]> git.saurik.com Git - wxWidgets.git/blob - utils/wxPython/modules/html/test/helpsys.py
wizard.h added to the list of headers
[wxWidgets.git] / utils / wxPython / modules / html / test / helpsys.py
1 from wxPython.wx import *
2 from wxPython.html import *
3 import sys,os
5 if not os.environ.has_key('WXWIN'):
6 print "Can't find html samples. Set WXWIN environment variable."
7 sys.exit(1)
9 help = wxHtmlHelpSystem()
10 # Create the book in a different way, supply title, contents file, index, default topic and basedir
11 help.AddBookParam('Sample help docs', 'contents.hhc', '', 'main.htm',
12 os.environ['WXWIN'] + "/samples/html/help/helpfiles")
14 class HelpFrame(wxFrame):
15 def __init__(self):
16 wxFrame.__init__(self, NULL, -1, "", wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(500,500))
17 bar = self.CreateStatusBar(2)
18 bar.SetStatusWidths([400,100])
19 help.CreateToolBar(self)
20 self.text = wxTextCtrl(bar, 1001, "Hello world", wxPoint(400,0), wxSize(80,30))
21 button = wxButton(bar, 1002, "Go", wxPoint(480,0), wxSize(20,30))
23 html = wxHtmlWindow(self,-1)
24 html.SetRelatedFrame(self, "%s")
25 html.SetRelatedStatusBar(0)
27 self.searchframe = wxMiniFrame(self, -1, "Search result", wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(300,400))
28 self.searchbox = wxListBox(self.searchframe, wxID_HTML_SEARCHLIST)
30 self.mframe = wxMiniFrame(self, -1, "Contents", wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(300,500))
31 tree = help.CreateContentsTree(self.mframe)
32 help.SetControls(self, html, tree, NULL, self.searchbox)
33 EVT_TREE_SEL_CHANGED(self, wxID_HTML_TREECTRL, help.OnContentsSel)
34 EVT_LISTBOX(self, wxID_HTML_SEARCHLIST, help.OnSearchSel)
35 EVT_TOOL(self, wxID_HTML_PANEL, self.ToggleContents)
36 EVT_TOOL(self, wxID_HTML_BACK, help.OnToolbar)
37 EVT_TOOL(self, wxID_HTML_FORWARD, help.OnToolbar)
38 EVT_TEXT_ENTER(self, 1001, self.OnTextSearch)
39 EVT_BUTTON(self, 1002, self.OnTextSearch)
40 EVT_CLOSE(self.mframe, self.OnCloseContents)
41 EVT_CLOSE(self.searchframe, self.OnCloseSearch)
42 self.mframe.Show(TRUE)
43 print help.GetSearchList()
45 def ToggleContents(self, event):
46 self.mframe.Show(not self.mframe.IsShown())
48 def OnCloseContents(self, event):
49 if event.CanVeto():
50 self.mframe.Show(FALSE)
51 else:
52 self.mframe.Destroy()
54 def OnCloseSearch(self, event):
55 if event.CanVeto():
56 self.searchframe.Show(FALSE)
57 else:
58 self.searchframe.Destroy()
60 def OnTextSearch(self, event):
61 self.searchbox.Clear()
62 self.searchframe.Show(TRUE)
63 print "searching for %s" % (self.text.GetValue(),)
64 help.KeywordSearch(self.text.GetValue())
66 class MyApp(wxApp):
67 def OnInit(self):
68 frame = HelpFrame()
69 frame.Show(TRUE)
70 return TRUE
72 theApp = MyApp(0)
73 theApp.MainLoop()