]> git.saurik.com Git - wxWidgets.git/blob - wxPython/demo/PseudoDC.py
corrected wrong change description: raw RGB support was already there
[wxWidgets.git] / wxPython / demo / PseudoDC.py
2 import wx
3 import images
4 import random
6 #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 W = 2000
9 H = 2000
10 SW = 150
11 SH = 150
12 SHAPE_COUNT = 2500
13 hitradius = 5
15 #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
17 colours = [
18 "BLACK",
19 "BLUE",
21 "BROWN",
22 "CYAN",
25 "GOLD",
26 "GREY",
27 "GREEN",
29 "NAVY",
30 "PINK",
31 "RED",
32 "SKY BLUE",
33 "VIOLET",
34 "YELLOW",
35 ]
39 class MyCanvas(wx.ScrolledWindow):
40 def __init__(self, parent, id, log, size = wx.DefaultSize):
41 wx.ScrolledWindow.__init__(self, parent, id, (0, 0), size=size, style=wx.SUNKEN_BORDER)
43 self.lines = []
44 self.maxWidth = W
45 self.maxHeight = H
46 self.x = self.y = 0
47 self.curLine = []
48 self.drawing = False
50 self.SetBackgroundColour("WHITE")
51 bmp = images.getTest2Bitmap()
52 mask = wx.Mask(bmp, wx.BLUE)
53 bmp.SetMask(mask)
54 self.bmp = bmp
56 self.SetVirtualSize((self.maxWidth, self.maxHeight))
57 self.SetScrollRate(20,20)
59 # create a PseudoDC to record our drawing
60 self.pdc = wx.PseudoDC()
61 self.pen_cache = {}
62 self.brush_cache = {}
63 self.DoDrawing(self.pdc)
64 log.write('Created PseudoDC draw list with %d operations!'%self.pdc.GetLen())
66 self.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.OnPaint)
67 self.Bind(wx.EVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND, lambda x:None)
68 self.Bind(wx.EVT_MOUSE_EVENTS, self.OnMouse)
70 # vars for handling mouse clicks
71 self.dragid = -1
72 self.lastpos = (0,0)
74 def ConvertEventCoords(self, event):
75 xView, yView = self.GetViewStart()
76 xDelta, yDelta = self.GetScrollPixelsPerUnit()
77 return (event.GetX() + (xView * xDelta),
78 event.GetY() + (yView * yDelta))
80 def OffsetRect(self, r):
81 xView, yView = self.GetViewStart()
82 xDelta, yDelta = self.GetScrollPixelsPerUnit()
83 r.OffsetXY(-(xView*xDelta),-(yView*yDelta))
85 def OnMouse(self, event):
86 global hitradius
87 if event.LeftDown():
88 x,y = self.ConvertEventCoords(event)
89 #l = self.pdc.FindObjectsByBBox(x, y)
90 l = self.pdc.FindObjects(x, y, hitradius)
91 for id in l:
92 if not self.pdc.GetIdGreyedOut(id):
93 self.dragid = id
94 self.lastpos = (event.GetX(),event.GetY())
95 break
96 elif event.RightDown():
97 x,y = self.ConvertEventCoords(event)
98 #l = self.pdc.FindObjectsByBBox(x, y)
99 l = self.pdc.FindObjects(x, y, hitradius)
100 if l:
101 self.pdc.SetIdGreyedOut(l[0], not self.pdc.GetIdGreyedOut(l[0]))
102 r = self.pdc.GetIdBounds(l[0])
103 r.Inflate(4,4)
104 self.OffsetRect(r)
105 self.RefreshRect(r, False)
106 elif event.Dragging() or event.LeftUp():
107 if self.dragid != -1:
108 x,y = self.lastpos
109 dx = event.GetX() - x
110 dy = event.GetY() - y
111 r = self.pdc.GetIdBounds(self.dragid)
112 self.pdc.TranslateId(self.dragid, dx, dy)
113 r2 = self.pdc.GetIdBounds(self.dragid)
114 r = r.Union(r2)
115 r.Inflate(4,4)
116 self.OffsetRect(r)
117 self.RefreshRect(r, False)
118 self.lastpos = (event.GetX(),event.GetY())
119 if event.LeftUp():
120 self.dragid = -1
122 def RandomPen(self):
123 c = random.choice(colours)
124 t = random.randint(1, 4)
125 if not self.pen_cache.has_key( (c, t) ):
126 self.pen_cache[(c, t)] = wx.Pen(c, t)
127 return self.pen_cache[(c, t)]
130 def RandomBrush(self):
131 c = random.choice(colours)
132 if not self.brush_cache.has_key(c):
133 self.brush_cache[c] = wx.Brush(c)
135 return self.brush_cache[c]
137 def RandomColor(self):
138 return random.choice(colours)
141 def OnPaint(self, event):
142 # Create a buffered paint DC. It will create the real
143 # wx.PaintDC and then blit the bitmap to it when dc is
144 # deleted.
145 dc = wx.BufferedPaintDC(self)
146 # use PrepateDC to set position correctly
147 self.PrepareDC(dc)
148 # we need to clear the dc BEFORE calling PrepareDC
149 bg = wx.Brush(self.GetBackgroundColour())
150 dc.SetBackground(bg)
151 dc.Clear()
152 # create a clipping rect from our position and size
153 # and the Update Region
154 xv, yv = self.GetViewStart()
155 dx, dy = self.GetScrollPixelsPerUnit()
156 x, y = (xv * dx, yv * dy)
157 rgn = self.GetUpdateRegion()
158 rgn.Offset(x,y)
159 r = rgn.GetBox()
160 # draw to the dc using the calculated clipping rect
161 self.pdc.DrawToDCClipped(dc,r)
163 def DoDrawing(self, dc):
164 random.seed()
165 self.objids = []
166 self.boundsdict = {}
167 dc.BeginDrawing()
168 for i in range(SHAPE_COUNT):
169 id = wx.NewId()
170 dc.SetId(id)
171 choice = random.randint(0,8)
172 if choice in (0,1):
173 x = random.randint(0, W)
174 y = random.randint(0, H)
175 pen = self.RandomPen()
176 dc.SetPen(pen)
177 dc.DrawPoint(x,y)
178 r = wx.Rect(x,y,1,1)
179 r.Inflate(pen.GetWidth(),pen.GetWidth())
180 dc.SetIdBounds(id,r)
181 elif choice in (2,3):
182 x1 = random.randint(0, W-SW)
183 y1 = random.randint(0, H-SH)
184 x2 = random.randint(x1, x1+SW)
185 y2 = random.randint(y1, y1+SH)
186 pen = self.RandomPen()
187 dc.SetPen(pen)
188 dc.DrawLine(x1,y1,x2,y2)
189 r = wx.Rect(x1,y1,x2-x1,y2-y1)
190 r.Inflate(pen.GetWidth(),pen.GetWidth())
191 dc.SetIdBounds(id,r)
192 elif choice in (4,5):
193 w = random.randint(10, SW)
194 h = random.randint(10, SH)
195 x = random.randint(0, W - w)
196 y = random.randint(0, H - h)
197 pen = self.RandomPen()
198 dc.SetPen(pen)
199 dc.SetBrush(self.RandomBrush())
200 dc.DrawRectangle(x,y,w,h)
201 r = wx.Rect(x,y,w,h)
202 r.Inflate(pen.GetWidth(),pen.GetWidth())
203 dc.SetIdBounds(id,r)
204 self.objids.append(id)
205 elif choice == 6:
206 Np = 8 # number of characters in text
207 word = []
208 for i in range(Np):
209 c = chr( random.randint(48, 122) )
210 word.append( c )
211 word = "".join(word)
212 w,h = self.GetFullTextExtent(word)[0:2]
213 x = random.randint(0, W-w)
214 y = random.randint(0, H-h)
215 dc.SetFont(self.GetFont())
216 dc.SetTextForeground(self.RandomColor())
217 dc.SetTextBackground(self.RandomColor())
218 dc.DrawText(word, x, y)
219 r = wx.Rect(x,y,w,h)
220 r.Inflate(2,2)
221 dc.SetIdBounds(id, r)
222 self.objids.append(id)
223 elif choice == 7:
224 Np = 8 # number of points per polygon
225 poly = []
226 minx = SW
227 miny = SH
228 maxx = 0
229 maxy = 0
230 for i in range(Np):
231 x = random.randint(0, SW)
232 y = random.randint(0, SH)
233 if x < minx: minx = x
234 if x > maxx: maxx = x
235 if y < miny: miny = y
236 if y > maxy: maxy = y
237 poly.append(wx.Point(x,y))
238 x = random.randint(0, W-SW)
239 y = random.randint(0, H-SH)
240 pen = self.RandomPen()
241 dc.SetPen(pen)
242 dc.SetBrush(self.RandomBrush())
243 dc.DrawPolygon(poly, x,y)
244 r = wx.Rect(minx+x,miny+y,maxx-minx,maxy-miny)
245 r.Inflate(pen.GetWidth(),pen.GetWidth())
246 dc.SetIdBounds(id,r)
247 self.objids.append(id)
248 elif choice == 8:
249 w,h = self.bmp.GetSize()
250 x = random.randint(0, W-w)
251 y = random.randint(0, H-h)
252 dc.DrawBitmap(self.bmp,x,y,True)
253 dc.SetIdBounds(id,wx.Rect(x,y,w,h))
254 self.objids.append(id)
255 dc.EndDrawing()
257 class ControlPanel(wx.Panel):
258 def __init__(self, parent, id, pos=wx.DefaultPosition,
259 size=wx.DefaultSize, style = wx.TAB_TRAVERSAL):
260 wx.Panel.__init__(self,parent,id,pos,size,style)
261 lbl = wx.StaticText(self, wx.ID_ANY, "Hit Test Radius: ")
262 lbl2 = wx.StaticText(self, wx.ID_ANY, "Left Click to drag, Right Click to enable/disable")
263 sc = wx.SpinCtrl(self, wx.ID_ANY, "5")
264 sc.SetRange(0,100)
265 global hitradius
266 sc.SetValue(hitradius)
267 self.sc = sc
268 sz = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
269 sz.Add(lbl,0,wx.EXPAND)
270 sz.Add(sc,0)
271 sz.Add(lbl2,0,wx.LEFT,5)
272 sz.Add((10,10),1,wx.EXPAND)
273 self.SetSizerAndFit(sz)
274 sc.Bind(wx.EVT_SPINCTRL,self.OnChange)
275 sc.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT,self.OnChange)
277 def OnChange(self, event):
278 global hitradius
279 hitradius = self.sc.GetValue()
282 #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
284 def runTest(frame, nb, log):
285 pnl = wx.Panel(nb, wx.ID_ANY,size=(200,30))
286 pnl2 = ControlPanel(pnl,wx.ID_ANY)
287 win = MyCanvas(pnl, wx.ID_ANY, log)
288 sz = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
289 sz.Add(pnl2,0,wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL,5)
290 sz.Add(win,1,wx.EXPAND)
291 pnl.SetSizerAndFit(sz)
292 return pnl
294 #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
298 overview = """
299 <html>
300 <body>
301 <h2>wx.PseudoDC</h2>
303 The wx.PseudoDC class provides a way to record operations on a DC and then
304 play them back later. The PseudoDC can be passed to a drawing routine as
305 if it were a real DC. All Drawing methods are supported except Blit but
306 GetXXX methods are not supported and none of the drawing methods return
307 a value. The PseudoDC records the drawing to an operation
308 list. The operations can be played back to a real DC using:<pre>
309 DrawToDC(dc)
310 </pre>
311 The operations can be tagged with an id in order to associated them with a
312 specific object. To do this use:<pre>
313 SetId(id)
314 </pre>
315 Every operation after this will be associated with id until SetId is called
316 again. The PseudoDC also supports object level clipping. To enable this use:<pre>
317 SetIdBounds(id,rect)
318 </pre>
319 for each object that should be clipped. Then use:<pre>
320 DrawToDCClipped(dc, clippingRect)
321 </pre>
322 To draw the PseudoDC to a real dc. This is useful for large scrolled windows
323 where many objects are offscreen.
325 Objects can be moved around without re-drawing using:<pre>
326 TranslateId(id, dx, dy)
327 </pre>
329 To re-draw an object use:<pre>
330 ClearId(id)
331 SetId(id)
332 </pre>
333 and then re-draw the object.
334 </body>
335 </html>
336 """
339 if __name__ == '__main__':
340 import sys,os
341 import run
342 run.main(['', os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])] + sys.argv[1:])