]> git.saurik.com Git - wxWidgets.git/blob - demos/dbbrowse/dbgrid.cpp
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[wxWidgets.git] / demos / dbbrowse / dbgrid.cpp
1 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 // Name: DBGrid.cpp
3 // Purpose: wxGrid sample
4 // Author: Mark Johnson
5 // Modified by: 19990929.mj10777 a reuseable DBGrid
6 // Created: 19990929
7 // RCS-ID:
8 // Copyright: (c)
9 // Licence: wxWindows license
10 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
11 //-- all #ifdefs that the whole Project needs. ------------------------------
12 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
13 #ifdef __GNUG__
14 #pragma implementation
15 #pragma interface
16 #endif
17 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
18 // For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx/wx.h".
19 #include "wx/wxprec.h"
20 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
21 #ifdef __BORLANDC__
22 #pragma hdrstop
23 #endif
24 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
25 #ifndef WX_PRECOMP
26 #include "wx/wx.h"
27 #endif
28 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
29 //-- all #includes that every .cpp needs --- 19990807.mj10777 ---
30 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
31 #include "std.h" // sorgsam Pflegen !
32 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
34 EVT_MOTION (DBGrid::OnMouseMove)
35 // DBGrid
36 EVT_GRID_LABEL_LEFT_CLICK( DBGrid::OnLabelLeftClick )
37 EVT_GRID_LABEL_RIGHT_CLICK( DBGrid::OnLabelRightClick )
40 EVT_GRID_CELL_LEFT_CLICK( DBGrid::OnCellLeftClick )
41 EVT_GRID_CELL_RIGHT_CLICK( DBGrid::OnCellRightClick )
44 EVT_GRID_ROW_SIZE( DBGrid::OnRowSize )
45 // EVT_GRID_COL_SIZE( DBGrid::OnColSize )
46 EVT_GRID_RANGE_SELECT( DBGrid::OnRangeSelected )
47 EVT_GRID_CELL_CHANGE( DBGrid::OnCellChange )
48 EVT_MENU(GRID_EDIT,DBGrid::OnModusEdit)
49 EVT_MENU(GRID_BROWSE,DBGrid::OnModusBrowse)
51 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
52 // wxListCtrl(parent, id, pos, size, style)
53 // wxGrid(parent,-1,wxPoint( 0, 0 ), wxSize( 400, 300 ) );
54 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
55 // DBGrid
56 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
57 // DBGrid::DBGrid(wxWindow *parent, const wxWindowID id,const wxPoint& pos,const wxSize& size):
58 // wxGrid(parent, id, pos, size)
59 DBGrid::DBGrid(wxWindow *parent, const wxWindowID id,const wxPoint& pos,const wxSize& size, long style):
60 wxGrid(parent, id, pos, size, style)
61 {
62 f_Temp = new wxFont(10,wxSWISS,wxNORMAL,wxBOLD,FALSE,"Comic Sans MS");
63 wxPanel::SetFont(* f_Temp);
64 b_EditModus = TRUE;
65 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
66 popupMenu1 = new wxMenu("");
67 popupMenu1->Append(GRID_EDIT, _("Edit Modus"));
68 popupMenu2 = new wxMenu("");
69 popupMenu2->Append(GRID_BROWSE, _("Browse Modus"));
70 }
71 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
72 DBGrid::~DBGrid()
73 {
74 }
75 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
76 int DBGrid::OnTableView(wxString Table)
77 {
78 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
79 int i=0,x,y,z, ValidTable=0;
80 wxString Temp0;
81 SetLabelFont(* f_Temp);
82 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
83 ct_BrowserDB = (db_Br+i_Which)->ct_BrowserDB; // Get the DSN Pointer
84 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
85 if (ct_BrowserDB) // Valid pointer (!= NULL) ?
86 { // Pointer is Valid, use the wxDatabase Information
87 for (x=0;x<ct_BrowserDB->numTables;x++) // go through the Tables
88 {
89 if (!wxStrcmp((ct_BrowserDB->pTableInf+x)->tableName,Table)) // is this our Table ?
90 { // Yes, the Data of this Table shall be put into the Grid
91 ValidTable = x; // Save the Tablenumber
92 (db_Br+i_Which)->OnSelect(Table,FALSE); // Select * from "table"
93 // Set the local Pointer to the Column Information we are going to use
94 (db_Br+i_Which)->cl_BrowserDB = (ct_BrowserDB->pTableInf+x)->pColInf;
95 if ((ct_BrowserDB->pTableInf+x)->pColInf) // Valid pointer (!= NULL) ?
96 { // Pointer is Valid, Column Informationen sind Vorhanden
97 i = (db_Br+i_Which)->i_Records; // How many Records are there
98 (db_Br+i_Which)->i_Which = ValidTable; // Still used ???? mj10777
99 if (i == 0) // If the Table is empty, then show one empty row
100 i++;
101 CreateGrid(i,(ct_BrowserDB->pTableInf+x)->numCols); // Records , Columns
102 for (y=0;y<(ct_BrowserDB->pTableInf+x)->numCols;y++) // Loop through the Fields
103 { // The Field / Column name is used here as Row Titel
104 SetColLabelValue(y,((ct_BrowserDB->pTableInf+x)->pColInf+y)->colName);
105 SetColSize(y,95);
106 } // for (y=0;y<(ct_BrowserDB->pTableInf+x)->numCols;y++)
107 SetColSize(((ct_BrowserDB->pTableInf+x)->numCols-1),120); // Make the last Column Wider
108 // The Grid has been created, now fill it
109 for (z=0;z<(db_Br+i_Which)->i_Records;z++) // Loop through the Records
110 {
111 Temp0.Printf("%06d",z+1); SetRowLabelValue(z,Temp0); // Set Row Lable Value
112 (db_Br+i_Which)->OnGetNext((ct_BrowserDB->pTableInf+ValidTable)->numCols,FALSE);
113 for (y=0;y<(ct_BrowserDB->pTableInf+ValidTable)->numCols;y++) // Loop through the Fields
114 { // BrowserDB::OnGetNext Formats the field Value into tablename
115 SetCellValue(z, y,((db_Br+i_Which)->cl_BrowserDB+y)->tableName);
116 }
117 if (z % 50 == 0)
118 {
119 Temp0.Printf(_("-I-> DBGrid::OnTableView(%s) - Record %6d has been read."),Table.c_str(),z);
120 pDoc->p_MainFrame->SetStatusText(Temp0, 0);
121 }
122 } // for (z=0;z<(db_Br+i_Which)->i_Records;z++)
123 Temp0.Printf(_("-I-> DBGrid::OnTableView(%s) - %6d Records have been read."),Table.c_str(),z);
124 pDoc->p_MainFrame->SetStatusText(Temp0, 0);
125 // The Grid has been filled, now leave
126 goto Weiter;
127 } // if ((ct_BrowserDB->pTableInf+x)->pColInf)
128 else
129 wxLogMessage(_("\n-E-> DBGrid::OnTableView():: Invalid Column Pointer : Failed"));
130 } // if ((ct_BrowserDB->pTableInf+x)->tableType == "TABLE")
131 } // for (x=0;x<ct_BrowserDB->numTables;x++)
132 } // if (ct_BrowserDB)
133 else
134 wxLogMessage(_("\n-E-> DBGrid::OnTableView():: Invalid DSN Pointer : Failed"));
135 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
136 Weiter:
137 SetEditInPlace(b_EditModus); // Activate in-place Editing (FALSE)
138 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
139 wxLogMessage(_("-I-> DBGrid::OnTableView() - End"));
140 return 0;
141 }
142 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
143 void DBGrid::OnModusEdit(wxMenu& menu, wxCommandEvent& event)
144 {
145 b_EditModus = TRUE; // Needed by PopupMenu
146 SetEditable(FALSE); // Do not Edit with Text Edit Control
147 SetEditInPlace(b_EditModus); // Deactivate in-place Editing
148 UpdateDimensions(); // Redraw the Grid
149 }
150 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
151 void DBGrid::OnModusBrowse(wxMenu& menu, wxCommandEvent& event)
152 {
153 b_EditModus = FALSE; // Needed by PopupMenu
154 SetEditInPlace(b_EditModus); // Deactivate in-place Editing
155 UpdateDimensions(); // Redraw the Grid
156 }
157 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
158 void DBGrid::OnMouseMove(wxMouseEvent &event)
159 {
160 MousePos = event.GetPosition();
161 }
162 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
163 void DBGrid::OnLabelLeftClick( wxGridEvent& ev )
164 {
165 logBuf = "DBGrid::OnLabelLeftClick : ";
166 if ( ev.GetRow() != -1 )
167 {
168 logBuf << "row label " << ev.GetRow();
169 }
170 else if ( ev.GetCol() != -1 )
171 {
172 logBuf << "col label " << ev.GetCol();
173 }
174 else
175 {
176 logBuf << "corner label";
177 }
178 if ( ev.ShiftDown() )
179 logBuf << " (shift down)";
180 // wxLogMessage( "%s", logBuf.c_str() );
181 logBuf += "\n";
182 wxLogMessage(logBuf.c_str());
183 ev.Skip();
184 }
185 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
186 void DBGrid::OnLabelRightClick( wxGridEvent& ev )
187 {
188 //-------------------
189 if (b_EditModus)
190 PopupMenu(popupMenu2,MousePos.x,MousePos.y);
191 else
192 PopupMenu(popupMenu1,MousePos.x,MousePos.y);
193 //-------------------
194 logBuf = "DBGrid::OnLabelRightClick : ";
195 if ( ev.GetRow() != -1 )
196 {
197 logBuf << "row label " << ev.GetRow();
198 }
199 else if ( ev.GetCol() != -1 )
200 {
201 logBuf << "col label " << ev.GetCol();
202 }
203 else
204 {
205 logBuf << "corner label";
206 }
207 if ( ev.ShiftDown() )
208 logBuf << " (shift down)";
209 // wxLogMessage( "%s", logBuf.c_str() );
210 logBuf += "\n";
211 wxLogMessage(logBuf.c_str());
212 ev.Skip();
213 }
214 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
215 void DBGrid::OnLabelLeftDClick( wxGridEvent& ev )
216 {
217 logBuf = "DBGrid::OnLabelLeftDClick : ";
218 if ( ev.GetRow() != -1 )
219 {
220 logBuf << "row label " << ev.GetRow();
221 }
222 else if ( ev.GetCol() != -1 )
223 {
224 logBuf << "col label " << ev.GetCol();
225 }
226 else
227 {
228 logBuf << "corner label";
229 }
230 if ( ev.ShiftDown() )
231 logBuf << " (shift down)";
232 // wxLogMessage( "%s", logBuf.c_str() );
233 logBuf += "\n";
234 wxLogMessage(logBuf.c_str());
235 ev.Skip();
236 }
237 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
238 void DBGrid::OnLabelRightDClick( wxGridEvent& ev )
239 {
240 logBuf = "DBGrid::OnLabelRightDClick : ";
241 if ( ev.GetRow() != -1 )
242 {
243 logBuf << "row label " << ev.GetRow();
244 }
245 else if ( ev.GetCol() != -1 )
246 {
247 logBuf << "col label " << ev.GetCol();
248 }
249 else
250 {
251 logBuf << "corner label";
252 }
253 if ( ev.ShiftDown() )
254 logBuf << " (shift down)";
255 // wxLogMessage( "%s", logBuf.c_str() );
256 logBuf += "\n";
257 wxLogMessage(logBuf.c_str());
258 ev.Skip();
259 }
260 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
261 void DBGrid::OnCellLeftClick( wxGridEvent& ev )
262 {
263 logBuf = "DBGrid::OnCellLeftClick : ";
264 logBuf << "Cell at row " << ev.GetRow()
265 << " col " << ev.GetCol();
266 // wxLogMessage( "%s", logBuf.c_str() );
267 // wxMessageBox(logBuf);
268 logBuf += "\n";
269 wxLogMessage(logBuf.c_str());
270 // you must call event skip if you want default grid processing
271 // (cell highlighting etc.)
272 //
273 ev.Skip();
274 }
275 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
276 void DBGrid::OnCellRightClick( wxGridEvent& ev )
277 {
278 logBuf = "DBGrid::OnCellRightClick : ";
279 logBuf << "Cell at row " << ev.GetRow()
280 << " col " << ev.GetCol();
281 // wxLogMessage( "%s", logBuf.c_str() );
282 // wxMessageBox(logBuf);
283 logBuf += "\n";
284 wxLogMessage(logBuf.c_str());
285 // you must call event skip if you want default grid processing
286 // (cell highlighting etc.)
287 //
288 ev.Skip();
289 }
290 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
291 void DBGrid::OnCellLeftDClick( wxGridEvent& ev )
292 {
293 logBuf = "DBGrid::OnCellLeftDClick : ";
294 logBuf << "Cell at row " << ev.GetRow()
295 << " col " << ev.GetCol();
296 // wxLogMessage( "%s", logBuf.c_str() );
297 // wxMessageBox(logBuf);
298 logBuf += "\n";
299 wxLogMessage(logBuf.c_str());
300 // you must call event skip if you want default grid processing
301 // (cell highlighting etc.)
302 //
303 ev.Skip();
304 }
305 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
306 void DBGrid::OnCellRightDClick( wxGridEvent& ev )
307 {
308 logBuf = "DBGrid::OnCellRightDClick : ";
309 logBuf << "Cell at row " << ev.GetRow()
310 << " col " << ev.GetCol();
311 // wxLogMessage( "%s", logBuf.c_str() );
312 // wxMessageBox(logBuf);
313 logBuf += "\n";
314 wxLogMessage(logBuf.c_str());
315 // you must call event skip if you want default grid processing
316 // (cell highlighting etc.)
317 //
318 ev.Skip();
319 }
320 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
321 void DBGrid::OnCellChange( wxGridEvent& ev )
322 {
323 logBuf = "DBGrid::OnCellChange : ";
324 logBuf << "Cell at row " << ev.GetRow()
325 << " col " << ev.GetCol();
326 // wxLogMessage( "%s", logBuf.c_str() );
327 // wxMessageBox(logBuf);
328 logBuf += "\n";
329 wxLogMessage(logBuf.c_str());
330 // you must call event skip if you want default grid processing
331 // (cell highlighting etc.)
332 //
333 ev.Skip();
334 }
335 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
336 void DBGrid::OnRowSize( wxGridSizeEvent& ev )
337 {
338 logBuf = "DBGrid::OnRowSize : ";
339 logBuf << "Resized row " << ev.GetRowOrCol();
340 // wxLogMessage( "%s", logBuf.c_str() );
341 logBuf += "\n";
342 wxLogMessage(logBuf.c_str());
343 ev.Skip();
344 }
345 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
346 void DBGrid::OnColSize( wxGridSizeEvent& ev )
347 {
348 logBuf = "DBGrid::OnColSize : ";
349 logBuf << "Resized col " << ev.GetRowOrCol();
350 // wxLogMessage( "%s", logBuf.c_str() );
351 logBuf += "\n";
352 wxLogMessage(logBuf.c_str());
354 ev.Skip();
355 }
356 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
357 void DBGrid::OnRangeSelected( wxGridRangeSelectEvent& ev )
358 {
359 logBuf = "DBGrid::OnRangeSelected : ";
360 logBuf << "Selected cells from row " << ev.GetTopRow()
361 << " col " << ev.GetLeftCol()
362 << " to row " << ev.GetBottomRow()
363 << " col " << ev.GetRightCol();
365 logBuf += "\n";
366 // wxLogMessage( "%s", logBuf.c_str() );
367 wxLogMessage(logBuf.c_str());
369 ev.Skip();
370 }
371 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------