Added wxRegion version of wxWindowDC::SetClippingRegion
[wxWidgets.git] / include / wx / msw / dc.h
1 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 // Name: dc.h
3 // Purpose: wxDC class
4 // Author: Julian Smart
5 // Modified by:
6 // Created: 01/02/97
7 // RCS-ID: $Id$
8 // Copyright: (c) Julian Smart
9 // Licence: wxWindows licence
10 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
12 #ifndef _WX_DC_H_
13 #define _WX_DC_H_
15 #ifdef __GNUG__
16 #pragma interface "dc.h"
17 #endif
19 #include "wx/pen.h"
20 #include "wx/brush.h"
21 #include "wx/icon.h"
22 #include "wx/font.h"
23 #include "wx/gdicmn.h"
25 class WXDLLEXPORT wxDC: public wxObject
26 {
28 protected:
29 public:
30 wxDC(void);
31 ~wxDC(void);
33 inline void wxDC::BeginDrawing(void) {}
34 inline void wxDC::EndDrawing(void) {}
36 virtual void FloodFill(long x1, long y1, const wxColour& col, int style=wxFLOOD_SURFACE) ;
37 inline void FloodFill(const wxPoint& pt, const wxColour& col, int style=wxFLOOD_SURFACE)
38 {
39 FloodFill(pt.x, pt.y, col, style);
40 }
42 virtual bool GetPixel(long x1, long y1, wxColour *col) const ;
43 inline bool GetPixel(const wxPoint& pt, wxColour *col) const
44 {
45 return GetPixel(pt.x, pt.y, col);
46 }
48 virtual void DrawLine(long x1, long y1, long x2, long y2);
49 inline void DrawLine(const wxPoint& pt1, const wxPoint& pt2)
50 {
51 DrawLine(pt1.x, pt1.y, pt2.x, pt2.y);
52 }
54 virtual void CrossHair(long x, long y) ;
55 inline void CrossHair(const wxPoint& pt)
56 {
57 CrossHair(pt.x, pt.y);
58 }
60 virtual void DrawArc(long x1,long y1,long x2,long y2,long xc, long yc);
61 inline void DrawArc(const wxPoint& pt1, const wxPoint& pt2, const wxPoint& centre)
62 {
63 DrawArc(pt1.x, pt1.y, pt2.x, pt2.y, centre.x, centre.y);
64 }
66 virtual void DrawEllipticArc (long x, long y, long w, long h, double sa, double ea);
67 virtual void DrawEllipticArc (const wxPoint& pt, const wxSize& sz, double sa, double ea)
68 {
69 DrawEllipticArc(pt.x, pt.y, sz.x, sz.y, sa, ea);
70 }
72 virtual void DrawPoint(long x, long y);
73 inline void DrawPoint(const wxPoint& pt)
74 {
75 DrawPoint(pt.x, pt.y);
76 }
78 virtual void DrawLines(int n, wxPoint points[], long xoffset = 0, long yoffset = 0);
80 virtual void DrawPolygon(int n, wxPoint points[], long xoffset = 0, long yoffset = 0, int fillStyle=wxODDEVEN_RULE);
82 virtual void DrawRectangle(long x, long y, long width, long height);
83 inline void DrawRectangle(const wxPoint& pt, const wxSize& sz)
84 {
85 DrawRectangle(pt.x, pt.y, sz.x, sz.y);
86 }
87 inline void DrawRectangle(const wxRect& rect)
88 {
89 DrawRectangle(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height);
90 }
92 virtual void DrawRoundedRectangle(long x, long y, long width, long height, double radius = 20.0);
93 inline void DrawRoundedRectangle(const wxPoint& pt, const wxSize& sz, double radius = 20.0)
94 {
95 DrawRoundedRectangle(pt.x, pt.y, sz.x, sz.y, radius);
96 }
97 inline void DrawRoundedRectangle(const wxRect& rect, double radius = 20.0)
98 {
99 DrawRoundedRectangle(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height, radius);
100 }
102 virtual void DrawEllipse(long x, long y, long width, long height);
103 inline void DrawEllipse(const wxPoint& pt, const wxSize& sz)
104 {
105 DrawEllipse(pt.x, pt.y, sz.x, sz.y);
106 }
107 inline void DrawEllipse(const wxRect& rect)
108 {
109 DrawEllipse(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height);
110 }
112 virtual void DrawIcon(const wxIcon& icon, long x, long y);
113 inline void DrawIcon(const wxIcon& icon, const wxPoint& pt)
114 {
115 DrawIcon(icon, pt.x, pt.y);
116 }
118 inline void DrawPoint(wxPoint& point) { DrawPoint(point.x, point.y); }
119 virtual void DrawLines(wxList *list, long xoffset = 0, long yoffset = 0);
120 virtual void DrawPolygon(wxList *list, long xoffset = 0, long yoffset = 0, int fillStyle=wxODDEVEN_RULE);
122 virtual void DrawText(const wxString& text, long x, long y, bool use16bit = FALSE);
123 inline void DrawText(const wxString& text, const wxPoint& pt, bool use16bit = FALSE)
124 {
125 DrawText(text, pt.x, pt.y, use16bit);
126 }
128 virtual bool Blit(long xdest, long ydest, long width, long height,
129 wxDC *source, long xsrc, long ysrc, int rop = wxCOPY, bool useMask = FALSE);
130 inline bool Blit(const wxPoint& destPt, const wxSize& sz,
131 wxDC *source, const wxPoint& srcPt, int rop = wxCOPY, bool useMask = FALSE)
132 {
133 return Blit(destPt.x, destPt.y, sz.x, sz.y, source, srcPt.x, srcPt.y, rop, useMask);
134 }
136 #if wxUSE_SPLINES
137 // Splines
138 // 3-point spline
139 virtual void DrawSpline(long x1, long y1, long x2, long y2, long x3, long y3);
140 // Any number of control points - a list of pointers to wxPoints
141 virtual void DrawSpline(wxList *points);
142 virtual void DrawSpline(int n, wxPoint points[]);
143 #endif
144 virtual void Clear(void);
145 virtual void SetFont(const wxFont& font);
146 virtual void SetPen(const wxPen& pen);
147 virtual void SetBrush(const wxBrush& brush);
148 virtual void SetLogicalFunction(int function);
149 virtual void SetBackground(const wxBrush& brush);
150 virtual void SetBackgroundMode(int mode);
152 virtual void SetClippingRegion(long x, long y, long width, long height);
153 inline void SetClippingRegion(const wxPoint& pt, const wxSize& sz)
154 {
155 SetClippingRegion(pt.x, pt.y, sz.x, sz.y);
156 }
157 inline void SetClippingRegion(const wxRect& rect)
158 {
159 SetClippingRegion(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height);
160 }
161 virtual void SetClippingRegion(const wxRegion& region);
163 virtual void SetPalette(const wxPalette& palette);
165 virtual inline void SetColourMap(const wxPalette& palette) { SetPalette(palette); };
166 #endif
167 virtual void DestroyClippingRegion(void);
168 virtual long GetCharHeight(void) const;
169 virtual long GetCharWidth(void) const;
170 virtual void GetTextExtent(const wxString& string, long *x, long *y,
171 long *descent = NULL, long *externalLeading = NULL,
172 wxFont *theFont = NULL, bool use16bit = FALSE) const;
174 void GetTextExtent(const wxString& string, float *x, float *y,
175 float *descent = NULL, float *externalLeading = NULL,
176 wxFont *theFont = NULL, bool use16bit = FALSE) const ;
177 #endif
179 // Size in device units
180 virtual void GetSize(int* width, int* height) const;
181 inline wxSize GetSize(void) const { int w, h; GetSize(&w, &h); return wxSize(w, h); }
183 // Size in mm
184 virtual void GetSizeMM(long* width, long* height) const ;
186 // Compatibility
188 inline void GetSize(float* width, float* height) const { int w, h; GetSize(& w, & h); *width = w; *height = h; }
189 inline void GetSizeMM(float *width, float *height) const { long w, h; GetSizeMM(& w, & h); *width = (float) w; *height = (float) h; }
190 #endif
192 virtual bool StartDoc(const wxString& message);
193 virtual void EndDoc(void);
194 virtual void StartPage(void);
195 virtual void EndPage(void);
196 virtual void SetMapMode(int mode);
197 virtual void SetUserScale(double x, double y);
198 virtual void SetSystemScale(double x, double y);
199 virtual void SetLogicalOrigin(long x, long y);
200 virtual void SetDeviceOrigin(long x, long y);
201 virtual void SetAxisOrientation(bool xLeftRight, bool yBottomUp);
203 // This group of functions does actual conversion
204 // of the input, as you'd expect.
206 long DeviceToLogicalX(long x) const;
207 long DeviceToLogicalY(long y) const;
208 long DeviceToLogicalXRel(long x) const;
209 long DeviceToLogicalYRel(long y) const;
210 long LogicalToDeviceX(long x) const;
211 long LogicalToDeviceY(long y) const;
212 long LogicalToDeviceXRel(long x) const;
213 long LogicalToDeviceYRel(long y) const;
215 // This group of functions may not do any conversion
216 // if m_scaleGDI is TRUE, since the HDC does the
217 // conversion automatically.
218 // m_scaleGDI NOW OBSOLETE
219 long ImplDeviceToLogicalX(long x) const;
220 long ImplDeviceToLogicalY(long y) const;
221 long ImplDeviceToLogicalXRel(long x) const;
222 long ImplDeviceToLogicalYRel(long y) const;
223 long ImplLogicalToDeviceX(long x) const;
224 long ImplLogicalToDeviceY(long y) const;
225 long ImplLogicalToDeviceXRel(long x) const;
226 long ImplLogicalToDeviceYRel(long y) const;
228 virtual bool CanDrawBitmap(void) const;
229 virtual bool CanGetTextExtent(void) const;
231 virtual void SetTextForeground(const wxColour& colour);
232 virtual void SetTextBackground(const wxColour& colour);
233 inline virtual bool Ok(void) const {return m_ok;};
234 inline virtual int GetMapMode(void) const {return m_mappingMode;};
236 inline virtual wxBrush *GetBackground(void) const { return (wxBrush*) &m_backgroundBrush ;}
237 inline virtual wxBrush *GetBrush(void) const { return (wxBrush*) &m_brush ;}
238 inline virtual wxFont *GetFont(void) const { return (wxFont*) &m_font ;}
239 inline virtual int GetLogicalFunction(void) const { return m_logicalFunction ;}
240 inline virtual wxPen *GetPen(void) const { return (wxPen*) &m_pen ;}
241 inline virtual wxColour&GetTextBackground(void) const { return (wxColour&) m_textBackgroundColour ;}
242 inline virtual wxColour&GetTextForeground(void) const { return (wxColour&) m_textForegroundColour ;}
244 virtual void SetLogicalScale(double x, double y);
245 virtual inline void GetUserScale(double* x, double *y) const { *x = m_userScaleX; *y = m_userScaleY; }
246 virtual void CalcBoundingBox(long x, long y);
247 // Get the final bounding box of the PostScript or Metafile picture.
248 virtual inline long MinX(void) const { return m_minX; }
249 virtual inline long MaxX(void) const { return m_maxX; }
250 virtual inline long MinY(void) const { return m_minY; }
251 virtual inline long MaxY(void) const { return m_maxY; }
252 // Sometimes we need to override optimization, e.g.
253 // if other software is drawing onto our surface and we
254 // can't be sure of who's done what.
255 virtual inline void SetOptimization(bool WXUNUSED(opt)) { }
256 virtual inline bool GetOptimization(void) { return FALSE; }
258 virtual void GetClippingBox(long *x,long *y,long *w,long *h) const ;
259 inline void GetClippingBox(wxRect& rect) const
260 {
261 long x, y, w, h;
262 GetClippingBox(&x, &y, &w, &h); rect.x = x; rect.y = y; rect.width = w; rect.height = h;
263 }
265 // This should probably be made available on other platforms
266 int wxDC::GetDepth(void) const ;
268 // Implementation
269 virtual void SetRop(WXHDC cdc);
270 virtual void DoClipping(WXHDC cdc);
271 virtual void SelectOldObjects(WXHDC dc);
273 inline wxWindow *GetWindow(void) const { return m_canvas; }
274 inline void SetWindow(wxWindow *win) { m_canvas = win; }
275 inline WXHDC GetHDC(void) const { return m_hDC; }
276 inline void SetHDC(WXHDC dc, bool bOwnsDC = FALSE) { m_hDC = dc; m_bOwnsDC = bOwnsDC; }
278 protected:
279 bool m_colour;
280 bool m_ok;
281 bool m_clipping;
282 bool m_isInteractive;
284 // Coordinate system variables
285 long m_logicalOriginX;
286 long m_logicalOriginY;
288 long m_deviceOriginX;
289 long m_deviceOriginY;
291 double m_logicalScaleX;
292 double m_logicalScaleY;
294 double m_userScaleX;
295 double m_userScaleY;
297 int m_signX; // Used by SetAxisOrientation() to
298 int m_signY; // invert the axes
300 int m_mappingMode;
302 long m_minX; // bounding box
303 long m_minY;
304 long m_maxX;
305 long m_maxY;
307 int m_logicalFunction;
308 int m_backgroundMode;
310 wxPen m_pen;
311 wxBrush m_brush;
312 wxBrush m_backgroundBrush;
313 wxColour m_textForegroundColour;
314 wxColour m_textBackgroundColour;
315 wxFont m_font;
316 wxPalette m_palette;
317 int m_clipX1;
318 int m_clipY1;
319 int m_clipX2;
320 int m_clipY2;
321 // bool m_dontDelete;
322 int m_windowExtX;
323 int m_windowExtY;
324 double m_systemScaleX;
325 double m_systemScaleY;
327 wxWindow * m_canvas;
328 wxBitmap m_selectedBitmap;
329 wxString m_filename;
331 // TRUE => DeleteDC() in dtor, FALSE => only ReleaseDC() it
332 bool m_bOwnsDC;
334 WXHDC m_hDC;
335 int m_hDCCount;
337 // Store all old GDI objects when do a SelectObject,
338 // so we can select them back in (this unselecting user's
339 // objects) so we can safely delete the DC.
340 WXHBITMAP m_oldBitmap;
341 WXHPEN m_oldPen;
342 WXHBRUSH m_oldBrush;
343 WXHFONT m_oldFont;
344 WXHPALETTE m_oldPalette;
346 // Stores scaling, translation, rotation
347 // wxTransformMatrix m_transformMatrix;
349 // Do we wish to scale GDI objects too, e.g. pen width?
350 // bool m_scaleGDI;
351 };
353 // Logical to device
354 // Absolute
355 #define XLOG2DEV(x) ImplLogicalToDeviceX(x)
357 #define YLOG2DEV(y) ImplLogicalToDeviceY(y)
359 // Relative
360 #define XLOG2DEVREL(x) ImplLogicalToDeviceXRel(x)
361 #define YLOG2DEVREL(y) ImplLogicalToDeviceYRel(y)
363 // Device to logical
364 // Absolute
365 #define XDEV2LOG(x) ImplDeviceToLogicalX(x)
367 #define YDEV2LOG(y) ImplDeviceToLogicalY(y)
369 // Relative
370 #define XDEV2LOGREL(x) ImplDeviceToLogicalXRel(x)
371 #define YDEV2LOGREL(y) ImplDeviceToLogicalYRel(y)
373 /*
374 * Have the same macros as for XView but not for every operation:
375 * just for calculating window/viewport extent (a better way of scaling).
376 */
378 // Logical to device
379 // Absolute
380 #define MS_XLOG2DEV(x) LogicalToDevice(x)
382 #define MS_YLOG2DEV(y) LogicalToDevice(y)
384 // Relative
385 #define MS_XLOG2DEVREL(x) LogicalToDeviceXRel(x)
386 #define MS_YLOG2DEVREL(y) LogicalToDeviceYRel(y)
388 // Device to logical
389 // Absolute
390 #define MS_XDEV2LOG(x) DeviceToLogicalX(x)
392 #define MS_YDEV2LOG(y) DeviceToLogicalY(y)
394 // Relative
395 #define MS_XDEV2LOGREL(x) DeviceToLogicalXRel(x)
396 #define MS_YDEV2LOGREL(y) DeviceToLogicalYRel(y)
398 #define MM_POINTS 7
399 #define MM_METRIC 8
401 extern int wxPageNumber;
403 // Conversion
404 #define METRIC_CONVERSION_CONSTANT 0.0393700787
406 // Scaling factors for various unit conversions
407 #define mm2inches (METRIC_CONVERSION_CONSTANT)
408 #define inches2mm (1/METRIC_CONVERSION_CONSTANT)
410 #define mm2twips (METRIC_CONVERSION_CONSTANT*1440)
411 #define twips2mm (1/(METRIC_CONVERSION_CONSTANT*1440))
413 #define mm2pt (METRIC_CONVERSION_CONSTANT*72)
414 #define pt2mm (1/(METRIC_CONVERSION_CONSTANT*72))
416 #define wx_round(a) (int)((a)+.5)
419 #endif
420 // _WX_DC_H_