]> git.saurik.com Git - wxWidgets.git/blob - wxPython/wx/lib/pubsub.py
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[wxWidgets.git] / wxPython / wx / lib / pubsub.py
2 #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 """
4 This module provides a publish-subscribe component that allows
5 listeners to subcribe to messages of a given topic. Contrary to the
6 original wxPython.lib.pubsub module (which it is based on), it uses
7 weak referencing to the subscribers so the lifetime of subscribers
8 is not affected by Publisher. Also, callable objects can be used in
9 addition to functions and bound methods. See Publisher class docs for
10 more details.
12 Thanks to Robb Shecter and Robin Dunn for having provided
13 the basis for this module (which now shares most of the concepts but
14 very little design or implementation with the original
15 wxPython.lib.pubsub).
17 The publisher is a singleton instance of the PublisherClass class. You
18 access the instance via the Publisher object available from the module::
20 from wx.lib.pubsub import Publisher
21 Publisher().subscribe(...)
22 Publisher().sendMessage(...)
23 ...
25 :Author: Oliver Schoenborn
26 :Since: Apr 2004
27 :Version: $Id$
28 :Copyright: \(c) 2004 Oliver Schoenborn
29 :License: wxWidgets
30 """
32 _implNotes = """
33 Implementation notes
34 --------------------
36 In class Publisher, I represent the topics-listener set as a tree
37 where each node is a topic, and contains a list of listeners of that
38 topic, and a dictionary of subtopics of that topic. When the Publisher
39 is told to send a message for a given topic, it traverses the tree
40 down to the topic for which a message is being generated, all
41 listeners on the way get sent the message.
43 Publisher currently uses a weak listener topic tree to store the
44 topics for each listener, and if a listener dies before being
45 unsubscribed, the tree is notified, and the tree eliminates the
46 listener from itself.
48 Ideally, _TopicTreeNode would be a generic _TreeNode with named
49 subnodes, and _TopicTreeRoot would be a generic _Tree with named
50 nodes, and Publisher would store listeners in each node and a topic
51 tuple would be converted to a path in the tree. This would lead to a
52 much cleaner separation of concerns. But time is over, time to move on.
53 """
54 #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
56 # for function and method parameter counting:
57 from types import InstanceType
58 from inspect import getargspec, ismethod, isfunction
59 # for weakly bound methods:
60 from new import instancemethod as InstanceMethod
61 from weakref import ref as WeakRef
63 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
65 def _isbound(method):
66 """Return true if method is a bound method, false otherwise"""
67 assert ismethod(method)
68 return method.im_self is not None
71 def _paramMinCountFunc(function):
72 """Given a function, return pair (min,d) where min is minimum # of
73 args required, and d is number of default arguments."""
74 assert isfunction(function)
75 (args, va, kwa, dflt) = getargspec(function)
76 lenDef = len(dflt or ())
77 lenArgs = len(args or ())
78 lenVA = int(va is not None)
79 return (lenArgs - lenDef + lenVA, lenDef)
82 def _paramMinCount(callableObject):
83 """
84 Given a callable object (function, method or callable instance),
85 return pair (min,d) where min is minimum # of args required, and d
86 is number of default arguments. The 'self' parameter, in the case
87 of methods, is not counted.
88 """
89 if type(callableObject) is InstanceType:
90 min, d = _paramMinCountFunc(callableObject.__call__.im_func)
91 return min-1, d
92 elif ismethod(callableObject):
93 min, d = _paramMinCountFunc(callableObject.im_func)
94 return min-1, d
95 elif isfunction(callableObject):
96 return _paramMinCountFunc(callableObject)
97 else:
98 raise 'Cannot determine type of callable: '+repr(callableObject)
101 def _tupleize(items):
102 """Convert items to tuple if not already one,
103 so items must be a list, tuple or non-sequence"""
104 if isinstance(items, list):
105 raise TypeError, 'Not allowed to tuple-ize a list'
106 elif isinstance(items, (str, unicode)) and items.find('.') != -1:
107 items = tuple(items.split('.'))
108 elif not isinstance(items, tuple):
109 items = (items,)
110 return items
113 def _getCallableName(callable):
114 """Get name for a callable, ie function, bound
115 method or callable instance"""
116 if ismethod(callable):
117 return '%s.%s ' % (callable.im_self, callable.im_func.func_name)
118 elif isfunction(callable):
119 return '%s ' % callable.__name__
120 else:
121 return '%s ' % callable
124 def _removeItem(item, fromList):
125 """Attempt to remove item from fromList, return true
126 if successful, false otherwise."""
127 try:
128 fromList.remove(item)
129 return True
130 except ValueError:
131 return False
134 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
136 class _WeakMethod:
137 """Represent a weak bound method, i.e. a method doesn't keep alive the
138 object that it is bound to. It uses WeakRef which, used on its own,
139 produces weak methods that are dead on creation, not very useful.
140 Typically, you will use the getRef() function instead of using
141 this class directly. """
143 def __init__(self, method, notifyDead = None):
144 """The method must be bound. notifyDead will be called when
145 object that method is bound to dies. """
146 assert ismethod(method)
147 if method.im_self is None:
148 raise ValueError, "We need a bound method!"
149 if notifyDead is None:
150 self.objRef = WeakRef(method.im_self)
151 else:
152 self.objRef = WeakRef(method.im_self, notifyDead)
153 self.fun = method.im_func
154 self.cls = method.im_class
156 def __call__(self):
157 """Returns a new.instancemethod if object for method still alive.
158 Otherwise return None. Note that instancemethod causes a
159 strong reference to object to be created, so shouldn't save
160 the return value of this call. Note also that this __call__
161 is required only for compatibility with WeakRef.ref(), otherwise
162 there would be more efficient ways of providing this functionality."""
163 if self.objRef() is None:
164 return None
165 else:
166 return InstanceMethod(self.fun, self.objRef(), self.cls)
168 def __eq__(self, method2):
169 """Two WeakMethod objects compare equal if they refer to the same method
170 of the same instance. Thanks to Josiah Carlson for patch and clarifications
171 on how dict uses eq/cmp and hashing. """
172 if not isinstance(method2, _WeakMethod):
173 return False
174 return self.fun is method2.fun \
175 and self.objRef() is method2.objRef() \
176 and self.objRef() is not None
178 def __hash__(self):
179 """Hash is an optimization for dict searches, it need not
180 return different numbers for every different object. Some objects
181 are not hashable (eg objects of classes derived from dict) so no
182 hash(objRef()) in there, and hash(self.cls) would only be useful
183 in the rare case where instance method was rebound. """
184 return hash(self.fun)
186 def __repr__(self):
187 dead = ''
188 if self.objRef() is None:
189 dead = '; DEAD'
190 obj = '<%s at %s%s>' % (self.__class__, id(self), dead)
191 return obj
193 def refs(self, weakRef):
194 """Return true if we are storing same object referred to by weakRef."""
195 return self.objRef == weakRef
198 def _getWeakRef(obj, notifyDead=None):
199 """Get a weak reference to obj. If obj is a bound method, a _WeakMethod
200 object, that behaves like a WeakRef, is returned, if it is
201 anything else a WeakRef is returned. If obj is an unbound method,
202 a ValueError will be raised."""
203 if ismethod(obj):
204 createRef = _WeakMethod
205 else:
206 createRef = WeakRef
208 if notifyDead is None:
209 return createRef(obj)
210 else:
211 return createRef(obj, notifyDead)
214 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
216 def getStrAllTopics():
217 """Function to call if, for whatever reason, you need to know
218 explicitely what is the string to use to indicate 'all topics'."""
219 return ''
222 # alias, easier to see where used
223 ALL_TOPICS = getStrAllTopics()
225 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
228 class _NodeCallback:
229 """Encapsulate a weak reference to a method of a TopicTreeNode
230 in such a way that the method can be called, if the node is
231 still alive, but the callback does not *keep* the node alive.
232 Also, define two methods, preNotify() and noNotify(), which can
233 be redefined to something else, very useful for testing.
234 """
236 def __init__(self, obj):
237 self.objRef = _getWeakRef(obj)
239 def __call__(self, weakCB):
240 notify = self.objRef()
241 if notify is not None:
242 self.preNotify(weakCB)
243 notify(weakCB)
244 else:
245 self.noNotify()
247 def preNotify(self, dead):
248 """'Gets called just before our callback (self.objRef) is called"""
249 pass
251 def noNotify(self):
252 """Gets called if the TopicTreeNode for this callback is dead"""
253 pass
256 class _TopicTreeNode:
257 """A node in the topic tree. This contains a list of callables
258 that are interested in the topic that this node is associated
259 with, and contains a dictionary of subtopics, whose associated
260 values are other _TopicTreeNodes. The topic of a node is not stored
261 in the node, so that the tree can be implemented as a dictionary
262 rather than a list, for ease of use (and, likely, performance).
264 Note that it uses _NodeCallback to encapsulate a callback for
265 when a registered listener dies, possible thanks to WeakRef.
266 Whenever this callback is called, the onDeadListener() function,
267 passed in at construction time, is called (unless it is None).
268 """
270 def __init__(self, topicPath, onDeadListenerWeakCB):
271 self.__subtopics = {}
272 self.__callables = []
273 self.__topicPath = topicPath
274 self.__onDeadListenerWeakCB = onDeadListenerWeakCB
276 def getPathname(self):
277 """The complete node path to us, ie., the topic tuple that would lead to us"""
278 return self.__topicPath
280 def createSubtopic(self, subtopic, topicPath):
281 """Create a child node for subtopic"""
282 return self.__subtopics.setdefault(subtopic,
283 _TopicTreeNode(topicPath, self.__onDeadListenerWeakCB))
285 def hasSubtopic(self, subtopic):
286 """Return true only if topic string is one of subtopics of this node"""
287 return self.__subtopics.has_key(subtopic)
289 def getNode(self, subtopic):
290 """Return ref to node associated with subtopic"""
291 return self.__subtopics[subtopic]
293 def addCallable(self, callable):
294 """Add a callable to list of callables for this topic node"""
295 try:
296 id = self.__callables.index(_getWeakRef(callable))
297 return self.__callables[id]
298 except ValueError:
299 wrCall = _getWeakRef(callable, _NodeCallback(self.__notifyDead))
300 self.__callables.append(wrCall)
301 return wrCall
303 def getCallables(self):
304 """Get callables associated with this topic node"""
305 return [cb() for cb in self.__callables if cb() is not None]
307 def hasCallable(self, callable):
308 """Return true if callable in this node"""
309 try:
310 self.__callables.index(_getWeakRef(callable))
311 return True
312 except ValueError:
313 return False
315 def sendMessage(self, message):
316 """Send a message to our callables"""
317 deliveryCount = 0
318 for cb in self.__callables:
319 listener = cb()
320 if listener is not None:
321 listener(message)
322 deliveryCount += 1
323 return deliveryCount
325 def removeCallable(self, callable):
326 """Remove weak callable from our node (and return True).
327 Does nothing if not here (and returns False)."""
328 try:
329 self.__callables.remove(_getWeakRef(callable))
330 return True
331 except ValueError:
332 return False
334 def clearCallables(self):
335 """Abandon list of callables to caller. We no longer have
336 any callables after this method is called."""
337 tmpList = [cb for cb in self.__callables if cb() is not None]
338 self.__callables = []
339 return tmpList
341 def __notifyDead(self, dead):
342 """Gets called when a listener dies, thanks to WeakRef"""
343 #print 'TreeNODE', `self`, 'received death certificate for ', dead
344 self.__cleanupDead()
345 if self.__onDeadListenerWeakCB is not None:
346 cb = self.__onDeadListenerWeakCB()
347 if cb is not None:
348 cb(dead)
350 def __cleanupDead(self):
351 """Remove all dead objects from list of callables"""
352 self.__callables = [cb for cb in self.__callables if cb() is not None]
354 def __str__(self):
355 """Print us in a not-so-friendly, but readable way, good for debugging."""
356 strVal = []
357 for callable in self.getCallables():
358 strVal.append(_getCallableName(callable))
359 for topic, node in self.__subtopics.iteritems():
360 strVal.append(' (%s: %s)' %(topic, node))
361 return ''.join(strVal)
364 class _TopicTreeRoot(_TopicTreeNode):
365 """
366 The root of the tree knows how to access other node of the
367 tree and is the gateway of the tree user to the tree nodes.
368 It can create topics, and and remove callbacks, etc.
370 For efficiency, it stores a dictionary of listener-topics,
371 so that unsubscribing a listener just requires finding the
372 topics associated to a listener, and finding the corresponding
373 nodes of the tree. Without it, unsubscribing would require
374 that we search the whole tree for all nodes that contain
375 given listener. Since Publisher is a singleton, it will
376 contain all topics in the system so it is likely to be a large
377 tree. However, it is possible that in some runs, unsubscribe()
378 is called very little by the user, in which case most unsubscriptions
379 are automatic, ie caused by the listeners dying. In this case,
380 a flag is set to indicate that the dictionary should be cleaned up
381 at the next opportunity. This is not necessary, it is just an
382 optimization.
383 """
385 def __init__(self):
386 self.__callbackDict = {}
387 self.__callbackDictCleanup = 0
388 # all child nodes will call our __rootNotifyDead method
389 # when one of their registered listeners dies
390 _TopicTreeNode.__init__(self, (ALL_TOPICS,),
391 _getWeakRef(self.__rootNotifyDead))
393 def addTopic(self, topic, listener):
394 """Add topic to tree if doesnt exist, and add listener to topic node"""
395 assert isinstance(topic, tuple)
396 topicNode = self.__getTreeNode(topic, make=True)
397 weakCB = topicNode.addCallable(listener)
398 assert topicNode.hasCallable(listener)
400 theList = self.__callbackDict.setdefault(weakCB, [])
401 assert self.__callbackDict.has_key(weakCB)
402 # add it only if we don't already have it
403 try:
404 weakTopicNode = WeakRef(topicNode)
405 theList.index(weakTopicNode)
406 except ValueError:
407 theList.append(weakTopicNode)
408 assert self.__callbackDict[weakCB].index(weakTopicNode) >= 0
410 def getTopics(self, listener):
411 """Return the list of topics for given listener"""
412 weakNodes = self.__callbackDict.get(_getWeakRef(listener), [])
413 return [weakNode().getPathname() for weakNode in weakNodes
414 if weakNode() is not None]
416 def isSubscribed(self, listener, topic=None):
417 """Return true if listener is registered for topic specified.
418 If no topic specified, return true if subscribed to something.
419 Use topic=getStrAllTopics() to determine if a listener will receive
420 messages for all topics."""
421 weakCB = _getWeakRef(listener)
422 if topic is None:
423 return self.__callbackDict.has_key(weakCB)
424 else:
425 topicPath = _tupleize(topic)
426 for weakNode in self.__callbackDict[weakCB]:
427 if topicPath == weakNode().getPathname():
428 return True
429 return False
431 def unsubscribe(self, listener, topicList):
432 """Remove listener from given list of topics. If topicList
433 doesn't have any topics for which listener has subscribed,
434 nothing happens."""
435 weakCB = _getWeakRef(listener)
436 if not self.__callbackDict.has_key(weakCB):
437 return
439 cbNodes = self.__callbackDict[weakCB]
440 if topicList is None:
441 for weakNode in cbNodes:
442 weakNode().removeCallable(listener)
443 del self.__callbackDict[weakCB]
444 return
446 for weakNode in cbNodes:
447 node = weakNode()
448 if node is not None and node.getPathname() in topicList:
449 success = node.removeCallable(listener)
450 assert success == True
451 cbNodes.remove(weakNode)
452 assert not self.isSubscribed(listener, node.getPathname())
454 def unsubAll(self, topicList, onNoSuchTopic):
455 """Unsubscribe all listeners registered for any topic in
456 topicList. If a topic in the list does not exist, and
457 onNoSuchTopic is not None, a call
458 to onNoSuchTopic(topic) is done for that topic."""
459 for topic in topicList:
460 node = self.__getTreeNode(topic)
461 if node is not None:
462 weakCallables = node.clearCallables()
463 for callable in weakCallables:
464 weakNodes = self.__callbackDict[callable]
465 success = _removeItem(WeakRef(node), weakNodes)
466 assert success == True
467 if weakNodes == []:
468 del self.__callbackDict[callable]
469 elif onNoSuchTopic is not None:
470 onNoSuchTopic(topic)
472 def sendMessage(self, topic, message, onTopicNeverCreated):
473 """Send a message for given topic to all registered listeners. If
474 topic doesn't exist, call onTopicNeverCreated(topic)."""
475 # send to the all-toipcs listeners
476 deliveryCount = _TopicTreeNode.sendMessage(self, message)
477 # send to those who listen to given topic or any of its supertopics
478 node = self
479 for topicItem in topic:
480 assert topicItem != ''
481 if node.hasSubtopic(topicItem):
482 node = node.getNode(topicItem)
483 deliveryCount += node.sendMessage(message)
484 else: # topic never created, don't bother continuing
485 if onTopicNeverCreated is not None:
486 onTopicNeverCreated(topic)
487 break
488 return deliveryCount
490 def numListeners(self):
491 """Return a pair (live, dead) with count of live and dead listeners in tree"""
492 dead, live = 0, 0
493 for cb in self.__callbackDict:
494 if cb() is None:
495 dead += 1
496 else:
497 live += 1
498 return live, dead
500 # clean up the callback dictionary after how many dead listeners
501 callbackDeadLimit = 10
503 def __rootNotifyDead(self, dead):
504 #print 'TreeROOT received death certificate for ', dead
505 self.__callbackDictCleanup += 1
506 if self.__callbackDictCleanup > _TopicTreeRoot.callbackDeadLimit:
507 self.__callbackDictCleanup = 0
508 oldDict = self.__callbackDict
509 self.__callbackDict = {}
510 for weakCB, weakNodes in oldDict.iteritems():
511 if weakCB() is not None:
512 self.__callbackDict[weakCB] = weakNodes
514 def __getTreeNode(self, topic, make=False):
515 """Return the tree node for 'topic' from the topic tree. If it
516 doesnt exist and make=True, create it first."""
517 # if the all-topics, give root;
518 if topic == (ALL_TOPICS,):
519 return self
521 # not root, so traverse tree
522 node = self
523 path = ()
524 for topicItem in topic:
525 path += (topicItem,)
526 if topicItem == ALL_TOPICS:
527 raise ValueError, 'Topic tuple must not contain ""'
528 if make:
529 node = node.createSubtopic(topicItem, path)
530 elif node.hasSubtopic(topicItem):
531 node = node.getNode(topicItem)
532 else:
533 return None
534 # done
535 return node
537 def printCallbacks(self):
538 strVal = ['Callbacks:\n']
539 for listener, weakTopicNodes in self.__callbackDict.iteritems():
540 topics = [topic() for topic in weakTopicNodes if topic() is not None]
541 strVal.append(' %s: %s\n' % (_getCallableName(listener()), topics))
542 return ''.join(strVal)
544 def __str__(self):
545 return 'all: %s' % _TopicTreeNode.__str__(self)
548 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
550 class _SingletonKey: pass
552 class PublisherClass:
553 """
554 The publish/subscribe manager. It keeps track of which listeners
555 are interested in which topics (see subscribe()), and sends a
556 Message for a given topic to listeners that have subscribed to
557 that topic, with optional user data (see sendMessage()).
559 The three important concepts for Publisher are:
561 - listener: a function, bound method or
562 callable object that can be called with one parameter
563 (not counting 'self' in the case of methods). The parameter
564 will be a reference to a Message object. E.g., these listeners
565 are ok::
567 class Foo:
568 def __call__(self, a, b=1): pass # can be called with only one arg
569 def meth(self, a): pass # takes only one arg
570 def meth2(self, a=2, b=''): pass # can be called with one arg
572 def func(a, b=''): pass
574 Foo foo
575 Publisher().subscribe(foo) # functor
576 Publisher().subscribe(foo.meth) # bound method
577 Publisher().subscribe(foo.meth2) # bound method
578 Publisher().subscribe(func) # function
580 The three types of callables all have arguments that allow a call
581 with only one argument. In every case, the parameter 'a' will contain
582 the message.
584 - topic: a single word, a tuple of words, or a string containing a
585 set of words separated by dots, for example: 'sports.baseball'.
586 A tuple or a dotted notation string denotes a hierarchy of
587 topics from most general to least. For example, a listener of
588 this topic::
590 ('sports','baseball')
592 would receive messages for these topics::
594 ('sports', 'baseball') # because same
595 ('sports', 'baseball', 'highscores') # because more specific
597 but not these::
599 'sports' # because more general
600 ('sports',) # because more general
601 () or ('') # because only for those listening to 'all' topics
602 ('news') # because different topic
604 - message: this is an instance of Message, containing the topic for
605 which the message was sent, and any data the sender specified.
607 :note: This class is visible to importers of pubsub only as a
608 Singleton. I.e., every time you execute 'Publisher()', it's
609 actually the same instance of PublisherClass that is
610 returned. So to use, just do'Publisher().method()'.
612 """
616 def __init__(self, singletonKey):
617 """Construct a Publisher. This can only be done by the pubsub
618 module. You just use pubsub.Publisher()."""
619 if not isinstance(singletonKey, _SingletonKey):
620 raise invalid_argument("Use Publisher() to get access to singleton")
621 self.__messageCount = 0
622 self.__deliveryCount = 0
623 self.__topicTree = _TopicTreeRoot()
625 #
626 # Public API
627 #
629 def getDeliveryCount(self):
630 """How many listeners have received a message since beginning of run"""
631 return self.__deliveryCount
633 def getMessageCount(self):
634 """How many times sendMessage() was called since beginning of run"""
635 return self.__messageCount
637 def subscribe(self, listener, topic = ALL_TOPICS):
638 """
639 Subscribe listener for given topic. If topic is not specified,
640 listener will be subscribed for all topics (that listener will
641 receive a Message for any topic for which a message is generated).
643 This method may be called multiple times for one listener,
644 registering it with many topics. It can also be invoked many
645 times for a particular topic, each time with a different
646 listener. See the class doc for requirements on listener and
647 topic.
649 :note: The listener is held by Publisher() only by *weak*
650 reference. This means you must ensure you have at
651 least one strong reference to listener, otherwise it
652 will be DOA ("dead on arrival"). This is particularly
653 easy to forget when wrapping a listener method in a
654 proxy object (e.g. to bind some of its parameters),
655 e.g.::
657 class Foo:
658 def listener(self, event): pass
659 class Wrapper:
660 def __init__(self, fun): self.fun = fun
661 def __call__(self, *args): self.fun(*args)
662 foo = Foo()
663 Publisher().subscribe( Wrapper(foo.listener) ) # whoops: DOA!
664 wrapper = Wrapper(foo.listener)
665 Publisher().subscribe(wrapper) # good!
667 :note: Calling this method for the same listener, with two
668 topics in the same branch of the topic hierarchy, will
669 cause the listener to be notified twice when a message
670 for the deepest topic is sent. E.g.
671 subscribe(listener, 't1') and then subscribe(listener,
672 ('t1','t2')) means that when calling sendMessage('t1'),
673 listener gets one message, but when calling
674 sendMessage(('t1','t2')), listener gets message twice.
676 """
677 self.validate(listener)
679 if topic is None:
680 raise TypeError, 'Topic must be either a word, tuple of '\
681 'words, or getStrAllTopics()'
683 self.__topicTree.addTopic(_tupleize(topic), listener)
685 def isSubscribed(self, listener, topic=None):
686 """Return true if listener has subscribed to topic specified.
687 If no topic specified, return true if subscribed to something.
688 Use topic=getStrAllTopics() to determine if a listener will receive
689 messages for all topics."""
690 return self.__topicTree.isSubscribed(listener, topic)
692 def validate(self, listener):
693 """Similar to isValid(), but raises a TypeError exception if not valid"""
694 # check callable
695 if not callable(listener):
696 raise TypeError, 'Listener '+`listener`+' must be a '\
697 'function, bound method or instance.'
698 # ok, callable, but if method, is it bound:
699 elif ismethod(listener) and not _isbound(listener):
700 raise TypeError, 'Listener '+`listener`+\
701 ' is a method but it is unbound!'
703 # check that it takes the right number of parameters
704 min, d = _paramMinCount(listener)
705 if min > 1:
706 raise TypeError, 'Listener '+`listener`+" can't"\
707 ' require more than one parameter!'
708 if min <= 0 and d == 0:
709 raise TypeError, 'Listener '+`listener`+' lacking arguments!'
711 assert (min == 0 and d>0) or (min == 1)
713 def isValid(self, listener):
714 """Return true only if listener will be able to subscribe to
715 Publisher."""
716 try:
717 self.validate(listener)
718 return True
719 except TypeError:
720 return False
722 def unsubAll(self, topics=None, onNoSuchTopic=None):
723 """Unsubscribe all listeners subscribed for topics. Topics can
724 be a single topic (string or tuple) or a list of topics (ie
725 list containing strings and/or tuples). If topics is not
726 specified, all listeners for all topics will be unsubscribed,
727 ie. the Publisher singleton will have no topics and no listeners
728 left. If onNoSuchTopic is given, it will be called as
729 onNoSuchTopic(topic) for each topic that is unknown.
730 """
731 if topics is None:
732 del self.__topicTree
733 self.__topicTree = _TopicTreeRoot()
734 return
736 # make sure every topics are in tuple form
737 if isinstance(topics, list):
738 topicList = [_tupleize(x) for x in topics]
739 else:
740 topicList = [_tupleize(topics)]
742 # unsub every listener of topics
743 self.__topicTree.unsubAll(topicList, onNoSuchTopic)
745 def unsubscribe(self, listener, topics=None):
746 """Unsubscribe listener. If topics not specified, listener is
747 completely unsubscribed. Otherwise, it is unsubscribed only
748 for the topic (the usual tuple) or list of topics (ie a list
749 of tuples) specified. Nothing happens if listener is not actually
750 subscribed to any of the topics.
752 Note that if listener subscribed for two topics (a,b) and (a,c),
753 then unsubscribing for topic (a) will do nothing. You must
754 use getAssociatedTopics(listener) and give unsubscribe() the returned
755 list (or a subset thereof).
756 """
757 self.validate(listener)
758 topicList = None
759 if topics is not None:
760 if isinstance(topics, list):
761 topicList = [_tupleize(x) for x in topics]
762 else:
763 topicList = [_tupleize(topics)]
765 self.__topicTree.unsubscribe(listener, topicList)
767 def getAssociatedTopics(self, listener):
768 """Return a list of topics the given listener is registered with.
769 Returns [] if listener never subscribed.
771 :attention: when using the return of this method to compare to
772 expected list of topics, remember that topics that are
773 not in the form of a tuple appear as a one-tuple in
774 the return. E.g. if you have subscribed a listener to
775 'topic1' and ('topic2','subtopic2'), this method
776 returns::
778 associatedTopics = [('topic1',), ('topic2','subtopic2')]
779 """
780 return self.__topicTree.getTopics(listener)
782 def sendMessage(self, topic=ALL_TOPICS, data=None, onTopicNeverCreated=None):
783 """Send a message for given topic, with optional data, to
784 subscribed listeners. If topic is not specified, only the
785 listeners that are interested in all topics will receive message.
786 The onTopicNeverCreated is an optional callback of your choice that
787 will be called if the topic given was never created (i.e. it, or
788 one of its subtopics, was never subscribed to by any listener).
789 It will be called as onTopicNeverCreated(topic)."""
790 aTopic = _tupleize(topic)
791 message = Message(aTopic, data)
792 self.__messageCount += 1
794 # send to those who listen to all topics
795 self.__deliveryCount += \
796 self.__topicTree.sendMessage(aTopic, message, onTopicNeverCreated)
798 #
799 # Private methods
800 #
802 def __call__(self):
803 """Allows for singleton"""
804 return self
806 def __str__(self):
807 return str(self.__topicTree)
809 # Create the Publisher singleton. We prevent users from (inadvertently)
810 # instantiating more than one object, by requiring a key that is
811 # accessible only to module. From
812 # this point forward any calls to Publisher() will invoke the __call__
813 # of this instance which just returns itself.
814 #
815 # The only flaw with this approach is that you can't derive a new
816 # class from Publisher without jumping through hoops. If this ever
817 # becomes an issue then a new Singleton implementaion will need to be
818 # employed.
819 _key = _SingletonKey()
820 Publisher = PublisherClass(_key)
823 #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
825 class Message:
826 """
827 A simple container object for the two components of a message: the
828 topic and the user data. An instance of Message is given to your
829 listener when called by Publisher().sendMessage(topic) (if your
830 listener callback was registered for that topic).
831 """
832 def __init__(self, topic, data):
833 self.topic = topic
834 self.data = data
836 def __str__(self):
837 return '[Topic: '+`self.topic`+', Data: '+`self.data`+']'
840 #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
843 #
844 # Code for a simple command-line test
845 #
846 def test():
847 def done(funcName):
848 print '----------- Done %s -----------' % funcName
850 def testParam():
851 def testFunc00(): pass
852 def testFunc21(a,b,c=1): pass
853 def testFuncA(*args): pass
854 def testFuncAK(*args,**kwds): pass
855 def testFuncK(**kwds): pass
857 class Foo:
858 def testMeth(self,a,b): pass
859 def __call__(self, a): pass
860 class Foo2:
861 def __call__(self, *args): pass
863 assert _paramMinCount(testFunc00)==(0,0)
864 assert _paramMinCount(testFunc21)==(2,1)
865 assert _paramMinCount(testFuncA) ==(1,0)
866 assert _paramMinCount(testFuncAK)==(1,0)
867 assert _paramMinCount(testFuncK) ==(0,0)
868 foo = Foo()
869 assert _paramMinCount(Foo.testMeth)==(2,0)
870 assert _paramMinCount(foo.testMeth)==(2,0)
871 assert _paramMinCount(foo)==(1,0)
872 assert _paramMinCount(Foo2())==(1,0)
874 done('testParam')
876 testParam()
877 #------------------------
879 _NodeCallback.notified = 0
880 def testPreNotifyNode(self, dead):
881 _NodeCallback.notified += 1
882 print 'testPreNotifyNODE heard notification of', `dead`
883 _NodeCallback.preNotify = testPreNotifyNode
885 def testTreeNode():
887 class WS:
888 def __init__(self, s):
889 self.s = s
890 def __call__(self, msg):
891 print 'WS#', self.s, ' received msg ', msg
892 def __str__(self):
893 return self.s
895 def testPreNotifyRoot(dead):
896 print 'testPreNotifyROOT heard notification of', `dead`
898 node = _TopicTreeNode((ALL_TOPICS,), WeakRef(testPreNotifyRoot))
899 boo, baz, bid = WS('boo'), WS('baz'), WS('bid')
900 node.addCallable(boo)
901 node.addCallable(baz)
902 node.addCallable(boo)
903 assert node.getCallables() == [boo,baz]
904 assert node.hasCallable(boo)
906 node.removeCallable(bid) # no-op
907 assert node.hasCallable(baz)
908 assert node.getCallables() == [boo,baz]
910 node.removeCallable(boo)
911 assert node.getCallables() == [baz]
912 assert node.hasCallable(baz)
913 assert not node.hasCallable(boo)
915 node.removeCallable(baz)
916 assert node.getCallables() == []
917 assert not node.hasCallable(baz)
919 node2 = node.createSubtopic('st1', ('st1',))
920 node3 = node.createSubtopic('st2', ('st2',))
921 cb1, cb2, cb = WS('st1_cb1'), WS('st1_cb2'), WS('st2_cb')
922 node2.addCallable(cb1)
923 node2.addCallable(cb2)
924 node3.addCallable(cb)
925 node2.createSubtopic('st3', ('st1','st3'))
926 node2.createSubtopic('st4', ('st1','st4'))
928 print str(node)
929 assert str(node) == ' (st1: st1_cb1 st1_cb2 (st4: ) (st3: )) (st2: st2_cb )'
931 # verify send message, and that a dead listener does not get sent one
932 delivered = node2.sendMessage('hello')
933 assert delivered == 2
934 del cb1
935 delivered = node2.sendMessage('hello')
936 assert delivered == 1
937 assert _NodeCallback.notified == 1
939 done('testTreeNode')
941 testTreeNode()
942 #------------------------
944 def testValidate():
945 class Foo:
946 def __call__(self, a): pass
947 def fun(self, b): pass
948 def fun2(self, b=1): pass
949 def fun3(self, a, b=2): pass
950 def badFun(self): pass
951 def badFun2(): pass
952 def badFun3(self, a, b): pass
954 server = Publisher()
955 foo = Foo()
956 server.validate(foo)
957 server.validate(foo.fun)
958 server.validate(foo.fun2)
959 server.validate(foo.fun3)
960 assert not server.isValid(foo.badFun)
961 assert not server.isValid(foo.badFun2)
962 assert not server.isValid(foo.badFun3)
964 done('testValidate')
966 testValidate()
967 #------------------------
969 class SimpleListener:
970 def __init__(self, number):
971 self.number = number
972 def __call__(self, message = ''):
973 print 'Callable #%s got the message "%s"' %(self.number, message)
974 def notify(self, message):
975 print '%s.notify() got the message "%s"' %(self.number, message)
976 def __str__(self):
977 return "SimpleListener_%s" % self.number
979 def testSubscribe():
980 publisher = Publisher()
982 topic1 = 'politics'
983 topic2 = ('history','middle age')
984 topic3 = ('politics','UN')
985 topic4 = ('politics','NATO')
986 topic5 = ('politics','NATO','US')
988 lisnr1 = SimpleListener(1)
989 lisnr2 = SimpleListener(2)
990 def func(message, a=1):
991 print 'Func received message "%s"' % message
992 lisnr3 = func
993 lisnr4 = lambda x: 'Lambda received message "%s"' % x
995 assert not publisher.isSubscribed(lisnr1)
996 assert not publisher.isSubscribed(lisnr2)
997 assert not publisher.isSubscribed(lisnr3)
998 assert not publisher.isSubscribed(lisnr4)
1000 publisher.subscribe(lisnr1, topic1)
1001 assert publisher.getAssociatedTopics(lisnr1) == [(topic1,)]
1002 publisher.subscribe(lisnr1, topic2)
1003 publisher.subscribe(lisnr1, topic1) # do it again, should be no-op
1004 assert publisher.getAssociatedTopics(lisnr1) == [(topic1,),topic2]
1005 publisher.subscribe(lisnr2.notify, topic3)
1006 assert publisher.getAssociatedTopics(lisnr2.notify) == [topic3]
1007 assert publisher.getAssociatedTopics(lisnr1) == [(topic1,),topic2]
1008 publisher.subscribe(lisnr3, topic5)
1009 assert publisher.getAssociatedTopics(lisnr3) == [topic5]
1010 assert publisher.getAssociatedTopics(lisnr2.notify) == [topic3]
1011 assert publisher.getAssociatedTopics(lisnr1) == [(topic1,),topic2]
1012 publisher.subscribe(lisnr4)
1014 print "Publisher tree: ", publisher
1015 assert publisher.isSubscribed(lisnr1)
1016 assert publisher.isSubscribed(lisnr1, topic1)
1017 assert publisher.isSubscribed(lisnr1, topic2)
1018 assert publisher.isSubscribed(lisnr2.notify)
1019 assert publisher.isSubscribed(lisnr3, topic5)
1020 assert publisher.isSubscribed(lisnr4, ALL_TOPICS)
1021 expectTopicTree = 'all: <lambda> (politics: SimpleListener_1 (UN: SimpleListener_2.notify ) (NATO: (US: func ))) (history: (middle age: SimpleListener_1 ))'
1022 print "Publisher tree: ", publisher
1023 assert str(publisher) == expectTopicTree
1025 publisher.unsubscribe(lisnr1, 'booboo') # should do nothing
1026 assert publisher.getAssociatedTopics(lisnr1) == [(topic1,),topic2]
1027 assert publisher.getAssociatedTopics(lisnr2.notify) == [topic3]
1028 assert publisher.getAssociatedTopics(lisnr3) == [topic5]
1029 publisher.unsubscribe(lisnr1, topic1)
1030 assert publisher.getAssociatedTopics(lisnr1) == [topic2]
1031 assert publisher.getAssociatedTopics(lisnr2.notify) == [topic3]
1032 assert publisher.getAssociatedTopics(lisnr3) == [topic5]
1033 publisher.unsubscribe(lisnr1, topic2)
1034 publisher.unsubscribe(lisnr1, topic2)
1035 publisher.unsubscribe(lisnr2.notify, topic3)
1036 publisher.unsubscribe(lisnr3, topic5)
1037 assert publisher.getAssociatedTopics(lisnr1) == []
1038 assert publisher.getAssociatedTopics(lisnr2.notify) == []
1039 assert publisher.getAssociatedTopics(lisnr3) == []
1040 publisher.unsubscribe(lisnr4)
1042 expectTopicTree = 'all: (politics: (UN: ) (NATO: (US: ))) (history: (middle age: ))'
1043 print "Publisher tree: ", publisher
1044 assert str(publisher) == expectTopicTree
1045 assert publisher.getDeliveryCount() == 0
1046 assert publisher.getMessageCount() == 0
1048 publisher.unsubAll()
1049 assert str(publisher) == 'all: '
1051 done('testSubscribe')
1053 testSubscribe()
1054 #------------------------
1056 def testUnsubAll():
1057 publisher = Publisher()
1059 topic1 = 'politics'
1060 topic2 = ('history','middle age')
1061 topic3 = ('politics','UN')
1062 topic4 = ('politics','NATO')
1063 topic5 = ('politics','NATO','US')
1065 lisnr1 = SimpleListener(1)
1066 lisnr2 = SimpleListener(2)
1067 def func(message, a=1):
1068 print 'Func received message "%s"' % message
1069 lisnr3 = func
1070 lisnr4 = lambda x: 'Lambda received message "%s"' % x
1072 publisher.subscribe(lisnr1, topic1)
1073 publisher.subscribe(lisnr1, topic2)
1074 publisher.subscribe(lisnr2.notify, topic3)
1075 publisher.subscribe(lisnr3, topic2)
1076 publisher.subscribe(lisnr3, topic5)
1077 publisher.subscribe(lisnr4)
1079 expectTopicTree = 'all: <lambda> (politics: SimpleListener_1 (UN: SimpleListener_2.notify ) (NATO: (US: func ))) (history: (middle age: SimpleListener_1 func ))'
1080 print "Publisher tree: ", publisher
1081 assert str(publisher) == expectTopicTree
1083 publisher.unsubAll(topic1)
1084 assert publisher.getAssociatedTopics(lisnr1) == [topic2]
1085 assert not publisher.isSubscribed(lisnr1, topic1)
1087 publisher.unsubAll(topic2)
1088 print publisher
1089 assert publisher.getAssociatedTopics(lisnr1) == []
1090 assert publisher.getAssociatedTopics(lisnr3) == [topic5]
1091 assert not publisher.isSubscribed(lisnr1)
1092 assert publisher.isSubscribed(lisnr3, topic5)
1094 #print "Publisher tree: ", publisher
1095 expectTopicTree = 'all: <lambda> (politics: (UN: SimpleListener_2.notify ) (NATO: (US: func ))) (history: (middle age: ))'
1096 assert str(publisher) == expectTopicTree
1097 publisher.unsubAll(ALL_TOPICS)
1098 #print "Publisher tree: ", publisher
1099 expectTopicTree = 'all: (politics: (UN: SimpleListener_2.notify ) (NATO: (US: func ))) (history: (middle age: ))'
1100 assert str(publisher) == expectTopicTree
1102 publisher.unsubAll()
1103 done('testUnsubAll')
1105 testUnsubAll()
1106 #------------------------
1108 def testSend():
1109 publisher = Publisher()
1110 called = []
1112 class TestListener:
1113 def __init__(self, num):
1114 self.number = num
1115 def __call__(self, b):
1116 called.append( 'TL%scb' % self.number )
1117 def notify(self, b):
1118 called.append( 'TL%sm' % self.number )
1119 def funcListener(b):
1120 called.append('func')
1122 lisnr1 = TestListener(1)
1123 lisnr2 = TestListener(2)
1124 lisnr3 = funcListener
1125 lisnr4 = lambda x: called.append('lambda')
1127 topic1 = 'politics'
1128 topic2 = 'history'
1129 topic3 = ('politics','UN')
1130 topic4 = ('politics','NATO','US')
1131 topic5 = ('politics','NATO')
1133 publisher.subscribe(lisnr1, topic1)
1134 publisher.subscribe(lisnr2, topic2)
1135 publisher.subscribe(lisnr2.notify, topic2)
1136 publisher.subscribe(lisnr3, topic4)
1137 publisher.subscribe(lisnr4)
1139 print publisher
1141 # setup ok, now test send/receipt
1142 publisher.sendMessage(topic1)
1143 assert called == ['lambda','TL1cb']
1144 called = []
1145 publisher.sendMessage(topic2)
1146 assert called == ['lambda','TL2cb','TL2m']
1147 called = []
1148 publisher.sendMessage(topic3)
1149 assert called == ['lambda','TL1cb']
1150 called = []
1151 publisher.sendMessage(topic4)
1152 assert called == ['lambda','TL1cb','func']
1153 called = []
1154 publisher.sendMessage(topic5)
1155 assert called == ['lambda','TL1cb']
1156 assert publisher.getDeliveryCount() == 12
1157 assert publisher.getMessageCount() == 5
1159 # test weak referencing works:
1160 _NodeCallback.notified = 0
1161 del lisnr2
1162 called = []
1163 publisher.sendMessage(topic2)
1164 assert called == ['lambda']
1165 assert _NodeCallback.notified == 2
1167 done('testSend')
1169 testSend()
1170 assert _NodeCallback.notified == 5
1172 def testDead():
1173 # verify if weak references work as expected
1174 print '------ Starting testDead ----------'
1175 node = _TopicTreeNode('t1', None)
1176 lisnr1 = SimpleListener(1)
1177 lisnr2 = SimpleListener(2)
1178 lisnr3 = SimpleListener(3)
1179 lisnr4 = SimpleListener(4)
1181 node.addCallable(lisnr1)
1182 node.addCallable(lisnr2)
1183 node.addCallable(lisnr3)
1184 node.addCallable(lisnr4)
1186 print 'Deleting listeners first'
1187 _NodeCallback.notified = 0
1188 del lisnr1
1189 del lisnr2
1190 assert _NodeCallback.notified == 2
1192 print 'Deleting node first'
1193 _NodeCallback.notified = 0
1194 del node
1195 del lisnr3
1196 del lisnr4
1197 assert _NodeCallback.notified == 0
1199 lisnr1 = SimpleListener(1)
1200 lisnr2 = SimpleListener(2)
1201 lisnr3 = SimpleListener(3)
1202 lisnr4 = SimpleListener(4)
1204 # try same with root of tree
1205 node = _TopicTreeRoot()
1206 node.addTopic(('',), lisnr1)
1207 node.addTopic(('',), lisnr2)
1208 node.addTopic(('',), lisnr3)
1209 node.addTopic(('',), lisnr4)
1210 # add objects that will die immediately to see if cleanup occurs
1211 # this must be done visually as it is a low-level detail
1212 _NodeCallback.notified = 0
1213 _TopicTreeRoot.callbackDeadLimit = 3
1214 node.addTopic(('',), SimpleListener(5))
1215 node.addTopic(('',), SimpleListener(6))
1216 node.addTopic(('',), SimpleListener(7))
1217 print node.numListeners()
1218 assert node.numListeners() == (4, 3)
1219 node.addTopic(('',), SimpleListener(8))
1220 assert node.numListeners() == (4, 0)
1221 assert _NodeCallback.notified == 4
1223 print 'Deleting listeners first'
1224 _NodeCallback.notified = 0
1225 del lisnr1
1226 del lisnr2
1227 assert _NodeCallback.notified == 2
1228 print 'Deleting node first'
1229 _NodeCallback.notified = 0
1230 del node
1231 del lisnr3
1232 del lisnr4
1233 assert _NodeCallback.notified == 0
1235 done('testDead')
1237 testDead()
1239 print 'Exiting tests'
1240 #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1242 if __name__ == '__main__':
1243 test()