]> git.saurik.com Git - wxWidgets.git/blob - interface/list.h
Minor wxList clarification
[wxWidgets.git] / interface / list.h
1 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 // Name: list.h
3 // Purpose: interface of wxList<T>
4 // Author: wxWidgets team
5 // RCS-ID: $Id$
6 // Licence: wxWindows license
7 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9 /**
10 @wxheader{list.h}
12 The wxList<T> class provides linked list functionality. It has been rewritten
13 to be type safe and to provide the full API of the STL std::list container and
14 should be used like it. The exception is that wxList<T> actually stores
15 pointers and therefore its iterators return pointers and not references
16 to the actual objets in the list (see example below) and @e value_type
17 is defined as @e T*. wxList<T> destroys an object after removing it only
18 if wxList::DeleteContents has been called.
20 wxList<T> is not a real template and it requires that you declare and define
21 each wxListT class in your program. This is done with @e WX_DECLARE_LIST
22 and @e WX_DEFINE_LIST macros (see example). We hope that we'll be able
23 to provide a proper template class providing both the STL std::list
24 and the old wxList API in the future.
26 Please refer to the STL std::list documentation for further
27 information on how to use the class. Below we documented both
28 the supported STL and the legacy API that originated from the
29 old wxList class and which can still be used alternatively for
30 the the same class.
32 Note that if you compile wxWidgets in STL mode (wxUSE_STL defined as 1)
33 then wxList<T> will actually derive from std::list and just add a legacy
34 compatibility layer for the old wxList class.
36 @code
37 // this part might be in a header or source (.cpp) file
38 class MyListElement
39 {
40 ... // whatever
41 };
43 // this macro declares and partly implements MyList class
44 WX_DECLARE_LIST(MyListElement, MyList);
46 ...
48 // the only requirement for the rest is to be AFTER the full declaration of
49 // MyListElement (for WX_DECLARE_LIST forward declaration is enough), but
50 // usually it will be found in the source file and not in the header
52 #include <wx/listimpl.cpp>
56 MyList list;
57 MyListElement element;
58 list.Append(&element); // ok
59 list.Append(17); // error: incorrect type
61 // let's iterate over the list in STL syntax
62 MyList::iterator iter;
63 for (iter = list.begin(); iter != list.end(); ++iter)
64 {
65 MyListElement *current = *iter;
67 ...process the current element...
68 }
70 // the same with the legacy API from the old wxList class
71 MyList::compatibility_iterator node = list.GetFirst();
72 while (node)
73 {
74 MyListElement *current = node->GetData();
76 ...process the current element...
78 node = node->GetNext();
79 }
80 @endcode
83 @library{wxbase}
84 @category{FIXME}
86 @see wxArray<T>, wxVector<T>
87 */
88 class wxList<T>
89 {
90 public:
91 /**
92 Default constructor.
93 */
94 wxList<T>();
96 /**
97 Constructor which initialized the list with an array of @count elements.
98 */
99 wxList<T>(size_t count, T* elements[]);
101 /**
102 Destroys the list, but does not delete the objects stored in the list
103 unless you called DeleteContents(@true ).
104 */
105 ~wxList<T>();
107 /**
108 Appends the pointer to @a object to the list.
109 */
110 wxList<T>::compatibility_iterator Append(T* object);
112 /**
113 Clears the list.
114 Deletes the actual objects if DeleteContents( @true ) was called previously.
115 */
116 void Clear();
118 /**
119 If @a destroy is @true, instructs the list to call @e delete
120 on objects stored in the list whenever they are removed.
121 The default is @false.
122 */
123 void DeleteContents(bool destroy);
125 /**
126 Deletes the given element refered to by @a iter from the list
127 if @a iter is a valid iterator. Returns @true if successful.
129 Deletes the actual object if DeleteContents( @true ) was called previously.
130 */
131 bool DeleteNode(const compatibility_iterator& iter);
133 /**
134 Finds the given @a object and removes it from the list, returning
135 @true if successful.
137 Deletes @a object if DeleteContents( @true ) was called previously.
138 */
139 bool DeleteObject(T* object);
141 /**
142 Removes element refered to be @a iter.
144 Deletes the actualy object if DeleteContents( @true ) was called previously.
145 */
146 void Erase(const compatibility_iterator& iter);
148 /**
149 Returns the iterator refering to @a object or @NULL if none found.
150 */
151 wxList<T>::compatibility_iterator Find(T* object) const;
153 /**
154 Returns the number of elements in the list.
155 */
156 size_t GetCount() const;
158 /**
159 Returns the first iterator in the list (@NULL if the list is empty).
160 */
161 wxList<T>::compatibility_iterator GetFirst() const;
163 /**
164 Returns the last iterator in the list (@NULL if the list is empty).
165 */
166 wxList<T>::compatibility_iterator GetLast() const;
168 /**
169 Returns the index of @a obj within the list or @c wxNOT_FOUND if
170 @a obj is not found in the list.
171 */
172 int IndexOf(T* obj) const;
174 /**
175 Inserts @a object at the beginning of the list.
176 */
177 wxList<T>::compatibility_iterator Insert(T* object);
179 /**
180 Inserts @a object at @a position.
181 */
182 wxList<T>::compatibility_iterator Insert(size_t position,
183 T* object);
185 /**
186 Inserts @a object before the object refered to be @a iter.
187 */
188 wxList<T>::compatibility_iterator Insert(compatibility_iterator iter,
189 T* object);
191 /**
192 Returns @true if the list is empty, @false otherwise.
193 */
194 bool IsEmpty() const;
196 /**
197 Returns the iterator refering to the object at the given
198 @a index in the list.
199 */
200 wxList<T>::compatibility_iterator Item(size_t index) const;
202 /**
203 @note This function is deprecated, use wxList::Find instead.
204 */
205 wxList<T>::compatibility_iterator Member(T* object) const;
207 /**
208 @note This function is deprecated, use @ref wxList::itemfunc Item instead.
209 Returns the @a nth node in the list, indexing from zero (@NULL if the list is
210 empty or the nth node could not be found).
211 */
212 wxList<T>::compatibility_iterator Nth(int n) const;
214 /**
215 @note This function is deprecated, use wxList::GetCount instead.
216 Returns the number of elements in the list.
217 */
218 int Number() const;
220 /**
221 Allows the sorting of arbitrary lists by giving a function to compare
222 two list elements. We use the system @b qsort function for the actual
223 sorting process.
224 */
225 void Sort(wxSortCompareFunction compfunc);
227 /**
228 Clears the list and item from @a first to @a last from another list to it.
229 */
230 void assign(const_iterator first, const const_iterator& last);
232 /**
233 Clears the list and adds @a n items with value @a v to it.
234 */
235 void assign(size_type n, const_reference v = value_type()) \
237 /**
238 Returns the last item of the list.
239 */
240 reference back() const;
242 /**
243 Returns the last item of the list as a const reference.
244 */
245 const_reference back() const;
247 /**
248 Returns an iterator pointing to the beginning of the list.
249 */
250 iterator begin() const;
252 /**
253 Returns a const iterator pointing to the beginning of the list.
254 */
255 const_iterator begin() const;
257 /**
258 Removes all items from the list.
259 */
260 void clear();
262 /**
263 Returns @e @true if the list is empty.
264 */
265 bool empty() const;
267 /**
268 Returns a const iterator pointing at the end of the list.
269 */
270 const_iterator end() const;
272 /**
273 Returns a iterator pointing at the end of the list.
274 */
275 iterator end() const;
277 /**
278 Erases the given item
279 */
280 iterator erase(const iterator& it);
282 /**
283 Erases the items from @e first to @e last.
284 */
285 iterator erase(const iterator& first,
286 const iterator& last);
288 /**
289 Returns the first item in the list.
290 */
291 reference front() const;
293 /**
294 Returns the first item in the list as a const reference.
295 */
296 const_reference front() const;
298 /**
299 Inserts an item at the head of the list
300 */
301 iterator insert(const iterator& it);
303 /**
304 Inserts an item at the given position
305 */
306 void insert(const iterator& it, size_type n);
308 /**
309 Inserts several items at the given position.
310 */
311 void insert(const iterator& it, const_iterator first,
312 const const_iterator& last);
314 /**
315 Returns the largest possible size of the list.
316 */
317 size_type max_size() const;
319 /**
320 Removes the last item from the list.
321 */
322 void pop_back();
324 /**
325 Removes the first item from the list.
326 */
327 void pop_front();
329 /**
330 Adds an item to end of the list.
331 */
332 void push_back();
334 /**
335 Adds an item to the front of the list.
336 */
337 void push_front();
339 /**
340 Returns a reverse iterator pointing to the beginning of the
341 reversed list.
342 */
343 reverse_iterator rbegin() const;
345 /**
346 Returns a const reverse iterator pointing to the beginning of the
347 reversed list.
348 */
349 const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const;
351 /**
352 Removes an item from the list.
353 */
354 void remove(const_reference v);
356 /**
357 Returns a reverse iterator pointing to the end of the
358 reversed list.
359 */
360 reverse_iterator rend() const;
362 /**
363 Returns a const reverse iterator pointing to the end of the
364 reversed list.
365 */
366 const_reverse_iterator rend() const;
368 /**
369 Resizes the list. If the the list is enlarges items with
370 the value @e v are appended to the list.
371 */
372 void resize(size_type n);
374 /**
375 Reverses the list.
376 */
377 void reverse();
379 /**
380 Returns the size of the list.
381 */
382 size_type size() const;
383 };
387 /**
388 @class wxNode
389 @wxheader{list.h}
391 wxNodeBase is the node structure used in linked lists (see
392 wxList) and derived classes. You should never use wxNodeBase
393 class directly, however, because it works with untyped (@c void *) data and
394 this is unsafe. Use wxNodeBase-derived classes which are automatically defined
395 by WX_DECLARE_LIST and WX_DEFINE_LIST macros instead as described in
396 wxList documentation (see example there). Also note that
397 although there is a class called wxNode, it is defined for backwards
398 compatibility only and usage of this class is strongly deprecated.
400 In the documentation below, the type @c T should be thought of as a
401 "template" parameter: this is the type of data stored in the linked list or,
402 in other words, the first argument of WX_DECLARE_LIST macro. Also, wxNode is
403 written as wxNodeT even though it isn't really a template class -- but it
404 helps to think of it as if it were.
406 @library{wxbase}
407 @category{FIXME}
409 @see wxList<T>, wxHashTable
410 */
411 class wxNode<T>
412 {
413 public:
414 /**
415 Retrieves the client data pointer associated with the node.
416 */
417 T* GetData() const;
419 /**
420 Retrieves the next node or @NULL if this node is the last one.
421 */
422 wxNode<T>* GetNext() const;
424 /**
425 Retrieves the previous node or @NULL if this node is the first one in the list.
426 */
427 wxNode<T>* GetPrevious();
429 /**
430 Returns the zero-based index of this node within the list. The return value
431 will be @c wxNOT_FOUND if the node has not been added to a list yet.
432 */
433 int IndexOf();
435 /**
436 Sets the data associated with the node (usually the pointer will have been
437 set when the node was created).
438 */
439 void SetData(T* data);
440 };