]> git.saurik.com Git - wxWidgets.git/blob - wxPython/docs/BUILD.html
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[wxWidgets.git] / wxPython / docs / BUILD.html
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7 <title>Building wxPython 2.5 for Development and Testing</title>
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10 <body>
11 <div class="document" id="building-wxpython-2-5-for-development-and-testing">
12 <h1 class="title">Building wxPython 2.5 for Development and Testing</h1>
13 <p>This file describes how I build wxWidgets and wxPython while doing
14 development and testing, and is meant to help other people that want
15 to do the same thing. I'll assume that you are using either a CVS
16 snapshot from <a class="reference" href="http://wxWidgets.org/snapshots/">http://wxWidgets.org/snapshots/</a>, a checkout from CVS, or
17 one of the released wxPythonSrc-2.5.* tarballs. I'll also assume that
18 you know your way around your system, the compiler, etc. and most
19 importantly, that you know what you are doing! ;-)</p>
20 <p>If you want to also install the version of wxPython you build to be in
21 your site-packages dir and be your default version of wxPython, then a
22 few additional steps are needed, and you may want to use slightly
23 different options. See the <a class="reference" href="INSTALL.html">INSTALL</a> document for more details. If
24 you only use the instructions in this <a class="reference" href="BUILD.html">BUILD</a> document file then you
25 will end up with a separate installation of wxPython and you can
26 switch back and forth between this and the release version that you
27 may already have installed.</p>
28 <p>If you want to make changes to any of the <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">*.i</span></tt> files, (SWIG interface
29 definition files,) or to regenerate the extension sources or renamer
30 modules, then you will need an up to date version of SWIG. Either get
31 and build the current CVS version, or version 1.3.20, and then apply
32 the patches in wxPython/SWIG. See the README.txt in that dir for
33 details about each patch and also info about those that may already
34 have been applied to the SWIG sources. If you install this build of
35 SWIG to a location that is not on the PATH (so it doesn't interfere
36 with an existing SWIG install for example) then you can set a setup.py
37 command-line variable named SWIG to be the full path name of the
38 executable and the wxPython build will use it. See below for an
39 example.</p>
40 <p>In the text below I'll use WXDIR with environment variable syntax
41 (either $WXDIR or %WXDIR%) to refer to the top level directory were
42 your wxWidgerts and wxPython sources are located. It will equate to
43 whereever you checked out the wxWidgets module from CVS, or untarred
44 the wxPythonSrc tarball to. You can either substitute the $WXDIR text
45 below with your actual dir, or set the value in the environment and
46 use it just like you see it below.</p>
47 <p>If you run into what appears to be compatibility issues between
48 wxWidgets and wxPython while building wxPython, be sure you are using
49 the wxWidgets sources included with the wxPythonSrc tarball or the CVS
50 snapshot, and not a previously installed version or a version
51 installed from one of the standard wxWidgets installers. With the
52 &quot;unstable&quot; releases (have a odd-numbered minor release value, where
53 the APIs are allowed to change) there are often significant
54 differences between the W.X.Y release of wxWidgets and the W.X.Y.Z
55 release of wxPython.</p>
56 <div class="section" id="building-on-unix-like-systems-e-g-linux-and-os-x">
57 <h1><a name="building-on-unix-like-systems-e-g-linux-and-os-x">Building on Unix-like Systems (e.g. Linux and OS X)</a></h1>
58 <p>These platforms are built almost the same way while in development
59 so I'll combine the descriptions about their build process here.
60 First we will build wxWidgets and install it to an out of the way
61 place, then do the same for wxPython.</p>
62 <ol class="arabic">
63 <li><p class="first">Create a build directory in the main wxWidgets dir, and configure
64 wxWidgets. If you want to have multiple builds with different
65 configure options, just use different subdirectories. I normally
66 put the configure command in a script named &quot;.configure&quot; in each
67 build dir so I can easily blow away everything in the build dir and
68 rerun the script without having to remember the options I used
69 before:</p>
70 <pre class="literal-block">
71 cd $WXDIR
72 mkdir bld
73 cd bld
74 ../configure --prefix=/opt/wx/2.5 \
75 --with-gtk \
76 --with-opengl \
77 --enable-debug \
78 --enable-geometry \
79 --enable-sound --with-sdl \
80 --enable-display \
81 </pre>
82 <p>On OS X of course you'll want to use --with-mac instead of
83 --with-gtk.</p>
84 <p><strong>NOTE</strong>: Due to a recent change there is a dependency problem in the
85 multilib builds of wxWidgets on OSX, so I have switched to a
86 monolithic build on that platform. (IOW, all of the core code in
87 one shared library instead of several.) I would also expect other
88 unix builds to do just fine with a monolithic library, but I havn't
89 tested it in a while so your mileage may vary. Anyway, to switch
90 to the monolithic build of wxWidgets just add this configure flag:</p>
91 <pre class="literal-block">
92 --enable-monolithic \
93 </pre>
94 <p>By default GTK2 will be selected if it is on your build system. To
95 force the use of GTK 1.2.x add this flag:</p>
96 <pre class="literal-block">
97 --disable-gtk2 \
98 </pre>
99 <p>To make the wxWidgets build be Unicode enabled (strongly
100 recommended if you are building with GTK2) then add:</p>
101 <pre class="literal-block">
102 --enable-unicode \
103 </pre>
104 <p>Notice that I used a prefix of /opt/wx/2.5. You can use whatever
105 path you want, such as a path in your HOME dir or even one of the
106 standard prefix paths such as /usr or /usr/local if you like, but
107 using /opt this way lets me easily have multiple versions and ports
108 of wxWidgets &quot;installed&quot; and makes it easy to switch between them,
109 without impacting any versions of wxWidgets that may have been
110 installed via an RPM or whatever. For the rest of the steps below
111 be sure to also substitute &quot;/opt/wx/2.5&quot; with whatever prefix you
112 choose for your build.</p>
113 <p>If you want to use the image and zlib libraries included with
114 wxWidgets instead of those already installed on your system, (for
115 example, to reduce dependencies on 3rd party libraries) then you
116 can add these flags to the configure command:</p>
117 <pre class="literal-block">
118 --with-libjpeg=builtin \
119 --with-libpng=builtin \
120 --with-libtiff=builtin \
121 --with-zlib=builtin \
122 </pre>
123 </li>
124 <li><p class="first">To build and install wxWidgets you could just use the &quot;make&quot;
125 command but there are other libraries besides the main wxWidgets
126 libs that also need to be built so again I make a script to do it
127 all for me so I don't forget anything. This time it is called
128 &quot;.make&quot; (I use the leading &quot;. so when I do <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">rm</span> <span class="pre">-r</span> <span class="pre">*</span></tt> in my build
129 dir I don't lose my scripts too.) This is what it looks like:</p>
130 <pre class="literal-block">
131 make $* \
132 &amp;&amp; make -C contrib/src/gizmos $* \
133 &amp;&amp; make -C contrib/src/ogl CXXFLAGS=&quot;-DwxUSE_DEPRECATED=0&quot; $* \
134 &amp;&amp; make -C contrib/src/stc $* \
135 &amp;&amp; make -C contrib/src/xrc $*
136 </pre>
137 <p>So you just use .make as if it where make, but don't forget to set
138 the execute bit on .make first!:</p>
139 <pre class="literal-block">
140 .make
141 .make install
142 </pre>
143 <p>When it's done you should have an installed set of files under
144 /opt/wx/2.5 containing just wxWidgets. Now to use this version of
145 wxWidgets you just need to add /opt/wx/2.5/bin to the PATH and set
146 LD_LIBRARY_PATH (or DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH on OS X) to /opt/wx/2.5/lib.</p>
147 </li>
148 <li><p class="first">I also have a script to help me build wxPython and it is checked in
149 to the CVS as wxWidgets/wxPython/b, but you probably don't want to
150 use it as it's very cryptic and expects that you want to run SWIG,
151 so if you don't have the latest patched up version of SWIG then
152 you'll probably get stuck. So I'll just give the raw commands
153 instead.</p>
154 <p>We're not going to install the development version of wxPython with
155 these commands, so it won't impact your already installed version
156 of the latest release. You'll be able test with this version when
157 you want to, and use the installed release version the rest of the
158 time. If you want to install the development version please read
159 INSTALL.txt.</p>
160 <p>If you have more than one version of Python on your system then be
161 sure to use the version of Python that you want to use when running
162 wxPython programs to run the setup.py commands below. I'll be
163 using python2.3.</p>
164 <p>Make sure that the first wx-config found on the PATH is the one you
165 installed above, and then change to the $WXDIR/wxPython dir and
166 run the this command:</p>
167 <pre class="literal-block">
168 cd $WXDIR/wxPython
169 python2.3 setup.py build_ext --inplace --debug
170 </pre>
171 <p>If your new wx-config script is not on the PATH, or there is some
172 other version of it found first, then you can add this to the
173 command line to ensure your new one is used instead:</p>
174 <pre class="literal-block">
175 WX_CONFIG=/opt/wx/2.5/bin/wx-config
176 </pre>
177 <p>By default setup.py will assume that you built wxWidgets to use
178 GTK2. If you built wxWidgets to use GTK 1.2.x then you should add
179 this flag to the command-line:</p>
180 <pre class="literal-block">
181 WXPORT=gtk2
182 </pre>
183 <p>If you would like to do a Unicode enabled build (all strings sent
184 to or retruned from wx functions are Unicode objects) and your
185 wxWidgets was built with unicode enabled then add this flag:</p>
186 <pre class="literal-block">
188 </pre>
189 <p>If you are wanting to have the source files regenerated with swig,
190 then you need to turn on the USE_SWIG flag and optionally tell it
191 where to find the new swig executable, so add these flags:</p>
192 <pre class="literal-block">
193 USE_SWIG=1 SWIG=/opt/swig/bin/swig
194 </pre>
195 <p>If you get errors about being unable to find libGLU, wxGLCanvas
196 being undeclared, or something similar then you can add
197 BUILD_GLCANVAS=0 to the setup.py command line to disable the
198 building of the glcanvas module.</p>
199 <p>When the setup.py command is done you should have fully populated
200 wxPython and wx packages locally in $WXDIR/wxPython/wxPython and
201 $WXDIR/wxPython/wx, with all the extension modules (<tt class="literal"><span class="pre">*.so</span></tt> files)
202 located in the wx package.</p>
203 </li>
204 <li><p class="first">To run code with the development version of wxPython, just set the
205 PYTHONPATH to the wxPython dir located in the source tree. For
206 example:</p>
207 <pre class="literal-block">
208 export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/wx/2.5/lib
209 export PYTHONPATH=$WXDIR/wxPython
210 cd $WXDIR/wxPython/demo
211 python2.3 demo.py
212 </pre>
213 <p>OS X NOTE: You need to use &quot;pythonw&quot; on the command line to run
214 wxPython applications. This version of the Python executable is
215 part of the Python Framework and is allowed to interact with the
216 display. You can also double click on a .py or a .pyw file from
217 the finder (assuming that the PythonLauncher app is associated with
218 these file extensions) and it will launch the Framework version of
219 Python for you. For information about creating Applicaiton Bundles
220 of your wxPython apps please see the wiki and the mail lists.</p>
221 <p>SOLARIS NOTE: If you get unresolved symbol errors when importing
222 wxPython and you are running on Solaris and building with gcc, then
223 you may be able to work around the problem by uncommenting a bit of
224 code in setup.py and building again. Look for 'SunOS' in setup.py
225 and uncomment the block containing it. The problem is that Sun's ld
226 does not automatically add libgcc to the link step.</p>
227 </li>
228 </ol>
229 </div>
230 <div class="section" id="building-on-windows">
231 <h1><a name="building-on-windows">Building on Windows</a></h1>
232 <p>The Windows builds currently require the use of Microsoft Visual C++.
233 Theoretically, other compilers (such as mingw32 or the Borland
234 compilers) can also be used but I've never done the work to make that
235 happen. If you want to try that then first you'll want to find out if
236 there are any tricks that have to be done to make Python extension
237 modules using that compiler, and then make a few changes to setup.py
238 to accomodate that. (And send the patches to me.) If you plan on
239 using VisualStudio.Net (a.k.a. MSVC 7.1) keep in mind that you'll also
240 have to build Python and any other extension modules that you use with
241 that compiler because a different version of the C runtime library is
242 used. The Python executable that comes from PythonLabs and the
243 wxPython extensions that I distribute are built with MSVC 6 with all
244 the Service Packs applied. This policy will change with Python 2.4
245 and MSVC 7.1 will be used starting with that version.</p>
246 <p>If you want to build a debuggable version of wxWidgets and wxPython you
247 will need to have also built a debug version of Python and any other
248 extension modules you need to use. You can tell if you have them
249 already if there is a _d in the file names, for example python_d.exe
250 or python23_d.dll. If you don't need to trace through the C/C++ parts
251 of the code with the debugger then building the normal (or hybrid)
252 version is fine, and you can use the regular python executables with
253 it.</p>
254 <p>Just like the unix versions I also use some scripts to help me build
255 wxWidgets, but I use some non-standard stuff to do it. So if you have
256 bash (cygwin or probably MSYS too) or 4NT plus unix-like cat and sed
257 programs then there is a copy of my wxWidgets build scripts in
258 %WXDIR%\wxPython\distrib\msw. Just copy them to
259 %WXDIR%\build\msw and you can use them to do your build, otherwise
260 you can do everything by hand as described below. But if you do work
261 by hand and something doesn't seem to be working correctly please
262 refer to the build scripts to see what may need to be done
263 differently.</p>
264 <p>The *.btm files are for 4NT and the others are for bash. They are:</p>
265 <pre class="literal-block">
266 .make/.make.btm Builds the main lib and the needed contribs
267 .mymake/.mymake.btm Builds just one lib, use by .make
268 .makesetup.mk A makefile that will copy and edit setup.h
269 as needed for the different types of builds
270 </pre>
271 <p>Okay. Here's what you've been waiting for, the instructions! Adapt
272 accordingly if you are using the bash shell.</p>
273 <ol class="arabic">
274 <li><p class="first">Set an environment variable to the root of the wxWidgets source
275 tree. This is used by the makefiles:</p>
276 <pre class="literal-block">
277 set WXWIN=%WXDIR%
278 </pre>
279 </li>
280 <li><p class="first">Copy setup0.h to setup.h:</p>
281 <pre class="literal-block">
282 cd %WXDIR%\include\wx\msw
283 copy setup0.h setup.h
284 </pre>
285 </li>
286 <li><p class="first">Edit %WXDIR%\include\wx\msw\setup.h and change a few settings:</p>
287 <pre class="literal-block">
296 </pre>
297 <p>If you are using my build scripts then a few more settings will be
298 changed and then a copy of setup.h is placed in a subdir of
299 %WXWIN%\libvc_dll. If you are doing it by hand and making a
300 UNICODE build, then also change these:</p>
301 <pre class="literal-block">
304 </pre>
305 <p>If you are doing a &quot;hybrid&quot; build (which is the same as the
306 binaries that I release) then also change these:</p>
307 <pre class="literal-block">
310 </pre>
311 </li>
312 <li><p class="first">Make sure that %WXDIR%\lib\vc_dll directory is on the PATH. The
313 wxWidgets DLLs will end up there as part of the build and so you'll
314 need it on the PATH for them to be found at runtime.</p>
315 </li>
316 <li><p class="first">Change to the %WXDIR%\build\msw directory</p>
317 <blockquote>
318 <p>cd %WXDIR%\build\msw</p>
319 </blockquote>
320 </li>
321 <li><p class="first">If using my scripts then use the .make.btm command to build
322 wxWidgets. It needs one command-line parameter which controls what
323 kind of build(s) to do. Use one of the following:</p>
324 <pre class="literal-block">
325 debug Build debug version
326 hybrid Build hybrid version
327 both Both debug and hybrid
328 debug-uni Build a debug unicode library
329 hybrid-uni Hybrid unicode (see the pattern yet? ;-)
330 both-uni and finally both unicode libraries
331 </pre>
332 <p>For example:</p>
333 <pre class="literal-block">
334 .make hybrid
335 </pre>
336 <p>You can also pass additional command line parameters as needed and
337 they will all be passed on to the nmake commands, for example to
338 clean up the build:</p>
339 <pre class="literal-block">
340 .make hybrid clean
341 </pre>
342 <p>If <em>not</em> using my scripts then you can do it by hand by directly
343 executing nmake with a bunch of extra command line parameters.
344 The base set are:</p>
345 <pre class="literal-block">
347 </pre>
348 <p>If doing a debug build then add:</p>
349 <pre class="literal-block">
350 BUILD=debug
351 </pre>
352 <p>otherwise add these:</p>
353 <pre class="literal-block">
355 </pre>
356 <p>If doing a Unicode build then add these flags:</p>
357 <pre class="literal-block">
359 </pre>
360 <p>Now, from the %WXDIR%\build\msw directory run nmake with your
361 selection of command-line flags as described above. Repeat this
362 same command from the following directories in order to build the
363 contrib libraries:</p>
364 <pre class="literal-block">
365 %WXDIR%\contrib\build\gizmos
366 %WXDIR%\contrib\build\xrc
367 %WXDIR%\contrib\build\stc
368 %WXDIR%\contrib\build\ogl
370 Note, that the ogl lib build will need an additional flag::
372 CPPFLAGS=&quot;-DwxUSE_DEPRECATED=0&quot;
373 </pre>
374 </li>
375 <li><p class="first">When that is all done it will have built the main wxWidgets DLLs
376 and also some of the contribs DLLs. There should be a ton of DLLs
377 and lots of lib files and other stuff in %WXDIR%\lib\vc_dll.</p>
378 </li>
379 <li><p class="first">Building wxPython on Windows is very similar to doing it for the
380 unix systems. We're not going to install the development version
381 of wxPython with these commands, so it won't impact your already
382 installed version of the latest release. You'll be able to test
383 with this version when you want to, and use the installed release
384 version the rest of the time. If you ever do want to install the
385 development version please refer to INSTALL.txt.</p>
386 <p>Change to the %WXDIR%\wxPython dir and run the this command,
387 making sure that you use the version of python that you want to
388 build for (if you have more than one on your system):</p>
389 <pre class="literal-block">
390 cd %WXDIR%\wxPython
391 python setup.py build_ext --inplace
392 </pre>
393 <p>If you are wanting to have the source files regenerated with swig,
394 then you need to turn on the USE_SWIG flag and optionally tell it
395 where to find the new swig executable, so add these flags:</p>
396 <pre class="literal-block">
397 USE_SWIG=1 SWIG=e:\projects\SWIG-cvs\swig.exe
398 </pre>
399 <p>If you built a Unicode version of wxWidgets and want to also build
400 the Unicode version of wxPython then add this flag:</p>
401 <pre class="literal-block">
403 </pre>
404 <p>If you have a debug version of Python and wxWidgets and want to
405 build a debug version of wxPython too, add the --debug flag to the
406 command line. You should then end up with a set of <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">*_d.pyd</span></tt>
407 files in the wx package and you'll have to run <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">python_d.exe</span></tt> to
408 use them. The debug and hybrid(release) versions can coexist.</p>
409 <p>When the setup.py command is done you should have fully populated
410 wxPython and wx packages locally in %WXDIR%/wxPython/wxPython and
411 %WXDIR%/wxPython/wx, with all the extension modules (<tt class="literal"><span class="pre">*.pyd</span></tt>
412 files) located in the wx package.</p>
413 </li>
414 <li><p class="first">To run code with the development version of wxPython, just set the
415 PYTHONPATH to the wxPython dir in the CVS tree. For example:</p>
416 <pre class="literal-block">
417 set PYTHONPATH=%WXDIR%\wxPython
418 cd %WXDIR\wxPython\demo
419 python demo.py
420 </pre>
421 </li>
422 </ol>
423 </div>
424 </div>
425 </body>
426 </html>