]> git.saurik.com Git - wxWidgets.git/blob - include/wx/dynarray.h
wxBaseArray::Shrink() added
[wxWidgets.git] / include / wx / dynarray.h
1 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 // Name: dynarray.h
3 // Purpose: auto-resizable (i.e. dynamic) array support
4 // Author: Vadim Zeitlin
5 // Modified by:
6 // Created: 12.09.97
7 // RCS-ID: $Id$
8 // Copyright: (c) 1998 Vadim Zeitlin <zeitlin@dptmaths.ens-cachan.fr>
9 // Licence: wxWindows license
10 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
12 #ifndef _DYNARRAY_H
13 #define _DYNARRAY_H
15 #ifdef __GNUG__
16 #pragma interface "dynarray.h"
17 #endif
19 #include "wx/defs.h"
20 #include "wx/debug.h"
22 /** @name Dynamic arrays and lists
23 @memo Arrays which grow on demand and do range checking (only in debug)
24 */
25 //@{
27 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
28 // constants
29 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
31 /**
32 the initial size by which an array/list grows when an element is added
33 default value avoids allocate one or two bytes when the array is created
34 which is rather inefficient
35 */
38 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
39 // types
40 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
42 /**
43 callback compare function for quick sort
44 must return negative value, 0 or positive value if pItem1 <, = or > pItem2
45 */
47 #ifdef __VISUALC__
48 #define CMPFUNC_CONV _cdecl
49 #else // !Visual C++
50 #define CMPFUNC_CONV
51 #endif // compiler
52 typedef int (CMPFUNC_CONV *CMPFUNC)(const void* pItem1, const void* pItem2);
54 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
55 /**
56 base class managing data having size of type 'long' (not used directly)
58 NB: for efficiency this often used class has no virtual functions (hence no
59 VTBL), even dtor is <B>not</B> virtual. If used as expected it won't
60 create any problems because ARRAYs from DEFINE_ARRAY have no dtor at all,
61 so it's not too important if it's not called (this happens when you cast
62 "SomeArray *" as "BaseArray *" and then delete it)
64 @memo Base class for template array and list classes
65 */
66 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
67 class WXDLLEXPORT wxBaseArray
68 {
69 public:
70 /** @name ctors and dtor */
71 //@{
72 /// default ctor
73 wxBaseArray();
74 /// copy ctor
75 wxBaseArray(const wxBaseArray& array);
76 /// assignment operator
77 wxBaseArray& operator=(const wxBaseArray& src);
78 /// not virtual, see above
79 /// EXCEPT for Gnu compiler to reduce warnings...
80 #ifdef __GNUG__
81 virtual
82 #endif
83 ~wxBaseArray();
84 //@}
86 /** @name memory management */
87 //@{
88 /// empties the list, but doesn't release memory
89 void Empty() { m_nCount = 0; }
90 /// empties the list and releases memory
91 void Clear();
92 /// preallocates memory for given number of items
93 void Alloc(size_t uiSize);
94 /// minimizes the memory used by the array (frees unused memory)
95 void Shrink();
96 //@}
98 /** @name simple accessors */
99 //@{
100 /// number of elements in the array
101 size_t Count() const { return m_nCount; }
102 size_t GetCount() const { return m_nCount; }
103 /// is it empty?
104 bool IsEmpty() const { return m_nCount == 0; }
105 //@}
107 protected:
108 // these methods are protected because if they were public one could
109 // mistakenly call one of them instead of DEFINE_ARRAY's or LIST's
110 // type safe methods
112 /** @name items access */
113 //@{
114 /// get item at position uiIndex (range checking is done in debug version)
115 long& Item(size_t uiIndex) const
116 { wxASSERT( uiIndex < m_nCount ); return m_pItems[uiIndex]; }
117 /// same as Item()
118 long& operator[](size_t uiIndex) const { return Item(uiIndex); }
119 //@}
121 /** @name item management */
122 //@{
123 /**
124 Search the element in the array, starting from the either side
125 @param bFromEnd if TRUE, start from the end
126 @return index of the first item matched or NOT_FOUND
127 @see NOT_FOUND
128 */
129 int Index(long lItem, bool bFromEnd = FALSE) const;
130 /// search for an item using binary search in a sorted array
131 int Index(long lItem, CMPFUNC fnCompare) const;
132 /// add new element at the end
133 void Add(long lItem);
134 /// add item assuming the array is sorted with fnCompare function
135 void Add(long lItem, CMPFUNC fnCompare);
136 /// add new element at given position (it becomes Item[uiIndex])
137 void Insert(long lItem, size_t uiIndex);
138 /// remove first item matching this value
139 void Remove(long lItem);
140 /// remove item by index
141 void Remove(size_t uiIndex);
142 //@}
144 /// sort array elements using given compare function
145 void Sort(CMPFUNC fnCompare);
147 private:
148 void Grow(); // makes array bigger if needed
150 size_t m_nSize, // current size of the array
151 m_nCount; // current number of elements
153 long *m_pItems; // pointer to data
154 };
156 // ============================================================================
157 // template classes
158 // ============================================================================
160 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
161 // This macro generates a new array class. It is intended for storage of simple
162 // types of sizeof()<=sizeof(long) or pointers if sizeof(pointer)<=sizeof(long)
163 //
164 // NB: it has only inline functions => takes no space at all
165 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
166 #define _WX_DEFINE_ARRAY(T, name) \
167 typedef int (CMPFUNC_CONV *CMPFUNC##T)(T *pItem1, T *pItem2); \
168 class WXDLLEXPORTLOCAL name : public wxBaseArray \
169 { \
170 public: \
171 name() \
172 { wxASSERT( sizeof(T) <= sizeof(long) ); } \
173 \
174 name& operator=(const name& src) \
175 { ((wxBaseArray *)this)->operator=((const wxBaseArray&)src); \
176 return *this; } \
177 \
178 T& operator[](size_t uiIndex) const \
179 { return (T&)(wxBaseArray::Item(uiIndex)); } \
180 T& Item(size_t uiIndex) const \
181 { return (T&)(wxBaseArray::Item(uiIndex)); } \
182 T& Last() const \
183 { return (T&)(wxBaseArray::Item(Count() - 1)); } \
184 \
185 int Index(T Item, bool bFromEnd = FALSE) const \
186 { return wxBaseArray::Index((long)Item, bFromEnd); } \
187 \
188 void Add(T Item) \
189 { wxBaseArray::Add((long)Item); } \
190 void Insert(T Item, size_t uiIndex) \
191 { wxBaseArray::Insert((long)Item, uiIndex) ; } \
192 \
193 void Remove(size_t uiIndex) { wxBaseArray::Remove(uiIndex); } \
194 void Remove(T Item) \
195 { int iIndex = Index(Item); \
196 wxCHECK2_MSG( iIndex != NOT_FOUND, return, \
197 "removing inexisting element in wxArray::Remove" ); \
198 wxBaseArray::Remove((size_t)iIndex); } \
199 \
200 void Sort(CMPFUNC##T fCmp) { wxBaseArray::Sort((CMPFUNC)fCmp); } \
201 }
203 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
204 // This is the same as the previous macro, but it defines a sorted array.
205 // Differences:
206 // 1) it must be given a COMPARE function in ctor which takes 2 items of type
207 // T* and should return -1, 0 or +1 if the first one is less/greater
208 // than/equal to the second one.
209 // 2) the Add() method inserts the item in such was that the array is always
210 // sorted (it uses the COMPARE function)
211 // 3) it has no Sort() method because it's always sorted
212 // 4) Index() method is much faster (the sorted arrays use binary search
213 // instead of linear one), but Add() is slower.
214 //
215 // Summary: use this class when the speed of Index() function is important, use
216 // the normal arrays otherwise.
217 //
218 // NB: it has only inline functions => takes no space at all
219 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
220 #define _WX_DEFINE_SORTED_ARRAY(T, name) \
221 typedef int (CMPFUNC_CONV *SCMPFUNC##T)(T pItem1, T pItem2); \
222 class WXDLLEXPORTLOCAL name : public wxBaseArray \
223 { \
224 public: \
225 name(SCMPFUNC##T fn) \
226 { wxASSERT( sizeof(T) <= sizeof(long) ); m_fnCompare = fn; } \
227 \
228 name& operator=(const name& src) \
229 { ((wxBaseArray *)this)->operator=((const wxBaseArray&)src); \
230 m_fnCompare = src.m_fnCompare; \
231 return *this; } \
232 \
233 T& operator[](size_t uiIndex) const \
234 { return (T&)(wxBaseArray::Item(uiIndex)); } \
235 T& Item(size_t uiIndex) const \
236 { return (T&)(wxBaseArray::Item(uiIndex)); } \
237 T& Last() const \
238 { return (T&)(wxBaseArray::Item(Count() - 1)); } \
239 \
240 int Index(T Item) const \
241 { return wxBaseArray::Index((long)Item, (CMPFUNC)m_fnCompare); }\
242 \
243 void Add(T Item) \
244 { wxBaseArray::Add((long)Item, (CMPFUNC)m_fnCompare); } \
245 \
246 void Remove(size_t uiIndex) { wxBaseArray::Remove(uiIndex); } \
247 void Remove(T Item) \
248 { int iIndex = Index(Item); \
249 wxCHECK2_MSG( iIndex != NOT_FOUND, return, \
250 "removing inexisting element in wxArray::Remove" ); \
251 wxBaseArray::Remove((size_t)iIndex); } \
252 \
253 private: \
254 SCMPFUNC##T m_fnCompare; \
255 }
257 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
259 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
260 #define _WX_DECLARE_LIST(T, name) \
261 typedef int (CMPFUNC_CONV *CMPFUNC##T)(T** pItem1, T** pItem2); \
262 class WXDLLEXPORTLOCAL name : public wxBaseArray \
263 { \
264 public: \
265 name() { } \
266 name(const name& src); \
267 name& operator=(const name& src); \
268 \
269 ~name(); \
270 \
271 T& operator[](size_t uiIndex) const \
272 { return *(T*)wxBaseArray::Item(uiIndex); } \
273 T& Item(size_t uiIndex) const \
274 { return *(T*)wxBaseArray::Item(uiIndex); } \
275 T& Last() const \
276 { return *(T*)(wxBaseArray::Item(Count() - 1)); } \
277 \
278 int Index(const T& Item, bool bFromEnd = FALSE) const; \
279 \
280 void Add(const T& Item); \
281 void Add(const T* pItem) \
282 { wxBaseArray::Add((long)pItem); } \
283 \
284 void Insert(const T& Item, size_t uiIndex); \
285 void Insert(const T* pItem, size_t uiIndex) \
286 { wxBaseArray::Insert((long)pItem, uiIndex); } \
287 \
288 void Empty(); \
289 \
290 T* Detach(size_t uiIndex) \
291 { T* p = (T*)wxBaseArray::Item(uiIndex); \
292 wxBaseArray::Remove(uiIndex); return p; } \
293 void Remove(size_t uiIndex); \
294 \
295 void Sort(CMPFUNC##T fCmp) { wxBaseArray::Sort((CMPFUNC)fCmp); } \
296 \
297 private: \
298 void DoCopy(const name& src); \
299 }
301 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
302 /** @name Macros for definition of dynamic arrays and lists
304 These macros are ugly (especially if you look in the sources ;-), but they
305 allow us to define 'template' classes without actually using templates.
306 <BR>
307 <BR>
308 Range checking is performed in debug build for both arrays and lists. Type
309 checking is done at compile-time. Warning: arrays <I>never</I> shrink, they
310 only grow, so loading 10 millions in an array only to delete them 2 lines
311 below is <I>not</I> recommended. However, it does free memory when it's
312 destroyed, so if you destroy array also, it's ok.
313 */
314 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
316 //@{
317 /**
318 This macro generates a new array class. It is intended for storage of simple
319 types of sizeof()<=sizeof(long) or pointers if sizeof(pointer)<=sizeof(long)
320 <BR>
321 NB: it has only inline functions => takes no space at all
322 <BR>
324 @memo declare and define array class 'name' containing elements of type 'T'
325 */
326 #define WX_DEFINE_ARRAY(T, name) typedef T _A##name; \
327 _WX_DEFINE_ARRAY(_A##name, name)
329 /**
330 This macro does the same as WX_DEFINE_ARRAY except that the array will be
331 sorted with the specified compare function.
332 */
333 #define WX_DEFINE_SORTED_ARRAY(T, name) typedef T _A##name; \
334 _WX_DEFINE_SORTED_ARRAY(_A##name, name)
336 /**
337 This macro generates a new list class which owns the objects it contains,
338 i.e. it will delete them when it is destroyed. An element is of type T*,
339 but arguments of type T& are taken (see below!) and T& is returned.
340 <BR>
341 Don't use this for simple types such as "int" or "long"!
342 You _may_ use it for "double" but it's awfully inefficient.
343 <BR>
344 <BR>
345 Note on Add/Insert functions:
346 <BR>
347 1) function(T*) gives the object to the list, i.e. it will delete the
348 object when it's removed or in the list's dtor
349 <BR>
350 2) function(T&) will create a copy of the object and work with it
351 <BR>
352 <BR>
353 Also:
354 <BR>
355 1) Remove() will delete the object after removing it from the list
356 <BR>
357 2) Detach() just removes the object from the list (returning pointer to it)
358 <BR>
359 <BR>
360 NB1: Base type T should have an accessible copy ctor if Add(T&) is used,
361 <BR>
362 NB2: Never ever cast a list to it's base type: as dtor is <B>not</B> virtual
363 it will provoke memory leaks
364 <BR>
365 <BR>
366 some functions of this class are not inline, so it takes some space to
367 define new class from this template.
369 @memo declare list class 'name' containing elements of type 'T'
370 */
371 #define WX_DECLARE_LIST(T, name) typedef T _L##name; \
372 _WX_DECLARE_LIST(_L##name, name)
373 /**
374 To use a list class you must
375 <ll>
376 <li>#include "dynarray.h"
377 <li>DECLARE_LIST(element_type, list_class_name)
378 <li>#include "listimpl.cpp"
379 <li>DEFINE_LIST(list_class_name) // same as above!
380 </ll>
381 <BR><BR>
382 This is necessary because at the moment of DEFINE_LIST class element_type
383 must be fully defined (i.e. forward declaration is not enough), while
384 DECLARE_LIST may be done anywhere. The separation of two allows to break
385 cicrcular dependencies with classes which have member variables of list
386 type.
388 @memo define (must include listimpl.cpp!) list class 'name'
389 */
390 #define WX_DEFINE_LIST(name) "don't forget to include listimpl.cpp!"
391 //@}
393 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
394 /** @name Some commonly used predefined arrays */
395 // # overhead if not used?
396 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
400 //@{
401 /** @name ArrayInt */
402 WX_DEFINE_ARRAY(int, wxArrayInt);
403 /** @name ArrayLong */
404 WX_DEFINE_ARRAY(long, wxArrayLong);
405 /** @name ArrayPtrVoid */
406 WX_DEFINE_ARRAY(void *, wxArrayPtrVoid);
407 //@}
409 //@}
414 #endif // _DYNARRAY_H