]> git.saurik.com Git - wxWidgets.git/blob - demos/dbbrowse/dbbrowse.cpp
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[wxWidgets.git] / demos / dbbrowse / dbbrowse.cpp
1 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 // Name: dbbrowse.cpp
3 // Purpose: Through ODBC - Databases Browsen
4 // Author: Mark Johnson, mj10777@gmx.net
5 // Modified by:
6 // BJO : Bart A.M. JOURQUIN
7 // Created: 19991127
8 // Copyright: (c) Mark Johnson
9 // Licence: wxWindows license
10 // RCS-ID: $Id$
11 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
12 //-- all #ifdefs that the whole Project needs. -------------------------------------------
13 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
14 #ifdef __GNUG__
15 #pragma implementation
16 #pragma interface
17 #endif
18 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
19 // For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx/wx.h".
20 #include "wx/wxprec.h"
21 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
22 #ifdef __BORLANDC__
23 #pragma hdrstop
24 #endif
25 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
26 #ifndef WX_PRECOMP
27 #include "wx/wx.h"
28 #endif
29 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
30 #ifndef __WXMSW__
31 #include "bitmaps/logo.xpm"
32 #endif
33 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
34 //-- all #includes that every .cpp needs --- 19990807.mj10777 ----------------
35 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
36 #include "std.h" // sorgsam Pflegen !
37 // #include <iostream>
38 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
39 //-- Some Global Vars for this file ------------------------------------------------------
40 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
41 MainFrame *frame = NULL; // The one and only MainFrame
42 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
43 BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(MainFrame, wxFrame)
44 EVT_MENU(QUIT, MainFrame::OnQuit) // Program End
45 EVT_MENU(ABOUT, MainFrame::OnAbout) // Program Discription
46 EVT_MENU(HELP, MainFrame::OnHelp) // Program Help
48 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
49 IMPLEMENT_APP(MainApp) // This declares wxApp::MainApp as "the" Application
50 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
51 // 'Main program' equivalent, creating windows and returning main app frame
52 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
53 bool MainApp::OnInit(void) // Does everything needed for a program start
54 {
55 wxString Temp0; // Use as needed
56 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
57 // set the language to use // Help.?? (.std = english, .de = german etc.)
58 const char *language = NULL; // czech, german, french, polish
59 const char *langid = NULL; // std = english , cz, de = german, fr = french, pl = polish
60 wxString s_LangHelp; // Directory/Filename.hhp of the Help-Project file
61 wxString s_LangId, s_Language;
62 s_Language.Empty(); s_LangId.Empty(); s_LangHelp.Empty();
63 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
64 //-- Graphic File suport - use only when needed, otherwise big .exe's
65 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
66 #if wxUSE_LIBPNG
67 wxImage::AddHandler( new wxPNGHandler ); // needed for help System
68 #endif
69 /*
70 #if wxUSE_LIBJPEG
71 wxImage::AddHandler(new wxJPEGHandler ); // use only when needed, otherwise big .exe's
72 #endif
73 wxImage::AddHandler( new wxGIFHandler ); // use only when needed, otherwise big .exe's
74 wxImage::AddHandler( new wxPCXHandler ); // use only when needed, otherwise big .exe's
75 wxImage::AddHandler( new wxPNMHandler ); // use only when needed, otherwise big .exe's
76 */
77 #ifdef __WXMSW__
78 // wxBitmap::AddHandler( new wxXPMFileHandler ); // Attempt to use XPS instead of ico
79 // wxBitmap::AddHandler( new wxXPMDataHandler ); // - Attempt failed
80 #endif
81 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
82 switch ( argc )
83 {
84 default:
85 // ignore the other args, fall through
86 case 3:
87 language = argv[2]; // czech, english, french, german , polish
88 langid = argv[1]; // cz, std, fr, de , pl
89 break;
90 case 2:
91 langid = argv[1]; // cz, std, fr, de , pl
92 break;
93 case 1:
94 break;
95 };
96 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
97 // Win-Registry : Workplace\HKEY_CURRENT_USERS\Software\%GetVendorName()\%GetAppName()
98 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
99 SetVendorName("mj10777"); // Needed to get Configuration Information
100 SetAppName("DBBrowse"); // "" , also needed for s_LangHelp
101 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
102 // we're using wxConfig's "create-on-demand" feature: it will create the
103 // config object when it's used for the first time. It has a number of
104 // advantages compared with explicitly creating our wxConfig:
105 // 1) we don't pay for it if we don't use it
106 // 2) there is no danger to create it twice
108 // application and vendor name are used by wxConfig to construct the name
109 // of the config file/registry key and must be set before the first call
110 // to Get() if you want to override the default values (the application
111 // name is the name of the executable and the vendor name is the same)
112 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
113 p_ProgramCfg = wxConfigBase::Get(); // Get Program Configuration from Registry
114 // p_ProgramCfg->DeleteAll(); // This is how the Config can be erased
115 p_ProgramCfg->SetPath("/"); // Start at root
116 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
117 //-- Set the Language and remember it for the next time. --------------------------------
118 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
119 if (langid == NULL) // No Parameter was given
120 {
121 Temp0.Empty();
122 p_ProgramCfg->Read("/Local/langid",&Temp0); // >const char *langid< can't be used here
123 if (Temp0 == "")
124 langid = "std"; // Standard language is "std" = english
125 else
126 langid = Temp0;
127 }
128 Temp0.Printf("%s",langid);
129 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
130 // Support the following languages (std = english)
131 if ((Temp0 == "a") || (Temp0 == "cz") || (Temp0 == "de") ||
132 (Temp0 == "fr") || (Temp0 == "pl"))
133 { // The three-letter language-string codes are only valid in Windows NT and Windows 95.
134 if (Temp0 == "cz")
135 language = "czech"; // csy or czech
136 if ((Temp0 == "de") || (Temp0 == "a"))
137 {
138 language = "german"; // deu or german
139 if (Temp0 == "a")
140 { langid = Temp0 = "de"; } // Austrian = german
141 } // german / austrian
142 if (Temp0 == "fr")
143 language = "french"; // fra or french
144 if (Temp0 == "pl")
145 language = "polish"; // plk or polish
146 if (!m_locale.Init(language, langid, language)) // Don't do this for english (std)
147 { // You should recieve errors here for cz and pl since there is no cz/ and pl/ directory
148 wxLogMessage("-E-> %s : SetLocale error : langid(%s) ; language(%s)",GetAppName().c_str(),langid,language);
149 langid = "std";
150 language = "C"; // english, english-aus , -can , -nz , -uk , -usa
151 }
152 else
153 { // Read in Foreign language's text for GetAppName() and Help
154 m_locale.AddCatalog(GetAppName().c_str());
155 m_locale.AddCatalog("Help");
156 }
157 } // Support the following languages (std = english)
158 else
159 {
160 langid = "std";
161 language = "C"; // english, english-aus , -can , -nz , -uk , -usa
162 }
163 s_Language.Printf("%s",language); // language is a pointer
164 s_LangId.Printf("%s",langid); // langid is a pointer
165 p_ProgramCfg->Write("/Local/language",s_Language);
166 p_ProgramCfg->Write("/Local/langid",s_LangId);
167 s_LangHelp.Printf("help.%s/%s.hhp",s_LangId.c_str(),GetAppName().c_str()); // "help.std/Garantie.hhp";
168 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
169 Temp0 = "NONE"; // I don't remember why I did this
170 p_ProgramCfg->Write("/NONE",Temp0); // I don't remember why I did this
171 p_ProgramCfg->Write("/Paths/NONE",Temp0); // I don't remember why I did this
172 p_ProgramCfg->Write("/MainFrame/NONE",Temp0); // I don't remember why I did this
173 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
174 p_ProgramCfg->Write("/Paths/Work",wxGetCwd()); // Get current Working Path
175 p_ProgramCfg->SetPath("/");
176 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
177 // restore frame position and size, if empty start Values (1,1) and (750,600)
178 int x = p_ProgramCfg->Read("/MainFrame/x", 1), y = p_ProgramCfg->Read("/MainFrame/y", 1),
179 w = p_ProgramCfg->Read("/MainFrame/w", 750), h = p_ProgramCfg->Read("/MainFrame/h", 600);
180 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
181 // Create the main frame window
182 Temp0.Printf("%s - %s",GetAppName().c_str(),GetVendorName().c_str());
183 frame = new MainFrame((wxFrame *) NULL,(char *) Temp0.c_str(),wxPoint(x,y),wxSize(w,h));
184 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
185 // Set the Backgroundcolour (only need if your are NOT using wxSYS_COLOUR_BACKGROUND)
186 frame->SetBackgroundColour(wxSystemSettings::GetSystemColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_BACKGROUND));
187 // frame->SetBackgroundColour(wxColour(255, 255, 255));
188 // frame->SetBackgroundColour(* wxWHITE);
189 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
190 // Give it an icon
191 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
192 // 12.02.2000 - Guillermo Rodriguez Garcia :
193 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
194 // This is different for Win9x and WinNT; one of them takes the first ico
195 // in the .rc file, while the other takes the icon with the lowest name,
196 // so to be sure that it always work, put your icon the first *and* give
197 // it a name such a 'appicon' or something.
198 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
199 // mj10777 : any special rule in Linux ?
200 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
201 frame->SetIcon(wxICON(aLogo)); // lowest name and first entry in RC File
202 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
203 // Make a menubar
204 wxMenu *file_menu = new wxMenu;
205 wxMenu *help_menu = new wxMenu;
207 help_menu->Append(HELP, _("&Help"));
208 help_menu->AppendSeparator();
209 help_menu->Append(ABOUT, _("&About"));
210 file_menu->Append(QUIT, _("E&xit"));
212 wxMenuBar *menu_bar = new wxMenuBar;
213 menu_bar->Append(file_menu, _("&File"));
214 menu_bar->Append(help_menu, _("&Help"));
215 frame->SetMenuBar(menu_bar);
216 frame->CreateStatusBar(1);
217 Temp0.Printf(_("%s has started !"),p_ProgramCfg->GetAppName().c_str());
218 frame->SetStatusText(Temp0, 0);
219 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
220 int width, height;
221 frame->GetClientSize(&width, &height);
222 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
223 frame->p_Splitter = new DocSplitterWindow(frame,-1);
224 // p_Splitter->SetCursor(wxCursor(wxCURSOR_PENCIL));
225 frame->pDoc = new MainDoc();
226 frame->pDoc->p_MainFrame = frame;
227 frame->pDoc->p_Splitter = frame->p_Splitter;
228 frame->pDoc->p_Splitter->pDoc = frame->pDoc; // ControlBase: saving the Sash
229 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
230 //-- Problem : GetClientSize(Width,Hight) are not the same as the values given in the ---
231 //-- construction of the Frame. ---
232 //-- Solved : GetClientSize is called here and the difference is noted. When the ---
233 //-- Window is closed the diff. is added to the result of GetClientSize. ---
234 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
235 frame->GetClientSize(&frame->DiffW, &frame->DiffH); frame->DiffW-=w; frame->DiffH-=h;
236 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
237 //-- Help : Load the help.%langid/%GetAppName().hhp (help.std/dbbrowse.hhp) file ---
238 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
239 frame->p_Help = new wxHtmlHelpController(); // construct the Help System
240 frame->p_Help->UseConfig(p_ProgramCfg); // Don't rember what this was for
241 // You should recieve errors here for fr since there is no help.fr/ directory
242 if (!frame->p_Help->AddBook(s_LangHelp)) // Use the language set
243 { // You should recieve errors here for fr since there is no help.fr/ but a fr/ directory
244 wxLogMessage("-E-> %s : AddBook error : s_LangHelp(%s)",GetAppName().c_str(),s_LangHelp.c_str());
245 }
246 frame->pDoc->p_Help = frame->p_Help; // Save the information to the document
247 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
248 frame->Show(TRUE); // Show the frame
249 SetTopWindow(frame); // At this point the frame can be seen
250 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
251 // If you need a "Splash Screen" because of a long OnNewDocument, do it here
252 if (!frame->pDoc->OnNewDocument())
253 frame->Close(TRUE);
254 // Kill a "Splash Screen" because OnNewDocument, if you have one
255 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
256 p_ProgramCfg->Flush(TRUE); // save the configuration
257 return TRUE;
258 } // bool MainApp::OnInit(void)
259 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
260 // My frame constructor
261 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
262 MainFrame::MainFrame(wxFrame *frame, char *title, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size):
263 wxFrame(frame, -1, title, pos, size)
264 {
265 //--- Everything is done in MainApp -----------------------------------------------------
266 }
267 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
268 MainFrame::~MainFrame(void)
269 {
270 // save the control's values to the config
271 if (p_ProgramCfg == NULL)
272 return;
273 // save the frame position before it is destroyed
274 int x, y, w, h;
275 GetPosition(&x, &y);
276 GetClientSize(&w, &h); w -= DiffW; h -= DiffH;
277 p_ProgramCfg->Write("/MainFrame/x", (long) x);
278 p_ProgramCfg->Write("/MainFrame/y", (long) y);
279 p_ProgramCfg->Write("/MainFrame/w", (long) w);
280 p_ProgramCfg->Write("/MainFrame/h", (long) h);
281 p_ProgramCfg->Write("/MainFrame/Sash", (long) pDoc->Sash);
282 // clean up: Set() returns the active config object as Get() does, but unlike
283 // Get() it doesn't try to create one if there is none (definitely not what
284 // we want here!)
285 // delete wxConfigBase::Set((wxConfigBase *) NULL);
286 p_ProgramCfg->Flush(TRUE); // saves Objekt
287 if (!frame->pDoc) // If we have a Valid Document
288 delete frame->pDoc; // Cleanup (MainDoc::~MainDoc)
289 } // MainFrame::~MainFrame(void)
290 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
291 void MainFrame::OnQuit(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
292 {
293 // Close the help frame; this will cause the config data to get written.
294 if (p_Help->GetFrame()) // returns NULL if no help frame active
295 p_Help->GetFrame()->Close(TRUE);
296 Close(TRUE);
297 }
298 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
299 void MainFrame::OnAbout(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
300 {
301 wxString Temp0, Temp1;
302 Temp0.Printf(_("%s\nMark Johnson\nBerlin, Germany\nmj10777@gmx.net\n (c) 2000"),p_ProgramCfg->GetAppName().c_str());
303 Temp1.Printf(_("About %s"),p_ProgramCfg->GetAppName().c_str());
304 wxMessageDialog dialog(this, Temp0,Temp1,wxOK|wxCANCEL);
305 dialog.ShowModal();
306 }
307 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
308 void MainFrame::OnHelp(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
309 {
310 p_Help->Display("Main page");
311 }
312 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------