document wxTextEntry
[wxWidgets.git] / interface / wx / combobox.h
1 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 // Name: combobox.h
3 // Purpose: interface of wxComboBox
4 // Author: wxWidgets team
5 // RCS-ID: $Id$
6 // Licence: wxWindows license
7 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9 /**
10 @class wxComboBox
12 A combobox is like a combination of an edit control and a listbox.
14 It can be displayed as static list with editable or read-only text field;
15 or a drop-down list with text field; or a drop-down list without a text
16 field.
18 A combobox permits a single selection only. Combobox items are numbered
19 from zero.
21 If you need a customized combobox, have a look at wxComboCtrl,
22 wxOwnerDrawnComboBox, wxComboPopup and the ready-to-use wxBitmapComboBox.
24 Please refer to wxTextEntry documentation for the description of methods
25 operating with the text entry part of the combobox.
27 @beginStyleTable
28 @style{wxCB_SIMPLE}
29 Creates a combobox with a permanently displayed list. Windows only.
30 @style{wxCB_DROPDOWN}
31 Creates a combobox with a drop-down list.
32 @style{wxCB_READONLY}
33 Same as wxCB_DROPDOWN but only the strings specified as the combobox
34 choices can be selected, it is impossible to select (even from a
35 program) a string which is not in the choices list.
36 @style{wxCB_SORT}
37 Sorts the entries in the list alphabetically.
38 @style{wxTE_PROCESS_ENTER}
39 The control will generate the event wxEVT_COMMAND_TEXT_ENTER
40 (otherwise pressing Enter key is either processed internally by the
41 control or used for navigation between dialog controls). Windows
42 only.
43 @endStyleTable
45 @beginEventEmissionTable{wxCommandEvent}
46 @event{EVT_COMBOBOX(id, func)}
47 Process a wxEVT_COMMAND_COMBOBOX_SELECTED event, when an item on
48 the list is selected. Note that calling GetValue() returns the new
49 value of selection.
50 @event{EVT_TEXT(id, func)}
51 Process a wxEVT_COMMAND_TEXT_UPDATED event, when the combobox text
52 changes.
53 @event{EVT_TEXT_ENTER(id, func)}
54 Process a wxEVT_COMMAND_TEXT_ENTER event, when RETURN is pressed in
55 the combobox (notice that the combobox must have been created with
56 wxTE_PROCESS_ENTER style to receive this event).
57 @endEventTable
59 @library{wxcore}
60 @category{ctrl}
61 @appearance{combobox.png}
63 @see wxListBox, wxTextCtrl, wxChoice, wxCommandEvent
64 */
65 class wxComboBox : public wxControl,
66 public wxItemContainer,
67 public wxTextEntry
68 {
69 public:
70 /**
71 Default constructor.
72 */
73 wxComboBox();
75 //@{
76 /**
77 Constructor, creating and showing a combobox.
79 @param parent
80 Parent window. Must not be @NULL.
81 @param id
82 Window identifier. The value wxID_ANY indicates a default value.
83 @param value
84 Initial selection string. An empty string indicates no selection.
85 @param pos
86 Window position.
87 @param size
88 Window size. If wxDefaultSize is specified then the window is sized
89 appropriately.
90 @param n
91 Number of strings with which to initialise the control.
92 @param choices
93 An array of strings with which to initialise the control.
94 @param style
95 Window style. See wxComboBox.
96 @param validator
97 Window validator.
98 @param name
99 Window name.
101 @beginWxPythonOnly
102 The wxComboBox constructor in wxPython reduces the @a n and @a choices
103 arguments are to a single argument, which is a list of strings.
104 @endWxPythonOnly
106 @see Create(), wxValidator
107 */
108 wxComboBox(wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id,
109 const wxString& value = wxEmptyString,
110 const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
111 const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
112 int n = 0,
113 const wxString choices[] = NULL,
114 long style = 0,
115 const wxValidator& validator = wxDefaultValidator,
116 const wxString& name = wxComboBoxNameStr);
117 /**
118 Constructor, creating and showing a combobox.
120 @param parent
121 Parent window. Must not be @NULL.
122 @param id
123 Window identifier. The value wxID_ANY indicates a default value.
124 @param value
125 Initial selection string. An empty string indicates no selection.
126 @param pos
127 Window position.
128 @param size
129 Window size. If wxDefaultSize is specified then the window is sized
130 appropriately.
131 @param choices
132 An array of strings with which to initialise the control.
133 @param style
134 Window style. See wxComboBox.
135 @param validator
136 Window validator.
137 @param name
138 Window name.
140 @beginWxPythonOnly
141 The wxComboBox constructor in wxPython reduces the @a n and @a choices
142 arguments are to a single argument, which is a list of strings.
143 @endWxPythonOnly
145 @see Create(), wxValidator
146 */
147 wxComboBox(wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id,
148 const wxString& value,
149 const wxPoint& pos,
150 const wxSize& size,
151 const wxArrayString& choices,
152 long style = 0,
153 const wxValidator& validator = wxDefaultValidator,
154 const wxString& name = wxComboBoxNameStr);
155 //@}
157 /**
158 Destructor, destroying the combobox.
159 */
160 virtual ~wxComboBox();
162 //@{
163 /**
164 Creates the combobox for two-step construction. Derived classes should
165 call or replace this function. See wxComboBox() for further details.
166 */
167 bool Create(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id,
168 const wxString& value = wxEmptyString,
169 const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
170 const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
171 int n = 0, const wxString choices[] = (const wxString *) NULL,
172 long style = 0,
173 const wxValidator& validator = wxDefaultValidator,
174 const wxString& name = wxComboBoxNameStr);
175 bool Create(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id,
176 const wxString& value,
177 const wxPoint& pos,
178 const wxSize& size,
179 const wxArrayString& choices,
180 long style = 0,
181 const wxValidator& validator = wxDefaultValidator,
182 const wxString& name = wxComboBoxNameStr);
183 //@}
185 /**
186 Returns the item being selected right now.
188 This function does the same things as wxChoice::GetCurrentSelection()
189 and returns the item currently selected in the dropdown list if it's
190 open or the same thing as wxControlWithItems::GetSelection() otherwise.
191 */
192 virtual int GetCurrentSelection() const;
194 /**
195 Same as wxTextEntry::GetInsertionPoint().
197 @note Under wxMSW, this function always returns 0 if the combobox
198 doesn't have the focus.
199 */
200 virtual long GetInsertionPoint() const;
202 /**
203 Same as wxTextEntry::SetSelection().
205 @beginWxPythonOnly
206 This method is called SetMark() in wxPython, "SetSelection" is kept for
207 wxControlWithItems::SetSelection().
208 @endWxPythonOnly
209 */
210 virtual void SetSelection(long from, long to);
212 /**
213 Sets the text for the combobox text field.
215 @note For a combobox with @c wxCB_READONLY style the string must be in
216 the combobox choices list, otherwise the call to SetValue() is
217 ignored.
219 @param text
220 The text to set.
221 */
222 virtual void SetValue(const wxString& text);
223 };