]> git.saurik.com Git - wxWidgets.git/blob - include/wx/os2/window.h
added WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_FOO macros in addition to WXDLLIMPEXP_FOO for use with forward...
[wxWidgets.git] / include / wx / os2 / window.h
1 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 // Name: wx/os2/window.h
3 // Purpose: wxWindow class
4 // Author: David Webster
5 // Modified by:
6 // Created: 10/12/99
7 // RCS-ID: $Id$
8 // Copyright: (c) David Webster
9 // Licence: wxWindows licence
10 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
12 #ifndef _WX_WINDOW_H_
13 #define _WX_WINDOW_H_
15 #define wxUSE_MOUSEEVENT_HACK 0
17 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
18 // headers
19 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
20 #define INCL_DOS
21 #define INCL_PM
22 #define INCL_GPI
23 #include <os2.h>
26 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
27 // forward declarations
28 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
29 #ifndef CW_USEDEFAULT
30 # define CW_USEDEFAULT ((int)0x80000000)
31 #endif
33 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
34 // forward declarations
35 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
37 class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_CORE wxButton;
39 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
40 // wxWindow declaration for OS/2 PM
41 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
43 class WXDLLEXPORT wxWindowOS2 : public wxWindowBase
44 {
45 public:
46 wxWindowOS2()
47 {
48 Init();
49 }
51 wxWindowOS2( wxWindow* pParent
52 ,wxWindowID vId
53 ,const wxPoint& rPos = wxDefaultPosition
54 ,const wxSize& rSize = wxDefaultSize
55 ,long lStyle = 0
56 ,const wxString& rName = wxPanelNameStr
57 )
58 {
59 Init();
60 Create( pParent
61 ,vId
62 ,rPos
63 ,rSize
64 ,lStyle
65 ,rName
66 );
67 }
69 virtual ~wxWindowOS2();
71 bool Create( wxWindow* pParent
72 ,wxWindowID vId
73 ,const wxPoint& rPos = wxDefaultPosition
74 ,const wxSize& rSize = wxDefaultSize
75 ,long lStyle = 0
76 ,const wxString& rName = wxPanelNameStr
77 );
79 // implement base class pure virtuals
80 virtual void SetLabel(const wxString& label);
81 virtual wxString GetLabel(void) const;
82 virtual void Raise(void);
83 virtual void Lower(void);
84 virtual bool Show(bool bShow = true);
85 virtual void DoEnable(bool bEnable);
86 virtual void SetFocus(void);
87 virtual void SetFocusFromKbd(void);
88 virtual bool Reparent(wxWindow* pNewParent);
89 virtual void WarpPointer( int x
90 ,int y
91 );
92 virtual void Refresh( bool bEraseBackground = true
93 ,const wxRect* pRect = (const wxRect *)NULL
94 );
95 virtual void Freeze(void);
96 virtual void Update(void);
97 virtual void Thaw(void);
98 virtual void SetWindowStyleFlag(long lStyle);
99 virtual bool SetCursor(const wxCursor& rCursor);
100 virtual bool SetFont(const wxFont& rFont);
101 virtual int GetCharHeight(void) const;
102 virtual int GetCharWidth(void) const;
103 virtual void GetTextExtent( const wxString& rString
104 ,int* pX
105 ,int* pY
106 ,int* pDescent = (int *)NULL
107 ,int* pExternalLeading = (int *)NULL
108 ,const wxFont* pTheFont = (const wxFont *)NULL
109 ) const;
111 virtual bool DoPopupMenu( wxMenu* pMenu
112 ,int nX
113 ,int nY
114 );
115 #endif // wxUSE_MENUS_NATIVE
117 virtual void SetScrollbar( int nOrient
118 ,int nPos
119 ,int nThumbVisible
120 ,int nRange
121 ,bool bRefresh = true
122 );
123 virtual void SetScrollPos( int nOrient
124 ,int nPos
125 ,bool bRefresh = true
126 );
127 virtual int GetScrollPos(int nOrient) const;
128 virtual int GetScrollThumb(int nOrient) const;
129 virtual int GetScrollRange(int nOrient) const;
130 virtual void ScrollWindow( int nDx
131 ,int nDy
132 ,const wxRect* pRect = (wxRect *)NULL
133 );
135 inline HWND GetScrollBarHorz(void) const {return m_hWndScrollBarHorz;}
136 inline HWND GetScrollBarVert(void) const {return m_hWndScrollBarVert;};
138 virtual void SetDropTarget(wxDropTarget* pDropTarget);
139 #endif // wxUSE_DRAG_AND_DROP
141 // Accept files for dragging
142 virtual void DragAcceptFiles(bool bAccept);
144 #ifndef __WXUNIVERSAL__
145 // Native resource loading (implemented in src/os2/nativdlg.cpp)
146 // FIXME: should they really be all virtual?
147 virtual bool LoadNativeDialog( wxWindow* pParent
148 ,wxWindowID& vId
149 );
150 virtual bool LoadNativeDialog( wxWindow* pParent
151 ,const wxString& rName
152 );
153 wxWindow* GetWindowChild1(wxWindowID vId);
154 wxWindow* GetWindowChild(wxWindowID vId);
155 #endif //__WXUNIVERSAL__
157 // implementation from now on
158 // --------------------------
160 // simple accessors
161 // ----------------
163 WXHWND GetHWND(void) const { return m_hWnd; }
164 void SetHWND(WXHWND hWnd) { m_hWnd = hWnd; }
165 virtual WXWidget GetHandle(void) const { return GetHWND(); }
166 bool GetUseCtl3D(void) const { return m_bUseCtl3D; }
167 bool GetTransparentBackground(void) const { return m_bBackgroundTransparent; }
168 void SetTransparentBackground(bool bT = true) { m_bBackgroundTransparent = bT; }
170 // event handlers
171 // --------------
172 void OnSetFocus(wxFocusEvent& rEvent);
173 void OnEraseBackground(wxEraseEvent& rEvent);
174 void OnIdle(wxIdleEvent& rEvent);
176 public:
178 // Windows subclassing
179 void SubclassWin(WXHWND hWnd);
180 void UnsubclassWin(void);
182 WXFARPROC OS2GetOldWndProc(void) const { return m_fnOldWndProc; }
183 void OS2SetOldWndProc(WXFARPROC fnProc) { m_fnOldWndProc = fnProc; }
184 //
185 // Return true if the window is of a standard (i.e. not wxWidgets') class
186 //
187 bool IsOfStandardClass(void) const { return m_fnOldWndProc != NULL; }
189 wxWindow* FindItem(long lId) const;
190 wxWindow* FindItemByHWND( WXHWND hWnd
191 ,bool bControlOnly = false
192 ) const;
194 // Make a Windows extended style from the given wxWidgets window style ?? applicable to OS/2??
195 static WXDWORD MakeExtendedStyle( long lStyle
196 ,bool bEliminateBorders = true
197 );
199 // PM only: true if this control is part of the main control
200 virtual bool ContainsHWND(WXHWND WXUNUSED(hWnd)) const { return false; };
202 // translate wxWidgets style flags for this control into the PM style
203 // and optional extended style for the corresponding native control
204 //
205 // this is the function that should be overridden in the derived classes,
206 // but you will mostly use OS2GetCreateWindowFlags() below
207 virtual WXDWORD OS2GetStyle( long lFlags
208 ,WXDWORD* pdwExstyle = NULL
209 ) const;
211 // get the MSW window flags corresponding to wxWidgets ones
212 //
213 // the functions returns the flags (WS_XXX) directly and puts the ext
214 // (WS_EX_XXX) flags into the provided pointer if not NULL
215 WXDWORD OS2GetCreateWindowFlags(WXDWORD* pdwExflags = NULL) const
216 { return OS2GetStyle(GetWindowStyle(), pdwExflags); }
219 // get the HWND to be used as parent of this window with CreateWindow()
220 virtual WXHWND OS2GetParent(void) const;
222 // returns true if the window has been created
223 bool OS2Create( PSZ zClass
224 ,const wxChar* zTitle
225 ,WXDWORD dwStyle
226 ,const wxPoint& rPos
227 ,const wxSize& rSize
228 ,void* pCtlData
229 ,WXDWORD dwExStyle
230 ,bool bIsChild
231 );
232 virtual bool OS2Command( WXUINT uParam
233 ,WXWORD nId
234 );
236 #ifndef __WXUNIVERSAL__
237 // Create an appropriate wxWindow from a HWND
238 virtual wxWindow* CreateWindowFromHWND( wxWindow* pParent
239 ,WXHWND hWnd
240 );
242 // Make sure the window style reflects the HWND style (roughly)
243 virtual void AdoptAttributesFromHWND(void);
244 #endif
246 // Setup background and foreground colours correctly
247 virtual void SetupColours(void);
249 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
250 // helpers for message handlers: these perform the same function as the
251 // message crackers from <windowsx.h> - they unpack WPARAM and LPARAM into
252 // the correct parameters
253 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
255 void UnpackCommand( WXWPARAM wParam
256 ,WXLPARAM lParam,
257 WXWORD* pId
258 ,WXHWND* pHwnd
259 ,WXWORD* pCmd
260 );
261 void UnpackActivate( WXWPARAM wParam
262 ,WXLPARAM lParam
263 ,WXWORD* pState
264 ,WXHWND* pHwnd
265 );
266 void UnpackScroll( WXWPARAM wParam
267 ,WXLPARAM lParam
268 ,WXWORD* pCode
269 ,WXWORD* pPos
270 ,WXHWND* pHwnd
271 );
272 void UnpackMenuSelect( WXWPARAM wParam
273 ,WXLPARAM lParam
274 ,WXWORD* pTtem
275 ,WXWORD* pFlags
276 ,WXHMENU* pHmenu
277 );
279 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
280 // internal handlers for OS2 messages: all handlers return a boolen value:
281 // true means that the handler processed the event and false that it didn't
282 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
284 // there are several cases where we have virtual functions for PM
285 // message processing: this is because these messages often require to be
286 // processed in a different manner in the derived classes. For all other
287 // messages, however, we do *not* have corresponding OS2OnXXX() function
288 // and if the derived class wants to process them, it should override
289 // OS2WindowProc() directly.
291 // scroll event (both horizontal and vertical)
292 virtual bool OS2OnScroll( int nOrientation
293 ,WXWORD nSBCode
294 ,WXWORD pos
295 ,WXHWND control
296 );
298 // owner-drawn controls need to process these messages
299 virtual bool OS2OnDrawItem( int nId
301 );
302 virtual long OS2OnMeasureItem( int nId
304 );
306 virtual void OnPaint(wxPaintEvent& rEvent);
308 // the rest are not virtual
309 bool HandleCreate( WXLPCREATESTRUCT vCs
310 ,bool* pMayCreate
311 );
312 bool HandleInitDialog(WXHWND hWndFocus);
313 bool HandleDestroy(void);
314 bool HandlePaint(void);
315 bool HandleEraseBkgnd(WXHDC vDC);
316 bool HandleMinimize(void);
317 bool HandleMaximize(void);
318 bool HandleSize( int nX
319 ,int nY
320 ,WXUINT uFlag
321 );
322 bool HandleGetMinMaxInfo(PSWP pMmInfo);
323 bool HandleShow( bool bShow
324 ,int nStatus
325 );
326 bool HandleActivate( int nFlag
327 ,WXHWND hActivate
328 );
329 bool HandleCommand( WXWORD nId
330 ,WXWORD nCmd
331 ,WXHWND hControl
332 );
333 bool HandleSysCommand( WXWPARAM wParam
334 ,WXLPARAM lParam
335 );
336 bool HandlePaletteChanged(void);
337 bool HandleQueryNewPalette(void);
338 bool HandleSysColorChange(void);
339 bool HandleDisplayChange(void);
340 bool HandleCaptureChanged(WXHWND hBainedCapture);
342 bool HandleCtlColor(WXHBRUSH* hBrush);
343 bool HandleSetFocus(WXHWND hWnd);
344 bool HandleKillFocus(WXHWND hWnd);
345 bool HandleEndDrag(WXWPARAM wParam);
346 bool HandleMouseEvent( WXUINT uMsg
347 ,int nX
348 ,int nY
349 ,WXUINT uFlags
350 );
351 bool HandleMouseMove( int nX
352 ,int nY
353 ,WXUINT uFlags
354 );
355 bool HandleChar( WXWPARAM wParam
356 ,WXLPARAM lParam
357 ,bool bIsASCII = false
358 );
359 bool HandleKeyDown( WXWPARAM wParam
360 ,WXLPARAM lParam
361 );
362 bool HandleKeyUp( WXWPARAM wParam
363 ,WXLPARAM lParam
364 );
365 bool HandleQueryDragIcon(WXHICON* phIcon);
366 bool HandleSetCursor( USHORT vId
367 ,WXHWND hWnd
368 );
370 bool IsMouseInWindow(void) const;
371 bool OS2GetCreateWindowCoords( const wxPoint& rPos
372 ,const wxSize& rSize
373 ,int& rnX
374 ,int& rnY
375 ,int& rnWidth
376 ,int& rnHeight
377 ) const;
379 // Window procedure
380 virtual MRESULT OS2WindowProc( WXUINT uMsg
381 ,WXWPARAM wParam
382 ,WXLPARAM lParam
383 );
385 // Calls an appropriate default window procedure
386 virtual MRESULT OS2DefWindowProc( WXUINT uMsg
387 ,WXWPARAM wParam
388 ,WXLPARAM lParam
389 );
390 virtual bool OS2ProcessMessage(WXMSG* pMsg);
391 virtual bool OS2ShouldPreProcessMessage(WXMSG* pMsg);
392 virtual bool OS2TranslateMessage(WXMSG* pMsg);
393 virtual void OS2DestroyWindow(void);
395 // this function should return the brush to paint the window background
396 // with or 0 for the default brush
397 virtual WXHBRUSH OnCtlColor( WXHDC hDC
398 ,WXHWND hWnd
399 ,WXUINT uCtlColor
400 ,WXUINT uMessage
401 ,WXWPARAM wParam
402 ,WXLPARAM lParam
403 );
405 // Responds to colour changes: passes event on to children.
406 void OnSysColourChanged(wxSysColourChangedEvent& rEvent);
408 // initialize various fields of wxMouseEvent (common part of OS2OnMouseXXX)
409 void InitMouseEvent( wxMouseEvent& rEvent
410 ,int nX
411 ,int nY
412 ,WXUINT uFlags
413 );
415 void MoveChildren(int nDiff);
416 PSWP GetSwp(void) {return &m_vWinSwp;}
418 protected:
419 // PM can't create some MSW styles natively but can perform these after
420 // creation by sending messages
421 typedef enum extra_flags { kFrameToolWindow = 0x0001
422 ,kVertCaption = 0x0002
423 ,kHorzCaption = 0x0004
424 } EExtraFlags;
425 // Some internal sizeing id's to make it easy for event handlers
426 typedef enum size_types { kSizeNormal
427 ,kSizeMax
428 ,kSizeMin
429 } ESizeTypes;
430 // the window handle
431 WXHWND m_hWnd;
433 // the old window proc (we subclass all windows)
434 WXFARPROC m_fnOldWndProc;
436 // additional (OS2 specific) flags
437 bool m_bUseCtl3D:1; // Using CTL3D for this control
438 bool m_bBackgroundTransparent:1;
439 bool m_bMouseInWindow:1;
440 bool m_bLastKeydownProcessed:1;
441 bool m_bWinCaptured:1;
442 WXDWORD m_dwExStyle;
444 // the size of one page for scrolling
445 int m_nXThumbSize;
446 int m_nYThumbSize;
449 // the coordinates of the last mouse event and the type of it
450 long m_lLastMouseX,
451 long m_lLastMouseY;
452 int m_nLastMouseEvent;
453 #endif // wxUSE_MOUSEEVENT_HACK
455 WXHMENU m_hMenu; // Menu, if any
456 unsigned long m_ulMenubarId; // it's Id, if any
458 // the return value of WM_GETDLGCODE handler
459 long m_lDlgCode;
461 // implement the base class pure virtuals
462 virtual void DoClientToScreen( int* pX
463 ,int* pY
464 ) const;
465 virtual void DoScreenToClient( int* pX
466 ,int* pY
467 ) const;
468 virtual void DoGetPosition( int* pX
469 ,int* pY
470 ) const;
471 virtual void DoGetSize( int* pWidth
472 ,int* pHeight
473 ) const;
474 virtual void DoGetClientSize( int* pWidth
475 ,int* pHeight
476 ) const;
477 virtual void DoSetSize( int nX
478 ,int nY
479 ,int nWidth
480 ,int nHeight
481 ,int nSizeFlags = wxSIZE_AUTO
482 );
483 virtual void DoSetClientSize( int nWidth
484 ,int nHeight
485 );
487 virtual void DoCaptureMouse(void);
488 virtual void DoReleaseMouse(void);
490 // move the window to the specified location and resize it: this is called
491 // from both DoSetSize() and DoSetClientSize() and would usually just call
492 // ::WinSetWindowPos() except for composite controls which will want to arrange
493 // themselves inside the given rectangle
494 virtual void DoMoveWindow( int nX
495 ,int nY
496 ,int nWidth
497 ,int nHeight
498 );
500 #if wxUSE_TOOLTIPS
501 virtual void DoSetToolTip(wxToolTip* pTip);
502 #endif // wxUSE_TOOLTIPS
504 int GetOS2ParentHeight(wxWindowOS2* pParent);
506 private:
507 // common part of all ctors
508 void Init(void);
510 // the (non-virtual) handlers for the events
511 bool HandleMove( int nX
512 ,int nY
513 );
514 bool HandleJoystickEvent( WXUINT uMsg
515 ,int pX
516 ,int pY
517 ,WXUINT uFlags
518 );
520 bool HandleNotify( int nIdCtrl
521 ,WXLPARAM lParam
522 ,WXLPARAM* pResult
523 );
524 // the helper functions used by HandleChar/KeyXXX methods
525 wxKeyEvent CreateKeyEvent( wxEventType evType
526 ,int nId
527 ,WXLPARAM lParam = 0
528 ,WXWPARAM wParam = 0
529 ) const;
531 HWND m_hWndScrollBarHorz;
532 HWND m_hWndScrollBarVert;
533 SWP m_vWinSwp;
539 //
540 // Virtual function hiding supression
541 //
542 inline virtual bool Reparent(wxWindowBase* pNewParent)
543 { return(wxWindowBase::Reparent(pNewParent));}
544 }; // end of wxWindow
546 class wxWindowCreationHook
547 {
548 public:
549 wxWindowCreationHook(wxWindow* pWinBeingCreated);
550 ~wxWindowCreationHook();
551 }; // end of CLASS wxWindowCreationHook
553 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
554 // global functions
555 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
557 // kbd code translation
558 WXDLLEXPORT int wxCharCodeOS2ToWX(int nKeySym);
559 WXDLLEXPORT int wxCharCodeWXToOS2( int nId
560 ,bool* pbIsVirtual = NULL
561 );
563 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
564 // global objects
565 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
567 // notice that this hash must be defined after wxWindow declaration as it
568 // needs to "see" its dtor and not just forward declaration
569 #include "wx/hash.h"
571 // pseudo-template HWND <-> wxWindow hash table
572 WX_DECLARE_HASH(wxWindowOS2, wxWindowList, wxWinHashTable);
574 extern wxWinHashTable *wxWinHandleHash;
576 #endif // _WX_WINDOW_H_