cell was created; variant taking a window identifier.
3411 Processes a @c wxEVT_GRID_EDITOR_CREATED event type.
3412 @endEventTable
3414 @library{wxadv}
3415 @category{grid}
3416 */
3417 class wxGridEditorCreatedEvent : public wxCommandEvent
3418 {
3419 public:
3420 /**
3421 Default constructor.
3422 */
3423 wxGridEditorCreatedEvent();
3424 /**
3425 Constructor for initializing all event attributes.
3426 */
3427 wxGridEditorCreatedEvent(int id, wxEventType type, wxObject* obj,
3428 int row, int col, wxControl* ctrl);
3430 /**
3431 Returns the column at which the event occurred.
3432 */
3433 int GetCol();
3435 /**
3436 Returns the edit control.
3437 */
3438 wxControl* GetControl();
3440 /**
3441 Returns the row at which the event occurred.
3442 */
3443 int GetRow();
3445 /**
3446 Sets the column at which the event occurred.
3447 */
3448 void SetCol(int col);
3450 /**
3451 Sets the edit control.
3452 */
3453 void SetControl(wxControl* ctrl);
3455 /**
3456 Sets the row at which the event occurred.
3457 */
3458 void SetRow(int row);
3459 };