]> git.saurik.com Git - wxWidgets.git/blob - wxPython/wx/lib/filebrowsebutton.py
test program improvements (patch 927429)
[wxWidgets.git] / wxPython / wx / lib / filebrowsebutton.py
1 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
2 # Name: wxPython.lib.filebrowsebutton
3 # Purpose: Composite controls that provide a Browse button next to
4 # either a wxTextCtrl or a wxComboBox. The Browse button
5 # launches a wxFileDialog and loads the result into the
6 # other control.
7 #
8 # Author: Mike Fletcher
9 #
10 # RCS-ID: $Id$
11 # Copyright: (c) 2000 by Total Control Software
12 # Licence: wxWindows license
13 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
14 # 12/02/2003 - Jeff Grimmett (grimmtooth@softhome.net)
15 #
16 # o 2.5 Compatability changes
17 #
19 import os
20 import types
22 import wx
24 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
26 class FileBrowseButton(wx.Panel):
27 """ A control to allow the user to type in a filename
28 or browse with the standard file dialog to select file
30 __init__ (
31 parent, id, pos, size -- passed directly to wxPanel initialisation
32 style = wxTAB_TRAVERSAL -- passed directly to wxPanel initialisation
33 labelText -- Text for label to left of text field
34 buttonText -- Text for button which launches the file dialog
35 toolTip -- Help text
36 dialogTitle -- Title used in file dialog
37 startDirectory -- Default directory for file dialog startup
38 fileMask -- File mask (glob pattern, such as *.*) to use in file dialog
39 fileMode -- wxOPEN or wxSAVE, indicates type of file dialog to use
40 changeCallback -- callback receives all > > changes in value of control
41 )
42 GetValue() -- retrieve current value of text control
43 SetValue(string) -- set current value of text control
44 label -- pointer to internal label widget
45 textControl -- pointer to internal text control
46 browseButton -- pointer to button
47 """
48 def __init__ (self, parent, id= -1,
49 pos = wx.DefaultPosition, size = wx.DefaultSize,
50 style = wx.TAB_TRAVERSAL,
51 labelText= "File Entry:",
52 buttonText= "Browse",
53 toolTip= "Type filename or click browse to choose file",
54 # following are the values for a file dialog box
55 dialogTitle = "Choose a file",
56 startDirectory = ".",
57 initialValue = "",
58 fileMask = "*.*",
59 fileMode = wx.OPEN,
60 # callback for when value changes (optional)
61 changeCallback= lambda x:x
62 ):
63 # store variables
64 self.labelText = labelText
65 self.buttonText = buttonText
66 self.toolTip = toolTip
67 self.dialogTitle = dialogTitle
68 self.startDirectory = startDirectory
69 self.initialValue = initialValue
70 self.fileMask = fileMask
71 self.fileMode = fileMode
72 self.changeCallback = changeCallback
73 self.callCallback = True
76 # get background to match it
77 try:
78 self._bc = parent.GetBackgroundColour()
79 except:
80 pass
82 # create the dialog
83 self.createDialog(parent, id, pos, size, style )
84 # Setting a value causes the changeCallback to be called.
85 # In this case that would be before the return of the
86 # constructor. Not good. So a default value on
87 # SetValue is used to disable the callback
88 self.SetValue( initialValue, 0)
91 def createDialog( self, parent, id, pos, size, style ):
92 """Setup the graphic representation of the dialog"""
93 wx.Panel.__init__ (self, parent, id, pos, size, style)
94 # try to set the background colour
95 try:
96 self.SetBackgroundColour(self._bc)
97 except:
98 pass
99 box = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
101 self.label = self.createLabel( )
102 box.Add( self.label, 0, wx.CENTER )
104 self.textControl = self.createTextControl()
105 box.Add( self.textControl, 1, wx.LEFT|wx.CENTER, 5)
107 self.browseButton = self.createBrowseButton()
108 box.Add( self.browseButton, 0, wx.LEFT|wx.CENTER, 5)
110 # add a border around the whole thing and resize the panel to fit
111 outsidebox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
112 outsidebox.Add(box, 1, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL, 3)
113 outsidebox.Fit(self)
115 self.SetAutoLayout(True)
116 self.SetSizer( outsidebox )
117 self.Layout()
118 if type( size ) == types.TupleType:
119 size = apply( wx.Size, size)
120 self.SetDimensions(-1, -1, size.width, size.height, wx.SIZE_USE_EXISTING)
122 # if size.width != -1 or size.height != -1:
123 # self.SetSize(size)
125 def SetBackgroundColour(self,color):
126 wx.Panel.SetBackgroundColour(self,color)
127 self.label.SetBackgroundColour(color)
129 def createLabel( self ):
130 """Create the label/caption"""
131 label = wx.StaticText(self, -1, self.labelText, style =wx.ALIGN_RIGHT )
132 font = label.GetFont()
133 w, h, d, e = self.GetFullTextExtent(self.labelText, font)
134 label.SetSize((w+5, h))
135 return label
137 def createTextControl( self):
138 """Create the text control"""
139 textControl = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1)
140 textControl.SetToolTipString( self.toolTip )
141 if self.changeCallback:
142 textControl.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT, self.OnChanged)
143 textControl.Bind(wx.EVT_COMBOBOX, self.OnChanged)
144 return textControl
146 def OnChanged(self, evt):
147 if self.callCallback and self.changeCallback:
148 self.changeCallback(evt)
150 def createBrowseButton( self):
151 """Create the browse-button control"""
152 button =wx.Button(self, -1, self.buttonText)
153 button.SetToolTipString( self.toolTip )
154 button.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnBrowse)
155 return button
158 def OnBrowse (self, event = None):
159 """ Going to browse for file... """
160 current = self.GetValue()
161 directory = os.path.split(current)
162 if os.path.isdir( current):
163 directory = current
164 current = ''
165 elif directory and os.path.isdir( directory[0] ):
166 current = directory[1]
167 directory = directory [0]
168 else:
169 directory = self.startDirectory
170 dlg = wx.FileDialog(self, self.dialogTitle, directory, current,
171 self.fileMask, self.fileMode)
173 if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
174 self.SetValue(dlg.GetPath())
175 dlg.Destroy()
178 def GetValue (self):
179 """ Convenient access to text control value """
180 return self.textControl.GetValue()
182 def SetValue (self, value, callBack=1):
183 """ Convenient setting of text control value """
184 save = self.callCallback
185 self.callCallback = callBack
186 self.textControl.SetValue(value)
187 self.callCallback = save
190 def Enable (self, value):
191 """ Convenient enabling/disabling of entire control """
192 self.label.Enable (value)
193 self.textControl.Enable (value)
194 return self.browseButton.Enable (value)
196 def GetLabel( self ):
197 """ Retrieve the label's current text """
198 return self.label.GetLabel()
200 def SetLabel( self, value ):
201 """ Set the label's current text """
202 rvalue = self.label.SetLabel( value )
203 self.Refresh( True )
204 return rvalue
209 class FileBrowseButtonWithHistory( FileBrowseButton ):
210 """ with following additions:
211 __init__(..., history=None)
213 history -- optional list of paths for initial history drop-down
214 (must be passed by name, not a positional argument)
215 If history is callable it will must return a list used
216 for the history drop-down
217 changeCallback -- as for FileBrowseButton, but with a work-around
218 for win32 systems which don't appear to create wx.EVT_COMBOBOX
219 events properly. There is a (slight) chance that this work-around
220 will cause some systems to create two events for each Combobox
221 selection. If you discover this condition, please report it!
222 As for a FileBrowseButton.__init__ otherwise.
223 GetHistoryControl()
224 Return reference to the control which implements interfaces
225 required for manipulating the history list. See GetHistoryControl
226 documentation for description of what that interface is.
227 GetHistory()
228 Return current history list
229 SetHistory( value=(), selectionIndex = None )
230 Set current history list, if selectionIndex is not None, select that index
231 """
232 def __init__( self, *arguments, **namedarguments):
233 self.history = namedarguments.get( "history" )
234 if self.history:
235 del namedarguments["history"]
237 self.historyCallBack=None
238 if callable(self.history):
239 self.historyCallBack=self.history
240 self.history=None
241 apply( FileBrowseButton.__init__, ( self,)+arguments, namedarguments)
244 def createTextControl( self):
245 """Create the text control"""
246 textControl = wx.ComboBox(self, -1, style = wx.CB_DROPDOWN )
247 textControl.SetToolTipString( self.toolTip )
248 textControl.Bind(wx.EVT_SET_FOCUS, self.OnSetFocus)
249 if self.changeCallback:
250 textControl.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT, self.changeCallback)
251 textControl.Bind(wx.EVT_COMBOBOX, self.changeCallback)
252 if self.history:
253 history=self.history
254 self.history=None
255 self.SetHistory( history, control=textControl)
256 return textControl
259 def GetHistoryControl( self ):
260 """Return a pointer to the control which provides (at least)
261 the following methods for manipulating the history list.:
262 Append( item ) -- add item
263 Clear() -- clear all items
264 Delete( index ) -- 0-based index to delete from list
265 SetSelection( index ) -- 0-based index to select in list
266 Semantics of the methods follow those for the wxComboBox control
267 """
268 return self.textControl
271 def SetHistory( self, value=(), selectionIndex = None, control=None ):
272 """Set the current history list"""
273 if control is None:
274 control = self.GetHistoryControl()
275 if self.history == value:
276 return
277 self.history = value
278 # Clear history values not the selected one.
279 tempValue=control.GetValue()
280 # clear previous values
281 control.Clear()
282 control.SetValue(tempValue)
283 # walk through, appending new values
284 for path in value:
285 control.Append( path )
286 if selectionIndex is not None:
287 control.SetSelection( selectionIndex )
290 def GetHistory( self ):
291 """Return the current history list"""
292 if self.historyCallBack != None:
293 return self.historyCallBack()
294 else:
295 return list( self.history )
298 def OnSetFocus(self, event):
299 """When the history scroll is selected, update the history"""
300 if self.historyCallBack != None:
301 self.SetHistory( self.historyCallBack(), control=self.textControl)
302 event.Skip()
305 if wx.Platform == "__WXMSW__":
306 def SetValue (self, value, callBack=1):
307 """ Convenient setting of text control value, works
308 around limitation of wx.ComboBox """
309 save = self.callCallback
310 self.callCallback = callBack
311 self.textControl.SetValue(value)
312 self.callCallback = save
314 # Hack to call an event handler
315 class LocalEvent:
316 def __init__(self, string):
317 self._string=string
318 def GetString(self):
319 return self._string
320 if callBack==1:
321 # The callback wasn't being called when SetValue was used ??
322 # So added this explicit call to it
323 self.changeCallback(LocalEvent(value))
326 class DirBrowseButton(FileBrowseButton):
327 def __init__(self, parent, id = -1,
328 pos = wx.DefaultPosition, size = wx.DefaultSize,
329 style = wx.TAB_TRAVERSAL,
330 labelText = 'Select a directory:',
331 buttonText = 'Browse',
332 toolTip = 'Type directory name or browse to select',
333 dialogTitle = '',
334 startDirectory = '.',
335 changeCallback = None,
336 dialogClass = wx.DirDialog):
337 FileBrowseButton.__init__(self, parent, id, pos, size, style,
338 labelText, buttonText, toolTip,
339 dialogTitle, startDirectory,
340 changeCallback = changeCallback)
341 self.dialogClass = dialogClass
342 #
344 def OnBrowse(self, ev = None):
345 dialog = self.dialogClass(self,
346 message = self.dialogTitle,
347 defaultPath = self.startDirectory)
348 if dialog.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
349 self.SetValue(dialog.GetPath())
350 dialog.Destroy()
351 #
354 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
357 if __name__ == "__main__":
358 #from skeletonbuilder import rulesfile
359 class SimpleCallback:
360 def __init__( self, tag ):
361 self.tag = tag
362 def __call__( self, event ):
363 print self.tag, event.GetString()
364 class DemoFrame( wx.Frame ):
365 def __init__(self, parent):
366 wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, -1, "File entry with browse", size=(500,260))
367 self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self.OnCloseWindow)
368 panel = wx.Panel (self,-1)
369 innerbox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
370 control = FileBrowseButton(
371 panel,
372 initialValue = "z:\\temp",
373 )
374 innerbox.Add( control, 0, wx.EXPAND )
375 middlecontrol = FileBrowseButtonWithHistory(
376 panel,
377 labelText = "With History",
378 initialValue = "d:\\temp",
379 history = ["c:\\temp", "c:\\tmp", "r:\\temp","z:\\temp"],
380 changeCallback= SimpleCallback( "With History" ),
381 )
382 innerbox.Add( middlecontrol, 0, wx.EXPAND )
383 middlecontrol = FileBrowseButtonWithHistory(
384 panel,
385 labelText = "History callback",
386 initialValue = "d:\\temp",
387 history = self.historyCallBack,
388 changeCallback= SimpleCallback( "History callback" ),
389 )
390 innerbox.Add( middlecontrol, 0, wx.EXPAND )
391 self.bottomcontrol = control = FileBrowseButton(
392 panel,
393 labelText = "With Callback",
395 changeCallback= SimpleCallback( "With Callback" ),
396 )
397 innerbox.Add( control, 0, wx.EXPAND)
398 self.bottommostcontrol = control = DirBrowseButton(
399 panel,
400 labelText = "Simple dir browse button",
402 innerbox.Add( control, 0, wx.EXPAND)
403 ID = wx.NewId()
404 innerbox.Add( wx.Button( panel, ID,"Change Label", ), 1, wx.EXPAND)
405 self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnChangeLabel , id=ID)
406 ID = wx.NewId()
407 innerbox.Add( wx.Button( panel, ID,"Change Value", ), 1, wx.EXPAND)
408 self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnChangeValue, id=ID )
409 panel.SetAutoLayout(True)
410 panel.SetSizer( innerbox )
411 self.history={"c:\\temp":1, "c:\\tmp":1, "r:\\temp":1,"z:\\temp":1}
413 def historyCallBack(self):
414 keys=self.history.keys()
415 keys.sort()
416 return keys
418 def OnFileNameChangedHistory (self, event):
419 self.history[event.GetString ()]=1
421 def OnCloseMe(self, event):
422 self.Close(True)
423 def OnChangeLabel( self, event ):
424 self.bottomcontrol.SetLabel( "Label Updated" )
425 def OnChangeValue( self, event ):
426 self.bottomcontrol.SetValue( "r:\\somewhere\\over\\the\\rainbow.htm" )
428 def OnCloseWindow(self, event):
429 self.Destroy()
431 class DemoApp(wx.App):
432 def OnInit(self):
433 wx.InitAllImageHandlers()
434 frame = DemoFrame(None)
435 frame.Show(True)
436 self.SetTopWindow(frame)
437 return True
439 def test( ):
440 app = DemoApp(0)
441 app.MainLoop()
442 print 'Creating dialog'
443 test( )