add Show/HideColumn() methods
[wxWidgets.git] / interface / wx / headerctrl.h
1 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 // Name: wx/headerctrl.h
3 // Purpose: interface of wxHeaderCtrl
4 // Author: Vadim Zeitlin
5 // Created: 2008-12-01
6 // RCS-ID: $Id$
7 // Copyright: (c) 2008 Vadim Zeitlin <>
8 // Licence: wxWindows license
9 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
11 /**
12 @class wxHeaderCtrl
14 wxHeaderCtrl is the control containing the column headings which is usually
15 used for display of tabular data.
17 It is used as part of wxGrid and (will be used in the near future) in
18 in wxDataViewCtrl and report view of wxListCtrl but can be also used
19 independently.
21 In addition to labeling the columns, the control has the following
22 features:
23 - Column reordering support, either by explicitly configuring the
24 columns order and calling SetColumnsOrder() or by dragging the
25 columns interactively (if enabled).
26 - Display of the icons in the header: this is often used to display a
27 sort or reverse sort indicator when the column header is clicked.
29 Notice that this control itself doesn't do anything other than displaying
30 the column headers. In particular column reordering and sorting must still
31 be supported by the associated control displaying the real data under the
32 header.
34 This control is implemented using the native header control under MSW
35 systems and a generic implementation elsewhere.
37 @beginStyleTable
38 @style{wxHD_DRAGDROP}
39 If this style is specified (it is by default), the user can reorder
40 the control columns by dragging them.
41 @style{wxHD_DEFAULT_STYLE}
42 Symbolic name for the default control style, currently equal to @c
44 @endStyleTable
46 @beginEventTable{wxHeaderEvent}
47 @event{EVT_HEADER_CLICK(id, func)}
48 A column heading was clicked.
49 @endEventTable
51 @library{wxcore}
52 @category{ctrl}
54 @see wxGrid, wxListCtrl, wxDataViewCtrl
57 @section headerctrl_improvements Future Improvements
59 Some features are supported by the native MSW control and so could be
60 easily implemented in this version of wxHeaderCtrl but need to be
61 implemented in the generic version as well to be really useful. Please let
62 us know if you need or, better, plan to work on implementing, any of them:
63 - Displaying bitmaps instead of or together with the text
64 - Custom drawn headers
65 - Filters associated with a column.
66 */
67 class wxHeaderCtrl
68 {
69 public:
70 /**
71 Default constructor not creating the underlying window.
73 You must use Create() after creating the object using this constructor.
74 */
75 wxHeaderCtrl();
77 /**
78 Constructor creating the window.
80 Please see Create() for the parameters documentation.
81 */
82 wxHeaderCtrl(wxWindow *parent,
83 wxWindowID winid = wxID_ANY,
84 const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
85 const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
86 long style = 0,
87 const wxString& name = wxHeaderCtrlNameStr);
89 /**
90 Create the header control window.
92 @param parent
93 The parent window. The header control should be typically
94 positioned along the top edge of this window.
95 @param winid
96 Id of the control or @c wxID_ANY if you don't care.
97 @param pos
98 The initial position of the control.
99 @param size
100 The initial size of the control (usually not very useful as this
101 control will typically be resized to have the same width as the
102 associated data display control).
103 @param style
104 The control style, @c wxHD_DEFAULT_STYLE by default. Notice that
105 the default style allows the user to reorder the columns by
106 dragging them and you need to explicitly turn this feature off by
107 using @code wxHD_DEFAULT_STYLE & ~wxHD_DRAGDROP @endcode if this is
108 undesirable.
109 @param name
110 The name of the control.
111 */
112 bool Create(wxWindow *parent,
113 wxWindowID winid = wxID_ANY,
114 const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
115 const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
116 long style = 0,
117 const wxString& name = wxHeaderCtrlNameStr);
119 /**
120 Return the number of columns in the control.
122 @see IsEmpty()
123 */
124 unsigned int GetColumnCount() const;
126 /**
127 Return whether the control has any columns.
129 @see GetColumnCount()
130 */
131 bool IsEmpty() const;
133 /**
134 Insert the column at the given position.
136 @param col
137 The column to insert. Notice that because of the existence of
138 implicit conversion from wxString to wxHeaderColumn a string
139 can be passed directly here.
140 @param idx
141 The position of the new column, from 0 to GetColumnCount(). Using
142 GetColumnCount() means to append the column to the end.
144 @see AppendColumn()
145 */
146 void InsertColumn(const wxHeaderColumn& col, unsigned int idx);
148 /**
149 Append the column to the end of the control.
151 @see InsertColumn()
152 */
153 void AppendColumn(const wxHeaderColumn& col);
155 /**
156 Delete the column at the given position.
158 @see InsertColumn(), AppendColumn()
159 */
160 void DeleteColumn(unsigned int idx);
162 /**
163 Show or hide the column.
165 Initially the column is shown by default or hidden if it was added with
166 wxCOL_HIDDEN flag set.
168 When a column is hidden, it doesn't appear at all on the screen but its
169 index is still taken into account when working with other columns. E.g.
170 if there are three columns 0, 1 and 2 and the column 1 is hidden you
171 still need to use index 2 to refer to the last visible column.
173 @param idx
174 The index of the column to show or hide, from 0 to GetColumnCount().
175 @param show
176 Indicates whether the column should be shown (default) or hidden.
177 */
178 void ShowColumn(unsigned int idx, bool show = true);
180 /**
181 Hide the column with the given index.
183 This is the same as calling @code ShowColumn(idx, false) @endcode.
185 @param idx
186 The index of the column to show or hide, from 0 to GetColumnCount().
187 */
188 void HideColumn(unsigned int idx);
190 /**
191 Update the column sort indicator.
193 The sort indicator, if shown, is typically an arrow pointing upwards or
194 downwards depending on whether the control contents is sorted in
195 ascending or descending order.
197 @param idx
198 The column to set the sort indicator for.
199 @param sortOrder
200 If @true or @false show the sort indicator corresponding to
201 ascending or descending sort order respectively, if @c -1 remove
202 the currently shown sort indicator.
203 */
204 virtual void ShowSortIndicator(unsigned int idx, int sortOrder);
206 /**
207 Remove the sort indicator from the given column.
209 This is the same as calling ShowSortIndicator() with @c -1 argument.
211 @param idx
212 The column to remove sort indicator for.
213 */
214 void RemoveSortIndicator(unsigned int idx);
215 };