]> git.saurik.com Git - wxWidgets.git/blob - src/os2/dllar.sh
Fixed some problems in converting existing static libs into DLLs.
[wxWidgets.git] / src / os2 / dllar.sh
1 #!/bin/sh
2 #
3 # dllar - a tool to build both a .dll and an .a file
4 # from a set of object (.o) files for EMX/OS2.
5 #
6 # Written by Andrew Zabolotny, bit@freya.etu.ru
7 # Ported to Unix like shell by Stefan Neis, Stefan.Neis@t-online.de
8 #
9 # This script will accept a set of files on the command line.
10 # All the public symbols from the .o files will be exported into
11 # a .DEF file, then linker will be run (through gcc) against them to
12 # build a shared library consisting of all given .o files. All libraries
13 # (.a) will be first decompressed into component .o files then act as
14 # described above. You can optionally give a description (-d "description")
15 # which will be put into .DLL. To see the list of accepted options (as well
16 # as command-line format) simply run this program without options. The .DLL
17 # is built to be imported by name (there is no guarantee that new versions
18 # of the library you build will have same ordinals for same symbols).
19 #
20 # dllar is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
21 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
22 # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
23 # any later version.
24 #
25 # dllar is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
26 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
28 # GNU General Public License for more details.
29 #
30 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
31 # along with dllar; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
32 # Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
33 # 02111-1307, USA.
35 # To successfuly run this program you will need:
36 # - Current drive should have LFN support (HPFS, ext2, network, etc)
37 # (Sometimes dllar generates filenames which won't fit 8.3 scheme)
38 # - gcc
39 # (used to build the .dll)
40 # - emxexp
41 # (used to create .def file from .o files)
42 # - emximp
43 # (used to create .a file from .def file)
44 # - GNU text utilites (cat, sort, uniq)
45 # used to process emxexp output
46 # - GNU file utilities (mv, rm)
47 # - GNU sed
48 # - lxlite (optional, see flag below)
49 # (used for general .dll cleanup)
50 #
52 flag_USE_LXLITE=1;
54 #
55 # helper functions
56 # basnam, variant of basename, which does _not_ remove the path, _iff_
57 # second argument (suffix to remove) is given
58 basnam(){
59 case $# in
60 1)
61 echo $1 | sed 's/.*\///' | sed 's/.*\\//'
62 ;;
63 2)
64 echo $1 | sed 's/'$2'$//'
65 ;;
66 *)
67 echo "error in basnam $*"
68 exit 8
69 ;;
70 esac
71 }
73 # Cleanup temporary files and output
74 CleanUp() {
75 cd $curDir
76 for i in $inputFiles ; do
77 case $i in
78 *!)
79 rm -rf `basnam $i !`
80 ;;
81 *)
82 ;;
83 esac
84 done
86 # Kill result in case of failure as there is just to many stupid make/nmake
87 # things out there which doesn't do this.
88 if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
89 rm -f $arcFile $arcFile2 $defFile $dllFile
90 fi
91 }
93 # Print usage and exit script with rc=1.
94 PrintHelp() {
95 echo 'Usage: dllar [-o[utput] output_file] [-d[escription] "dll descrption"]'
96 echo ' [-cc "CC"] [-f[lags] "CFLAGS"] [-ord[inals]] -ex[clude] "symbol(s)"'
97 echo ' [-libf[lags] "{INIT|TERM}{GLOBAL|INSTANCE}"] [-nocrt[dll]] [-nolxl[ite]]'
98 echo ' [*.o] [*.a]'
99 echo '*> "output_file" should have no extension.'
100 echo ' If it has the .o, .a or .dll extension, it is automatically removed.'
101 echo ' The import library name is derived from this and is set to "name".a.'
102 echo '*> "cc" is used to use another GCC executable. (default: gcc.exe)'
103 echo '*> "flags" should be any set of valid GCC flags. (default: -s -Zcrtdll)'
104 echo ' These flags will be put at the start of GCC command line.'
105 echo '*> -ord[inals] tells dllar to export entries by ordinals. Be careful.'
106 echo '*> -ex[clude] defines symbols which will not be exported. You can define'
107 echo ' multiple symbols, for example -ex "myfunc yourfunc _GLOBAL*".'
108 echo ' If the last character of a symbol is "*", all symbols beginning'
109 echo ' with the prefix before "*" will be exclude, (see _GLOBAL* above).'
110 echo '*> -libf[lags] can be used to add INITGLOBAL/INITINSTANCE and/or'
111 echo ' TERMGLOBAL/TERMINSTANCE flags to the dynamically-linked library.'
112 echo '*> -nocrt[dll] switch will disable linking the library against emx''s'
113 echo ' C runtime DLLs.'
114 echo '*> -nolxl[ite] switch will disable running lxlite on the resulting DLL.'
115 echo '*> All other switches (for example -L./ or -lmylib) will be passed'
116 echo ' unchanged to GCC at the end of command line.'
117 echo '*> If you create a DLL from a library and you do not specify -o,'
118 echo ' the basename for DLL and import library will be set to library name,'
119 echo ' the initial library will be renamed to 'name'_s.a (_s for static)'
120 echo ' i.e. "dllar gcc.a" will create gcc.dll and gcc.a, and the initial'
121 echo ' library will be renamed into gcc_s.a.'
122 echo '--------'
123 echo 'Example:'
124 echo ' dllar -o gcc290.dll libgcc.a -d "GNU C runtime library" -ord'
125 echo ' -ex "__main __ctordtor*" -libf "INITINSTANCE TERMINSTANCE"'
126 CleanUp
127 exit 1
128 }
130 # Execute a command.
131 # If exit code of the commnad <> 0 CleanUp() is called and we'll exit the script.
132 # @Uses Whatever CleanUp() uses.
133 doCommand() {
134 echo "$*"
135 eval $*
136 rcCmd=$?
138 if [ $rcCmd -ne 0 ]; then
139 echo "command failed, exit code="$rcCmd
140 CleanUp
141 exit $rcCmd
142 fi
143 }
145 # main routine
146 # setup globals
147 cmdLine=$*
148 outFile=""
149 inputFiles=""
150 description=""
151 CC=gcc.exe
152 CFLAGS="-s -Zcrtdll"
155 exclude_symbols=""
156 library_flags=""
157 curDir=`pwd`
158 curDirS=curDir
159 case $curDirS in
160 */)
161 ;;
162 *)
163 curDirS=${curDirS}"/"
164 ;;
165 esac
166 # Parse commandline
167 libsToLink=0
168 omfLinking=0
169 while [ $1 ]; do
170 case $1 in
171 -ord*)
173 ;;
174 -o*)
175 shift
176 outFile=$1
177 ;;
178 -d*)
179 shift
180 description=$1
181 ;;
182 -f*)
183 shift
184 CFLAGS=$1
185 ;;
186 -c*)
187 shift
188 CC=$1
189 ;;
190 -h*)
191 PrintHelp
192 ;;
193 -ex*)
194 shift
195 exclude_symbols=${exclude_symbols}$1" "
196 ;;
197 -libf*)
198 shift
199 library_flags=${library_flags}$1" "
200 ;;
201 -nocrt*)
202 CFLAGS="-s"
203 ;;
204 -nolxl*)
205 flag_USE_LXLITE=0
206 ;;
207 -* | /*)
208 case $1 in
209 -L* | -l*)
210 libsToLink=1
211 ;;
212 -Zomf)
213 omfLinking=1
214 ;;
215 *)
216 ;;
217 esac
219 ;;
220 *.dll)
221 EXTRA_CFLAGS="${EXTRA_CFLAGS} `basnam $1 .dll`"
222 if [ $omfLinking -eq 1 ]; then
224 else
226 fi
227 ;;
228 *)
229 found=0;
230 if [ $libsToLink -ne 0 ]; then
232 else
233 for file in $1 ; do
234 if [ -f $file ]; then
235 inputFiles="${inputFiles} $file"
236 found=1
237 fi
238 done
239 if [ $found -eq 0 ]; then
240 echo "ERROR: No file(s) found: "$1
241 exit 8
242 fi
243 fi
244 ;;
245 esac
246 shift
247 done # iterate cmdline words
249 #
250 if [ -z "$inputFiles" ]; then
251 echo "dllar: no input files"
252 PrintHelp
253 fi
255 # Now extract all .o files from .a files
256 newInputFiles=""
257 for file in $inputFiles ; do
258 case $file in
259 *.a | *.lib)
260 case $file in
261 *.a)
262 suffix=".a"
263 AR="ar"
264 ;;
265 *.lib)
266 suffix=".lib"
267 AR="emxomfar"
269 ;;
270 *)
271 ;;
272 esac
273 dirname=`basnam $file $suffix`"_%"
274 mkdir $dirname
275 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
276 echo "Failed to create subdirectory ./$dirname"
277 CleanUp
278 exit 8;
279 fi
280 # Append '!' to indicate archive
281 newInputFiles="$newInputFiles ${dirname}!"
282 doCommand "cd $dirname; $AR x ../$file"
283 cd $curDir
284 found=0;
285 for subfile in $dirname/*.o* ; do
286 if [ -f $subfile ]; then
287 found=1
288 if [ -s $subfile ]; then
289 # FIXME: This should be: is file size > 32 byte, _not_ > 0!
290 newInputFiles="$newInputFiles $subfile"
291 fi
292 fi
293 done
294 if [ $found -eq 0 ]; then
295 echo "WARNING: there are no files in archive \'$file\'"
296 fi
297 ;;
298 *)
299 newInputFiles="${newInputFiles} $file"
300 ;;
301 esac
302 done
303 inputFiles="$newInputFiles"
305 # Output filename(s).
306 do_backup=0;
307 if [ -z $outFile ]; then
308 do_backup=1;
309 set outFile $inputFiles; outFile=$2
310 fi
312 # If it is an archive, remove the '!' and the '_%' suffixes
313 case $outFile in
314 *_%!)
315 outFile=`basnam $outFile _%!`
316 ;;
317 *)
318 ;;
319 esac
320 case $outFile in
321 *.dll)
322 outFile=`basnam $outFile .dll`
323 ;;
324 *.DLL)
325 outFile=`basnam $outFile .DLL`
326 ;;
327 *.o)
328 outFile=`basnam $outFile .o`
329 ;;
330 *.obj)
331 outFile=`basnam $outFile .obj`
332 ;;
333 *.a)
334 outFile=`basnam $outFile .a`
335 ;;
336 *.lib)
337 outFile=`basnam $outFile .lib`
338 ;;
339 *)
340 ;;
341 esac
342 defFile="${outFile}.def"
343 arcFile="${outFile}.a"
344 arcFile2="${outFile}.lib"
346 #create $dllFile as something matching 8.3 restrictions,
347 dllFile="$outFile"
348 case $dllFile in
349 *wx_base_*)
350 dllFile=`echo $dllFile | sed 's/base_\(...\)/b\1/'`
351 ;;
352 *wx_*_*)
353 dllFile=`echo $dllFile | sed 's/_\(..\)[^_]*_\(..\)[^-]*-/\1\2/'`
354 ;;
355 *)
356 ;;
357 esac
358 dllFile="`echo $dllFile | sed 's/\.//' | sed 's/_//' | sed 's/-//'`"
361 if [ $do_backup -ne 0 ] ; then
362 if [ -f $arcFile ] ; then
363 doCommand "mv $arcFile ${outFile}_s.a"
364 fi
365 if [ -f $arcFile2 ] ; then
366 doCommand "mv $arcFile2 ${outFile}_s.lib"
367 fi
368 fi
370 # Extract public symbols from all the object files.
371 tmpdefFile=${defFile}_%
372 rm -f $tmpdefFile
373 for file in $inputFiles ; do
374 case $file in
375 *!)
376 ;;
377 *)
378 doCommand "emxexp -u $file >> $tmpdefFile"
379 ;;
380 esac
381 done
383 # Create the def file.
384 rm -f $defFile
385 echo "LIBRARY `basnam $dllFile` $library_flags" >> $defFile
386 dllFile="$dllFile.dll"
387 if [ -n $description ]; then
388 echo "DESCRIPTION \"${description}\"" >> $defFile
389 fi
390 echo "EXPORTS" >> $defFile
392 doCommand "cat $tmpdefFile | sort.exe | uniq.exe > ${tmpdefFile}%"
393 grep -v "^ *;" < ${tmpdefFile}% | grep -v "^ *$" >$tmpdefFile
395 # Checks if the export is ok or not.
396 for word in $exclude_symbols; do
397 grep -v $word < $tmpdefFile >${tmpdefFile}%
398 mv ${tmpdefFile}% $tmpdefFile
399 done
402 if [ $EXPORT_BY_ORDINALS -ne 0 ]; then
403 sed "=" < $tmpdefFile | \
404 sed '
405 N
406 : loop
407 s/^\([0-9]\+\)\([^;]*\)\(;.*\)\?/\2 @\1 NONAME/
408 t loop
409 ' > ${tmpdefFile}%
410 grep -v "^ *$" < ${tmpdefFile}% > $tmpdefFile
411 else
412 rm -f ${tmpdefFile}%
413 fi
414 cat $tmpdefFile >> $defFile
415 rm -f $tmpdefFile
417 # Do linking, create implib, and apply lxlite.
418 gccCmdl="";
419 for file in $inputFiles ; do
420 case $file in
421 *!)
422 ;;
423 *)
424 gccCmdl="$gccCmdl $file"
425 ;;
426 esac
427 done
428 doCommand "$CC $CFLAGS -Zdll -o $dllFile $defFile $gccCmdl $EXTRA_CFLAGS"
429 touch "${outFile}.dll"
431 doCommand "emximp -o $arcFile $defFile"
432 if [ $flag_USE_LXLITE -ne 0 ]; then
433 add_flags="";
434 if [ $EXPORT_BY_ORDINALS -ne 0 ]; then
435 add_flags="-ynd"
436 fi
437 doCommand "lxlite -cs -t: -mrn -mln $add_flags $dllFile"
438 fi
439 doCommand "emxomf -s -l $arcFile"
441 # Successful exit.
442 CleanUp 1
443 exit 0