]> git.saurik.com Git - wxWidgets.git/blob - wxPython/demo/MaskedEditControls.py
compilation fix for wxUSE_UNICODE_MSLU
[wxWidgets.git] / wxPython / demo / MaskedEditControls.py
1 from wxPython.wx import *
2 from wxPython.lib.maskededit import Field, wxMaskedTextCtrl, wxMaskedComboBox, wxIpAddrCtrl, states, months
3 from wxPython.lib.maskededit import __doc__ as overviewdoc
4 from wxPython.lib.maskededit import autoformats
5 from wxPython.lib.scrolledpanel import wxScrolledPanel
6 import string, sys, traceback
8 class demoMixin:
9 """
10 Centralized routines common to demo pages, to remove repetition.
11 """
12 def labelGeneralTable(self, sizer):
13 description = wxStaticText( self, -1, "Description", )
14 mask = wxStaticText( self, -1, "Mask Value" )
15 formatcode = wxStaticText( self, -1, "Format" )
16 regex = wxStaticText( self, -1, "Regexp Validator(opt.)" )
17 ctrl = wxStaticText( self, -1, "wxMaskedEdit Ctrl" )
19 description.SetFont( wxFont(9, wxSWISS, wxNORMAL, wxBOLD))
20 mask.SetFont( wxFont(9, wxSWISS, wxNORMAL, wxBOLD))
21 formatcode.SetFont( wxFont(9, wxSWISS, wxNORMAL, wxBOLD) )
22 regex.SetFont( wxFont(9, wxSWISS, wxNORMAL, wxBOLD))
23 ctrl.SetFont( wxFont(9, wxSWISS, wxNORMAL, wxBOLD))
25 sizer.Add(description)
26 sizer.Add(mask)
27 sizer.Add(formatcode)
28 sizer.Add(regex)
29 sizer.Add(ctrl)
32 def layoutGeneralTable(self, controls, sizer):
33 for control in controls:
34 sizer.Add( wxStaticText( self, -1, control[0]) )
35 sizer.Add( wxStaticText( self, -1, control[1]) )
36 sizer.Add( wxStaticText( self, -1, control[3]) )
37 sizer.Add( wxStaticText( self, -1, control[4]) )
39 if control in controls:
40 newControl = wxMaskedTextCtrl( self, -1, "",
41 mask = control[1],
42 excludeChars = control[2],
43 formatcodes = control[3],
44 includeChars = "",
45 validRegex = control[4],
46 validRange = control[5],
47 choices = control[6],
48 choiceRequired = True,
49 defaultValue = control[7],
50 demo = True,
51 name = control[0])
52 self.editList.append(newControl)
53 sizer.Add(newControl)
56 def changeControlParams(self, event, parameter, checked_value, notchecked_value):
57 if event.Checked(): value = checked_value
58 else: value = notchecked_value
59 kwargs = {parameter: value}
60 for control in self.editList:
61 control.SetCtrlParameters(**kwargs)
62 control.Refresh()
63 self.Refresh()
67 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
68 class demoPage1(wxScrolledPanel, demoMixin):
69 def __init__(self, parent, log):
70 wxScrolledPanel.__init__(self, parent, -1)
71 self.sizer = wxBoxSizer( wxVERTICAL )
72 self.editList = []
74 label = wxStaticText( self, -1, """\
75 Here are some basic wxMaskedTextCtrls to give you an idea of what you can do
76 with this control. Note that all controls have been auto-sized by including 'F' in
77 the format codes.
79 Try entering nonsensical or partial values in validated fields to see what happens.
80 Note that the State and Last Name fields are list-limited (valid last names are:
81 Smith, Jones, Williams). Signs on numbers can be toggled with the minus key.
82 """)
83 label.SetForegroundColour( "Blue" )
84 header = wxBoxSizer( wxHORIZONTAL )
85 header.Add( label, 0, flag=wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALL, border = 5 )
87 highlight = wxCheckBox( self, -1, "Highlight Empty" )
88 disallow = wxCheckBox( self, -1, "Disallow Empty" )
89 showFill = wxCheckBox( self, -1, "change fillChar" )
91 vbox = wxBoxSizer( wxVERTICAL )
92 vbox.Add( highlight, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALL, 5 )
93 vbox.Add( disallow, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALL, 5 )
94 vbox.Add( showFill, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALL, 5 )
95 header.AddSpacer(15, 0)
96 header.Add(vbox, 0, flag=wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALL, border=5 )
98 EVT_CHECKBOX( self, highlight.GetId(), self.onHighlightEmpty )
99 EVT_CHECKBOX( self, disallow.GetId(), self.onDisallowEmpty )
100 EVT_CHECKBOX( self, showFill.GetId(), self.onShowFill )
102 grid = wxFlexGridSizer( 0, 5, vgap=10, hgap=10 )
103 self.labelGeneralTable(grid)
105 # The following list is of the controls for the demo. Feel free to play around with
106 # the options!
107 controls = [
108 #description mask excl format regexp range,list,initial
109 ("Phone No", "(###) ###-#### x:###", "", 'F^-', "^\(\d{3}\) \d{3}-\d{4}", '','',''),
110 ("Social Sec#", "###-##-####", "", 'F', "\d{3}-\d{2}-\d{4}", '','',''),
111 ("Full Name", "C{14}", "", 'F_', '^[A-Z][a-zA-Z]+ [A-Z][a-zA-Z]+', '','',''),
112 ("Last Name Only", "C{14}", "", 'F {list}', '^[A-Z][a-zA-Z]+', '',('Smith','Jones','Williams'),''),
113 ("Zip plus 4", "#{5}-#{4}", "", 'F', "\d{5}-(\s{4}|\d{4})", '','',''),
114 ("Customer No", "\CAA-###", "", 'F!', "C[A-Z]{2}-\d{3}", '','',''),
115 ("Invoice Total", "#{9}.##", "", 'F-_,', "", '','',''),
116 ("Integer", "#{9}", "", 'F-_', "", '','',''),
117 ]
119 self.layoutGeneralTable(controls, grid)
120 self.sizer.Add( header, 0, flag=wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALL, border=5 )
121 self.sizer.Add( grid, 0, flag= wxALIGN_LEFT|wxLEFT, border=5 )
122 self.SetSizer(self.sizer)
123 self.SetupScrolling()
124 self.SetAutoLayout(1)
127 def onDisallowEmpty( self, event ):
128 """ Set emptyInvalid parameter on/off """
129 self.changeControlParams( event, "emptyInvalid", True, False )
131 def onHighlightEmpty( self, event ):
132 """ Highlight empty values"""
133 self.changeControlParams( event, "emptyBackgroundColor", "Blue", "White" )
135 def onShowFill( self, event ):
136 """ Set fillChar parameter to '?' or ' ' """
137 self.changeControlParams( event, "fillChar", '?', ' ' )
140 class demoPage2(wxScrolledPanel, demoMixin):
141 def __init__( self, parent, log ):
142 self.log = log
143 wxScrolledPanel.__init__( self, parent, -1 )
144 self.sizer = wxBoxSizer( wxVERTICAL )
146 label = wxStaticText( self, -1, """\
147 All these controls have been created by passing a single parameter, the autoformat code.
148 The class contains an internal dictionary of types and formats (autoformats).
149 Many of these already do complicated validation; To see some examples, try
150 29 Feb 2002 vs. 2004 for the date formats, or email address validation.
151 """)
153 label.SetForegroundColour( "Blue" )
154 self.sizer.Add( label, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALL, 5 )
156 description = wxStaticText( self, -1, "Description")
157 autofmt = wxStaticText( self, -1, "AutoFormat Code")
158 ctrl = wxStaticText( self, -1, "wxMaskedEdit Control")
160 description.SetFont( wxFont( 9, wxSWISS, wxNORMAL, wxBOLD ) )
161 autofmt.SetFont( wxFont( 9, wxSWISS, wxNORMAL, wxBOLD ) )
162 ctrl.SetFont( wxFont( 9, wxSWISS, wxNORMAL, wxBOLD ) )
164 grid = wxFlexGridSizer( 0, 3, vgap=10, hgap=5 )
165 grid.Add( description, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT )
166 grid.Add( autofmt, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT )
167 grid.Add( ctrl, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT )
169 for autoformat, desc in autoformats:
170 grid.Add( wxStaticText( self, -1, desc), 0, wxALIGN_LEFT )
171 grid.Add( wxStaticText( self, -1, autoformat), 0, wxALIGN_LEFT )
172 grid.Add( wxMaskedTextCtrl( self, -1, "",
173 autoformat = autoformat,
174 demo = True,
175 name = autoformat),
176 0, wxALIGN_LEFT )
178 self.sizer.Add( grid, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALL, border=5 )
179 self.SetSizer( self.sizer )
180 self.SetAutoLayout( 1 )
181 self.SetupScrolling()
184 class demoPage3(wxScrolledPanel, demoMixin):
185 def __init__(self, parent, log):
186 self.log = log
187 wxScrolledPanel.__init__(self, parent, -1)
188 self.sizer = wxBoxSizer( wxVERTICAL )
189 self.editList = []
191 label = wxStaticText( self, -1, """\
192 Here wxMaskedTextCtrls that have default values. The states
193 control has a list of valid values, and the unsigned integer
194 has a legal range specified.
195 """)
196 label.SetForegroundColour( "Blue" )
197 requireValid = wxCheckBox( self, -1, "Require Valid Value" )
198 EVT_CHECKBOX( self, requireValid.GetId(), self.onRequireValid )
200 header = wxBoxSizer( wxHORIZONTAL )
201 header.Add( label, 0, flag=wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALL, border = 5)
202 header.AddSpacer(75, 0)
203 header.Add( requireValid, 0, flag=wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALL, border=10 )
205 grid = wxFlexGridSizer( 0, 5, vgap=10, hgap=10 )
206 self.labelGeneralTable( grid )
208 controls = [
209 #description mask excl format regexp range,list,initial
210 ("U.S. State (2 char)", "AA", "", 'F!_', "[A-Z]{2}", '',states, states[0]),
211 ("Integer (signed)", "#{6}", "", 'F-_R', "", '','', '0 '),
212 ("Integer (unsigned)\n(1-399)","######", "", 'F_', "", (1,399),'', '1 '),
213 ("Float (signed)", "#{6}.#{9}", "", 'F-_R', "", '','', '000000.000000000'),
214 ("Date (MDY) + Time", "##/##/#### ##:##:## AM", 'BCDEFGHIJKLMNOQRSTUVWXYZ','DF!',"", '','', wxDateTime_Now().Format("%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p")),
215 ]
216 self.layoutGeneralTable( controls, grid )
218 self.sizer.Add( header, 0, flag=wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALL, border=5 )
219 self.sizer.Add( grid, 0, flag=wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALL, border=5 )
221 self.SetSizer( self.sizer )
222 self.SetAutoLayout( 1 )
223 self.SetupScrolling()
225 def onRequireValid( self, event ):
226 """ Set validRequired parameter on/off """
227 self.changeControlParams( event, "validRequired", True, False )
230 class demoPage4(wxScrolledPanel, demoMixin):
231 def __init__( self, parent, log ):
232 self.log = log
233 wxScrolledPanel.__init__( self, parent, -1 )
234 self.sizer = wxBoxSizer( wxVERTICAL )
236 label = wxStaticText( self, -1, """\
237 These controls have field-specific choice lists and allow autocompletion.
239 Down arrow or Page Down in an uncompleted field with an auto-completable field will attempt
240 to auto-complete a field if it has a choice list.
241 Page Down and Shift-Down arrow will also auto-complete, or cycle through the complete list.
242 Page Up and Shift-Up arrow will similarly cycle backwards through the list.
243 """)
245 label.SetForegroundColour( "Blue" )
246 self.sizer.Add( label, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALL, 5 )
248 description = wxStaticText( self, -1, "Description" )
249 autofmt = wxStaticText( self, -1, "AutoFormat Code" )
250 fields = wxStaticText( self, -1, "Field Objects" )
251 ctrl = wxStaticText( self, -1, "wxMaskedEdit Control" )
253 description.SetFont( wxFont( 9, wxSWISS, wxNORMAL, wxBOLD ) )
254 autofmt.SetFont( wxFont( 9, wxSWISS, wxNORMAL, wxBOLD ) )
255 fields.SetFont( wxFont( 9, wxSWISS, wxNORMAL, wxBOLD ) )
256 ctrl.SetFont( wxFont( 9, wxSWISS, wxNORMAL, wxBOLD ) )
258 grid = wxFlexGridSizer( 0, 4, vgap=10, hgap=10 )
259 grid.Add( description, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT )
260 grid.Add( autofmt, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT )
261 grid.Add( fields, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT )
262 grid.Add( ctrl, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT )
264 autoformat = "USPHONEFULLEXT"
265 fieldsDict = {0: Field(choices=["617","781","508","978","413"], choiceRequired=True)}
266 fieldsLabel = """\
267 {0: Field(choices=[
268 "617","781",
269 "508","978","413"],
270 choiceRequired=True)}"""
271 grid.Add( wxStaticText( self, -1, "Restricted Area Code"), 0, wxALIGN_LEFT )
272 grid.Add( wxStaticText( self, -1, autoformat), 0, wxALIGN_LEFT )
273 grid.Add( wxStaticText( self, -1, fieldsLabel), 0, wxALIGN_LEFT )
274 grid.Add( wxMaskedTextCtrl( self, -1, "",
275 autoformat = autoformat,
276 fields = fieldsDict,
277 demo = True,
278 name = autoformat),
279 0, wxALIGN_LEFT )
281 autoformat = "EXPDATEMMYY"
282 fieldsDict = {1: Field(choices=["03", "04", "05"], choiceRequired=True)}
283 fieldsLabel = """\
284 {1: Field(choices=[
285 "03", "04", "05"],
286 choiceRequired=True)}"""
287 exp = wxMaskedTextCtrl( self, -1, "",
288 autoformat = autoformat,
289 fields = fieldsDict,
290 demo = True,
291 name = autoformat)
293 grid.Add( wxStaticText( self, -1, "Restricted Expiration"), 0, wxALIGN_LEFT )
294 grid.Add( wxStaticText( self, -1, autoformat), 0, wxALIGN_LEFT )
295 grid.Add( wxStaticText( self, -1, fieldsLabel), 0, wxALIGN_LEFT )
296 grid.Add( exp, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT )
298 fieldsDict = {0: Field(choices=["02134","02155"], choiceRequired=True),
299 1: Field(choices=["1234", "5678"], choiceRequired=False)}
300 fieldsLabel = """\
301 {0: Field(choices=["02134","02155"],
302 choiceRequired=True),
303 1: Field(choices=["1234", "5678"],
304 choiceRequired=False)}"""
305 autoformat = "USZIPPLUS4"
306 zip = wxMaskedTextCtrl( self, -1, "",
307 autoformat = autoformat,
308 fields = fieldsDict,
309 demo = True,
310 name = autoformat)
312 grid.Add( wxStaticText( self, -1, "Restricted Zip + 4"), 0, wxALIGN_LEFT )
313 grid.Add( wxStaticText( self, -1, autoformat), 0, wxALIGN_LEFT )
314 grid.Add( wxStaticText( self, -1, fieldsLabel), 0, wxALIGN_LEFT )
315 grid.Add( zip, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT )
317 self.sizer.Add( grid, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALL, border=5 )
318 self.SetSizer( self.sizer )
319 self.SetAutoLayout(1)
320 self.SetupScrolling()
323 class demoPage5(wxScrolledPanel, demoMixin):
324 def __init__( self, parent, log ):
325 self.log = log
326 wxScrolledPanel.__init__( self, parent, -1 )
327 self.sizer = wxBoxSizer( wxVERTICAL )
328 label = wxStaticText( self, -1, """\
329 These are examples of wxMaskedComboBox and wxIpAddrCtrl, and more useful
330 configurations of a wxMaskedTextCtrl for integer and floating point input.
331 """)
332 label.SetForegroundColour( "Blue" )
333 self.sizer.Add( label, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALL, 5 )
335 numerators = [ str(i) for i in range(1, 4) ]
336 denominators = [ string.ljust(str(i), 2) for i in [2,3,4,5,8,16,32,64] ]
337 fieldsDict = {0: Field(choices=numerators, choiceRequired=False),
338 1: Field(choices=denominators, choiceRequired=True)}
339 choices = []
340 for n in numerators:
341 for d in denominators:
342 if n != d:
343 choices.append( '%s/%s' % (n,d) )
346 text1 = wxStaticText( self, -1, """\
347 A masked ComboBox for fraction selection.
348 Choices for each side of the fraction can be
349 selected with PageUp/Down:""")
351 fraction = wxMaskedComboBox( self, -1, "",
352 choices = choices,
353 choiceRequired = True,
354 mask = "#/##",
355 formatcodes = "F_",
356 validRegex = "^\d\/\d\d?",
357 fields = fieldsDict )
360 text2 = wxStaticText( self, -1, """
361 A masked ComboBox to validate
362 text from a list of numeric codes:""")
364 choices = ["91", "136", "305", "4579"]
365 code = wxMaskedComboBox( self, -1, choices[0],
366 choices = choices,
367 choiceRequired = True,
368 formatcodes = "F_r",
369 mask = "####")
372 text3 = wxStaticText( self, -1, """\
373 A masked state selector; only "legal" values
374 can be entered:""")
376 state = wxMaskedComboBox( self, -1, states[0],
377 choices = states,
378 autoformat="USSTATE")
380 text4 = wxStaticText( self, -1, "An empty IP Address entry control:")
381 ip_addr1 = wxIpAddrCtrl( self, -1, style = wxTE_PROCESS_TAB )
384 text5 = wxStaticText( self, -1, "An IP Address control with a restricted mask:")
385 ip_addr2 = wxIpAddrCtrl( self, -1, mask=" 10. 1.109.###" )
388 text6 = wxStaticText( self, -1, """\
389 An IP Address control with restricted choices
390 of form: 10. (1|2) . (129..255) . (0..255)""")
391 ip_addr3 = wxIpAddrCtrl( self, -1, mask=" 10. #.###.###")
392 ip_addr3.SetFieldParameters(0, validRegex="1|2" ) # requires entry to match or not allowed
395 # This allows any value in penultimate field, but colors anything outside of the range invalid:
396 ip_addr3.SetFieldParameters(1, validRange=(129,255), validRequired=False )
398 text7 = wxStaticText( self, -1, """\
399 A right-insert integer entry control:""")
400 intctrl = wxMaskedTextCtrl(self, -1, name='intctrl', mask="#{9}", formatcodes = '_-r,F')
402 text8 = wxStaticText( self, -1, """\
403 A floating point entry control
404 with right-insert for ordinal:""")
405 self.floatctrl = wxMaskedTextCtrl(self, -1, name='floatctrl', mask="#{9}.#{2}", formatcodes="F,_-R")
406 self.floatctrl.SetFieldParameters(0, formatcodes='r<', validRequired=True) # right-insert, require explicit cursor movement to change fields
407 self.floatctrl.SetFieldParameters(1, defaultValue='00') # don't allow blank fraction
409 text9 = wxStaticText( self, -1, """\
410 Use this control to programmatically set
411 the value of the above float control:""")
412 number_combo = wxComboBox(self, -1, choices = [ '', '111', '222.22', '-3', '54321.666666666', '-1353.978',
413 '1234567', '-1234567', '123456789', '-123456789.1',
414 '1234567890.', '-1234567890.1' ])
416 grid = wxFlexGridSizer( 0, 2, vgap=10, hgap = 5 )
417 grid.Add( text1, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT )
418 grid.Add( fraction, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT )
419 grid.Add( text2, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT )
420 grid.Add( code, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT )
421 grid.Add( text3, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT )
422 grid.Add( state, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT )
423 grid.Add( text4, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT )
424 grid.Add( ip_addr1, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT )
425 grid.Add( text5, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT )
426 grid.Add( ip_addr2, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT )
427 grid.Add( text6, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT )
428 grid.Add( ip_addr3, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT )
429 grid.Add( text7, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT )
430 grid.Add( intctrl, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT )
431 grid.Add( text8, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT )
432 grid.Add( self.floatctrl, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT )
433 grid.Add( text9, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT )
434 grid.Add( number_combo, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT )
436 self.sizer.Add( grid, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALL, border=5 )
437 self.SetSizer( self.sizer )
438 self.SetAutoLayout(1)
439 self.SetupScrolling()
441 EVT_COMBOBOX( self, fraction.GetId(), self.OnComboChange )
442 EVT_COMBOBOX( self, code.GetId(), self.OnComboChange )
443 EVT_COMBOBOX( self, state.GetId(), self.OnComboChange )
444 EVT_TEXT( self, fraction.GetId(), self.OnComboChange )
445 EVT_TEXT( self, code.GetId(), self.OnComboChange )
446 EVT_TEXT( self, state.GetId(), self.OnComboChange )
448 EVT_TEXT( self, ip_addr1.GetId(), self.OnIpAddrChange )
449 EVT_TEXT( self, ip_addr2.GetId(), self.OnIpAddrChange )
450 EVT_TEXT( self, ip_addr3.GetId(), self.OnIpAddrChange )
451 EVT_TEXT( self, intctrl.GetId(), self.OnTextChange )
452 EVT_TEXT( self, self.floatctrl.GetId(), self.OnTextChange )
453 EVT_COMBOBOX( self, number_combo.GetId(), self.OnNumberSelect )
456 def OnComboChange( self, event ):
457 ctl = self.FindWindowById( event.GetId() )
458 if not ctl.IsValid():
459 self.log.write('current value not a valid choice')
461 def OnIpAddrChange( self, event ):
462 ip_addr = self.FindWindowById( event.GetId() )
463 if ip_addr.IsValid():
464 self.log.write('new addr = %s\n' % ip_addr.GetAddress() )
466 def OnTextChange( self, event ):
467 ctl = self.FindWindowById( event.GetId() )
468 if ctl.IsValid():
469 self.log.write('new value = %s\n' % ctl.GetValue() )
471 def OnNumberSelect( self, event ):
472 value = event.GetString()
474 # Format choice to fit into format for #{9}.#{2}, with sign position reserved:
475 # (ordinal + fraction == 11 + decimal point + sign == 13)
476 #
477 # Note: since self.floatctrl a right-aligned control, you could also just use
478 # "%.2f", but this wouldn't work properly for a left-aligned control.
479 # (See .SetValue() documentation in Overview.)
480 #
481 if value:
482 floattext = "%13.2f" % float(value)
483 else:
484 floattext = value # clear the value again
485 try:
486 self.floatctrl.SetValue(floattext)
487 except:
488 type, value, tb = sys.exc_info()
489 for line in traceback.format_exception_only(type, value):
490 self.log.write(line)
492 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
493 class TestMaskedTextCtrls(wxNotebook):
494 def __init__(self, parent, id, log):
495 wxNotebook.__init__(self, parent, id)
496 self.log = log
498 win = demoPage1(self, log)
499 self.AddPage(win, "General examples")
501 win = demoPage2(self, log)
502 self.AddPage(win, 'Auto-formatted controls')
504 win = demoPage3(self, log)
505 self.AddPage(win, "Using default values")
507 win = demoPage4(self, log)
508 self.AddPage(win, 'Using auto-complete fields')
510 win = demoPage5(self, log)
511 self.AddPage(win, 'Other masked controls')
514 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
516 def runTest(frame, nb, log):
517 testWin = TestMaskedTextCtrls(nb, -1, log)
518 return testWin
520 def RunStandalone():
521 app = wxPySimpleApp()
522 frame = wxFrame(None, -1, "Test wxMaskedTextCtrl", size=(640, 480))
523 win = TestMaskedTextCtrls(frame, -1, sys.stdout)
524 frame.Show(True)
525 app.MainLoop()
526 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
527 if __name__ == "__main__":
528 RunStandalone()
531 overview = """<html>
532 <PRE><FONT SIZE=-1>
533 """ + overviewdoc + """
534 </FONT></PRE>
535 """
537 if __name__ == "__main__":
538 import sys,os
539 import run
540 run.main(['', os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])])