]> git.saurik.com Git - wxWidgets.git/blob - wxPython/wxSWIG/SWIG/emit.cxx
don't give error msg when deleting non existing keys neither (part of patch 830049)
[wxWidgets.git] / wxPython / wxSWIG / SWIG / emit.cxx
1 /*******************************************************************************
2 * Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator (SWIG)
3 *
4 * Author : David Beazley
5 *
6 * Department of Computer Science
7 * University of Chicago
8 * 1100 E 58th Street
9 * Chicago, IL 60637
10 * beazley@cs.uchicago.edu
11 *
12 * Please read the file LICENSE for the copyright and terms by which SWIG
13 * can be used and distributed.
14 *******************************************************************************/
16 #include "internal.h"
17 /*******************************************************************************
18 * $Header$
19 *
20 * File : emit.cxx
21 *
22 * This file contains some useful functions for emitting code that would be
23 * common to all of the interface languages. Mainly this function deals with
24 * declaring functions external, creating lists of arguments, and making
25 * function calls.
26 *******************************************************************************/
28 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
29 // void emit_banner(FILE *f)
30 //
31 // Emits the SWIG identifying banner in the wrapper file
32 //
33 // Inputs : f = FILE handle
34 //
35 // Output : None
36 //
37 // Side Effects : None
38 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
40 void emit_banner(FILE *f) {
42 extern char *get_time();
43 extern char fn_header[];
45 fprintf(f,
46 "/*\n\
47 * FILE : %s\n\
48 * \n\
49 * This file was automatically generated by :\n\
50 * Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator (SWIG)\n\
51 * Version %d.%d %s\n\
52 * \n\
53 * Portions Copyright (c) 1995-1998\n\
54 * The University of Utah and The Regents of the University of California.\n\
55 * Permission is granted to distribute this file in any manner provided\n\
56 * this notice remains intact.\n\
57 * \n\
58 * Do not make changes to this file--changes will be lost!\n\
59 *\n\
62 fprintf(f,"\n#define SWIGCODE\n");
64 }
66 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
67 // emit_extern_var(char *decl, DataType *t, int extern_type, FILE *f)
68 //
69 // Emits an external variables declaration. Extern_type defines the
70 // type of external declaration. Currently, only C/C++ declarations
71 // are allowed, but this might be extended to allow Fortran linkage
72 // someday
73 //
74 // Inputs :
75 // decl = Name of the declaration
76 // t = Datatype
77 // extern_type = Numeric code indicating type of extern
78 // 0 - No "extern"
79 // 1,2 - Normal extern (C/C++)
80 // f = FILE handle
81 //
82 // Output : None
83 //
84 // Side Effects : None
85 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
87 void emit_extern_var(char *decl, DataType *t, int extern_type, FILE *f) {
88 char *arr = 0;
90 if (t->arraystr) arr = t->arraystr;
91 else arr = "";
93 switch(extern_type) {
95 case 0:
96 // No extern. Just a forward reference
97 if (t->arraystr)
98 t->is_pointer--;
100 if (t->is_reference) {
101 t->is_pointer--;
102 fprintf(f,"%s& %s%s; \n", t->print_full(), decl, arr);
103 t->is_pointer++;
104 } else {
105 fprintf(f,"%s %s%s; \n", t->print_full(), decl,arr);
106 }
107 if (t->arraystr)
108 t->is_pointer++;
109 break;
110 case 1: case 2:
111 if (t->arraystr)
112 t->is_pointer--;
114 // Normal C/C++ extern
115 // fprintf(f,"#line %d \"%s\"\n", line_number, input_file);
116 if (t->is_reference) {
117 t->is_pointer--;
118 fprintf(f,"extern %s& %s%s; \n", t->print_full(), decl,arr);
119 t->is_pointer++;
120 } else {
121 fprintf(f,"extern %s %s%s; \n", t->print_full(), decl,arr);
122 }
123 if (t->arraystr)
124 t->is_pointer++;
126 default:
127 break;
128 }
129 }
131 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
132 // emit_extern_func(char *decl, DataType *t, ParmList *L, int extern_type,
133 // FILE *f)
134 //
135 // Emits an external function declaration (similiar to emit_extern_var).
136 //
137 // Inputs :
138 // decl = Name of declaration
139 // t = Return datatype
140 // L = parameter list
141 // extern_type = Type of extern
142 // 0 - No "extern"
143 // 1 - extern
144 // 2 - extern "C"
145 // 3 - Function declaration (with arg names)
146 // f = FILE Handle
147 //
148 // Output : None
149 //
150 // Side Effects : None
151 //
152 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
154 void emit_extern_func(char *decl, DataType *t, ParmList *L, int extern_type, FILE *f) {
156 switch(extern_type) {
157 case 0:
158 if (t->is_reference) {
159 t->is_pointer--;
160 fprintf(f,"%s&", t->print_full());
161 t->is_pointer++;
162 } else {
163 fprintf(f,"%s", t->print_full());
164 }
166 fprintf(f,"%s(", decl);
167 L->print_types(f);
168 fprintf(f,");\n");
169 break;
170 case 1:
171 // Normal C/C++ extern
172 // fprintf(f,"#line %d \"%s\"\n", line_number, input_file);
173 if (t->is_reference) {
174 t->is_pointer--;
175 fprintf(f,"extern %s&", t->print_full());
176 t->is_pointer++;
177 } else {
178 fprintf(f,"extern %s", t->print_full());
179 }
180 fprintf(f,"%s(", decl);
181 L->print_types(f);
182 fprintf(f,");\n");
183 break;
184 case 2:
185 // A C++ --- > C Extern
186 // fprintf(f,"#line %d \"%s\"\n", line_number, input_file);
187 if (t->is_reference) {
188 t->is_pointer--;
189 fprintf(f,"extern \"C\" %s&", t->print_full());
190 t->is_pointer++;
191 } else {
192 fprintf(f,"extern \"C\" %s", t->print_full());
193 }
194 fprintf(f,"%s(", decl);
195 L->print_types(f);
196 fprintf(f,");\n");
197 break;
198 case 3:
199 // A function declaration (for inlining )
200 if (t->is_reference) {
201 t->is_pointer--;
202 fprintf(f,"%s&", t->print_full());
203 t->is_pointer++;
204 } else {
205 fprintf(f,"%s", t->print_full());
206 }
208 fprintf(f,"%s(", decl);
209 L->print_args(f);
210 fprintf(f,")\n");
211 break;
212 default:
213 break;
214 }
215 }
217 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
218 // char *emit_local(int i)
219 //
220 // Returns the name of local variable for parameter i
221 //
222 // Inputs : i = Parameter number
223 //
224 // Output : NULL terminated ASCII string
225 //
226 // Side Effects : Result is left in a static local variable.
227 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
229 char *emit_local(int i) {
230 static char arg[64];
232 sprintf(arg,"_arg%d", i);
233 return arg;
234 }
236 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
237 // int emit_args(char *d, DataType *rt, ParmList *l, FILE *f)
238 //
239 // Creates a list of variable declarations for both the return value
240 // and function parameters.
241 //
242 // The return value is always called _result and arguments label as
243 // _arg0, _arg1, _arg2, etc...
244 //
245 // Returns the number of parameters associated with a function.
246 //
247 // Inputs :
248 // d = Name of function
249 // rt = Return type
250 // l = Parameter list
251 // f = FILE Handle
252 //
253 // Output : Number of function arguments
254 //
255 // Side Effects : None
256 //
257 // Note : This function is obsolete. Use emit_args below...
258 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
260 int emit_args(DataType *rt, ParmList *l, FILE *f) {
262 Parm *p;
263 int i;
264 char temp[64];
265 String def;
266 char *tm;
268 // Declare the return variable
270 if ((rt->type != T_VOID) || (rt->is_pointer)) {
271 if ((rt->type == T_USER) && (!rt->is_pointer)) {
273 // Special case for return by "value"
275 rt->is_pointer++;
276 fprintf(f,"\t %s _result;\n", rt->print_type());
277 rt->is_pointer--;
278 } else {
280 // Normal return value
282 fprintf(f,"\t %s _result;\n", rt->print_type());
283 }
284 }
286 // Emit function arguments
288 i = 0;
289 p = l->get_first();
290 while (p != 0) {
291 if ((p->t->type != T_VOID) || (p->t->is_pointer)) {
292 sprintf(temp,"_arg%d", i);
293 if (p->defvalue) {
294 if ((p->t->is_reference) || ((p->t->type == T_USER) && (p->call_type == CALL_REFERENCE)))
295 fprintf(f,"\t %s _arg%d = &%s;\n", p->t->print_type(),i, p->defvalue);
296 else
297 fprintf(f,"\t %s _arg%d = %s;\n", p->t->print_type(),i, p->defvalue);
298 } else {
299 fprintf(f,"\t %s _arg%d;\n", p->t->print_type(),i);
300 tm = typemap_lookup("arginit", typemap_lang, p->t, p->name,"",temp);
301 if (tm) {
302 def << tm;
303 }
304 }
306 // Check for ignore or default typemaps
308 tm = typemap_lookup("default",typemap_lang,p->t,p->name,"",temp);
309 if (tm)
310 def << tm;
311 tm = typemap_lookup("ignore",typemap_lang,p->t,p->name,"",temp);
313 if (tm) {
314 def << tm;
315 p->ignore = 1;
316 }
317 tm = typemap_check("build",typemap_lang,p->t,p->name);
318 if (tm) {
319 p->ignore = 1;
320 }
321 i++;
322 }
323 p = l->get_next();
324 }
326 fprintf(f,"%s",def.get());
328 // i now contains number of parameters
330 return(i);
332 }
335 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
336 // int emit_args(char *d, DataType *rt, ParmList *l, WrapperFunction &f)
337 //
338 // Creates a list of variable declarations for both the return value
339 // and function parameters.
340 //
341 // The return value is always called _result and arguments label as
342 // _arg0, _arg1, _arg2, etc...
343 //
344 // Returns the number of parameters associated with a function.
345 //
346 // Inputs :
347 // d = Name of function
348 // rt = Return type
349 // l = Parameter list
350 // f = Wrapper function object
351 //
352 // Output : Number of function arguments
353 //
354 // Side Effects : None
355 //
356 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
358 int emit_args(DataType *rt, ParmList *l, WrapperFunction &f) {
360 Parm *p;
361 int i;
362 char *tm;
364 // Declare the return variable
366 if ((rt->type != T_VOID) || (rt->is_pointer)) {
367 if ((rt->type == T_USER) && (!rt->is_pointer)) {
369 // Special case for return by "value"
370 rt->is_pointer++;
371 f.add_local(rt->print_type(), "_result");
372 rt->is_pointer--;
373 } else {
375 // Normal return value
377 f.add_local(rt->print_type(), "_result");
378 }
379 }
381 // Emit function arguments
383 i = 0;
384 p = l->get_first();
385 while (p != 0) {
386 if ((p->t->type != T_VOID) || (p->t->is_pointer)) {
387 char *temp = emit_local(i);
388 // Figure out default values
389 if (((p->t->is_reference) && (p->defvalue)) ||
390 ((p->t->type == T_USER) && (p->call_type == CALL_REFERENCE) && (p->defvalue))) {
391 String deftmp;
392 deftmp << "(" << p->t->print_type() << ") &" << p->defvalue;
393 f.add_local(p->t->print_type(),temp,deftmp.get());
394 } else {
395 String deftmp;
396 char *dv = 0;
397 if (p->defvalue) {
398 deftmp << "(" << p->t->print_type() << ") " << p->defvalue;
399 dv = deftmp.get();
400 }
401 f.add_local(p->t->print_type(), temp, dv);
402 tm = typemap_lookup("arginit", typemap_lang, p->t,p->name,"",temp,&f);
403 if (tm) {
404 f.code << tm << "\n";
405 }
406 }
407 // Check for ignore or default typemaps
408 tm = typemap_lookup("default",typemap_lang,p->t,p->name,"",temp,&f);
409 if (tm)
410 f.code << tm << "\n";
411 tm = typemap_lookup("ignore",typemap_lang,p->t,p->name,"",temp,&f);
412 if (tm) {
413 f.code << tm << "\n";
414 p->ignore = 1;
415 }
416 tm = typemap_check("build",typemap_lang,p->t,p->name);
417 if (tm) {
418 p->ignore = 1;
419 }
420 i++;
421 }
422 p = l->get_next();
423 }
425 // i now contains number of parameters
426 return(i);
427 }
429 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
430 // int emit_func_call(char *decl, DataType *t, ParmList *l, FILE *f)
431 //
432 // Emits code for a function call.
433 //
434 // Inputs :
435 // decl = name of function
436 // t = Return datatype
437 // l = Parameter list
438 // f = FILE Handle
439 //
440 // Output : None
441 //
442 // Side Effects : None
443 //
444 // Note : This function is obsolete
445 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
447 void emit_func_call(char *decl, DataType *t, ParmList *l, FILE *f) {
449 int i;
450 Parm *p;
452 // fprintf(f,"#line %d \"%s\"\n", line_number, input_file);
453 fprintf(f,"\t ");
455 // First check if there is a return value
457 if ((t->type != T_VOID) || (t->is_pointer)) {
458 if ((t->type == T_USER) && (!t->is_pointer)) {
460 // Special case for return by "value"
461 // Caution : This *will* cause a memory leak if not
462 // used properly.
464 if (CPlusPlus) {
465 fprintf(f,"_result = new %s(", t->print_type());
466 } else {
467 t->is_pointer++;
468 fprintf(f,"_result = %s malloc(sizeof(", t->print_cast());
469 t->is_pointer--;
470 fprintf(f,"%s));\n", t->print_type());
471 fprintf(f,"\t*(_result) = ");
472 }
473 } else {
474 // Check if this is a C++ reference
475 if (t->is_reference) {
476 t->is_pointer--;
477 fprintf(f,"%s& _result_ref = ", t->print_full());
478 t->is_pointer++;
479 } else {
481 // Normal return values
482 fprintf(f,"_result = %s", t->print_cast());
483 }
484 }
485 }
487 // Now print out function call
489 fprintf(f,"%s(",decl);
491 i = 0;
492 p = l->get_first();
493 while(p != 0) {
494 if ((p->t->type != T_VOID) || (p->t->is_pointer)){
495 fprintf(f,"%s",p->t->print_arraycast());
496 if ((!p->t->is_reference) && (p->call_type & CALL_VALUE)) fprintf(f,"&");
497 if ((!(p->call_type & CALL_VALUE)) &&
498 ((p->t->is_reference) || (p->call_type & CALL_REFERENCE)))
499 fprintf(f,"*");
500 fprintf(f,"_arg%d",i);
501 i++;
502 }
503 p = l->get_next();
504 if (p != 0)
505 fprintf(f,",");
506 }
508 fprintf(f,")");
509 if ((t->type == T_USER) && (!t->is_pointer)) {
510 if (CPlusPlus) {
511 fprintf(f,")");
512 }
513 }
514 fprintf(f,";\n");
515 if (t->is_reference) {
516 fprintf(f,"\t _result = %s &_result_ref;\n", t->print_cast());
517 }
518 }
522 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
523 // int emit_func_call(char *decl, DataType *t, ParmList *l, WrapperFunction &f)
524 //
525 // Emits code for a function call (new version).
526 //
527 // Exception handling support :
528 //
529 // - This function checks to see if any sort of exception mechanism
530 // has been defined. If so, we emit the function call in an exception
531 // handling block.
532 //
533 // Inputs :
534 // decl = name of function
535 // t = Return datatype
536 // l = Parameter list
537 // f = WrapperFunction object
538 //
539 // Output : None
540 //
541 // Side Effects : None
542 //
543 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
545 void emit_func_call(char *decl, DataType *t, ParmList *l, WrapperFunction &f) {
547 int i;
548 Parm *p;
549 String fcall;
550 String exc;
551 char *tm;
553 // f.code << "#line " << line_number << " \"" << input_file << "\"\n";
554 fcall << tab4;
556 // First check if there is a return value
558 if ((t->type != T_VOID) || (t->is_pointer)) {
559 if ((t->type == T_USER) && (!t->is_pointer)) {
561 // Special case for return by "value"
562 // Caution : This *will* cause a memory leak if not
563 // used properly.
565 if (CPlusPlus) {
566 fcall << "_result = new " << t->print_type() << "(";
567 } else {
568 t->is_pointer++;
569 fcall << "_result = " << t->print_cast() << " malloc(sizeof(";
570 t->is_pointer--;
571 fcall << t->print_type() << "));\n";
572 fcall << tab4 << "*(_result) = ";
573 }
574 } else {
575 // Check if this is a C++ reference
576 if (t->is_reference) {
577 t->is_pointer--;
578 fcall << t->print_full() << "& _result_ref = ";
579 t->is_pointer++;
580 } else {
582 // Normal return value
583 fcall << "_result = " << t->print_cast();
584 }
585 }
586 }
588 // Now print out function call
590 fcall << decl << "(";
592 i = 0;
593 p = l->get_first();
594 while(p != 0) {
595 if ((p->t->type != T_VOID) || (p->t->is_pointer)){
596 fcall << p->t->print_arraycast();
597 if ((!p->t->is_reference) && (p->call_type & CALL_VALUE))
598 fcall << "&";
599 if ((!(p->call_type & CALL_VALUE)) &&
600 ((p->t->is_reference) || (p->call_type & CALL_REFERENCE)))
601 fcall << "*";
602 fcall << emit_local(i);
603 i++;
604 }
605 p = l->get_next();
606 if (p != 0)
607 fcall << ",";
608 }
609 fcall << ")";
611 if ((t->type == T_USER) && (!t->is_pointer)) {
612 if (CPlusPlus) {
613 fcall << ")";
614 }
615 }
616 fcall << ";\n";
618 if (t->is_reference) {
619 fcall << tab4 << "_result = "<< t->print_cast() << " &_result_ref;\n";
620 }
621 // Check for exception handling
623 if ((tm = typemap_lookup("except",typemap_lang,t,decl,"_result",""))) {
624 // Found a type-specific mapping
625 exc << tm;
626 exc.replace("$function",fcall);
627 exc.replace("$name",decl);
628 f.code << exc;
629 } else if ((tm = fragment_lookup("except",typemap_lang, t->id))) {
630 exc << tm;
631 exc.replace("$function",fcall);
632 exc.replace("$name",decl);
633 f.code << exc;
634 } else {
635 f.code << fcall;
636 }
637 }
639 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
640 // void emit_hex(FILE *f)
641 //
642 // Emits the default C-code to handle pointers. This is normally contained
643 // in the SWIG library file 'swigptr.swg'
644 //
645 // Inputs : f = FILE handle
646 //
647 // Output : None
648 //
649 // Side Effects : None
650 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
652 void emit_hex(FILE *f) {
654 int stat;
656 // Look for a pointer configuration file
658 stat = insert_file("swigptr.swg", f);
660 if (stat == -1) {
661 fprintf(stderr,"** Fatal error. Unable to locate 'swigptr.swg'\n");
662 SWIG_exit(1);
663 }
664 }
666 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
667 // void emit_set_get(char *name, char *iname, DataType *type)
668 //
669 // Emits a pair of functions to set/get the value of a variable.
670 // This should be used as backup in case the target language can't
671 // provide variable linking.
672 //
673 // double foo;
674 //
675 // Gets translated into the following :
676 //
677 // double foo_set(double x) {
678 // return foo = x;
679 // }
680 //
681 // double foo_get() {
682 // return foo;
683 // }
684 //
685 // Need to handle special cases for char * and for user
686 // defined types.
687 //
688 // 1. char *
689 //
690 // Will free previous contents (if any) and allocate
691 // new storage. Could be risky, but it's a reasonably
692 // natural thing to do.
693 //
694 // 2. User_Defined
695 // Will assign value from a pointer.
696 // Will return a pointer to current value.
697 //
698 //
699 // Inputs :
700 // name = Name of variable
701 // iname = Renamed version of variable
702 // type = Datatype of the variable
703 //
704 // Output : None
705 //
706 // Side Effects : None
707 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
709 void emit_set_get(char *name, char *iname, DataType *t) {
711 Parm *p;
712 ParmList *l;
713 String new_name;
714 String new_iname;
715 String wname;
717 // First write a function to set the variable of the variable
719 if (!(Status & STAT_READONLY)) {
720 if ((t->type == T_USER) && (!t->is_pointer)) {
721 t->is_pointer++;
722 fprintf(f_header,"static %s %s(%s val) {\n",
723 t->print_type(), name_set(name), t->print_type());
724 t->is_pointer--;
725 } else {
726 fprintf(f_header,"static %s %s(%s val) {\n",
727 t->print_type(), name_set(name), t->print_type());
728 }
730 if ((t->type != T_VOID) || (t->is_pointer)) {
731 if (!t->is_pointer) {
733 // Have a real value here
734 // If it's a user defined type, we'll do something special.
735 // Otherwise, just assign it.
737 if (t->type != T_USER) {
738 fprintf(f_header,"\t return (%s) (%s = val);\n", t->print_type(), name);
739 } else {
740 fprintf(f_header,"\t %s = *(val);\n", name);
741 t->is_pointer++;
742 fprintf(f_header,"\t return (%s) &%s;\n", t->print_type(),name);
743 t->is_pointer--;
744 }
745 } else {
747 // Is a pointer type here. If string, we do something
748 // special. Otherwise. No problem.
750 if ((t->type == T_CHAR) && (t->is_pointer == 1)) {
751 if (CPlusPlus) {
752 fprintf(f_header,"\t if (%s) delete %s;\n", name,name);
753 fprintf(f_header,"\t %s = new char[strlen(val)+1];\n",name);
754 fprintf(f_header,"\t strcpy(%s,val);\n", name);
755 fprintf(f_header,"\t return %s;\n", name);
756 } else {
757 fprintf(f_header,"\t if (%s) free(%s);\n", name,name);
758 fprintf(f_header,"\t %s = (char *) malloc(strlen(val)+1);\n",name);
759 fprintf(f_header,"\t strcpy(%s,val);\n", name);
760 fprintf(f_header,"\t return %s;\n", name);
761 }
762 } else {
763 fprintf(f_header,"\t return (%s) (%s = val);\n", t->print_type(), name);
764 }
765 }
766 }
768 fprintf(f_header,"}\n");
770 // Now wrap it.
772 l = new ParmList;
773 p = new Parm(t,0);
774 if ((t->type == T_USER) && (!t->is_pointer)) p->t->is_pointer++;
775 p->name = new char[1];
776 p->name[0] = 0;
777 l->append(p);
779 new_name = name_set(name);
780 new_iname = name_set(iname);
782 if ((t->type == T_USER) && (!t->is_pointer)) {
783 t->is_pointer++;
784 lang->create_function(new_name, new_iname, t, l);
785 t->is_pointer--;
786 } else {
787 lang->create_function(new_name, new_iname, t, l);
788 }
789 delete l;
790 delete p;
791 if (doc_entry) doc_entry->usage << "\n";
792 }
794 // Now write a function to get the value of the variable
796 if ((t->type == T_USER) && (!t->is_pointer)) {
797 t->is_pointer++;
798 fprintf(f_header,"static %s %s() { \n",
799 t->print_type(), name_get(name));
800 fprintf(f_header,"\t return (%s) &%s;\n", t->print_type(), name);
801 t->is_pointer--;
802 } else {
803 fprintf(f_header,"static %s %s() { \n",
804 t->print_type(), name_get(name));
805 fprintf(f_header,"\t return (%s) %s;\n", t->print_type(), name);
806 }
808 fprintf(f_header,"}\n");
810 // Wrap this function
812 l = new ParmList;
814 new_name = name_get(name);
815 new_iname = name_get(iname);
817 if ((t->type == T_USER) && (!t->is_pointer)) {
818 t->is_pointer++;
819 lang->create_function(new_name, new_iname, t, l);
820 t->is_pointer--;
821 } else {
822 lang->create_function(new_name, new_iname, t, l);
823 }
824 delete l;
825 }