add an event table for wxFrame and wxDialog: they send wxCloseEvents...
[wxWidgets.git] / interface / wx / dialog.h
1 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 // Name: dialog.h
3 // Purpose: interface of wxDialog
4 // Author: wxWidgets team
5 // RCS-ID: $Id$
6 // Licence: wxWindows license
7 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9 /**
10 Modes used for wxDialog::SetLayoutAdaptationMode().
11 */
12 enum wxDialogLayoutAdaptationMode
13 {
14 wxDIALOG_ADAPTATION_MODE_DEFAULT = 0, ///< Use global adaptation enabled status.
15 wxDIALOG_ADAPTATION_MODE_ENABLED = 1, ///< Enable this dialog overriding global status.
16 wxDIALOG_ADAPTATION_MODE_DISABLED = 2 ///< Disable this dialog overriding global status.
17 };
19 /**
20 @class wxDialog
22 A dialog box is a window with a title bar and sometimes a system menu,
23 which can be moved around the screen. It can contain controls and other
24 windows and is often used to allow the user to make some choice or to
25 answer a question.
27 Dialogs can be made scrollable, automatically, for computers with low
28 resolution screens: please see @ref overview_dialog_autoscrolling for
29 further details.
31 Dialogs usually contains either a single button allowing to close the
32 dialog or two buttons, one accepting the changes and the other one
33 discarding them (such button, if present, is automatically activated if the
34 user presses the "Esc" key). By default, buttons with the standard wxID_OK
35 and wxID_CANCEL identifiers behave as expected. Starting with wxWidgets 2.7
36 it is also possible to use a button with a different identifier instead,
37 see SetAffirmativeId() and SetEscapeId().
39 Also notice that the CreateButtonSizer() should be used to create the
40 buttons appropriate for the current platform and positioned correctly
41 (including their order which is platform-dependent).
43 @section dialog_modal Modal and Modeless
45 There are two kinds of dialog, modal and modeless. A modal dialog blocks
46 program flow and user input on other windows until it is dismissed, whereas
47 a modeless dialog behaves more like a frame in that program flow continues,
48 and input in other windows is still possible. To show a modal dialog you
49 should use the ShowModal() method while to show a dialog modelessly you
50 simply use Show(), just as with frames.
52 Note that the modal dialog is one of the very few examples of
53 wxWindow-derived objects which may be created on the stack and not on the
54 heap. In other words, while most windows would be created like this:
56 @code
57 void AskUser()
58 {
59 MyAskDialog *dlg = new MyAskDialog(...);
60 if ( dlg->ShowModal() == wxID_OK )
61 // ...
62 //else: dialog was cancelled or some another button pressed
64 dlg->Destroy();
65 }
66 @endcode
68 You can achieve the same result with dialogs by using simpler code:
70 @code
71 void AskUser()
72 {
73 MyAskDialog dlg(...);
74 if ( dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_OK )
75 // ...
77 // no need to call Destroy() here
78 }
79 @endcode
81 An application can define a wxCloseEvent handler for the dialog to respond
82 to system close events.
84 @beginStyleTable
85 @style{wxCAPTION}
86 Puts a caption on the dialog box.
88 Equivalent to a combination of wxCAPTION, wxCLOSE_BOX and
89 wxSYSTEM_MENU (the last one is not used under Unix).
90 @style{wxRESIZE_BORDER}
91 Display a resizeable frame around the window.
92 @style{wxSYSTEM_MENU}
93 Display a system menu.
94 @style{wxCLOSE_BOX}
95 Displays a close box on the frame.
96 @style{wxMAXIMIZE_BOX}
97 Displays a maximize box on the dialog.
98 @style{wxMINIMIZE_BOX}
99 Displays a minimize box on the dialog.
100 @style{wxTHICK_FRAME}
101 Display a thick frame around the window.
102 @style{wxSTAY_ON_TOP}
103 The dialog stays on top of all other windows.
104 @style{wxNO_3D}
105 Under Windows, specifies that the child controls should not have 3D
106 borders unless specified in the control.
107 @style{wxDIALOG_NO_PARENT}
108 By default, a dialog created with a @NULL parent window will be
109 given the @ref wxApp::GetTopWindow() "application's top level window"
110 as parent. Use this style to prevent this from happening and create
111 an orphan dialog. This is not recommended for modal dialogs.
113 Under Windows, puts a query button on the caption. When pressed,
114 Windows will go into a context-sensitive help mode and wxWidgets
115 will send a wxEVT_HELP event if the user clicked on an application
116 window. Note that this is an extended style and must be set by
117 calling SetExtraStyle() before Create is called (two-step
118 construction).
119 @style{wxDIALOG_EX_METAL}
120 On Mac OS X, frames with this style will be shown with a metallic
121 look. This is an extra style.
122 @endStyleTable
124 Under Unix or Linux, MWM (the Motif Window Manager) or other window
125 managers recognizing the MHM hints should be running for any of these
126 styles to have an effect.
129 @beginEventTable{wxCloseEvent}
130 @event{EVT_CLOSE(func)}
131 The dialog is being closed by the user or programmatically (see wxWindow::Close).
132 The user may generate this event clicking the close button
133 (typically the 'X' on the top-right of the title bar) if it's present
134 (see the @c wxCLOSE_BOX style) or by clicking a button with the
135 @c wxID_CANCEL or @c wxID_OK ids.
136 @endEventTable
138 @library{wxcore}
139 @category{cmndlg}
141 @see @ref overview_dialog, wxFrame, @ref overview_validator
142 */
143 class wxDialog : public wxTopLevelWindow
144 {
145 public:
146 /**
147 Default constructor.
148 */
149 wxDialog();
150 /**
151 Constructor.
153 @param parent
154 Can be @NULL, a frame or another dialog box.
155 @param id
156 An identifier for the dialog. A value of -1 is taken to mean a
157 default.
158 @param title
159 The title of the dialog.
160 @param pos
161 The dialog position. The value wxDefaultPosition indicates a
162 default position, chosen by either the windowing system or
163 wxWidgets, depending on platform.
164 @param size
165 The dialog size. The value wxDefaultSize indicates a default size,
166 chosen by either the windowing system or wxWidgets, depending on
167 platform.
168 @param style
169 The window style.
170 @param name
171 Used to associate a name with the window, allowing the application
172 user to set Motif resource values for individual dialog boxes.
174 @see Create()
175 */
176 wxDialog(wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id, const wxString& title,
177 const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
178 const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
179 long style = wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE,
180 const wxString& name = wxDialogNameStr);
182 /**
183 Destructor. Deletes any child windows before deleting the physical
184 window.
185 */
186 virtual ~wxDialog();
188 /**
189 Adds an identifier to be regarded as a main button for the
190 non-scrolling area of a dialog.
192 @see @ref overview_dialog_autoscrolling (for more on layout adaptation)
193 */
194 void AddMainButtonId(wxWindowID id);
196 /**
197 Returns @true if this dialog can and should perform layout adaptation
198 using DoLayoutAdaptation(), usually if the dialog is too large to fit
199 on the display.
201 @see @ref overview_dialog_autoscrolling (for more on layout adaptation)
202 */
203 virtual bool CanDoLayoutAdaptation();
205 /**
206 Centres the dialog box on the display.
208 @param direction
209 May be wxHORIZONTAL, wxVERTICAL or wxBOTH.
210 */
211 void Centre(int direction = wxBOTH);
213 /**
214 Used for two-step dialog box construction.
216 @see wxDialog()
217 */
218 bool Create(wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id, const wxString& title,
219 const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
220 const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
221 long style = wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE,
222 const wxString& name = wxDialogNameStr);
224 /**
225 Creates a sizer with standard buttons. @a flags is a bit list of the
226 following flags: wxOK, wxCANCEL, wxYES, wxNO, wxAPPLY, wxCLOSE, wxHELP,
229 The sizer lays out the buttons in a manner appropriate to the platform.
231 This function uses CreateStdDialogButtonSizer() internally for most
232 platforms but doesn't create the sizer at all for the platforms with
233 hardware buttons (such as smartphones) for which it sets up the
234 hardware buttons appropriately and returns @NULL, so don't forget to
235 test that the return value is valid before using it.
236 */
237 wxSizer* CreateButtonSizer(long flags);
239 /**
240 Creates a sizer with standard buttons using CreateButtonSizer()
241 separated from the rest of the dialog contents by a horizontal
242 wxStaticLine.
244 @note Just like CreateButtonSizer(), this function may return @NULL if
245 no buttons were created.
246 */
247 wxSizer* CreateSeparatedButtonSizer(long flags);
249 /**
250 Creates a wxStdDialogButtonSizer with standard buttons. @a flags is a
251 bit list of the following flags: wxOK, wxCANCEL, wxYES, wxNO, wxAPPLY,
254 The sizer lays out the buttons in a manner appropriate to the platform.
255 */
256 wxStdDialogButtonSizer* CreateStdDialogButtonSizer(long flags);
258 /**
259 Performs layout adaptation, usually if the dialog is too large to fit
260 on the display.
262 @see @ref overview_dialog_autoscrolling (for more on layout adaptation)
263 */
264 virtual bool DoLayoutAdaptation();
266 /**
267 This function is called when the titlebar OK button is pressed
268 (PocketPC only). A command event for the identifier returned by
269 GetAffirmativeId() is sent by default. You can override this function.
270 If the function returns @false, wxWidgets will call Close() for the
271 dialog.
273 @onlyfor{wxmsw}
274 */
275 virtual bool DoOK();
277 /**
278 A static function enabling or disabling layout adaptation for all
279 dialogs.
281 @see @ref overview_dialog_autoscrolling (for more on layout adaptation)
282 */
283 static void EnableLayoutAdaptation(bool enable);
285 /**
286 Ends a modal dialog, passing a value to be returned from the
287 ShowModal() invocation.
289 @param retCode
290 The value that should be returned by ShowModal.
292 @see ShowModal(), GetReturnCode(), SetReturnCode()
293 */
294 virtual void EndModal(int retCode);
296 /**
297 Gets the identifier of the button which works like standard OK button
298 in this dialog.
300 @see SetAffirmativeId()
301 */
302 int GetAffirmativeId() const;
304 /**
305 Override this to return a window containing the main content of the
306 dialog. This is particularly useful when the dialog implements pages,
307 such as wxPropertySheetDialog, and allows the
308 @ref overview_dialog "layout adaptation code" to know that only the
309 pages need to be made scrollable.
310 */
311 virtual wxWindow* GetContentWindow() const;
313 /**
314 Gets the identifier of the button to map presses of @c ESC button to.
316 @see SetEscapeId()
317 */
318 int GetEscapeId() const;
320 /**
321 Returns @true if the dialog has been adapted, usually by making it
322 scrollable to work with a small display.
324 @see @ref overview_dialog_autoscrolling (for more on layout adaptation)
325 */
326 bool GetLayoutAdaptationDone() const;
328 /**
329 Gets a value representing the aggressiveness of search for buttons and
330 sizers to be in the non-scrolling part of a layout-adapted dialog. Zero
331 switches off adaptation, and 3 allows search for standard buttons
332 anywhere in the dialog.
334 @see @ref overview_dialog_autoscrolling (for more on layout adaptation)
335 */
336 int GetLayoutAdaptationLevel() const;
338 /**
339 Gets the adaptation mode, overriding the global adaptation flag.
341 @see @ref overview_dialog_autoscrolling (for more on layout adaptation)
342 */
343 wxDialogLayoutAdaptationMode GetLayoutAdaptationMode() const;
345 /**
346 A static function getting the current layout adapter object.
348 @see @ref overview_dialog_autoscrolling (for more on layout adaptation)
349 */
350 static wxDialogLayoutAdapter* GetLayoutAdapter();
352 /**
353 Returns an array of identifiers to be regarded as the main buttons for
354 the non-scrolling area of a dialog.
356 @see @ref overview_dialog_autoscrolling (for more on layout adaptation)
357 */
358 wxArrayInt& GetMainButtonIds();
360 /**
361 Gets the return code for this window.
363 @remarks A return code is normally associated with a modal dialog,
364 where ShowModal() returns a code to the application.
366 @see SetReturnCode(), ShowModal(), EndModal()
367 */
368 int GetReturnCode() const;
370 /**
371 On PocketPC, a dialog is automatically provided with an empty toolbar.
372 This function allows you to access the toolbar and add tools to it.
373 Removing tools and adding arbitrary controls are not currently
374 supported.
376 This function is not available on any other platform.
378 @onlyfor{wxmsw}
379 */
380 wxToolBar* GetToolBar() const;
382 /**
383 Iconizes or restores the dialog. Windows only.
385 @param iconize
386 If @true, iconizes the dialog box; if @false, shows and restores it.
388 @remarks Note that in Windows, iconization has no effect since dialog
389 boxes cannot be iconized. However, applications may need to
390 explicitly restore dialog boxes under Motif which have
391 user-iconizable frames, and under Windows calling
392 Iconize(@false) will bring the window to the front, as does
393 Show(@true).
394 */
395 virtual void Iconize(bool iconize = true);
397 /**
398 Returns @true if the dialog box is iconized. Windows only.
400 @remarks Always returns @false under Windows since dialogs cannot be
401 iconized.
402 */
403 virtual bool IsIconized() const;
405 /**
406 A static function returning @true if layout adaptation is enabled for
407 all dialogs.
409 @see @ref overview_dialog_autoscrolling (for more on layout adaptation)
410 */
411 static bool IsLayoutAdaptationEnabled();
413 /**
414 Returns @true if @a id is in the array of identifiers to be regarded as
415 the main buttons for the non-scrolling area of a dialog.
417 @onlyfor{wxmsw}
419 @see @ref overview_dialog_autoscrolling (for more on layout adaptation)
420 */
421 bool IsMainButtonId(wxWindowID id) const;
423 /**
424 Returns @true if the dialog box is modal, @false otherwise.
425 */
426 virtual bool IsModal() const;
428 /**
429 The default handler for wxEVT_SYS_COLOUR_CHANGED.
431 @param event
432 The colour change event.
434 @remarks Changes the dialog's colour to conform to the current settings
435 (Windows only). Add an event table entry for your dialog class
436 if you wish the behaviour to be different (such as keeping a
437 user-defined background colour). If you do override this
438 function, call wxEvent::Skip() to propagate the notification
439 to child windows and controls.
441 @see wxSysColourChangedEvent
442 */
443 void OnSysColourChanged(wxSysColourChangedEvent& event);
445 /**
446 Sets the identifier to be used as OK button. When the button with this
447 identifier is pressed, the dialog calls wxWindow::Validate() and
448 wxWindow::TransferDataFromWindow() and, if they both return @true,
449 closes the dialog with wxID_OK return code.
451 Also, when the user presses a hardware OK button on the devices having
452 one or the special OK button in the PocketPC title bar, an event with
453 this id is generated.
455 By default, the affirmative id is wxID_OK.
457 @see GetAffirmativeId(), SetEscapeId()
458 */
459 void SetAffirmativeId(int id);
461 /**
462 Sets the identifier of the button which should work like the standard
463 "Cancel" button in this dialog. When the button with this id is
464 clicked, the dialog is closed. Also, when the user presses @c ESC key
465 in the dialog or closes the dialog using the close button in the title
466 bar, this is mapped to the click of the button with the specified id.
468 By default, the escape id is the special value wxID_ANY meaning that
469 wxID_CANCEL button is used if it's present in the dialog and otherwise
470 the button with GetAffirmativeId() is used. Another special value for
471 @a id is wxID_NONE meaning that @c ESC presses should be ignored. If
472 any other value is given, it is interpreted as the id of the button to
473 map the escape key to.
474 */
475 void SetEscapeId(int id);
477 /**
478 Sets the icon for this dialog.
480 @param icon
481 The icon to associate with this dialog.
483 @see wxIcon
484 */
485 void SetIcon(const wxIcon& icon);
487 /**
488 Sets the icons for this dialog.
490 @param icons
491 The icons to associate with this dialog.
493 @see wxIconBundle
494 */
495 void SetIcons(const wxIconBundle& icons);
497 /**
498 Marks the dialog as having been adapted, usually by making it
499 scrollable to work with a small display.
501 @see @ref overview_dialog_autoscrolling (for more on layout adaptation)
502 */
503 void SetLayoutAdaptationDone(bool done);
505 /**
506 Sets the aggressiveness of search for buttons and sizers to be in the
507 non-scrolling part of a layout-adapted dialog. Zero switches off
508 adaptation, and 3 allows search for standard buttons anywhere in the
509 dialog.
511 @see @ref overview_dialog_autoscrolling (for more on layout adaptation)
512 */
513 void SetLayoutAdaptationLevel(int level);
515 /**
516 Sets the adaptation mode, overriding the global adaptation flag.
518 @see wxDialogLayoutAdaptationMode, @ref overview_dialog_autoscrolling
519 (for more on layout adaptation)
520 */
521 void SetLayoutAdaptationMode(wxDialogLayoutAdaptationMode mode);
523 /**
524 A static function for setting the current layout adapter object,
525 returning the old adapter. If you call this, you should delete the old
526 adapter object.
528 @see wxDialogLayoutAdapter, @ref overview_dialog_autoscrolling
529 */
530 static wxDialogLayoutAdapter* SetLayoutAdapter(wxDialogLayoutAdapter* adapter);
532 /**
533 @deprecated This function doesn't work for all ports, just use
534 ShowModal() to show a modal dialog instead.
536 Allows the programmer to specify whether the dialog box is modal
537 (Show() blocks control until the dialog is hidden) or modeless (control
538 returns immediately).
540 @param flag
541 If @true, the dialog will be modal, otherwise it will be modeless.
542 */
543 void SetModal(bool flag);
545 /**
546 Sets the return code for this window.
548 A return code is normally associated with a modal dialog, where
549 ShowModal() returns a code to the application. The function EndModal()
550 calls SetReturnCode().
552 @param retCode
553 The integer return code, usually a control identifier.
555 @see GetReturnCode(), ShowModal(), EndModal()
556 */
557 void SetReturnCode(int retCode);
559 /**
560 Hides or shows the dialog. The preferred way of dismissing a modal
561 dialog is to use EndModal().
563 @param show
564 If @true, the dialog box is shown and brought to the front,
565 otherwise the box is hidden. If @false and the dialog is modal,
566 control is returned to the calling program.
567 */
568 virtual bool Show(bool show = 1);
570 /**
571 Shows a modal dialog.
573 Program flow does not return until the dialog has been dismissed with
574 EndModal().
576 Notice that it is possible to call ShowModal() for a dialog which had
577 been previously shown with Show(), this allows to make an existing
578 modeless dialog modal. However ShowModal() can't be called twice
579 without intervening EndModal() calls.
581 @return The value set with SetReturnCode().
583 @see EndModal(), GetReturnCode(), SetReturnCode()
584 */
585 virtual int ShowModal();
586 };
590 /**
591 @class wxDialogLayoutAdapter
593 This abstract class is the base for classes that help wxWidgets peform
594 run-time layout adaptation of dialogs. Principally, this is to cater for
595 small displays by making part of the dialog scroll, but the application
596 developer may find other uses for layout adaption.
598 By default, there is one instance of wxStandardDialogLayoutAdapter which
599 can perform adaptation for most custom dialogs and dialogs with book
600 controls such as wxPropertySheetDialog.
602 @library{wxcore}
603 @category{winlayout}
605 @see @ref overview_dialog_autoscrolling
606 */
607 class wxDialogLayoutAdapter
608 {
609 public:
610 /**
611 Default constructor.
612 */
613 wxDialogLayoutAdapter();
615 /**
616 Override this to returns @true if adaptation can and should be done.
617 */
618 virtual bool CanDoLayoutAdaptation(wxDialog* dialog) = 0;
620 /**
621 Override this to perform layout adaptation, such as making parts of the
622 dialog scroll and resizing the dialog to fit the display. Normally this
623 function will be called just before the dialog is shown.
624 */
625 virtual bool DoLayoutAdaptation(wxDialog* dialog) = 0;
626 };