]> git.saurik.com Git - wxWidgets.git/blob - interface/dataview.h
Added constructor to wxGCDC from wxPrinterDC
[wxWidgets.git] / interface / dataview.h
1 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 // Name: dataview.h
3 // Purpose: interface of wxDataViewIconText
4 // Author: wxWidgets team
5 // RCS-ID: $Id$
6 // Licence: wxWindows license
7 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9 /**
10 @class wxDataViewIconText
11 @wxheader{dataview.h}
13 wxDataViewIconText is used by
14 wxDataViewIconTextRenderer
15 for data transfer. This class can be converted to a from
16 a wxVariant.
18 @library{wxbase}
19 @category{dvc}
20 */
21 class wxDataViewIconText : public wxObject
22 {
23 public:
24 //@{
25 /**
26 Constructor.
27 */
28 wxDataViewIconText(const wxString& text = wxEmptyString,
29 const wxIcon& icon = wxNullIcon);
30 wxDataViewIconText(const wxDataViewIconText& other);
31 //@}
33 /**
34 Gets the icon.
35 */
36 const wxIcon GetIcon() const;
38 /**
39 Gets the text.
40 */
41 wxString GetText() const;
43 /**
44 Set the icon.
45 */
46 void SetIcon(const wxIcon& icon);
48 /**
49 Set the text.
50 */
51 void SetText(const wxString& text);
52 };
56 /**
57 @class wxDataViewEvent
58 @wxheader{dataview.h}
60 wxDataViewEvent - the event class for the wxDataViewCtrl notifications
62 @library{wxadv}
63 @category{events,dvc}
64 */
65 class wxDataViewEvent : public wxNotifyEvent
66 {
67 public:
68 //@{
69 /**
71 */
72 wxDataViewEvent(wxEventType commandType = wxEVT_NULL,
73 int winid = 0);
74 wxDataViewEvent(const wxDataViewEvent& event);
75 //@}
77 /**
78 Used to clone the event.
79 */
80 wxEvent* Clone() const;
82 /**
83 Returns the position of the column in the control or -1
84 if no column field was set by the event emitter.
85 */
86 int GetColumn() const;
88 /**
89 Returns a pointer to the wxDataViewColumn from which
90 the event was emitted or @NULL.
91 */
92 wxDataViewColumn* GetDataViewColumn();
94 /**
95 Returns the wxDataViewModel associated with the event.
96 */
97 wxDataViewModel* GetModel() const;
99 /**
100 Returns a the position of a context menu event in screen coordinates.
101 */
102 wxPoint GetPosition() const;
104 /**
105 Returns a reference to a value.
106 */
107 const wxVariant GetValue() const;
109 /**
111 */
112 void SetColumn(int col);
114 /**
116 */
117 void SetDataViewColumn(wxDataViewColumn* col);
119 /**
121 */
122 void SetModel(wxDataViewModel* model);
124 /**
126 */
127 void SetValue(const wxVariant& value);
128 };
132 /**
133 @class wxDataViewModel
134 @wxheader{dataview.h}
136 wxDataViewModel is the base class for all data model to be
137 displayed by a wxDataViewCtrl.
138 All other models derive from it and must implement its
139 pure virtual functions in order to define a complete
140 data model. In detail, you need to override
141 wxDataViewModel::IsContainer,
142 wxDataViewModel::GetParent,
143 wxDataViewModel::GetChildren,
144 wxDataViewModel::GetColumnCount,
145 wxDataViewModel::GetColumnType and
146 wxDataViewModel::GetValue in order to
147 define the data model which acts as an interface between
148 your actual data and the wxDataViewCtrl. Since you will
149 usually also allow the wxDataViewCtrl to change your data
150 through its graphical interface, you will also have to override
151 wxDataViewModel::SetValue which the
152 wxDataViewCtrl will call when a change to some data has been
153 commited.
155 wxDataViewModel (as indeed the entire wxDataViewCtrl
156 code) is using wxVariant to store data and
157 its type in a generic way. wxVariant can be extended to contain
158 almost any data without changes to the original class.
160 The data that is presented through this data model is expected
161 to change at run-time. You need to inform the data model when
162 a change happened. Depending on what happened you need to call
163 one of the following methods:
164 wxDataViewModel::ValueChanged,
165 wxDataViewModel::ItemAdded,
166 wxDataViewModel::ItemDeleted,
167 wxDataViewModel::ItemChanged,
168 wxDataViewModel::Cleared. There are
169 plural forms for notification of addition, change
170 or removal of several item at once. See
171 wxDataViewModel::ItemsAdded,
172 wxDataViewModel::ItemsDeleted,
173 wxDataViewModel::ItemsChanged.
175 Note that wxDataViewModel does not define the position or
176 index of any item in the control because different controls
177 might display the same data differently. wxDataViewModel does
178 provide a wxDataViewModel::Compare method
179 which the wxDataViewCtrl may use to sort the data either
180 in conjunction with a column header or without (see
181 wxDataViewModel::HasDefaultCompare).
183 This class maintains a list of
184 wxDataViewModelNotifier
185 which link this class to the specific implementations on the
186 supported platforms so that e.g. calling
187 wxDataViewModel::ValueChanged
188 on this model will just call
189 wxDataViewModelNotifier::ValueChanged
190 for each notifier that has been added. You can also add
191 your own notifier in order to get informed about any changes
192 to the data in the list model.
194 Currently wxWidgets provides the following models apart
195 from the base model:
196 wxDataViewIndexListModel,
197 wxDataViewVirtualListModel,
198 wxDataViewTreeStore.
200 Note that wxDataViewModel is reference counted, derives from
201 wxObjectRefData and cannot be deleted
202 directly as it can be shared by several wxDataViewCtrls. This
203 implies that you need to decrease the reference count after
204 associating the model with a control like this:
206 @code
207 wxDataViewCtrl *musicCtrl = new wxDataViewCtrl( this, ID_MUSIC_CTRL );
208 wxDataViewModel *musicModel = new MyMusicModel;
209 m_musicCtrl-AssociateModel( musicModel );
210 musicModel-DecRef(); // avoid memory leak !!
211 // add columns now
212 @endcode
215 @library{wxadv}
216 @category{dvc}
217 */
218 class wxDataViewModel : public wxObjectRefData
219 {
220 public:
221 /**
222 Constructor.
223 */
224 wxDataViewModel();
226 /**
227 Destructor. This should not be called directly. Use DecRef() instead.
228 */
229 ~wxDataViewModel();
231 /**
232 Adds a wxDataViewModelNotifier
233 to the model.
234 */
235 void AddNotifier(wxDataViewModelNotifier* notifier);
237 /**
238 Called to inform the model that all data has been cleared. The
239 control will reread the data from the model again.
240 */
241 virtual bool Cleared();
243 /**
244 The compare function to be used by control. The default compare function
245 sorts by container and other items separately and in ascending order.
246 Override this for a different sorting behaviour.
247 See also HasDefaultCompare().
248 */
249 virtual int Compare(const wxDataViewItem& item1,
250 const wxDataViewItem& item2,
251 unsigned int column,
252 bool ascending);
254 /**
255 Oberride this to indicate that the item has special font attributes.
256 This only affects the
257 wxDataViewTextRendererText() renderer.
258 See also wxDataViewItemAttr.
259 */
260 bool GetAttr(const wxDataViewItem& item, unsigned int col,
261 wxDataViewItemAttr& attr);
263 /**
264 Override this so the control can query the child items of
265 an item. Returns the number of items.
266 */
267 virtual unsigned int GetChildren(const wxDataViewItem& item,
268 wxDataViewItemArray& children) const;
270 /**
271 Override this to indicate the number of columns in the model.
272 */
273 virtual unsigned int GetColumnCount() const;
275 /**
276 Override this to indicate what type of data is stored in the
277 column specified by @e col. This should return a string
278 indicating the type of data as reported by wxVariant.
279 */
280 virtual wxString GetColumnType(unsigned int col) const;
282 /**
283 Override this to indicate which wxDataViewItem representing the parent
284 of @a item or an invalid wxDataViewItem if the the root item is
285 the parent item.
286 */
287 virtual wxDataViewItem GetParent(const wxDataViewItem& item) const;
289 /**
290 Override this to indicate the value of @e item
291 A wxVariant is used to store the data.
292 */
293 virtual void GetValue(wxVariant& variant,
294 const wxDataViewItem& item,
295 unsigned int col) const;
297 /**
298 Override this method to indicate if a container item merely
299 acts as a headline (or for categorisation) or if it also
300 acts a normal item with entries for futher columns. By
301 default returns @e @false.
302 */
303 virtual bool HasContainerColumns(const wxDataViewItem& item) const;
305 /**
306 Override this to indicate that the model provides a default compare
307 function that the control should use if no wxDataViewColumn has been
308 chosen for sorting. Usually, the user clicks on a column header for
309 sorting, the data will be sorted alphanumerically. If any other
310 order (e.g. by index or order of appearance) is required, then this
311 should be used. See also wxDataViewIndexListModel
312 for a model which makes use of this.
313 */
314 virtual bool HasDefaultCompare() const;
316 /**
317 Override this to indicate of @a item is a container, i.e. if
318 it can have child items.
319 */
320 virtual bool IsContainer(const wxDataViewItem& item) const;
322 /**
323 Call this to inform the model that an item has been added
324 to the data.
325 */
326 virtual bool ItemAdded(const wxDataViewItem& parent,
327 const wxDataViewItem& item);
329 /**
330 Call this to inform the model that an item has changed.
331 This will eventually emit a wxEVT_DATAVIEW_ITEM_VALUE_CHANGED
332 event (in which the column fields will not be set) to the user.
333 */
334 virtual bool ItemChanged(const wxDataViewItem& item);
336 /**
337 Call this to inform the model that an item has been deleted from the data.
338 */
339 virtual bool ItemDeleted(const wxDataViewItem& parent,
340 const wxDataViewItem& item);
342 /**
343 Call this to inform the model that several items have been added
344 to the data.
345 */
346 virtual bool ItemsAdded(const wxDataViewItem& parent,
347 const wxDataViewItemArray& items);
349 /**
350 Call this to inform the model that several items have changed.
351 This will eventually emit wxEVT_DATAVIEW_ITEM_VALUE_CHANGED
352 events (in which the column fields will not be set) to the user.
353 */
354 virtual bool ItemsChanged(const wxDataViewItemArray& items);
356 /**
357 Call this to inform the model that several items have been deleted.
358 */
359 virtual bool ItemsDeleted(const wxDataViewItem& parent,
360 const wxDataViewItemArray& items);
362 /**
363 Remove the @a notifier from the list of notifiers.
364 */
365 void RemoveNotifier(wxDataViewModelNotifier* notifier);
367 /**
368 Call this to initiate a resort after the sort function has
369 been changed.
370 */
371 virtual void Resort();
373 /**
374 This gets called in order to set a value in the data model.
375 The most common scenario is that the wxDataViewCtrl calls
376 this method after the user changed some data in the view.
377 Afterwards ValueChanged()
378 has to be called!
379 */
380 virtual bool SetValue(const wxVariant& variant,
381 const wxDataViewItem& item,
382 unsigned int col);
384 /**
385 Call this to inform this model that a value in the model has
386 been changed. This is also called from wxDataViewCtrl's
387 internal editing code, e.g. when editing a text field
388 in the control.
389 This will eventually emit a wxEVT_DATAVIEW_ITEM_VALUE_CHANGED
390 event to the user.
391 */
392 virtual bool ValueChanged(const wxDataViewItem& item,
393 unsigned int col);
394 };
398 /**
399 @class wxDataViewIndexListModel
400 @wxheader{dataview.h}
402 wxDataViewIndexListModel is a specialized data model which lets
403 you address an item by its position (row) rather than its
404 wxDataViewItem (which you can obtain from this class).
405 This model also provides its own wxDataViewIndexListModel::Compare
406 method which sorts the model's data by the index.
408 This model is not a virtual model since the control stores
409 each wxDataViewItem. Use wxDataViewVirtualListModel if you
410 need to display millions of items or have other reason to
411 use a virtual control.
413 @library{wxbase}
414 @category{dvc}
415 */
416 class wxDataViewIndexListModel : public wxDataViewModel
417 {
418 public:
419 /**
420 Constructor.
421 */
422 wxDataViewIndexListModel(unsigned int initial_size = 0);
424 /**
425 Destructor.
426 */
427 ~wxDataViewIndexListModel();
429 /**
430 Compare method that sorts the items by their index.
431 */
432 int Compare(const wxDataViewItem& item1,
433 const wxDataViewItem& item2,
434 unsigned int column, bool ascending);
436 /**
437 Oberride this to indicate that the row has special font attributes.
438 This only affects the
439 wxDataViewTextRendererText() renderer.
440 See also wxDataViewItemAttr.
441 */
442 bool GetAttr(unsigned int row, unsigned int col,
443 wxDataViewItemAttr& attr);
445 /**
446 Returns the wxDataViewItem at the given @e row.
447 */
448 wxDataViewItem GetItem(unsigned int row) const;
450 /**
451 Returns the position of given @e item.
452 */
453 unsigned int GetRow(const wxDataViewItem& item) const;
455 /**
456 Override this to allow getting values from the model.
457 */
458 void GetValue(wxVariant& variant, unsigned int row,
459 unsigned int col) const;
461 /**
462 Call this after if the data has to be read again from
463 the model. This is useful after major changes when
464 calling the methods below (possibly thousands of times)
465 doesn't make sense.
466 */
467 void Reset(unsigned int new_size);
469 /**
470 Call this after a row has been appended to the model.
471 */
472 void RowAppended();
474 /**
475 Call this after a row has been changed.
476 */
477 void RowChanged(unsigned int row);
479 /**
480 Call this after a row has been deleted.
481 */
482 void RowDeleted(unsigned int row);
484 /**
485 Call this after a row has been inserted at the given position.
486 */
487 void RowInserted(unsigned int before);
489 /**
490 Call this after a row has been prepended to the model.
491 */
492 void RowPrepended();
494 /**
495 Call this after a value has been changed.
496 */
497 void RowValueChanged(unsigned int row, unsigned int col);
499 /**
500 Call this after rows have been deleted. The array will internally
501 get copied and sorted in descending order so that the rows with
502 the highest position will be deleted first.
503 */
504 void RowsDeleted(const wxArrayInt& rows);
506 /**
507 Called in order to set a value in the model.
508 */
509 bool SetValue(const wxVariant& variant, unsigned int row,
510 unsigned int col);
511 };
515 /**
516 @class wxDataViewVirtualListModel
517 @wxheader{dataview.h}
519 wxDataViewVirtualListModel is a specialized data model which lets
520 you address an item by its position (row) rather than its
521 wxDataViewItem and as such offers the exact same interface as
522 wxDataViewIndexListModel. The important difference is that under
523 platforms other than OS X, using this model will result in a
524 truely virtual control able to handle millions of items as the
525 control doesn't store any item (a feature not supported by the
526 Carbon API under OS X).
528 @see wxDataViewIndexListModel for the API.
530 @library{wxbase}
531 @category{dvc}
532 */
533 class wxDataViewVirtualListModel : public wxDataViewModel
534 {
535 public:
536 /**
537 Constructor.
538 */
539 wxDataViewVirtualListModel(unsigned int initial_size = 0);
540 }
544 /**
545 @class wxDataViewItemAttr
546 @wxheader{dataview.h}
548 This class is used to indicate to a wxDataViewCtrl
549 that a certain Item() has extra font attributes
550 for its renderer. For this, it is required to override
551 wxDataViewModel::GetAttr.
553 Attributes are currently only supported by
554 wxDataViewTextRendererText().
556 @library{wxadv}
557 @category{dvc}
558 */
559 class wxDataViewItemAttr
560 {
561 public:
562 /**
563 Constructor.
564 */
565 wxDataViewItemAttr();
567 /**
568 Call this to indicate that the item shall be displayed in bold text.
569 */
570 void SetBold(bool set);
572 /**
573 Call this to indicate that the item shall be displayed with
574 that colour.
575 */
576 void SetColour(const wxColour& colour);
578 /**
579 Call this to indicate that the item shall be displayed in italic text.
580 */
581 void SetItalic(bool set);
582 };
586 /**
587 @class wxDataViewItem
588 @wxheader{dataview.h}
590 wxDataViewItem is a small opaque class that represents an
591 item in a wxDataViewCtrl in a
592 persistent way, i.e. indepent of the position of the
593 item in the control or changes to its contents. It must
594 hold a unique ID of type @e void* in its only field
595 and can be converted to a from it.
597 If the ID is @e @NULL the wxDataViewItem is invalid and
598 wxDataViewItem::IsOk will return @e @false
599 which used in many places in the API of wxDataViewCtrl
600 to indicate that e.g. no item was found. An ID of @NULL
601 is also used to indicate the invisible root. Examples
602 for this are
603 wxDataViewModel::GetParent and
604 wxDataViewModel::GetChildren.
606 @library{wxadv}
607 @category{dvc}
608 */
609 class wxDataViewItem
610 {
611 public:
612 //@{
613 /**
615 */
616 wxDataViewItem(void* id = NULL);
617 wxDataViewItem(const wxDataViewItem& item);
618 //@}
620 /**
621 Returns the ID.
622 */
623 void* GetID() const;
625 /**
626 Returns @true if the ID is not @e @NULL.
627 */
628 bool IsOk() const;
629 };
633 /**
634 @class wxDataViewCtrl
635 @wxheader{dataview.h}
637 wxDataViewCtrl is a control to display data either
638 in a tree like fashion or in a tabular form or both.
639 If you only need to display a simple tree structure
640 with an API more like the older wxTreeCtrl class,
641 then the specialized wxDataViewTreeCtrl
642 can be used.
644 A wxDataViewItem is used
645 to represent a (visible) item in the control.
647 Unlike wxListCtrl wxDataViewCtrl doesn't
648 get its data from the user through virtual functions or by
649 setting it directly. Instead you need to write your own
650 wxDataViewModel and associate
651 it with this control. Then you need to add a number of
652 wxDataViewColumn to this control to
653 define what each column shall display. Each wxDataViewColumn
654 in turn owns 1 instance of a
655 wxDataViewRenderer to render its
656 cells. A number of standard renderers for rendering text, dates,
657 images, toggle, a progress bar etc. are provided. Additionally,
658 the user can write custom renderes deriving from
659 wxDataViewCustomRenderer
660 for displaying anything.
662 All data transfer from the control to the model and the user
663 code is done through wxVariant which can
664 be extended to support more data formats as necessary.
665 Accordingly, all type information uses the strings returned
666 from wxVariant::GetType.
668 @beginStyleTable
669 @style{wxDV_SINGLE}
670 Single selection mode. This is the default.
671 @style{wxDV_MULTIPLE}
672 Multiple selection mode.
673 @style{wxDV_ROW_LINES}
674 Use alternating colours for rows if supported by platform and theme.
675 @style{wxDV_HORIZ_RULES}
676 Display fine rules between row if supported.
677 @style{wxDV_VERT_RULES}
678 Display fine rules between columns is supported.
679 @endStyleTable
681 @library{wxadv}
682 @category{ctrl,dvc}
683 <!-- @appearance{dataviewctrl.png} -->
684 */
685 class wxDataViewCtrl : public wxControl
686 {
687 public:
688 //@{
689 /**
690 Constructor. Calls Create().
691 */
692 wxDataViewCtrl();
693 wxDataViewCtrl(wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id,
694 const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
695 const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
696 long style = 0,
697 const wxValidator& validator = wxDefaultValidator);
698 //@}
700 /**
701 Destructor.
702 */
703 ~wxDataViewCtrl();
705 /**
706 Add a wxDataViewColumn to the control. Returns
707 @e @true on success.
708 Note that there is a number of short cut methods which implicitly create
709 a wxDataViewColumn and a wxDataViewRenderer for it (see below).
710 */
711 virtual bool AppendColumn(wxDataViewColumn* col);
713 //@{
714 /**
715 Appends a column for rendering a bitmap. Returns the wxDataViewColumn
716 created in the function or @NULL on failure.
717 */
718 wxDataViewColumn* AppendBitmapColumn(const wxString& label,
719 unsigned int model_column,
720 wxDataViewCellMode mode = wxDATAVIEW_CELL_INERT,
721 int width = -1,
722 wxAlignment align = wxALIGN_CENTER,
723 int flags = wxDATAVIEW_COL_RESIZABLE);
724 wxDataViewColumn* AppendBitmapColumn(const wxBitmap& label,
725 unsigned int model_column,
726 wxDataViewCellMode mode = wxDATAVIEW_CELL_INERT,
727 int width = -1,
728 wxAlignment align = wxALIGN_CENTER,
729 int flags = wxDATAVIEW_COL_RESIZABLE);
730 //@}
732 //@{
733 /**
734 Appends a column for rendering a date. Returns the wxDataViewColumn
735 created in the function or @NULL on failure.
737 NB: The @e align parameter is applied to both the column header and
738 the column renderer.
739 */
740 wxDataViewColumn* AppendDateColumn(const wxString& label,
741 unsigned int model_column,
742 wxDataViewCellMode mode = wxDATAVIEW_CELL_ACTIVATABLE,
743 int width = -1,
744 wxAlignment align = wxALIGN_CENTER,
745 int flags = wxDATAVIEW_COL_RESIZABLE);
746 wxDataViewColumn* AppendDateColumn(const wxBitmap& label,
747 unsigned int model_column,
748 wxDataViewCellMode mode = wxDATAVIEW_CELL_ACTIVATABLE,
749 int width = -1,
750 wxAlignment align = wxALIGN_CENTER,
751 int flags = wxDATAVIEW_COL_RESIZABLE);
752 //@}
754 //@{
755 /**
756 Appends a column for rendering text with an icon. Returns the wxDataViewColumn
757 created in the function or @NULL on failure. This method uses the
758 wxDataViewIconTextRenderer class.
760 NB: The @e align parameter is applied to both the column header and
761 the column renderer.
762 */
763 wxDataViewColumn* AppendIconTextColumn(const wxString& label,
764 unsigned int model_column,
765 wxDataViewCellMode mode = wxDATAVIEW_CELL_INERT,
766 int width = -1,
767 wxAlignment align = wxALIGN_LEFT,
768 int flags = wxDATAVIEW_COL_RESIZABLE);
769 wxDataViewColumn* AppendIconTextColumn(const wxBitmap& label,
770 unsigned int model_column,
771 wxDataViewCellMode mode = wxDATAVIEW_CELL_INERT,
772 int width = -1,
773 wxAlignment align = wxALIGN_LEFT,
774 int flags = wxDATAVIEW_COL_RESIZABLE);
775 //@}
777 //@{
778 /**
779 Appends a column for rendering a progress indicator. Returns the
780 wxDataViewColumn created in the function or @NULL on failure.
782 NB: The @e align parameter is applied to both the column header and
783 the column renderer.
784 */
785 wxDataViewColumn* AppendProgressColumn(const wxString& label,
786 unsigned int model_column,
787 wxDataViewCellMode mode = wxDATAVIEW_CELL_INERT,
788 int width = 80,
789 wxAlignment align = wxALIGN_CENTER,
790 int flags = wxDATAVIEW_COL_RESIZABLE);
791 wxDataViewColumn* AppendProgressColumn(const wxBitmap& label,
792 unsigned int model_column,
793 wxDataViewCellMode mode = wxDATAVIEW_CELL_INERT,
794 int width = 80,
795 wxAlignment align = wxALIGN_CENTER,
796 int flags = wxDATAVIEW_COL_RESIZABLE);
797 //@}
799 //@{
800 /**
801 Appends a column for rendering text. Returns the wxDataViewColumn
802 created in the function or @NULL on failure.
804 NB: The @e align parameter is applied to both the column header and
805 the column renderer.
806 */
807 wxDataViewColumn* AppendTextColumn(const wxString& label,
808 unsigned int model_column,
809 wxDataViewCellMode mode = wxDATAVIEW_CELL_INERT,
810 int width = -1,
811 wxAlignment align = wxALIGN_LEFT,
812 int flags = wxDATAVIEW_COL_RESIZABLE);
813 wxDataViewColumn* AppendTextColumn(const wxBitmap& label,
814 unsigned int model_column,
815 wxDataViewCellMode mode = wxDATAVIEW_CELL_INERT,
816 int width = -1,
817 wxAlignment align = wxALIGN_LEFT,
818 int flags = wxDATAVIEW_COL_RESIZABLE);
819 //@}
821 //@{
822 /**
823 Appends a column for rendering a toggle. Returns the wxDataViewColumn
824 created in the function or @NULL on failure.
826 NB: The @e align parameter is applied to both the column header and
827 the column renderer.
828 */
829 wxDataViewColumn* AppendToggleColumn(const wxString& label,
830 unsigned int model_column,
831 wxDataViewCellMode mode = wxDATAVIEW_CELL_INERT,
832 int width = 30,
833 wxAlignment align = wxALIGN_CENTER,
834 int flags = wxDATAVIEW_COL_RESIZABLE);
835 wxDataViewColumn* AppendToggleColumn(const wxBitmap& label,
836 unsigned int model_column,
837 wxDataViewCellMode mode = wxDATAVIEW_CELL_INERT,
838 int width = 30,
839 wxAlignment align = wxALIGN_CENTER,
840 int flags = wxDATAVIEW_COL_RESIZABLE);
841 //@}
843 /**
844 Associates a wxDataViewModel with the control. This increases the reference
845 count of the model by 1.
846 */
847 virtual bool AssociateModel(wxDataViewModel* model);
849 /**
850 Removes all columns.
851 */
852 virtual bool ClearColumns();
854 /**
855 Unselects all rows.
856 */
857 void ClearSelection();
859 /**
860 Collapses the item.
861 */
862 void Collapse(const wxDataViewItem& item);
864 /**
865 Create the control. Useful for two step creation.
866 */
867 bool Create(wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id,
868 const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
869 const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
870 long style = 0,
871 const wxValidator& validator = wxDefaultValidator);
873 /**
874 Deletes given column.
875 */
876 virtual bool DeleteColumn(const wxDataViewColumn* column);
878 /**
879 Call this to ensure that the given item is visible.
880 */
881 void EnsureVisible(const wxDataViewItem& item,
882 const wxDataViewColumn* column = NULL);
884 /**
885 Expands the item.
886 */
887 void Expand(const wxDataViewItem& item);
889 /**
890 Returns pointer to the column. @a pos refers to the
891 position in the control which may change after reordering
892 columns by the user.
893 */
894 virtual wxDataViewColumn* GetColumn(unsigned int pos) const;
896 /**
897 Returns the number of columns.
898 */
899 virtual unsigned int GetColumnCount() const;
901 /**
902 Returns the position of the column or -1 if not found in the control.
903 */
904 virtual int GetColumnPosition(const wxDataViewColumn* column) const;
906 /**
907 Returns column containing the expanders.
908 */
909 wxDataViewColumn* GetExpanderColumn() const;
911 /**
912 Returns indentation.
913 */
914 int GetIndent() const;
916 /**
917 Returns item rect.
918 */
919 wxRect GetItemRect(const wxDataViewItem& item,
920 const wxDataViewColumn* col = NULL) const;
922 /**
923 Returns pointer to the data model associated with the
924 control (if any).
925 */
926 virtual wxDataViewModel* GetModel() const;
928 /**
929 Returns first selected item or an invalid item if none is selected.
930 */
931 wxDataViewItem GetSelection() const;
933 /**
934 Fills @a sel with currently selected items and returns
935 their number.
936 */
937 int GetSelections(wxDataViewItemArray& sel) const;
939 /**
940 Returns the wxDataViewColumn currently responsible for sorting
941 or @NULL if none has been selected.
942 */
943 virtual wxDataViewColumn* GetSortingColumn() const;
945 /**
946 Hittest.
947 */
948 void HitTest(const wxPoint& point, wxDataViewItem& item,
949 wxDataViewColumn*& col) const;
951 /**
952 Return @true if the item is selected.
953 */
954 bool IsSelected(const wxDataViewItem& item) const;
956 /**
957 Select the given item.
958 */
959 void Select(const wxDataViewItem& item);
961 /**
962 Select all items.
963 */
964 void SelectAll();
966 /**
967 Set which column shall contain the tree-like expanders.
968 */
969 void SetExpanderColumn(wxDataViewColumn* col);
971 /**
972 Sets the indendation.
973 */
974 void SetIndent(int indent);
976 /**
977 Sets the selection to the array of wxDataViewItems.
978 */
979 void SetSelections(const wxDataViewItemArray& sel);
981 /**
982 Unselect the given item.
983 */
984 void Unselect(const wxDataViewItem& item);
986 /**
987 Unselect all item. This method only has effect if multiple
988 selections are allowed.
989 */
990 void UnselectAll();
991 };
995 /**
996 @class wxDataViewModelNotifier
997 @wxheader{dataview.h}
999 A wxDataViewModelNotifier instance is owned by a
1000 wxDataViewModel
1001 and mirrors its notification interface. See
1002 the documentation of that class for further
1003 information.
1005 @library{wxbase}
1006 @category{dvc}
1007 */
1008 class wxDataViewModelNotifier
1009 {
1010 public:
1011 /**
1012 Constructor.
1013 */
1014 wxDataViewModelNotifier();
1016 /**
1017 Destructor.
1018 */
1019 ~wxDataViewModelNotifier();
1021 /**
1022 Called by owning model.
1023 */
1024 bool Cleared();
1026 /**
1027 Get owning wxDataViewModel.
1028 */
1029 wxDataViewModel* GetOwner() const;
1031 /**
1032 Called by owning model.
1033 */
1034 bool ItemAdded(const wxDataViewItem& parent,
1035 const wxDataViewItem& item);
1037 /**
1038 Called by owning model.
1039 */
1040 bool ItemChanged(const wxDataViewItem& item);
1042 /**
1043 Called by owning model.
1044 */
1045 bool ItemDeleted(const wxDataViewItem& parent,
1046 const wxDataViewItem& item);
1048 /**
1049 Called by owning model.
1050 */
1051 bool ItemsAdded(const wxDataViewItem& parent,
1052 const wxDataViewItemArray& items);
1054 /**
1055 Called by owning model.
1056 */
1057 bool ItemsChanged(const wxDataViewItemArray& items);
1059 /**
1060 Called by owning model.
1061 */
1062 bool ItemsDeleted(const wxDataViewItem& parent,
1063 const wxDataViewItemArray& items);
1065 /**
1066 Called by owning model.
1067 */
1068 void Resort();
1070 /**
1071 Set owner of this notifier. Used internally.
1072 */
1073 void SetOwner(wxDataViewModel* owner);
1075 /**
1076 Called by owning model.
1077 */
1078 bool ValueChanged(const wxDataViewItem& item, unsigned int col);
1079 };
1083 /**
1084 @class wxDataViewRenderer
1085 @wxheader{dataview.h}
1087 This class is used by wxDataViewCtrl to render the individual cells.
1088 One instance of a renderer class is owned by a wxDataViewColumn. There
1089 is a number of ready-to-use renderers provided:
1090 wxDataViewTextRenderer,
1091 wxDataViewTextRendererAttr,
1092 wxDataViewIconTextRenderer,
1093 wxDataViewToggleRenderer,
1094 wxDataViewProgressRenderer,
1095 wxDataViewBitmapRenderer,
1096 wxDataViewDateRenderer.
1097 wxDataViewSpinRenderer.
1099 Additionally, the user can write own renderers by deriving from
1100 wxDataViewCustomRenderer.
1102 The @e wxDataViewCellMode flag controls, what actions
1103 the cell data allows. @e wxDATAVIEW_CELL_ACTIVATABLE
1104 indicates that the user can double click the cell and
1105 something will happen (e.g. a window for editing a date
1106 will pop up). @e wxDATAVIEW_CELL_EDITABLE indicates
1107 that the user can edit the data in-place, i.e. an control
1108 will show up after a slow click on the cell. This behaviour
1109 is best known from changing the filename in most file
1110 managers etc.
1113 @code
1114 enum wxDataViewCellMode
1115 {
1119 };
1120 @endcode
1122 The @e wxDataViewCellRenderState flag controls how the
1123 the renderer should display its contents in a cell:
1125 @code
1126 enum wxDataViewCellRenderState
1127 {
1132 };
1133 @endcode
1136 @library{wxadv}
1137 @category{dvc}
1138 */
1139 class wxDataViewRenderer : public wxObject
1140 {
1141 public:
1142 /**
1143 Constructor.
1144 */
1145 wxDataViewRenderer(const wxString& varianttype,
1146 wxDataViewCellMode mode = wxDATAVIEW_CELL_INERT,
1147 int align = wxDVR_DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT );
1149 /**
1150 Returns the alignment. See SetAlignment()
1151 */
1152 virtual int GetAlignment() const;
1154 /**
1155 Returns the cell mode.
1156 */
1157 virtual wxDataViewCellMode GetMode();
1159 /**
1160 Returns pointer to the owning wxDataViewColumn.
1161 */
1162 virtual wxDataViewColumn* GetOwner() const;
1164 /**
1165 This methods retrieves the value from the renderer in order to
1166 transfer the value back to the data model. Returns @e @false
1167 on failure.
1168 */
1169 virtual bool GetValue(wxVariant& value);
1171 /**
1172 Returns a string with the type of the wxVariant
1173 supported by this renderer.
1174 */
1175 virtual wxString GetVariantType();
1177 /**
1178 Sets the alignment of the renderer's content. The default value
1179 of wxDVR_DEFAULT_ALIGMENT indicates that the content should
1180 have the same alignment as the column header. The method is
1181 not implemented under OS X and the renderer always aligns its
1182 contents as the column header on that platform. The other platforms
1183 support both vertical and horizontal alignment.
1184 */
1185 virtual void SetAlignment( int align );
1186 /**
1187 Sets the owning wxDataViewColumn. This
1188 is usually called from within wxDataViewColumn.
1189 */
1190 virtual void SetOwner(wxDataViewColumn* owner);
1192 /**
1193 Set the value of the renderer (and thus its cell) to @e value.
1194 The internal code will then render this cell with this data.
1195 */
1196 virtual bool SetValue(const wxVariant& value);
1198 /**
1199 Before data is committed to the data model, it is passed to this
1200 method where it can be checked for validity. This can also be
1201 used for checking a valid range or limiting the user input in
1202 a certain aspect (e.g. max number of characters or only alphanumeric
1203 input, ASCII only etc.). Return @e @false if the value is
1204 not valid.
1205 Please note that due to implementation limitations, this validation
1206 is done after the editing control already is destroyed and the
1207 editing process finished.
1208 */
1209 virtual bool Validate(wxVariant& value);
1210 };
1214 /**
1215 @class wxDataViewTextRenderer
1216 @wxheader{dataview.h}
1218 wxDataViewTextRenderer is used for rendering text. It supports
1219 in-place editing if desired.
1221 @library{wxadv}
1222 @category{dvc}
1223 */
1224 class wxDataViewTextRenderer : public wxDataViewRenderer
1225 {
1226 public:
1227 /**
1229 */
1230 wxDataViewTextRenderer(const wxString& varianttype = "string",
1231 wxDataViewCellMode mode = wxDATAVIEW_CELL_INERT,
1232 int align = wxDVR_DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT );
1233 };
1237 /**
1238 @class wxDataViewIconTextRenderer
1239 @wxheader{dataview.h}
1241 The wxDataViewIconTextRenderer class is used to display text with
1242 a small icon next to it as it is typically done in a file manager.
1243 This classes uses the wxDataViewIconText
1244 helper class to store its data. wxDataViewIonText can be converted
1245 to a from a wxVariant using the left shift
1246 operator.
1248 @library{wxadv}
1249 @category{dvc}
1250 */
1251 class wxDataViewIconTextRenderer : public wxDataViewRenderer
1252 {
1253 public:
1254 /**
1256 */
1257 wxDataViewIconTextRenderer(const wxString& varianttype = "wxDataViewIconText",
1258 wxDataViewCellMode mode = wxDATAVIEW_CELL_INERT,
1259 int align = wxDVR_DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT );
1260 };
1264 /**
1265 @class wxDataViewProgressRenderer
1266 @wxheader{dataview.h}
1268 wxDataViewProgressRenderer
1270 @library{wxadv}
1271 @category{dvc}
1272 */
1273 class wxDataViewProgressRenderer : public wxDataViewRenderer
1274 {
1275 public:
1276 /**
1278 */
1279 wxDataViewProgressRenderer(const wxString& label = wxEmptyString,
1280 const wxString& varianttype = "long",
1281 wxDataViewCellMode mode = wxDATAVIEW_CELL_INERT,
1282 int align = wxDVR_DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT );
1283 };
1287 /**
1288 @class wxDataViewSpinRenderer
1289 @wxheader{dataview.h}
1291 This is a specialized renderer for rendering integer values. It
1292 supports modifying the values in-place by using a wxSpinCtrl.
1293 The renderer only support variants of type @e long.
1295 @library{wxbase}
1296 @category{dvc}
1297 */
1298 class wxDataViewSpinRenderer : public wxDataViewCustomRenderer
1299 {
1300 public:
1301 /**
1302 Constructor. @a min and @a max indicate the minimum und
1303 maximum values of for the wxSpinCtrl.
1304 */
1305 wxDataViewSpinRenderer(int min, int max,
1306 wxDataViewCellMode mode = wxDATAVIEW_CELL_EDITABLE,
1307 int align = wxDVR_DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT);
1308 };
1312 /**
1313 @class wxDataViewToggleRenderer
1314 @wxheader{dataview.h}
1316 wxDataViewToggleRenderer
1318 @library{wxadv}
1319 @category{dvc}
1320 */
1321 class wxDataViewToggleRenderer : public wxDataViewRenderer
1322 {
1323 public:
1324 /**
1326 */
1327 wxDataViewToggleRenderer(const wxString& varianttype = "bool",
1328 wxDataViewCellMode mode = wxDATAVIEW_CELL_INERT);
1329 };
1333 /**
1334 @class wxDataViewDateRenderer
1335 @wxheader{dataview.h}
1337 wxDataViewDateRenderer
1339 @library{wxadv}
1340 @category{dvc}
1341 */
1342 class wxDataViewDateRenderer : public wxDataViewRenderer
1343 {
1344 public:
1345 /**
1347 */
1348 wxDataViewDateRenderer(const wxString& varianttype = "datetime",
1349 wxDataViewCellMode mode = wxDATAVIEW_CELL_ACTIVATABLE);
1350 };
1354 /**
1355 @class wxDataViewTextRendererAttr
1356 @wxheader{dataview.h}
1358 The same as wxDataViewTextRenderer but with
1359 support for font attributes. Font attributes are currently only supported
1360 under GTK+ and MSW.
1362 See also wxDataViewModel::GetAttr and
1363 wxDataViewItemAttr.
1365 @library{wxadv}
1366 @category{dvc}
1367 */
1368 class wxDataViewTextRendererAttr : public wxDataViewTextRenderer
1369 {
1370 public:
1371 /**
1373 */
1374 wxDataViewTextRendererAttr(const wxString& varianttype = "string",
1375 wxDataViewCellMode mode = wxDATAVIEW_CELL_INERT,
1376 int align = wxDVR_DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT);
1377 };
1381 /**
1382 @class wxDataViewCustomRenderer
1383 @wxheader{dataview.h}
1385 You need to derive a new class from wxDataViewCustomRenderer in
1386 order to write a new renderer. You need to override at least
1387 wxDataViewRenderer::SetValue,
1388 wxDataViewRenderer::GetValue,
1389 wxDataViewCustomRenderer::GetSize
1390 and wxDataViewCustomRenderer::Render.
1392 If you want your renderer to support in-place editing then you
1393 also need to override
1394 wxDataViewCustomRenderer::HasEditorCtrl,
1395 wxDataViewCustomRenderer::CreateEditorCtrl
1396 and wxDataViewCustomRenderer::GetValueFromEditorCtrl.
1397 Note that a special event handler will be pushed onto that
1398 editor control which handles ENTER and focus out events
1399 in order to end the editing.
1401 @library{wxadv}
1402 @category{dvc}
1403 */
1404 class wxDataViewCustomRenderer : public wxDataViewRenderer
1405 {
1406 public:
1407 /**
1408 Constructor.
1409 */
1410 wxDataViewCustomRenderer(const wxString& varianttype = "string",
1411 wxDataViewCellMode mode = wxDATAVIEW_CELL_INERT,
1412 int align = wxDVR_DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT );
1414 /**
1415 Destructor.
1416 */
1417 ~wxDataViewCustomRenderer();
1419 /**
1420 Override this to react to double clicks or ENTER. This method will
1421 only be called in wxDATAVIEW_CELL_ACTIVATABLE mode.
1422 */
1423 virtual bool Activate( wxRect cell,
1424 wxDataViewModel* model,
1425 const wxDataViewItem & item,
1426 unsigned int col );
1428 /**
1429 Override this to create the actual editor control once editing
1430 is about to start. @a parent is the parent of the editor
1431 control, @a labelRect indicates the position and
1432 size of the editor control and @a value is its initial value:
1433 */
1434 virtual wxControl* CreateEditorCtrl(wxWindow* parent,
1435 wxRect labelRect,
1436 const wxVariant& value);
1438 /**
1439 Create DC on request. Internal.
1440 */
1441 virtual wxDC* GetDC();
1443 /**
1444 Return size required to show content.
1445 */
1446 virtual wxSize GetSize();
1448 /**
1449 Overrride this so that the renderer can get the value
1450 from the editor control (pointed to by @e editor):
1451 */
1452 virtual bool GetValueFromEditorCtrl(wxControl* editor,
1453 wxVariant& value);
1455 /**
1456 Override this and make it return @e @true in order to
1457 indicate that this renderer supports in-place editing.
1458 */
1459 virtual bool HasEditorCtrl();
1461 /**
1462 Overrride this to react to a left click. This method will
1463 only be called in wxDATAVIEW_CELL_ACTIVATABLE mode.
1464 */
1465 virtual bool LeftClick( wxPoint cursor,
1466 wxRect cell,
1467 wxDataViewModel * model,
1468 const wxDataViewItem & item,
1469 unsigned int col );
1471 /**
1472 Override this to render the cell. Before this is called,
1473 wxDataViewRenderer::SetValue was called
1474 so that this instance knows what to render.
1475 */
1476 virtual bool Render(wxRect cell, wxDC* dc, int state);
1478 /**
1479 This method should be called from within Render()
1480 whenever you need to render simple text. This will ensure that the
1481 correct colour, font and vertical alignment will be chosen so the
1482 text will look the same as text drawn by native renderers.
1483 */
1484 bool RenderText(const wxString& text, int xoffset, wxRect cell,
1485 wxDC* dc, int state);
1487 /**
1488 Overrride this to start a drag operation. Not yet
1489 supported
1490 */
1491 virtual bool StartDrag(wxPoint cursor, wxRect cell,
1492 wxDataViewModel* model,
1493 const wxDataViewItem & item,
1494 unsigned int col);
1495 };
1499 /**
1500 @class wxDataViewBitmapRenderer
1501 @wxheader{dataview.h}
1503 wxDataViewBitmapRenderer
1505 @library{wxadv}
1506 @category{dvc}
1507 */
1508 class wxDataViewBitmapRenderer : public wxDataViewRenderer
1509 {
1510 public:
1511 /**
1513 */
1514 wxDataViewBitmapRenderer(const wxString& varianttype = "wxBitmap",
1515 wxDataViewCellMode mode = wxDATAVIEW_CELL_INERT,
1516 int align = wxDVR_DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT,
1517 };
1521 /**
1522 @class wxDataViewColumn
1523 @wxheader{dataview.h}
1525 This class represents a column in a wxDataViewCtrl.
1526 One wxDataViewColumn is bound to one column in the data model,
1527 to which the wxDataViewCtrl has been associated.
1529 An instance of wxDataViewRenderer is used by
1530 this class to render its data.
1532 @library{wxadv}
1533 @category{dvc}
1534 */
1535 class wxDataViewColumn : public wxObject
1536 {
1537 public:
1538 //@{
1539 /**
1540 Constructors.
1541 */
1542 wxDataViewColumn(const wxString& title,
1543 wxDataViewRenderer* renderer,
1544 unsigned int model_column,
1545 int width = wxDVC_DEFAULT_WIDTH,
1546 wxAlignment align = wxALIGN_CENTRE,
1547 int flags = wxDATAVIEW_COL_RESIZABLE);
1548 wxDataViewColumn(const wxBitmap& bitmap,
1549 wxDataViewRenderer* renderer,
1550 unsigned int model_column,
1551 int width = wxDVC_DEFAULT_WIDTH,
1552 wxAlignment align = wxALIGN_CENTRE,
1553 int flags = wxDATAVIEW_COL_RESIZABLE);
1554 //@}
1556 /**
1557 Destructor.
1558 */
1559 ~wxDataViewColumn();
1561 /**
1562 Returns the bitmap in the header of the column, if any.
1563 */
1564 const wxBitmap GetBitmap();
1566 /**
1567 Returns the index of the column of the model, which this
1568 wxDataViewColumn is displaying.
1569 */
1570 unsigned int GetModelColumn();
1572 /**
1573 Returns the owning wxDataViewCtrl.
1574 */
1575 wxDataViewCtrl* GetOwner() const;
1577 /**
1578 Returns the renderer of this wxDataViewColumn.
1579 See also wxDataViewRenderer.
1580 */
1581 wxDataViewRenderer* GetRenderer();
1583 /**
1584 Returns @true if the column is reorderable.
1585 */
1586 bool GetReorderable();
1588 /**
1589 Returns @true if the column is sortable.
1590 See SetSortable()
1591 */
1592 bool GetSortable();
1594 /**
1595 Returns the width of the column.
1596 */
1597 int GetWidth();
1599 /**
1600 Returns @true, if the sort order is ascending.
1601 See also SetSortOrder()
1602 */
1603 bool IsSortOrderAscending();
1605 /**
1606 Set the alignment of the column header.
1607 */
1608 void SetAlignment(wxAlignment align);
1610 /**
1611 Set the bitmap of the column header.
1612 */
1613 void SetBitmap(const wxBitmap& bitmap);
1615 /**
1616 Indicate wether the column can be reordered by the
1617 user using the mouse. This is typically implemented
1618 visually by dragging the header button around.
1619 */
1620 void SetReorderable(bool reorderable);
1622 /**
1623 Indicate the sort order if the implementation of the
1624 wxDataViewCtrl supports it, most commonly by showing
1625 a little arrow.
1626 */
1627 void SetSortOrder(bool ascending);
1629 /**
1630 Indicate that the column is sortable. This does
1631 not show any sorting indicate yet, but it does
1632 make the column header clickable. Call
1633 SetSortOrder()
1634 afterwards to actually make the sort indicator appear.
1635 If @a sortable is @false, the column header is
1636 no longer clickable and the sort indicator (little
1637 arrow) will disappear.
1638 */
1639 void SetSortable(bool sortable);
1641 /**
1642 Set the title of the column header to @e title.
1643 */
1644 void SetTitle(const wxString& title);
1645 };
1649 /**
1650 @class wxDataViewTreeCtrl
1651 @wxheader{dataview.h}
1653 This class is a wxDataViewCtrl which internally
1654 uses a wxDataViewTreeStore and forwards
1655 most of its API to that class. Additionally, it uses a wxImageList
1656 to store a list of icons. The main purpose of this class is to look
1657 like a wxTreeCtrl to make a transition from it
1658 to the wxDataViewCtrl class simpler.
1660 @library{wxbase}
1661 @category{ctrl,dvc}
1662 <!-- @appearance{dataviewtreectrl.png} -->
1663 */
1664 class wxDataViewTreeCtrl : public wxDataViewCtrl
1665 {
1666 public:
1667 //@{
1668 /**
1669 Constructor. Calls Create().
1670 */
1671 wxDataViewTreeCtrl();
1672 wxDataViewTreeCtrl(wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id,
1673 const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
1674 const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
1675 long style = wxDV_NO_HEADER,
1676 const wxValidator& validator = wxDefaultValidator);
1677 //@}
1679 /**
1680 Destructor. Deletes the image list if any.
1681 */
1682 ~wxDataViewTreeCtrl();
1684 /**
1686 */
1687 wxDataViewItem AppendContainer(const wxDataViewItem& parent,
1688 const wxString& text,
1689 int icon = -1,
1690 int expanded = -1,
1691 wxClientData* data = NULL);
1693 /**
1695 */
1696 wxDataViewItem AppendItem(const wxDataViewItem& parent,
1697 const wxString& text,
1698 int icon = -1,
1699 wxClientData* data = NULL);
1701 /**
1702 Creates the control and a wxDataViewTreeStore as
1703 its internal model.
1704 */
1705 bool Create(wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id,
1706 const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
1707 const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
1708 long style = wxDV_NO_HEADER,
1709 const wxValidator& validator = wxDefaultValidator);
1711 /**
1712 Calls the identical method from wxDataViewTreeStore.
1713 */
1714 void DeleteAllItems();
1716 /**
1717 Calls the identical method from wxDataViewTreeStore.
1718 */
1719 void DeleteChildren(const wxDataViewItem& item);
1721 /**
1722 Calls the identical method from wxDataViewTreeStore.
1723 */
1724 void DeleteItem(const wxDataViewItem& item);
1726 /**
1727 Calls the identical method from wxDataViewTreeStore.
1728 */
1729 int GetChildCount(const wxDataViewItem& parent) const;
1731 /**
1732 Returns the image list.
1733 */
1734 wxImageList* GetImageList();
1736 /**
1737 Calls the identical method from wxDataViewTreeStore.
1738 */
1739 wxClientData* GetItemData(const wxDataViewItem& item) const;
1741 /**
1742 Calls the identical method from wxDataViewTreeStore.
1743 */
1744 const wxIcon GetItemExpandedIcon(const wxDataViewItem& item) const;
1746 /**
1747 Calls the identical method from wxDataViewTreeStore.
1748 */
1749 const wxIcon GetItemIcon(const wxDataViewItem& item) const;
1751 /**
1752 Calls the identical method from wxDataViewTreeStore.
1753 */
1754 wxString GetItemText(const wxDataViewItem& item) const;
1756 /**
1757 Calls the identical method from wxDataViewTreeStore.
1758 */
1759 wxDataViewItem GetNthChild(const wxDataViewItem& parent,
1760 unsigned int pos) const;
1762 //@{
1763 /**
1764 Returns the store.
1765 */
1766 wxDataViewTreeStore* GetStore() const;
1767 const wxDataViewTreeStore* GetStore() const;
1768 //@}
1770 /**
1771 Calls the same method from wxDataViewTreeStore but uess
1772 and index position in the image list instead of a wxIcon.
1773 */
1774 wxDataViewItem InsertContainer(const wxDataViewItem& parent,
1775 const wxDataViewItem& previous,
1776 const wxString& text,
1777 int icon = -1,
1778 int expanded = -1,
1779 wxClientData* data = NULL);
1781 /**
1782 Calls the same method from wxDataViewTreeStore but uess
1783 and index position in the image list instead of a wxIcon.
1784 */
1785 wxDataViewItem InsertItem(const wxDataViewItem& parent,
1786 const wxDataViewItem& previous,
1787 const wxString& text,
1788 int icon = -1,
1789 wxClientData* data = NULL);
1791 /**
1792 Calls the same method from wxDataViewTreeStore but uess
1793 and index position in the image list instead of a wxIcon.
1794 */
1795 wxDataViewItem PrependContainer(const wxDataViewItem& parent,
1796 const wxString& text,
1797 int icon = -1,
1798 int expanded = -1,
1799 wxClientData* data = NULL);
1801 /**
1802 Calls the same method from wxDataViewTreeStore but uess
1803 and index position in the image list instead of a wxIcon.
1804 */
1805 wxDataViewItem PrependItem(const wxDataViewItem& parent,
1806 const wxString& text,
1807 int icon = -1,
1808 wxClientData* data = NULL);
1810 /**
1811 Sets the image list.
1812 */
1813 void SetImageList(wxImageList* imagelist);
1815 /**
1816 Calls the identical method from wxDataViewTreeStore.
1817 */
1818 void SetItemData(const wxDataViewItem& item, wxClientData* data);
1820 /**
1821 Calls the identical method from wxDataViewTreeStore.
1822 */
1823 void SetItemExpandedIcon(const wxDataViewItem& item,
1824 const wxIcon& icon);
1826 /**
1827 Calls the identical method from wxDataViewTreeStore.
1828 */
1829 void SetItemIcon(const wxDataViewItem& item, const wxIcon& icon);
1831 /**
1832 Calls the identical method from wxDataViewTreeStore.
1833 */
1834 void SetItemText(const wxDataViewItem& item,
1835 const wxString& text);
1836 };
1840 /**
1841 @class wxDataViewTreeStore
1842 @wxheader{dataview.h}
1844 wxDataViewTreeStore is a specialised wxDataViewModel
1845 for displaying simple trees very much like wxTreeCtrl
1846 does and it offers a similar API. This class actually stores the entire
1847 tree (therefore its name) and implements all virtual methods from the base
1848 class so it can be used directly without having to derive any class from it.
1849 This comes at the price of much reduced flexibility.
1851 @library{wxadv}
1852 @category{dvc}
1853 */
1854 class wxDataViewTreeStore : public wxDataViewModel
1855 {
1856 public:
1857 /**
1858 Constructor. Creates the invisible root node internally.
1859 */
1860 wxDataViewTreeStore();
1862 /**
1863 Destructor.
1864 */
1865 ~wxDataViewTreeStore();
1867 /**
1868 Append a container.
1869 */
1870 wxDataViewItem AppendContainer(const wxDataViewItem& parent,
1871 const wxString& text,
1872 const wxIcon& icon = wxNullIcon,
1873 const wxIcon& expanded = wxNullIcon,
1874 wxClientData* data = NULL);
1876 /**
1877 Append an item.
1878 */
1879 wxDataViewItem AppendItem(const wxDataViewItem& parent,
1880 const wxString& text,
1881 const wxIcon& icon = wxNullIcon,
1882 wxClientData* data = NULL);
1884 /**
1885 Delete all item in the model.
1886 */
1887 void DeleteAllItems();
1889 /**
1890 Delete all children of the item, but not the item itself.
1891 */
1892 void DeleteChildren(const wxDataViewItem& item);
1894 /**
1895 Delete this item.
1896 */
1897 void DeleteItem(const wxDataViewItem& item);
1899 /**
1900 Return the number of children of item.
1901 */
1902 int GetChildCount(const wxDataViewItem& parent) const;
1904 /**
1905 Returns the client data asoociated with the item.
1906 */
1907 wxClientData* GetItemData(const wxDataViewItem& item) const;
1909 /**
1910 Returns the icon to display in expanded containers.
1911 */
1912 const wxIcon GetItemExpandedIcon(const wxDataViewItem& item) const;
1914 /**
1915 Returns the icon of the item.
1916 */
1917 const wxIcon GetItemIcon(const wxDataViewItem& item) const;
1919 /**
1920 Returns the text of the item.
1921 */
1922 wxString GetItemText(const wxDataViewItem& item) const;
1924 /**
1925 Returns the nth child item of item.
1926 */
1927 wxDataViewItem GetNthChild(const wxDataViewItem& parent,
1928 unsigned int pos) const;
1930 /**
1931 Inserts a container after @e previous.
1932 */
1933 wxDataViewItem InsertContainer(const wxDataViewItem& parent,
1934 const wxDataViewItem& previous,
1935 const wxString& text,
1936 const wxIcon& icon = wxNullIcon,
1937 const wxIcon& expanded = wxNullIcon,
1938 wxClientData* data = NULL);
1940 /**
1941 Inserts an item after @e previous.
1942 */
1943 wxDataViewItem InsertItem(const wxDataViewItem& parent,
1944 const wxDataViewItem& previous,
1945 const wxString& text,
1946 const wxIcon& icon = wxNullIcon,
1947 wxClientData* data = NULL);
1949 /**
1950 Inserts a container before the first child item or @e parent.
1951 */
1952 wxDataViewItem PrependContainer(const wxDataViewItem& parent,
1953 const wxString& text,
1954 const wxIcon& icon = wxNullIcon,
1955 const wxIcon& expanded = wxNullIcon,
1956 wxClientData* data = NULL);
1958 /**
1959 Inserts an item before the first child item or @e parent.
1960 */
1961 wxDataViewItem PrependItem(const wxDataViewItem& parent,
1962 const wxString& text,
1963 const wxIcon& icon = wxNullIcon,
1964 wxClientData* data = NULL);
1966 /**
1967 Sets the client data associated with the item.
1968 */
1969 void SetItemData(const wxDataViewItem& item, wxClientData* data);
1971 /**
1972 Sets the expanded icon for the item.
1973 */
1974 void SetItemExpandedIcon(const wxDataViewItem& item,
1975 const wxIcon& icon);
1977 /**
1978 Sets the icon for the item.
1979 */
1980 void SetItemIcon(const wxDataViewItem& item, const wxIcon& icon);
1981 };