added wxBU_NOTEXT style to allow creating bitmap buttons with stock id not showing...
[wxWidgets.git] / interface / wx / button.h
1 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 // Name: button.h
3 // Purpose: interface of wxButton
4 // Author: wxWidgets team
5 // RCS-ID: $Id$
6 // Licence: wxWindows license
7 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9 /**
10 @class wxButton
12 A button is a control that contains a text string, and is one of the most
13 common elements of a GUI.
15 It may be placed on a @ref wxDialog "dialog box" or on a @ref wxPanel panel,
16 or indeed on almost any other window.
18 @beginStyleTable
19 @style{wxBU_LEFT}
20 Left-justifies the label. Windows and GTK+ only.
21 @style{wxBU_TOP}
22 Aligns the label to the top of the button. Windows and GTK+ only.
23 @style{wxBU_RIGHT}
24 Right-justifies the bitmap label. Windows and GTK+ only.
25 @style{wxBU_BOTTOM}
26 Aligns the label to the bottom of the button. Windows and GTK+ only.
27 @style{wxBU_EXACTFIT}
28 Creates the button as small as possible instead of making it of the
29 standard size (which is the default behaviour ).
30 @style{wxBU_NOTEXT}
31 Disables the display of the text label in the button even if it has one
32 or its id is one of the standard stock ids with an associated label:
33 without using this style a button which is only supposed to show a
34 bitmap but uses a standard id would display a label too.
35 @style{wxBORDER_NONE}
36 Creates a flat button. Windows and GTK+ only.
37 @endStyleTable
39 By default, i.e. if none of the alignment styles are specified, the label
40 is centered both horizontally and vertically. If the button has both a
41 label and a bitmap, the alignment styles above specify the location of the
42 rectangle combining both the label and the bitmap and the bitmap position
43 set with wxButton::SetBitmapPosition() defines the relative position of the
44 bitmap with respect to the label (however currently non-default alignment
45 combinations are not implemented on all platforms).
47 @beginEventEmissionTable{wxCommandEvent}
48 @event{EVT_BUTTON(id, func)}
49 Process a wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED event, when the button is clicked.
50 @endEventTable
53 Since version 2.9.1 wxButton supports showing both text and an image, see
54 SetBitmap() and SetBitmapLabel(), SetBitmapDisabled() &c methods. In the
55 previous wxWidgets versions this functionality was only available in (the
56 now trivial) wxBitmapButton class which was only capable of showing an
57 image without text.
59 A button may have either a single image for all states or different images
60 for the following states:
61 @li @b normal: the default state
62 @li @b disabled: bitmap shown when the button is disabled.
63 @li @b pressed: bitmap shown when the button is pushed (e.g. while the user
64 keeps the mouse button pressed on it)
65 @li @b focus: bitmap shown when the button has keyboard focus (but is not
66 pressed as in this case the button is in the pressed state)
67 @li @b current: bitmap shown when the mouse is over the button (but it is
68 not pressed although it may have focus). Notice that if current bitmap
69 is not specified but the current platform UI uses hover images for the
70 buttons (such as Windows XP or GTK+), then the focus bitmap is used for
71 hover state as well. This makes it possible to set focus bitmap only to
72 get reasonably good behaviour on all platforms.
74 All of the bitmaps must be of the same size and the normal bitmap must be
75 set first (to a valid bitmap), before setting any other ones.
77 The position of the image inside the button be configured using
78 SetBitmapPosition(). By default the image is on the left of the text.
80 @library{wxcore}
81 @category{ctrl}
82 @appearance{button.png}
84 @see wxBitmapButton
85 */
86 class wxButton : public wxControl
87 {
88 public:
89 /**
90 Default ctor.
91 */
92 wxButton();
94 /**
95 Constructor, creating and showing a button.
97 The preferred way to create standard buttons is to use default value of
98 @a label. If no label is supplied and @a id is one of standard IDs from
99 @ref page_stockitems "this list", a standard label will be used.
101 In addition to that, the button will be decorated with stock icons under GTK+ 2.
103 @param parent
104 Parent window. Must not be @NULL.
105 @param id
106 Button identifier. A value of wxID_ANY indicates a default value.
107 @param label
108 Text to be displayed on the button.
109 @param pos
110 Button position.
111 @param size
112 Button size. If the default size is specified then the button is sized
113 appropriately for the text.
114 @param style
115 Window style. See wxButton class description.
116 @param validator
117 Window validator.
118 @param name
119 Window name.
121 @see Create(), wxValidator
122 */
123 wxButton(wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id,
124 const wxString& label = wxEmptyString,
125 const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
126 const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
127 long style = 0,
128 const wxValidator& validator = wxDefaultValidator,
129 const wxString& name = wxButtonNameStr);
131 /**
132 Button creation function for two-step creation.
133 For more details, see wxButton().
134 */
135 bool Create(wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id,
136 const wxString& label = wxEmptyString,
137 const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
138 const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
139 long style = 0,
140 const wxValidator& validator = wxDefaultValidator,
141 const wxString& name = wxButtonNameStr);
143 /**
144 Return the bitmap shown by the button.
146 The returned bitmap may be invalid only if the button doesn't show any
147 images.
149 @see SetBitmap()
151 @since 2.9.1
152 */
153 wxBitmap GetBitmap() const;
155 /**
156 Returns the bitmap used when the mouse is over the button, which may be
157 invalid.
159 @see SetBitmapCurrent()
161 @since 2.9.1 (available as wxBitmapButton::GetBitmapHover() in previous
162 versions)
163 */
164 wxBitmap GetBitmapCurrent() const;
166 /**
167 Returns the bitmap for the disabled state, which may be invalid.
169 @see SetBitmapDisabled()
171 @since 2.9.1 (available in wxBitmapButton only in previous versions)
172 */
173 wxBitmap GetBitmapDisabled() const;
175 /**
176 Returns the bitmap for the focused state, which may be invalid.
178 @see SetBitmapFocus()
180 @since 2.9.1 (available in wxBitmapButton only in previous versions)
181 */
182 wxBitmap GetBitmapFocus() const;
184 /**
185 Returns the bitmap for the normal state.
187 This is exactly the same as GetBitmap() but uses a name
188 backwards-compatible with wxBitmapButton.
190 @see SetBitmap(), SetBitmapLabel()
192 @since 2.9.1 (available in wxBitmapButton only in previous versions)
193 */
194 wxBitmap GetBitmapLabel() const;
196 /**
197 Returns the bitmap for the pressed state, which may be invalid.
199 @see SetBitmapPressed()
201 @since 2.9.1 (available as wxBitmapButton::GetBitmapSelected() in
202 previous versions)
203 */
204 wxBitmap GetBitmapPressed() const;
206 /**
207 Returns the default size for the buttons. It is advised to make all the dialog
208 buttons of the same size and this function allows to retrieve the (platform and
209 current font dependent size) which should be the best suited for this.
210 */
211 static wxSize GetDefaultSize();
213 /**
214 Returns the string label for the button.
216 @see SetLabel()
217 */
218 wxString GetLabel() const;
220 /**
221 Sets the bitmap to display in the button.
223 The bitmap is displayed together with the button label. This method
224 sets up a single bitmap which is used in all button states, use
225 SetBitmapDisabled(), SetBitmapPressed(), SetBitmapCurrent() or
226 SetBitmapFocus() to change the individual images used in different
227 states.
229 @param bitmap
230 The bitmap to display in the button. May be invalid to remove any
231 currently displayed bitmap.
232 @param dir
233 The position of the bitmap inside the button. By default it is
234 positioned to the left of the text, near to the left button border.
235 Other possible values include wxRIGHT, wxTOP and wxBOTTOM.
237 @see SetBitmapPosition(), SetBitmapMargins()
239 @since 2.9.1
240 */
241 void SetBitmap(const wxBitmap& bitmap, wxDirection dir = wxLEFT);
243 /**
244 Sets the bitmap to be shown when the mouse is over the button.
246 @see GetBitmapCurrent()
248 @since 2.9.1 (available as wxBitmapButton::SetBitmapHover() in previous
249 versions)
250 */
251 void SetBitmapCurrent(const wxBitmap& bitmap);
253 /**
254 Sets the bitmap for the disabled button appearance.
256 @see GetBitmapDisabled(), SetBitmapLabel(),
257 SetBitmapPressed(), SetBitmapFocus()
259 @since 2.9.1 (available in wxBitmapButton only in previous versions)
260 */
261 void SetBitmapDisabled(const wxBitmap& bitmap);
263 /**
264 Sets the bitmap for the button appearance when it has the keyboard
265 focus.
267 @see GetBitmapFocus(), SetBitmapLabel(),
268 SetBitmapPressed(), SetBitmapDisabled()
270 @since 2.9.1 (available in wxBitmapButton only in previous versions)
271 */
272 void SetBitmapFocus(const wxBitmap& bitmap);
274 /**
275 Sets the bitmap label for the button.
277 @remarks This is the bitmap used for the unselected state, and for all
278 other states if no other bitmaps are provided.
280 @see SetBitmap(), GetBitmapLabel()
282 @since 2.9.1 (available in wxBitmapButton only in previous versions)
283 */
284 void SetBitmapLabel(const wxBitmap& bitmap);
286 /**
287 Sets the bitmap for the selected (depressed) button appearance.
289 @since 2.9.1 (available as wxBitmapButton::SetBitmapSelected() in
290 previous versions)
291 */
292 void SetBitmapPressed(const wxBitmap& bitmap);
294 /**
295 Set the margins between the bitmap and the text of the button.
297 This method is currently only implemented under MSW. If it is not
298 called, default margin is used around the bitmap.
300 @see SetBitmap(), SetBitmapPosition()
302 @since 2.9.1
303 */
304 //@{
305 void SetBitmapMargins(wxCoord x, wxCoord y);
306 void SetBitmapMargins(const wxSize& sz);
307 //@}
309 /**
310 Set the position at which the bitmap is displayed.
312 This method should only be called if the button does have an associated
313 bitmap.
315 @since 2.9.1
317 @param dir
318 Direction in which the bitmap should be positioned, one of wxLEFT,
319 wxRIGHT, wxTOP or wxBOTTOM.
320 */
321 void SetBitmapPosition(wxDirection dir);
323 /**
324 This sets the button to be the default item in its top-level window
325 (e.g. the panel or the dialog box containing it).
327 As normal, pressing return causes the default button to be depressed when
328 the return key is pressed.
330 See also wxWindow::SetFocus() which sets the keyboard focus for windows
331 and text panel items, and wxTopLevelWindow::SetDefaultItem().
333 @remarks Under Windows, only dialog box buttons respond to this function.
335 @return the old default item (possibly NULL)
336 */
337 virtual wxWindow* SetDefault();
339 /**
340 Sets the string label for the button.
342 @param label
343 The label to set.
344 */
345 void SetLabel(const wxString& label);
346 };