1 """Hangman.py, a simple wxPython game, inspired by the
2 old bsd game by Ken Arnold.
3 From the original man page:
5 In hangman, the computer picks a word from the on-line
6 word list and you must try to guess it. The computer
7 keeps track of which letters have been guessed and how
8 many wrong guesses you have made on the screen in a
11 That says it all, doesn't it?
15 Harm van der Heijden (H.v.d.Heijden@phys.tue.nl)"""
17 import random
18 from wxPython
import *
21 def __init__(self
, filename
, min_length
= 5):
22 self
= min_length
23 print "Trying to open file %s" % (filename
25 f
= open(filename
, "r")
27 print "Couldn't open dictionary file %s, using build-ins" % (filename
28 self
= self
32 self
= filename
33 print "Got %d bytes." % (len(self
34 def SetMinLength(min_length
35 self
= min_length
37 reg
= re
38 n
= 50 # safety valve; maximum number of tries to find a suitable word
40 index
= int(random
41 m
= reg
42 if m
and len(m
.groups()[0]) >= self
: break
44 if n
: return string
46 builtin_words
= ' albatros banana electrometer eggshell'
51 class URLWordFetcher(WordFetcher
52 def __init__(self
, url
54 WordFetcher
, "hangman_dict.txt")
57 def RetrieveAsFile(self
, host
, path
58 from httplib
import HTTP
62 self
.logprint("Failed to create HTTP connection to %s... is the network available?" % (host
64 h
65 h
66 h
68 errcode
, errmsg
, headers
= h
70 self
.logprint("HTTP error code %d: %s" % (errcode
, errmsg
74 def OpenURL(self
75 from htmllib
import HTMLParser
78 m
= re
.match('http://([^/]+)(/\S*)\s*', url
83 m
= re
.match('http://(\S+)\s*', url
86 self
.logprint("Invalid or unsupported URL: %s" % (url
90 f
= self
92 self
.logprint("Could not open %s" % (url
94 self
.logprint("Receiving data...")
96 tmp
= open('hangman_dict.txt','w')
97 fmt
= formatter
99 self
.logprint("Parsing data...")
104 class HangmanWnd(wxWindow
105 def __init__(self
, parent
, id, pos
, size
106 wxWindow
, parent
, id, pos
, size
107 self
108 if wxPlatform
== '__WXGTK__':
109 self
= wxFont(12, wxMODERN
111 self
= wxFont(10, wxMODERN
113 def StartGame(self
, word
121 self
= map(chr, range(ord('a'),ord('z')+1))
123 def HandleKey(self
, key
125 if self
126 self
= 'Already guessed %s' % (key
128 self
130 self
= self
131 if not key
in self
132 self
= self
137 for letter
in self
138 if not self
146 def Draw(self
, dc
= None):
148 dc
= wxClientDC(self
149 dc
151 (x
) = self
153 for letter
in self
154 if self
155 dc
, x1
, y1
157 dc
.DrawText('.', x1
, y1
160 dc
.DrawText("tries %d misses %d" % (self
162 for letter
in self
163 guesses
= guesses
+ letter
164 dc
.DrawText("guessed:", x1
, 70)
165 dc
[:13], x1
+80, 70)
166 dc
[13:], x1
+80, 90)
167 dc
/1000., y
169 def DrawVictim(self
, dc
170 dc
.SetPen(wxPen(wxNamedColour('black'), 20))
171 dc
.DrawLines([(10, 980), (10,900), (700,900), (700,940), (720,940),
172 (720,980), (900,980)])
173 dc
.DrawLines([(100,900), (100, 100), (300,100)])
174 dc
175 if ( self
== 0 ): return
176 dc
.SetPen(wxPen(wxNamedColour('blue'), 10))
177 dc
178 if ( self
== 1 ): return
179 dc
180 if ( self
== 2 ): return
181 dc
182 if ( self
== 3) : return
183 dc
184 if ( self
== 4) : return
185 dc
186 if ( self
== 5) : return
187 dc
188 if ( self
== 6) : return
189 dc
190 def OnPaint(self
, event
194 class HangmanDemo(HangmanWnd
195 def __init__(self
, wf
, parent
, id, pos
, size
196 HangmanWnd
, parent
, id, pos
, size
197 self
201 self
= self
205 self
207 self
= list('aaaabcdeeeeefghiiiiijklmnnnoooopqrssssttttuuuuvwxyz')
209 key
= self
210 while self
): self
211 self
= self
212 self
215 class PlayTimer(wxTimer
216 def __init__(self
217 wxTimer
223 class HangmanDemoFrame(wxFrame
224 def __init__(self
, wf
, parent
, id, pos
, size
225 wxFrame
, parent
, id, "Hangman demo", pos
, size
226 self
= HangmanDemo(wf
, self
, -1, wxDefaultPosition
, wxDefaultSize
227 def OnCloseWindow(self
, event
228 self
231 class AboutBox(wxDialog
232 def __init__(self
, parent
233 wxDialog
, parent
, -1, "About Hangman", wxDefaultPosition
, wxSize(350,450))
234 self
= HangmanDemo(wf
, self
, -1, wxPoint(1,1), wxSize(350,150))
235 self
= wxStaticText(self
, -1, __doc__
, wxPoint(1,160), wxSize(350, 250))
236 self
= wxButton(self
, 2001, "OK", wxPoint(150,420), wxSize(50,-1))
237 EVT_BUTTON(self
, 2001, self
238 def OnOK(self
, event
240 self
242 class MyFrame(wxFrame
243 def __init__(self
, wf
245 wxFrame
, -1, "hangman", wxDefaultPosition
, wxSize(400,300))
246 self
= HangmanWnd(self
, -1)
248 menu
.Append(1001, "New")
249 menu
.Append(1002, "End")
250 menu
251 menu
.Append(1003, "Reset")
252 menu
.Append(1004, "Demo...")
253 menu
254 menu
.Append(1005, "Exit")
255 menubar
= wxMenuBar()
256 menubar
, "Game")
258 #menu.Append(1010, "Internal", "Use internal dictionary", TRUE)
259 menu
.Append(1011, "ASCII File...")
260 urls
= [ 'wxPython home', '',
261 'slashdot.org', 'http://slashdot.org/',
262 'cnn.com', 'http://cnn.com',
263 'The New York Times', 'http://www.nytimes.com',
264 'De Volkskrant', 'http://www.volkskrant.nl/frameless/25000006.html',
265 'Gnu GPL', 'http://www.fsf.org/copyleft/gpl.html',
266 'Bijbel: Genesis', 'http://www.coas.com/bijbel/gn1.htm']
268 for item
in range(0,len(urls
269 urlmenu
/2, urls
], urls
270 urlmenu
.Append(1080, 'Other...', 'Enter an URL')
271 menu
.AppendMenu(1012, 'URL', urlmenu
, 'Use a webpage')
272 menu
.Append(1013, 'Dump', 'Write contents to stdout')
273 menubar
, "Dictionary")
275 self
= 1020
277 menu
.Append(1090, "About...")
278 menubar
, "Help")
279 self
280 self
281 EVT_MENU(self
, 1001, self
282 EVT_MENU(self
, 1002, self
283 EVT_MENU(self
, 1003, self
284 EVT_MENU(self
, 1004, self
285 EVT_MENU(self
, 1005, self
286 EVT_MENU(self
, 1011, self
, 1020, 1020+len(urls
)/2, self
288 EVT_MENU(self
, 1080, self
289 EVT_MENU(self
, 1013, self
290 EVT_MENU(self
, 1090, self
291 EVT_CHAR(self
, self
293 def OnGameNew(self
, event
296 self
297 self
298 def OnGameEnd(self
, event
299 self
301 self
303 def OnGameReset(self
, event
309 def OnGameDemo(self
, event
310 frame
= HangmanDemoFrame(self
, self
, -1, wxDefaultPosition
, self
312 def OnDictFile(self
, event
313 fd
= wxFileDialog(self
314 if (self
315 fd
316 if fd
.ShowModal() == wxID_OK
318 self
= WordFetcher(file)
319 def OnDictURL(self
, event
320 item
= (event
.GetId() - self
321 print "Trying to open %s at %s" % (self
], self
322 self
= URLWordFetcher(self
323 def OnDictURLSel(self
, event
324 msg
= wxTextEntryDialog(self
, "Enter the URL of the dictionary document", "Enter URL")
325 if msg
.ShowModal() == wxID_OK
327 self
= URLWordFetcher(url
328 def OnDictDump(self
, event
330 def OnHelpAbout(self
, event
331 about
= AboutBox(self
, self
333 about
.Stop() # that damn timer won't stop!
334 def UpdateAverages(self
, has_won
336 self
= self
+ 1
337 self
= self
338 self
) # ugly
340 for m
in self
342 self
= float(total
343 def OnChar(self
, event
344 if not self
347 key
= event
348 if key
>= ord('A') and key
<= ord('Z'):
349 key
= key
+ ord('a') - ord('A')
351 if key
< 'a' or key
> 'z':
354 res
= self
356 self
358 self
359 self
.SetStatusText("Too bad, you're dead!",0)
363 self
364 self
366 percent
= (100.*self
369 self
.SetStatusText("p %d, w %d (%g %%), av %g" % (self
, percent
, self
371 def OnWindowClose(self
, event
376 if wxPlatform
== '__WXGTK__':
377 defaultfile
= "/usr/share/games/hangman-words"
378 elif wxPlatform
== '__WXMSW__':
379 defaultfile
= "c:\\windows\\hardware.txt"
382 wf
= WordFetcher(defaultfile
384 self
388 if __name__
== '__main__':