1 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3 // Purpose: SWIG interface for wxCursor
7 // Created: 7-July-1997
9 // Copyright: (c) 2003 by Total Control Software
10 // Licence: wxWindows license
11 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
16 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
20 "A cursor is a small bitmap usually used for denoting where the mouse
21 pointer is, with a picture that might indicate the interpretation of a
24 A single cursor object may be used in many windows (any subwindow
25 type). The wxWindows convention is to set the cursor for a window, as
26 in X, rather than to set it globally as in MS Windows, although a
27 global `wx.SetCursor` function is also available for use on MS Windows.
32 ======================== ======================================
33 wx.CURSOR_ARROW A standard arrow cursor.
34 wx.CURSOR_RIGHT_ARROW A standard arrow cursor pointing to the right.
35 wx.CURSOR_BLANK Transparent cursor.
36 wx.CURSOR_BULLSEYE Bullseye cursor.
37 wx.CURSOR_CHAR Rectangular character cursor.
38 wx.CURSOR_CROSS A cross cursor.
39 wx.CURSOR_HAND A hand cursor.
40 wx.CURSOR_IBEAM An I-beam cursor (vertical line).
41 wx.CURSOR_LEFT_BUTTON Represents a mouse with the left button depressed.
42 wx.CURSOR_MAGNIFIER A magnifier icon.
43 wx.CURSOR_MIDDLE_BUTTON Represents a mouse with the middle button depressed.
44 wx.CURSOR_NO_ENTRY A no-entry sign cursor.
45 wx.CURSOR_PAINT_BRUSH A paintbrush cursor.
46 wx.CURSOR_PENCIL A pencil cursor.
47 wx.CURSOR_POINT_LEFT A cursor that points left.
48 wx.CURSOR_POINT_RIGHT A cursor that points right.
49 wx.CURSOR_QUESTION_ARROW An arrow and question mark.
50 wx.CURSOR_RIGHT_BUTTON Represents a mouse with the right button depressed.
51 wx.CURSOR_SIZENESW A sizing cursor pointing NE-SW.
52 wx.CURSOR_SIZENS A sizing cursor pointing N-S.
53 wx.CURSOR_SIZENWSE A sizing cursor pointing NW-SE.
54 wx.CURSOR_SIZEWE A sizing cursor pointing W-E.
55 wx.CURSOR_SIZING A general sizing cursor.
56 wx.CURSOR_SPRAYCAN A spraycan cursor.
57 wx.CURSOR_WAIT A wait cursor.
58 wx.CURSOR_WATCH A watch cursor.
59 wx.CURSOR_ARROWWAIT A cursor with both an arrow and an hourglass, (windows.)
60 ======================== ======================================
64 MustHaveApp(wxCursor);
66 class wxCursor : public wxGDIObject
72 "Construct a Cursor from a file. Specify the type of file using
73 wx.BITAMP_TYPE* constants, and specify the hotspot if not using a .cur
75 :see: Alternate constructors `wx.StockCursor`,`wx.CursorFromImage`, `wx.CursorFromBits`");
76 wxCursor(const wxString& cursorName, long type, int hotSpotX=0, int hotSpotY=0) {
78 wxImage img(cursorName, type);
79 img.SetOptionInt(wxIMAGE_OPTION_CUR_HOTSPOT_X, hotSpotX);
80 img.SetOptionInt(wxIMAGE_OPTION_CUR_HOTSPOT_Y, hotSpotY);
81 return new wxCursor(img);
83 return new wxCursor(cursorName, type, hotSpotX, hotSpotY);
92 "Create a cursor using one of the stock cursors. Note that not all
93 stock cursors are available on all platforms.", "",
98 wxCursor(const wxImage& image),
99 "Constructs a cursor from a wxImage. The cursor is monochrome, colors
100 with the RGB elements all greater than 127 will be foreground, colors
101 less than this background. The mask (if any) will be used as
104 In MSW the foreground will be white and the background
105 black. The cursor is resized to 32x32.
107 In GTK, the two most frequent colors will be used for foreground and
108 background. The cursor will be displayed at the size of the image.
110 On MacOS the cursor is resized to 16x16 and currently only shown as
111 black/white (mask respected).",
118 // %RenameCtor(CursorFromBits, wxCursor(PyObject* bits, int width, int height,
119 // int hotSpotX=-1, int hotSpotY=-1,
120 // PyObject* maskBits=NULL))
123 // char* maskbuf = NULL;
125 // PyString_AsStringAndSize(bits, &bitsbuf, &length);
127 // PyString_AsStringAndSize(maskBits, &maskbuf, &length);
128 // return new wxCursor(bitsbuf, width, height, hotSpotX, hotSpotY, maskbuf);
137 "Get the MS Windows handle for the cursor", "");
141 "Set the MS Windows handle to use for the cursor", "");
142 void SetHandle(long handle) { self->SetHandle((WXHANDLE)handle); }
151 %pythoncode { def __nonzero__(self): return self.Ok() }
168 void , SetWidth(int w),
172 void , SetHeight(int h),
176 void , SetDepth(int d),
180 void , SetSize(const wxSize& size),
188 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
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