]> git.saurik.com Git - wxWidgets.git/blob - interface/wx/dcbuffer.h
allow specifying the initial modifier keys values in the ctor
[wxWidgets.git] / interface / wx / dcbuffer.h
1 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 // Name: dcbuffer.h
3 // Purpose: interface of wxBufferedDC
4 // Author: wxWidgets team
5 // RCS-ID: $Id$
6 // Licence: wxWindows license
7 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9 /**
10 @class wxBufferedDC
12 This class provides a simple way to avoid flicker: when drawing on it,
13 everything is in fact first drawn on an in-memory buffer (a wxBitmap) and
14 then copied to the screen, using the associated wxDC, only once, when this
15 object is destroyed. wxBufferedDC itself is typically associated with
16 wxClientDC, if you want to use it in your @c EVT_PAINT handler, you should
17 look at wxBufferedPaintDC instead.
19 When used like this, a valid @e DC must be specified in the constructor
20 while the @e buffer bitmap doesn't have to be explicitly provided, by
21 default this class will allocate the bitmap of required size itself.
22 However using a dedicated bitmap can speed up the redrawing process by
23 eliminating the repeated creation and destruction of a possibly big bitmap.
24 Otherwise, wxBufferedDC can be used in the same way as any other device
25 context.
27 There is another possible use for wxBufferedDC is to use it to maintain a
28 backing store for the window contents. In this case, the associated @e DC
29 may be @NULL but a valid backing store bitmap should be specified.
31 Finally, please note that GTK+ 2.0 as well as OS X provide double buffering
32 themselves natively. You can either use wxWindow::IsDoubleBuffered() to
33 determine whether you need to use buffering or not, or use
34 wxAutoBufferedPaintDC to avoid needless double buffering on the systems
35 which already do it automatically.
37 @library{wxcore}
38 @category{dc}
40 @see wxDC, wxMemoryDC, wxBufferedPaintDC, wxAutoBufferedPaintDC
41 */
42 class wxBufferedDC : public wxMemoryDC
43 {
44 public:
45 /**
46 Default constructor. You must call one of the Init() methods later in
47 order to use the device context.
48 */
49 wxBufferedDC();
51 //@{
52 /**
53 Creates a buffer for the provided @a dc. Init() must not be called when
54 using this constructor.
56 @param dc
57 The underlying DC: everything drawn to this object will be flushed
58 to this DC when this object is destroyed. You may pass @NULL in
59 order to just initialize the buffer, and not flush it.
60 @param area
61 The size of the bitmap to be used for buffering (this bitmap is
62 created internally when it is not given explicitly).
63 @param style
64 wxBUFFER_CLIENT_AREA to indicate that just the client area of the
65 window is buffered, or wxBUFFER_VIRTUAL_AREA to indicate that the
66 buffer bitmap covers the virtual area.
67 */
68 wxBufferedDC(wxDC* dc, const wxSize& area,
69 int style = wxBUFFER_CLIENT_AREA);
70 /**
71 Creates a buffer for the provided dc. Init() must not be called when
72 using this constructor.
74 @param dc
75 The underlying DC: everything drawn to this object will be flushed
76 to this DC when this object is destroyed. You may pass @NULL in
77 order to just initialize the buffer, and not flush it.
78 @param buffer
79 Explicitly provided bitmap to be used for buffering: this is the
80 most efficient solution as the bitmap doesn't have to be recreated
81 each time but it also requires more memory as the bitmap is never
82 freed. The bitmap should have appropriate size, anything drawn
83 outside of its bounds is clipped.
84 @param style
85 wxBUFFER_CLIENT_AREA to indicate that just the client area of the
86 window is buffered, or wxBUFFER_VIRTUAL_AREA to indicate that the
87 buffer bitmap covers the virtual area.
88 */
89 wxBufferedDC(wxDC* dc, wxBitmap& buffer,
90 int style = wxBUFFER_CLIENT_AREA);
91 //@}
93 /**
94 Copies everything drawn on the DC so far to the underlying DC
95 associated with this object, if any.
96 */
97 ~wxBufferedDC();
99 //@{
100 /**
101 Initializes the object created using the default constructor. Please
102 see the constructors for parameter details.
103 */
104 void Init(wxDC* dc, const wxSize& area,
105 int style = wxBUFFER_CLIENT_AREA);
106 void Init(wxDC* dc, wxBitmap& buffer,
107 int style = wxBUFFER_CLIENT_AREA);
108 //@}
109 };
113 /**
114 @class wxAutoBufferedPaintDC
116 This wxDC derivative can be used inside of an @c EVT_PAINT() event handler
117 to achieve double-buffered drawing. Just use this class instead of
118 wxPaintDC and make sure wxWindow::SetBackgroundStyle() is called with
119 wxBG_STYLE_CUSTOM somewhere in the class initialization code, and that's
120 all you have to do to (mostly) avoid flicker.
122 The difference between wxBufferedPaintDC and this class is that this class
123 won't double-buffer on platforms which have native double-buffering
124 already, avoiding any unneccessary buffering to avoid flicker.
126 wxAutoBufferedPaintDC is simply a typedef of wxPaintDC on platforms that
127 have native double-buffering, otherwise, it is a typedef of
128 wxBufferedPaintDC.
130 @library{wxbase}
131 @category{dc}
133 @see wxDC, wxBufferedPaintDC, wxPaintDC
134 */
135 class wxAutoBufferedPaintDC : public wxBufferedPaintDC
136 {
137 public:
138 /**
139 Constructor. Pass a pointer to the window on which you wish to paint.
140 */
141 wxAutoBufferedPaintDC(wxWindow* window);
142 };
146 /**
147 @class wxBufferedPaintDC
149 This is a subclass of wxBufferedDC which can be used inside of an
150 @c EVT_PAINT() event handler to achieve double-buffered drawing. Just use
151 this class instead of wxPaintDC and make sure
152 wxWindow::SetBackgroundStyle() is called with wxBG_STYLE_CUSTOM somewhere
153 in the class initialization code, and that's all you have to do to (mostly)
154 avoid flicker. The only thing to watch out for is that if you are using
155 this class together with wxScrolled, you probably do @b not want to call
156 wxScrolled::PrepareDC() on it as it already does this internally for the
157 real underlying wxPaintDC.
159 @library{wxcore}
160 @category{dc}
162 @see wxDC, wxBufferedDC, wxAutoBufferedPaintDC, wxPaintDC
163 */
164 class wxBufferedPaintDC : public wxBufferedDC
165 {
166 public:
167 //@{
168 /**
169 As with wxBufferedDC, you may either provide the bitmap to be used for
170 buffering or let this object create one internally (in the latter case,
171 the size of the client part of the window is used).
173 Pass wxBUFFER_CLIENT_AREA for the @a style parameter to indicate that
174 just the client area of the window is buffered, or
175 wxBUFFER_VIRTUAL_AREA to indicate that the buffer bitmap covers the
176 virtual area.
177 */
178 wxBufferedPaintDC(wxWindow* window, wxBitmap& buffer,
179 int style = wxBUFFER_CLIENT_AREA);
180 wxBufferedPaintDC(wxWindow* window,
181 int style = wxBUFFER_CLIENT_AREA);
182 //@}
184 /**
185 Copies everything drawn on the DC so far to the window associated with
186 this object, using a wxPaintDC.
187 */
188 ~wxBufferedPaintDC();
189 };