1 /*******************************************************************************
2 * Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator (SWIG)
4 * Author : David Beazley
6 * Department of Computer Science
7 * University of Chicago
10 * beazley@cs.uchicago.edu
12 * Please read the file LICENSE for the copyright and terms by which SWIG
13 * can be used and distributed.
14 *******************************************************************************/
15 /***********************************************************************
20 * A null documentation header. Does nothing.
21 ***********************************************************************/
23 class NODOC
: public Documentation
27 void parse_args(int, char **) { };
28 void title(DocEntry
*) { };
29 void newsection(DocEntry
*, int) { };
30 void endsection() { };
31 void print_decl(DocEntry
*) { };
32 void print_text(DocEntry
*) { };
34 void init(char *) { };
36 void style(char *, char *) { };