Document methods indicating what kind of client data is associated with an item conta...
[wxWidgets.git] / interface / wx / ctrlsub.h
1 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 // Name: ctrlsub.h
3 // Purpose: interface of wxControlWithItems
4 // Author: wxWidgets team
5 // RCS-ID: $Id$
6 // Licence: wxWindows licence
7 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
10 /**
11 @class wxItemContainerImmutable
13 wxItemContainer defines an interface which is implemented by all controls
14 which have string subitems each of which may be selected.
16 It is decomposed in wxItemContainerImmutable which omits all methods
17 adding/removing items and is used by wxRadioBox and wxItemContainer itself.
19 Note that this is not a control, it's a mixin interface that classes
20 have to derive from in addition to wxControl or wxWindow.
22 Examples: wxListBox, wxCheckListBox, wxChoice and wxComboBox (which
23 implements an extended interface deriving from this one)
25 @library{wxcore}
26 @category{ctrl}
28 @see wxControlWithItems, wxItemContainer
29 */
30 class wxItemContainerImmutable
31 {
32 public:
33 /// Constructor
34 wxItemContainerImmutable();
36 //@{
38 /**
39 Returns the number of items in the control.
41 @see IsEmpty()
42 */
43 virtual unsigned int GetCount() const = 0;
45 /**
46 Returns @true if the control is empty or @false if it has some items.
48 @see GetCount()
49 */
50 bool IsEmpty() const;
52 /**
53 Returns the label of the item with the given index.
55 @param n
56 The zero-based index.
58 @return The label of the item or an empty string if the position was
59 invalid.
60 */
61 virtual wxString GetString(unsigned int n) const = 0;
63 /**
64 Returns the array of the labels of all items in the control.
65 */
66 wxArrayString GetStrings() const;
68 /**
69 Sets the label for the given item.
71 @param n
72 The zero-based item index.
73 @param string
74 The label to set.
75 */
76 virtual void SetString(unsigned int n, const wxString& string) = 0;
78 /**
79 Finds an item whose label matches the given string.
81 @param string
82 String to find.
83 @param caseSensitive
84 Whether search is case sensitive (default is not).
86 @return The zero-based position of the item, or wxNOT_FOUND if the
87 string was not found.
88 */
89 virtual int FindString(const wxString& string, bool caseSensitive = false) const;
91 //@}
93 /// @name Selection
94 //@{
96 /**
97 Sets the selection to the given item @a n or removes the selection
98 entirely if @a n == @c wxNOT_FOUND.
100 Note that this does not cause any command events to be emitted nor does
101 it deselect any other items in the controls which support multiple
102 selections.
104 @param n
105 The string position to select, starting from zero.
107 @see SetString(), SetStringSelection()
108 */
109 virtual void SetSelection(int n) = 0;
111 /**
112 Returns the index of the selected item or @c wxNOT_FOUND if no item is
113 selected.
115 @return The position of the current selection.
117 @remarks This method can be used with single selection list boxes only,
118 you should use wxListBox::GetSelections() for the list
119 boxes with wxLB_MULTIPLE style.
121 @see SetSelection(), GetStringSelection()
122 */
123 virtual int GetSelection() const = 0;
125 /**
126 Selects the item with the specified string in the control. This doesn't
127 cause any command events to be emitted.
129 @param string
130 The string to select.
132 @return @true if the specified string has been selected, @false if it
133 wasn't found in the control.
134 */
135 bool SetStringSelection(const wxString& string);
137 /**
138 Returns the label of the selected item or an empty string if no item is
139 selected.
141 @see GetSelection()
142 */
143 virtual wxString GetStringSelection() const;
145 /**
146 This is the same as SetSelection() and exists only because it is
147 slightly more natural for controls which support multiple selection.
148 */
149 void Select(int n);
151 //@}
152 };
155 /**
156 @class wxItemContainer
158 This class is an abstract base class for some wxWidgets controls which
159 contain several items such as wxListBox, wxCheckListBox, wxComboBox or
160 wxChoice. It defines an interface which is implemented by all controls
161 which have string subitems each of which may be selected.
163 wxItemContainer extends wxItemContainerImmutable interface with methods
164 for adding/removing items.
166 It defines the methods for accessing the controls items and although each
167 of the derived classes implements them differently, they still all conform
168 to the same interface.
170 The items in a wxItemContainer have (non-empty) string labels and,
171 optionally, client data associated with them. Client data may be of two
172 different kinds: either simple untyped (@c void *) pointers which are
173 simply stored by the control but not used in any way by it, or typed
174 pointers (wxClientData*) which are owned by the control meaning that the
175 typed client data (and only it) will be deleted when an item is deleted
176 using Delete() or the entire control is cleared using Clear(), which also
177 happens when it is destroyed.
179 Finally note that in the same control all items must have client data of
180 the same type (typed or untyped), if any. This type is determined by the
181 first call to Append() (the version with client data pointer) or
182 SetClientData().
184 Note that this is not a control, it's a mixin interface that classes
185 have to derive from in addition to wxControl or wxWindow. Convenience
186 class wxControlWithItems is provided for this purpose.
188 @library{wxcore}
189 @category{ctrl}
191 @see wxControlWithItems, wxItemContainerImmutable
192 */
193 class wxItemContainer : public wxItemContainerImmutable
194 {
195 public:
196 //@{
198 /**
199 Appends item into the control.
201 @param item
202 String to add.
204 @return The return value is the index of the newly inserted item.
205 Note that this may be different from the last one if the
206 control is sorted (e.g. has @c wxLB_SORT or @c wxCB_SORT
207 style).
208 */
209 int Append(const wxString& item);
211 /**
212 Appends item into the control.
214 @param item
215 String to add.
216 @param clientData
217 Pointer to client data to associate with the new item.
219 @return The return value is the index of the newly inserted item.
220 Note that this may be different from the last one if the
221 control is sorted (e.g. has @c wxLB_SORT or @c wxCB_SORT
222 style).
223 */
224 int Append(const wxString& item, void* clientData);
226 /**
227 Appends item into the control.
229 @param item
230 String to add.
231 @param clientData
232 Pointer to client data to associate with the new item.
234 @return The return value is the index of the newly inserted item.
235 Note that this may be different from the last one if the
236 control is sorted (e.g. has @c wxLB_SORT or @c wxCB_SORT
237 style).
238 */
239 int Append(const wxString& item, wxClientData* clientData);
241 /**
242 Appends several items at once into the control.
244 Notice that calling this method is usually much faster than appending
245 them one by one if you need to add a lot of items.
247 @param items
248 Array of strings to insert.
249 */
250 int Append(const wxArrayString& items);
252 /**
253 Appends several items at once into the control.
255 Notice that calling this method is usually much faster than appending
256 them one by one if you need to add a lot of items.
258 @param items
259 Array of strings to insert.
260 @param clientData
261 Array of client data pointers of the same size as @a items to
262 associate with the new items.
263 */
264 int Append(const wxArrayString& items, void **clientData);
266 /**
267 Appends several items at once into the control.
269 Notice that calling this method is usually much faster than appending
270 them one by one if you need to add a lot of items.
272 @param items
273 Array of strings to insert.
274 @param clientData
275 Array of client data pointers of the same size as @a items to
276 associate with the new items.
277 */
278 int Append(const wxArrayString& items, wxClientData **clientData);
280 /**
281 Appends several items at once into the control.
283 Notice that calling this method is usually much faster than appending
284 them one by one if you need to add a lot of items.
286 @param n
287 Number of items in the @a items array.
288 @param items
289 Array of strings of size @a n.
290 */
291 int Append(unsigned int n, const wxString* items);
293 /**
294 Appends several items at once into the control.
296 Notice that calling this method is usually much faster than appending
297 them one by one if you need to add a lot of items.
299 @param n
300 Number of items in the @a items array.
301 @param items
302 Array of strings of size @a n.
303 @param clientData
304 Array of client data pointers of size @a n to associate with the
305 new items.
306 */
307 int Append(unsigned int n, const wxString* items,
308 void** clientData);
310 /**
311 Appends several items at once into the control.
313 Notice that calling this method is usually much faster than appending
314 them one by one if you need to add a lot of items.
316 @param n
317 Number of items in the @a items array.
318 @param items
319 Array of strings of size @a n.
320 @param clientData
321 Array of client data pointers of size @a n to associate with the
322 new items.
323 */
324 int Append(unsigned int n, const wxString* items,
325 wxClientData** clientData);
326 //@}
328 /**
329 Removes all items from the control.
330 Clear() also deletes the client data of the existing items if it is
331 owned by the control.
332 */
333 void Clear();
335 /**
336 Deletes an item from the control.
338 The client data associated with the item will be also deleted if it is
339 owned by the control. Note that it is an error (signalled by an assert
340 failure in debug builds) to remove an item with the index negative or
341 greater or equal than the number of items in the control.
343 @param n
344 The zero-based item index.
346 @see Clear()
347 */
348 void Delete(unsigned int n);
351 /**
352 Returns true, if either untyped data (@c void*) or object data (wxClientData*)
353 is associated with the items of the control.
354 */
355 bool HasClientData() const;
357 /**
358 Returns true, if object data (wxClientData*)
359 is associated with the items of the control.
360 */
361 bool HasClientObjectData() const;
363 /**
364 Returns true, if untyped data (@c void*)
365 is associated with the items of the control.
366 */
367 bool HasClientUntypedData() const;
370 //@{
372 /**
373 Returns a pointer to the client data associated with the given item (if
374 any). It is an error to call this function for a control which doesn't
375 have untyped client data at all although it is OK to call it even if
376 the given item doesn't have any client data associated with it (but
377 other items do).
379 @param n
380 The zero-based position of the item.
382 @return A pointer to the client data, or @NULL if not present.
383 */
384 void* GetClientData(unsigned int n) const;
386 /**
387 Returns a pointer to the client data associated with the given item (if
388 any). It is an error to call this function for a control which doesn't
389 have typed client data at all although it is OK to call it even if the
390 given item doesn't have any client data associated with it (but other
391 items do).
393 @param n
394 The zero-based position of the item.
396 @return A pointer to the client data, or @NULL if not present.
397 */
398 wxClientData* GetClientObject(unsigned int n) const;
400 /**
401 Associates the given untyped client data pointer with the given item.
402 Note that it is an error to call this function if any typed client data
403 pointers had been associated with the control items before.
405 @param n
406 The zero-based item index.
407 @param data
408 The client data to associate with the item.
409 */
410 void SetClientData(unsigned int n, void* data);
412 /**
413 Associates the given typed client data pointer with the given item: the
414 @a data object will be deleted when the item is deleted (either
415 explicitly by using Delete() or implicitly when the control itself is
416 destroyed). Note that it is an error to call this function if any
417 untyped client data pointers had been associated with the control items
418 before.
420 @param n
421 The zero-based item index.
422 @param data
423 The client data to associate with the item.
424 */
425 void SetClientObject(unsigned int n, wxClientData* data);
427 //@}
429 //@{
431 /**
432 Inserts item into the control.
434 @param item
435 String to add.
436 @param pos
437 Position to insert item before, zero based.
439 @return The return value is the index of the newly inserted item.
440 If the insertion failed for some reason, -1 is returned.
441 */
442 int Insert(const wxString& item, unsigned int pos);
444 /**
445 Inserts item into the control.
447 @param item
448 String to add.
449 @param pos
450 Position to insert item before, zero based.
451 @param clientData
452 Pointer to client data to associate with the new item.
454 @return The return value is the index of the newly inserted item.
455 If the insertion failed for some reason, -1 is returned.
456 */
457 int Insert(const wxString& item, unsigned int pos, void* clientData);
459 /**
460 Inserts item into the control.
462 @param item
463 String to add.
464 @param pos
465 Position to insert item before, zero based.
466 @param clientData
467 Pointer to client data to associate with the new item.
469 @return The return value is the index of the newly inserted item.
470 If the insertion failed for some reason, -1 is returned.
471 */
472 int Insert(const wxString& item, unsigned int pos,
473 wxClientData* clientData);
475 /**
476 Inserts several items at once into the control.
478 Notice that calling this method is usually much faster than inserting
479 them one by one if you need to insert a lot of items.
481 @param items
482 Array of strings to insert.
483 @param pos
484 Position to insert the items before, zero based.
485 */
486 int Insert(const wxArrayString& items, unsigned int pos);
488 /**
489 Inserts several items at once into the control.
491 Notice that calling this method is usually much faster than inserting
492 them one by one if you need to insert a lot of items.
494 @param items
495 Array of strings to insert.
496 @param pos
497 Position to insert the items before, zero based.
498 @param clientData
499 Array of client data pointers of the same size as @a items to
500 associate with the new items.
501 */
502 int Insert(const wxArrayString& items, unsigned int pos,
503 void **clientData);
505 /**
506 Inserts several items at once into the control.
508 Notice that calling this method is usually much faster than inserting
509 them one by one if you need to insert a lot of items.
511 @param items
512 Array of strings to insert.
513 @param pos
514 Position to insert the items before, zero based.
515 @param clientData
516 Array of client data pointers of the same size as @a items to
517 associate with the new items.
518 */
519 int Insert(const wxArrayString& items, unsigned int pos,
520 wxClientData **clientData);
522 /**
523 Inserts several items at once into the control.
525 Notice that calling this method is usually much faster than inserting
526 them one by one if you need to insert a lot of items.
528 @param n
529 Number of items in the @a items array.
530 @param items
531 Array of strings of size @a n.
532 @param pos
533 Position to insert the items before, zero based.
534 */
535 int Insert(unsigned int n, const wxString* items,
536 unsigned int pos);
538 /**
539 Inserts several items at once into the control.
541 Notice that calling this method is usually much faster than inserting
542 them one by one if you need to insert a lot of items.
544 @param n
545 Number of items in the @a items array.
546 @param items
547 Array of strings of size @a n.
548 @param pos
549 Position to insert the new items before, zero based.
550 @param clientData
551 Array of client data pointers of size @a n to associate with the
552 new items.
553 */
554 int Insert(unsigned int n, const wxString* items,
555 unsigned int pos,
556 void** clientData);
558 /**
559 Inserts several items at once into the control.
561 Notice that calling this method is usually much faster than inserting
562 them one by one if you need to insert a lot of items.
564 @param n
565 Number of items in the @a items array.
566 @param items
567 Array of strings of size @a n.
568 @param pos
569 Position to insert the new items before, zero based.
570 @param clientData
571 Array of client data pointers of size @a n to associate with the
572 new items.
573 */
574 int Insert(unsigned int n, const wxString* items,
575 unsigned int pos,
576 wxClientData** clientData);
577 //@}
579 //@{
580 /**
581 Replaces the current control contents with the given items.
583 Notice that calling this method is usually much faster than appending
584 them one by one if you need to add a lot of items.
586 @param items
587 Array of strings to insert.
588 */
589 void Set(const wxArrayString& items);
591 /**
592 Replaces the current control contents with the given items.
594 Notice that calling this method is usually much faster than appending
595 them one by one if you need to add a lot of items.
597 @param items
598 Array of strings to insert.
599 @param clientData
600 Array of client data pointers of the same size as @a items to
601 associate with the new items.
602 */
603 void Set(const wxArrayString& items, void **clientData);
605 /**
606 Replaces the current control contents with the given items.
608 Notice that calling this method is usually much faster than appending
609 them one by one if you need to add a lot of items.
611 @param items
612 Array of strings to insert.
613 @param clientData
614 Array of client data pointers of the same size as @a items to
615 associate with the new items.
616 */
617 void Set(const wxArrayString& items, wxClientData **clientData);
619 /**
620 Replaces the current control contents with the given items.
622 Notice that calling this method is usually much faster than appending
623 them one by one if you need to add a lot of items.
625 @param n
626 Number of items in the @a items array.
627 @param items
628 Array of strings of size @a n.
629 */
630 void Set(unsigned int n, const wxString* items);
632 /**
633 Replaces the current control contents with the given items.
635 Notice that calling this method is usually much faster than appending
636 them one by one if you need to add a lot of items.
638 @param n
639 Number of items in the @a items array.
640 @param items
641 Array of strings of size @a n.
642 @param clientData
643 Array of client data pointers of size @a n to associate with the
644 new items.
645 */
646 void Set(unsigned int n, const wxString* items, void** clientData);
648 /**
649 Replaces the current control contents with the given items.
651 Notice that calling this method is usually much faster than appending
652 them one by one if you need to add a lot of items.
654 @param n
655 Number of items in the @a items array.
656 @param items
657 Array of strings of size @a n.
658 @param clientData
659 Array of client data pointers of size @a n to associate with the
660 new items.
661 */
662 void Set(unsigned int n, const wxString* items, wxClientData** clientData);
663 //@}
664 };
667 /**
668 @class wxControlWithItems
670 This is convenience class that derives from both wxControl and
671 wxItemContainer. It is used as basis for some wxWidgets controls
672 (wxChoice and wxListBox).
674 @library{wxcore}
675 @category{ctrl}
677 @see wxItemContainer, wxItemContainerImmutable
678 */
679 class wxControlWithItems : public wxControl, public wxItemContainer
680 {
681 };