]> git.saurik.com Git - wxWidgets.git/blob - interface/wx/headerctrl.h
Fixed various inconsistencies with deleting properties, added wxPGProperty::DeleteChi...
[wxWidgets.git] / interface / wx / headerctrl.h
1 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 // Name: wx/headerctrl.h
3 // Purpose: interface of wxHeaderCtrl
4 // Author: Vadim Zeitlin
5 // Created: 2008-12-01
6 // RCS-ID: $Id$
7 // Copyright: (c) 2008 Vadim Zeitlin <vadim@wxwidgets.org>
8 // Licence: wxWindows license
9 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
11 /**
12 @class wxHeaderCtrl
14 wxHeaderCtrl is the control containing the column headings which is usually
15 used for display of tabular data.
17 It is used as part of wxGrid, in generic version wxDataViewCtrl and report
18 view of wxListCtrl but can be also used independently. In general this
19 class is meant to be used as part of another control which already stores
20 the column information somewhere as it can't be used directly: instead you
21 need to inherit from it and implement the GetColumn() method to provide
22 column information. See wxHeaderCtrlSimple for a concrete control class
23 which can be used directly.
25 In addition to labeling the columns, the control has the following
26 features:
27 - Column reordering support, either by explicitly configuring the
28 columns order and calling SetColumnsOrder() or by dragging the
29 columns interactively (if enabled).
30 - Display of the icons in the header: this is often used to display a
31 sort or reverse sort indicator when the column header is clicked.
33 Notice that this control itself doesn't do anything other than displaying
34 the column headers. In particular column reordering and sorting must still
35 be supported by the associated control displaying the real data under the
36 header. Also remember to call ScrollWindow() method of the control if the
37 associated data display window has a horizontal scrollbar, otherwise the
38 headers wouldn't align with the data when the window is scrolled.
40 This control is implemented using the native header control under MSW
41 systems and a generic implementation elsewhere.
44 @section headerctrl_improvements Future Improvements
46 Some features are supported by the native MSW control and so could be
47 easily implemented in this version of wxHeaderCtrl but need to be
48 implemented in the generic version as well to be really useful. Please let
49 us know if you need or, better, plan to work on implementing, any of them:
50 - Displaying bitmaps instead of or together with the text
51 - Custom drawn headers
52 - Filters associated with a column.
55 @beginStyleTable
56 @style{wxHD_ALLOW_REORDER}
57 If this style is specified (it is by default), the user can reorder
58 the control columns by dragging them.
59 @style{wxHD_ALLOW_HIDE}
60 If this style is specified, the control shows a popup menu allowing the
61 user to change the columns visibility on right mouse click. Notice that
62 the program can always hide or show the columns, this style only
63 affects the users capability to do it.
64 @style{wxHD_DEFAULT_STYLE}
65 Symbolic name for the default control style, currently equal to
67 @endStyleTable
69 @beginEventTable{wxHeaderCtrlEvent}
70 @event{EVT_HEADER_CLICK(id, func)}
71 A column heading was clicked.
72 @event{EVT_HEADER_RIGHT_CLICK(id, func)}
73 A column heading was right clicked.
74 @event{EVT_HEADER_MIDDLE_CLICK(id, func)}
75 A column heading was clicked with the middle mouse button.
76 @event{EVT_HEADER_DCLICK(id, func)}
77 A column heading was double clicked.
78 @event{EVT_HEADER_RIGHT_DCLICK(id, func)}
79 A column heading was right double clicked.
80 @event{EVT_HEADER_MIDDLE_DCLICK(id, func)}
81 A column heading was double clicked with the middle mouse button.
82 @event{EVT_HEADER_SEPARATOR_DCLICK(id, func)}
83 Separator to the right of the specified column was double clicked
84 (this action is commonly used to resize the column to fit its
85 contents width and the control provides UpdateColumnWidthToFit() method
86 to make implementing this easier).
87 @event{EVT_HEADER_BEGIN_RESIZE(id, func)}
88 The user started to drag the separator to the right of the column
89 with the specified index (this can only happen for the columns for
90 which wxHeaderColumn::IsResizeable() returns true). The event can
91 be vetoed to prevent the column from being resized. If it isn't,
92 the resizing and end resize (or dragging cancelled) events will be
93 generated later.
94 @event{EVT_HEADER_RESIZING(id, func)}
95 The user is dragging the column with the specified index resizing
96 it and its current width is wxHeaderCtrlEvent::GetWidth().
97 The event can be vetoed to stop the dragging operation completely at
98 any time.
99 @event{EVT_HEADER_END_RESIZE(id, func)}
100 The user stopped dragging the column by releasing the mouse.
101 The column should normally be resized to the value of
102 wxHeaderCtrlEvent::GetWidth().
103 @event{EVT_HEADER_BEGIN_REORDER(id, func)}
104 The user started to drag the column with the specified index (this
105 can only happen for the controls with wxHD_ALLOW_REORDER style).
106 This event can be vetoed to prevent the column from being reordered,
107 otherwise the end reorder message will be generated later.
108 @event{EVT_HEADER_END_REORDER(id, func)}
109 The user dropped the column in its new location. The event can be
110 vetoed to prevent the column from being placed at the new position
111 or handled to update the display of the data in the associated
112 control to match the new column location (available from
113 wxHeaderCtrlEvent::GetNewOrder()).
115 The resizing or reordering operation currently in progress was
116 cancelled. This can happen if the user pressed Esc key while
117 dragging the mouse or the mouse capture was lost for some other
118 reason. You only need to handle this event if your application
119 entered into some modal mode when resizing or reordering began, in
120 which case it should handle this event in addition to the matching
121 end resizing or reordering ones.
122 @endEventTable
124 @library{wxcore}
125 @category{ctrl}
127 @see wxGrid, wxListCtrl, wxDataViewCtrl
128 */
129 class wxHeaderCtrl
130 {
131 public:
132 /**
133 Default constructor not creating the underlying window.
135 You must use Create() after creating the object using this constructor.
136 */
137 wxHeaderCtrl();
139 /**
140 Constructor creating the window.
142 Please see Create() for the parameters documentation.
143 */
144 wxHeaderCtrl(wxWindow *parent,
145 wxWindowID winid = wxID_ANY,
146 const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
147 const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
148 long style = wxHD_DEFAULT_STYLE,
149 const wxString& name = wxHeaderCtrlNameStr);
151 /**
152 Create the header control window.
154 @param parent
155 The parent window. The header control should be typically
156 positioned along the top edge of this window.
157 @param winid
158 Id of the control or @c wxID_ANY if you don't care.
159 @param pos
160 The initial position of the control.
161 @param size
162 The initial size of the control (usually not very useful as this
163 control will typically be resized to have the same width as the
164 associated data display control).
165 @param style
166 The control style, @c wxHD_DEFAULT_STYLE by default. Notice that
167 the default style allows the user to reorder the columns by
168 dragging them and you need to explicitly turn this feature off by
169 using @code wxHD_DEFAULT_STYLE & ~wxHD_ALLOW_REORDER @endcode if
170 this is undesirable.
171 @param name
172 The name of the control.
173 */
174 bool Create(wxWindow *parent,
175 wxWindowID winid = wxID_ANY,
176 const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
177 const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
178 long style = wxHD_DEFAULT_STYLE,
179 const wxString& name = wxHeaderCtrlNameStr);
181 /**
182 Set the number of columns in the control.
184 The control will use GetColumn() to get information about all the
185 new columns and refresh itself, i.e. this method also has the same
186 effect as calling UpdateColumn() for all columns but it should only be
187 used if the number of columns really changed.
188 */
189 void SetColumnCount(unsigned int count);
191 /**
192 Return the number of columns in the control.
194 @return
195 Number of columns as previously set by SetColumnCount().
197 @see IsEmpty()
198 */
199 unsigned int GetColumnCount() const;
201 /**
202 Return whether the control has any columns.
204 @see GetColumnCount()
205 */
206 bool IsEmpty() const;
208 /**
209 Update the column with the given index.
211 When the value returned by GetColumn() changes, this method must be
212 called to notify the control about the change and update the visual
213 display to match the new column data.
215 @param idx
216 The column index, must be less than GetColumnCount().
217 */
218 void UpdateColumn(unsigned int idx);
220 /**
221 Change the columns display order.
223 The display order defines the order in which the columns appear on the
224 screen and does @em not affect the interpretation of indices by all the
225 other class methods.
227 The @a order array specifies the column indices corresponding to the
228 display positions.
230 @param order
231 A permutation of all column indices, i.e. an array of size
232 GetColumnsOrder() containing all column indices exactly once. The
233 n-th element of this array defines the index of the column shown at
234 the n-th position from left (for the default left-to-right writing
235 direction).
237 @see wxListCtrl::SetColumnsOrder()
238 */
239 void SetColumnsOrder(const wxArrayInt& order);
241 /**
242 Return the array describing the columns display order.
244 For the controls without wxHD_ALLOW_REORDER style the returned array
245 will be the same as was passed to SetColumnsOrder() previously or
246 define the default order (with n-th element being n) if it hadn't been
247 called. But for the controls with wxHD_ALLOW_REORDER style, the columns
248 can be also reordered by user.
249 */
250 wxArrayInt GetColumnsOrder() const;
252 /**
253 Return the index of the column displayed at the given position.
255 @param pos
256 The display position, e.g. 0 for the left-most column, 1 for the
257 next one and so on until GetColumnCount() - 1.
259 @see GetColumnPos()
260 */
261 unsigned int GetColumnAt(unsigned int pos) const;
263 /**
264 Get the position at which this column is currently displayed.
266 Notice that a valid position is returned even for the hidden columns
267 currently.
269 @param idx
270 The column index, must be less than GetColumnCount().
272 @see GetColumnAt()
273 */
274 unsigned int GetColumnPos(unsigned int idx) const;
276 /**
277 Reset the columns order to the natural one.
279 After calling this function, the column with index @c idx appears at
280 position @c idx in the control.
281 */
282 void ResetColumnsOrder();
284 /**
285 Helper function to manipulate the array of column indices.
287 This function reshuffles the array of column indices indexed by
288 positions (i.e. using the same convention as for SetColumnsOrder()) so
289 that the column with the given index is found at the specified
290 position.
292 @param order
293 Array containing the indices of columns in order of their
294 positions.
295 @param idx
296 The index of the column to move.
297 @param pos
298 The new position for the column @a idx.
299 */
300 static void MoveColumnInOrderArray(wxArrayInt& order,
301 unsigned int idx,
302 unsigned int pos);
304 /**
305 Show the popup menu allowing the user to show or hide the columns.
307 This functions shows the popup menu containing all columns with check
308 marks for the ones which are currently shown and allows the user to
309 check or uncheck them to toggle their visibility. It is called from the
310 default EVT_HEADER_RIGHT_CLICK handler for the controls which have
311 wxHD_ALLOW_HIDE style. And if the column has wxHD_ALLOW_REORDER style
312 as well, the menu also contains an item to customize the columns shown
313 using which results in ShowCustomizeDialog() being called, please see
314 its description for more details.
316 If a column was toggled, UpdateColumnVisibility() virtual function is
317 called so it must be implemented for the controls with wxHD_ALLOW_HIDE
318 style or if you call this function explicitly.
320 @param pt
321 The position of the menu, in the header window coordinates.
322 @param title
323 The title for the menu if not empty.
324 @return
325 @true if a column was shown or hidden or @false if nothing was
326 done, e.g. because the menu was cancelled.
327 */
328 int ShowColumnsMenu(const wxPoint& pt, const wxString& title = wxString());
330 /**
331 Show the column customization dialog.
333 This function displays a modal dialog containing the list of all
334 columns which the user can use to reorder them as well as show or hide
335 individual columns.
337 If the user accepts the changes done in the dialog, the virtual
338 methods UpdateColumnVisibility() and UpdateColumnsOrder() will be
339 called so they must be overridden in the derived class if this method
340 is ever called. Please notice that the user will be able to invoke it
341 interactively from the header popup menu if the control has both
342 wxHD_ALLOW_HIDE and wxHD_ALLOW_REORDER styles.
344 @see wxRearrangeDialog
345 */
346 bool ShowCustomizeDialog();
348 protected:
349 /**
350 Method to be implemented by the derived classes to return the
351 information for the given column.
353 @param idx
354 The column index, between 0 and the value last passed to
355 SetColumnCount().
356 */
357 virtual const wxHeaderColumnBase& GetColumn(unsigned int idx) const = 0;
359 /**
360 Method called when the column visibility is changed by the user.
362 This method is called from ShowColumnsMenu() or ShowCustomizeDialog()
363 when the user interactively hides or shows a column. A typical
364 implementation will simply update the internally stored column state.
365 Notice that there is no need to call UpdateColumn() from this method as
366 it is already done by wxHeaderCtrl itself.
368 The base class version doesn't do anything and must be overridden if
369 this method is called.
371 @param idx
372 The index of the column whose visibility was toggled.
373 @param show
374 The new visibility value, @true if the column is now shown or
375 @false if it is not hidden.
376 */
377 virtual void UpdateColumnVisibility(unsigned int idx, bool show);
379 /**
380 Method called when the columns order is changed in the customization
381 dialog.
383 This method is only called from ShowCustomizeDialog() when the user
384 changes the order of columns. In particular it is @em not called if a
385 single column changes place because the user dragged it to the new
386 location, the EVT_HEADER_END_REORDER event handler should be used to
387 react to this.
389 A typical implementation in a derived class will update the display
390 order of the columns in the associated control, if any. Notice that
391 there is no need to call SetColumnsOrder() from it as wxHeaderCtrl does
392 it itself.
394 The base class version doesn't do anything and must be overridden if
395 this method is called.
397 @param order
398 The new column order. This array uses the same convention as
399 SetColumnsOrder().
400 */
401 virtual void UpdateColumnsOrder(const wxArrayInt& order);
403 /**
404 Method which may be implemented by the derived classes to allow double
405 clicking the column separator to resize the column to fit its contents.
407 When a separator is double clicked, the default handler of
408 EVT_HEADER_SEPARATOR_DCLICK event calls this function and refreshes the
409 column if it returns @true so to implement the resizing of the column
410 to fit its width on header double click you need to implement this
411 method using logic similar to this example:
412 @code
413 class MyHeaderCtrl : public wxHeaderColumnBase
414 {
415 public:
416 ...
418 void SetWidth(int width) { m_width = width; }
419 virtual int GetWidth() const { return m_width; }
421 private:
422 int m_width;
423 };
425 class MyHeaderCtrl : public wxHeaderCtrl
426 {
427 public:
428 protected:
429 virtual wxHeaderColumnBase& GetColumn(unsigned int idx) const
430 {
431 return m_cols[idx];
432 }
434 virtual bool UpdateColumnWidthToFit(unsigned int idx, int widthTitle)
435 {
436 int widthContents = ... compute minimal width for column idx ...
437 m_cols[idx].SetWidth(wxMax(widthContents, widthTitle));
438 return true;
439 }
441 wxVector<MyHeaderColumn> m_cols;
442 };
443 @endcode
445 Base class version simply returns @false.
447 @param idx
448 The zero-based index of the column to update.
449 @param widthTitle
450 Contains minimal width needed to display the column header itself
451 and will usually be used as a starting point for the fitting width
452 calculation.
454 @return
455 @true to indicate that the column was resized, i.e. GetColumn() now
456 returns the new width value, and so must be refreshed or @false
457 meaning that the control didn't reach to the separator double click.
458 */
459 virtual bool UpdateColumnWidthToFit(unsigned int idx, int widthTitle);
461 /**
462 Can be overridden in the derived class to update internal data
463 structures when the number of the columns in the control changes.
465 This method is called by SetColumnCount() before effectively changing
466 the number of columns.
468 The base class version does nothing but it is good practice to still
469 call it from the overridden version in the derived class.
470 */
471 virtual void OnColumnCountChanging(unsigned int count);
472 };
475 /**
476 @class wxHeaderCtrlSimple
478 wxHeaderCtrlSimple is a concrete header control which can be used directly,
479 without inheriting from it as you need to do when using wxHeaderCtrl
480 itself.
482 When using it, you need to use simple AppendColumn(), InsertColumn() and
483 DeleteColumn() methods instead of setting the number of columns with
484 SetColumnCount() and returning the information about them from the
485 overridden GetColumn().
487 @library{wxcore}
488 @category{ctrl}
490 @see wxHeaderCtrl
491 */
492 class wxHeaderCtrlSimple : public wxHeaderCtrl
493 {
494 public:
495 /**
496 Default constructor not creating the underlying window.
498 You must use Create() after creating the object using this constructor.
499 */
500 wxHeaderCtrlSimple();
502 /**
503 Constructor creating the window.
505 Please see the base class wxHeaderCtrl::Create() method for the
506 parameters description.
507 */
508 wxHeaderCtrlSimple(wxWindow *parent,
509 wxWindowID winid = wxID_ANY,
510 const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
511 const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
512 long style = wxHD_DEFAULT_STYLE,
513 const wxString& name = wxHeaderCtrlNameStr);
515 /**
516 Insert the column at the given position.
518 @param col
519 The column to insert. Notice that because of the existence of
520 implicit conversion from wxString to wxHeaderColumn a string
521 can be passed directly here.
522 @param idx
523 The position of the new column, from 0 to GetColumnCount(). Using
524 GetColumnCount() means to append the column to the end.
526 @see AppendColumn()
527 */
528 void InsertColumn(const wxHeaderColumn& col, unsigned int idx);
530 /**
531 Append the column to the end of the control.
533 @see InsertColumn()
534 */
535 void AppendColumn(const wxHeaderColumn& col);
537 /**
538 Delete the column at the given position.
540 @see InsertColumn(), AppendColumn()
541 */
542 void DeleteColumn(unsigned int idx);
544 /**
545 Show or hide the column.
547 Initially the column is shown by default or hidden if it was added with
548 wxCOL_HIDDEN flag set.
550 When a column is hidden, it doesn't appear at all on the screen but its
551 index is still taken into account when working with other columns. E.g.
552 if there are three columns 0, 1 and 2 and the column 1 is hidden you
553 still need to use index 2 to refer to the last visible column.
555 @param idx
556 The index of the column to show or hide, from 0 to GetColumnCount().
557 @param show
558 Indicates whether the column should be shown (default) or hidden.
559 */
560 void ShowColumn(unsigned int idx, bool show = true);
562 /**
563 Hide the column with the given index.
565 This is the same as calling @code ShowColumn(idx, false) @endcode.
567 @param idx
568 The index of the column to show or hide, from 0 to GetColumnCount().
569 */
570 void HideColumn(unsigned int idx);
572 /**
573 Update the column sort indicator.
575 The sort indicator, if shown, is typically an arrow pointing upwards or
576 downwards depending on whether the control contents is sorted in
577 ascending or descending order.
579 @param idx
580 The column to set the sort indicator for.
581 @param sortOrder
582 If @true or @false show the sort indicator corresponding to
583 ascending or descending sort order respectively, if @c -1 remove
584 the currently shown sort indicator.
585 */
586 virtual void ShowSortIndicator(unsigned int idx, int sortOrder);
588 /**
589 Remove the sort indicator from the given column.
591 This is the same as calling ShowSortIndicator() with @c -1 argument.
593 @param idx
594 The column to remove sort indicator for.
595 */
596 void RemoveSortIndicator(unsigned int idx);
598 protected:
599 /**
600 This function can be overridden in the classes deriving from this
601 control instead of overriding UpdateColumnWidthToFit().
603 To implement automatic column resizing to fit its contents width when
604 the column divider is double clicked, you need to simply return the
605 fitting width for the given column @a idx from this method, the control
606 will automatically use the biggest value between the one returned from
607 here and the one needed for the display of the column title itself.
609 The base class version returns -1 indicating that this function is not
610 implemented.
611 */
612 virtual int GetBestFittingWidth(unsigned int idx) const;
613 };
615 /**
616 @class wxHeaderCtrlEvent
618 Event class representing the events generated by wxHeaderCtrl.
620 @library{wxcore}
621 @category{ctrl}
623 @see wxHeaderCtrl
624 */
625 class wxHeaderCtrlEvent : public wxNotifyEvent
626 {
627 public:
628 /**
629 Return the index of the column affected by this event.
631 This method can be called for all header control events.
632 */
633 int GetColumn() const;
635 /**
636 Return the current width of the column.
638 This method can only be called for the dragging events.
639 */
640 int GetWidth() const;
642 /**
643 Return the new order of the column.
645 This method can only be called for end reorder event for which it
646 indicates the tentative new position for the column GetColumn()
647 selected by the user. If the event is not vetoed, this will become the
648 new column position in wxHeaderCtrl::GetColumnsOrder().
649 */
650 unsigned int GetNewOrder() const;
651 };