1 \section{\class{wxBoxSizer
3 The basic idea behind a box sizer is that windows will most often be laid out in rather
4 simple basic geomerty, typically in a row or a column or several hierachies of either.
6 As an example, we will construct a dialog that will contain a text field at the top and
7 two buttons at the bottom. This can be seen as a top-hierarchy column with the text at
8 the top and buttons at the bottom and a low-hierchary row with an OK button to the left
9 and a Cancel button to the right. In many cases (particulary dialogs under Unix and
10 normal frames) the main window will be resizable by the user and this change of size
11 will have to get propagated to its children. In our case, we want the text area to grow
12 with the dialog, whereas the button shall have a fixed size. In addition, there will be
13 a thin border around all controls to make the dialog look nice and - to make matter worse -
14 the buttons shall be centred as the width of the dialog changes.
16 It is the unique feature of a box sizer, that it can grow in both directions (height and
17 width) but can distribute its growth in the main direction (horizontal for a row)
{\it unevenly
18 among its children. In our example case, the vertical sizer is supposed to propagate all its
19 height changes to only the text area, not to the button area. This is determined by the
{\it option
} parameter
20 when adding a window (or another sizer) to a sizer. It is interpreted
21 as a weight factor, i.e. it can be zero, indicating that the window may not be resized
22 at all, or above zero. If several windows have a value above zero, the value is interpreted
23 relative to the sum of all weight factors of the sizer, so when adding two windows with
24 a value of
1, they will both get resized equally much and each half as much as the sizer
25 owning them. Then what do we do when a column sizer changes its width? This behaviour is
26 controlled by
{\it flags
} (the second parameter of the Add() function): Zero or no flag
27 indicates that the window will preserve it is original size, wxGROW flag (same as wxEXPAND)
28 forces the window to grow with the sizer, and wxSHAPED flag tells the window to change it is
29 size proportionally, preserving original aspect ratio. When wxGROW flag is not used,
30 the item can be aligned within available space. wxALIGN
31 wxALIGN
\_CENTER\_VERTICAL do what they say.
32 wxALIGN
\_CENTRE (same as wxALIGN
\_CENTER) is defined as (wxALIGN
33 wxALIGN
\_CENTER\_VERTICAL). Default alignment is wxALIGN
35 As mentioned above, any window belonging to a sizer may have border, and it can be specified
36 which of the four sides may have this border, using the wxTOP, wxLEFT, wxRIGHT and wxBOTTOM
37 constants or wxALL for all directions (and you may also use wxNORTH, wxWEST etc instead). These
38 flags can be used in combination with the alignment flags above as the second parameter of the
39 Add() method using the binary or operator |. The sizer of the border also must be made known,
40 and it is the third parameter in the Add() method. This means, that the entire behaviour of
41 a sizer and its children can be controlled by the three parameters of the Add() method.
44 // we want to get a dialog that is stretchable because it
45 // has a text ctrl at the top and two buttons at the bottom
47 MyDialog::MyDialog(wxFrame *parent, wxWindowID id, const wxString &title )
48 : wxDialog(parent, id, title, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize,
51 wxBoxSizer *topsizer = new wxBoxSizer( wxVERTICAL );
53 // create text ctrl with minimal size
55 new wxTextCtrl( this, -
1, "My text.", wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(
56 1, // make vertically stretchable
57 wxEXPAND | // make horizontally stretchable
58 wxALL, // and make border all around
59 10 ); // set border width to
62 wxBoxSizer *button_sizer = new wxBoxSizer( wxHORIZONTAL );
64 new wxButton( this, wxID_OK, "OK" ),
65 0, // make horizontally unstretchable
66 wxALL, // make border all around (implicit top alignment)
67 10 ); // set border width to
69 new wxButton( this, wxID_CANCEL, "Cancel" ),
70 0, // make horizontally unstretchable
71 wxALL, // make border all around (implicit top alignment)
72 10 ); // set border width to
76 0, // make vertically unstretchable
77 wxALIGN_CENTER ); // no border and centre horizontally
79 SetAutoLayout( TRUE ); // tell dialog to use sizer
80 SetSizer( topsizer ); // actually set the sizer
82 topsizer->Fit( this ); // set size to minimum size as calculated by the sizer
83 topsizer->SetSizeHints( this ); // set size hints to honour mininum size
87 \wxheading{Derived from
89 \helpref{wxSizer
90 \helpref{wxObject
92 \membersection{wxBoxSizer::wxBoxSizer
94 \func{}{wxBoxSizer
96 Constructor for a wxBoxSizer.
{\it orient
} may be either of wxVERTICAL
97 or wxHORIZONTAL for creating either a column sizer or a row sizer.
99 \membersection{wxBoxSizer::RecalcSizes
101 \func{void
103 Implements the calculation of a box sizer's dimensions and then sets
104 the size of its its children (calling
105 if the child is a window). It is used internally only and must not be called
106 by the user. Documented for information.
108 \membersection{wxBoxSizer::CalcMin
110 \func{wxSize
112 Implements the calculation of a box sizer's minimal. It is used internally
113 only and must not be called by the user. Documented for information.
115 \membersection{wxBoxSizer::GetOrientation
117 \func{int
119 Returns the orientation of the box sizer, either wxVERTICAL