dropped in new wxMatrix (from wxCanvas)
[wxWidgets.git] / include / wx / matrix.h
1 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 // Name: matrix.h
3 // Purpose: wxTransformMatrix class. NOT YET USED
4 //! Author: Chris Breeze, Julian Smart
5 // Modified by: Klaas Holwerda
6 // Created: 01/02/97
7 // RCS-ID: $Id$
8 // Copyright: (c) Julian Smart and Markus Holzem
9 // Licence: wxWindows licence
10 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
12 #ifndef _WX_MATRIXH__
13 #define _WX_MATRIXH__
15 #ifdef __GNUG__
16 #pragma interface "matrix.h"
17 #endif
19 //! headerfiles="matrix.h wx/object.h"
20 #include "wx/object.h"
22 //! codefiles="matrix.cpp"
24 // A simple 3x3 matrix. This may be replaced by a more general matrix
25 // class some day.
26 //
27 // Note: this is intended to be used in wxDC at some point to replace
28 // the current system of scaling/translation. It is not yet used.
30 //:defenition
31 // A 3x3 matrix to do 2D transformations.
32 // It can be used to map data to window coordinates.
33 // But also for manipulating your own data.
34 // For example drawing a picture (composed of several primitives)
35 // at a certain coordinate and angle within another parent picture.
36 // At all times m_isIdentity is set if the matrix itself is an Identity matrix.
37 // It is used where possible to optimize calculations.
38 class WXDLLEXPORT wxTransformMatrix: public wxObject
39 {
40 public:
41 wxTransformMatrix(void);
42 wxTransformMatrix(const wxTransformMatrix& mat);
44 //get the value in the matrix at col,row
45 //rows are horizontal (second index of m_matrix member)
46 //columns are vertical (first index of m_matrix member)
47 double GetValue(int col, int row) const;
49 //set the value in the matrix at col,row
50 //rows are horizontal (second index of m_matrix member)
51 //columns are vertical (first index of m_matrix member)
52 void SetValue(int col, int row, double value);
54 void operator = (const wxTransformMatrix& mat);
55 bool operator == (const wxTransformMatrix& mat);
56 bool operator != (const wxTransformMatrix& mat);
58 //multiply every element by t
59 wxTransformMatrix& operator*=(const double& t);
60 //divide every element by t
61 wxTransformMatrix& operator/=(const double& t);
62 //add matrix m to this t
63 wxTransformMatrix& operator+=(const wxTransformMatrix& m);
64 //subtract matrix m from this
65 wxTransformMatrix& operator-=(const wxTransformMatrix& m);
66 //multiply matrix m with this
67 wxTransformMatrix& operator*=(const wxTransformMatrix& m);
69 // constant operators
71 //multiply every element by t and return result
72 wxTransformMatrix operator*(const double& t) const;
73 //divide this matrix by t and return result
74 wxTransformMatrix operator/(const double& t) const;
75 //add matrix m to this and return result
76 wxTransformMatrix operator+(const wxTransformMatrix& m) const;
77 //subtract matrix m from this and return result
78 wxTransformMatrix operator-(const wxTransformMatrix& m) const;
79 //multiply this by matrix m and return result
80 wxTransformMatrix operator*(const wxTransformMatrix& m) const;
81 wxTransformMatrix operator-() const;
83 //rows are horizontal (second index of m_matrix member)
84 //columns are vertical (first index of m_matrix member)
85 double& operator()(int col, int row);
87 //rows are horizontal (second index of m_matrix member)
88 //columns are vertical (first index of m_matrix member)
89 double operator()(int col, int row) const;
91 // Invert matrix
92 bool Invert(void);
94 // Make into identity matrix
95 bool Identity(void);
97 // Is the matrix the identity matrix?
98 // Only returns a flag, which is set whenever an operation
99 // is done.
100 inline bool IsIdentity(void) const { return m_isIdentity; };
102 // This does an actual check.
103 inline bool IsIdentity1(void) const ;
105 //Scale by scale (isotropic scaling i.e. the same in x and y):
106 //!ex:
107 //!code: | scale 0 0 |
108 //!code: matrix' = | 0 scale 0 | x matrix
109 //!code: | 0 0 scale |
110 bool Scale(double scale);
112 //Scale with center point and x/y scale
113 //
114 //!ex:
115 //!code: | xs 0 xc(1-xs) |
116 //!code: matrix' = | 0 ys yc(1-ys) | x matrix
117 //!code: | 0 0 1 |
118 wxTransformMatrix& Scale(const double &xs, const double &ys,const double &xc, const double &yc);
120 // mirror a matrix in x, y
121 //!ex:
122 //!code: | -1 0 0 |
123 //!code: matrix' = | 0 -1 0 | x matrix
124 //!code: | 0 0 1 |
125 wxTransformMatrix& Mirror(bool x=true, bool y=false);
127 // Translate by dx, dy:
128 //!ex:
129 //!code: | 1 0 dx |
130 //!code: matrix' = | 0 1 dy | x matrix
131 //!code: | 0 0 1 |
132 bool Translate(double x, double y);
134 // Rotate clockwise by the given number of degrees:
135 //!ex:
136 //!code: | cos sin 0 |
137 //!code: matrix' = | -sin cos 0 | x matrix
138 //!code: | 0 0 1 |
139 bool Rotate(double angle);
141 //Rotate counter clockwise with point of rotation
142 //
143 //!ex:
144 //!code: | cos(r) -sin(r) x(1-cos(r))+y(sin(r)|
145 //!code: matrix' = | sin(r) cos(r) y(1-cos(r))-x(sin(r)| x matrix
146 //!code: | 0 0 1 |
147 wxTransformMatrix& Rotate(const double &r, const double &x, const double &y);
149 // Transform X value from logical to device
150 inline double TransformX(double x) const;
152 // Transform Y value from logical to device
153 inline double TransformY(double y) const;
155 // Transform a point from logical to device coordinates
156 bool TransformPoint(double x, double y, double& tx, double& ty) const;
158 // Transform a point from device to logical coordinates.
159 // Example of use:
160 // wxTransformMatrix mat = dc.GetTransformation();
161 // mat.Invert();
162 // mat.InverseTransformPoint(x, y, x1, y1);
163 // OR (shorthand:)
164 // dc.LogicalToDevice(x, y, x1, y1);
165 // The latter is slightly less efficient if we're doing several
166 // conversions, since the matrix is inverted several times.
167 // N.B. 'this' matrix is the inverse at this point
168 bool InverseTransformPoint(double x, double y, double& tx, double& ty) const;
170 double Get_scaleX();
171 double Get_scaleY();
172 double GetRotation();
173 void SetRotation(double rotation);
176 public:
177 double m_matrix[3][3];
178 bool m_isIdentity;
179 };
182 /*
183 Chris Breeze reported, that
184 some functions of wxTransformMatrix cannot work because it is not
185 known if he matrix has been inverted. Be careful when using it.
186 */
188 // Transform X value from logical to device
189 // warning: this function can only be used for this purpose
190 // because no rotation is involved when mapping logical to device coordinates
191 // mirror and scaling for x and y will be part of the matrix
192 // if you have a matrix that is rotated, eg a shape containing a matrix to place
193 // it in the logical coordinate system, use TransformPoint
194 inline double wxTransformMatrix::TransformX(double x) const
195 {
196 //normally like this, but since no rotation is involved (only mirror and scale)
197 //we can do without Y -> m_matrix[1]{0] is -sin(rotation angle) and therefore zero
198 //(x * m_matrix[0][0] + y * m_matrix[1][0] + m_matrix[2][0]))
199 return (m_isIdentity ? x : (x * m_matrix[0][0] + m_matrix[2][0]));
200 }
202 // Transform Y value from logical to device
203 // warning: this function can only be used for this purpose
204 // because no rotation is involved when mapping logical to device coordinates
205 // mirror and scaling for x and y will be part of the matrix
206 // if you have a matrix that is rotated, eg a shape containing a matrix to place
207 // it in the logical coordinate system, use TransformPoint
208 inline double wxTransformMatrix::TransformY(double y) const
209 {
210 //normally like this, but since no rotation is involved (only mirror and scale)
211 //we can do without X -> m_matrix[0]{1] is sin(rotation angle) and therefore zero
212 //(x * m_matrix[0][1] + y * m_matrix[1][1] + m_matrix[2][1]))
213 return (m_isIdentity ? y : (y * m_matrix[1][1] + m_matrix[2][1]));
214 }
217 // Is the matrix the identity matrix?
218 // Each operation checks whether the result is still the identity matrix and sets a flag.
219 inline bool wxTransformMatrix::IsIdentity1(void) const
220 {
221 return
222 (m_matrix[0][0] == 1.0 &&
223 m_matrix[1][1] == 1.0 &&
224 m_matrix[2][2] == 1.0 &&
225 m_matrix[1][0] == 0.0 &&
226 m_matrix[2][0] == 0.0 &&
227 m_matrix[0][1] == 0.0 &&
228 m_matrix[2][1] == 0.0 &&
229 m_matrix[0][2] == 0.0 &&
230 m_matrix[1][2] == 0.0) ;
231 }
233 // Calculates the determinant of a 2 x 2 matrix
234 inline double wxCalculateDet(double a11, double a21, double a12, double a22)
235 {
236 return a11 * a22 - a12 * a21;
237 }
239 #endif
240 // _WX_MATRIXH__