Moved list of subclasses away from 'classes overview' corrected some wxGrid overview...
[wxWidgets.git] / docs / doxygen / mainpages / cat_classes.h
1 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 // Name: cat_classes.h
3 // Purpose: Classes-by-category page of the Doxygen manual
4 // Author: wxWidgets team
5 // RCS-ID: $Id: cat_classes.h 52468 2008-03-13 16:30:38Z FM $
6 // Licence: wxWindows license
7 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9 /**
11 @page page_class_cat Summarized Class List by Category
13 This page contains a summarized listing of classes, please see the
14 @ref group_class page for a full listing.
16 @beginInvisibleTable
17 <tr><td>
18 @li @ref page_class_cat_basicwnd
19 @li @ref page_class_cat_winlayout
20 @li @ref page_class_cat_managedwnd
21 @li @ref page_class_cat_menus
22 @li @ref page_class_cat_ctrl
23 @li @ref page_class_cat_validator
24 @li @ref page_class_cat_pickers
25 @li @ref page_class_cat_aui
26 @li @ref page_class_cat_cmndlg
27 @li @ref page_class_cat_html
28 @li @ref page_class_cat_miscwnd
29 </td><td>
30 @li @ref page_class_cat_dc
31 @li @ref page_class_cat_gdi
32 @li @ref page_class_cat_gc
33 @li @ref page_class_cat_image
34 @li @ref page_class_cat_events
35 @li @ref page_class_cat_appmanagement
36 @li @ref page_class_cat_printing
37 @li @ref page_class_cat_dvf
38 @li @ref page_class_cat_dnd
39 @li @ref page_class_cat_vfs
40 @li @ref page_class_cat_threading
41 </td><td>
42 @li @ref page_class_cat_rtti
43 @li @ref page_class_cat_debugging
44 @li @ref page_class_cat_logging
45 @li @ref page_class_cat_data
46 @li @ref page_class_cat_conv
47 @li @ref page_class_cat_containers
48 @li @ref page_class_cat_smartpointers
49 @li @ref page_class_cat_file
50 @li @ref page_class_cat_streams
51 @li @ref page_class_cat_xml
52 @li @ref page_class_cat_xrc
53 </td><td>
54 @li @ref page_class_cat_net
55 @li @ref page_class_cat_archive
56 @li @ref page_class_cat_ipc
57 @li @ref page_class_cat_help
58 @li @ref page_class_cat_media
59 @li @ref page_class_cat_gl
60 @li @ref page_class_cat_misc
61 </td></tr>
62 @endTable
65 <hr>
68 @section page_class_cat_basicwnd Basic Windows
70 The following are the most important window classes
72 @li wxWindow: base class for all windows and controls
73 @li wxControl: base class (mostly) for native controls/widgets
74 @li wxPanel: window which can smartly manage child windows
75 @li ::wxScrolledWindow: Window with automatically managed scrollbars (see
76 wxScrolled)
77 @li wxTopLevelWindow: Any top level window, dialog or frame
81 @section page_class_cat_winlayout Window Layout
83 There are two different systems for laying out windows (and dialogs in
84 particular). One is based upon so-called sizers and it requires less typing,
85 thinking and calculating and will in almost all cases produce dialogs looking
86 equally well on all platforms, the other is based on so-called constraints and
87 is deprecated, though still available.
89 Related Overviews: @ref overview_sizer
91 These are the classes relevant to sizer-based layout:
93 @li wxSizer: Abstract base class
94 @li wxGridSizer: A sizer for laying out windows in a grid with all fields
95 having the same size
96 @li wxFlexGridSizer: A sizer for laying out windows in a flexible grid
97 @li wxGridBagSizer: Another grid sizer that lets you specify the cell an item
98 is in, and items can span rows and/or columns.
99 @li wxBoxSizer: A sizer for laying out windows in a row or column
100 @li wxStaticBoxSizer: Same as wxBoxSizer, but with a surrounding static box
101 @li wxWrapSizer: A sizer which wraps its child controls as size permits
103 Other layout classes:
105 @li wxLayoutAlgorithm: An alternative window layout facility
109 @section page_class_cat_managedwnd Managed Windows
111 There are several types of window that are directly controlled by the window
112 manager (such as MS Windows, or the Motif Window Manager). Frames and dialogs
113 are similar in wxWidgets, but only dialogs may be modal.
115 Related Overviews: @ref overview_cmndlg
117 @li wxDialog: Dialog box
118 @li wxFrame: Normal frame
119 @li wxMDIChildFrame: MDI child frame
120 @li wxMDIParentFrame: MDI parent frame
121 @li wxMiniFrame: A frame with a small title bar
122 @li wxPopupWindow: A toplevel window without decorations, e.g. for a combobox pop-up
123 @li wxPropertySheetDialog: Property sheet dialog
124 @li wxSplashScreen: Splash screen class
125 @li wxTipWindow: Shows text in a small window
126 @li wxWizard: A wizard dialog
130 @section page_class_cat_menus Menus
132 @li wxMenu: Displays a series of menu items for selection
133 @li wxMenuBar: Contains a series of menus for use with a frame
134 @li wxMenuItem: Represents a single menu item
138 @section page_class_cat_ctrl Controls
140 Typically, these are small windows which provide interaction with the user.
141 Controls that are not static can have wxValidator associated with them.
143 @li wxAnimationCtrl: A control to display an animation
144 @li wxControl: The base class for controls
145 @li wxButton: Push button control, displaying text
146 @li wxBitmapButton: Push button control, displaying a bitmap
147 @li wxBitmapComboBox: A combobox with bitmaps next to text items
148 @li wxBitmapToggleButton: A toggle button with bitmaps.
149 @li wxCalendarCtrl: Control showing an entire calendar month
150 @li wxCheckBox: Checkbox control
151 @li wxCheckListBox: A listbox with a checkbox to the left of each item
152 @li wxChoice: Choice control (a combobox without the editable area)
153 @li wxCollapsiblePane: A panel which can be shown/hidden by the user
154 @li wxComboBox: A choice with an editable area
155 @li wxComboCtrl: A combobox with application defined popup
156 @li wxDataViewCtrl: A control to tabular or tree like data
157 @li wxDataViewTreeCtrl: A specialized wxDataViewCtrl with wxTreeCtrl-like API
158 @li wxEditableListBox: A listbox with editable items.
159 @li wxGauge: A control to represent a varying quantity, such as time remaining
160 @li wxGenericDirCtrl: A control for displaying a directory tree
161 @li wxGrid: A control to display spread-sheet like data in tabular form
162 @li wxHtmlListBox: An abstract class for creating listboxes showing HTML
163 content
164 @li wxSimpleHtmlListBox: A listbox showing HTML content
165 @li wxStaticBox: A static, or group box for visually grouping related controls
166 @li wxListBox: A list of strings for single or multiple selection
167 @li wxListCtrl: A control for displaying lists of strings and/or icons, plus a
168 multicolumn report view
169 @li wxListView: A simpler interface (fa&ccedil;ade) for wxListCtrl in report
170 mode
171 @li wxNotebook: A notebook class
172 @li wxOwnerDrawnComboBox: A combobox with owner-drawn list items
173 @li wxPropertyGrid: A complex control to display hierachical, editable information
174 @li wxRichTextCtrl: Generic rich text editing control
175 @li wxTextCtrl: Single or multiline text editing control
176 @li wxToggleButton: A button which stays pressed when clicked by user.
177 @li wxTreeCtrl: Tree (hierarchy) control
178 @li wxScrollBar: Scrollbar control
179 @li wxSpinButton: A spin or `up-down' control
180 @li wxSpinCtrl: A spin control - i.e. spin button and text control displaying
181 an integer
182 @li wxSpinCtrlDouble: A spin control - i.e. spin button and text control displaying
183 a real number
184 @li wxStaticText: One or more lines of non-editable text
185 @li wxHyperlinkCtrl: A static text which opens an URL when clicked
186 @li wxStaticBitmap: A control to display a bitmap
187 @li wxRadioBox: A group of radio buttons
188 @li wxRadioButton: A round button to be used with others in a mutually
189 exclusive way
190 @li wxStyledTextCtrl: A wxWidgets implementation of the Scintilla source code
191 editing component for plain text editing.
192 @li wxSlider: A slider that can be dragged by the user
193 @li wxVListBox: A listbox supporting variable height rows
197 @section page_class_cat_validator Validators
199 These are the window validators, used for filtering and validating user input.
201 Related Overviews: @ref overview_validator
203 @li wxValidator: Base validator class
204 @li wxTextValidator: Text control validator class
205 @li wxGenericValidator: Generic control validator class
209 @section page_class_cat_pickers Picker Controls
211 A picker control is a control whose appearance and behaviour is highly
212 platform-dependent.
214 @li wxColourPickerCtrl: A control which allows the user to choose a colour
215 @li wxDirPickerCtrl: A control which allows the user to choose a directory
216 @li wxFilePickerCtrl: A control which allows the user to choose a file
217 @li wxFontPickerCtrl: A control which allows the user to choose a font
218 @li wxDatePickerCtrl: Small date picker control
222 @section page_class_cat_miscwnd Miscellaneous Windows
224 The following are a variety of classes that are derived from wxWindow.
226 @li wxCollapsiblePane: A panel which can be shown/hidden by the user
227 @li wxPanel: A window whose colour changes according to current user settings
228 @li ::wxScrolledWindow: Window with automatically managed scrollbars (see
229 wxScrolled)
230 @li wxHScrolledWindow: As ::wxScrolledWindow but supports columns of variable
231 widths
232 @li wxVScrolledWindow: As ::wxScrolledWindow but supports rows of variable
233 heights
234 @li wxHVScrolledWindow: As ::wxScrolledWindow but supports scroll units of
235 variable sizes.
236 @li wxGrid: A grid (table) window
237 @li wxSplitterWindow: Window which can be split vertically or horizontally
238 @li wxStatusBar: Implements the status bar on a frame
239 @li wxToolBar: Toolbar class
240 @li wxNotebook: Notebook class
241 @li wxListbook: Similar to notebook but using list control
242 @li wxChoicebook: Similar to notebook but using choice control
243 @li wxTreebook: Similar to notebook but using tree control
244 @li wxSashWindow: Window with four optional sashes that can be dragged
245 @li wxSashLayoutWindow: Window that can be involved in an IDE-like layout
246 arrangement
247 @li wxWizardPage: A base class for the page in wizard dialog.
248 @li wxWizardPageSimple: A page in wizard dialog.
252 @section page_class_cat_aui Window Docking (wxAUI)
254 wxAUI is a set classes for writing a customizable application interface
255 with built-in docking, floatable panes and a flexible MDI-like interface.
257 Related Overviews: @ref overview_aui
259 @li wxAuiManager: The central class for managing the interface
260 @li wxAuiNotebook: A replacement notebook class with extra features
261 @li wxAuiPaneInfo: Describes a single pane
262 @li wxAuiDockArt: Art and metrics provider for customizing the docking user
263 interface
264 @li wxAuiTabArt: Art and metrics provider for customizing the notebook user
265 interface
269 @section page_class_cat_cmndlg Common Dialogs
271 Common dialogs are ready-made dialog classes which are frequently used in an
272 application.
274 Related Overviews: @ref overview_cmndlg
276 @li wxDialog: Base class for common dialogs
277 @li wxColourDialog: Colour chooser dialog
278 @li wxDirDialog: Directory selector dialog
279 @li wxFileDialog: File selector dialog
280 @li wxFindReplaceDialog: Text search/replace dialog
281 @li wxMultiChoiceDialog: Dialog to get one or more selections from a list
282 @li wxSingleChoiceDialog: Dialog to get a single selection from a list and
283 return the string
284 @li wxTextEntryDialog: Dialog to get a single line of text from the user
285 @li wxPasswordEntryDialog: Dialog to get a password from the user
286 @li wxFontDialog: Font chooser dialog
287 @li wxPageSetupDialog: Standard page setup dialog
288 @li wxPrintDialog: Standard print dialog
289 @li wxProgressDialog: Progress indication dialog
290 @li wxMessageDialog: Simple message box dialog
291 @li wxSymbolPickerDialog: Symbol selector dialog
292 @li wxRichTextFormattingDialog: A dialog for formatting the content of a
293 wxRichTextCtrl
294 @li wxWizard: A wizard dialog.
298 @section page_class_cat_html HTML
300 wxWidgets provides a set of classes to display text in HTML format. These
301 classes include a help system based on the HTML widget.
303 @li wxHtmlHelpController: HTML help controller class
304 @li wxHtmlWindow: HTML window class
305 @li wxHtmlEasyPrinting: Simple class for printing HTML
306 @li wxHtmlPrintout: Generic HTML wxPrintout class
307 @li wxHtmlParser: Generic HTML parser class
308 @li wxHtmlTagHandler: HTML tag handler, pluginable into wxHtmlParser
309 @li wxHtmlWinParser: HTML parser class for wxHtmlWindow
310 @li wxHtmlWinTagHandler: HTML tag handler, pluginable into wxHtmlWinParser
313 @section page_class_cat_dc Device Contexts
315 Device contexts are surfaces that may be drawn on, and provide an abstraction
316 that allows parameterisation of your drawing code by passing different device
317 contexts.
319 Related Overviews: @ref overview_dc
321 @li wxAutoBufferedPaintDC: A helper device context for double buffered drawing
322 inside @b OnPaint().
323 @li wxBufferedDC: A helper device context for double buffered drawing.
324 @li wxBufferedPaintDC: A helper device context for double buffered drawing
325 inside @b OnPaint().
326 @li wxClientDC: A device context to access the client area outside
327 @b OnPaint() events
328 @li wxPaintDC: A device context to access the client area inside @b OnPaint()
329 events
330 @li wxWindowDC: A device context to access the non-client area
331 @li wxScreenDC: A device context to access the entire screen
332 @li wxDC: The device context base class
333 @li wxMemoryDC: A device context for drawing into bitmaps
334 @li wxMetafileDC: A device context for drawing into metafiles
335 @li wxMirrorDC: A proxy device context allowing for simple mirroring.
336 @li wxPostScriptDC: A device context for drawing into PostScript files
337 @li wxPrinterDC: A device context for drawing to printers
341 @section page_class_cat_gc Graphics Context classes
343 These classes are related to drawing using a new vector based drawing API and
344 are based on the modern drawing backend GDI+, CoreGraphics and Cairo.
346 @li wxGraphicsRenderer: Represents a drawing engine.
347 @li wxGraphicsContext: Represents a graphics context currently being drawn on.
348 @li wxGraphicsBrush: Brush for drawing into a wxGraphicsContext
349 @li wxGraphicsPen: Pen for drawing into a wxGraphicsContext
350 @li wxGraphicsFont: Font for drawing text on a wxGraphicsContext
351 @li wxGraphicsMatrix: Represents an affine matrix for drawing transformation
352 @li wxGraphicsPath: Represents a path for drawing
356 @section page_class_cat_gdi Graphics Device Interface
358 These classes are related to drawing on device contexts and windows.
360 @li wxColour: Represents the red, blue and green elements of a colour
361 @li wxDCClipper: Wraps the operations of setting and destroying the clipping
362 region
363 @li wxBrush: Used for filling areas on a device context
364 @li wxBrushList: The list of previously-created brushes
365 @li wxFont: Represents fonts
366 @li wxFontList: The list of previously-created fonts
367 @li wxPen: Used for drawing lines on a device context
368 @li wxPenList: The list of previously-created pens
369 @li wxPalette: Represents a table of indices into RGB values
370 @li wxRegion: Represents a simple or complex region on a window or device
371 context
372 @li wxRendererNative: Abstracts high-level drawing primitives
376 @section page_class_cat_image Image and bitmap classes
378 These classes represent images and bitmap in various formats and ways
379 to access and create them.
381 Related Overviews: @ref overview_bitmap
383 @li wxAnimation: Represents an animation
384 @li wxBitmap: Represents a platform dependent bitmap
385 @li wxBitmapHandler: Class for loading a saving a wxBitmap in a specific format
386 @li wxCursor: A small, transparent bitmap representing the cursor
387 @li wxIcon: A small, transparent bitmap for assigning to frames and drawing on
388 device contexts
389 @li wxImage: A platform-independent image class
390 @li wxImageHandler: Class for loading a saving a wxImage in a specific format
391 @li wxImageList: A list of images, used with some controls
392 @li wxMask: Represents a mask to be used with a bitmap for transparent drawing
393 @li wxMemoryDC: A device context for drawing into bitmaps
394 @li wxPixelData: Class template for direct access to wxBitmap's and wxImage's internal data
398 @section page_class_cat_events Events
400 An event object contains information about a specific event. Event handlers
401 (usually member functions) have a single, event argument.
403 Related Overviews: @ref overview_eventhandling
405 @li wxActivateEvent: A window or application activation event
406 @li wxCalendarEvent: Used with wxCalendarCtrl
407 @li wxCalculateLayoutEvent: Used to calculate window layout
408 @li wxChildFocusEvent: A child window focus event
409 @li wxClipboardTextEvent: A clipboard copy/cut/paste treebook event event
410 @li wxCloseEvent: A close window or end session event
411 @li wxCommandEvent: An event from a variety of standard controls
412 @li wxContextMenuEvent: An event generated when the user issues a context menu
413 command
414 @li wxDateEvent: Used with wxDatePickerCtrl
415 @li wxDialUpEvent: Event send by wxDialUpManager
416 @li wxDropFilesEvent: A drop files event
417 @li wxEraseEvent: An erase background event
418 @li wxEvent: The event base class
419 @li wxFindDialogEvent: Event sent by wxFindReplaceDialog
420 @li wxFocusEvent: A window focus event
421 @li wxKeyEvent: A keypress event
422 @li wxIconizeEvent: An iconize/restore event
423 @li wxIdleEvent: An idle event
424 @li wxInitDialogEvent: A dialog initialisation event
425 @li wxJoystickEvent: A joystick event
426 @li wxListEvent: A list control event
427 @li wxMaximizeEvent: A maximize event
428 @li wxMenuEvent: A menu event
429 @li wxMouseCaptureChangedEvent: A mouse capture changed event
430 @li wxMouseCaptureLostEvent: A mouse capture lost event
431 @li wxMouseEvent: A mouse event
432 @li wxMoveEvent: A move event
433 @li wxNavigationKeyEvent: An event set by navigation keys such as tab
434 @li wxNotebookEvent: A notebook control event
435 @li wxNotifyEvent: A notification event, which can be vetoed
436 @li wxPaintEvent: A paint event
437 @li wxProcessEvent: A process ending event
438 @li wxQueryLayoutInfoEvent: Used to query layout information
439 @li wxRichTextEvent: A rich text editing event
440 @li wxScrollEvent: A scroll event from sliders, stand-alone scrollbars and spin
441 buttons
442 @li wxScrollWinEvent: A scroll event from scrolled windows
443 @li wxSizeEvent: A size event
444 @li wxSocketEvent: A socket event
445 @li wxSpinEvent: An event from wxSpinButton
446 @li wxSplitterEvent: An event from wxSplitterWindow
447 @li wxSysColourChangedEvent: A system colour change event
448 @li wxTimerEvent: A timer expiration event
449 @li wxTreebookEvent: A treebook control event
450 @li wxTreeEvent: A tree control event
451 @li wxUpdateUIEvent: A user interface update event
452 @li wxWindowCreateEvent: A window creation event
453 @li wxWindowDestroyEvent: A window destruction event
454 @li wxWizardEvent: A wizard event
458 @section page_class_cat_appmanagement Application and Process Management
460 @li wxApp: Application class
461 @li wxCmdLineParser: Command line parser class
462 @li wxDynamicLibrary: Class to work with shared libraries.
463 @li wxProcess: Process class
467 @section page_class_cat_printing Printing Framework
469 A printing and previewing framework is implemented to make it relatively
470 straightforward to provide document printing facilities.
472 Related Overviews: @ref overview_printing
474 @li wxPreviewFrame: Frame for displaying a print preview
475 @li wxPreviewCanvas: Canvas for displaying a print preview
476 @li wxPreviewControlBar: Standard control bar for a print preview
477 @li wxPrintDialog: Standard print dialog
478 @li wxPageSetupDialog: Standard page setup dialog
479 @li wxPrinter: Class representing the printer
480 @li wxPrinterDC: Printer device context
481 @li wxPrintout: Class representing a particular printout
482 @li wxPrintPreview: Class representing a print preview
483 @li wxPrintData: Represents information about the document being printed
484 @li wxPrintDialogData: Represents information about the print dialog
485 @li wxPageSetupDialogData: Represents information about the page setup dialog
489 @section page_class_cat_dvf Document/View Framework
491 wxWidgets supports a document/view framework which provides housekeeping for a
492 document-centric application.
494 Related Overviews: @ref overview_docview
496 @li wxCommand: Base class for undo/redo actions
497 @li wxCommandProcessor: Maintains the undo/redo stack
498 @li wxDocument: Represents a document
499 @li wxView: Represents a view
500 @li wxDocTemplate: Manages the relationship between a document class and a
501 view class
502 @li wxDocManager: Manages the documents and views in an application
503 @li wxDocChildFrame: A child frame for showing a document view
504 @li wxDocParentFrame: A parent frame to contain views
505 @li wxDocMDIChildFrame: An MDI child frame for showing a document view
506 @li wxDocMDIParentFrame: An MDI parent frame to contain views
507 @li wxFileHistory: Maintains a list of the most recently visited files
511 @section page_class_cat_dnd Clipboard and Drag & Drop
513 Related Overviews: @ref overview_dnd
515 @li wxDataObject: Data object class
516 @li wxDataFormat: Represents a data format
517 @li wxTextDataObject: Text data object class
518 @li wxFileDataObject: File data object class
519 @li wxBitmapDataObject: Bitmap data object class
520 @li wxURLDataObject: URL data object class
521 @li wxCustomDataObject: Custom data object class
522 @li wxClipboard: Clipboard class
523 @li wxDropTarget: Drop target class
524 @li wxFileDropTarget: File drop target class
525 @li wxTextDropTarget: Text drop target class
526 @li wxDropSource: Drop source class
530 @section page_class_cat_vfs Virtual File System
532 wxWidgets provides a set of classes that implement an extensible virtual file
533 system, used internally by the HTML classes.
535 @li wxFSFile: Represents a file in the virtual file system
536 @li wxFileSystem: Main interface for the virtual file system
537 @li wxFileSystemHandler: Class used to announce file system type
541 @section page_class_cat_threading Threading
543 wxWidgets provides a set of classes to make use of the native thread
544 capabilities of the various platforms.
546 Related Overviews: @ref overview_thread
548 @li wxThread: Thread class
549 @li wxThreadHelper: Manages background threads easily
550 @li wxMutex: Mutex class
551 @li wxMutexLocker: Mutex locker utility class
552 @li wxCriticalSection: Critical section class
553 @li wxCriticalSectionLocker: Critical section locker utility class
554 @li wxCondition: Condition class
555 @li wxSemaphore: Semaphore class
559 @section page_class_cat_rtti Runtime Type Information (RTTI)
561 wxWidgets supports runtime manipulation of class information, and dynamic
562 creation of objects given class names.
564 Related Overviews: @ref overview_rtti
566 @see @ref group_funcmacro_rtti "RTTI Functions and Macros"
568 @li wxClassInfo: Holds runtime class information
569 @li wxObject: Root class for classes with runtime information
573 @section page_class_cat_debugging Debugging
575 wxWidgets supports some aspects of debugging an application through classes,
576 functions and macros.
578 Related Overviews: @ref overview_debugging
580 @see @ref group_funcmacro_debug "Debugging Functions and Macros"
582 @li wxDebugContext: Provides memory-checking facilities
583 @li wxDebugReport: Base class for creating debug reports in case of a program
584 crash.
585 @li wxDebugReportCompress: Class for creating compressed debug reports.
586 @li wxDebugReportUpload: Class for uploading compressed debug reports via HTTP.
587 @li wxDebugReportPreview: Abstract base class for previewing the contents of a
588 debug report.
589 @li wxDebugReportPreviewStd: Standard implementation of wxDebugReportPreview.
593 @section page_class_cat_logging Logging
595 wxWidgets provides several classes and functions for message logging.
597 Related Overviews: @ref overview_log
599 @see @ref group_funcmacro_log "Logging Functions and Macros"
601 @li wxLog: The base log class
602 @li wxLogStderr: Log messages to a C STDIO stream
603 @li wxLogStream: Log messages to a C++ iostream
604 @li wxLogTextCtrl: Log messages to a wxTextCtrl
605 @li wxLogWindow: Log messages to a log frame
606 @li wxLogGui: Default log target for GUI programs
607 @li wxLogNull: Temporarily suppress message logging
608 @li wxLogChain: Allows to chain two log targets
609 @li wxLogInterposer: Allows to filter the log messages
610 @li wxLogInterposerTemp: Allows to filter the log messages
611 @li wxStreamToTextRedirector: Allows to redirect output sent to @c cout to a wxTextCtrl
615 @section page_class_cat_data Data Structures
617 These are the data structure classes supported by wxWidgets.
619 @li wxCmdLineParser: Command line parser class
620 @li wxDateSpan: A logical time interval.
621 @li wxDateTime: A class for date/time manipulations
622 @li wxLongLong: A portable 64 bit integer type
623 @li wxObject: The root class for most wxWidgets classes
624 @li wxPathList: A class to help search multiple paths
625 @li wxPoint: Representation of a point
626 @li wxRect: A class representing a rectangle
627 @li wxRegEx: Regular expression support
628 @li wxRegion: A class representing a region
629 @li wxString: A string class
630 @li wxStringTokenizer: A class for interpreting a string as a list of tokens or
631 words
632 @li wxRealPoint: Representation of a point using floating point numbers
633 @li wxSize: Representation of a size
634 @li wxTimeSpan: A time interval.
635 @li wxURI: Represents a Uniform Resource Identifier
636 @li wxVariant: A class for storing arbitrary types that may change at run-time
640 @section page_class_cat_conv Text Conversion
642 These classes define objects for performing conversions between different
643 multibyte and Unicode encodings and wide character strings.
645 @li wxMBConv: Base class for all convertors, defines the API implemented by all
646 the other convertor classes.
647 @li wxMBConvUTF7: Convertor for UTF-7
648 @li wxMBConvUTF8: Convertor for UTF-8
649 @li wxMBConvUTF16: Convertor for UTF-16
650 @li wxMBConvUTF32: Convertor for UTF-32
651 @li wxCSConv: Convertor for any system-supported encoding which can be
652 specified by name.
654 Related Overviews: @ref overview_mbconv
657 @section page_class_cat_containers Containers
659 These are classes, templates and class macros are used by wxWidgets. Most of
660 these classes provide a subset or almost complete STL API.
662 Related Overviews: @ref overview_container
664 @li wxArray<T>: A type-safe dynamic array implementation (macro based)
665 @li wxArrayString: An efficient container for storing wxString objects
666 @li wxHashMap<T>: A type-safe hash map implementation (macro based)
667 @li wxHashSet<T>: A type-safe hash set implementation(macro based)
668 @li wxHashTable: A simple hash table implementation (deprecated, use wxHashMap)
669 @li wxList<T>: A type-safe linked list implementation (macro based)
670 @li wxVector<T>: Template base vector implementation identical to std::vector
674 @section page_class_cat_smartpointers Smart Pointers
676 wxWidgets provides a few smart pointer class templates.
678 @li wxObjectDataPtr<T>: A shared pointer (using intrusive reference counting)
679 @li wxScopedPtr<T>: A scoped pointer
680 @li wxSharedPtr<T>: A shared pointer (using non-intrusive reference counting)
681 @li wxWeakRef<T>: A weak reference
685 @section page_class_cat_file File Handling
687 wxWidgets has several small classes to work with disk files and directories.
689 Related Overviews: @ref overview_file
691 @li wxFileName: Operations with the file name and attributes
692 @li wxDir: Class for enumerating files/subdirectories.
693 @li wxDirTraverser: Class used together with wxDir for recursively enumerating
694 the files/subdirectories
695 @li wxFile: Low-level file input/output class.
696 @li wxFFile: Another low-level file input/output class.
697 @li wxTempFile: Class to safely replace an existing file
698 @li wxTextFile: Class for working with text files as with arrays of lines
699 @li wxStandardPaths: Paths for standard directories
700 @li wxPathList: A class to help search multiple paths
704 @section page_class_cat_streams Streams
706 wxWidgets has its own set of stream classes, as an alternative to often buggy
707 standard stream libraries, and to provide enhanced functionality.
709 @li wxStreamBase: Stream base class
710 @li wxStreamBuffer: Stream buffer class
711 @li wxInputStream: Input stream class
712 @li wxOutputStream: Output stream class
713 @li wxCountingOutputStream: Stream class for querying what size a stream would
714 have.
715 @li wxFilterInputStream: Filtered input stream class
716 @li wxFilterOutputStream: Filtered output stream class
717 @li wxBufferedInputStream: Buffered input stream class
718 @li wxBufferedOutputStream: Buffered output stream class
719 @li wxMemoryInputStream: Memory input stream class
720 @li wxMemoryOutputStream: Memory output stream class
721 @li wxDataInputStream: Platform-independent binary data input stream class
722 @li wxDataOutputStream: Platform-independent binary data output stream class
723 @li wxTextInputStream: Platform-independent text data input stream class
724 @li wxTextOutputStream: Platform-independent text data output stream class
725 @li wxFileInputStream: File input stream class
726 @li wxFileOutputStream: File output stream class
727 @li wxFFileInputStream: Another file input stream class
728 @li wxFFileOutputStream: Another file output stream class
729 @li wxTempFileOutputStream: Stream to safely replace an existing file
730 @li wxStringInputStream: String input stream class
731 @li wxStringOutputStream: String output stream class
732 @li wxZlibInputStream: Zlib and gzip (compression) input stream class
733 @li wxZlibOutputStream: Zlib and gzip (compression) output stream class
734 @li wxZipInputStream: Input stream for reading from ZIP archives
735 @li wxZipOutputStream: Output stream for writing from ZIP archives
736 @li wxTarInputStream: Input stream for reading from tar archives
737 @li wxTarOutputStream: Output stream for writing from tar archives
738 @li wxSocketInputStream: Socket input stream class
739 @li wxSocketOutputStream: Socket output stream class
743 @section page_class_cat_xml XML
745 @li wxXmlDocument: A class to parse XML files
746 @li wxXmlNode: A class which represents XML nodes
747 @li wxXmlAttribute: A class which represent an XML attribute
751 @section page_class_cat_archive Archive
753 @li wxArchiveInputStream
754 @li wxArchiveOutputStream
755 @li wxArchiveEntry
759 @section page_class_cat_xrc XML Based Resource System (XRC)
761 Resources allow your application to create controls and other user interface
762 elements from specifications stored in an XML format.
764 Related Overviews: @ref overview_xrc
766 @li wxXmlResource: The main class for working with resources
767 @li wxXmlResourceHandler: The base class for XML resource handlers
771 @section page_class_cat_net Networking
773 wxWidgets provides its own classes for socket based networking.
775 @li wxDialUpManager: Provides functions to check the status of network
776 connection and to establish one
777 @li wxIPV4address: Represents an Internet address
778 @li wxIPaddress: Represents an Internet address
779 @li wxSocketBase: Represents a socket base object
780 @li wxSocketClient: Represents a socket client
781 @li wxSocketServer: Represents a socket server
782 @li wxSocketEvent: A socket event
783 @li wxFTP: FTP protocol class
784 @li wxHTTP: HTTP protocol class
785 @li wxURL: Represents a Universal Resource Locator
789 @section page_class_cat_ipc Interprocess Communication
791 wxWidgets provides simple interprocess communications facilities based on
792 Windows DDE, but available on most platforms using TCP.
794 Related Overviews: @ref overview_ipc
796 @li wxClient, wxDDEClient: Represents a client
797 @li wxConnection, wxDDEConnection: Represents the connection between a client
798 and a server
799 @li wxServer, wxDDEServer: Represents a server
803 @section page_class_cat_help Help
805 @li wxHelpController: Family of classes for controlling help windows
806 @li wxHtmlHelpController: HTML help controller class
807 @li wxContextHelp: Class to put application into context-sensitive help mode
808 @li wxContextHelpButton: Button class for putting application into
809 context-sensitive help mode
810 @li wxHelpProvider: Abstract class for context-sensitive help provision
811 @li wxSimpleHelpProvider: Class for simple context-sensitive help provision
812 @li wxHelpControllerHelpProvider: Class for context-sensitive help provision
813 via a help controller
814 @li wxToolTip: Class implementing tooltips
818 @section page_class_cat_media Multimedia
820 @li wxMediaCtrl: Display multimedia contents.
824 @section page_class_cat_gl OpenGL
826 @li wxGLCanvas: Canvas that you can render OpenGL calls to.
827 @li wxGLContext: Class to ease sharing of OpenGL data resources.
831 @section page_class_cat_misc Miscellaneous
833 @li wxCaret: A caret (cursor) object
834 @li wxConfigBase: Classes for reading/writing the configuration settings
835 @li wxTimer: Timer class
836 @li wxStopWatch: Stop watch class
837 @li wxMimeTypesManager: MIME-types manager class
838 @li wxSystemSettings: System settings class for obtaining various global
839 parameters
840 @li wxSystemOptions: System options class for run-time configuration
841 @li wxAcceleratorTable: Accelerator table
842 @li wxAutomationObject: OLE automation class
843 @li wxFontMapper: Font mapping, finding suitable font for given encoding
844 @li wxEncodingConverter: Encoding conversions
845 @li wxCalendarDateAttr: Used with wxCalendarCtrl
846 @li wxQuantize: Class to perform quantization, or colour reduction
847 @li wxSingleInstanceChecker: Check that only single program instance is running
849 */