]> git.saurik.com Git - wxWidgets.git/blob - interface/wx/renderer.h
deprecated GetCheckBoxSize(wxWindow *) in favour of GetCheckBoxSize() const (the...
[wxWidgets.git] / interface / wx / renderer.h
1 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 // Name: renderer.h
3 // Purpose: interface of wxRendererNative
4 // Author: wxWidgets team
5 // RCS-ID: $Id$
6 // Licence: wxWindows license
7 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9 /**
10 @anchor wxCONTROL_FLAGS
12 The following rendering flags are defined for wxRendererNative:
13 */
14 enum
15 {
16 /** Control is disabled. */
17 wxCONTROL_DISABLED = 0x00000001,
19 /** Currently has keyboard focus. */
20 wxCONTROL_FOCUSED = 0x00000002,
22 /** (Button) is pressed. */
23 wxCONTROL_PRESSED = 0x00000004,
25 /** Control-specific bit. */
26 wxCONTROL_SPECIAL = 0x00000008,
28 /** Only for the buttons. */
31 /** Only for the menu items. */
34 /** Only for the tree items. */
37 /** Only for the status bar panes. */
40 /** Checkboxes only: flat border. */
43 /** Mouse is currently over the control. */
44 wxCONTROL_CURRENT = 0x00000010,
46 /** Selected item in e.g. listbox. */
47 wxCONTROL_SELECTED = 0x00000020,
49 /** (Check/radio button) is checked. */
50 wxCONTROL_CHECKED = 0x00000040,
52 /** (Menu) item can be checked. */
53 wxCONTROL_CHECKABLE = 0x00000080,
55 /** (Check) undetermined state. */
57 };
59 /**
60 @struct wxSplitterRenderParams
62 This is just a simple @c struct used as a return value of
63 wxRendererNative::GetSplitterParams().
65 It doesn't have any methods and all of its fields are constant, so they can
66 only be examined but not modified.
68 @library{wxbase}
69 @category{gdi}
70 */
71 struct wxSplitterRenderParams
72 {
73 /**
74 The only way to initialize this struct is by using this ctor.
75 */
76 wxSplitterRenderParams(wxCoord widthSash_, wxCoord border_, bool isSens_);
78 /**
79 The width of the border drawn by the splitter inside it, may be 0.
80 */
81 const wxCoord border;
83 /**
84 @true if the sash changes appearance when the mouse passes over it, @false
85 otherwise.
86 */
87 const bool isHotSensitive;
89 /**
90 The width of the splitter sash.
91 */
92 const wxCoord widthSash;
93 };
95 /**
96 @struct wxHeaderButtonParams
98 This @c struct can optionally be used with
99 wxRendererNative::DrawHeaderButton() to specify custom values used to draw
100 the text or bitmap label.
102 @library{wxbase}
103 @category{gdi}
104 */
105 struct wxHeaderButtonParams
106 {
107 wxHeaderButtonParams();
109 wxColour m_arrowColour;
110 wxColour m_selectionColour;
111 wxString m_labelText;
112 wxFont m_labelFont;
113 wxColour m_labelColour;
114 wxBitmap m_labelBitmap;
115 int m_labelAlignment;
116 };
118 /**
119 Used to specify the type of sort arrow used with
120 wxRendererNative::DrawHeaderButton().
121 */
122 enum wxHeaderSortIconType
123 {
124 wxHDR_SORT_ICON_NONE, ///< Don't draw a sort arrow.
125 wxHDR_SORT_ICON_UP, ///< Draw a sort arrow icon pointing up.
126 wxHDR_SORT_ICON_DOWN ///< Draw a sort arrow icon pointing down.
127 };
131 /**
132 @class wxDelegateRendererNative
134 wxDelegateRendererNative allows reuse of renderers code by forwarding all the
135 wxRendererNative methods to the given object and thus allowing you to only
136 modify some of its methods -- without having to reimplement all of them.
138 Note that the "normal", inheritance-based approach, doesn't work with the
139 renderers as it is impossible to derive from a class unknown at compile-time
140 and the renderer is only chosen at run-time. So suppose that you want to only
141 add something to the drawing of the tree control buttons but leave all the
142 other methods unchanged -- the only way to do it, considering that the renderer
143 class which you want to customize might not even be written yet when you write
144 your code (it could be written later and loaded from a DLL during run-time), is
145 by using this class.
147 Except for the constructor, it has exactly the same methods as
148 wxRendererNative and their implementation is trivial: they are simply forwarded
149 to the real renderer. Note that the "real" renderer may, in turn, be a
150 wxDelegateRendererNative as well and that there may be arbitrarily many levels
151 like this -- but at the end of the chain there must be a real renderer which
152 does the drawing.
154 @library{wxcore}
155 @category{gdi}
157 @see wxRendererNative
158 */
159 class wxDelegateRendererNative : public wxRendererNative
160 {
161 public:
162 /**
163 The default constructor does the same thing as the other one except that it
164 uses the @ref wxRendererNative::GetGeneric() "generic renderer" instead of the
165 user-specified @a rendererNative.
167 In any case, this sets up the delegate renderer object to follow all calls to
168 the specified real renderer.
169 */
170 wxDelegateRendererNative();
171 /**
172 This constructor uses the user-specified @a rendererNative to set up the delegate
173 renderer object to follow all calls to the specified real renderer.
175 @note
176 This object does not take ownership of (i.e. won't delete) @a rendererNative.
177 */
178 wxDelegateRendererNative(wxRendererNative& rendererNative);
180 // The rest of these functions inherit the documentation from wxRendererNative
182 virtual int DrawHeaderButton(wxWindow *win, wxDC& dc,
183 const wxRect& rect, int flags = 0,
184 wxHeaderSortIconType sortArrow = wxHDR_SORT_ICON_NONE,
185 wxHeaderButtonParams* params = NULL);
187 virtual int DrawHeaderButtonContents(wxWindow *win, wxDC& dc,
188 const wxRect& rect, int flags = 0,
189 wxHeaderSortIconType sortArrow = wxHDR_SORT_ICON_NONE,
190 wxHeaderButtonParams* params = NULL);
192 virtual int GetHeaderButtonHeight(wxWindow *win);
194 virtual void DrawTreeItemButton(wxWindow *win, wxDC& dc,
195 const wxRect& rect, int flags = 0);
197 virtual void DrawSplitterBorder(wxWindow *win, wxDC& dc,
198 const wxRect& rect, int flags = 0);
200 virtual void DrawSplitterSash(wxWindow *win, wxDC& dc,
201 const wxSize& size, wxCoord position,
202 wxOrientation orient, int flags = 0);
204 virtual void DrawComboBoxDropButton(wxWindow *win, wxDC& dc,
205 const wxRect& rect, int flags = 0);
207 virtual void DrawDropArrow(wxWindow *win, wxDC& dc,
208 const wxRect& rect, int flags = 0);
210 virtual void DrawCheckBox(wxWindow *win, wxDC& dc,
211 const wxRect& rect, int flags = 0 );
213 virtual wxSize GetCheckBoxSize() const;
215 virtual void DrawPushButton(wxWindow *win, wxDC& dc,
216 const wxRect& rect, int flags = 0 );
218 virtual void DrawItemSelectionRect(wxWindow *win, wxDC& dc,
219 const wxRect& rect, int flags = 0 );
221 virtual void DrawFocusRect(wxWindow* win, wxDC& dc,
222 const wxRect& rect, int flags = 0);
224 virtual wxSplitterRenderParams GetSplitterParams(const wxWindow *win);
226 virtual wxRendererVersion GetVersion() const;
227 };
231 /**
232 @class wxRendererNative
234 First, a brief introduction to wxRendererNative and why it is needed.
236 Usually wxWidgets uses the underlying low level GUI system to draw all the
237 controls - this is what we mean when we say that it is a "native" framework.
238 However not all controls exist under all (or even any) platforms and in this
239 case wxWidgets provides a default, generic, implementation of them written in
240 wxWidgets itself.
242 These controls don't have the native appearance if only the standard
243 line drawing and other graphics primitives are used, because the native
244 appearance is different under different platforms while the lines are always
245 drawn in the same way.
247 This is why we have renderers: wxRendererNative is a class which virtualizes the
248 drawing, i.e. it abstracts the drawing operations and allows you to draw say, a
249 button, without caring about exactly how this is done. Of course, as we
250 can draw the button differently in different renderers, this also allows us to
251 emulate the native look and feel.
253 So the renderers work by exposing a large set of high-level drawing functions
254 which are used by the generic controls. There is always a default global
255 renderer but it may be changed or extended by the user, see
256 @ref page_samples_render.
258 All drawing functions take some standard parameters:
260 @li @a win - The window being drawn. It is normally not used and when
261 it is it should only be used as a generic wxWindow
262 (in order to get its low level handle, for example), but you should
263 not assume that it is of some given type as the same renderer
264 function may be reused for drawing different kinds of control.
265 @li @a dc - The wxDC to draw on. Only this device
266 context should be used for drawing. It is not necessary to restore
267 pens and brushes for it on function exit but, on the other hand, you
268 shouldn't assume that it is in any specific state on function entry:
269 the rendering functions should always prepare it.
270 @li @a rect - The bounding rectangle for the element to be drawn.
271 @li @a flags - The optional flags (none by default) which can be a
272 combination of the @ref wxCONTROL_FLAGS.
274 Note that each drawing function restores the wxDC attributes if
275 it changes them, so it is safe to assume that the same pen, brush and colours
276 that were active before the call to this function are still in effect after it.
278 @library{wxcore}
279 @category{gdi}
280 */
281 class wxRendererNative
282 {
283 public:
284 /**
285 Virtual destructor as for any base class.
286 */
287 virtual ~wxRendererNative();
289 /**
290 Draw a check box.
292 @a flags may have the @c wxCONTROL_CHECKED, @c wxCONTROL_CURRENT or
293 @c wxCONTROL_UNDETERMINED bit set, see @ref wxCONTROL_FLAGS.
294 */
295 virtual void DrawCheckBox(wxWindow* win, wxDC& dc, const wxRect& rect,
296 int flags = 0) = 0;
298 /**
299 Draw a button like the one used by wxComboBox to show a
300 drop down window. The usual appearance is a downwards pointing arrow.
302 @a flags may have the @c wxCONTROL_PRESSED or @c wxCONTROL_CURRENT bit set,
303 see @ref wxCONTROL_FLAGS.
304 */
305 virtual void DrawComboBoxDropButton(wxWindow* win, wxDC& dc,
306 const wxRect& rect, int flags = 0) = 0;
308 /**
309 Draw a drop down arrow that is suitable for use outside a combo box. Arrow will
310 have transparent background.
312 @a rect is not entirely filled by the arrow. Instead, you should use bounding
313 rectangle of a drop down button which arrow matches the size you need.
315 @a flags may have the @c wxCONTROL_PRESSED or @c wxCONTROL_CURRENT bit set,
316 see @ref wxCONTROL_FLAGS.
317 */
318 virtual void DrawDropArrow(wxWindow* win, wxDC& dc, const wxRect& rect,
319 int flags = 0) = 0;
321 /**
322 Draw a focus rectangle using the specified rectangle.
323 wxListCtrl.
325 The only supported flags is @c wxCONTROL_SELECTED for items which are selected.
326 see @ref wxCONTROL_FLAGS.
327 */
328 virtual void DrawFocusRect(wxWindow* win, wxDC& dc, const wxRect& rect,
329 int flags = 0) = 0;
331 /**
332 Draw the header control button (used, for example, by wxListCtrl).
334 Depending on platforms the @a flags parameter may support the @c wxCONTROL_SELECTED
335 @c wxCONTROL_DISABLED and @c wxCONTROL_CURRENT bits, see @ref wxCONTROL_FLAGS.
337 @return
338 The optimal width to contain the the unabreviated label text or
339 bitmap, the sort arrow if present, and internal margins.
340 */
341 virtual int DrawHeaderButton(wxWindow* win, wxDC& dc, const wxRect& rect,
342 int flags = 0,
343 wxHeaderSortIconType sortArrow = wxHDR_SORT_ICON_NONE, wxHeaderButtonParams* params = NULL) = 0;
345 /**
346 Draw the contents of a header control button (label, sort arrows,
347 etc.). This function is normally only called by DrawHeaderButton().
349 Depending on platforms the @a flags parameter may support the @c wxCONTROL_SELECTED
350 @c wxCONTROL_DISABLED and @c wxCONTROL_CURRENT bits, see @ref wxCONTROL_FLAGS.
352 @return
353 The optimal width to contain the the unabreviated label text or
354 bitmap, the sort arrow if present, and internal margins.
355 */
356 virtual int DrawHeaderButtonContents(wxWindow* win, wxDC& dc,
357 const wxRect& rect, int flags = 0,
358 wxHeaderSortIconType sortArrow = wxHDR_SORT_ICON_NONE, wxHeaderButtonParams* params = NULL) = 0;
360 /**
361 Draw a selection rectangle underneath the text as used e.g. in a
362 wxListCtrl.
364 The supported @a flags are @c wxCONTROL_SELECTED for items
365 which are selected (e.g. often a blue rectangle) and @c wxCONTROL_CURRENT
366 for the item that has the focus (often a dotted line around the item's text).
367 @c wxCONTROL_FOCUSED may be used to indicate if the control has the focus
368 (othewise the the selection rectangle is e.g. often grey and not blue).
369 This may be ignored by the renderer or deduced by the code directly from
370 the @a win.
371 */
372 virtual void DrawItemSelectionRect(wxWindow* win, wxDC& dc,
373 const wxRect& rect, int flags = 0) = 0;
375 /**
376 Draw a blank push button that looks very similar to wxButton.
378 @a flags may have the @c wxCONTROL_PRESSED, @c wxCONTROL_CURRENT or
379 @c wxCONTROL_ISDEFAULT bit set, see @ref wxCONTROL_FLAGS.
380 */
381 virtual void DrawPushButton(wxWindow* win, wxDC& dc, const wxRect& rect,
382 int flags = 0) = 0;
384 /**
385 Draw the border for sash window: this border must be such that the sash
386 drawn by DrawSplitterSash() blends into it well.
387 */
388 virtual void DrawSplitterBorder(wxWindow* win, wxDC& dc, const wxRect& rect,
389 int flags = 0) = 0;
391 /**
392 Draw a sash. The @a orient parameter defines whether the sash should be
393 vertical or horizontal and how the @a position should be interpreted.
394 */
395 virtual void DrawSplitterSash(wxWindow* win, wxDC& dc, const wxSize& size,
396 wxCoord position, wxOrientation orient,
397 int flags = 0) = 0;
399 /**
400 Draw the expanded/collapsed icon for a tree control item.
402 To draw an expanded button the @a flags parameter must contain @c wxCONTROL_EXPANDED bit,
403 see @ref wxCONTROL_FLAGS.
404 */
405 virtual void DrawTreeItemButton(wxWindow* win, wxDC& dc, const wxRect& rect,
406 int flags = 0) = 0;
408 /**
409 Draw a native wxChoice
410 */
411 virtual void DrawChoice(wxWindow* win, wxDC& dc, const wxRect& rect, int flags=0) = 0;
413 /**
414 Draw a native wxComboBox
415 */
416 virtual void DrawComboBox(wxWindow* win, wxDC& dc, const wxRect& rect, int flags=0) = 0;
418 /**
419 Draw a native wxTextCtrl frame
420 */
421 virtual void DrawTextCtrl(wxWindow* win, wxDC& dc, const wxRect& rect, int flags=0) = 0;
423 /**
424 Draw a native wxRadioButton (just the button image, not the text)
425 */
426 virtual void DrawRadioButton(wxWindow* win, wxDC& dc, const wxRect& rect, int flags=0) = 0;
428 /**
429 Return the currently used renderer.
430 */
431 static wxRendererNative& Get();
433 /**
434 Return the default (native) implementation for this platform -- this is also
435 the one used by default but this may be changed by calling
436 Set() in which case the return value of this
437 method may be different from the return value of Get().
438 */
439 static wxRendererNative& GetDefault();
441 /**
442 Return the generic implementation of the renderer. Under some platforms, this
443 is the default renderer implementation, others have platform-specific default
444 renderer which can be retrieved by calling GetDefault().
445 */
446 static wxRendererNative& GetGeneric();
448 /**
449 Returns the size of a check box.
450 */
451 virtual wxSize GetCheckBoxSize() const = 0;
453 /**
454 Returns the height of a header button, either a fixed platform height if
455 available, or a
456 generic height based on the window's font.
457 */
458 virtual int GetHeaderButtonHeight(wxWindow* win) = 0;
460 /**
461 Get the splitter parameters, see
462 wxSplitterRenderParams.
463 */
464 virtual wxSplitterRenderParams GetSplitterParams(const wxWindow* win) = 0;
466 /**
467 This function is used for version checking: Load()
468 refuses to load any shared libraries implementing an older or incompatible
469 version.
471 @remarks
472 The implementation of this method is always the same in all renderers (simply
473 construct wxRendererVersion using the @c wxRendererVersion::Current_XXX values),
474 but it has to be in the derived, not base, class, to detect mismatches between
475 the renderers versions and so you have to implement it anew in all renderers.
476 */
477 virtual wxRendererVersion GetVersion() const = 0;
479 /**
480 Load the renderer from the specified DLL, the returned pointer must be
481 deleted by caller if not @NULL when it is not used any more.
483 The @a name should be just the base name of the renderer and not the full
484 name of the DLL file which is constructed differently (using
485 wxDynamicLibrary::CanonicalizePluginName())
486 on different systems.
487 */
488 static wxRendererNative* Load(const wxString& name);
490 /**
491 Set the renderer to use, passing @NULL reverts to using the default
492 renderer (the global renderer must always exist).
494 Return the previous renderer used with Set() or @NULL if none.
495 */
496 static wxRendererNative* Set(wxRendererNative* renderer);
497 };
501 /**
502 @struct wxRendererVersion
504 This simple struct represents the wxRendererNative
505 interface version and is only used as the return value of
506 wxRendererNative::GetVersion().
508 The version has two components: the version itself and the age. If the main
509 program and the renderer have different versions they are never compatible with
510 each other because the version is only changed when an existing virtual
511 function is modified or removed. The age, on the other hand, is incremented
512 each time a new virtual method is added and so, at least for the compilers
513 using a common C++ object model, the calling program is compatible with any
514 renderer which has the age greater or equal to its age. This verification is
515 done by IsCompatible() method.
517 @library{wxbase}
518 @category{gdi}
519 */
520 struct wxRendererVersion
521 {
522 /**
523 Checks if the main program is compatible with the renderer having the version
524 @e ver, returns @true if it is and @false otherwise.
526 This method is used by wxRendererNative::Load() to determine whether a
527 renderer can be used.
528 */
529 static bool IsCompatible(const wxRendererVersion& ver);
531 /**
532 The age component.
533 */
534 const int age;
536 /**
537 The version component.
538 */
539 const int version;
540 };