Extend history api using the ie backend to include loading history items, and getting...
[wxWidgets.git] / interface / wx / webview.h
1 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 // Name: webview.h
3 // Purpose: interface of wxWebView
4 // Author: wxWidgets team
5 // RCS-ID: $Id:$
6 // Licence: wxWindows licence
7 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9 /**
10 Zoom levels availiable in wxWebView
11 */
12 enum wxWebViewZoom
13 {
16 wxWEB_VIEW_ZOOM_MEDIUM, //!< default size
19 };
21 /**
22 The type of zooming that the web view control can perform
23 */
24 enum wxWebViewZoomType
25 {
26 /**
27 The entire layout scales when zooming, including images
28 */
30 /**
31 Only the text changes in size when zooming, images and other layout
32 elements retain their initial size
33 */
35 };
37 /**
38 Types of errors that can cause navigation to fail
39 */
40 enum wxWebNavigationError
41 {
42 /** Connection error (timeout, etc.) */
44 /** Invalid certificate */
46 /** Authentication required */
48 /** Other security error */
50 /** Requested resource not found */
52 /** Invalid request/parameters (e.g. bad URL, bad protocol,
53 unsupported resource type) */
55 /** The user cancelled (e.g. in a dialog) */
57 /** Another (exotic) type of error that didn't fit in other categories*/
59 };
61 /**
62 Type of refresh
63 */
64 enum wxWebViewReloadFlags
65 {
66 /** Default reload, will access cache */
68 /** Reload the current view without accessing the cache */
70 };
73 /**
74 * List of available backends for wxWebView
75 */
76 enum wxWebViewBackend
77 {
78 /** Value that may be passed to wxWebView to let it pick an appropriate
79 * engine for the current platform*/
82 /** The OSX-native WebKit web engine */
85 /** The GTK port of the WebKit engine */
88 /** Use Microsoft Internet Explorer as web engine */
90 };
92 /**
93 @class wxWebView
95 This control may be used to render web (HTML / CSS / javascript) documents.
96 Capabilities of the HTML renderer will depend upon the backed.
97 TODO: describe each backend and its capabilities here
99 Note that errors are generally reported asynchronously though the
100 @c wxEVT_COMMAND_WEB_VIEW_ERROR event described below.
102 @beginEventEmissionTable{wxWebNavigationEvent}
103 @event{EVT_WEB_VIEW_NAVIGATING(id, func)}
104 Process a @c wxEVT_COMMAND_WEB_VIEW_NAVIGATING event, generated before trying
105 to get a resource. This event may be vetoed to prevent navigating to this
106 resource. Note that if the displayed HTML document has several frames, one
107 such event will be generated per frame.
108 @event{EVT_WEB_VIEW_NAVIGATED(id, func)}
109 Process a @c wxEVT_COMMAND_WEB_VIEW_NAVIGATED event generated after it was
110 confirmed that a resource would be requested. This event may not be vetoed.
111 Note that if the displayed HTML document has several frames, one such event
112 will be generated per frame.
113 @event{EVT_WEB_VIEW_LOADED(id, func)}
114 Process a @c wxEVT_COMMAND_WEB_VIEW_LOADED event generated when the document
115 is fully loaded and displayed.
116 @event{EVT_WEB_VIEW_ERRROR(id, func)}
117 Process a @c wxEVT_COMMAND_WEB_VIEW_ERROR event generated when a navigation
118 error occurs.
119 The integer associated with this event will be a wxWebNavigationError item.
120 The string associated with this event may contain a backend-specific more
121 precise error message/code.
122 @event{EVT_WEB_VIEW_NEWWINDOW(id, func)}
123 Process a @c wxEVT_COMMAND_WEB_VIEW_NEWWINDOW event, generated when a new
124 window is created. This event may be vetoed to prevent a new window showing,
125 for example if you want to open the url in the existing window or a new tab.
126 @endEventTable
128 @library{wxweb}
129 @category{ctrl}
130 */
131 class wxWebView : public wxControl
132 {
133 public:
135 /**
136 Creation function for two-step creation.
137 */
138 virtual bool Create(wxWindow* parent,
139 wxWindowID id,
140 const wxString& url,
141 const wxPoint& pos,
142 const wxSize& size,
143 long style,
144 const wxString& name) = 0;
146 /**
147 Factory function to create a new wxWebView for two-step creation
148 (you need to call wxWebView::Create on the returned object)
149 @param backend which web engine to use as backend for wxWebView
150 @return the created wxWebView, or NULL if the requested backend is
151 not available
152 */
153 static wxWebView* New(wxWebViewBackend backend = wxWEB_VIEW_BACKEND_DEFAULT);
155 /**
156 Factory function to create a new wxWebView
157 @param parent parent window to create this view in
158 @param id ID of this control
159 @param url URL to load by default in the web view
160 @param pos position to create this control at
161 (you may use wxDefaultPosition if you use sizers)
162 @param size size to create this control with
163 (you may use wxDefaultSize if you use sizers)
164 @param backend which web engine to use as backend for wxWebView
165 @return the created wxWebView, or NULL if the requested backend
166 is not available
167 */
168 static wxWebView* New(wxWindow* parent,
169 wxWindowID id,
170 const wxString& url = wxWebViewDefaultURLStr,
171 const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
172 const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
173 wxWebViewBackend backend = wxWEB_VIEW_BACKEND_DEFAULT,
174 long style = 0,
175 const wxString& name = wxWebViewNameStr);
178 /**
179 Get whether it is possible to navigate back in the history of
180 visited pages
181 */
182 virtual bool CanGoBack() = 0;
184 /**
185 Get whether it is possible to navigate forward in the history of
186 visited pages
187 */
188 virtual bool CanGoForward() = 0;
190 /**
191 Navigate back in the history of visited pages.
192 Only valid if CanGoBack() returned true.
193 */
194 virtual void GoBack() = 0;
196 /**
197 Navigate forwardin the history of visited pages.
198 Only valid if CanGoForward() returned true.
199 */
200 virtual void GoForward() = 0;
202 /**
203 Clear the history, this will also remove the visible page.
204 */
205 virtual void ClearHistory() = 0;
207 /**
208 Enable or disable the history. This will also clear the history.
209 */
210 virtual void EnableHistory(bool enable = true) = 0;
212 /**
213 Returns a list of items in the back history. The first item in the
214 vector is the first page that was loaded by the control.
215 */
216 virtual wxVector<wxSharedPtr<wxWebHistoryItem> > GetBackwardHistory() = 0;
218 /**
219 Returns a list of items in the forward history. The first item in the
220 vector is the next item in the history with respect to the curently
221 loaded page.
222 */
223 virtual wxVector<wxSharedPtr<wxWebHistoryItem> > GetForwardHistory() = 0;
225 /**
226 Loads a history item.
227 */
228 virtual void LoadHistoryItem(wxSharedPtr<wxWebHistoryItem> item) = 0;
230 /**
231 Load a HTMl document (web page) from a URL
232 @param url the URL where the HTML document to display can be found
233 @note web engines generally report errors asynchronously, so if you wish
234 to know whether loading the URL was successful, register to receive
235 navigation error events
236 */
237 virtual void LoadUrl(const wxString& url) = 0;
239 /**
240 Stop the current page loading process, if any.
241 May trigger an error event of type @c wxWEB_NAV_ERR_USER_CANCELLED.
242 TODO: make @c wxWEB_NAV_ERR_USER_CANCELLED errors uniform across ports.
243 */
244 virtual void Stop() = 0;
246 /**
247 Reload the currently displayed URL.
248 @param flags A bit array that may optionnally contain reload options
249 */
250 virtual void Reload(wxWebViewReloadFlags flags = wxWEB_VIEW_RELOAD_DEFAULT) = 0;
253 /**
254 Get the URL of the currently displayed document
255 */
256 virtual wxString GetCurrentURL() = 0;
258 /**
259 Get the title of the current web page, or its URL/path if title is not
260 available
261 */
262 virtual wxString GetCurrentTitle() = 0;
264 /**
265 Get the HTML source code of the currently displayed document
266 @return the HTML source code, or an empty string if no page is currently
267 shown
268 */
269 virtual wxString GetPageSource() = 0;
271 /**
272 Get the zoom factor of the page
273 @return How much the HTML document is zoomed (scaleed)
274 */
275 virtual wxWebViewZoom GetZoom() = 0;
277 /**
278 Set the zoom factor of the page
279 @param zoom How much to zoom (scale) the HTML document
280 */
281 virtual void SetZoom(wxWebViewZoom zoom) = 0;
283 /**
284 Set how to interpret the zoom factor
285 @param zoomType how the zoom factor should be interpreted by the
286 HTML engine
287 @note invoke canSetZoomType() first, some HTML renderers may not
288 support all zoom types
289 */
290 virtual void SetZoomType(wxWebViewZoomType zoomType) = 0;
292 /**
293 Get how the zoom factor is currently interpreted
294 @return how the zoom factor is currently interpreted by the HTML engine
295 */
296 virtual wxWebViewZoomType GetZoomType() const = 0;
298 /**
299 Retrieve whether the current HTML engine supports a type of zoom
300 @param type the type of zoom to test
301 @return whether this type of zoom is supported by this HTML engine
302 (and thus can be set through setZoomType())
303 */
304 virtual bool CanSetZoomType(wxWebViewZoomType type) const = 0;
306 /**
307 Set the displayed page source to the contents of the given string
308 @param html the string that contains the HTML data to display
309 @param baseUrl URL assigned to the HTML data, to be used to resolve
310 relative paths, for instance
311 */
312 virtual void SetPage(const wxString& html, const wxString& baseUrl) = 0;
314 /**
315 Set the displayed page source to the contents of the given stream
316 @param html the stream to read HTML data from
317 @param baseUrl URL assigned to the HTML data, to be used to resolve
318 relative paths, for instance
319 */
320 virtual void SetPage(wxInputStream& html, wxString baseUrl)
321 {
322 wxStringOutputStream stream;
323 stream.Write(html);
324 SetPage(stream.GetString(), baseUrl);
325 }
327 /**
328 Opens a print dialog so that the user may print the currently
329 displayed page.
330 */
331 virtual void Print() = 0;
333 /**
334 Returns whether the web control is currently busy (e.g. loading a page)
335 */
336 virtual bool IsBusy() = 0;
337 };
342 /**
343 @class wxWebNavigationEvent
345 A navigation event holds information about events associated with
346 wxWebView objects.
348 @beginEventEmissionTable{wxWebNavigationEvent}
349 @event{EVT_WEB_VIEW_NAVIGATING(id, func)}
350 Process a @c wxEVT_COMMAND_WEB_VIEW_NAVIGATING event, generated before trying
351 to get a resource. This event may be vetoed to prevent navigating to this
352 resource. Note that if the displayed HTML document has several frames, one
353 such event will be generated per frame.
354 @event{EVT_WEB_VIEW_NAVIGATED(id, func)}
355 Process a @c wxEVT_COMMAND_WEB_VIEW_NAVIGATED event generated after it was
356 confirmed that a resource would be requested. This event may not be vetoed.
357 Note that if the displayed HTML document has several frames, one such event
358 will be generated per frame.
359 @event{EVT_WEB_VIEW_LOADED(id, func)}
360 Process a @c wxEVT_COMMAND_WEB_VIEW_LOADED event generated when the document
361 is fully loaded and displayed.
362 @event{EVT_WEB_VIEW_ERRROR(id, func)}
363 Process a @c wxEVT_COMMAND_WEB_VIEW_ERROR event generated when a navigation
364 error occurs.
365 The integer associated with this event will be a wxWebNavigationError item.
366 The string associated with this event may contain a backend-specific more
367 precise error message/code.
368 @event{EVT_WEB_VIEW_NEWWINDOW(id, func)}
369 Process a @c wxEVT_COMMAND_WEB_VIEW_NEWWINDOW event, generated when a new
370 window is created. This event may be vetoed to prevent a new window showing,
371 for example if you want to open the url in the existing window or a new tab.
372 @endEventTable
374 @library{wxweb}
375 @category{events}
377 @see wxWebView
378 */
379 class wxWebNavigationEvent : public wxCommandEvent
380 {
381 public:
382 wxWebNavigationEvent();
383 wxWebNavigationEvent(wxEventType type, int id, const wxString href,
384 const wxString target, bool canVeto);
385 /**
386 Get the URL being visited
387 */
388 const wxString& GetHref() const { return m_href; }
390 /**
391 Get the target (frame or window) in which the URL that caused this event
392 is viewed, or an empty string if not available.
393 */
394 const wxString& GetTarget() const;
396 virtual wxEvent* Clone() const;
398 /**
399 Get whether this event may be vetoed (stopped/prevented). Only
400 meaningful for events fired before navigation takes place or new
401 window events.
402 */
403 bool CanVeto() const;
405 /**
406 Whether this event was vetoed (stopped/prevented). Only meaningful for
407 events fired before navigation takes place or new window events.
408 */
409 bool IsVetoed() const;
411 /**
412 Veto (prevent/stop) this event. Only meaningful for events fired
413 before navigation takes place or new window events. Only valid
414 if CanVeto() returned true.
415 */
416 void Veto();
417 };