]> git.saurik.com Git - wxWidgets.git/blob - src/os2/dialog.cpp
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[wxWidgets.git] / src / os2 / dialog.cpp
1 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 // Name: dialog.cpp
3 // Purpose: wxDialog class
4 // Author: David Webster
5 // Modified by:
6 // Created: 10/14/99
7 // RCS-ID: $Id$
8 // Copyright: (c) David Webster
9 // Licence: wxWindows licence
10 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
12 // For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx.h".
13 #include "wx/wxprec.h"
15 #ifndef WX_PRECOMP
16 #include "wx/dialog.h"
17 #include "wx/utils.h"
18 #include "wx/frame.h"
19 #include "wx/app.h"
20 #include "wx/settings.h"
21 #include "wx/intl.h"
22 #include "wx/log.h"
23 #endif
25 #include "wx/os2/private.h"
26 #include "wx/log.h"
28 #define wxDIALOG_DEFAULT_X 300
29 #define wxDIALOG_DEFAULT_Y 300
31 #define wxDIALOG_DEFAULT_WIDTH 500
32 #define wxDIALOG_DEFAULT_HEIGHT 500
34 wxWindowList wxModalDialogs;
36 IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxDialog, wxTopLevelWindow)
38 BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(wxDialog, wxDialogBase)
39 EVT_BUTTON(wxID_OK, wxDialog::OnOK)
40 EVT_BUTTON(wxID_APPLY, wxDialog::OnApply)
41 EVT_BUTTON(wxID_CANCEL, wxDialog::OnCancel)
42 EVT_CHAR_HOOK(wxDialog::OnCharHook)
43 EVT_SYS_COLOUR_CHANGED(wxDialog::OnSysColourChanged)
44 EVT_CLOSE(wxDialog::OnCloseWindow)
47 void wxDialog::Init()
48 {
49 m_pOldFocus = (wxWindow *)NULL;
50 m_isShown = FALSE;
51 m_pWindowDisabler = (wxWindowDisabler *)NULL;
52 SetBackgroundColour(wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_3DFACE));
53 } // end of wxDialog::Init
55 bool wxDialog::Create(
56 wxWindow* pParent
57 , wxWindowID vId
58 , const wxString& rsTitle
59 , const wxPoint& rPos
60 , const wxSize& rSize
61 , long lStyle
62 , const wxString& rsName
63 )
64 {
65 long lX = rPos.x;
66 long lY = rPos.y;
67 long lWidth = rSize.x;
68 long lHeight = rSize.y;
69 const char* zDlg;
70 WXDWORD dwExtendedStyle = 0L;
71 HWND hWnd;
73 Init();
74 SetExtraStyle(GetExtraStyle() | wxTOPLEVEL_EX_DIALOG);
76 //
77 // Save focus before doing anything which can potentially change it
78 //
79 m_pOldFocus = FindFocus();
81 //
82 // All dialogs should really have this style
83 //
84 lStyle |= wxTAB_TRAVERSAL;
86 if (!wxTopLevelWindow::Create( pParent
87 ,vId
88 ,rsTitle
89 ,rPos
90 ,rSize
91 ,lStyle
92 ,rsName
93 ))
94 return FALSE;
95 SetFont(wxSystemSettings::GetFont(wxSYS_DEFAULT_GUI_FONT));
97 //
98 // Must defer setting the title until after dialog is created and sized
99 //
100 if (!rsTitle.IsNull())
101 SetTitle(rsTitle);
102 return TRUE;
103 } // end of wxDialog::Create
105 void wxDialog::SetModal(
106 bool bFlag
107 )
108 {
109 if (bFlag)
110 {
111 m_windowStyle |= wxDIALOG_MODAL ;
112 wxModelessWindows.DeleteObject(this);
113 }
114 else
115 {
116 m_windowStyle &= ~wxDIALOG_MODAL ;
117 wxModelessWindows.Append(this);
118 }
119 } // end of wxDialog::SetModal
121 wxDialog::~wxDialog()
122 {
123 m_isBeingDeleted = TRUE;
124 Show(FALSE);
125 } // end of wxDialog::~wxDialog
127 //
128 // By default, pressing escape cancels the dialog
129 //
130 void wxDialog::OnCharHook(
131 wxKeyEvent& rEvent
132 )
133 {
134 if (GetHWND())
135 {
136 if (rEvent.m_keyCode == WXK_ESCAPE)
137 {
138 //
139 // Behaviour changed in 2.0: we'll send a Cancel message
140 // to the dialog instead of Close.
141 //
142 wxCommandEvent vCancelEvent( wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED
143 ,wxID_CANCEL
144 );
146 vCancelEvent.SetEventObject( this );
147 GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(vCancelEvent);
149 //
150 // Ensure that there is another message for this window so the
151 // ShowModal loop will exit and won't get stuck in GetMessage().
152 //
153 ::WinPostMsg(GetHwnd(), WM_NULL, 0, 0);
154 return;
155 }
156 }
157 // We didn't process this event.
158 rEvent.Skip();
159 }
161 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
162 // showing the dialogs
163 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
165 bool wxDialog::IsModal() const
166 {
167 return (GetWindowStyleFlag() & wxDIALOG_MODAL) != 0;
168 } // end of wxDialog::IsModal
170 bool wxDialog::IsModalShowing() const
171 {
172 return wxModalDialogs.Find((wxDialog *)this) != NULL; // const_cast
173 } // end of wxDialog::IsModalShowing
175 void wxDialog::DoShowModal()
176 {
177 wxWindow* pParent = GetParent();
178 wxWindow* pOldFocus = m_pOldFocus;
179 HWND hWndOldFocus = 0;
181 wxCHECK_RET( !IsModalShowing(), _T("DoShowModal() called twice") );
182 wxCHECK_RET( IsModal(), _T("can't DoShowModal() modeless dialog") );
184 wxModalDialogs.Append(this);
185 if (pOldFocus)
186 hWndOldFocus = (HWND)pOldFocus->GetHWND();
188 //
189 // Remember where the focus was
190 //
191 if (!pOldFocus)
192 {
193 pOldFocus = pParent;
194 if (pParent)
195 hWndOldFocus = GetHwndOf(pParent);
196 }
198 //
199 // Disable all other app windows
200 //
201 wxASSERT_MSG(!m_pWindowDisabler, _T("disabling windows twice?"));
203 //
204 // Disables other app windows and window proc message processing
205 // until WinDismissDlg called
206 //
207 ::WinProcessDlg((HWND)GetHwnd());
209 //
210 // Before entering the modal loop, reset the "is in OnIdle()" flag (see
211 // comment in app.cpp)
212 //
213 extern bool gbInOnIdle;
214 bool bWasInOnIdle = gbInOnIdle;
216 gbInOnIdle = FALSE;
218 //
219 // Enter the modal loop
220 //
221 while ( IsModalShowing() )
222 {
223 #if wxUSE_THREADS
224 wxMutexGuiLeaveOrEnter();
225 #endif // wxUSE_THREADS
227 while ( !wxTheApp->Pending() && wxTheApp->ProcessIdle() )
228 ;
230 // a message came or no more idle processing to do
231 wxTheApp->DoMessage();
232 }
233 gbInOnIdle = bWasInOnIdle;
235 //
236 // Snd restore focus
237 // Note that this code MUST NOT access the dialog object's data
238 // in case the object has been deleted (which will be the case
239 // for a modal dialog that has been destroyed before calling EndModal).
240 //
241 if (pOldFocus && (pOldFocus != this) && ::WinIsWindow(vHabmain, hWndOldFocus))
242 {
243 //
244 // This is likely to prove that the object still exists
245 //
246 if (wxFindWinFromHandle((WXHWND) hWndOldFocus) == pOldFocus)
247 pOldFocus->SetFocus();
248 }
249 } // end of wxDialog::DoShowModal
251 bool wxDialog::Show(
252 bool bShow
253 )
254 {
255 if (!bShow)
256 {
257 //
258 // If we had disabled other app windows, reenable them back now because
259 // if they stay disabled Windows will activate another window (one
260 // which is enabled, anyhow) and we will lose activation. We really don't
261 // do this in OS/2 since PM does this for us.
262 //
263 if (m_pWindowDisabler)
264 {
265 delete m_pWindowDisabler;
266 m_pWindowDisabler = NULL;
267 }
268 }
270 //
271 // ShowModal() may be called for already shown dialog
272 //
273 if (!wxDialogBase::Show(bShow) && !(bShow && IsModal()))
274 {
275 //
276 // Nothing to do
277 //
278 return FALSE;
279 }
281 if (bShow)
282 {
283 //
284 // Usually will result in TransferDataToWindow() being called
285 //
286 InitDialog();
287 }
289 if (GetTitle().c_str())
290 ::WinSetWindowText((HWND)GetHwnd(), GetTitle().c_str());
291 if (IsModal())
292 {
293 if (bShow)
294 {
295 //
296 // Modal dialog needs a parent window, so try to find one
297 //
298 if (!GetParent())
299 {
300 wxWindow* pParent = wxTheApp->GetTopWindow();
302 if ( pParent && pParent != this && pParent->IsShown() )
303 {
304 //
305 // Use it
306 //
307 m_parent = pParent;
309 }
310 }
311 DoShowModal();
312 }
313 else // end of modal dialog
314 {
315 //
316 // This will cause IsModalShowing() return FALSE and our local
317 // message loop will terminate
318 //
319 wxModalDialogs.DeleteObject(this);
320 }
321 }
322 return TRUE;
323 } // end of wxDialog::Show
325 //
326 // Replacement for Show(TRUE) for modal dialogs - returns return code
327 //
328 int wxDialog::ShowModal()
329 {
330 if (!IsModal())
331 {
332 SetModal(TRUE);
333 }
334 Show(TRUE);
335 return GetReturnCode();
336 } // end of wxDialog::ShowModal
338 void wxDialog::EndModal(
339 int nRetCode
340 )
341 {
342 SetReturnCode(nRetCode);
343 Show(FALSE);
344 ::WinDismissDlg((HWND)GetHwnd(), nRetCode);
345 } // end of wxDialog::EndModal
347 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
348 // wxWin event handlers
349 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
351 void wxDialog::OnApply(
352 wxCommandEvent& rEvent
353 )
354 {
355 if (Validate())
356 TransferDataFromWindow();
357 } // end of wxDialog::OnApply
359 // Standard buttons
360 void wxDialog::OnOK(
361 wxCommandEvent& rEvent
362 )
363 {
364 if ( Validate() && TransferDataFromWindow() )
365 {
366 EndModal(wxID_OK);
367 }
368 } // end of wxDialog::OnOK
370 void wxDialog::OnCancel(
371 wxCommandEvent& rEvent
372 )
373 {
374 EndModal(wxID_CANCEL);
375 } // end of wxDialog::OnCancel
377 void wxDialog::OnCloseWindow(
378 wxCloseEvent& rEvent
379 )
380 {
381 //
382 // We'll send a Cancel message by default,
383 // which may close the dialog.
384 // Check for looping if the Cancel event handler calls Close().
385 //
386 // Note that if a cancel button and handler aren't present in the dialog,
387 // nothing will happen when you close the dialog via the window manager, or
388 // via Close().
389 // We wouldn't want to destroy the dialog by default, since the dialog may have been
390 // created on the stack.
391 // However, this does mean that calling dialog->Close() won't delete the dialog
392 // unless the handler for wxID_CANCEL does so. So use Destroy() if you want to be
393 // sure to destroy the dialog.
394 // The default OnCancel (above) simply ends a modal dialog, and hides a modeless dialog.
395 //
397 //
398 // Ugh??? This is not good but until I figure out a global list it'll have to do
399 //
400 static wxList closing;
402 if ( closing.Member(this) )
403 return;
405 closing.Append(this);
407 wxCommandEvent vCancelEvent(wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED, wxID_CANCEL);
409 vCancelEvent.SetEventObject( this );
410 GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(vCancelEvent); // This may close the dialog
412 closing.DeleteObject(this);
413 } // end of wxDialog::OnCloseWindow
415 void wxDialog::OnSysColourChanged(
416 wxSysColourChangedEvent& rEvent
417 )
418 {
419 SetBackgroundColour(wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_3DFACE));
420 Refresh();
421 } // end of wxDialog::OnSysColourChanged
423 MRESULT wxDialog::OS2WindowProc(
424 WXUINT uMessage
425 , WXWPARAM wParam
426 , WXLPARAM lParam
427 )
428 {
429 MRESULT rc = 0;
430 bool bProcessed = FALSE;
432 switch (uMessage)
433 {
434 case WM_CLOSE:
435 //
436 // If we can't close, tell the system that we processed the
437 // message - otherwise it would close us
438 //
439 bProcessed = !Close();
440 break;
441 }
443 if (!bProcessed)
444 rc = wxWindow::OS2WindowProc( uMessage
445 ,wParam
446 ,lParam
447 );
448 return rc;
449 } // end of wxDialog::OS2WindowProc