Fixed some broken things related to context help, fixed memory leak
[wxWidgets.git] / include / wx / generic / treectlg.h
1 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 // Name: treectrl.h
3 // Purpose: wxTreeCtrl class
4 // Author: Robert Roebling
5 // Modified by:
6 // Created: 01/02/97
7 // RCS-ID: $Id$
8 // Copyright: (c) 1997,1998 Robert Roebling
9 // Licence: wxWindows license
10 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
15 #ifdef __GNUG__
16 #pragma interface "treectlg.h"
17 #endif
19 #include "wx/defs.h"
20 #include "wx/string.h"
21 #include "wx/object.h"
22 #include "wx/event.h"
23 #include "wx/scrolwin.h"
24 #include "wx/textctrl.h"
25 #include "wx/pen.h"
26 #include "wx/dynarray.h"
27 #include "wx/timer.h"
28 #include "wx/treebase.h"
30 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
31 // forward declaration
32 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
34 class WXDLLEXPORT wxImageList;
35 class WXDLLEXPORT wxGenericTreeItem;
37 class WXDLLEXPORT wxTreeItemData;
39 class WXDLLEXPORT wxTreeRenameTimer;
40 class WXDLLEXPORT wxTreeTextCtrl;
42 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
43 // wxGenericTreeCtrl - the tree control
44 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
46 class WXDLLEXPORT wxGenericTreeCtrl : public wxScrolledWindow
47 {
48 public:
49 // creation
50 // --------
51 wxGenericTreeCtrl() { Init(); }
53 wxGenericTreeCtrl(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id = -1,
54 const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
55 const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
56 long style = wxTR_HAS_BUTTONS | wxTR_LINES_AT_ROOT,
57 const wxValidator &validator = wxDefaultValidator,
58 const wxString& name = wxTreeCtrlNameStr)
59 {
60 Init();
61 Create(parent, id, pos, size, style, validator, name);
62 }
64 virtual ~wxGenericTreeCtrl();
66 bool Create(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id = -1,
67 const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
68 const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
69 long style = wxTR_HAS_BUTTONS | wxTR_LINES_AT_ROOT,
70 const wxValidator &validator = wxDefaultValidator,
71 const wxString& name = wxTreeCtrlNameStr);
73 // accessors
74 // ---------
76 // get the total number of items in the control
77 size_t GetCount() const;
79 // indent is the number of pixels the children are indented relative to
80 // the parents position. SetIndent() also redraws the control
81 // immediately.
82 unsigned int GetIndent() const { return m_indent; }
83 void SetIndent(unsigned int indent);
85 // spacing is the number of pixels between the start and the Text
86 unsigned int GetSpacing() const { return m_spacing; }
87 void SetSpacing(unsigned int spacing);
89 // image list: these functions allow to associate an image list with
90 // the control and retrieve it. Note that the control does _not_ delete
91 // the associated image list when it's deleted in order to allow image
92 // lists to be shared between different controls.
93 //
94 // The normal image list is for the icons which correspond to the
95 // normal tree item state (whether it is selected or not).
96 // Additionally, the application might choose to show a state icon
97 // which corresponds to an app-defined item state (for example,
98 // checked/unchecked) which are taken from the state image list.
99 wxImageList *GetImageList() const;
100 wxImageList *GetStateImageList() const;
102 void SetImageList(wxImageList *imageList);
103 void SetStateImageList(wxImageList *imageList);
105 // Functions to work with tree ctrl items.
107 // accessors
108 // ---------
110 // retrieve items label
111 wxString GetItemText(const wxTreeItemId& item) const;
112 // get one of the images associated with the item (normal by default)
113 int GetItemImage(const wxTreeItemId& item,
114 wxTreeItemIcon which = wxTreeItemIcon_Normal) const;
115 // get the data associated with the item
116 wxTreeItemData *GetItemData(const wxTreeItemId& item) const;
118 // modifiers
119 // ---------
121 // set items label
122 void SetItemText(const wxTreeItemId& item, const wxString& text);
123 // get one of the images associated with the item (normal by default)
124 void SetItemImage(const wxTreeItemId& item, int image,
125 wxTreeItemIcon which = wxTreeItemIcon_Normal);
126 // associate some data with the item
127 void SetItemData(const wxTreeItemId& item, wxTreeItemData *data);
129 // force appearance of [+] button near the item. This is useful to
130 // allow the user to expand the items which don't have any children now
131 // - but instead add them only when needed, thus minimizing memory
132 // usage and loading time.
133 void SetItemHasChildren(const wxTreeItemId& item, bool has = TRUE);
135 // the item will be shown in bold
136 void SetItemBold(const wxTreeItemId& item, bool bold = TRUE);
138 // set the items text colour
139 void SetItemTextColour(const wxTreeItemId& item, const wxColour& col);
141 // set the items background colour
142 void SetItemBackgroundColour(const wxTreeItemId& item, const wxColour& col);
144 // set the items font (should be of the same height for all items)
145 void SetItemFont(const wxTreeItemId& item, const wxFont& font);
147 // item status inquiries
148 // ---------------------
150 // is the item visible (it might be outside the view or not expanded)?
151 bool IsVisible(const wxTreeItemId& item) const;
152 // does the item has any children?
153 bool HasChildren(const wxTreeItemId& item) const
154 { return ItemHasChildren(item); }
155 bool ItemHasChildren(const wxTreeItemId& item) const;
156 // is the item expanded (only makes sense if HasChildren())?
157 bool IsExpanded(const wxTreeItemId& item) const;
158 // is this item currently selected (the same as has focus)?
159 bool IsSelected(const wxTreeItemId& item) const;
160 // is item text in bold font?
161 bool IsBold(const wxTreeItemId& item) const;
163 // number of children
164 // ------------------
166 // if 'recursively' is FALSE, only immediate children count, otherwise
167 // the returned number is the number of all items in this branch
168 size_t GetChildrenCount(const wxTreeItemId& item, bool recursively = TRUE);
170 // navigation
171 // ----------
173 // wxTreeItemId.IsOk() will return FALSE if there is no such item
175 // get the root tree item
176 wxTreeItemId GetRootItem() const { return m_anchor; }
178 // get the item currently selected (may return NULL if no selection)
179 wxTreeItemId GetSelection() const { return m_current; }
181 // get the items currently selected, return the number of such item
182 size_t GetSelections(wxArrayTreeItemIds&) const;
184 // get the parent of this item (may return NULL if root)
185 wxTreeItemId GetParent(const wxTreeItemId& item) const;
187 // for this enumeration function you must pass in a "cookie" parameter
188 // which is opaque for the application but is necessary for the library
189 // to make these functions reentrant (i.e. allow more than one
190 // enumeration on one and the same object simultaneously). Of course,
191 // the "cookie" passed to GetFirstChild() and GetNextChild() should be
192 // the same!
194 // get the first child of this item
195 wxTreeItemId GetFirstChild(const wxTreeItemId& item, long& cookie) const;
196 // get the next child
197 wxTreeItemId GetNextChild(const wxTreeItemId& item, long& cookie) const;
198 // get the last child of this item - this method doesn't use cookies
199 wxTreeItemId GetLastChild(const wxTreeItemId& item) const;
201 // get the next sibling of this item
202 wxTreeItemId GetNextSibling(const wxTreeItemId& item) const;
203 // get the previous sibling
204 wxTreeItemId GetPrevSibling(const wxTreeItemId& item) const;
206 // get first visible item
207 wxTreeItemId GetFirstVisibleItem() const;
208 // get the next visible item: item must be visible itself!
209 // see IsVisible() and wxTreeCtrl::GetFirstVisibleItem()
210 wxTreeItemId GetNextVisible(const wxTreeItemId& item) const;
211 // get the previous visible item: item must be visible itself!
212 wxTreeItemId GetPrevVisible(const wxTreeItemId& item) const;
214 // Only for internal use right now, but should probably be public
215 wxTreeItemId GetNext(const wxTreeItemId& item) const;
216 wxTreeItemId GetPrev(const wxTreeItemId& item) const;
218 // operations
219 // ----------
221 // add the root node to the tree
222 wxTreeItemId AddRoot(const wxString& text,
223 int image = -1, int selectedImage = -1,
224 wxTreeItemData *data = NULL);
226 // insert a new item in as the first child of the parent
227 wxTreeItemId PrependItem(const wxTreeItemId& parent,
228 const wxString& text,
229 int image = -1, int selectedImage = -1,
230 wxTreeItemData *data = NULL);
232 // insert a new item after a given one
233 wxTreeItemId InsertItem(const wxTreeItemId& parent,
234 const wxTreeItemId& idPrevious,
235 const wxString& text,
236 int image = -1, int selectedImage = -1,
237 wxTreeItemData *data = NULL);
239 // insert a new item before the one with the given index
240 wxTreeItemId InsertItem(const wxTreeItemId& parent,
241 size_t index,
242 const wxString& text,
243 int image = -1, int selectedImage = -1,
244 wxTreeItemData *data = NULL);
246 // insert a new item in as the last child of the parent
247 wxTreeItemId AppendItem(const wxTreeItemId& parent,
248 const wxString& text,
249 int image = -1, int selectedImage = -1,
250 wxTreeItemData *data = NULL);
252 // delete this item and associated data if any
253 void Delete(const wxTreeItemId& item);
254 // delete all children (but don't delete the item itself)
255 // NB: this won't send wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_ITEM_DELETED events
256 void DeleteChildren(const wxTreeItemId& item);
257 // delete all items from the tree
258 // NB: this won't send wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_ITEM_DELETED events
259 void DeleteAllItems();
261 // expand this item
262 void Expand(const wxTreeItemId& item);
263 // expand this item and all subitems recursively
264 void ExpandAll(const wxTreeItemId& item);
265 // collapse the item without removing its children
266 void Collapse(const wxTreeItemId& item);
267 // collapse the item and remove all children
268 void CollapseAndReset(const wxTreeItemId& item);
269 // toggles the current state
270 void Toggle(const wxTreeItemId& item);
272 // remove the selection from currently selected item (if any)
273 void Unselect();
274 void UnselectAll();
275 // select this item
276 void SelectItem(const wxTreeItemId& item, bool unselect_others=TRUE, bool extended_select=FALSE);
277 // make sure this item is visible (expanding the parent item and/or
278 // scrolling to this item if necessary)
279 void EnsureVisible(const wxTreeItemId& item);
280 // scroll to this item (but don't expand its parent)
281 void ScrollTo(const wxTreeItemId& item);
283 // The first function is more portable (because easier to implement
284 // on other platforms), but the second one returns some extra info.
285 wxTreeItemId HitTest(const wxPoint& point)
286 { int dummy; return HitTest(point, dummy); }
287 wxTreeItemId HitTest(const wxPoint& point, int& flags);
289 // get the bounding rectangle of the item (or of its label only)
290 bool GetBoundingRect(const wxTreeItemId& item,
291 wxRect& rect,
292 bool textOnly = FALSE) const;
294 // Start editing the item label: this (temporarily) replaces the item
295 // with a one line edit control. The item will be selected if it hadn't
296 // been before.
297 void EditLabel( const wxTreeItemId& item ) { Edit( item ); }
298 void Edit( const wxTreeItemId& item );
300 // sorting
301 // this function is called to compare 2 items and should return -1, 0
302 // or +1 if the first item is less than, equal to or greater than the
303 // second one. The base class version performs alphabetic comparaison
304 // of item labels (GetText)
305 virtual int OnCompareItems(const wxTreeItemId& item1,
306 const wxTreeItemId& item2);
307 // sort the children of this item using OnCompareItems
308 //
309 // NB: this function is not reentrant and not MT-safe (FIXME)!
310 void SortChildren(const wxTreeItemId& item);
312 // deprecated functions: use Set/GetItemImage directly
313 // get the selected item image
314 int GetItemSelectedImage(const wxTreeItemId& item) const
315 { return GetItemImage(item, wxTreeItemIcon_Selected); }
316 // set the selected item image
317 void SetItemSelectedImage(const wxTreeItemId& item, int image)
318 { SetItemImage(item, image, wxTreeItemIcon_Selected); }
320 // implementation only from now on
322 // callbacks
323 void OnPaint( wxPaintEvent &event );
324 void OnSetFocus( wxFocusEvent &event );
325 void OnKillFocus( wxFocusEvent &event );
326 void OnChar( wxKeyEvent &event );
327 void OnMouse( wxMouseEvent &event );
328 void OnIdle( wxIdleEvent &event );
330 // implementation helpers
331 void SendDeleteEvent(wxGenericTreeItem *itemBeingDeleted);
333 void DrawBorder(const wxTreeItemId& item);
334 void DrawLine(const wxTreeItemId& item, bool below);
336 protected:
337 friend class wxGenericTreeItem;
338 friend class wxTreeRenameTimer;
339 friend class wxTreeTextCtrl;
341 wxFont m_normalFont;
342 wxFont m_boldFont;
344 wxGenericTreeItem *m_anchor;
345 wxGenericTreeItem *m_current, *m_key_current, *m_currentEdit;
346 bool m_hasFocus;
347 bool m_dirty;
348 int m_xScroll,m_yScroll;
349 unsigned int m_indent;
350 unsigned int m_spacing;
351 int m_lineHeight;
352 wxPen m_dottedPen;
353 wxBrush *m_hilightBrush;
354 wxImageList *m_imageListNormal,
355 *m_imageListState;
357 int m_dragCount;
358 wxPoint m_dragStart;
359 bool m_isDragging; // true between BEGIN/END drag events
360 wxGenericTreeItem *m_dropTarget;
361 wxCursor m_oldCursor; // cursor is changed while dragging
362 wxGenericTreeItem *m_oldSelection;
364 wxTimer *m_renameTimer;
365 bool m_renameAccept;
366 bool m_lastOnSame; // last click on the same item as prev
367 wxString m_renameRes;
369 // the common part of all ctors
370 void Init();
372 // misc helpers
373 wxTreeItemId DoInsertItem(const wxTreeItemId& parent,
374 size_t previous,
375 const wxString& text,
376 int image, int selectedImage,
377 wxTreeItemData *data);
379 public:
380 void AdjustMyScrollbars();
381 protected:
382 int GetLineHeight(wxGenericTreeItem *item) const;
383 void PaintLevel( wxGenericTreeItem *item, wxDC& dc, int level, int &y );
384 void PaintItem( wxGenericTreeItem *item, wxDC& dc);
386 void CalculateLevel( wxGenericTreeItem *item, wxDC &dc, int level, int &y );
387 void CalculatePositions();
388 void CalculateSize( wxGenericTreeItem *item, wxDC &dc );
390 void RefreshSubtree( wxGenericTreeItem *item );
391 void RefreshLine( wxGenericTreeItem *item );
393 void OnRenameTimer();
394 void OnRenameAccept();
396 void FillArray(wxGenericTreeItem*, wxArrayTreeItemIds&) const;
397 void SelectItemRange( wxGenericTreeItem *item1, wxGenericTreeItem *item2 );
398 bool TagAllChildrenUntilLast(wxGenericTreeItem *crt_item, wxGenericTreeItem *last_item, bool select);
399 bool TagNextChildren(wxGenericTreeItem *crt_item, wxGenericTreeItem *last_item, bool select);
400 void UnselectAllChildren( wxGenericTreeItem *item );
402 void DrawDropEffect(wxGenericTreeItem *item);
404 private:
406 DECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxGenericTreeCtrl)
407 };
409 #if !defined(__WXMSW__) || defined(__WIN16__)
410 /*
411 * wxTreeCtrl has to be a real class or we have problems with
412 * the run-time information.
413 */
415 class WXDLLEXPORT wxTreeCtrl: public wxGenericTreeCtrl
416 {
417 public:
420 wxTreeCtrl() {}
422 wxTreeCtrl(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id = -1,
423 const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
424 const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
425 long style = wxTR_HAS_BUTTONS | wxTR_LINES_AT_ROOT,
426 const wxValidator &validator = wxDefaultValidator,
427 const wxString& name = wxTreeCtrlNameStr)
428 {
429 Create(parent, id, pos, size, style, validator, name);
430 }
432 };
434 #endif
436 #endif // _GENERIC_TREECTRL_H_