]> git.saurik.com Git - wxWidgets.git/blob - utils/wxPython/lib/shell.py
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[wxWidgets.git] / utils / wxPython / lib / shell.py
1 # shell.py
2 """wxPython interactive shell
4 Copyright (c) 1999 SIA "ANK"
6 this module is free software. it may be used under same terms as Python itself
8 Notes:
9 i would like to use command completion (see rlcompleter library module),
10 but i cannot load it because i don't have readline...
12 History:
13 03-oct-1999 [als] created
14 04-oct-1999 [als] PyShellOutput.intro moved from __init__ parameters
15 to class attributes; html debug disabled
16 04-oct-1999 [als] fixed bug with class attributes
17 input prompts and output styles added to customized demo
18 some html cleanups
19 04-oct-1999 [rpd] Changed to use the new sizers
20 05-oct-1990 [als] changes inspired by code.InteractiveInterpreter()
21 from Python Library. if i knew about this class earlier,
22 i would rather inherit from it.
23 renamed to wxPyShell.py since i've renounced the 8.3 scheme
25 """
26 __version__ ="$Revision$"
27 # $RCSfile$
29 import sys, string, code, traceback
30 from wxPython.wx import *
31 from wxPython.html import *
34 class PyShellInput(wxPanel):
35 """PyShell input window
37 """
38 PS1 =" Enter Command:"
39 PS2 ="... continue:"
40 def __init__(self, parent, shell, id=-1):
41 """Create input window
43 shell must be a PyShell object.
44 it is used for exception handling, eval() namespaces,
45 and shell.output is used for output
46 (print's go to overridden stdout)
47 """
48 wxPanel.__init__(self, parent, id)
49 self.shell =shell
50 # make a private copy of class attrs
51 self.PS1 =PyShellInput.PS1
52 self.PS2 =PyShellInput.PS2
53 # create controls
54 self.label =wxStaticText(self, -1, self.PS1)
55 tid =wxNewId()
56 self.entry =wxTextCtrl(self, tid, style = wxTE_MULTILINE)
57 EVT_CHAR(self.entry, self.OnChar)
58 self.entry.SetFont(wxFont(9, wxMODERN, wxNORMAL, wxNORMAL, false))
59 sizer =wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL)
60 sizer.AddMany([(self.label, 0, wxEXPAND), (self.entry, 1, wxEXPAND)])
61 self.SetSizer(sizer)
62 self.SetAutoLayout(true)
63 EVT_SET_FOCUS(self, self.OnSetFocus)
64 # when in "continuation" mode,
65 # two consecutive newlines are required
66 # to avoid execution of unfinished block
67 self.first_line =1
69 def OnSetFocus(self, event):
70 self.entry.SetFocus()
73 def Clear(self, event=None):
74 """reset input state"""
75 self.label.SetLabel(self.PS1)
76 self.label.Refresh()
77 self.entry.SetSelection(0, self.entry.GetLastPosition())
78 self.first_line =1
79 # self.entry.SetFocus()
81 def OnChar(self, event):
82 """called on CHARevent. executes input on newline"""
83 # print "On Char:", event.__dict__.keys()
84 if event.KeyCode() !=WXK_RETURN:
85 # not of our business
86 event.Skip()
87 return
88 text =self.entry.GetValue()
89 # weird CRLF thingy
90 text =string.replace(text, "\r\n", "\n")
91 # see if we've finished
92 if (not (self.first_line or text[-1] =="\n") # in continuation mode
93 or (text[-1] =="\\") # escaped newline
94 ):
95 # XXX should escaped newline put myself i "continuation" mode?
96 event.Skip()
97 return
98 # ok, we can try to execute this
99 rc =self.shell.TryExec(text)
100 if rc:
101 # code is incomplete; continue input
102 if self.first_line:
103 self.label.SetLabel(self.PS2)
104 self.label.Refresh()
105 self.first_line =0
106 event.Skip()
107 else:
108 self.Clear()
110 class PyShellOutput(wxPanel):
111 """PyShell output window
113 for now, it is based on simple wxTextCtrl,
114 but i'm looking at HTML classes to provide colorized output
115 """
116 # attributes for for different (input, output, exception) display styles:
117 # begin tag, end tag, newline
118 in_style =(" <font color=\"#000080\"><tt>&gt;&gt;&gt;&nbsp;",
119 "</tt></font><br>\n", "<br>\n...&nbsp;")
120 out_style =("<tt>", "</tt>\n", "<br>\n")
121 exc_style =("<font color=\"#FF0000\"><tt>",
122 "</tt></font>\n", "<br>\n")
123 intro ="<H3>wxPython Interactive Shell</H3>\n"
124 html_debug =0
125 # entity references
126 erefs =(("&", "&amp;"), (">", "&gt;"), ("<", "&lt;"), (" ", "&nbsp; "))
127 def __init__(self, parent, id=-1):
128 wxPanel.__init__(self, parent, id)
129 # make a private copy of class attrs
130 self.in_style =PyShellOutput.in_style
131 self.out_style =PyShellOutput.out_style
132 self.exc_style =PyShellOutput.exc_style
133 self.intro =PyShellOutput.intro
134 self.html_debug =PyShellOutput.html_debug
135 # create windows
136 if self.html_debug:
137 # this was used in html debugging,
138 # but i don't want to delete it; it's funny
139 splitter =wxSplitterWindow(self, -1)
140 self.view =wxTextCtrl(splitter, -1,
142 self.html =wxHtmlWindow(splitter)
143 splitter.SplitVertically(self.view, self.html)
144 splitter.SetSashPosition(40)
145 splitter.SetMinimumPaneSize(3)
146 self.client =splitter
147 else:
148 self.view =None
149 self.html =wxHtmlWindow(self)
150 self.client =self.html # used in OnSize()
151 self.text =self.intro
152 self.html.SetPage(self.text)
153 self.html.SetAutoLayout(TRUE)
154 self.line_buffer =""
155 # refreshes are annoying
156 self.in_batch =0
157 self.dirty =0
160 def OnSize(self, event):
161 self.client.SetSize(self.GetClientSize())
163 def OnIdle(self, event):
164 """when there's nothing to do, we can update display"""
165 if self.in_batch and self.dirty: self.UpdWindow()
167 def BeginBatch(self):
168 """do not refresh display till EndBatch()"""
169 self.in_batch =1
171 def EndBatch(self):
172 """end batch; start updating display immediately"""
173 self.in_batch =0
174 if self.dirty: self.UpdWindow()
176 def UpdWindow(self):
177 """sync display with text buffer"""
178 html =self.html
179 html.SetPage(self.text)
180 self.dirty =0
181 # scroll to the end
182 (x,y) =html.GetVirtualSize()
183 html.Scroll(0, y)
185 def AddText(self, text, style=None):
186 """write text to output window"""
187 # a trick needed to defer default from compile-time to execute-time
188 if style ==None: style =self.out_style
189 if 0 and __debug__: sys.__stdout__.write(text)
190 # handle entities
191 for (symbol, eref) in self.erefs:
192 text =string.replace(text, symbol, eref)
193 # replace newlines
194 text =string.replace(text, "\n", style[2])
195 # add to contents
196 self.text =self.text +style[0] +text +style[1]
197 if not self.in_batch: self.UpdWindow()
198 else: self.dirty =1
199 if self.html_debug:
200 # html debug output needn't to be too large
201 self.view.SetValue(self.text[-4096:])
203 def write(self, str, style=None):
204 """stdout-like interface"""
205 if style ==None: style =self.out_style
206 # do not process incomplete lines
207 if len(str) <1:
208 # hm... what was i supposed to do?
209 return
210 elif str[-1] !="\n":
211 self.line_buffer =self.line_buffer +str
212 else:
213 self.AddText(self.line_buffer +str, style)
214 self.line_buffer =""
216 def flush(self, style=None):
217 """write out all that was left in line buffer"""
218 if style ==None: style =self.out_style
219 self.AddText(self.line_buffer +"\n", style)
221 def write_in(self, str, style=None):
222 """write text in "input" style"""
223 if style ==None: style =self.in_style
224 self.AddText(str, style)
226 def write_exc(self, str, style=None):
227 """write text in "exception" style"""
228 if style ==None: style =self.exc_style
229 self.AddText(str, style)
231 class PyShell(wxPanel):
232 """interactive Python shell with wxPython interface
234 """
235 def __init__(self, parent, globals=globals(), locals={},
236 id=-1, pos=wxDefaultPosition, size=wxDefaultSize,
237 style=wxTAB_TRAVERSAL, name="shell"):
238 """create PyShell window"""
239 wxPanel.__init__(self, parent, id, pos, size, style, name)
240 self.globals =globals
241 self.locals =locals
242 splitter =wxSplitterWindow(self, -1)
243 self.output =PyShellOutput(splitter)
244 self.input =PyShellInput(splitter, self)
245 self.input.SetFocus()
246 splitter.SplitHorizontally(self.input, self.output)
247 splitter.SetSashPosition(100)
248 splitter.SetMinimumPaneSize(20)
249 self.splitter =splitter
250 EVT_SET_FOCUS(self, self.OnSetFocus)
252 def OnSetFocus(self, event):
253 self.input.SetFocus()
255 def TryExec(self, source, symbol="single"):
256 """Compile and run some source in the interpreter.
258 borrowed from code.InteractiveInterpreter().runsource()
259 as i said above, i would rather like to inherit from that class
261 returns 1 if more input is required, or 0, otherwise
262 """
263 try:
264 cc = code.compile_command(source, symbol=symbol)
265 except (OverflowError, SyntaxError):
266 # [als] hm... never seen anything of that kind
267 self.ShowSyntaxError()
268 return 0
269 if cc is None:
270 # source is incomplete
271 return 1
272 # source is sucessfully compiled
273 out =self.output
274 # redirect system stdout to the output window
275 prev_out =sys.stdout
276 sys.stdout =out
277 # begin printout batch (html updates are deferred until EndBatch())
278 out.BeginBatch()
279 out.write_in(source)
280 try:
281 exec cc in self.globals, self.locals
282 except SystemExit:
283 # SystemExit is not handled and has to be re-raised
284 raise
285 except:
286 # all other exceptions produce traceback output
287 self.ShowException()
288 # switch back to saved stdout
289 sys.stdout =prev_out
290 # commit printout
291 out.flush()
292 out.EndBatch()
293 return 0
295 def ShowException(self):
296 """display the traceback for the latest exception"""
297 (etype, value, tb) =sys.exc_info()
298 # remove myself from traceback
299 tblist =traceback.extract_tb(tb)[1:]
300 msg =string.join(traceback.format_exception_only(etype, value)
301 +traceback.format_list(tblist))
302 self.output.write_exc(msg)
304 def ShowSyntaxError(self):
305 """display message about syntax error (no traceback here)"""
306 (etype, value, tb) =sys.exc_info()
307 msg =string.join(traceback.format_exception_only(etype, value))
308 self.output.write_exc(msg)
310 def OnSize(self, event):
311 self.splitter.SetSize(self.GetClientSize())
313 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
314 if __name__ == '__main__':
315 class MyFrame(wxFrame):
316 """Very standard Frame class. Nothing special here!"""
317 def __init__(self, parent=NULL, id =-1,
318 title="wxPython Interactive Shell"):
319 wxFrame.__init__(self, parent, id, title)
320 self.shell =PyShell(self)
322 class MyApp(wxApp):
323 """Demonstrates usage of both default and customized shells"""
324 def OnInit(self):
325 frame = MyFrame()
326 frame.Show(TRUE)
327 self.SetTopWindow(frame)
328 ## PyShellInput.PS1 =" let's get some work done..."
329 ## PyShellInput.PS2 =" ok, what do you really mean?"
330 ## PyShellOutput.in_style =(
331 ## "<I><font color=\"#008000\"><tt>&gt;&gt;&gt;&nbsp;",
332 ## "</tt></font></I><br>\n", "<br>\n...&nbsp;")
333 ## PyShellOutput.out_style =(
334 ## "<font color=\"#000080\"><tt>",
335 ## "</tt></font><br>\n", "<br>\n")
336 ## PyShellOutput.exc_style =("<B><font color=\"#FF0000\"><tt>",
337 ## "</tt></font></B>\n", "<br>\n")
338 ## PyShellOutput.intro ="<I><B>Customized wxPython Shell</B>" \
339 ## "<br>&lt;-- move this sash to see html debug output</I><br>\n"
340 ## PyShellOutput.html_debug =1
341 ## frame = MyFrame(title="Customized wxPython Shell")
342 ## frame.Show(TRUE)
343 return TRUE
345 app = MyApp(0)
346 app.MainLoop()