uncommented ping method
[wxWidgets.git] / src / unix / dialup.cpp
1 // -*- c++ -*- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 // Name: unix/dialup.cpp
3 // Purpose: Network related wxWindows classes and functions
4 // Author: Karsten Ballüder
5 // Modified by:
6 // Created: 03.10.99
7 // RCS-ID: $Id$
8 // Copyright: (c) Karsten Ballüder
9 // Licence: wxWindows licence
10 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
12 #include "wx/setup.h"
14 #ifdef __GNUG__
15 # pragma implementation "dialup.h"
16 #endif
20 #ifndef WX_PRECOMP
21 # include "wx/defs.h"
22 #endif // !PCH
24 #include "wx/string.h"
25 #include "wx/event.h"
26 #include "wx/dialup.h"
27 #include "wx/timer.h"
28 #include "wx/filefn.h"
29 #include "wx/utils.h"
30 #include "wx/log.h"
31 #include "wx/file.h"
32 #include "wx/process.h"
33 #include "wx/intl.h"
34 #include "wx/app.h"
35 #include "wx/wxchar.h"
37 #include <stdlib.h>
39 #include <signal.h>
40 #include <fcntl.h>
41 #include <unistd.h>
42 #define __STRICT_ANSI__
43 #include <sys/socket.h>
44 #include <netdb.h>
45 #include <netinet/in.h>
46 #include <arpa/inet.h>
48 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
49 // A class which groups functions dealing with connecting to the network from a
50 // workstation using dial-up access to the net. There is at most one instance
51 // of this class in the program accessed via GetDialUpManager().
52 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
54 /* TODO
55 *
56 * 1. more configurability for Unix: i.e. how to initiate the connection, how
57 * to check for online status, &c.
58 * 2. add a "long Dial(long connectionId = -1)" function which asks the user
59 * about which connection to dial (this may be done using native dialogs
60 * under NT, need generic dialogs for all others) and returns the identifier
61 * of the selected connection (it's opaque to the application) - it may be
62 * reused later to dial the same connection later (or use strings instead of
63 * longs may be?)
64 * 3. add an async version of dialing functions which notify the caller about
65 * the progress (or may be even start another thread to monitor it)
66 * 4. the static creation/accessor functions are not MT-safe - but is this
67 * really crucial? I think we may suppose they're always called from the
68 * main thread?
69 */
71 class WXDLLEXPORT wxDialUpManagerImpl : public wxDialUpManager
72 {
73 public:
74 wxDialUpManagerImpl();
75 ~wxDialUpManagerImpl();
77 /** Could the dialup manager be initialized correctly? If this function
78 returns FALSE, no other functions will work neither, so it's a good idea
79 to call this function and check its result before calling any other
80 wxDialUpManager methods.
81 */
82 virtual bool IsOk() const
83 { return TRUE; }
85 /** The simplest way to initiate a dial up: this function dials the given
86 ISP (exact meaning of the parameter depends on the platform), returns
87 TRUE on success or FALSE on failure and logs the appropriate error
88 message in the latter case.
89 @param nameOfISP optional paramater for dial program
90 @param username unused
91 @param password unused
92 */
93 virtual bool Dial(const wxString& nameOfISP,
94 const wxString& WXUNUSED(username),
95 const wxString& WXUNUSED(password),
96 bool async);
98 /// Hang up the currently active dial up connection.
99 virtual bool HangUp();
101 // returns TRUE if the computer is connected to the network: under Windows,
102 // this just means that a RAS connection exists, under Unix we check that
103 // the "well-known host" (as specified by SetWellKnownHost) is reachable
104 virtual bool IsOnline() const
105 {
106 if( (! m_timer) // we are not polling, so test now:
107 || m_IsOnline < 0
108 )
109 CheckStatus();
110 return m_IsOnline != 0;
111 }
113 /// do we have a constant net connection? -- GUESS!
114 bool IsAlwaysOnline() const
115 {
116 ((wxDialUpManagerImpl *) this)->HangUp(); // brutal but necessary
117 return IsOnline();
118 }
119 /// returns TRUE if (async) dialing is in progress
120 inline virtual bool IsDialing() const
121 { return m_DialProcess != NULL; }
123 // cancel dialing the number initiated with Dial(async = TRUE)
124 // NB: this won't result in DISCONNECTED event being sent
125 virtual bool CancelDialing();
127 size_t GetISPNames(class wxArrayString &) const
128 { return 0; }
130 // sometimes the built-in logic for determining the online status may fail,
131 // so, in general, the user should be allowed to override it. This function
132 // allows to forcefully set the online status - whatever our internal
133 // algorithm may think about it.
134 virtual void SetOnlineStatus(bool isOnline = TRUE)
135 { m_IsOnline = isOnline; }
137 // set misc wxDialUpManager options
138 // --------------------------------
140 // enable automatical checks for the connection status and sending of
142 // parameter is only for Unix where we do the check manually: under
143 // Windows, the notification about the change of connection status is
144 // instantenous.
145 //
146 // Returns FALSE if couldn't set up automatic check for online status.
147 virtual bool EnableAutoCheckOnlineStatus(size_t nSeconds);
149 // disable automatic check for connection status change - notice that the
150 // wxEVT_DIALUP_XXX events won't be sent any more neither.
151 virtual void DisableAutoCheckOnlineStatus();
153 // under Unix, the value of well-known host is used to check whether we're
154 // connected to the internet. It's unused under Windows, but this function
155 // is always safe to call. The default value is www.yahoo.com.
156 virtual void SetWellKnownHost(const wxString& hostname,
157 int portno = 80);
158 /** Sets the commands to start up the network and to hang up
159 again. Used by the Unix implementations only.
160 */
161 virtual void SetConnectCommand(const wxString &command, const wxString &hupcmd)
162 { m_ConnectCommand = command; m_HangUpCommand = hupcmd; }
164 private:
165 /// -1: don´t know, 0 = no, 1 = yes
166 int m_IsOnline;
168 /// Can we use ifconfig to list active devices?
169 int m_CanUseIfconfig;
170 /// The path to ifconfig
171 wxString m_IfconfigPath;
173 /// beacon host:
174 wxString m_BeaconHost;
175 /// beacon host portnumber for connect:
176 int m_BeaconPort;
178 /// command to connect to network
179 wxString m_ConnectCommand;
180 /// command to hang up
181 wxString m_HangUpCommand;
182 /// name of ISP
183 wxString m_ISPname;
184 /// a timer for regular testing
185 class AutoCheckTimer *m_timer;
186 friend class AutoCheckTimer;
188 /// a wxProcess for dialling in background
189 class wxDialProcess *m_DialProcess;
190 /// pid of dial process
191 int m_DialPId;
192 friend class wxDialProcess;
194 /// determine status
195 void CheckStatus(bool fromAsync = FALSE) const;
197 /// real status check
198 void CheckStatusInternal(void);
199 };
202 class AutoCheckTimer : public wxTimer
203 {
204 public:
205 AutoCheckTimer(wxDialUpManagerImpl *dupman)
206 {
207 m_dupman = dupman;
208 m_started = FALSE;
209 }
211 virtual bool Start( int millisecs = -1 )
212 { m_started = TRUE; return wxTimer::Start(millisecs, FALSE); }
214 virtual void Notify()
215 { wxLogTrace("Checking dial up network status."); m_dupman->CheckStatus(); }
217 virtual void Stop()
218 { if ( m_started ) wxTimer::Stop(); }
219 public:
220 bool m_started;
221 wxDialUpManagerImpl *m_dupman;
222 };
224 class wxDialProcess : public wxProcess
225 {
226 public:
227 wxDialProcess(wxDialUpManagerImpl *dupman)
228 {
229 m_DupMan = dupman;
230 }
231 void Disconnect(void) { m_DupMan = NULL; }
232 void OnTerminate(int WXUNUSED(pid), int WXUNUSED(status)) const
233 {
234 if(m_DupMan)
235 {
236 m_DupMan->m_DialProcess = NULL;
237 m_DupMan->CheckStatus(TRUE);
238 }
239 }
240 private:
241 wxDialUpManagerImpl *m_DupMan;
242 };
245 wxDialUpManagerImpl::wxDialUpManagerImpl()
246 {
247 m_IsOnline = -2; // -1 or -2, unknown
248 m_DialProcess = NULL;
249 m_timer = NULL;
250 m_CanUseIfconfig = -1; // unknown
252 m_BeaconPort = 80;
253 SetConnectCommand("pon", "poff"); // default values for Debian/GNU linux
254 wxChar * dial = wxGetenv(_T("WXDIALUP_DIALCMD"));
255 wxChar * hup = wxGetenv(_T("WXDIALUP_HUPCMD"));
256 if(dial || hup)
257 SetConnectCommand(dial ? wxString(dial) : m_ConnectCommand,
258 hup ? wxString(hup) : m_HangUpCommand);
259 }
261 wxDialUpManagerImpl::~wxDialUpManagerImpl()
262 {
263 if(m_timer) delete m_timer;
264 if(m_DialProcess)
265 {
266 m_DialProcess->Disconnect();
267 m_DialProcess->Detach();
268 }
269 }
271 bool
272 wxDialUpManagerImpl::Dial(const wxString &isp,
273 const wxString & WXUNUSED(username),
274 const wxString & WXUNUSED(password),
275 bool async)
276 {
277 if(m_IsOnline == 1)
278 return FALSE;
279 m_IsOnline = -1;
280 m_ISPname = isp;
281 wxString cmd;
282 if(m_ConnectCommand.Find("%s"))
283 cmd.Printf(m_ConnectCommand,m_ISPname.c_str());
284 else
285 cmd = m_ConnectCommand;
287 if ( async )
288 {
289 m_DialProcess = new wxDialProcess(this);
290 m_DialPId = wxExecute(cmd, FALSE, m_DialProcess);
291 if(m_DialPId == 0)
292 {
293 delete m_DialProcess;
294 m_DialProcess = NULL;
295 return FALSE;
296 }
297 else
298 return TRUE;
299 }
300 else
301 return wxExecute(cmd, /* sync */ TRUE) == 0;
302 }
304 bool
305 wxDialUpManagerImpl::HangUp(void)
306 {
307 if(m_IsOnline == 0)
308 return FALSE;
309 if(IsDialing())
310 {
311 wxLogError(_("Already dialling ISP."));
312 return FALSE;
313 }
314 m_IsOnline = -1;
315 wxString cmd;
316 if(m_HangUpCommand.Find("%s"))
317 cmd.Printf(m_HangUpCommand,m_ISPname.c_str(), m_DialProcess);
318 else
319 cmd = m_HangUpCommand;
320 return wxExecute(cmd, /* sync */ TRUE) == 0;
321 }
324 bool
325 wxDialUpManagerImpl::CancelDialing()
326 {
327 if(! IsDialing())
328 return FALSE;
329 return kill(m_DialPId, SIGTERM) > 0;
330 }
332 bool
333 wxDialUpManagerImpl::EnableAutoCheckOnlineStatus(size_t nSeconds)
334 {
335 wxASSERT(m_timer == NULL);
336 m_timer = new AutoCheckTimer(this);
337 bool rc = m_timer->Start(nSeconds*1000);
338 if(! rc)
339 {
340 delete m_timer;
341 m_timer = NULL;
342 }
343 return rc;
344 }
346 void
347 wxDialUpManagerImpl::DisableAutoCheckOnlineStatus()
348 {
349 wxASSERT(m_timer != NULL);
350 m_timer->Stop();
351 delete m_timer;
352 m_timer = NULL;
353 }
356 void
357 wxDialUpManagerImpl::SetWellKnownHost(const wxString& hostname, int portno)
358 {
359 /// does hostname contain a port number?
360 wxString port = hostname.After(':');
361 if(port.Length())
362 {
363 m_BeaconHost = hostname.Before(':');
364 m_BeaconPort = atoi(port);
365 }
366 else
367 {
368 m_BeaconHost = hostname;
369 m_BeaconPort = portno;
370 }
371 }
374 void
375 wxDialUpManagerImpl::CheckStatus(bool fromAsync) const
376 {
377 // This function calls the CheckStatusInternal() helper function
378 // which is OS - specific and then sends the events.
380 int oldIsOnline = m_IsOnline;
381 ( /* non-const */ (wxDialUpManagerImpl *)this)->CheckStatusInternal();
383 // now send the events as appropriate:
384 if(m_IsOnline != oldIsOnline && m_IsOnline != -1 && oldIsOnline != -2) // -2: first time!
385 {
386 wxDialUpEvent event(m_IsOnline, ! fromAsync);
387 (void)wxTheApp->ProcessEvent(event);
388 }
389 }
391 /*
392 We have three methods that we can use:
394 1. test via /sbin/ifconfig and grep for "sl", "ppp", "pl"
395 --> should be fast enough for regular polling
396 2. test if we can reach the well known beacon host
397 --> too slow for polling
398 3. check /proc/net/dev on linux??
399 This method should be preferred, if possible. Need to do more
400 testing.
402 */
404 void
405 wxDialUpManagerImpl::CheckStatusInternal(void)
406 {
407 m_IsOnline = -1;
409 // First time check for ifconfig location. We only use the variant
410 // which does not take arguments, a la GNU.
411 if(m_CanUseIfconfig == -1) // unknown
412 {
413 if(wxFileExists("/sbin/ifconfig"))
414 m_IfconfigPath = "/sbin/ifconfig";
415 else if(wxFileExists("/usr/sbin/ifconfig"))
416 m_IfconfigPath = "/usr/sbin/ifconfig";
417 }
419 wxLogNull ln; // suppress all error messages
420 // Let´s try the ifconfig method first, should be fastest:
421 if(m_CanUseIfconfig != 0) // unknown or yes
422 {
423 wxASSERT(m_IfconfigPath.length());
425 wxString tmpfile = wxGetTempFileName("_wxdialuptest");
426 wxString cmd = "/bin/sh -c \'";
427 cmd << m_IfconfigPath << " >" << tmpfile << '\'';
428 /* I tried to add an option to wxExecute() to not close stdout,
429 so we could let ifconfig write directly to the tmpfile, but
430 this does not work. That should be faster, as it doesn´t call
431 the shell first. I have no idea why. :-( (KB) */
432 if(wxExecute(cmd,TRUE /* sync */) == 0)
433 {
434 m_CanUseIfconfig = 1;
435 wxFile file;
436 if( file.Open(tmpfile) )
437 {
438 char *output = new char [file.Length()+1];
439 output[file.Length()] = '\0';
440 if(file.Read(output,file.Length()) == file.Length())
441 {
442 if(strstr(output,"ppp") // ppp
443 || strstr(output,"sl") // slip
444 || strstr(output,"pl") // plip
445 )
446 m_IsOnline = 1;
447 else
448 m_IsOnline = 0;
449 }
450 file.Close();
451 delete [] output;
452 }
453 // else m_IsOnline remains -1 as we don't know for sure
454 }
455 else // could not run ifconfig correctly
456 m_CanUseIfconfig = 0; // don´t try again
457 (void) wxRemoveFile(tmpfile);
458 if(m_IsOnline != -1) // we are done
459 return;
460 }
462 // this was supposed to work like ping(8), but doesn´t.
463 // second method: try to connect to a well known host:
464 // This can be used under Win 9x, too!
465 struct hostent *hp;
466 struct sockaddr_in serv_addr;
468 m_IsOnline = 0; // assume false
469 if((hp = gethostbyname(m_BeaconHost)) == NULL)
470 return; // no DNS no net
472 serv_addr.sin_family = hp->h_addrtype;
473 memcpy(&serv_addr.sin_addr,hp->h_addr, hp->h_length);
474 serv_addr.sin_port = htons(m_BeaconPort);
476 // PING method:
478 int sockfd;
479 if( ( sockfd = socket(hp->h_addrtype, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0)
480 {
481 // sys_error("cannot create socket for gw");
482 return;
483 }
485 #if 0
486 // this "ping" method does not work.
487 if(sendto(sockfd, "hello",
488 strlen("hello"), /* flags */ 0,
489 (struct sockaddr *) &serv_addr,
490 sizeof(serv_addr)) == -1)
491 {
492 close(sockfd);
493 return;
494 }
495 #endif
497 if( connect(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *) &serv_addr, sizeof(serv_addr)) < 0)
498 {
499 //sys_error("cannot connect to server");
500 close(sockfd);
501 return;
502 }
503 //connected!
504 close(sockfd);
505 m_IsOnline = TRUE;
506 }
509 /* static */
510 wxDialUpManager *
511 wxDialUpManager::Create(void)
512 {
513 return new wxDialUpManagerImpl;
514 }
516 #endif // wxUSE_DIALUP_MANAGER