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[wxWidgets.git] / docs / latex / wx / tlog.tex
1 \section{Log classes overview}\label{wxlogoverview}
3 % Vadim: let's not have references to documentation that doesn't exist yet.
4 % The docs are allowed to be incomplete, but not containing bad links!
5 Classes: \helpref{wxLog}{wxlog}, wxLogStderr,
6 wxLogOstream, wxLogTextCtrl, wxLogWindow, wxLogGui, wxLogNull
8 This is a general overview of logging classes provided by wxWindows. The word
9 logging here has a broad sense, including all of the program output, not only
10 non interactive messages. The logging facilities included in wxWindows provide
11 the base {\it wxLog} class which defines the standard interface for a {\it log
12 target} as well as several standard implementations of it and a family of
13 functions to use with them.
15 First of all, no knowledge of {\it wxLog} classes is needed to use them. For
16 this, you should only know about {\it wxLogXXX()} functions. All of them have
17 the same syntax as {\it printf()}, i.e. they take the format string as the
18 first argument and a variable number of arguments. Here are all of them:
20 \begin{itemize}\itemsep=0pt
21 \item{\bf wxLogFatalError} which is like {\it wxLogError}, but also
22 terminates the program with the exit code 3 (using {\it abort()} standard
23 function also terminates the program with this exit code).
24 \item{\bf wxLogError} is the function to use for error messages, i.e. the
25 messages that must be shown to the user. The default processing is to pop up a
26 message box to inform the user about it.
27 \item{\bf wxLogWarning} for warnings - they are also normally shown to the
28 user, but don't interrupt the program work.
29 \item{\bf wxLogMessage} is for all normal, informational messages. They also
30 appear in a message box by default (but it can be changed, see below). Notice
31 that the standard behaviour is to not show informational messages if there are
32 any errors later - the logic being that the later error messages make the
33 informational messages preceding them meaningless.
34 \item{\bf wxLogVerbose} is for verbose output. Normally, it's suppressed, but
35 might be activated if the user wishes to know more details about the program
36 progress (another, but possibly confusing name for the same function is {\bf
37 wxLogInfo}).
38 \item{\bf wxLogStatus} is for status messages - they will go into the status
39 bar of the active or specified (as the first argument) \helpref{wxFrame}{wxframe} if it has one.
40 \item{\bf wxLogSysError} is mostly used by wxWindows itself, but might be
41 handy for logging errors after system call (API function) failure. It logs the
42 specified message text as well as the last system error
43 code ({\it errno} or {\it ::GetLastError()} depending on the platform) and the corresponding error
44 message. The second form of this function takes the error code explitly as the
45 first argument.
46 \item{\bf wxLogDebug} is {\bf the} right function for debug output. It only
47 does anything at all in the debug mode (when the preprocessor symbol
48 \_\_WXDEBUG\_\_ is defined) and expands to nothing in release mode (otherwise).
49 \item{\bf wxLogTrace} as {\bf wxLogDebug} only does something in debug
50 build. The reason for making it a separate function from it is that usually
51 there are a lot of trace messages, so it might make sense to separate them
52 from other debug messages which would be flooded in them. Moreover, the second
53 version of this function takes a trace mask as the first argument which allows
54 to further restrict the amount of messages generated.
55 \end{itemize}
57 The usage of these functions should be fairly straightforward, however it may
58 be asked why not use the other logging facilities, such as C standard stdio
59 functions or C++ streams. The short answer is that they're all very good
60 generic mechanisms, but are not really adapted for wxWindows, while the log
61 classes are. Some of advantages in using wxWindows log functions are:
63 \begin{itemize}\itemsep=0pt
64 \item{\bf Portability} It's a common practice to use {\it printf()} statements or
65 cout/cerr C++ streams for writing out some (debug or otherwise) information.
66 Although it works just fine under Unix, these messages go strictly nowhere
67 under Windows where the stdout of GUI programs is not assigned to anything.
68 Thus, you might view {\it wxLogMessage()} as a simple substitute for {\it
69 printf()}.
70 \item{\bf Flexibility} The output of wxLog functions can be redirected or
71 suppressed entirely based on their importance, which is either impossible or
72 difficult to do with traditional methods. For example, only error messages, or
73 only error messages and warnings might be logged, filtering out all
74 informational messages.
75 \item{\bf Completeness} Usually, an error message should be presented to the user
76 when some operation fails. Let's take a quite simple but common case of a file
77 error: suppose that you're writing your data file on disk and there is not
78 enough space. The actual error might have been detected inside wxWindows code
79 (say, in {\it wxFile::Write}), so the calling function doesn't really know the
80 exact reason of the failure, it only knows that the data file couldn't be
81 written to the disk. However, as wxWindows uses {\it wxLogError()} in this
82 situation, the exact error code (and the corresponding error message) will be
83 given to the user together with "high level" message about data file writing
84 error.
85 \end{itemize}
87 After having enumerated all the functions which are normally used to log the
88 messages, and why would you want to use them we now describe how all this
89 works.
91 wxWindows has the notion of a {\it log target}: it's just a class deriving
92 from \helpref{wxLog}{wxlog}. As such, it implements the virtual functions of
93 the base class which are called when a message is logged. Only one log target
94 is {\it active} at any moment, this is the one used by \it{wxLogXXX()}
95 functions. The normal usage of a log object (i.e. object of a class derived
96 from wxLog) is to install it as the active target with a call to {\it
97 SetActiveTarget()} and it will be used automatically by all subsequent calls
98 to {\it wxLogXXX()} functions.
100 To create a new log target class you only need to derive it from wxLog and
101 implement one (or both) of {\it DoLog()} and {\it DoLogString()} in it. The
102 second one is enough if you're happy with the standard wxLog message
103 formatting (prepending "Error:" or "Warning:", timestamping \&c) but just want
104 to send the messages somewhere else. The first one may be overridden to do
105 whatever you want but you have to distinguish between the different message
106 types yourself.
108 There are some predefined classes deriving from wxLog and which might be
109 helpful to see how you can create a new log target class and, of course, may
110 also be used without any change. There are:
112 \begin{itemize}\itemsep=0pt
113 \item{\bf wxLogStderr} This class logs messages to a {\it FILE *}, using
114 stderr by default as its name suggests.
115 \item{\bf wxLogStream} This class has the same functionality as wxLogStderr,
116 but uses {\it ostream} and cerr instead of {\it FILE *} and stderr.
117 \item{\bf wxLogGui} This is the standard log target for wxWindows
118 applications (it's used by default if you don't do anything) and provides the
119 most reasonable handling of all types of messages for given platform.
120 \item{\bf wxLogWindow} This log target provides a "log console" which
121 collects all messages generated by the application and also passes them to the
122 previous active log target. The log window frame has a menu allowing user to
123 clear the log, close it completely or save all messages to file.
124 \item{\bf wxLogNull} The last log class is quite particular: it doesn't do
125 anything. The objects of this class may be instantiated to (temporarily)
126 suppress output of {\it wxLogXXX()} functions. As an example, trying to open a
127 non-existing file will usually provoke an error message, but if for some
128 reasons it's unwanted, just use this construction:
130 {\small
131 \begin{verbatim}
132 wxFile file;
134 // wxFile.Open() normally complains if file can't be opened, we don't want it
135 {
136 wxLogNull logNo;
137 if ( !file.Open("bar") )
138 ... process error ourselves ...
139 } // ~wxLogNull called, old log sink restored
141 wxLogMessage("..."); // ok
142 \end{verbatim}
143 }
144 \end{itemize}