]> git.saurik.com Git - wxWidgets.git/blob - docs/latex/wx/body.tex
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[wxWidgets.git] / docs / latex / wx / body.tex
1 \chapter{Introduction}\label{introduction}
2 \pagenumbering{arabic}%
3 \setheader{{\it CHAPTER \thechapter}}{}{}{}{}{{\it CHAPTER \thechapter}}%
4 \setfooter{\thepage}{}{}{}{}{\thepage}%
6 \section{What is wxWindows?}
8 wxWindows is a C++ framework providing GUI (Graphical User
9 Interface) and other facilities on more than one platform. Version 2.0 currently
10 supports MS Windows (16-bit, Windows 95 and Windows NT), Unix with GTK+, and Unix with Motif.
11 A Mac port is in an advanced state, an OS/2 port and a port to the MGL graphics library
12 have been started.
14 wxWindows was originally developed at the Artificial Intelligence
15 Applications Institute, University of Edinburgh, for internal use.
16 wxWindows has been released into the public domain in the hope
17 that others will also find it useful. Version 2.0 is written and
18 maintained by Julian Smart, Robert Roebling, Vadim Zeitlin and others.
20 This manual discusses wxWindows in the context of multi-platform
21 development.\helpignore{For more detail on the wxWindows version 2.0 API
22 (Application Programming Interface) please refer to the separate
23 wxWindows reference manual.}
25 Please note that in the following, ``MS Windows" often refers to all
26 platforms related to Microsoft Windows, including 16-bit and 32-bit
27 variants, unless otherwise stated. All trademarks are acknowledged.
29 \section{Why another cross-platform development tool?}
31 wxWindows was developed to provide a cheap and flexible way to maximize
32 investment in GUI application development. While a number of commercial
33 class libraries already existed for cross-platform development,
34 none met all of the following criteria:
36 \begin{enumerate}\itemsep=0pt
37 \item low price;
38 \item source availability;
39 \item simplicity of programming;
40 \item support for a wide range of compilers.
41 \end{enumerate}
43 Since wxWindows was started, several other free or almost-free GUI frameworks have
44 emerged. However, none has the range of features, flexibility, documentation and the
45 well-established development team that wxWindows has.
47 As public domain software and a project open to everyone, wxWindows has
48 benefited from comments, ideas, bug fixes, enhancements and the sheer
49 enthusiasm of users, especially via the Internet. This gives wxWindows a
50 certain advantage over its commercial competitors (and over free libraries
51 without an independent development team), plus a robustness against
52 the transience of one individual or company. This openness and
53 availability of source code is especially important when the future of
54 thousands of lines of application code may depend upon the longevity of
55 the underlying class library.
57 Version 2.0 goes much further than previous versions in terms of generality and features,
58 allowing applications to be produced
59 that are often indistinguishable from those produced using single-platform
60 toolkits such as Motif and MFC.
62 The importance of using a platform-independent class library cannot be
63 overstated, since GUI application development is very time-consuming,
64 and sustained popularity of particular GUIs cannot be guaranteed.
65 Code can very quickly become obsolete if it addresses the wrong
66 platform or audience. wxWindows helps to insulate the programmer from
67 these winds of change. Although wxWindows may not be suitable for
68 every application (such as an OLE-intensive program), it provides access to most of the functionality a
69 GUI program normally requires, plus some extras such as network programming
70 and PostScript output, and can of course be extended as needs dictate. As a bonus, it provides
71 a cleaner programming interface than the native
72 APIs. Programmers may find it worthwhile to use wxWindows even if they
73 are developing on only one platform.
75 It is impossible to sum up the functionality of wxWindows in a few paragraphs, but
76 here are some of the benefits:
78 \begin{itemize}\itemsep=0pt
79 \item Low cost (free, in fact!)
80 \item You get the source.
81 \item Available on a variety of popular platforms.
82 \item Works with almost all popular C++ compilers and Python.
83 \item Over 40 example programs.
84 \item Over 900 pages of printable and on-line documentation.
85 \item Includes Tex2RTF, to allow you to produce your own documentation
86 in Windows Help, HTML and Word RTF formats.
87 \item Simple-to-use, object-oriented API.
88 \item Flexible event system.
89 \item Graphics calls include lines, rounded rectangles, splines, polylines, etc.
90 \item Constraint-based and sizer-based layouting.
91 \item Print/preview and document/view architectures.
92 \item Toolbar, notebook, tree control, advanced list control classes.
93 \item PostScript generation under Unix, normal MS Windows printing on the PC.
94 \item MDI (Multiple Document Interface) support.
95 \item Can be used to create DLLs under Windows, dynamic libraries on Unix.
96 \item Common dialogs for file browsing, printing, colour selection, etc.
97 \item Under MS Windows, support for creating metafiles and copying
98 them to the clipboard.
99 \item An API for invoking help from applications.
100 \item Ready to use HTML window (supporting a subset of HTML).
101 \item Dialog Editor for building dialogs.
102 \item Network support via a family of socket and protocol classes.
103 \item Support for platform independent image procesing.
104 \item Built-in support for many file formats (BMP, PNG, JPEG, GIF, XPM, PNM, PCX).
105 \end{itemize}
107 \section{Changes from version 1.xx}\label{versionchanges}
109 These are a few of the major differences between versions 1.xx and 2.0.
111 Removals:
113 \begin{itemize}\itemsep=0pt
114 \item XView is no longer supported;
115 \item all controls (panel items) no longer have labels attached to them;
116 \item wxForm has been removed;
117 \item wxCanvasDC, wxPanelDC removed (replaced by wxClientDC, wxWindowDC, wxPaintDC which
118 can be used for any window);
119 \item wxMultiText, wxTextWindow, wxText removed and replaced by wxTextCtrl;
120 \item classes no longer divided into generic and platform-specific parts, for efficiency.
121 \end{itemize}
123 Additions and changes:
125 \begin{itemize}\itemsep=0pt
126 \item class hierarchy changed, and restrictions about subwindow nesting lifted;
127 \item header files reorganised to conform to normal C++ standards;
128 \item classes less dependent on each another, to reduce executable size;
129 \item wxString used instead of char* wherever possible;
130 \item the number of separate but mandatory utilities reduced;
131 \item the event system has been overhauled, with
132 virtual functions and callbacks being replaced with MFC-like event tables;
133 \item new controls, such as wxTreeCtrl, wxListCtrl, wxSpinButton;
134 \item less inconsistency about what events can be handled, so for example
135 mouse clicks or key presses on controls can now be intercepted;
136 \item the status bar is now a separate class, wxStatusBar, and is
137 implemented in generic wxWindows code;
138 \item some renaming of controls for greater consistency;
139 \item wxBitmap has the notion of bitmap handlers to allow for extension to new formats
140 without ifdefing;
141 \item new dialogs: wxPageSetupDialog, wxFileDialog, wxDirDialog,
142 wxMessageDialog, wxSingleChoiceDialog, wxTextEntryDialog;
143 \item GDI objects are reference-counted and are now passed to most functions
144 by reference, making memory management far easier;
145 \item wxSystemSettings class allows querying for various system-wide properties
146 such as dialog font, colours, user interface element sizes, and so on;
147 \item better platform look and feel conformance;
148 \item toolbar functionality now separated out into a family of classes with the
149 same API;
150 \item device contexts are no longer accessed using wxWindow::GetDC - they are created
151 temporarily with the window as an argument;
152 \item events from sliders and scrollbars can be handled more flexibly;
153 \item the handling of window close events has been changed in line with the new
154 event system;
155 \item the concept of {\it validator} has been added to allow much easier coding of
156 the relationship between controls and application data;
157 \item the documentation has been revised, with more cross-referencing.
158 \end{itemize}
160 Platform-specific changes:
162 \begin{itemize}\itemsep=0pt
163 \item The Windows header file (windows.h) is no longer included by wxWindows headers;
164 \item wx.dll supported under Visual C++;
165 \item the full range of Windows 95 window decorations are supported, such as modal frame
166 borders;
167 \item MDI classes brought out of wxFrame into separate classes, and made more flexible.
168 \end{itemize}
171 \section{Changes from version 2.0}\label{versionchanges20}
173 These are a few of the differences between versions 2.0 and 2.2.
175 Removals:
177 \begin{itemize}\itemsep=0pt
178 \item GTK 1.0 no longer supported.
179 \end{itemize}
181 Additions and changes:
183 \begin{itemize}\itemsep=0pt
184 \item Corrected many classes to conform better to documented behaviour.
185 \item Added handlers for more image formats (Now GIF, JPEG, PCX, BMP, XPM, PNG, PNM).
186 \item Improved support for socket and network functions.
187 \item Support for different national font encodings.
188 \item Sizer based layout system.
189 \item HTML widget and help system.
190 \item Added some controls (e.g. wxSpinCtrl) and supplemented many.
191 \item Many optical improvements to GTK port.
192 \item Support for menu accelerators in GTK port.
193 \item Enhanced and improved support for scrolling, including child windows.
194 \item Complete rewrite of clipboard and drag'n'drop classes.
195 \item Improved support for ODBC databases.
196 \item Improved tab traversal in dialogs.
197 \end{itemize}
200 \section{wxWindows requirements}\label{requirements}
202 To make use of wxWindows, you currently need one or both of the
203 following setups.
205 (a) PC:
207 \begin{enumerate}\itemsep=0pt
208 \item A 486 or higher PC running MS Windows.
209 \item A Windows compiler: most are supported, but please see {\tt install.txt} for
210 details. Supported compilers include Microsoft Visual C++ 4.0 or higher, Borland C++, Cygwin,
211 Metrowerks CodeWarrior.
212 \item At least 60 MB of disk space.
213 \end{enumerate}
215 (b) Unix:
217 \begin{enumerate}\itemsep=0pt
218 \item Almost any C++ compiler, including GNU C++ (EGCS 1.1.1 or above).
219 \item Almost any Unix workstation, and one of: GTK+ 1.2, Motif 1.2 or higher, Lesstif.
220 \item At least 60 MB of disk space.
221 \end{enumerate}
223 \section{Availability and location of wxWindows}
225 wxWindows is available by anonymous FTP and World Wide Web
226 from \urlref{ftp://www.remstar.com/pub/wxwin}{ftp://www.remstar.com/pub/wxwin}
227 and/or \urlref{http://www.wxwindows.org}{http://www.wxwindows.org}
229 You can also buy a CD-ROM using the form on the Web site, or by contacting:
231 Julian Smart\\
232 12 North Street West\\
233 Uppingham\\
234 Rutland\\
235 LE15 9SG\\
236 julian.smart@ukonline.co.uk
238 \section{Acknowledgments}
240 Thanks are due to AIAI for being willing to release the original version of
241 wxWindows into the public domain, and to our patient partners.
243 We would particularly like to thank the following for their contributions to wxWindows, and the many others who have been involved in
244 the project over the years. Apologies for any unintentional omissions from this list.
246 Yiorgos Adamopoulos, Jamshid Afshar, Alejandro Aguilar-Sierra, AIAI, Patrick Albert, Karsten Ballueder, Michael Bedward, Kai Bendorf, Yura Bidus, Keith
247 Gary Boyce, Chris Breeze, Pete Britton, Ian Brown, C. Buckley, Dmitri Chubraev, Robin Corbet, Cecil Coupe, Andrew Davison, Neil Dudman, Robin
248 Dunn, Hermann Dunkel, Jos van Eijndhoven, Tom Felici, Thomas Fettig, Matthew Flatt, Pasquale Foggia, Josep Fortiana, Todd Fries, Dominic Gallagher,
249 Wolfram Gloger, Norbert Grotz, Stefan Gunter, Bill Hale, Patrick Halke, Stefan Hammes, Guillaume Helle, Harco de Hilster, Cord Hockemeyer, Markus
250 Holzem, Olaf Klein, Leif Jensen, Bart Jourquin, Guilhem Lavaux, Jan Lessner, Nicholas Liebmann, Torsten Liermann, Per Lindqvist, Thomas Runge, Tatu
251 M\"{a}nnist\"{o}, Scott Maxwell, Thomas Myers, Oliver Niedung, Hernan Otero, Ian Perrigo, Timothy Peters, Giordano Pezzoli, Harri Pasanen, Thomaso Paoletti,
252 Garrett Potts, Marcel Rasche, Robert Roebling, Dino Scaringella, Jobst Schmalenbach, Arthur Seaton, Paul Shirley, Vaclav Slavik, Stein Somers, Petr Smilauer, Neil Smith,
253 Kari Syst\"{a}, Arthur Tetzlaff-Deas, Jonathan Tonberg, Jyrki Tuomi, Janos Vegh, Andrea Venturoli, Vadim Zeitlin, Xiaokun Zhu, Edward Zimmermann.
255 `Graphplace', the basis for the wxGraphLayout library, is copyright Dr. Jos
256 T.J. van Eijndhoven of Eindhoven University of Technology. The code has
257 been used in wxGraphLayout with his permission.
259 We also acknowledge the author of XFIG, the excellent Unix drawing tool,
260 from the source of which we have borrowed some spline drawing code.
261 His copyright is included below.
263 {\it XFig2.1 is copyright (c) 1985 by Supoj Sutanthavibul. Permission to
264 use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
265 documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided
266 that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
267 copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
268 documentation, and that the name of M.I.T. not be used in advertising or
269 publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific,
270 written prior permission. M.I.T. makes no representations about the
271 suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided ``as is''
272 without express or implied warranty.}
274 \chapter{Multi-platform development with wxWindows}\label{multiplat}
275 \setheader{{\it CHAPTER \thechapter}}{}{}{}{}{{\it CHAPTER \thechapter}}%
276 \setfooter{\thepage}{}{}{}{}{\thepage}%
278 This chapter describes the practical details of using wxWindows. Please
279 see the file install.txt for up-to-date installation instructions, and
280 changes.txt for differences between versions.
282 \section{Include files}
284 The main include file is {\tt "wx/wx.h"}; this includes the most commonly
285 used modules of wxWindows.
287 To save on compilation time, include only those header files relevant to the
288 source file. If you are using precompiled headers, you should include
289 the following section before any other includes:
291 \begin{verbatim}
292 // For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx.h".
293 #include <wx/wxprec.h>
295 #ifdef __BORLANDC__
296 #pragma hdrstop
297 #endif
299 #ifndef WX_PRECOMP
300 // Include your minimal set of headers here, or wx.h
301 #include <wx/wx.h>
302 #endif
304 ... now your other include files ...
305 \end{verbatim}
307 The file {\tt "wx/wxprec.h"} includes {\tt "wx/wx.h"}. Although this incantation
308 may seem quirky, it is in fact the end result of a lot of experimentation,
309 and several Windows compilers to use precompilation (those tested are Microsoft Visual C++, Borland C++
310 and Watcom C++).
312 Borland precompilation is largely automatic. Visual C++ requires specification of {\tt "wx/wxprec.h"} as
313 the file to use for precompilation. Watcom C++ is automatic apart from the specification of
314 the .pch file. Watcom C++ is strange in requiring the precompiled header to be used only for
315 object files compiled in the same directory as that in which the precompiled header was created.
316 Therefore, the wxWindows Watcom C++ makefiles go through hoops deleting and recreating
317 a single precompiled header file for each module, thus preventing an accumulation of many
318 multi-megabyte .pch files.
320 \section{Libraries}
322 The GTK and Motif ports of wxWindow can create either a static library or a shared
323 library on most Unix or Unix-like systems. The static library is called libwx\_gtk.a
324 and libwx\_motif.a whereas the name of the shared library is dependent on the
325 system it is created on and the version you are using. The library name for the
326 GTK version of wxWindows 2.2 on Linux and Solaris will be libwx\_gtk-2.2.so.0.0.0,
327 on HP-UX, it will be libwx\_gtk-2.2.sl, on AIX just libwx\_gtk.a etc.
329 Under Windows, use the library wx.lib for stand-alone Windows
330 applications, or wxdll.lib for creating DLLs.
332 \section{Configuration}
334 Options are configurable in the file
335 \rtfsp{\tt "wx/XXX/setup.h"} where XXX is the required platform (such as msw, motif, gtk, mac). Some
336 settings are a matter of taste, some help with platform-specific problems, and
337 others can be set to minimize the size of the library. Please see the setup.h file
338 and {\tt install.txt} files for details on configuration.
340 Under Unix (GTK and Motif) the corresponding setup.h files are generated automatically
341 when configuring the wxWindows using the "configure" script. When using the RPM packages
342 for installing wxWindows on Linux, a correct setup.h is shipped in the package and
343 this must not be changed.
345 \section{Makefiles}
347 At the moment there is no attempt to make Unix makefiles and
348 PC makefiles compatible, i.e. one makefile is required for
349 each environment. The Unix ports use a sophisticated system based
350 on the GNU autoconf tool and this system will create the
351 makefiles as required on the respective platform. Although the
352 makefiles are not identical in Windows, Mac and Unix, care has
353 been taken to make them relatively similar so that moving from
354 one platform to another will be painless.
356 Sample makefiles for Unix (suffix .unx), MS C++ (suffix .DOS and .NT), Borland
357 C++ (.BCC and .B32) and Symantec C++ (.SC) are included for the library, demos
358 and utilities.
360 The controlling makefile for wxWindows is in the MS-Windows
361 directory {\tt src/msw} for the different Windows compiler and
362 in the build directory when using the Unix ports. The build
363 directory can be chosen by the user. It is the directory in
364 which the "configure" script is run. This can be the normal
365 base directory (by running {\tt ./configure} there) or any other
366 directory (e.g. {\tt ../configure} after creating a build-directory
367 in the directory level above the base directory).
369 Please see the platform-specific {\tt install.txt} file for further details.
371 \section{Windows-specific files}
373 wxWindows application compilation under MS Windows requires at least two
374 extra files, resource and module definition files.
376 \subsection{Resource file}\label{resources}
378 The least that must be defined in the Windows resource file (extension RC)
379 is the following statement:
381 \begin{verbatim}
382 rcinclude "wx/msw/wx.rc"
383 \end{verbatim}
385 which includes essential internal wxWindows definitions. The resource script
386 may also contain references to icons, cursors, etc., for example:
388 \begin{verbatim}
389 wxicon icon wx.ico
390 \end{verbatim}
392 The icon can then be referenced by name when creating a frame icon. See
393 the MS Windows SDK documentation.
395 \normalbox{Note: include wx.rc {\it after} any ICON statements
396 so programs that search your executable for icons (such
397 as the Program Manager) find your application icon first.}
399 \subsection{Module definition file}
401 A module definition file (extension DEF) is required for 16-bit applications, and
402 looks like the following:
404 \begin{verbatim}
405 NAME Hello
411 HEAPSIZE 1024
412 STACKSIZE 8192
413 \end{verbatim}
415 The only lines which will usually have to be changed per application are
418 \section{Allocating and deleting wxWindows objects}
420 In general, classes derived from wxWindow must dynamically allocated
421 with {\it new} and deleted with {\it delete}. If you delete a window,
422 all of its children and descendants will be automatically deleted,
423 so you don't need to delete these descendants explicitly.
425 When deleting a frame or dialog, use {\bf Destroy} rather than {\bf delete} so
426 that the wxWindows delayed deletion can take effect. This waits until idle time
427 (when all messages have been processed) to actually delete the window, to avoid
428 problems associated with the GUI sending events to deleted windows.
430 Don't create a window on the stack, because this will interfere
431 with delayed deletion.
433 If you decide to allocate a C++ array of objects (such as wxBitmap) that may
434 be cleaned up by wxWindows, make sure you delete the array explicitly
435 before wxWindows has a chance to do so on exit, since calling {\it delete} on
436 array members will cause memory problems.
438 wxColour can be created statically: it is not automatically cleaned
439 up and is unlikely to be shared between other objects; it is lightweight
440 enough for copies to be made.
442 Beware of deleting objects such as a wxPen or wxBitmap if they are still in use.
443 Windows is particularly sensitive to this: so make sure you
444 make calls like wxDC::SetPen(wxNullPen) or wxDC::SelectObject(wxNullBitmap) before deleting
445 a drawing object that may be in use. Code that doesn't do this will probably work
446 fine on some platforms, and then fail under Windows.
448 \section{Architecture dependency}
450 A problem which sometimes arises from writing multi-platform programs is that
451 the basic C types are not defiend the same on all platforms. This holds true
452 for both the length in bits of the standard types (such as int and long) as
453 well as their byte order, which might be little endian (typically
454 on Intel computers) or big endian (typically on some Unix workstations). wxWindows
455 defines types and macros that make it easy to write architecture independent
456 code. The types are:
458 wxInt32, wxInt16, wxInt8, wxUint32, wxUint16 = wxWord, wxUint8 = wxByte
460 where wxInt32 stands for a 32-bit signed integer type etc. You can also check
461 which architecture the program is compiled on using the wxBYTE\_ORDER define
462 which is either wxBIG\_ENDIAN or wxLITTLE\_ENDIAN (in the future maybe wxPDP\_ENDIAN
463 as well).
465 The macros handling bit-swapping with respect to the applications endianness
466 are described in the \helpref{Macros}{macros} section.
468 \section{Conditional compilation}
470 One of the purposes of wxWindows is to reduce the need for conditional
471 compilation in source code, which can be messy and confusing to follow.
472 However, sometimes it is necessary to incorporate platform-specific
473 features (such as metafile use under MS Windows). The symbols
474 listed in the file {\tt symbols.txt} may be used for this purpose,
475 along with any user-supplied ones.
477 \section{C++ issues}
479 The following documents some miscellaneous C++ issues.
481 \subsection{Templates}
483 wxWindows does not use templates since it is a notoriously unportable feature.
485 \subsection{RTTI}
487 wxWindows does not use run-time type information since wxWindows provides
488 its own run-time type information system, implemented using macros.
490 \subsection{Type of NULL}
492 Some compilers (e.g. the native IRIX cc) define NULL to be 0L so that
493 no conversion to pointers is allowed. Because of that, all these
494 occurences of NULL in the GTK port use an explicit conversion such
495 as
497 {\small
498 \begin{verbatim}
499 wxWindow *my_window = (wxWindow*) NULL;
500 \end{verbatim}
501 }
503 It is recommended to adhere to this in all code using wxWindows as
504 this make the code (a bit) more portable.
506 \subsection{Precompiled headers}
508 Some compilers, such as Borland C++ and Microsoft C++, support
509 precompiled headers. This can save a great deal of compiling time. The
510 recommended approach is to precompile {\tt "wx.h"}, using this
511 precompiled header for compiling both wxWindows itself and any
512 wxWindows applications. For Windows compilers, two dummy source files
513 are provided (one for normal applications and one for creating DLLs)
514 to allow initial creation of the precompiled header.
516 However, there are several downsides to using precompiled headers. One
517 is that to take advantage of the facility, you often need to include
518 more header files than would normally be the case. This means that
519 changing a header file will cause more recompilations (in the case of
520 wxWindows, everything needs to be recompiled since everything includes {\tt "wx.h"}!)
522 A related problem is that for compilers that don't have precompiled
523 headers, including a lot of header files slows down compilation
524 considerably. For this reason, you will find (in the common
525 X and Windows parts of the library) conditional
526 compilation that under Unix, includes a minimal set of headers;
527 and when using Visual C++, includes {\tt wx.h}. This should help provide
528 the optimal compilation for each compiler, although it is
529 biassed towards the precompiled headers facility available
530 in Microsoft C++.
532 \section{File handling}
534 When building an application which may be used under different
535 environments, one difficulty is coping with documents which may be
536 moved to different directories on other machines. Saving a file which
537 has pointers to full pathnames is going to be inherently unportable. One
538 approach is to store filenames on their own, with no directory
539 information. The application searches through a number of locally
540 defined directories to find the file. To support this, the class {\bf
541 wxPathList} makes adding directories and searching for files easy, and
542 the global function {\bf wxFileNameFromPath} allows the application to
543 strip off the filename from the path if the filename must be stored.
544 This has undesirable ramifications for people who have documents of the
545 same name in different directories.
547 As regards the limitations of DOS 8+3 single-case filenames versus
548 unrestricted Unix filenames, the best solution is to use DOS filenames
549 for your application, and also for document filenames {\it if} the user
550 is likely to be switching platforms regularly. Obviously this latter
551 choice is up to the application user to decide. Some programs (such as
552 YACC and LEX) generate filenames incompatible with DOS; the best
553 solution here is to have your Unix makefile rename the generated files
554 to something more compatible before transferring the source to DOS.
555 Transferring DOS files to Unix is no problem, of course, apart from EOL
556 conversion for which there should be a utility available (such as
557 dos2unix).
559 See also the File Functions section of the reference manual for
560 descriptions of miscellaneous file handling functions.
562 \begin{comment}
563 \chapter{Utilities supplied with wxWindows}\label{utilities}
564 \setheader{{\it CHAPTER \thechapter}}{}{}{}{}{{\it CHAPTER \thechapter}}%
565 \setfooter{\thepage}{}{}{}{}{\thepage}%
567 A number of `extras' are supplied with wxWindows, to complement
568 the GUI functionality in the main class library. These are found
569 below the utils directory and usually have their own source, library
570 and documentation directories. For other user-contributed packages,
571 see the directory ftp://www.remstar.com/pub/wxwin/contrib, which is
572 more easily accessed via the Contributions page on the Web site.
574 \section{wxHelp}\label{wxhelp}
576 wxHelp is a stand-alone program, written using wxWindows,
577 for displaying hypertext help. It is necessary since not all target
578 systems (notably X) supply an adequate
579 standard for on-line help. wxHelp is modelled on the MS Windows help
580 system, with contents, search and browse buttons, but does not reformat
581 text to suit the size of window, as WinHelp does, and its input files
582 are uncompressed ASCII with some embedded font commands and an .xlp
583 extension. Most wxWindows documentation (user manuals and class
584 references) is supplied in wxHelp format, and also in Windows Help
585 format. The wxWindows 2.0 project will presently use an HTML widget
586 in a new and improved wxHelp implementation, under X.
588 Note that an application can be programmed to use Windows Help under
589 MS Windows, and wxHelp under X. An alternative help viewer under X is
590 Mosaic, a World Wide Web viewer that uses HTML as its native hypertext
591 format. However, this is not currently integrated with wxWindows
592 applications.
594 wxHelp works in two modes---edit and end-user. In edit mode, an ASCII
595 file may be marked up with different fonts and colours, and divided into
596 sections. In end-user mode, no editing is possible, and the user browses
597 principally by clicking on highlighted blocks.
599 When an application invokes wxHelp, subsequent sections, blocks or
600 files may be viewed using the same instance of wxHelp since the two
601 programs are linked using wxWindows interprocess communication
602 facilities. When the application exits, that application's instance of
603 wxHelp may be made to exit also. See the {\bf wxHelpControllerBase} entry in the
604 reference section for how an application controls wxHelp.
606 \section{Tex2RTF}\label{textortf}
608 Supplied with wxWindows is a utility called Tex2RTF for converting\rtfsp
609 \LaTeX\ manuals to the following formats:
611 \begin{description}
612 \item[wxHelp]
613 wxWindows help system format (XLP).
614 \item[Linear RTF]
615 Rich Text Format suitable for importing into a word processor.
616 \item[Windows Help RTF]
617 Rich Text Format suitable for compiling into a WinHelp HLP file with the
618 help compiler.
619 \item[HTML]
620 HTML is the native format for Mosaic, the main hypertext viewer for
621 the World Wide Web. Since it is freely available it is a good candidate
622 for being the wxWindows help system under X, as an alternative to wxHelp.
623 \end{description}
625 Tex2RTF is used for the wxWindows manuals and can be used independently
626 by authors wishing to create on-line and printed manuals from the same\rtfsp
627 \LaTeX\ source. Please see the separate documentation for Tex2RTF.
629 \section{wxTreeLayout}
631 This is a simple class library for drawing trees in a reasonably pretty
632 fashion. It provides only minimal default drawing capabilities, since
633 the algorithm is meant to be used for implementing custom tree-based
634 tools.
636 Directed graphs may also be drawn using this library, if cycles are
637 removed before the nodes and arcs are passed to the algorithm.
639 Tree displays are used in many applications: directory browsers,
640 hypertext systems, class browsers, and decision trees are a few
641 possibilities.
643 See the separate manual and the directory utils/wxtree.
645 \section{wxGraphLayout}
647 The wxGraphLayout class is based on a tool called `graphplace' by Dr.
648 Jos T.J. van Eijndhoven of Eindhoven University of Technology. Given a
649 (possibly cyclic) directed graph, it does its best to lay out the nodes
650 in a sensible manner. There are many applications (such as diagramming)
651 where it is required to display a graph with no human intervention. Even
652 if manual repositioning is later required, this algorithm can make a good
653 first attempt.
655 See the separate manual and the directory utils/wxgraph.
657 \section{Colours}\label{coloursampler}
659 A colour sampler for viewing colours and their names on each
660 platform.
662 %
663 \chapter{Tutorial}\label{tutorial}
664 \setheader{{\it CHAPTER \thechapter}}{}{}{}{}{{\it CHAPTER \thechapter}}%
665 \setfooter{\thepage}{}{}{}{}{\thepage}%
667 To be written.
668 \end{comment}
670 \chapter{Programming strategies}\label{strategies}
671 \setheader{{\it CHAPTER \thechapter}}{}{}{}{}{{\it CHAPTER \thechapter}}%
672 \setfooter{\thepage}{}{}{}{}{\thepage}%
674 This chapter is intended to list strategies that may be useful when
675 writing and debugging wxWindows programs. If you have any good tips,
676 please submit them for inclusion here.
678 \section{Strategies for reducing programming errors}
680 \subsection{Use ASSERT}
682 Although I haven't done this myself within wxWindows, it is good
683 practice to use ASSERT statements liberally, that check for conditions that
684 should or should not hold, and print out appropriate error messages.
685 These can be compiled out of a non-debugging version of wxWindows
686 and your application. Using ASSERT is an example of `defensive programming':
687 it can alert you to problems later on.
689 \subsection{Use wxString in preference to character arrays}
691 Using wxString can be much safer and more convenient than using char *.
692 Again, I haven't practised what I'm preaching, but I'm now trying to use
693 wxString wherever possible. You can reduce the possibility of memory
694 leaks substantially, and it's much more convenient to use the overloaded
695 operators than functions such as strcmp. wxString won't add a significant
696 overhead to your program; the overhead is compensated for by easier
697 manipulation (which means less code).
699 The same goes for other data types: use classes wherever possible.
701 \section{Strategies for portability}
703 \subsection{Use relative positioning or constraints}
705 Don't use absolute panel item positioning if you can avoid it. Different GUIs have
706 very differently sized panel items. Consider using the constraint system, although this
707 can be complex to program.
709 Alternatively, you could use alternative .wrc (wxWindows resource files) on different
710 platforms, with slightly different dimensions in each. Or space your panel items out
711 to avoid problems.
713 \subsection{Use wxWindows resource files}
715 Use .wrc (wxWindows resource files) where possible, because they can be easily changed
716 independently of source code. Bitmap resources can be set up to load different
717 kinds of bitmap depending on platform (see the section on resource files).
719 \section{Strategies for debugging}\label{debugstrategies}
721 \subsection{Positive thinking}
723 It's common to blow up the problem in one's imagination, so that it seems to threaten
724 weeks, months or even years of work. The problem you face may seem insurmountable:
725 but almost never is. Once you have been programming for some time, you will be able
726 to remember similar incidents that threw you into the depths of despair. But
727 remember, you always solved the problem, somehow!
729 Perseverance is often the key, even though a seemingly trivial problem
730 can take an apparently inordinate amount of time to solve. In the end,
731 you will probably wonder why you worried so much. That's not to say it
732 isn't painful at the time. Try not to worry -- there are many more important
733 things in life.
735 \subsection{Simplify the problem}
737 Reduce the code exhibiting the problem to the smallest program possible
738 that exhibits the problem. If it is not possible to reduce a large and
739 complex program to a very small program, then try to ensure your code
740 doesn't hide the problem (you may have attempted to minimize the problem
741 in some way: but now you want to expose it).
743 With luck, you can add a small amount of code that causes the program
744 to go from functioning to non-functioning state. This should give a clue
745 to the problem. In some cases though, such as memory leaks or wrong
746 deallocation, this can still give totally spurious results!
748 \subsection{Use a debugger}
750 This sounds like facetious advice, but it's surprising how often people
751 don't use a debugger. Often it's an overhead to install or learn how to
752 use a debugger, but it really is essential for anything but the most
753 trivial programs.
755 \subsection{Use logging functions}
757 There is a variety of logging functions that you can use in your program:
758 see \helpref{Logging functions}{logfunctions}.
760 Using tracing statements may be more convenient than using the debugger
761 in some circumstances (such as when your debugger doesn't support a lot
762 of debugging code, or you wish to print a bunch of variables).
764 \subsection{Use the wxWindows debugging facilities}
766 You can use wxDebugContext to check for
767 memory leaks and corrupt memory: in fact in debugging mode, wxWindows will
768 automatically check for memory leaks at the end of the program if wxWindows is suitably
769 configured. Depending on the operating system and compiler, more or less
770 specific information about the problem will be logged.
772 You should also use \helpref{debug macros}{debugmacros} as part of a `defensive programming' strategy,
773 scattering wxASSERTs liberally to test for problems in your code as early as possible. Forward thinking
774 will save a surprising amount of time in the long run.
776 See the \helpref{debugging overview}{debuggingoverview} for further information.
778 \subsection{Check Windows debug messages}
780 Under Windows, it's worth running your program with
781 \urlref{DbgView}{http://www.sysinternals.com} running or
782 some other program that shows Windows-generated debug messages. It's
783 possible it'll show invalid handles being used. You may have fun seeing
784 what commercial programs cause these normally hidden errors! Microsoft
785 recommend using the debugging version of Windows, which shows up even
786 more problems. However, I doubt it's worth the hassle for most
787 applications. wxWindows is designed to minimize the possibility of such
788 errors, but they can still happen occasionally, slipping through unnoticed
789 because they are not severe enough to cause a crash.
791 \subsection{Genetic mutation}
793 If we had sophisticated genetic algorithm tools that could be applied
794 to programming, we could use them. Until then, a common -- if rather irrational --
795 technique is to just make arbitrary changes to the code until something
796 different happens. You may have an intuition why a change will make a difference;
797 otherwise, just try altering the order of code, comment lines out, anything
798 to get over an impasse. Obviously, this is usually a last resort.