1 #!#############################################################################
3 #! Purpose: tmake template file from which the VC++ 6.0 project file for
4 #! building wxWindows applications are generated by running
5 #! tmake -t vc6lib wxwin.pro -o wxvc.dsp
6 #! you may select the configurations to include into the generated
7 #! project file by setting WXCONFIGS tag, i.e.:
8 #! tmake ... 'WXCONFIGS += DebugUnicode ReleaseUnicode'
9 #! tmake ... 'WXCONFIGS = *'
10 #! (in the last example all configurations will be included)
11 #! Author: Vadim Zeitlin
14 #!#############################################################################
16 #! what kind of app are we building - this is used as prefix for the build
20 if ( Config("wxbase") || Config("wxuniv") ) {
21 Project('CONFIG += wx');
23 if ( Config("wx") && !Config("wxbase") ) {
24 Project('CONFIG += windows');
27 if ( Config("wxnodir") ) {
28 #! hard code relative paths
32 #! VC 6.0 supports env vars in include path
36 AddIncludePath("$WXDIR\\include");
39 #! let's be smart: if no extension is given, add .lib (this allows for
40 #! LIBS=libname in project files which map either to -l libname.lib under
41 #! Windows or to -llibname under Unix).
42 @libs = split(/\s+/, Project('LIBS'));
43 foreach $lib (@libs) {
44 if ( $lib !~ "\.lib\$" ) { $lib .= ".lib"; }
45 Project('TMAKE_LIBS *= ' . $lib);
48 if ( Config("windows") ) {
49 $project{"VC_PROJ_TYPE"} = 'Win32 (x86) Application';
50 $project{"VC_PROJ_CODE"} = '0x0101';
51 $vc_base_libs = 'kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib ' .
52 'comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib ' .
53 'oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib ';
55 $vc_base_libs .= "comctl32.lib rpcrt4.lib wsock32.lib ";
57 $vc_link_release .= '/nologo /subsystem:windows /machine:I386';
58 $vc_link_debug .= '/nologo /subsystem:windows /debug /machine:I386 /pdbtype:sept';
60 $vc_cpp_def_common = '/D "WIN32" /D "_WINDOWS" /D WINVER=0x400 ';
62 $project{"VC_PROJ_TYPE"} = 'Win32 (x86) Console Application';
63 $project{"VC_PROJ_CODE"} = '0x0103';
64 $vc_base_libs = 'kernel32.lib user32.lib advapi32.lib ';
66 $vc_base_libs .= 'wsock32.lib ';
68 $vc_link_release .= '/nologo /subsystem:console /machine:I386';
69 $vc_link_debug .= '/nologo /subsystem:console /debug /machine:I386 /pdbtype:sept';
71 $vc_cpp_def_common = '/D "WIN32" /D "_CONSOLE" ';
74 $vc_cpp_def_release = '/D "NDEBUG" ' . $vc_cpp_def_common;
75 $vc_cpp_def_debug = '/D "_DEBUG" ' . $vc_cpp_def_common;
77 foreach ( split(/ /, Project('LIBPATH')) ) {
78 $vc_link_release .= " /libpath:$_\\Release";
79 $vc_link_debug .= " /libpath:$_\\Debug";
83 if ( !Project('WXCONFIGS') ) {
85 Project('WXCONFIGS = Debug Release DebugDll ReleaseDll');
87 elsif ( Project('WXCONFIGS') == '*' ) {
88 #! special value: generate all configs
89 Project('WXCONFIGS = Debug Release DebugDll ReleaseDll DebugUnicode ReleaseUnicode DebugUnicodeDll ReleaseUnicodeDll');
92 #! we must use !IF the first time but !ELSEIF the subsequent ones
93 Project('__IF = !IF');
95 if ( Config("wxbase") ) {
99 elsif ( Config("wxuniv") ) {
107 $WX_BASENAME = "$WXDIR\\lib\\wx$TOOLKIT";
108 $UNICODE_SUFFIX = "u";
111 #! compiler options: for the given configuration they are just obrained
112 #! by concatenating together all relevant values from the list below
113 $project{"WX_CPP_DEBUG"} = '/MDd /D "__WXDEBUG__" /D "WXDEBUG=1" ';
114 $project{"WX_CPP_RELEASE"} = '/MD ';
115 $project{"WX_CPP_UNICODE"} = '/D _UNICODE /D UNICODE ';
116 $project{"WX_CPP_DLL"} = '/D WXUSINGDLL ';
118 #! ... plus the config-dependent path to setup.h
119 $project{"WX_SETUPH_DEBUG"} = "/I$WXDIR\\lib\\$TOOLKIT$DEBUG_SUFFIX ";
120 $project{"WX_SETUPH_RELEASE"} = "/I$WXDIR\\lib\\$TOOLKIT ";
122 $project{"WX_SETUPH_RELEASE_DLL"} = "/I$WXDIR\\lib\\$TOOLKIT$DLL ";
128 #! the libraries we must link with when linking against static wxWin
129 #! library (DLL already includes all needed libs)
131 #! FIXME: actually this should depend on the contents of setup.h!
132 $EXTRA_LIBS="zlib regex";
133 if ( !Config("wxbase") ) {
134 $EXTRA_LIBS.=" png jpeg tiff";
136 foreach ( split(/ /, $EXTRA_LIBS) ) {
137 $RELEASE_EXTRA_LIBS .= "$WXDIR\\lib\\$_.lib ";
138 $DEBUG_EXTRA_LIBS .= "$WXDIR\\lib\\$_" . "d.lib ";
141 #! the wxWin lib name itself is composed from the basename with various
142 #! suffixes: 'u' for Unicode, 'd' for debug and we also need the version
144 $DLL_VERSION = "232";
156 $project{"VC_BASE_LINK_RELEASE"} = $vc_base_libs . $vc_link_release;
157 $project{"VC_BASE_LINK_DEBUG"} = $vc_base_libs . $vc_link_debug;
158 $tmake_libs = Project('TMAKE_LIBS') ? (Project('TMAKE_LIBS') . " ") : "";
159 $project{"VC_LINK_RELEASE"} = $vc_base_libs . $tmake_libs . $vc_link_release;
160 $project{"VC_LINK_DEBUG"} = $vc_base_libs . $tmake_libs . $vc_link_debug;
162 $vc_cpp_opt_common1 = '/nologo /W4 ';
164 $vc_cpp_opt_release = $vc_cpp_opt_common1 . '/O2 ';
165 $vc_cpp_opt_debug = $vc_cpp_opt_common1 . '/Zi /Od ';
166 $vc_cpp_opt_common = '/YX /FD /c';
167 $project{"VC_BASE_CPP_RELEASE"} = $vc_cpp_opt_release . $vc_cpp_def_release . $vc_cpp_opt_common;
168 $project{"VC_BASE_CPP_DEBUG"} = $vc_cpp_opt_debug . $vc_cpp_def_debug . $vc_cpp_opt_common;
169 ExpandGlue("INCPATH",'/I "','" /I "','"');
170 if ( $text ne "" ) { $vc_inc = $text . " "; $text = ""; } else { $vc_inc = ""; }
171 ExpandGlue("DEFINES",'/D "','" /D "','"');
172 if ( $text ne "" ) { $vc_def = $text . " "; $text = ""; } else { $vc_def = ""; }
173 if ( Config("wx") ) {
174 #! define wxWindows compilation flags
175 $vc_def .= '/D WIN32 /D WINVER=0x400 /D _MT ';
177 if ( Config("wxbase") ) {
178 $vc_def .= '/D wxUSE_GUI=0 ';
181 $vc_def .= '/D wxUSE_GUI=1 ';
183 if ( Config("wxuniv") ) {
184 $vc_def .= '/D "__WXUNIVERSAL__" ';
190 $vc_inc_release = "";
193 $project{"VC_CPP_INCLUDE"} = $vc_inc;
194 $project{"VC_CPP_RELEASE"} = $vc_cpp_opt_release . $vc_inc . $vc_inc_release . $vc_cpp_def_release . $vc_def . $vc_cpp_opt_common;
195 $project{"VC_CPP_DEBUG"} = $vc_cpp_opt_debug . $vc_inc . $vc_inc_debug . $vc_cpp_def_debug . $vc_def . $vc_cpp_opt_common;
197 if ( Project('RES_FILE') ) {
198 tmake_error(".res files are not supported, use .rc.");
201 $project{"MAKEFILE"} = $project{"PROJECT"} . ".mak";
202 $project{"TARGETAPP"} = $project{"TARGET"} . ".exe";
204 foreach ( split(/\s/,Project('TMAKE_FILETAGS')) ) {
205 $project{$_} =~ s-/-\\-g;
208 if ( defined($project{"DESTDIR"}) ) {
209 $project{"TARGETAPP"} = $project{"DESTDIR"} . "\\" . $project{"TARGETAPP"};
210 $project{"TARGETAPP"} =~ s/\\+/\\/g;
213 @files = split(/\s+/,$project{"HEADERS"});
214 foreach ( @files ) { $all_files{$_} = "h" };
215 @files = split(/\s+/,$project{"SOURCES"});
216 foreach ( @files ) { $all_files{$_} = "s" };
217 @files = split(/\s+/,$project{"RC_FILE"});
218 foreach ( @files ) { $all_files{$_} = "r" };
221 foreach $f ( %all_files ) {
224 $file_names{$n} = $f;
225 $file_path{$n} = ".\\" . $f;
226 $file_path2{$n} = (($f =~ /^\./) ? "" : ".\\") . $f;
230 # Microsoft Developer Studio Project File - #$ Substitute('Name="$$TARGET" - Package Owner=<4>');
231 # Microsoft Developer Studio Generated Build File, Format Version 6.00
234 # TARGTYPE #$ Substitute('"$$VC_PROJ_TYPE" $$VC_PROJ_CODE');
236 CFG=#$ Substitute('$$TARGET - Win32 Debug');
237 !MESSAGE This is not a valid makefile. To build this project using NMAKE,
238 !MESSAGE use the Export Makefile command and run
240 !MESSAGE NMAKE /f "#$ ExpandGlue('MAKEFILE','','','".');
242 !MESSAGE You can specify a configuration when running NMAKE
243 !MESSAGE by defining the macro CFG on the command line. For example:
245 !MESSAGE NMAKE /f #$ Substitute('"$$MAKEFILE" CFG="$$TARGET - Win32 Debug"');
247 !MESSAGE Possible choices for configuration are:
249 #$ Project('WXCONFIGS') =~ '\bReleaseUnicodeDll\b' || DisableOutput()
250 !MESSAGE #$ Substitute('"$$TARGET - Win32 Release Unicode DLL" (based on "$$VC_PROJ_TYPE")');
251 #$ Project('WXCONFIGS') =~ '\bReleaseUnicodeDll\b' || EnableOutput()
252 #$ Project('WXCONFIGS') =~ '\bDebugUnicodeDll\b' || DisableOutput()
253 !MESSAGE #$ Substitute('"$$TARGET - Win32 Debug Unicode DLL" (based on "$$VC_PROJ_TYPE")');
254 #$ Project('WXCONFIGS') =~ '\bDebugUnicodeDll\b' || EnableOutput()
255 #$ Project('WXCONFIGS') =~ '\bUnicodeDll\b' || DisableOutput()
256 !MESSAGE #$ Substitute('"$$TARGET - Win32 Release Unicode" (based on "$$VC_PROJ_TYPE")');
257 #$ Project('WXCONFIGS') =~ '\bUnicodeDll\b' || EnableOutput()
258 #$ Project('WXCONFIGS') =~ '\bDebugUnicode\b' || DisableOutput()
259 !MESSAGE #$ Substitute('"$$TARGET - Win32 Debug Unicode" (based on "$$VC_PROJ_TYPE")');
260 #$ Project('WXCONFIGS') =~ '\bDebugUnicode\b' || EnableOutput()
261 #$ Project('WXCONFIGS') =~ '\bReleaseDll\b' || DisableOutput()
262 !MESSAGE #$ Substitute('"$$TARGET - Win32 Release DLL" (based on "$$VC_PROJ_TYPE")');
263 #$ Project('WXCONFIGS') =~ '\bReleaseDll\b' || EnableOutput()
264 #$ Project('WXCONFIGS') =~ '\bDebugDll\b' || DisableOutput()
265 !MESSAGE #$ Substitute('"$$TARGET - Win32 Debug DLL" (based on "$$VC_PROJ_TYPE")');
266 #$ Project('WXCONFIGS') =~ '\bDebugDll\b' || EnableOutput()
267 #$ Project('WXCONFIGS') =~ '\bRelease\b' || DisableOutput()
268 !MESSAGE #$ Substitute('"$$TARGET - Win32 Release" (based on "$$VC_PROJ_TYPE")');
269 #$ Project('WXCONFIGS') =~ '\bRelease\b' || EnableOutput()
270 #$ Project('WXCONFIGS') =~ '\bDebug\b' || DisableOutput()
271 !MESSAGE #$ Substitute('"$$TARGET - Win32 Debug" (based on "$$VC_PROJ_TYPE")');
272 #$ Project('WXCONFIGS') =~ '\bDebug\b' || EnableOutput()
276 # PROP Scc_ProjName ""
277 # PROP Scc_LocalPath ""
279 #$ Config("windows") && ($text='MTL=midl.exe');
282 #$ if ( Project('WXCONFIGS') !~ '\bReleaseUnicodeDll\b' ) { Project('__IF = !ELSEIF'); DisableOutput() };
283 #$ Substitute('$$__IF "$(CFG)" == "$$TARGET - Win32 Release Unicode DLL"');
285 # PROP BASE Use_MFC 0
286 # PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 0
287 # PROP BASE Output_Dir #$ $text = "\"${KIND}ReleaseUnicodeDll\""
288 # PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir #$ $text = "\"${KIND}ReleaseUnicodeDll\""
289 # PROP BASE Target_Dir ""
291 # PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 0
292 # PROP Output_Dir #$ $text = "\"${KIND}ReleaseUnicodeDll\""
293 # PROP Intermediate_Dir #$ $text = "\"${KIND}ReleaseUnicodeDll\""
294 #$ Config("windows") && ($text='# PROP Ignore_Export_Lib 0');
297 # ADD CPP #$ $text = "$project{'VC_CPP_RELEASE'} $project{'WX_CPP_RELEASE'} $project{'WX_CPP_DLL'} $project{'WX_CPP_UNICODE'} $project{'WX_SETUPH_RELEASE_UNICODE_DLL'}";
298 #$ Config("windows") || DisableOutput();
299 # ADD BASE MTL /nologo /D "NDEBUG" /mktyplib203 /o NUL /win32
300 # ADD MTL /nologo /D "NDEBUG" /mktyplib203 /o NUL /win32
301 #$ Config("windows") || EnableOutput();
302 # ADD BASE RSC /l 0x409 /d "NDEBUG" #$ Expand("VC_CPP_INCLUDE");
303 # ADD RSC /l 0x409 /d "NDEBUG" #$ Expand("VC_CPP_INCLUDE");
305 # ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo
309 # ADD LINK32 #$ $text = "$project{'VC_LINK_RELEASE'} $project{'WX_LINK_RELEASE_UNICODE_DLL'}";
311 #$ Project('WXCONFIGS') =~ '\bReleaseUnicodeDll\b' || EnableOutput()
312 #$ if ( Project('WXCONFIGS') !~ '\bDebugUnicodeDll\b' ) { Project('__IF = !ELSEIF'); DisableOutput() };
313 #$ Substitute(' $$__IF "$(CFG)" == "$$TARGET - Win32 Debug Unicode DLL"');
315 # PROP BASE Use_MFC 0
316 # PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 1
317 # PROP BASE Output_Dir #$ $text = "\"${KIND}DebugUnicodeDll\""
318 # PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir #$ $text = "\"${KIND}DebugUnicodeDll\""
319 # PROP BASE Target_Dir ""
321 # PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 1
322 # PROP Output_Dir #$ $text = "\"${KIND}DebugUnicodeDll\""
323 # PROP Intermediate_Dir #$ $text = "\"${KIND}DebugUnicodeDll\""
324 #$ Config("windows") && ($text='# PROP Ignore_Export_Lib 0');
326 # ADD BASE CPP #$ Expand("VC_BASE_CPP_DEBUG");
327 # ADD CPP #$ $text = "$project{'VC_CPP_DEBUG'} $project{'WX_CPP_DEBUG'} $project{'WX_CPP_DLL'} $project{'WX_CPP_UNICODE'} $project{'WX_SETUPH_DEBUG_UNICODE_DLL'}";
328 #$ Config("windows") || DisableOutput();
329 # ADD BASE MTL /nologo /D "_DEBUG" /mktyplib203 /o NUL /win32
330 # ADD MTL /nologo /D "_DEBUG" /mktyplib203 /o NUL /win32
331 #$ Config("windows") || EnableOutput();
332 # ADD BASE RSC /l 0x409 /d "_DEBUG" #$ Expand("VC_CPP_INCLUDE");
333 # ADD RSC /l 0x409 /d "_DEBUG" #$ Expand("VC_CPP_INCLUDE");
335 # ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo
338 # ADD BASE LINK32 #$ Expand("VC_BASE_LINK_DEBUG");
339 # ADD LINK32 #$ $text = "$project{'VC_LINK_DEBUG'} $project{'WX_LINK_DEBUG_UNICODE_DLL'}";
341 #$ Project('WXCONFIGS') =~ '\bDebugUnicodeDll\b' || EnableOutput()
342 #$ if ( Project('WXCONFIGS') !~ '\bReleaseUnicode\b' ) { Project('__IF = !ELSEIF'); DisableOutput() };
343 #$ Substitute(' $$__IF "$(CFG)" == "$$TARGET - Win32 Release Unicode"');
345 # PROP BASE Use_MFC 0
346 # PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 0
347 # PROP BASE Output_Dir #$ $text = "\"${KIND}ReleaseUnicode\""
348 # PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir #$ $text = "\"${KIND}ReleaseUnicode\""
349 # PROP BASE Target_Dir ""
351 # PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 0
352 # PROP Output_Dir #$ $text = "\"${KIND}ReleaseUnicode\""
353 # PROP Intermediate_Dir #$ $text = "\"${KIND}ReleaseUnicode\""
354 #$ Config("windows") && ($text='# PROP Ignore_Export_Lib 0');
357 # ADD CPP #$ $text = "$project{'VC_CPP_RELEASE'} $project{'WX_CPP_RELEASE'} $project{'WX_CPP_UNICODE'} $project{'WX_SETUPH_RELEASE_UNICODE'}";
358 #$ Config("windows") || DisableOutput();
359 # ADD BASE MTL /nologo /D "NDEBUG" /mktyplib203 /o NUL /win32
360 # ADD MTL /nologo /D "NDEBUG" /mktyplib203 /o NUL /win32
361 #$ Config("windows") || EnableOutput();
362 # ADD BASE RSC /l 0x409 /d "NDEBUG" #$ Expand("VC_CPP_INCLUDE");
363 # ADD RSC /l 0x409 /d "NDEBUG" #$ Expand("VC_CPP_INCLUDE");
365 # ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo
369 # ADD LINK32 #$ $text = "$project{'VC_LINK_RELEASE'} $project{'WX_LINK_RELEASE_UNICODE'}";
371 #$ Project('WXCONFIGS') =~ '\bReleaseUnicode\b' || EnableOutput()
372 #$ if ( Project('WXCONFIGS') !~ '\bDebugUnicode\b' ) { Project('__IF = !ELSEIF'); DisableOutput() };
373 #$ Substitute(' $$__IF "$(CFG)" == "$$TARGET - Win32 Debug Unicode"');
375 # PROP BASE Use_MFC 0
376 # PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 1
377 # PROP BASE Output_Dir #$ $text = "\"${KIND}DebugUnicode\""
378 # PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir #$ $text = "\"${KIND}DebugUnicode\""
379 # PROP BASE Target_Dir ""
381 # PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 1
382 # PROP Output_Dir #$ $text = "\"${KIND}DebugUnicode\""
383 # PROP Intermediate_Dir #$ $text = "\"${KIND}DebugUnicode\""
384 #$ Config("windows") && ($text='# PROP Ignore_Export_Lib 0');
386 # ADD BASE CPP #$ Expand("VC_BASE_CPP_DEBUG");
387 # ADD CPP #$ $text = "$project{'VC_CPP_DEBUG'} $project{'WX_CPP_DEBUG'} $project{'WX_CPP_UNICODE'} $project{'WX_SETUPH_DEBUG_UNICODE'}";
388 #$ Config("windows") || DisableOutput();
389 # ADD BASE MTL /nologo /D "_DEBUG" /mktyplib203 /o NUL /win32
390 # ADD MTL /nologo /D "_DEBUG" /mktyplib203 /o NUL /win32
391 #$ Config("windows") || EnableOutput();
392 # ADD BASE RSC /l 0x409 /d "_DEBUG" #$ Expand("VC_CPP_INCLUDE");
393 # ADD RSC /l 0x409 /d "_DEBUG" #$ Expand("VC_CPP_INCLUDE");
395 # ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo
398 # ADD BASE LINK32 #$ Expand("VC_BASE_LINK_DEBUG");
399 # ADD LINK32 #$ $text = "$project{'VC_LINK_DEBUG'} $project{'WX_LINK_DEBUG_UNICODE'}";
401 #$ Project('WXCONFIGS') =~ '\bDebugUnicode\b' || EnableOutput()
402 #$ if ( Project('WXCONFIGS') !~ '\bReleaseDll\b' ) { Project('__IF = !ELSEIF'); DisableOutput() };
403 #$ Substitute(' $$__IF "$(CFG)" == "$$TARGET - Win32 Release DLL"');
405 # PROP BASE Use_MFC 0
406 # PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 0
407 # PROP BASE Output_Dir #$ $text = "\"${KIND}ReleaseDll\""
408 # PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir #$ $text = "\"${KIND}ReleaseDll\""
409 # PROP BASE Target_Dir ""
411 # PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 0
412 # PROP Output_Dir #$ $text = "\"${KIND}ReleaseDll\""
413 # PROP Intermediate_Dir #$ $text = "\"${KIND}ReleaseDll\""
414 #$ Config("windows") && ($text='# PROP Ignore_Export_Lib 0');
417 # ADD CPP #$ $text = "$project{'VC_CPP_RELEASE'} $project{'WX_CPP_RELEASE'} $project{'WX_CPP_DLL'} $project{'WX_SETUPH_RELEASE_DLL'}";
418 #$ Config("windows") || DisableOutput();
419 # ADD BASE MTL /nologo /D "NDEBUG" /mktyplib203 /o NUL /win32
420 # ADD MTL /nologo /D "NDEBUG" /mktyplib203 /o NUL /win32
421 #$ Config("windows") || EnableOutput();
422 # ADD BASE RSC /l 0x409 /d "NDEBUG" #$ Expand("VC_CPP_INCLUDE");
423 # ADD RSC /l 0x409 /d "NDEBUG" #$ Expand("VC_CPP_INCLUDE");
425 # ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo
429 # ADD LINK32 #$ $text = "$project{'VC_LINK_RELEASE'} $project{'WX_LINK_RELEASE_DLL'}";
431 #$ Project('WXCONFIGS') =~ '\bReleaseDll\b' || EnableOutput()
432 #$ if ( Project('WXCONFIGS') !~ '\bDebugDll\b' ) { Project('__IF = !ELSEIF'); DisableOutput() };
433 #$ Substitute(' $$__IF "$(CFG)" == "$$TARGET - Win32 Debug DLL"');
435 # PROP BASE Use_MFC 0
436 # PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 1
437 # PROP BASE Output_Dir #$ $text = "\"${KIND}DebugDll\""
438 # PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir #$ $text = "\"${KIND}DebugDll\""
439 # PROP BASE Target_Dir ""
441 # PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 1
442 # PROP Output_Dir #$ $text = "\"${KIND}DebugDll\""
443 # PROP Intermediate_Dir #$ $text = "\"${KIND}DebugDll\""
444 #$ Config("windows") && ($text='# PROP Ignore_Export_Lib 0');
446 # ADD BASE CPP #$ Expand("VC_BASE_CPP_DEBUG");
447 # ADD CPP #$ $text = "$project{'VC_CPP_DEBUG'} $project{'WX_CPP_DEBUG'} $project{'WX_CPP_DLL'} $project{'WX_SETUPH_DEBUG_DLL'}";
448 #$ Config("windows") || DisableOutput();
449 # ADD BASE MTL /nologo /D "_DEBUG" /mktyplib203 /o NUL /win32
450 # ADD MTL /nologo /D "_DEBUG" /mktyplib203 /o NUL /win32
451 #$ Config("windows") || EnableOutput();
452 # ADD BASE RSC /l 0x409 /d "_DEBUG" #$ Expand("VC_CPP_INCLUDE");
453 # ADD RSC /l 0x409 /d "_DEBUG" #$ Expand("VC_CPP_INCLUDE");
455 # ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo
458 # ADD BASE LINK32 #$ Expand("VC_BASE_LINK_DEBUG");
459 # ADD LINK32 #$ $text = "$project{'VC_LINK_DEBUG'} $project{'WX_LINK_DEBUG_DLL'}";
461 #$ Project('WXCONFIGS') =~ '\bDebugDll\b' || EnableOutput()
462 #$ if ( Project('WXCONFIGS') !~ '\bRelease\b' ) { Project('__IF = !ELSEIF'); DisableOutput() };
463 #$ Substitute(' $$__IF "$(CFG)" == "$$TARGET - Win32 Release"');
465 # PROP BASE Use_MFC 0
466 # PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 0
467 # PROP BASE Output_Dir #$ $text = "\"${KIND}Release\""
468 # PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir #$ $text = "\"${KIND}Release\""
469 # PROP BASE Target_Dir ""
471 # PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 0
472 # PROP Output_Dir #$ $text = "\"${KIND}Release\""
473 # PROP Intermediate_Dir #$ $text = "\"${KIND}Release\""
474 #$ Config("windows") && ($text='# PROP Ignore_Export_Lib 0');
477 # ADD CPP #$ $text = "$project{'VC_CPP_RELEASE'} $project{'WX_CPP_RELEASE'} $project{'WX_SETUPH_RELEASE'}";
478 #$ Config("windows") || DisableOutput();
479 # ADD BASE MTL /nologo /D "NDEBUG" /mktyplib203 /o NUL /win32
480 # ADD MTL /nologo /D "NDEBUG" /mktyplib203 /o NUL /win32
481 #$ Config("windows") || EnableOutput();
482 # ADD BASE RSC /l 0x409 /d "NDEBUG" #$ Expand("VC_CPP_INCLUDE");
483 # ADD RSC /l 0x409 /d "NDEBUG" #$ Expand("VC_CPP_INCLUDE");
485 # ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo
489 # ADD LINK32 #$ $text = "$project{'VC_LINK_RELEASE'} $project{'WX_LINK_RELEASE'}";
491 #$ Project('WXCONFIGS') =~ '\bRelease\b' || EnableOutput()
492 #$ if ( Project('WXCONFIGS') !~ '\bDebug\b' ) { Project('__IF = !ELSEIF'); DisableOutput() };
493 #$ Substitute(' $$__IF "$(CFG)" == "$$TARGET - Win32 Debug"');
495 # PROP BASE Use_MFC 0
496 # PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 1
497 # PROP BASE Output_Dir #$ $text = "\"${KIND}Debug\""
498 # PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir #$ $text = "\"${KIND}Debug\""
499 # PROP BASE Target_Dir ""
501 # PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 1
502 # PROP Output_Dir #$ $text = "\"${KIND}Debug\""
503 # PROP Intermediate_Dir #$ $text = "\"${KIND}Debug\""
504 #$ Config("windows") && ($text='# PROP Ignore_Export_Lib 0');
506 # ADD BASE CPP #$ Expand("VC_BASE_CPP_DEBUG");
507 # ADD CPP #$ $text = "$project{'VC_CPP_DEBUG'} $project{'WX_CPP_DEBUG'} $project{'WX_SETUPH_DEBUG'}";
508 #$ Config("windows") || DisableOutput();
509 # ADD BASE MTL /nologo /D "_DEBUG" /mktyplib203 /o NUL /win32
510 # ADD MTL /nologo /D "_DEBUG" /mktyplib203 /o NUL /win32
511 #$ Config("windows") || EnableOutput();
512 # ADD BASE RSC /l 0x409 /d "_DEBUG" #$ Expand("VC_CPP_INCLUDE");
513 # ADD RSC /l 0x409 /d "_DEBUG" #$ Expand("VC_CPP_INCLUDE");
515 # ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo
518 # ADD BASE LINK32 #$ Expand("VC_BASE_LINK_DEBUG");
519 # ADD LINK32 #$ $text = "$project{'VC_LINK_DEBUG'} $project{'WX_LINK_DEBUG'}";
521 #$ Project('WXCONFIGS') =~ '\bDebug\b' || EnableOutput()
526 #$ Project('WXCONFIGS') =~ '\bReleaseUnicodeDll\b' || DisableOutput()
527 # Name #$ Substitute('"$$TARGET - Win32 Release Unicode DLL"');
528 #$ Project('WXCONFIGS') =~ '\bReleaseUnicodeDll\b' || EnableOutput()
529 #$ Project('WXCONFIGS') =~ '\bDebugUnicodeDll\b' || DisableOutput()
530 # Name #$ Substitute('"$$TARGET - Win32 Debug Unicode DLL"');
531 #$ Project('WXCONFIGS') =~ '\bDebugUnicodeDll\b' || EnableOutput()
532 #$ Project('WXCONFIGS') =~ '\bUnicodeDll\b' || DisableOutput()
533 # Name #$ Substitute('"$$TARGET - Win32 Release Unicode"');
534 #$ Project('WXCONFIGS') =~ '\bUnicodeDll\b' || EnableOutput()
535 #$ Project('WXCONFIGS') =~ '\bDebugUnicode\b' || DisableOutput()
536 # Name #$ Substitute('"$$TARGET - Win32 Debug Unicode"');
537 #$ Project('WXCONFIGS') =~ '\bDebugUnicode\b' || EnableOutput()
538 #$ Project('WXCONFIGS') =~ '\bReleaseDll\b' || DisableOutput()
539 # Name #$ Substitute('"$$TARGET - Win32 Release DLL"');
540 #$ Project('WXCONFIGS') =~ '\bReleaseDll\b' || EnableOutput()
541 #$ Project('WXCONFIGS') =~ '\bDebugDll\b' || DisableOutput()
542 # Name #$ Substitute('"$$TARGET - Win32 Debug DLL"');
543 #$ Project('WXCONFIGS') =~ '\bDebugDll\b' || EnableOutput()
544 #$ Project('WXCONFIGS') =~ '\bRelease\b' || DisableOutput()
545 # Name #$ Substitute('"$$TARGET - Win32 Release"');
546 #$ Project('WXCONFIGS') =~ '\bRelease\b' || EnableOutput()
547 #$ Project('WXCONFIGS') =~ '\bDebug\b' || DisableOutput()
548 # Name #$ Substitute('"$$TARGET - Win32 Debug"');
549 #$ Project('WXCONFIGS') =~ '\bDebug\b' || EnableOutput()
551 foreach $n ( sort keys %file_names ) {
552 $f = $file_names{$n};
555 if ( $t eq "s" || $t eq "h" || $t eq "r" ) {
556 $text .= "# Begin Source File\n\nSOURCE=$file_path{$n}\n";
557 $text .= "# End Source File\n";
564 #! vi: set sta ts=8 sw=4 noet nolist tw=0 ft=perl: