]> git.saurik.com Git - wxWidgets.git/blob - interface/wx/msgdlg.h
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[wxWidgets.git] / interface / wx / msgdlg.h
1 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 // Name: msgdlg.h
3 // Purpose: interface of wxMessageDialog
4 // Author: wxWidgets team
5 // RCS-ID: $Id$
6 // Licence: wxWindows licence
7 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9 /**
10 Default message box caption string.
11 */
12 const char wxMessageBoxCaptionStr[] = "Message";
15 /**
16 @class wxMessageDialog
18 This class represents a dialog that shows a single or multi-line message,
19 with a choice of OK, Yes, No and Cancel buttons.
21 @beginStyleTable
22 @style{wxOK}
23 Puts an Ok button in the message box. May be combined with @c wxCANCEL.
24 @style{wxCANCEL}
25 Puts a Cancel button in the message box. Must be combined with
26 either @c wxOK or @c wxYES_NO.
27 @style{wxYES_NO}
28 Puts Yes and No buttons in the message box. It is recommended to always
29 use @c wxCANCEL with this style as otherwise the message box won't have
30 a close button under wxMSW and the user will be forced to answer it.
31 @style{wxHELP}
32 Puts a Help button to the message box. This button can have special
33 appearance or be specially positioned if its label is not changed from
34 the default one. Notice that using this button is not supported when
35 showing a message box from non-main thread in wxOSX/Cocoa and it is not
36 supported in wxOSX/Carbon at all. @since 2.9.3.
37 @style{wxNO_DEFAULT}
38 Makes the "No" button default, can only be used with @c wxYES_NO.
39 @style{wxCANCEL_DEFAULT}
40 Makes the "Cancel" button default, can only be used with @c wxCANCEL
41 @style{wxYES_DEFAULT}
42 Makes the "Yes" button default, this is the default behaviour and
43 this flag exists solely for symmetry with @c wxNO_DEFAULT.
44 @style{wxOK_DEFAULT}
45 Makes the "OK" button default, this is the default behaviour and
46 this flag exists solely for symmetry with @c wxCANCEL_DEFAULT.
47 @style{wxICON_NONE}
48 Displays no icon in the dialog if possible (an icon might still be
49 displayed if the current platform mandates its use). This style may be
50 used to prevent the dialog from using the default icon based on @c
51 wxYES_NO presence as explained in @c wxICON_QUESTION and @c
52 wxICON_INFORMATION documentation below.
54 Displays an exclamation, or warning, icon in the dialog.
55 @style{wxICON_ERROR}
56 Displays an error icon in the dialog.
57 @style{wxICON_HAND}
58 Displays an error symbol, this is a MSW-inspired synonym for @c wxICON_ERROR.
59 @style{wxICON_QUESTION}
60 Displays a question mark symbol. This icon is automatically used
61 with @c wxYES_NO so it's usually unnecessary to specify it explicitly.
62 This style is not supported for message dialogs under wxMSW when a task
63 dialog is used to implement them (i.e. when running under Windows Vista
64 or later) because <a href="http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa511273.aspx">Microsoft
65 guidelines</a> indicate that no icon should be used for routine
66 confirmations. If it is specified, no icon will be displayed.
68 Displays an information symbol. This icon is used by default if
69 @c wxYES_NO is not given so it is usually unnecessary to specify it
70 explicitly.
71 @style{wxICON_AUTH_NEEDED}
72 Displays an authentication needed symbol. This style is only supported
73 for message dialogs under wxMSW when a task dialog is used to implement
74 them (i.e. when running under Windows Vista or later). In other cases
75 the default icon selection logic will be used. Note this can be
76 combined with other styles to provide a fallback. For instance, using
77 wxICON_AUTH_NEEDED | wxICON_QUESTION will show a shield symbol on
78 Windows Vista or above and a question symbol on other platforms.
79 @since 2.9.5
80 @style{wxSTAY_ON_TOP}
81 Makes the message box stay on top of all other windows and not only
82 just its parent (currently implemented only under MSW and GTK).
83 @style{wxCENTRE}
84 Centre the message box on its parent or on the screen if parent is not
85 specified.
86 Setting this style under MSW makes no differences as the dialog is
87 always centered on the parent.
88 @endStyleTable
90 @library{wxcore}
91 @category{cmndlg}
93 @see @ref overview_cmndlg_msg
94 @see wxRichMessageDialog
95 */
96 class wxMessageDialog : public wxDialog
97 {
98 public:
99 /**
100 Helper class allowing to use either stock id or string labels.
102 This class should never be used explicitly and is not really part of
103 wxWidgets API but rather is just an implementation helper allowing the
104 methods such as SetYesNoLabels() and SetOKCancelLabels() below to be
105 callable with either stock ids (e.g. ::wxID_CLOSE) or strings
106 ("&Close").
107 */
108 class ButtonLabel
109 {
110 public:
111 /// Construct the label from a stock id.
112 ButtonLabel(int stockId);
114 /// Construct the label from the specified string.
115 ButtonLabel(const wxString& label);
117 /**
118 Return the associated label as string.
120 Get the string label, whether it was originally specified directly
121 or as a stock id -- this is only useful for platforms without native
122 stock items id support
123 */
124 wxString GetAsString() const;
126 /**
127 Return the stock id or wxID_NONE if this is not a stock label.
128 */
129 int GetStockId() const;
130 };
132 /**
133 Constructor specifying the message box properties.
134 Use ShowModal() to show the dialog.
136 @a style may be a bit list of the identifiers described above.
138 Notice that not all styles are compatible: only one of @c wxOK and
139 @c wxYES_NO may be specified (and one of them must be specified) and at
140 most one default button style can be used and it is only valid if the
141 corresponding button is shown in the message box.
143 @param parent
144 Parent window.
145 @param message
146 Message to show in the dialog.
147 @param caption
148 The dialog title.
149 @param style
150 Combination of style flags described above.
151 @param pos
152 Dialog position (ignored under MSW).
153 */
154 wxMessageDialog(wxWindow* parent, const wxString& message,
155 const wxString& caption = wxMessageBoxCaptionStr,
156 long style = wxOK | wxCENTRE,
157 const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition);
159 /**
160 Sets the extended message for the dialog: this message is usually an
161 extension of the short message specified in the constructor or set with
162 SetMessage().
164 If it is set, the main message appears highlighted -- if supported --
165 and this message appears beneath it in normal font. On the platforms
166 which don't support extended messages, it is simply appended to the
167 normal message with an empty line separating them.
169 @since 2.9.0
170 */
171 virtual void SetExtendedMessage(const wxString& extendedMessage);
173 /**
174 Sets the label for the Help button.
176 Please see the remarks in SetYesNoLabels() documentation.
178 Notice that changing the label of the help button resets its special
179 status (if any, this depends on the platform) and it will be treated
180 just like another button in this case.
182 @since 2.9.3
183 */
184 virtual bool SetHelpLabel(const ButtonLabel& help);
186 /**
187 Sets the message shown by the dialog.
189 @since 2.9.0
190 */
191 virtual void SetMessage(const wxString& message);
193 /**
194 Overrides the default labels of the OK and Cancel buttons.
196 Please see the remarks in SetYesNoLabels() documentation.
198 @since 2.9.0
199 */
200 virtual bool SetOKCancelLabels(const ButtonLabel& ok,
201 const ButtonLabel& cancel);
203 /**
204 Overrides the default label of the OK button.
206 Please see the remarks in SetYesNoLabels() documentation.
208 @since 2.9.0
209 */
210 virtual bool SetOKLabel(const ButtonLabel& ok);
212 /**
213 Overrides the default labels of the Yes, No and Cancel buttons.
215 Please see the remarks in SetYesNoLabels() documentation.
217 @since 2.9.0
218 */
219 virtual bool SetYesNoCancelLabels(const ButtonLabel& yes,
220 const ButtonLabel& no,
221 const ButtonLabel& cancel);
223 /**
224 Overrides the default labels of the Yes and No buttons.
226 The arguments of this function can be either strings or one of the
227 standard identifiers, such as @c wxID_APPLY or @c wxID_OPEN. Notice
228 that even if the label is specified as an identifier, the return value
229 of the dialog ShowModal() method still remains one of @c wxID_OK, @c
230 wxID_CANCEL, @c wxID_YES or @c wxID_NO values, i.e. this identifier
231 changes only the label appearance but not the return code generated by
232 the button. It is possible to mix stock identifiers and string labels
233 in the same function call, for example:
234 @code
235 wxMessageDialog dlg(...);
236 dlg.SetYesNoLabels(wxID_SAVE, _("&Don't save"));
237 @endcode
239 Also notice that this function is not currently available on all
240 platforms (although as of wxWidgets 2.9.0 it is implemented in all
241 major ports), so it may return @false to indicate that the labels
242 couldn't be changed. If it returns @true, the labels were set
243 successfully.
245 Typically, if the function was used successfully, the main dialog
246 message may need to be changed, e.g.:
247 @code
248 wxMessageDialog dlg(...);
249 if ( dlg.SetYesNoLabels(_("&Quit"), _("&Don't quit")) )
250 dlg.SetMessage(_("What do you want to do?"));
251 else // buttons have standard "Yes"/"No" values, so rephrase the question
252 dlg.SetMessage(_("Do you really want to quit?"));
253 @endcode
255 @since 2.9.0
256 */
257 virtual bool SetYesNoLabels(const ButtonLabel& yes, const ButtonLabel& no);
259 /**
260 Shows the dialog, returning one of wxID_OK, wxID_CANCEL, wxID_YES,
261 wxID_NO or wxID_HELP.
263 Notice that this method returns the identifier of the button which was
264 clicked unlike wxMessageBox() function.
265 */
266 virtual int ShowModal();
269 wxString GetCaption() const;
270 wxString GetMessage() const;
271 wxString GetExtendedMessage() const;
272 long GetMessageDialogStyle() const;
273 bool HasCustomLabels() const;
274 wxString GetYesLabel() const;
275 wxString GetNoLabel() const;
276 wxString GetOKLabel() const;
277 wxString GetCancelLabel() const;
278 wxString GetHelpLabel() const;
279 long GetEffectiveIcon() const;
281 };
285 // ============================================================================
286 // Global functions/macros
287 // ============================================================================
289 /** @addtogroup group_funcmacro_dialog */
290 //@{
292 /**
293 Show a general purpose message dialog.
295 This is a convenient function which is usually used instead of using
296 wxMessageDialog directly. Notice however that some of the features, such as
297 extended text and custom labels for the message box buttons, are not
298 provided by this function but only by wxMessageDialog.
300 The return value is one of: @c wxYES, @c wxNO, @c wxCANCEL, @c wxOK or @c
301 wxHELP (notice that this return value is @b different from the return value
302 of wxMessageDialog::ShowModal()).
304 For example:
305 @code
306 int answer = wxMessageBox("Quit program?", "Confirm",
307 wxYES_NO | wxCANCEL, main_frame);
308 if (answer == wxYES)
309 main_frame->Close();
310 @endcode
312 @a message may contain newline characters, in which case the message will
313 be split into separate lines, to cater for large messages.
315 @param message
316 Message to show in the dialog.
317 @param caption
318 The dialog title.
319 @param parent
320 Parent window.
321 @param style
322 Combination of style flags described in wxMessageDialog documentation.
323 @param x
324 Horizontal dialog position (ignored under MSW). Use ::wxDefaultCoord
325 for @a x and @a y to let the system position the window.
326 @param y
327 Vertical dialog position (ignored under MSW).
329 @header{wx/msgdlg.h}
330 */
331 int wxMessageBox(const wxString& message,
332 const wxString& caption = wxMessageBoxCaptionStr,
333 int style = wxOK | wxCENTRE,
334 wxWindow* parent = NULL,
335 int x = wxDefaultCoord,
336 int y = wxDefaultCoord);
338 //@}