* wxStream: I've rewritten the inheritance
[wxWidgets.git] / include / wx / file.h
1 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 // Name: file.cpp
3 // Purpose: wxFile - encapsulates low-level "file descriptor"
4 // wxTempFile - safely replace the old file
5 // Author: Vadim Zeitlin
6 // Modified by:
7 // Created: 29/01/98
8 // RCS-ID: $Id$
9 // Copyright: (c) 1998 Vadim Zeitlin <zeitlin@dptmaths.ens-cachan.fr>
10 // Licence: wxWindows license
11 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
13 #ifndef __FILEH__
14 #define __FILEH__
16 #ifdef __GNUG__
17 #pragma interface "file.h"
18 #endif
20 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
21 // simple types
22 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
24 #include "wx/string.h"
25 #include "wx/filefn.h"
26 #include "wx/stream.h" // for wxSeekMode
28 // define off_t
29 #include <sys/types.h>
31 #ifdef _MSC_VER
32 #define off_t _off_t
33 #endif
35 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
36 // constants
37 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
39 // error return value for Seek() functions
40 const off_t ofsInvalid = (off_t)-1;
42 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
43 // class wxFile: raw file IO
44 //
45 // NB: for space efficiency this class has no virtual functions, including
46 // dtor which is _not_ virtual, so it shouldn't be used as a base class.
47 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
48 class WXDLLEXPORT wxFile
49 {
50 public:
51 // more file constants
52 // -------------------
54 // opening mode
55 enum OpenMode { read, write, read_write, write_append };
56 // standard values for file descriptor
57 enum { fd_invalid = -1, fd_stdin, fd_stdout, fd_stderr };
59 // static functions
60 // ----------------
61 static bool Exists(const char *sz); // also checks it's a regular file
63 // ctors
64 // -----
65 // def ctor
66 wxFile() { m_fd = fd_invalid; }
67 // open specified file (may fail, use IsOpened())
68 wxFile(const char *szFileName, OpenMode mode = read);
69 // attach to (already opened) file
70 wxFile(int fd) { m_fd = fd; }
72 // open/close
73 bool Create(const char *szFileName, bool bOverwrite = FALSE);
74 bool Open(const char *szFileName, OpenMode mode = read);
75 inline bool Close(); // Close is a NOP if not opened
77 // assign an existing file descriptor and get it back from wxFile object
78 void Attach(int fd) { Close(); m_fd = fd; }
79 void Detach() { m_fd = fd_invalid; }
80 int fd() const { return m_fd; }
82 // read/write (unbuffered)
83 // returns number of bytes read or ofsInvalid on error
84 off_t Read(void *pBuf, off_t nCount);
85 // returns true on success
86 uint Write(const void *pBuf, uint nCount);
87 // returns true on success
88 bool Write(const wxString& str) { return Write(str.c_str(), str.Len()); }
89 // flush data not yet written
90 bool Flush();
92 // file pointer operations (return ofsInvalid on failure)
93 // move ptr ofs bytes related to start/current off_t/end of file
94 off_t Seek(off_t ofs, wxSeekMode mode = wxFromStart);
95 // move ptr to ofs bytes before the end
96 off_t SeekEnd(off_t ofs = 0) { return Seek(ofs, wxFromEnd); }
97 // get current off_t
98 off_t Tell() const;
99 // get current file length
100 off_t Length() const;
102 // simple accessors
103 // is file opened?
104 bool IsOpened() const { return m_fd != fd_invalid; }
105 // is end of file reached?
106 bool Eof() const;
107 // is an error occured?
108 bool Error() const { return m_error; }
110 // dtor closes the file if opened
111 ~wxFile();
113 private:
114 // copy ctor and assignment operator are private because
115 // it doesn't make sense to copy files this way:
116 // attempt to do it will provoke a compile-time error.
117 wxFile(const wxFile&);
118 wxFile& operator=(const wxFile&);
120 int m_fd; // file descriptor or INVALID_FD if not opened
121 bool m_error; // error memory
122 };
124 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
125 // class wxTempFile: if you want to replace another file, create an instance
126 // of wxTempFile passing the name of the file to be replaced to the ctor. Then
127 // you can write to wxTempFile and call Commit() function to replace the old
128 // file (and close this one) or call Discard() to cancel the modification. If
129 // you call neither of them, dtor will call Discard().
130 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
131 class wxTempFile
132 {
133 public:
134 // ctors
135 // default
136 wxTempFile() { }
137 // associates the temp file with the file to be replaced and opens it
138 wxTempFile(const wxString& strName);
140 // open the temp file (strName is the name of file to be replaced)
141 bool Open(const wxString& strName);
143 // is the file opened?
144 bool IsOpened() const { return m_file.IsOpened(); }
146 // I/O (both functions return true on success, false on failure)
147 bool Write(const void *p, uint n) { return m_file.Write(p, n); }
148 bool Write(const wxString& str) { return m_file.Write(str); }
150 // different ways to close the file
151 // validate changes and delete the old file of name m_strName
152 bool Commit();
153 // discard changes
154 void Discard();
156 // dtor calls Discard() if file is still opened
157 ~wxTempFile();
159 private:
160 wxString m_strName, // name of the file to replace in Commit()
161 m_strTemp; // temporary file name
162 wxFile m_file; // the temporary file
163 };
165 #endif
166 // __FILEH__