make wxStatusBarPane a 'full class' with getters and protected data; document it...
[wxWidgets.git] / interface / wx / statusbr.h
1 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 // Name: statusbr.h
3 // Purpose: interface of wxStatusBar
4 // Author: wxWidgets team
5 // RCS-ID: $Id$
6 // Licence: wxWindows license
7 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9 /**
10 @class wxStatusBarPane
12 A status bar pane data container used by wxStatusBar.
13 */
14 class wxStatusBarPane
15 {
16 public:
17 /**
18 Constructs the pane with the given @a style and @a width.
19 */
20 wxStatusBarPane(int style = wxSB_NORMAL, size_t width = 0);
22 /**
23 Returns the pane width; it maybe negative, indicating a variable-width field.
24 */
25 int GetWidth() const;
27 /**
28 Returns the pane style.
29 */
30 int GetStyle() const;
32 /**
33 Returns the stack of strings pushed on this pane.
35 Note that this stack does include also the string currently displayed in this pane
36 as the version stored in the native status bar control is possibly ellipsized.
38 Also note that GetStack().Last() is the top of the stack (i.e. the string shown
39 in the status bar).
40 */
41 const wxArrayString& GetStack() const
42 { return m_arrStack; }
43 };
45 /**
46 @class wxStatusBar
48 A status bar is a narrow window that can be placed along the bottom of a frame
49 to give small amounts of status information. It can contain one or more fields,
50 one or more of which can be variable length according to the size of the window.
52 @beginStyleTable
53 @style{wxST_SIZEGRIP}
54 Displays a gripper at the right-hand side of the status bar.
55 @endStyleTable
57 @remarks
58 It is possible to create controls and other windows on the status bar.
59 Position these windows from an OnSize() event handler.
61 @library{wxcore}
62 @category{miscwnd}
64 @see wxStatusBarPane, wxFrame, @ref page_samples_statbar
65 */
66 class wxStatusBar : public wxWindow
67 {
68 public:
69 /**
70 Default ctor.
71 */
72 wxStatusBar();
74 /**
75 Constructor, creating the window.
77 @param parent
78 The window parent, usually a frame.
79 @param id
80 The window identifier.
81 It may take a value of -1 to indicate a default value.
82 @param style
83 The window style. See wxStatusBar.
84 @param name
85 The name of the window. This parameter is used to associate a name with the
86 item, allowing the application user to set Motif resource values for
87 individual windows.
89 @see Create()
90 */
91 wxStatusBar(wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id = wxID_ANY,
92 long style = wxST_SIZEGRIP,
93 const wxString& name = wxStatusBarNameStr);
95 /**
96 Destructor.
97 */
98 virtual ~wxStatusBar();
100 /**
101 Creates the window, for two-step construction.
102 See wxStatusBar() for details.
103 */
104 bool Create(wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id = wxID_ANY,
105 long style = wxST_SIZEGRIP,
106 const wxString& name = wxStatusBarNameStr);
108 /**
109 Returns the size and position of a field's internal bounding rectangle.
111 @param i
112 The field in question.
113 @param rect
114 The rectangle values are placed in this variable.
116 @return @true if the field index is valid, @false otherwise.
118 @see wxRect
119 */
120 virtual bool GetFieldRect(int i, wxRect& rect) const;
122 /**
123 Returns the wxStatusBarPane representing the @a n-th field.
124 */
125 const wxStatusBarPane& GetField(int n) const
126 { return m_panes[n]; }
128 /**
129 Returns the string associated with a status bar field.
131 @param i
132 The number of the status field to retrieve, starting from zero.
134 @return The status field string if the field is valid, otherwise the
135 empty string.
137 @see SetStatusText()
138 */
139 virtual wxString GetStatusText(int i = 0) const;
141 /**
142 Returns the stack of strings pushed (see PushStatusText()) on the
143 @a n-th field.
145 See wxStatusBarPane::GetStack() for more info.
146 */
147 const wxArrayString& GetStatusStack(int n) const
148 { return m_panes[n].GetStack(); }
150 /**
151 Returns the width of the @a n-th field.
153 See wxStatusBarPane::GetWidth() for more info.
154 */
155 int GetStatusWidth(int n) const
156 { return m_panes[n].GetWidth(); }
158 /**
159 Returns the style of the @a n-th field.
161 See wxStatusBarPane::GetStyle() for more info.
162 */
163 int GetStatusStyle(int n) const
164 { return m_panes[n].GetStyle(); }
166 /**
167 Sets the field text to the top of the stack, and pops the stack of saved
168 strings.
170 @see PushStatusText()
171 */
172 void PopStatusText(int field = 0);
174 /**
175 Saves the current field text in a per field stack, and sets the field text
176 to the string passed as argument.
178 @see PopStatusText()
179 */
180 void PushStatusText(const wxString& string, int field = 0);
182 /**
183 Sets the number of fields, and optionally the field widths.
185 @param number
186 The number of fields. If this is greater than the previous number,
187 then new fields with empty strings will be added to the status bar.
188 @param widths
189 An array of n integers interpreted in the same way as
190 in SetStatusWidths().
191 */
192 virtual void SetFieldsCount(int number = 1, const int* widths = NULL);
194 /**
195 Sets the minimal possible height for the status bar.
197 The real height may be bigger than the height specified here depending
198 on the size of the font used by the status bar.
199 */
200 virtual void SetMinHeight(int height);
202 /**
203 Sets the styles of the fields in the status line which can make fields appear
204 flat or raised instead of the standard sunken 3D border.
206 @param n
207 The number of fields in the status bar. Must be equal to the
208 number passed to SetFieldsCount() the last time it was called.
209 @param styles
210 Contains an array of n integers with the styles for each field. There
211 are three possible styles:
212 - wxSB_NORMAL (default): The field appears sunken with a standard 3D border.
213 - wxSB_FLAT: No border is painted around the field so that it appears flat.
214 - wxSB_RAISED: A raised 3D border is painted around the field.
215 */
216 virtual void SetStatusStyles(int n, const int* styles);
218 /**
219 Sets the text for one field.
221 @param text
222 The text to be set. Use an empty string ("") to clear the field.
223 @param i
224 The field to set, starting from zero.
226 @see GetStatusText(), wxFrame::SetStatusText
227 */
228 virtual void SetStatusText(const wxString& text, int i = 0);
230 /**
231 Sets the widths of the fields in the status line. There are two types of
232 fields: @b fixed widths and @b variable width fields. For the fixed width fields
233 you should specify their (constant) width in pixels. For the variable width
234 fields, specify a negative number which indicates how the field should expand:
235 the space left for all variable width fields is divided between them according
236 to the absolute value of this number. A variable width field with width of -2
237 gets twice as much of it as a field with width -1 and so on.
239 For example, to create one fixed width field of width 100 in the right part of
240 the status bar and two more fields which get 66% and 33% of the remaining
241 space correspondingly, you should use an array containing -2, -1 and 100.
243 @param n
244 The number of fields in the status bar. Must be equal to the
245 number passed to SetFieldsCount() the last time it was called.
246 @param widths_field
247 Contains an array of n integers, each of which is either an
248 absolute status field width in pixels if positive or indicates a
249 variable width field if negative.
250 The special value @NULL means that all fields should get the same width.
252 @remarks The widths of the variable fields are calculated from the total
253 width of all fields, minus the sum of widths of the
254 non-variable fields, divided by the number of variable fields.
256 @see SetFieldsCount(), wxFrame::SetStatusWidths()
257 */
258 virtual void SetStatusWidths(int n, const int* widths_field);
259 };