]> git.saurik.com Git - wxWidgets.git/blob - utils/projgen/makeproj.cpp
wizard.h added to the list of headers
[wxWidgets.git] / utils / projgen / makeproj.cpp
1 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 // Name: makeproj.cpp
3 // Purpose: Generate sample VC++ project files
4 // Author: Julian Smart
5 // Modified by:
6 // Created: 10/12/98
7 // RCS-ID: $Id$
8 // Copyright: (c) Julian Smart
9 // Licence: wxWindows licence
10 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
12 #ifdef __GNUG__
13 #pragma implementation "makeproj.h"
14 #endif
16 // For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx.h".
17 #include "wx/wxprec.h"
19 #if defined(__BORLANDC__)
20 #pragma hdrstop
21 #endif
23 #include "wx/wx.h"
24 #include "wx/resource.h"
26 #include "iostream.h"
27 #include "fstream.h"
29 #include "makeproj.h"
30 #include "projgenrc.h"
32 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
33 // ressources
34 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
35 // the application icon
36 #if defined(__WXGTK__) || defined(__WXMOTIF__)
37 #include "mondrian.xpm"
38 #endif
40 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
41 // private classes
42 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
44 // Define a new application type, each program should derive a class from wxApp
45 class MyApp : public wxApp
46 {
47 public:
48 // override base class virtuals
49 // ----------------------------
51 // this one is called on application startup and is a good place for the app
52 // initialization (doing it here and not in the ctor allows to have an error
53 // return: if OnInit() returns false, the application terminates)
54 virtual bool OnInit();
56 bool GenerateSample(const wxString& projectName, const wxString& targetName,
57 const wxString& path, const wxStringList& sourceFiles, const wxString& relativeRootPath = "../..");
58 void GenerateSamples(const wxString& dir); // Takes wxWindows directory path
59 };
61 // Define a new frame type: this is going to be our main frame
62 class MyFrame : public wxFrame
63 {
64 public:
65 // ctor(s)
66 MyFrame(const wxString& title, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size);
68 // event handlers (these functions should _not_ be virtual)
69 void OnQuit(wxCommandEvent& event);
70 void OnAbout(wxCommandEvent& event);
71 void OnGenerate(wxCommandEvent& event);
73 bool GenerateSample(const wxString& projectName, const wxString& targetName,
74 const wxString& path, const wxStringList& sourceFiles, const wxString& relativeRootPath = "../..");
76 private:
77 // any class wishing to process wxWindows events must use this macro
79 };
81 // Define a dialog: this will be our main dialog
82 class MyDialog : public wxDialog
83 {
84 public:
85 // ctor(s)
86 MyDialog(const wxString& title, const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize);
88 // event handlers (these functions should _not_ be virtual)
89 void OnQuit(wxCommandEvent& event);
90 void OnAbout(wxCommandEvent& event);
91 void OnGenerate(wxCommandEvent& event);
92 void OnGenerateSamples(wxCommandEvent& event);
94 private:
95 // any class wishing to process wxWindows events must use this macro
97 };
100 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
101 // constants
102 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
104 // IDs for the controls and the menu commands
105 enum
106 {
107 // menu items
108 MakeProject_Quit = 1,
109 MakeProject_About,
110 MakeProject_Generate,
111 MakeProject_GenerateSamples,
113 // controls start here (the numbers are, of course, arbitrary)
114 MakeProject_Text = 1000,
115 };
117 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
118 // event tables and other macros for wxWindows
119 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
121 // the event tables connect the wxWindows events with the functions (event
122 // handlers) which process them. It can be also done at run-time, but for the
123 // simple menu events like this the static method is much simpler.
124 BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(MyFrame, wxFrame)
125 EVT_MENU(MakeProject_Quit, MyFrame::OnQuit)
126 EVT_MENU(MakeProject_About, MyFrame::OnAbout)
127 EVT_MENU(MakeProject_Generate, MyFrame::OnGenerate)
130 // Create a new application object: this macro will allow wxWindows to create
131 // the application object during program execution (it's better than using a
132 // static object for many reasons) and also declares the accessor function
133 // wxGetApp() which will return the reference of the right type (i.e. MyApp and
134 // not wxApp)
137 // ============================================================================
138 // implementation
139 // ============================================================================
141 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
142 // the application class
143 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
145 // 'Main program' equivalent: the program execution "starts" here
146 bool MyApp::OnInit()
147 {
148 #if 0
149 // Create the main application window
150 MyFrame *frame = new MyFrame("MakeProject wxWindows App",
151 wxPoint(50, 50), wxSize(450, 340));
153 frame->Show(TRUE);
154 SetTopWindow(frame);
155 #endif
156 wxResourceParseFile("projgenrc.wxr");
158 MyDialog* dialog = new MyDialog("VC++ MakeProject");
159 dialog->ShowModal();
161 return FALSE;
162 }
164 bool MyApp::GenerateSample(const wxString& projectName, const wxString& targetName,
165 const wxString& path, const wxStringList& sourceFiles, const wxString& relativeRootPath)
166 {
167 wxString relativeIncludePath(relativeRootPath + wxString("/include"));
168 wxString relativeLibPath(relativeRootPath + wxString("/lib"));
169 wxString relativeDebugPath(relativeRootPath + wxString("/src/Debug"));
170 wxString relativeReleasePath(relativeRootPath + wxString("/src/Release"));
171 wxString relativeDebugPathJPEG(relativeRootPath + wxString("/src/jpeg/Debug"));
172 wxString relativeReleasePathJPEG(relativeRootPath + wxString("/src/jpeg/Release"));
174 wxProject project;
176 // For all samples
177 project.SetIncludeDirs(wxStringList((const char*) relativeIncludePath, 0));
178 project.SetResourceIncludeDirs(wxStringList((const char*) relativeIncludePath, 0));
179 project.SetLibDirs(wxStringList((const char*) relativeLibPath, 0));
180 project.SetDebugLibDirs(wxStringList((const char*) relativeDebugPath, (const char*) relativeDebugPathJPEG, 0));
181 project.SetReleaseLibDirs(wxStringList((const char*) relativeReleasePath, (const char*) relativeReleasePathJPEG, 0));
183 project.SetProjectName(projectName);
184 project.SetTargetName(targetName);
185 project.SetProjectPath(path);
186 project.SetSourceFiles(sourceFiles);
188 if (!project.GenerateVCProject())
189 {
190 wxString msg("Could not generate ");
191 msg += projectName;
192 wxMessageBox(msg);
193 return FALSE;
194 }
195 return TRUE;
196 }
199 void MyApp::GenerateSamples(const wxString& dir)
200 {
201 // Small bug. Because we don't distinguish between Debug/DebugDLL, Release/ReleaseDLL,
202 // we can't yet make a sample that uses other wxWindows static libraries + the wxWindows DLL library.
204 GenerateSample("BombsVC", "bombs", dir + wxString("/samples/bombs"),
205 wxStringList("bombs.cpp", "bombs1.cpp", "game.cpp", "bombs.h", "game.h", 0));
206 GenerateSample("CaretVC", "caret", dir + wxString("/samples/caret"), wxStringList("caret.cpp", 0));
207 GenerateSample("CheckLstVC", "checklst", dir + wxString("/samples/checklst"), wxStringList("checklst.cpp", 0));
208 GenerateSample("ConfigVC", "conftest", dir + wxString("/samples/config"), wxStringList("conftest.cpp", 0));
209 GenerateSample("ControlsVC", "controls", dir + wxString("/samples/controls"), wxStringList("controls.cpp", 0));
210 GenerateSample("DbVC", "dbtest", dir + wxString("/samples/db"),
211 wxStringList("dbtest.cpp", "listdb.cpp", "dbtest.h", "listdb.h", 0));
212 GenerateSample("DialogsVC", "dialogs", dir + wxString("/samples/dialogs"),
213 wxStringList("dialogs.cpp", "dialogs.h", 0));
214 GenerateSample("DndVC", "dnd", dir + wxString("/samples/dnd"), wxStringList("dnd.cpp", 0));
215 GenerateSample("DocViewVC", "docview", dir + wxString("/samples/docview"),
216 wxStringList("docview.cpp", "doc.cpp", "view.cpp", "docview.h", "doc.h", "view.h", 0));
217 GenerateSample("DocVwMDIVC", "docview", dir + wxString("/samples/docvwmdi"),
218 wxStringList("docview.cpp", "doc.cpp", "view.cpp", "docview.h", "doc.h", "view.h", 0));
219 GenerateSample("DynamicVC", "dynamic", dir + wxString("/samples/dynamic"), wxStringList("dynamic.cpp", 0));
220 GenerateSample("DrawingVC", "drawing", dir + wxString("/samples/drawing"), wxStringList("drawing.cpp", 0));
221 GenerateSample("FortyVC", "forty", dir + wxString("/samples/forty"),
222 wxStringList("forty.cpp", "canvas.cpp", "card.cpp", "game.cpp", "pile.cpp", "playerdg.cpp", "scoredg.cpp", "scorefil.cpp",
223 "canvas.h", "forty.h", "card.h", "game.h", "pile.h", "playerdg.h", "scoredg.h", "scorefil.h",
224 0));
225 GenerateSample("FractalVC", "fractal", dir + wxString("/samples/fractal"), wxStringList("fractal.cpp", 0));
226 GenerateSample("GridVC", "test", dir + wxString("/samples/grid"), wxStringList("test.cpp", 0));
227 GenerateSample("NewGridVC", "griddemo", dir + wxString("/samples/newgrid"), wxStringList("griddemo.cpp", 0));
228 GenerateSample("HelpVC", "demo", dir + wxString("/samples/help"), wxStringList("demo.cpp", 0));
230 // wxHTML samples
231 GenerateSample("AboutVC", "about", dir + wxString("/samples/html/about"), wxStringList("about.cpp", 0),
232 "../../..");
233 GenerateSample("HelpVC", "help", dir + wxString("/samples/html/help"), wxStringList("help.cpp", 0),
234 "../../..");
235 GenerateSample("PrintingVC", "printing", dir + wxString("/samples/html/printing"), wxStringList("printing.cpp", 0),
236 "../../..");
237 GenerateSample("TestVC", "test", dir + wxString("/samples/html/test"), wxStringList("test.cpp", 0),
238 "../../..");
239 GenerateSample("VirtualVC", "virtual", dir + wxString("/samples/html/virtual"), wxStringList("virtual.cpp", 0),
240 "../../..");
241 GenerateSample("WidgetVC", "widget", dir + wxString("/samples/html/widget"), wxStringList("widget.cpp", 0),
242 "../../..");
243 GenerateSample("ZipVC", "zip", dir + wxString("/samples/html/zip"), wxStringList("zip.cpp", 0),
244 "../../..");
245 GenerateSample("HelpViewVC", "helpview", dir + wxString("/samples/html/helpview"), wxStringList("helpview.cpp", 0),
246 "../../..");
248 GenerateSample("ImageVC", "image", dir + wxString("/samples/image"), wxStringList("image.cpp", 0));
249 GenerateSample("InternatVC", "internat", dir + wxString("/samples/internat"), wxStringList("internat.cpp", 0));
250 GenerateSample("JoytestVC", "joytest", dir + wxString("/samples/joytest"), wxStringList("joytest.cpp", "joytest.h", 0));
251 GenerateSample("LayoutVC", "layout", dir + wxString("/samples/layout"), wxStringList("layout.cpp", "layout.h", 0));
252 GenerateSample("ListctrlVC", "listtest", dir + wxString("/samples/listctrl"), wxStringList("listtest.cpp", "listtest.h", 0));
253 GenerateSample("MdiVC", "mdi", dir + wxString("/samples/mdi"), wxStringList("mdi.cpp", "mdi.h", 0));
254 GenerateSample("MemcheckVC", "memcheck", dir + wxString("/samples/memcheck"), wxStringList("memcheck.cpp", 0));
255 // Note: MFC sample will be different.
256 GenerateSample("MfcVC", "mfc", dir + wxString("/samples/mfc"), wxStringList("mfctest.cpp", "mfctest.h", 0));
257 GenerateSample("MiniframVC", "test", dir + wxString("/samples/minifram"), wxStringList("test.cpp", "test.h", 0));
258 GenerateSample("MinimalVC", "minimal", dir + wxString("/samples/minimal"), wxStringList("minimal.cpp", 0));
259 GenerateSample("NativdlgVC", "nativdlg", dir + wxString("/samples/nativdlg"), wxStringList("nativdlg.cpp", "nativdlg.h", "resource.h", 0));
260 GenerateSample("NettestVC", "nettest", dir + wxString("/samples/nettest"), wxStringList("nettest.cpp", 0));
261 GenerateSample("NotebookVC", "test", dir + wxString("/samples/notebook"), wxStringList("test.cpp", "test.h", 0));
262 GenerateSample("OleautoVC", "oleauto", dir + wxString("/samples/oleauto"), wxStringList("oleauto.cpp", 0));
263 GenerateSample("OwnerdrwVC", "ownerdrw", dir + wxString("/samples/ownerdrw"), wxStringList("ownerdrw.cpp", 0));
264 GenerateSample("PngVC", "pngdemo", dir + wxString("/samples/png"), wxStringList("pngdemo.cpp", "pngdemo.h", 0));
265 GenerateSample("PrintingVC", "printing", dir + wxString("/samples/printing"), wxStringList("printing.cpp", "printing.h", 0));
266 GenerateSample("ProplistVC", "test", dir + wxString("/samples/proplist"), wxStringList("test.cpp", "test.h", 0));
267 GenerateSample("RegtestVC", "regtest", dir + wxString("/samples/regtest"), wxStringList("regtest.cpp", 0));
268 GenerateSample("ResourceVC", "resource", dir + wxString("/samples/resource"), wxStringList("resource.cpp", "resource.h", 0));
269 GenerateSample("RichEditVC", "wxLayout", dir + wxString("/samples/richedit"), wxStringList("wxLayout.cpp",
270 "kbList.cpp", "wxllist.cpp", "wxlparser.cpp", "wxlwindow.cpp", 0));
271 GenerateSample("SashtestVC", "sashtest", dir + wxString("/samples/sashtest"), wxStringList("sashtest.cpp", "sashtest.h", 0));
272 GenerateSample("ScrollVC", "scroll", dir + wxString("/samples/scroll"), wxStringList("scroll.cpp", 0));
273 GenerateSample("SplitterVC", "test", dir + wxString("/samples/splitter"), wxStringList("test.cpp", 0));
274 GenerateSample("TabVC", "test", dir + wxString("/samples/tab"), wxStringList("test.cpp", "test.h", 0));
275 GenerateSample("TaskbarVC", "tbtest", dir + wxString("/samples/taskbar"), wxStringList("tbtest.cpp", "tbtest.h", 0));
276 GenerateSample("TextVC", "text", dir + wxString("/samples/text"), wxStringList("text.cpp", 0));
277 GenerateSample("ThreadVC", "test", dir + wxString("/samples/thread"), wxStringList("test.cpp", 0));
278 GenerateSample("ToolbarVC", "test", dir + wxString("/samples/toolbar"), wxStringList("test.cpp", "test.h", 0));
279 GenerateSample("TreectrlVC", "treetest", dir + wxString("/samples/treectrl"), wxStringList("treetest.cpp", "treetest.h", 0));
280 GenerateSample("TypetestVC", "typetest", dir + wxString("/samples/typetest"), wxStringList("typetest.cpp", "typetest.h", 0));
281 GenerateSample("ValidateVC", "validate", dir + wxString("/samples/validate"), wxStringList("validate.cpp", "validate.h", 0));
282 GenerateSample("ClientVC", "client", dir + wxString("/samples/wxsocket"), wxStringList("client.cpp", 0));
283 GenerateSample("ServerVC", "server", dir + wxString("/samples/wxsocket"), wxStringList("server.cpp", 0));
284 GenerateSample("PoemVC", "wxpoem", dir + wxString("/samples/wxpoem"), wxStringList("wxpoem.cpp", "wxpoem.h", 0));
285 GenerateSample("ClientVC", "client", dir + wxString("/samples/dde"), wxStringList("client.cpp", "client.h", "ddesetup.h", 0));
286 GenerateSample("ServerVC", "server", dir + wxString("/samples/dde"), wxStringList("server.cpp", "server.h", "ddesetup.h", 0));
287 GenerateSample("CaretVC", "caret", dir + wxString("/samples/caret"), wxStringList("caret.cpp", 0));
288 GenerateSample("DrawingVC", "drawing", dir + wxString("/samples/drawing"), wxStringList("drawing.cpp", 0));
289 GenerateSample("ScrollVC", "scroll", dir + wxString("/samples/scroll"), wxStringList("scroll.cpp", 0));
290 GenerateSample("WizardVC", "wizard", dir + wxString("/samples/wizard"), wxStringList("wiztest.cpp", 0));
292 //// Utilities
294 // Dialog Editor
295 wxProject project;
297 project.SetIncludeDirs(wxStringList("../../../include", 0));
298 project.SetResourceIncludeDirs(wxStringList("../../../include", 0));
299 project.SetLibDirs(wxStringList("../../../lib", 0));
300 project.SetDebugLibDirs(wxStringList("../../../src/Debug", 0));
301 project.SetReleaseLibDirs(wxStringList("../../../src/Release", 0));
303 project.SetProjectName("DialogEdVC");
304 project.SetTargetName("dialoged");
305 project.SetProjectPath(dir + wxString("/utils/dialoged/src"));
306 project.SetSourceFiles(wxStringList("dialoged.cpp", "dlghndlr.cpp", "edlist.cpp", "edtree.cpp",
307 "reseditr.cpp", "reswrite.cpp", "symbtabl.cpp", "winstyle.cpp", "winprop.cpp",
308 "dialoged.h", "dlghndlr.h", "edlist.h", "edtree.h", "reseditr.h", "symbtabl.h", "winprop.h",
309 "winstyle.h",
310 0));
312 if (!project.GenerateVCProject())
313 {
314 wxString msg("Could not generate Dialog Editor project");
315 wxMessageBox(msg);
316 }
318 // Tex2RTF
319 project.SetIncludeDirs(wxStringList("../../../include", 0));
320 project.SetResourceIncludeDirs(wxStringList("../../../include", 0));
321 project.SetLibDirs(wxStringList("../../../lib", 0));
322 project.SetDebugLibDirs(wxStringList("../../../src/Debug", 0));
323 project.SetReleaseLibDirs(wxStringList("../../../src/Release", 0));
325 project.SetProjectName("Tex2RTFVC");
326 project.SetTargetName("tex2rtf");
327 project.SetProjectPath(dir + wxString("/utils/tex2rtf/src"));
328 project.SetSourceFiles(wxStringList("tex2rtf.cpp", "htmlutil.cpp", "readshg.cpp", "rtfutils.cpp",
329 "table.cpp", "tex2any.cpp", "texutils.cpp", "xlputils.cpp",
330 "bmputils.h", "readshg.h", "rtfutils.h", "table.h", "tex2any.h", "tex2rtf.h", "wxhlpblk.h",
331 0));
333 if (!project.GenerateVCProject())
334 {
335 wxString msg("Could not generate Tex2RTF project");
336 wxMessageBox(msg);
337 }
339 // HelpGen
340 project.SetIncludeDirs(wxStringList("../../../include", 0));
341 project.SetResourceIncludeDirs(wxStringList("../../../include", 0));
342 project.SetLibDirs(wxStringList("../../../lib", 0));
343 project.SetDebugLibDirs(wxStringList("../../../src/Debug", 0));
344 project.SetReleaseLibDirs(wxStringList("../../../src/Release", 0));
346 project.SetProjectName("HelpGenVC");
347 project.SetTargetName("helpgen");
348 project.SetProjectPath(dir + wxString("/utils/helpgen/src"));
349 project.SetSourceFiles(wxStringList("helpgen.cpp", "cjparser.cpp", "docripper.cpp", "ifcontext.cpp",
350 "markup.cpp", "ripper_main.cpp", "scriptbinder.cpp", "sourcepainter.cpp",
351 "srcparser.cpp",
352 "cjparser.h", "docripper.h", "ifcontext.h", "markup.h", "scriptbinder.h", "sourcepainter.h",
353 "srcparser.h", "wxstlac.h", "wxstllst.h", "wxstlvec.h", 0));
355 if (!project.GenerateVCProject())
356 {
357 wxString msg("Could not generate HelpGen project");
358 wxMessageBox(msg);
359 }
361 // ProjGen
362 project.SetIncludeDirs(wxStringList("../../include", 0));
363 project.SetResourceIncludeDirs(wxStringList("../../include", 0));
364 project.SetLibDirs(wxStringList("../../lib", 0));
365 project.SetDebugLibDirs(wxStringList("../../src/Debug", 0));
366 project.SetReleaseLibDirs(wxStringList("../../src/Release", 0));
368 project.SetProjectName("ProjGenVC");
369 project.SetTargetName("makeproj");
370 project.SetProjectPath(dir + wxString("/utils/projgen"));
371 project.SetSourceFiles(wxStringList("makeproj.cpp", "makeproj.h", 0));
373 if (!project.GenerateVCProject())
374 {
375 wxString msg("Could not generate ProjGen project");
376 wxMessageBox(msg);
377 }
379 // wxTreeLayout sample
381 project.SetIncludeDirs(wxStringList("../../../include", 0));
382 project.SetResourceIncludeDirs(wxStringList("../../../include", 0));
383 project.SetLibDirs(wxStringList("../../../lib", 0));
384 project.SetDebugLibDirs(wxStringList("../../../src/Debug", 0));
385 project.SetReleaseLibDirs(wxStringList("../../../src/Release", 0));
387 project.SetProjectName("TreeSampleVC");
388 project.SetTargetName("test");
389 project.SetProjectPath(dir + wxString("/utils/wxtree/src"));
390 project.SetSourceFiles(wxStringList("test.cpp", "wxtree.cpp", "test.h", "wxtree.h", 0));
392 if (!project.GenerateVCProject())
393 {
394 wxString msg("Could not generate wxTreeLayout project");
395 wxMessageBox(msg);
396 }
398 // OGLEdit
400 project.SetIncludeDirs(wxStringList("../../../../include", "../../src", 0));
401 project.SetResourceIncludeDirs(wxStringList("../../../../include", 0));
402 project.SetLibDirs(wxStringList("../../../../lib", 0));
403 project.SetDebugLibDirs(wxStringList("../../../../src/Debug", "../../src/Debug", 0));
404 project.SetReleaseLibDirs(wxStringList("../../../../src/Release", "../../src/Release", 0));
405 project.SetExtraLibs(wxStringList("ogl.lib", 0));
407 project.SetProjectName("OGLEditVC");
408 project.SetTargetName("ogledit");
409 project.SetProjectPath(dir + wxString("/utils/ogl/samples/ogledit"));
410 project.SetSourceFiles(wxStringList("ogledit.cpp", "doc.cpp", "palette.cpp", "view.cpp",
411 "doc.h", "ogledit.h", "palette.h", "view.h",
412 0));
414 if (!project.GenerateVCProject())
415 {
416 wxString msg("Could not generate OGLEdit project");
417 wxMessageBox(msg);
418 }
420 // OGL Studio
422 project.SetIncludeDirs(wxStringList("../../../../include", "../../src", 0));
423 project.SetResourceIncludeDirs(wxStringList("../../../../include", 0));
424 project.SetLibDirs(wxStringList("../../../../lib", 0));
425 project.SetDebugLibDirs(wxStringList("../../../../src/Debug", "../../src/Debug", 0));
426 project.SetReleaseLibDirs(wxStringList("../../../../src/Release", "../../src/Release", 0));
427 project.SetExtraLibs(wxStringList("ogl.lib", 0));
429 project.SetProjectName("StudioVC");
430 project.SetTargetName("studio");
431 project.SetProjectPath(dir + wxString("/utils/ogl/samples/studio"));
432 project.SetSourceFiles(wxStringList("studio.cpp", "cspalette.cpp", "dialogs.cpp", "view.cpp",
433 "doc.cpp", "mainfrm.cpp", "project.cpp", "shapes.cpp", "symbols.cpp", "csprint.cpp",
434 "studio.h", "cspalette.h", "dialogs.h", "view.h",
435 "doc.h", "mainfrm.h", "project.h", "shapes.h", "symbols.h",
436 0));
438 if (!project.GenerateVCProject())
439 {
440 wxString msg("Could not generate OGL Studio project");
441 wxMessageBox(msg);
442 }
444 // GLCanvas cube sample
446 project.SetIncludeDirs(wxStringList("../../../../include", "../../win", 0));
447 project.SetResourceIncludeDirs(wxStringList("../../../../include", 0));
448 project.SetLibDirs(wxStringList("../../../../lib", 0));
449 project.SetDebugLibDirs(wxStringList("../../../../src/Debug", "../../win/Debug", 0));
450 project.SetReleaseLibDirs(wxStringList("../../../../src/Release", "../../win/Release", 0));
451 project.SetExtraLibs(wxStringList("glcanvas.lib", "opengl32.lib", "glu32.lib", 0));
453 project.SetProjectName("CubeVC");
454 project.SetTargetName("cube");
455 project.SetProjectPath(dir + wxString("/utils/glcanvas/samples/cube"));
456 project.SetSourceFiles(wxStringList("cube.cpp", "cube.h",
457 0));
459 if (!project.GenerateVCProject())
460 {
461 wxString msg("Could not generate GLCanvas Cube project");
462 wxMessageBox(msg);
463 }
465 // GLCanvas isosurf sample
467 project.SetIncludeDirs(wxStringList("../../../../include", "../../win", 0));
468 project.SetResourceIncludeDirs(wxStringList("../../../../include", 0));
469 project.SetLibDirs(wxStringList("../../../../lib", 0));
470 project.SetDebugLibDirs(wxStringList("../../../../src/Debug", "../../win/Debug", 0));
471 project.SetReleaseLibDirs(wxStringList("../../../../src/Release", "../../win/Release", 0));
472 project.SetExtraLibs(wxStringList("glcanvas.lib", "opengl32.lib", "glu32.lib", 0));
474 project.SetProjectName("IsoSurfVC");
475 project.SetTargetName("isosurf");
476 project.SetProjectPath(dir + wxString("/utils/glcanvas/samples/isosurf"));
477 project.SetSourceFiles(wxStringList("isosurf.cpp", "isosurf.h",
478 0));
480 if (!project.GenerateVCProject())
481 {
482 wxString msg("Could not generate GLCanvas IsoSurf project");
483 wxMessageBox(msg);
484 }
486 // GLCanvas penguin sample
488 project.SetIncludeDirs(wxStringList("../../../../include", "../../win", 0));
489 project.SetResourceIncludeDirs(wxStringList("../../../../include", 0));
490 project.SetLibDirs(wxStringList("../../../../lib", 0));
491 project.SetDebugLibDirs(wxStringList("../../../../src/Debug", "../../win/Debug", 0));
492 project.SetReleaseLibDirs(wxStringList("../../../../src/Release", "../../win/Release", 0));
493 project.SetExtraLibs(wxStringList("glcanvas.lib", "opengl32.lib", "glu32.lib", 0));
495 project.SetProjectName("PenguinVC");
496 project.SetTargetName("penguin");
497 project.SetProjectPath(dir + wxString("/utils/glcanvas/samples/penguin"));
498 project.SetSourceFiles(wxStringList("penguin.cpp", "penguin.h",
499 "lw.cpp", "lw.h",
500 "trackball.c", "trackball.h",
501 0));
503 if (!project.GenerateVCProject())
504 {
505 wxString msg("Could not generate GLCanvas Penguin project");
506 wxMessageBox(msg);
507 }
508 }
510 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
511 // main frame
512 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
514 // frame constructor
515 MyFrame::MyFrame(const wxString& title, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size)
516 : wxFrame((wxFrame *)NULL, -1, title, pos, size)
517 {
518 // set the frame icon
519 SetIcon(wxICON(mondrian));
521 // create a menu bar
522 wxMenu *menuFile = new wxMenu;
524 menuFile->Append(MakeProject_Generate, "&Generate");
525 menuFile->Append(MakeProject_About, "&About...");
526 menuFile->AppendSeparator();
527 menuFile->Append(MakeProject_Quit, "E&xit");
529 // now append the freshly created menu to the menu bar...
530 wxMenuBar *menuBar = new wxMenuBar;
531 menuBar->Append(menuFile, "&File");
533 // ... and attach this menu bar to the frame
534 SetMenuBar(menuBar);
536 // create a status bar just for fun (by default with 1 pane only)
537 CreateStatusBar(2);
538 SetStatusText("Welcome to wxWindows!");
539 }
542 // event handlers
544 void MyFrame::OnQuit(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
545 {
546 // TRUE is to force the frame to close
547 Close(TRUE);
548 }
550 void MyFrame::OnAbout(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
551 {
552 wxMessageBox("MakeProject: generates VC++ project files",
553 "About MakeProject", wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION, this);
554 }
556 void MyFrame::OnGenerate(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
557 {
558 wxGetApp().GenerateSamples("d:/wx2/wxWindows");
559 }
561 bool MyFrame::GenerateSample(const wxString& projectName, const wxString& targetName,
562 const wxString& path, const wxStringList& sourceFiles, const wxString& relativeRootPath)
563 {
564 return wxGetApp().GenerateSample(projectName, targetName, path, sourceFiles, relativeRootPath);
565 }
567 /*
568 * wxProject
569 */
571 wxProject::wxProject()
572 {
573 }
575 wxProject::~wxProject()
576 {
577 }
580 bool wxProject::GenerateVCProject()
581 {
582 wxString fullProjectName = m_path + wxString("/") + m_projectName + ".dsp";
584 ofstream stream(fullProjectName);
585 if (stream.bad())
586 return FALSE;
588 /////////////////////// General stuff
590 stream << "# Microsoft Developer Studio Project File - Name=\"" << m_projectName << "\" - Package Owner=<4>\n";
591 stream << "# Microsoft Developer Studio Generated Build File, Format Version 5.00\n";
592 stream << "# (Actually, generated by MakeProject, (c) Julian Smart, 1998)\n";
593 stream << "# ** DO NOT EDIT **\n\n";
594 stream << "# TARGTYPE \"Win32 (x86) Application\" 0x0101\n\n";
595 stream << "CFG=" << m_projectName << " - Win32 Debug\n";
596 stream << "!MESSAGE This is not a valid makefile. To build this project using NMAKE,\n";
597 stream << "!MESSAGE use the Export Makefile command and run\n";
598 stream << "!MESSAGE\n";
599 stream << "!MESSAGE NMAKE /f \"" << m_projectName << ".mak\".\n";
600 stream << "!MESSAGE\n";
601 stream << "!MESSAGE You can specify a configuration when running NMAKE\n";
602 stream << "!MESSAGE by defining the macro CFG on the command line. For example:\n";
603 stream << "!MESSAGE\n";
604 stream << "!MESSAGE NMAKE /f \"" << m_projectName << ".mak\" CFG=\"" << m_projectName << " - Win32 Debug\"\n";
605 stream << "!MESSAGE\n";
606 stream << "!MESSAGE Possible choices for configuration are:\n";
607 stream << "!MESSAGE\n";
608 stream << "!MESSAGE \"" << m_projectName << " - Win32 Release\" (based on \"Win32 (x86) Application\")\n";
609 stream << "!MESSAGE \"" << m_projectName << " - Win32 Debug\" (based on \"Win32 (x86) Application\")\n";
610 stream << "!MESSAGE \"" << m_projectName << " - Win32 Debug DLL\" (based on \"Win32 (x86) Application\")\n";
611 stream << "!MESSAGE \"" << m_projectName << " - Win32 Release DLL\" (based on \"Win32 (x86) Application\")\n";
612 stream << "!MESSAGE\n";
613 stream << "\n";
614 stream << "# Begin Project\n";
615 stream << "# PROP Scc_ProjName \"\"\n";
616 stream << "# PROP Scc_LocalPath \"\"\n";
617 stream << "CPP=cl.exe\n";
618 stream << "MTL=midl.exe\n";
619 stream << "RSC=rc.exe\n";
620 stream << "\n";
622 /////////////////////// Win32 Release target
624 stream << "!IF \"$(CFG)\" == \"" << m_projectName << " - Win32 Release\"\n";
625 stream << "\n";
626 stream << "# PROP BASE Use_MFC 0\n";
627 stream << "# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 0\n";
628 stream << "# PROP BASE Output_Dir \"Release\"\n";
629 stream << "# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir \"Release\"\n";
630 stream << "# PROP BASE Target_Dir \"\"\n";
631 stream << "# PROP Use_MFC 0\n";
632 stream << "# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 0\n";
633 stream << "# PROP Output_Dir \"Release\"\n";
634 stream << "# PROP Intermediate_Dir \"Release\"\n";
635 stream << "# PROP Ignore_Export_Lib 0\n";
636 stream << "# PROP Target_Dir \"\"\n";
637 stream << "# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /W3 /GX /O2 /D \"WIN32\" /D \"NDEBUG\" /D \"_WINDOWS\" /YX /FD /c\n";
638 stream << "# ADD CPP /nologo /MD /W3 /GX /O1 /Ob2";
640 int n = m_includeDirs.Number();
641 int i;
642 for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
643 {
644 wxString includeDir = m_includeDirs[i];
645 stream << " /I \"" << includeDir << "\"";
646 }
648 stream << " /D \"NDEBUG\" /D \"WIN32\" /D \"_WINDOWS\" /D \"__WINDOWS__\" /D \"__WXMSW__\" /D \"__WIN95__\" /D \"__WIN32__\" /D WINVER=0x0400 /D \"STRICT\" /FD /c\n";
649 stream << "# SUBTRACT CPP /YX\n";
650 stream << "# ADD BASE MTL /nologo /D \"NDEBUG\" /mktyplib203 /o NUL /win32\n";
651 stream << "# ADD MTL /nologo /D \"NDEBUG\" /mktyplib203 /o NUL /win32\n";
652 stream << "# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x809 /d \"NDEBUG\"\n";
653 stream << "# ADD RSC /l 0x809 /d \"NDEBUG\"\n";
654 stream << "BSC32=bscmake.exe\n";
655 stream << "# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo\n";
656 stream << "# ADD BSC32 /nologo\n";
657 stream << "LINK32=link.exe\n";
658 stream << "# ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /subsystem:windows /machine:I386\n";
659 stream << "# ADD LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib comctl32.lib rpcrt4.lib wxvc.lib jpeg.lib ";
660 n = m_extraLibs.Number();
661 for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
662 {
663 wxString lib = m_extraLibs[i];
664 stream << lib << " ";
665 }
667 stream << "/nologo /subsystem:windows /machine:I386 /nodefaultlib:\"libc.lib,libci.lib,msvcrtd.lib\" /out:\"Release/" << m_targetName << ".exe\"";
669 n = m_releaseLibDirs.Number();
670 for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
671 {
672 wxString libDir = m_releaseLibDirs[i];
673 stream << " /libpath:\"" << libDir << "\"";
674 }
675 n = m_libDirs.Number();
676 for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
677 {
678 wxString libDir = m_libDirs[i];
679 stream << " /libpath:\"" << libDir << "\"";
680 }
681 stream << "\n";
682 stream << "\n";
684 /////////////////////// Win32 Debug target
686 stream << "!ELSEIF \"$(CFG)\" == \"" << m_projectName << " - Win32 Debug\"\n";
687 stream << "\n";
688 stream << "# PROP BASE Use_MFC 0\n";
689 stream << "# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 1\n";
690 stream << "# PROP BASE Output_Dir \"Debug\"\n";
691 stream << "# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir \"Debug\"\n";
692 stream << "# PROP BASE Target_Dir \"\"\n";
693 stream << "# PROP Use_MFC 0\n";
694 stream << "# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 1\n";
695 stream << "# PROP Output_Dir \"Debug\"\n";
696 stream << "# PROP Intermediate_Dir \"Debug\"\n";
697 stream << "# PROP Ignore_Export_Lib 0\n";
698 stream << "# PROP Target_Dir \"\"\n";
699 stream << "# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /W3 /Gm /GX /Zi /Od /D \"WIN32\" /D \"_DEBUG\" /D \"_WINDOWS\" /YX /FD /c\n";
700 stream << "# ADD CPP /nologo /MDd /W3 /Gm /GX /Zi /Od";
702 n = m_includeDirs.Number();
703 for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
704 {
705 wxString includeDir = m_includeDirs[i];
706 stream << " /I \"" << includeDir << "\"";
707 }
709 stream << " /D \"WIN32\" /D \"_DEBUG\" /D \"_WINDOWS\" /D \"__WINDOWS__\" /D \"__WXMSW__\" /D DEBUG=1 /D \"__WXDEBUG__\" /D \"__WIN95__\" /D \"__WIN32__\" /D WINVER=0x0400 /D \"STRICT\" /Yu\"wx/wxprec.h\" /FD /c\n";
710 stream << "# ADD BASE MTL /nologo /D \"_DEBUG\" /mktyplib203 /o NUL /win32\n";
711 stream << "# ADD MTL /nologo /D \"_DEBUG\" /mktyplib203 /o NUL /win32\n";
712 stream << "# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x809 /d \"_DEBUG\"\n";
713 stream << "# ADD RSC /l 0x809 /d \"_DEBUG\"\n";
714 stream << "BSC32=bscmake.exe\n";
715 stream << "# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo\n";
716 stream << "# ADD BSC32 /nologo\n";
717 stream << "LINK32=link.exe\n";
718 stream << "# ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /subsystem:windows /debug /machine:I386 /pdbtype:sept\n";
719 stream << "# ADD LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib comctl32.lib rpcrt4.lib wxvc.lib jpeg.lib ";
720 n = m_extraLibs.Number();
721 for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
722 {
723 wxString lib = m_extraLibs[i];
724 stream << lib << " ";
725 }
726 stream << "/nologo /subsystem:windows /debug /machine:I386 /nodefaultlib:\"libcd.lib,libcid.lib,msvcrt.lib\" /out:\"Debug/" << m_targetName << ".exe\" /pdbtype:sept";
728 n = m_debugLibDirs.Number();
729 for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
730 {
731 wxString libDir = m_debugLibDirs[i];
732 stream << " /libpath:\"" << libDir << "\"";
733 }
734 n = m_libDirs.Number();
735 for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
736 {
737 wxString libDir = m_libDirs[i];
738 stream << " /libpath:\"" << libDir << "\"";
739 }
740 stream << "\n";
741 stream << "\n";
742 // stream << "!ENDIF\n";
743 // stream << "\n";
745 /////////////////////// Win32 Debug DLL target
747 stream << "!ELSEIF \"$(CFG)\" == \"" << m_projectName << " - Win32 Debug DLL\"\n";
748 stream << "\n";
749 stream << "# PROP BASE Use_MFC 0\n";
750 stream << "# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 1\n";
751 stream << "# PROP BASE Output_Dir \"DebugDLL\"\n";
752 stream << "# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir \"DebugDLL\"\n";
753 stream << "# PROP BASE Target_Dir \"\"\n";
754 stream << "# PROP Use_MFC 0\n";
755 stream << "# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 1\n";
756 stream << "# PROP Output_Dir \"DebugDLL\"\n";
757 stream << "# PROP Intermediate_Dir \"DebugDLL\"\n";
758 stream << "# PROP Ignore_Export_Lib 0\n";
759 stream << "# PROP Target_Dir \"\"\n";
760 stream << "# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /W3 /Gm /GX /Zi /Od /D \"WIN32\" /D \"_DEBUG\" /D \"_WINDOWS\" /YX /FD /c\n";
761 stream << "# ADD CPP /nologo /MDd /W3 /Gm /GX /Zi /Od";
763 n = m_includeDirs.Number();
764 for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
765 {
766 wxString includeDir = m_includeDirs[i];
767 stream << " /I \"" << includeDir << "\"";
768 }
770 stream << " /D \"WIN32\" /D \"_DEBUG\" /D \"_WINDOWS\" /D \"__WINDOWS__\" /D \"__WXMSW__\" /D DEBUG=1 /D \"__WXDEBUG__\" /D \"__WIN95__\" /D \"__WIN32__\" /D WINVER=0x0400 /D \"STRICT\" /D WXUSINGDLL=1 /Yu\"wx/wxprec.h\" /FD /c\n";
771 stream << "# ADD BASE MTL /nologo /D \"_DEBUG\" /mktyplib203 /o NUL /win32\n";
772 stream << "# ADD MTL /nologo /D \"_DEBUG\" /mktyplib203 /o NUL /win32\n";
773 stream << "# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x809 /d \"_DEBUG\"\n";
774 stream << "# ADD RSC /l 0x809 /d \"_DEBUG\"\n";
775 stream << "BSC32=bscmake.exe\n";
776 stream << "# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo\n";
777 stream << "# ADD BSC32 /nologo\n";
778 stream << "LINK32=link.exe\n";
779 stream << "# ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /subsystem:windows /debug /machine:I386 /pdbtype:sept\n";
780 stream << "# ADD LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib comctl32.lib rpcrt4.lib wxvc.lib ";
781 n = m_extraLibs.Number();
782 for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
783 {
784 wxString lib = m_extraLibs[i];
785 stream << lib << " ";
786 }
787 stream << "/nologo /subsystem:windows /debug /machine:I386 /nodefaultlib:\"libcd.lib\" /nodefaultlib:\"libcid.lib\" /out:\"DebugDLL/" << m_targetName << ".exe\" /pdbtype:sept";
789 n = m_debugLibDirs.Number();
790 for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
791 {
792 wxString libDir = m_debugLibDirs[i];
793 libDir += "DLL"; // Assume that we have e.g. Debug so make it DebugDLL
794 stream << " /libpath:\"" << libDir << "\"";
795 }
796 n = m_libDirs.Number();
797 for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
798 {
799 wxString libDir = m_libDirs[i];
800 stream << " /libpath:\"" << libDir << "\"";
801 }
802 stream << "\n";
803 stream << "\n";
804 // stream << "!ENDIF\n";
805 // stream << "\n";
807 /////////////////////// Win32 Release DLL target
809 stream << "!ELSEIF \"$(CFG)\" == \"" << m_projectName << " - Win32 Release DLL\"\n";
810 stream << "\n";
811 stream << "# PROP BASE Use_MFC 0\n";
812 stream << "# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 0\n";
813 stream << "# PROP BASE Output_Dir \"ReleaseDLL\"\n";
814 stream << "# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir \"ReleaseDLL\"\n";
815 stream << "# PROP BASE Target_Dir \"\"\n";
816 stream << "# PROP Use_MFC 0\n";
817 stream << "# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 0\n";
818 stream << "# PROP Output_Dir \"ReleaseDLL\"\n";
819 stream << "# PROP Intermediate_Dir \"ReleaseDLL\"\n";
820 stream << "# PROP Ignore_Export_Lib 0\n";
821 stream << "# PROP Target_Dir \"\"\n";
822 stream << "# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /W3 /GX /O2 /D \"WIN32\" /D \"NDEBUG\" /D \"_WINDOWS\" /YX /FD /c\n";
823 stream << "# ADD CPP /nologo /MD /W3 /GX /O1 /Ob2";
825 n = m_includeDirs.Number();
826 for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
827 {
828 wxString includeDir = m_includeDirs[i];
829 stream << " /I \"" << includeDir << "\"";
830 }
832 stream << " /D \"NDEBUG\" /D \"WIN32\" /D \"_WINDOWS\" /D \"__WINDOWS__\" /D \"__WXMSW__\" /D \"__WIN95__\" /D \"__WIN32__\" /D WINVER=0x0400 /D \"STRICT\" /D WXUSINGDLL=1 /FD /c\n";
833 stream << "# SUBTRACT CPP /YX\n";
834 stream << "# ADD BASE MTL /nologo /D \"NDEBUG\" /mktyplib203 /o NUL /win32\n";
835 stream << "# ADD MTL /nologo /D \"NDEBUG\" /mktyplib203 /o NUL /win32\n";
836 stream << "# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x809 /d \"NDEBUG\"\n";
837 stream << "# ADD RSC /l 0x809 /d \"NDEBUG\"\n";
838 stream << "BSC32=bscmake.exe\n";
839 stream << "# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo\n";
840 stream << "# ADD BSC32 /nologo\n";
841 stream << "LINK32=link.exe\n";
842 stream << "# ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /subsystem:windows /machine:I386\n";
843 stream << "# ADD LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib comctl32.lib rpcrt4.lib wxvc.lib ";
844 n = m_extraLibs.Number();
845 for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
846 {
847 wxString lib = m_extraLibs[i];
848 stream << lib << " ";
849 }
850 stream << "/nologo /subsystem:windows /machine:I386 /nodefaultlib:\"libc.lib\" /nodefaultlib:\"libci.lib\" /out:\"ReleaseDLL/" << m_targetName << ".exe\"";
852 n = m_releaseLibDirs.Number();
853 for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
854 {
855 wxString libDir = m_releaseLibDirs[i];
856 libDir += "DLL"; // Assume that we have e.g. Release so make it ReleaseDLL
857 stream << " /libpath:\"" << libDir << "\"";
858 }
859 n = m_libDirs.Number();
860 for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
861 {
862 wxString libDir = m_libDirs[i];
863 stream << " /libpath:\"" << libDir << "\"";
864 }
865 stream << "\n";
866 stream << "\n";
867 stream << "!ENDIF\n";
868 stream << "\n";
870 /////////////////////// Source code for targets
872 stream << "# Begin Target\n";
873 stream << "\n";
874 stream << "# Name \"" << m_projectName << " - Win32 Release\"\n";
875 stream << "# Name \"" << m_projectName << " - Win32 Debug\"\n";
876 stream << "# Name \"" << m_projectName << " - Win32 Debug DLL\"\n";
877 stream << "# Name \"" << m_projectName << " - Win32 Release DLL\"\n";
879 // C++ source files
880 n = m_sourceFiles.Number();
881 for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
882 {
883 wxString sourceFile = m_sourceFiles[i];
885 stream << "# Begin Source File\n";
886 stream << "\n";
887 stream << "SOURCE=.\\" << sourceFile << "\n";
888 stream << "\n";
889 stream << "!IF \"$(CFG)\" == \"" << m_projectName << " - Win32 Release\"\n";
890 stream << "\n";
891 stream << "!ELSEIF \"$(CFG)\" == \"" << m_projectName << " - Win32 Debug\"\n";
892 stream << "\n";
893 stream << "# SUBTRACT CPP /YX /Yc /Yu\n";
894 stream << "\n";
895 stream << "!ELSEIF \"$(CFG)\" == \"" << m_projectName << " - Win32 Debug DLL\"\n";
896 stream << "\n";
897 stream << "# SUBTRACT BASE CPP /YX /Yc /Yu\n";
898 stream << "# SUBTRACT CPP /YX /Yc /Yu\n";
899 stream << "\n";
900 stream << "!ELSEIF \"$(CFG)\" == \"" << m_projectName << " - Win32 Release DLL\"\n";
901 stream << "\n";
902 stream << "!ENDIF\n";
903 stream << "\n";
904 stream << "# End Source File\n";
905 }
907 // The .rc file: assume it has the target name + rc extension.
908 stream << "# Begin Source File\n";
909 stream << "\n";
910 stream << "SOURCE=.\\" << m_targetName << ".rc\n";
911 stream << "# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x809\n";
912 stream << "# ADD RSC /l 0x809";
914 n = m_resourceIncludeDirs.Number();
915 for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
916 {
917 wxString includeDir = m_resourceIncludeDirs[i];
918 stream << " /i \"" << includeDir << "\"";
919 }
921 stream << "\n";
922 stream << "# End Source File\n";
923 stream << "# End Target\n";
924 stream << "# End Project\n";
926 // Now generate the .dsw workspace file
928 wxString fullWorkSpaceName = m_path + wxString("/") + m_projectName + ".dsw";
930 ofstream stream2(fullWorkSpaceName);
931 if (stream2.bad())
932 return FALSE;
934 stream2 << "Microsoft Developer Studio Workspace File, Format Version 5.00\n";
936 stream2 << "\n";
937 stream2 << "###############################################################################\n";
938 stream2 << "\n";
939 stream2 << "Project: \"" << m_projectName << "\"=.\\" << m_projectName << ".dsp - Package Owner=<4>\n";
940 stream2 << "\n";
941 stream2 << "Package=<5>\n";
942 stream2 << "{{{\n";
943 stream2 << "}}}\n";
944 stream2 << "\n";
945 stream2 << "Package=<4>\n";
946 stream2 << "{{{\n";
947 stream2 << "}}}\n";
948 stream2 << "\n";
949 stream2 << "###############################################################################\n";
950 stream2 << "\n";
951 stream2 << "Global:\n";
952 stream2 << "\n";
953 stream2 << "Package=<5>\n";
954 stream2 << "{{{\n";
955 stream2 << "}}}\n";
956 stream2 << "\n";
957 stream2 << "Package=<3>\n";
958 stream2 << "{{{\n";
959 stream2 << "}}}\n";
960 stream2 << "\n";
961 stream2 << "###############################################################################\n";
962 stream2 << "\n";
964 return TRUE;
965 }
967 BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(MyDialog, wxDialog)
968 EVT_BUTTON(wxID_EXIT, MyDialog::OnQuit)
970 EVT_BUTTON(ID_GENERATE_SAMPLES, MyDialog::OnGenerateSamples)
973 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
974 // main frame
975 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
977 // frame constructor
978 MyDialog::MyDialog(const wxString& title, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size):
979 wxDialog()
980 {
981 LoadFromResource((wxWindow*) NULL, "project_dialog");
983 }
985 void MyDialog::OnQuit(wxCommandEvent& event)
986 {
987 this->Destroy();
988 }
990 void MyDialog::OnAbout(wxCommandEvent& event)
991 {
992 }
994 void MyDialog::OnGenerate(wxCommandEvent& event)
995 {
996 }
998 void MyDialog::OnGenerateSamples(wxCommandEvent& event)
999 {
1000 char* dir = getenv("WXWIN");
1001 wxString dirStr;
1002 if (dir)
1003 dirStr = dir;
1004 wxTextEntryDialog dialog(this, "Please enter the wxWindows directory", "Text entry", dirStr, wxOK|wxCANCEL);
1005 if (dialog.ShowModal() == wxID_OK)
1006 {
1007 if (wxDirExists(dialog.GetValue()))
1008 {
1009 // wxGetApp().GenerateSample("MinimalVC", "minimal", dir + wxString("/samples/minimal"),
1010 // wxStringList("minimal.cpp", 0));
1012 wxGetApp().GenerateSamples(dialog.GetValue());
1013 }
1014 else
1015 {
1016 wxMessageBox("This directory doesn't exist.");
1017 }
1018 }
1019 }