[wxWidgets.git] / wxPython / docs / CHANGES.html
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7 <title>Recent Changes for wxPython</title>
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10 <body>
11 <div class="document" id="recent-changes-for-wxpython">
12 <h1 class="title">Recent Changes for wxPython</h1>
13 <div class="section">
14 <h1><a id="id1" name="id1"></a></h1>
15 <ul class="simple">
16 <li>19-Jan-2007</li>
17 </ul>
18 <p>wxMSW: Fix lack of spin control update event when control lost focus</p>
19 <p>Added a typeId property to the PyEventBinder class that holds the
20 eventType ID used for that event. So when you need the eventType
21 (such as when sending your own instance of standard events) you can
22 use, for example, wx.EVT_BUTTON.typeId instead of
23 wx.wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED. Note that there are a few composite
24 events, such as EVT_MOUSE and EVT_SCROLL, that will actually bind
25 multiple event types at once, and in these cases the typeId property
26 may not give you what you want. You should use te component events in
27 these cases.</p>
28 <p>PyCrust now has an option for showing/hiding the notebook.</p>
29 <p>wxMSW: Corrected drawing of bitmaps for disabled menu items.</p>
30 <p>Enhanced the wx.lib.mixins.inspect module. In addition to showing a
31 PyCrust window it is now a widget browser, which provides a tree
32 loaded up with all the widgets in the app, optionally with the sizers
33 too, and also a panel displaying the properties of the selected
34 window. Run the demo and type Ctrl-Alt-I keystroke (or Cmd-Alt-I on
35 the Mac) to see how it works. You can add this to your own apps with
36 just a few lines of code.</p>
37 <p>Added wx.SearchCtrl.[Get|Set]DescriptiveText</p>
38 <p>wxMac: Added support for the wx.FRAME_FLOAT_ON_PARENT style.</p>
39 <p>wxMac: the popups used for call tips and autocomplete lists in
40 StyledTextCtrl (such as in PyShell) are now top-level float-on-parent
41 windows so they are no longer clipped by the bounds of the stc window.</p>
42 </div>
43 <div class="section">
44 <h1><a id="id2" name="id2"></a></h1>
45 <ul class="simple">
46 <li>8-Jan-2006</li>
47 </ul>
48 <p>Added EVT_TASKBAR_CLICK and use it to show taskbar icon menu on right
49 button release, not press, under MSW (bug 1623761)</p>
50 <p>Added wx.TreeCtrl.CollapseAll[Children]() and IsEmpty() methods</p>
51 <p>Fix wx.MDIChidFrame.GetPosition() (patch 1626610)</p>
52 <p>Fix attribute memory leak in wx.grid.Grid::ShowCellEditControl() (patch
53 1629949)</p>
54 <p>wxGTK: Fix for controls on a toolbar being the full height of the
55 toolbar instead of their natural height.</p>
56 <p>wx.lib.customtreectrl patches from Andrea Gavana.</p>
57 <p>wxMac: Applied patch #1622389, fixing two memory leaks in
58 GetPartialTextExtents.</p>
59 <p>More fixes for the native wx.ListCtrl on Mac.</p>
60 <p>Added wx.aui.AuiNotebook.GetAuiManager().</p>
61 <p>Added wx.aui.AuiMDIParentFrame and wx.aui.AuiMDIChildFrame, which
62 essentially implement the MDI interface using a normal wx.Frame and a
63 wx.aui.AuiNotebook.</p>
64 </div>
65 <div class="section">
66 <h1><a id="id3" name="id3"></a></h1>
67 <ul class="simple">
68 <li>11-Dec-2006</li>
69 </ul>
70 <p>Lots of fixes and updates to the AUI classes.</p>
71 <p>Added wx.CollapsiblePane. On wxGTK it uses a native expander widget,
72 on the other platforms a regular button is used to control the
73 collapsed/expanded state.</p>
74 <p>Added the wx.combo module, which contains the ComboCtrl and ComboPopup
75 classes. These classes allow you to implement a wx.ComboBox-like
76 widget where the popup can be nearly any kind of widget, and where you
77 have a lot of control over other aspects of the combo widget as well.
78 It works very well on GTK and MSW, using native renderers for drawing
79 the combo button, but is unfortunatly still a bit klunky on OSX...</p>
80 <p>Use system default paper size for printing instead of A4 by default.</p>
81 <p>Added wx.combo.OwnerDrawnComboBox, which is a ComboCtrl that delegates
82 the drawing of the items in the popup and in the control itself to
83 overridden methods of a derived class, similarly to how wx.VListBox
84 works.</p>
85 <p>Added wx.combo.BitmapComboBox which is a combobox that displays a
86 bitmap in front of the list items.</p>
87 <p>Added the wx.lib.mixins.inspect module. It contains the InspectMixin
88 class which can be mixed with a wx.App class and provides a PyCrust
89 window that can be activated with a Ctrl-Alt-I keystroke (or Cmd-Alt-I
90 on the Mac.)</p>
91 <p>Added some modules from Riaan Booysen:</p>
92 <blockquote>
93 <ul class="simple">
94 <li>wx.lib.flagart: contains icons of the flags of many countries.</li>
95 <li> makes images embedded in a python file
96 with img2py available via the wx.ArtProvider.</li>
97 <li>wx.lib.langlistctrl: A wx.ListCtrl for selecting a language,
98 which uses the country flag icons.</li>
99 <li>An I18N sample for the demo.</li>
100 </ul>
101 </blockquote>
102 <p>wx.lib.masked: Patch from Will Sadkin. Includes Unicode fixes, plus
103 more helpful exceptions and ability to designate fields in mask
104 without intervening fixed characters.</p>
105 <p>Added wx.SearchCtrl, which is a composite of a wx.TextCtrl with optional
106 bitmap buttons and a drop-down menu. Controls like this can typically
107 be found on a toolbar of applications that support some form of search
108 functionality. On the Mac this control is implemented using the
109 native HISearchField control, on the other platforms a generic control
110 is used, although that may change in the future as more platforms
111 introduce native search widgets.</p>
112 <p>Added a set of button classes to wx.lib.buttons from David Hughes that
113 uses the native renderer to draw the button.</p>
114 </div>
115 <div class="section">
116 <h1><a id="id4" name="id4"></a></h1>
117 <ul class="simple">
118 <li>7-Nov-2006</li>
119 </ul>
120 <p>Patch [ 1583183 ] Fixes printing/print preview inconsistencies</p>
121 <p>Add events API to wxHtmlWindow (patch #1504493 by Francesco Montorsi)</p>
122 <p>Added wxTB_RIGHT style for right-aligned toolbars (Igor Korot)</p>
123 <p>Added New Zealand NZST and NZDT timezone support to wx.DateTime.</p>
124 <p>wx.Window.GetAdjustedBestSize is deprecated. In every conceivable
125 scenario GetEffectiveMinSize is probably what you want to use instead.</p>
126 <p>wx.Image: Gained support for TGA image file format.</p>
127 <p>wx.aui: The classes in the wx.aui module have been renamed to be more
128 consistent with each other, and make it easier to recognize in the
129 docs and etc. that they belong together.</p>
130 <blockquote>
131 FrameManager --&gt; AuiManager
132 FrameManagerEvent --&gt; AuiManagerEvent
133 PaneInfo --&gt; AuiPaneInfo
134 FloatingPane --&gt; AuiFloatingPane
135 DockArt --&gt; AuiDockArt
136 TabArt --&gt; AuiTabArt
137 AuiMultiNotebook --&gt; AuiNotebook
138 AuiNotebookEvent --&gt; AuiNotebookEvent</blockquote>
139 <p>wx.lib.customtreectrl: A patch from Frank Niessink which adds an
140 additional style (TR_AUTO_CHECK_PARENT) that (un)checks a parent when
141 all children are (un)checked.</p>
142 <p>wx.animate.AnimationCtrl fixed to display inactive bitmap at start
143 (patch 1590192)</p>
144 <p>Patch from Dj Gilcrease adding the FNB_HIDE_ON_SINGLE_TAB style flag
145 for wx.lib.flatnotebook.</p>
146 <p>wx.Window.GetBestFittingSize has been renamed to GetEffectiveMinSize.
147 SetBestFittingSize has been renamed to SetInitialSize, since it is
148 most often used only to set the initial (and minimal) size of a
149 widget.</p>
150 <p>The QuickTime backend for on MS Windows works
151 again. Just pass to the
152 constructor to use it instead of the default ActiveMovie backend,
153 (assuming the quicktime DLLs are available on the system.)</p>
154 </div>
155 <div class="section">
156 <h1><a id="id5" name="id5"></a></h1>
157 <ul class="simple">
158 <li>26-Oct-2006</li>
159 </ul>
160 <p>wxGTK: The wx.ALWAYS_SHOW_SB style is now supported.</p>
161 <p>Fixed name errors in the old wxPython package namespace. As a
162 reminder, use of this package is deprecated and you are encouraged to
163 switch your programs over to the wx package.</p>
164 <p>Fixed wx.glcanvas.GLCanvas.SetCurrent to be compatible with prevoius
165 versons.</p>
166 <p>Added wx.StandardPaths.GetTmpDir.</p>
167 <p>Bug fixes in the wx.ListCtrl on Mac from Kevin Olivier, allowing it to
168 send events properly again. There is also a new native implementation
169 of wx.ListCtrl available, which will be used for wx.LC_REPORT style
170 list controls if you set the &quot;mac.listctrl.always_use_generic&quot;
171 SystemOption to zero. In a future release this will be the default.</p>
172 <p>Added a sample to the demo that shows some of what can be done with
173 the new wx.GraphicsContext and wx.GraphicsPath classes.</p>
174 </div>
175 <div class="section">
176 <h1><a id="id6" name="id6"></a></h1>
177 <ul class="simple">
178 <li>21-Oct-2006</li>
179 </ul>
180 <p>Fixed a bug in the MaskedEdit controls caused by conflicting IsEmpty
181 methods.</p>
182 <p>Patch #1579280: Some mimetype optimizations on unix-like systems.</p>
183 <p>wxMac: Several wx.webkit.WebKitCtrl enhancements/fixes, including:</p>
184 <blockquote>
185 <ul class="simple">
186 <li>new methods for increasing/decreasing text size, getting
187 selection, getting/setting scroll position, printing, enabling
188 editing, and running JavaScripts on the page.</li>
189 <li>added new event (wx.webkit.WebKitBeforeLoadEvent) for catching, and
190 possibly vetoing, load events before they occur.</li>
191 <li>wx.webkit.WebKitCtrl now fires mouse events for certain events
192 that it was eating before. This improves wxSplitterWindow
193 resizing behavior.</li>
194 <li>refactoring of the sizing logic to move the Cocoa view. Tested
195 with splitter windows, panels, notebooks and all position
196 correctly with this.</li>
197 </ul>
198 </blockquote>
199 <p>Some improvements to the drawing code in CustomTreeCtrl.</p>
200 <p>Fixed refcount leak in wx.Window.GetChildren.</p>
201 </div>
202 <div class="section">
203 <h1><a id="id7" name="id7"></a></h1>
204 <ul class="simple">
205 <li>18-Oct-2006</li>
206 </ul>
207 <p>The following deprecated items have been removed:</p>
208 <blockquote>
209 <ul class="simple">
210 <li>wx.Bitmap SetQuality and GetQuality methods</li>
211 <li>The wx.GetNumberFromUser function</li>
212 <li>wx.EVT_LIST_GET_INFO and wx.EVT_LIST_SET_INFO</li>
213 <li>wx.BookCtrlSizer and wx.NotebookSizer</li>
214 <li>The PostScript-specific methods of wx.PrintData</li>
215 <li>wx.PrintDialogData SetSetupDialog and GetSetupDialog methods</li>
216 <li>wx.FontMapper SetConfig method</li>
217 <li>wx.html.HtmlSearchStatus.GetContentsItem method</li>
218 <li>wx.html.HtmlHelpData.GetContents, GetContentsCnt, GetIndex, and
219 GetIndexCnt methods</li>
220 </ul>
221 </blockquote>
222 <p>wx.EventLoop is now implemented for wxMac.</p>
223 <p>Added wxPython wrappers for the new wx.Treebook and wx.Toolbook
224 classes.</p>
225 <p>wx.DC.BeginDrawing and EndDrawing have been deprecated in the C++
226 code, so since they never really did anything before they are now just
227 empty stubs in wxPython.</p>
228 <p>Solved a problem that has been around for a very long time in how C++
229 methods are virtualized for overriding in derived Python classes.
230 Previously we couldn't do it for methods that needed to also exist in
231 the base class wrappers such that they could be called normally. (The
232 reasons are long and complex, but suffice it to say that it was due to
233 mixing C++'s dynamic dispatch, and Python's runtime lookup of the
234 method attributes resulting in endless recursion of function calls.)
235 Because of this problem I used a hack that I have always hated, and
236 that is renaming the base class methods with a &quot;base_*&quot; prefix, for
237 example wx.Printout.base_OnBeginDocument. Now that the problem has
238 finally been solved I have replaced all the base_Whatever() methods
239 with the real Whatever() method as well as a simple wrapper named
240 base_Whatever that is marked as deprecated. So now instead of writing
241 your overridden methods like this:</p>
242 <pre class="literal-block">
243 def OnBeginDocument(self, start, end):
244 # do something here
245 return self.base_OnBeginDocument(start, end)
246 </pre>
247 <p>You can now call the base class method the normal way, like this:</p>
248 <pre class="literal-block">
249 def OnBeginDocument(self, start, end):
250 # do something here
251 return Printout.OnBeginDocument(self, start, end)
252 </pre>
253 <p>Or like this with super():</p>
254 <pre class="literal-block">
255 def OnBeginDocument(self, start, end):
256 # do something here
257 return super(MyPrintout, self).OnBeginDocument(start, end)
258 </pre>
259 <p>Note that the old way with the &quot;base_*&quot; function still works, but you
260 will get a DeprecationWarning from calling base_OnBeginDocument. The
261 classes affected by this are:</p>
262 <blockquote>
263 <ul class="simple">
264 <li>wx.DropSource</li>
265 <li>wx.DropTarget</li>
266 <li>wx.TextDropTarget</li>
267 <li>wx.FileDropTarget</li>
268 <li>wx.PyLog (also added the ability to override Flush)</li>
269 <li>wx.PyApp (also added the ability to override ExitMainLoop)</li>
270 <li>wx.Printout</li>
271 <li>wx.PyPrintPreview</li>
272 <li>wx.PyPreviewFrame</li>
273 <li>wx.PreviewControlBar</li>
274 <li>wx.Process</li>
275 <li>wx.PyControl</li>
276 <li>wx.PyPanel</li>
277 <li>wx.PyScrolledWindow</li>
278 <li>wx.PyWindow</li>
279 <li>wx.Timer</li>
280 <li>wx.grid.PyGridCellRenderer</li>
281 <li>wx.grid.PyGridCellEditor</li>
282 <li>wx.grid.PyGridCellAttrProvider</li>
283 <li>wx.grid.PyGridTableBase</li>
284 <li>wx.html.HtmlWindow</li>
285 <li>wx.wizard.PyWizardPage</li>
286 </ul>
287 </blockquote>
288 <p>Added the wx.DC.GradientFillConcentric and wx.DC.GradientFillLinear
289 methods.</p>
290 <p>wxGTK: wx.ListBox and wx.CheckListBox are now using native GTK2
291 widgets.</p>
292 <p>Added wx.ListBox.HitTest() from patch 1446207</p>
293 <p>Bumped up to SWIG 1.3.29. This provides some more runtime performance
294 boosts, gets rid of the dreaded Ptr classes, and some other nice new
295 things.</p>
296 <p>Added wx.Window.GetScreenPosition and GetScreenRect which returns the
297 position of the window in screen coordinates, even if the window is
298 not a top-level window.</p>
299 <p>Added GetResourcesDir and GetLocalizedResourcesDir to
300 wx.StandardPaths.</p>
301 <p>Added a GetReceivedFormat method to wx.DataObjectComposite. You can
302 use this to find out what format of data object was recieved from the
303 source of the clipboard or DnD operation, and then you'll know which
304 of the component data objects to use to access the data.</p>
305 <p>Changed how the stock objects (wx.RED, wx.RED_PEN, wx.RED_BRUSH, etc.)
306 are initialized. They are now created as uninitialized instances
307 using __new__. Then after the wx.App has been created, but before
308 OnInit is called, the .this attribute of each object is initialized.
309 This was needed because of some delayed initialization functionality
310 that was implemented in wxWidgets, but the end result is cleaner for
311 wxPython as well, and allowed me to remove some ugly code previously
312 hidden under the covers.</p>
313 <p>Added wx.StandardPaths.GetDocumentsDir.</p>
314 <p>Added wx.RendererNative.DrawCheckButton.</p>
315 <p>wx.ProgressDialog.Update now returns a tuple of two values. The first
316 is a continue flag (what was returned before) and the second is a skip
317 flag. If the dialog has the wx.PD_CAN_SKIP flag and if the Skip
318 button is clicked, then the skip flag is set to True the next time
319 Update is called.</p>
320 <p>A DeprecationWarning is now issued when the old wxPython package is
321 imported. If you are still using the old namespace please convert
322 your code to use the new wx package instead.</p>
323 <p>Added wrappers for Julian's new wxRichTextCtrl class, visible in
324 wxPython as wx.richtext.RichTextCtrl window. It still needs some more
325 work, but it is a great start.</p>
326 <p>wx.lib.mixins.listctrl.TextEditMixin: Fixed the double END_LABEL_EDIT
327 event problem in TextEditMixin by checking if the editor was already
328 hidden before continuing with the CloseEditor method. Also added code
329 to OpenEditor to send the BEGIN_LABEL_EDIT event and to not allow the
330 opening of the editor to continue if the event handler doesn't allow
331 it.</p>
332 <p>wx.StaticBoxSizer now keeps better track of the wx.StaticBox, and it
333 will destroy it if the sizer is destroyed before the parent window is.</p>
334 <p>Added wx.HyperlinkCtrl.</p>
335 <p>Added battery and power related functions and events (wxMSW only so
336 far.) See wx.PowerEvent, wx.GetPowerType and wx.GetBatteryState.</p>
337 <p>Added wx.ListCtrl.HitTestSubItem which returns the sub-item (i.e. the
338 column in report mode) that was hit (if any) in addition to the item
339 and flags.</p>
340 <p>Added wrappers for wx.ColourPickerCtrl, wx.DirPickerCtrl,
341 wx.FilePickerCtrl, and wx.FontPickerCtrl.</p>
342 <p>Patch #1502016 wx.Image.ConvertToGreyscale now retains the alpha
343 channel.</p>
344 <p>Added wrappers for the wxAUI classes, in the wx.aui module.</p>
345 <p>Added the PseudoDC class from Paul Lanier. It provides a way to
346 record operations on a DC and then play them back later.</p>
347 <p>Upgraded to Scintilla 1.70 for</p>
348 <p>Added CanSetTransparent and SetTransparent methods to the
349 wx.TopLevelWindow class, with implementations (so far) for wxMSW and
350 wxMac.</p>
351 <p>SetDefaultItem() and GetDefaultItem() are now members of
352 wx.TopLevelWindow, not wx.Panel.</p>
353 <p>wxGTK: Stock items (icons) will be used for menu items with stock
354 IDs.</p>
355 <p>Added wx.lib.combotreebox from Frank Niessink</p>
356 <p>Added wx.ImageFromBuffer, wx.BitmapFromBuffer and
357 wx.BitmapFromBufferRGBA factory functions. They enable loading of an
358 image or bitmap directly from a Python object that implements the
359 buffer interface, such as strings, arrays, etc.</p>
360 <p>Added wx.App.IsDisplayAvailable() which can be used to determine if a
361 GUI can be created in the current environment. (Still need an
362 implementation for wxMSW...)</p>
363 <p>The wx.html.HTML_FONT_SIZE_x constants are no longer available as the
364 default sizes are now calculated at runtime based on the size of the
365 normal GUI font.</p>
366 <p>wx.Colour now includes an alpha component, which defaults to
367 wx.ALPHA_OPAQUE. This is in preparation for allowing various new
368 alpha blening functionality using wx.Colour objects, such as drawing
369 with pens and brushes on a wx.DC.</p>
370 <p>Added wx.NativePixelBuffer, wx.AlphPixelBuffer and related iterator
371 and accessor classes. They allow platform independent direct access
372 to the platform specific pixel buffer inside of a wx.Bitmap object.</p>
373 <p>The beginnings of support for RTL languages has been added, thanks to
374 a Google SoC project.</p>
375 <p>Added wx.lib.dragscroller from Riaan Booysen. It provides a helper
376 class that can used to scroll a wx.ScrolledWindow in response to a
377 mouse drag.</p>
378 <p>Applied patch 1551409: Adds support for indeterminate mode gauges.</p>
379 <p>wxMac: I've turned on the compile option for using the native toolbar
380 on the Mac now that it supports hosting of controls. If the toolbar
381 is managed by the frame via either CreateToolBar() or SetToolBar()
382 then the native toolbar will be used. Additional toolbars, or
383 toolbars that are not children of the frame, are managed by sizers or
384 what-not will still use the emulated toolbar because of platform
385 restrictions in how/where the native toolbar can be used.</p>
386 <p>Added Python properties for many of the getter/setter methods of wx
387 classes. In order for the names to be predicatble for somebody
388 already familiar with wxPython the property names are simply the name
389 of the getter with the &quot;Get&quot; dropped. For example, wx.Window has a
390 property named &quot;Size&quot; that maps to GetSize and SetSize. So far there
391 is only one known name conflict using this naming convention, and that
392 is wx.KeyEvent.KeyCode, however since KeyCode was formerly a
393 compatibility alias for GetKeyCode (and has been for a long time) it
394 was decided to just switch it to a property. If you want to use the
395 method then change your calls to event.KeyCode() to
396 event.GetKeyCode(), otherwise you can use it as a property just by
397 dropping the parentheses.</p>
398 <p>Updated the C++ code for wx.gizmos.TreeListCtrl from the wxCode
399 project. This has resulted in some minor API changes, most of which
400 were worked around in the wrapper code.</p>
401 <p>Added wx.lib.delayedresult from Oliver Schoenborn.</p>
402 <p>Added wx.lib.expando, a multi-line textctrl that expands as more lines
403 are needed.</p>
404 <p>wx.Image.Scale and Rescale methods now take an extra parameter
405 specifying type of method to use for resampling the image. It
406 defaults to the current behavior of just replicating pixels, if
407 wx.IMAGE_QUALITY_HIGH is passed then it uses bicubic and box averaging
408 resampling methods for upsampling and downsampling respectively.</p>
409 <p>Added the wx.lib.buttonpanel module, which is a tweaked version of
410 Andrea Gavana's FancyButtonPanel module.</p>
411 <p>Added the wx.lib.flatnotebook module, from Andrea Gavana.</p>
412 <p>Renamed wx.FutureCall to wx.CallLater so it is named more like
413 wx.CallAfter. wx.FutureCall is now an empty subclass of wx.CallLater
414 for compatibility of older code.</p>
415 <p>Added the wx.lib.customtreectrl module from Andrea Gavana.</p>
416 <p>Added ChangeSelection to wx.BookCtrl (the base class for wx.Notebook
417 and other book controls) that is the same as SetSelection but doesn't
418 send the change events.</p>
419 <p>Added wx.TextCtrl.ChangeValue() which is the same as SetValue() but
420 doesn't send the text changed event.</p>
421 <p>For consistency, all classes having an Ok() method now also have
422 IsOk(), use of the latter form is preferred although the former hasn't
423 been deprecated yet</p>
424 <p>Added the wx.AboutBox() function and wx.AboutDialogInfo class. They
425 provide a way to show a standard About box for the application, which
426 will either be a native dialog or a generic one depending on what info
427 is provided and if it can all be shown with the native dialog.</p>
428 <p>The code in the animate contrib has been moved into the core wxWidgets
429 library, and refactored a bit along the way. For wxPython it still
430 exists in the wx.animate module, but has basically been reduced to two
431 classes, wx.animate.Animation, and wx.animate.AnimationCtrl. You load
432 the animated GIF (and hopefully there will be other supported formats
433 in the near future) in the Animation object, and then give that to the
434 AnimatedCtrl for display. See the demo for an example. There is also
435 still a GIFAnimationCtrl class that provides some level of backwards
436 compatibility with the old implementation.</p>
437 <p>wxMac: The compile option that turns on the use of CoreGraphics (a.k.a
438 Quartz) for wxDC is now turned on by default. This means that all
439 drawing via wxDC is done using the new APIs from apple, instead of the
440 old Quick Draw API. There are, however, a few places where Quartz and
441 wxDC don't fit together very well, mainly the lack of support for
442 logical drawing operations such as XOR, but there is work in progress
443 to provide other ways to do the same sort of thing that will work with
444 Quartz and also on the other platforms.</p>
445 <p>The first parts of a new 2D drawing API has been added with the
446 wx.GraphicsPath and wx.GraphicsContext classes. They wrap GDI+ on
447 Windows, Cairo on wxGTK and CoreGraphics on OS X. They allow path-based
448 drawing with alpha-blending and anti-aliasing, and use a floating
449 point cooridnate system. Currently they can only target drawing to
450 windows, but other wx.DC backends are forthcoming. The APIs may
451 evolve a bit more before they are finalaized with the 2.8 release, but
452 there is enough there now to get a good feel for how things will work.
453 There is also a transitional wx.GCDC class that provides the wx.DC API
454 on top of wx.GraphicsContext. Docs and a demo are still MIA.</p>
455 <p>Added a wx.AutoBufferedPaintDC that is a subclass of wx.PaintDC on
456 platforms that do double buffering by default, and a subclass of
457 wx.BufferedPaintDC on the platforms that don't. You can use this
458 class to help avoid the overhead of buffering when it is not
459 needed. There is also a wx.AutoBufferedPaintDCFactory function that
460 does a little more and actually tests if the window has
461 double-buffering enabled and then decides whether to return a
462 wx.PaintDC or wx.BufferedPaintDC. This uses the new
463 wx.Window.IsDoubleBuffered method.</p>
464 </div>
465 <div class="section">
466 <h1><a id="id8" name="id8"></a></h1>
467 <ul class="simple">
468 <li>15-July-2006</li>
469 </ul>
470 <dl class="docutils">
471 <dt>wx.lib.pubsub updates from Oliver Schoenborn:</dt>
472 <dd><ul class="first last simple">
473 <li>fixed the hash problem with non-hashable objects</li>
474 <li>now supports listeners that use *args as an argument
475 (listener(*args) was not passing the validity test)</li>
476 <li>corrected some mistakes in documentation</li>
477 <li>added some clarifications (hopefully useful for first time
478 users)</li>
479 <li>changed the way singleton is implemented since old way prevented
480 pydoc etc from extracting docs for Publisher</li>
481 </ul>
482 </dd>
483 <dt>DocView and ActiveGrid IDE updates from Morgan Hua:</dt>
484 <dd>New Features: In Tab-View mode, Ctrl-number will take the user to
485 the numbered tab view. Modified files now show an '*' astrisk in
486 the view title. Debugger framework can now support PHP debugging.
487 Not important for python development, but at least that means the
488 debugger framework is more generalized.</dd>
489 </dl>
490 <p>wx.lib.mixins.listctrl.TextEditMixin: Fixed the double END_LABEL_EDIT
491 event problem in TextEditMixin by checking if the editor was already
492 hidden before continuing with the CloseEditor method. Also added code
493 to OpenEditor to send the BEGIN_LABEL_EDIT event and to not allow the
494 opening of the editor to continue if the event handler doesn't allow
495 it.</p>
496 <p>Undeprecated wx.GetNumberFromUser and added wx.NumberEntryDialog.</p>
497 <p>Made necessaary changes for building wxPython for Python 2.5. There
498 may still be some issues related to the new Py_ssize_t type and 64-bit
499 machines, but at least all compile errors and warnings related to it
500 have been resolved.</p>
501 </div>
502 <div class="section">
503 <h1><a id="id9" name="id9"></a></h1>
504 <ul class="simple">
505 <li>3-April-2006</li>
506 </ul>
507 <p>Fixed reference leak in wx.gizmos.TreeListCtrl.GetSelections.</p>
508 <p>wxMSW: Fixed sizing issue with wx.Choice and wx.ComboBox. This change
509 was implemented by reverting a prior fix for a different problem
510 (contiuous painting/resizing when a combobox is used as a widget in a
511 wx.html.HtmlWindow) so a method to fix both problems is still being
512 investigated.</p>
513 <p>wxGTK: Fixed potential buffer overrun when pasting from the
514 clipboard.</p>
515 <p>Fixed problem in wx.lib.splitter when used on 64-bit platforms. Used
516 the current length of the list for specifying an append instead of
517 sys.maxint.</p>
518 <p>wxMSW: Support added for XP themed owner drawn buttons and bitmap
519 buttons. For example, if you change the foreground color of a button
520 it will now be drawn with the XP themed style rather than an ugly
521 generic button style.</p>
522 <p>XRCed: Fix for Copy/Paste objects with international characters.</p>
523 <p>Fixed the equality and inequality operators for some of the basic
524 data types (wx.Point, wx.Size, wx.Colour, etc.) to no longer raise a
525 TypeError if the compared object is not compatible, but to just return
526 a boolean as expected. For example:</p>
527 <pre class="literal-block">
528 wx.Colour(64,0,64) == 123 ==&gt; False
529 </pre>
530 <p>wxMSW: Fixed (again) sizing/positioning issues of calling Realize on
531 a wx.ToolBar that is not manaaged directly by a frame and that is
532 already shown.</p>
533 <p>wxMSW: Fixed wx.Choice/wx.ComboBox so they send events when a new item
534 is selected only with the keyboard.</p>
535 </div>
536 <div class="section">
537 <h1><a id="id10" name="id10"></a></h1>
538 <ul class="simple">
539 <li>27-March-2006</li>
540 </ul>
541 <p>Change the wx.ListCtrl InsertStringItem wrapper to use the form that
542 takes an imageIndex, and set the default to -1. This ensures that on
543 wxMSW that if there is an image list but they don't specify an image,
544 the native control doesn't use one anyway.</p>
545 <p>wxMSW: wx.ListCtrl in report mode is now able to support images in
546 other columns besides the first one. Simply pass an image index to
547 SetStringItem. For virtual list controls you can specify the image to
548 use on the extra columns by overriding OnGetItemColumnImage in your
549 derived class. It is passed the item number and the column number as
550 parameters, and the default version simply calls OnGetItemImage for
551 column zero, or returns -1 for other columns.</p>
552 <p>Switched to using SWIG 1.3.27 for generating the wrapper code. There
553 are some small changes needed to SWIG to work around some bugs that
554 wxPython exposes, and to be able to generate code that matches that
555 which wxPython is using. If you are building wxPython yourself and
556 need to modify any of the *.i files or to add your own, then you will
557 want to be sure to use a matching SWIG. See wxPython/SWIG/README.txt
558 in the source tarball for details.</p>
559 <p>wx.Image.Copy, Mirror, and GetSubImage now also do the right thing
560 with the alpha channel.</p>
561 <p>wxMSW: Fixed problem in wx.TextCtrl where using SetValue and
562 wx.TE_RICH2 would cause the control to be shown if it was hidden.</p>
563 <p>wxMSW: Numpad special keys are now distinguished from normal keys in
564 key events.</p>
565 <p>wxMSW: Multiline notebook tab label change now resizes the control
566 correctly if an extra row is removed or added.</p>
567 <p>wxMSW: On XP fall back to unthemed wxNotebook if specified orientation
568 not available in the themed version.</p>
569 <p>Added wx.Toolbar.GetToolsCount.</p>
570 <p>Added wx.GridSizer.CalcRowsCols.</p>
571 <p>Added wx.OutputStream.LastWrite.</p>
572 <p>wxGTK: EVT_SET_CURSOR is now sent.</p>
573 <p>wxGTK: Fix RequestMore for idle events.</p>
574 <p>wxGTK: Implement user dashes for PS and GNOME printing.</p>
575 <p>wxGTK: Correct update region code. Don't always invalidate the whole
576 window upon resize. Reenable support for thewx.NO_FULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE
577 flag. Also disable refreshing custom controls when focusing in and out.</p>
578 <p>wx.lib.pubsub: Publisher is now able to parse a dotted notation string
579 into a topic tuple. For example: subscribing to &quot;timer.clock.seconds&quot;
580 is the same as subscribing to (&quot;timer&quot;, &quot;clock&quot;, &quot;seconds&quot;).</p>
581 <p>Applied patch #1441370: lib.plot - allow passing in wx.Colour()</p>
582 <p>Added wx.CommandEvent.GetClientData.</p>
583 <p>Updated wxStyledTextCtrl to use version 1.67 of Scintilla.
584 NOTE: The STC_LEX_ASP and STC_LEX_PHP lexers have been deprecated,
585 you should use STC_LEX_HTML instead.</p>
586 <p>wxSTC: Implemented Fix for SF Bug #1436503. Delay the start of the
587 DnD operation in case the user just intended to click, not drag.</p>
588 <p>Updated the module to the new analogclock package from
589 E. A. Tacao.</p>
590 <p>Added the wx.lib.mixins.listctrl.CheckListCtrlMixin class from Bruce
591 Who, which makes it easy to put checkboxes on list control items.</p>
592 <p>Applied a patch from Christian Kristukat to wx.lib.plot that adds
593 scrollbars when the plot is zoomed in, and also the ability to grab a
594 zoomed plot and move it around with a mouse drag.</p>
595 <p>XRCed updated to allow wxMenuBar to be created inside a wxFrame.</p>
596 <p>Added wx.StandardPaths.GetDocumentsDir() (patch 1214360)</p>
597 </div>
598 <div class="section">
599 <h1><a id="id11" name="id11"></a></h1>
600 <ul class="simple">
601 <li>10-Jan-2006</li>
602 </ul>
603 <p>wxMSW: Fix for bug #1211907, popup menu indenting inconsistent with
604 bitmaps.</p>
605 <p>wxMac: Don't send an event for wx.RadioButton deselections, just the
606 selections. This was done to make it consistent with the other
607 platforms.</p>
608 <p>wxMSW: Always set flat toolbar style, even under XP with themes: this
609 is necessary or separators aren't shown at all.</p>
610 <p>Fixes for bug #1217872, pydocview.DocService not correctly initialized.</p>
611 <p>Fix for bug #1217874, Error in parameter name in DocManager.CreateView.</p>
612 <p>Added wrappers for the wx.RendererNative class.</p>
613 <p>Added the wx.lib.splitter module, which contains the
614 MultiSplitterWindow class. This class is much like the standard
615 wx.SplitterWindow class, except it allows more than one split, so it
616 can manage more than two child windows.</p>
617 <p>Docview and IDE patch from Morgan Hua with fix for bug #1217890
618 &quot;Closing view crashes Python&quot; plus some new features:</p>
619 <blockquote>
620 New feature added to the IDE is 'Extensions'. Under
621 Tools|Options|Extensions, you can add calls to external programs.
622 For example you can add a &quot;Notepad&quot; extension (under windows) that
623 will exec Notepad on the currently open file. A new &quot;Notepad&quot;
624 menu item will appear under the Tools menu.</blockquote>
625 <p>Some fixes to XRCed to make encoding errors a bit more user friendly.</p>
626 <p>XRCed changes from Roman Rolinsky:</p>
627 <blockquote>
628 <ul class="simple">
629 <li>Added new controls (Choicebook, Listbook, StatusBar,
630 DatePicker), and completed style flags. Test window is opened
631 for an available parent control if no specific view
632 defined. Better handling of exceptions (highlighting does not
633 'stick' anymore).</li>
634 <li>Use system clipboard for Copy/Paste.</li>
635 <li>Improved some dialogs (window styles, growable cols). Changed
636 the range for wxSpinCtrl min/max to all integers (default 0/100
637 is not always good).</li>
638 </ul>
639 </blockquote>
640 <p>Updates for wx.lib.foldpanelbar and wx.lib.hyperlink from Andrea
641 Gavana.</p>
642 <p>Fix for Bug #1283496: wxPython TheClipboard class causes problems for
643 pychecker. Ensure the app has been created before initializing
644 wx.TheClipboard.</p>
645 <p>Fix for Bug #1352602: FileBrowseButtonWithHistory can't type in Value.</p>
646 <p>wxHTML: Added space after list item number.</p>
647 <p>wx.lib.printout: Applied patch #1384440.</p>
648 <p>wxMSW: Fix for Bug #1293225 Window_FromHWND crashes if parent is
649 None.</p>
650 <p>Fix for Bug #1261669, use a wx.TE_RICH2 style for the Process demo so
651 it doesn't fill up too soon.</p>
652 <p>Applied Patch #1354389: wxPython MenuItem SetBitmaps fix.</p>
653 <p>Applied Patch #1239456: wxPython wx.DataObject.GetAllFormats fix.</p>
654 <p>Applied Patch # #1230107 which allows image handlers to be written in
655 Python by deriving from wx.PyImageHandler.</p>
656 <p>Applied patch #1072210: generalize to allow text printing.</p>
657 <p>Applied patch #1243907: Give Throbber much more flexibility by
658 allowing the user to set the rest image, the direction, the current
659 index, custom sequence. Allows user to manually step through the
660 sequence with Next(), Previous(), Increment(), Decrement() &amp;
661 SetCurrent(). Very handy if you have multiple throbbers that you want
662 to synchronize with a single timer.</p>
663 <p>Fix for bug #1336711: wx.lib.calendar.CalenDlg can yield incorrect
664 result.</p>
665 <p>Applied patch from Morgan Hua for updates to ActiveGrid code
666 (pydocview, ActiveGrid IDE, etc.)</p>
667 <p>Applied patch #1326241: Supporting &quot; install --install-headers=path&quot;</p>
668 <p>Applied patch from Morgan Hua to fix bug #1219423: CommandManager
669 should not repeat old commands after a branch.</p>
670 <p>Applied patch #1238825 adding search backward capabilities to the
671 demo. Modified to use the up/down options in the wx.FindReplaceDialog
672 instead of a separate menu item.</p>
673 <p>Fix for bug #1266745 and #1387725 in the wx.FindReplaceDialog on MSW.
674 Actually check we are using MSLU before doing the hack designed to
675 workaround a bug in MSLU!</p>
676 <p>wxMSW: wx.lib.iewin.IEHtmlWindow now properly handles tabbing, return
677 and other special keys properly.</p>
678 <p>Lots of PyCrust enhancments started by Franz Steinaeusler, Adi Sieker,
679 and Sebastian Haase, and which in turn were further enhanced, fixed
680 tweaked and finished up by me. The changes include the following:</p>
681 <blockquote>
682 <ul class="simple">
683 <li>The Autocomplete and Calltip windows can now be opened manually
684 with Ctrl-Space and Ctrl-Shift-Space.</li>
685 <li>In the stand alone PyCrust app the various option settings,
686 window size and position, and etc. are saved and restored at the
687 next run.</li>
688 <li>Added a help dialog bound to the F1 key that shows the key
689 bindings.</li>
690 <li>Added a new text completion function that suggests words from
691 the history. Bound to Shift-Return.</li>
692 <li>F11 will toggle the maximized state of the frame.</li>
693 <li>switched to Bind() from wx.EVT_*().</li>
694 <li>Display of line numbers can be toggled.</li>
695 <li>F12 toggles a &quot;free edit&quot; mode of the shell buffer. This mode
696 is useful, for example, if you would like to remove some output
697 or errors or etc. from the buffer before doing a copy/paste.
698 The free edit mode is designated by the use of a red,
699 non-flashing caret.</li>
700 <li>Ctrl-Shift-F will fold/unfold (hide/show) the selected lines.</li>
701 <li>General code cleanup and fixes.</li>
702 <li>Use wx.StandardPaths to determine the location of the config
703 files.</li>
704 <li>Use wx.SP_LIVE_UPDATE on crust and filling windows.</li>
705 <li>Extended the saving of the config info and other new features to
706 the PyShell app too. Additionally, other apps that embed a
707 PyCrust or a PyShell can pass their own wx.Config object and
708 have the Py code save/restore its settings to/from there.</li>
709 <li>All of the classes with config info get an opportunity to
710 save/load their own settings instead of putting all the
711 save/load code in one place that then has to reach all over the
712 place to do anything.</li>
713 <li>Enable editing of the startup python code, which will either be
714 the file pointed to by PYTHONSTARTUP or a file in the config dir
715 if PYTHONSTARTUP is not set in the environment.</li>
716 <li>Added an option to skip the running of the startup code when
717 PyShell or PyCrust starts.</li>
718 <li>PyCrust adds a pp(item) function to the shell's namespace that
719 pretty prints the item in the Display tab of the notebook.
720 Added code to raise that tab when pp() is called.</li>
721 <li>Added an option for whether to insert text for function
722 parameters when popping up the call tip.</li>
723 <li>Added Find and Find-Next functions that use the
724 wx.FindReplaceDialog.</li>
725 </ul>
726 </blockquote>
727 <p>Applied patches from Will Sadkin for wx.lib.masked modules:</p>
728 <blockquote>
729 <ul class="simple">
730 <li>Now ignores kill focus events when being destroyed.</li>
731 <li>Added missing call to set insertion point on changing fields.</li>
732 <li>Modified SetKeyHandler() to accept None as means of removing
733 one.</li>
734 <li>Fixed keyhandler processing for group and decimal character
735 changes.</li>
736 <li>Fixed a problem that prevented input into the integer digit of a
737 integerwidth=1 numctrl, if the current value was 0.</li>
738 <li>Fixed logic involving processing of &quot;_signOk&quot; flag, to remove
739 default sign key handlers if false, so that
740 SetAllowNegative(False) in the NumCtrl works properly.</li>
741 <li>Fixed selection logic for numeric controls so that if
742 selectOnFieldEntry is true, and the integer portion of an
743 integer format control is selected and the sign position is
744 selected, the sign keys will always result in a negative value,
745 rather than toggling the previous sign.</li>
746 </ul>
747 </blockquote>
748 <p>wx.FontMapper.SetConfig is deprecated. You should instead just set an
749 application-wide config object with wx.Config.Set, which wx.FontMapper
750 will use by default.</p>
751 <p>Added wx.GetMouseState which returns the current state of the mouse.
752 It returns an instance of a wx.MouseState object that contains the
753 current position of the mouse pointer in screen coordinants, as well
754 as boolean values indicating the up/down status of the mouse buttons
755 and the modifier keys.</p>
756 <p>Added wx.SizerItem.SetUserData</p>
757 <p>A variety of updates to wx.lib.floatcanvas, including Added
758 DrawObjects, including a ScaledTextBox, with auto-wrapping, etc, and
759 Scaled and Unscaled Bitmap Objects.</p>
760 <blockquote>
761 WARNING: Changed all DrawObjects to take an (x,y) pair rather
762 than individual x,y parameters. Also changed rectangles and
763 ellipses to take (w,h) pair. This is an API change, but should
764 be easy to accommodate, all you need to do is add a parenthesis
765 pair: (...x, y, ...) ---&gt; (...(x,y), ...)</blockquote>
766 </div>
767 <div class="section">
768 <h1><a id="id12" name="id12"></a></h1>
769 <ul class="simple">
770 <li>4-June-2005</li>
771 </ul>
772 <p>wx.ListCtrl: patch #1210352, fixes editing in generic wx.ListCtrl with
773 wx.LC_EDIT_LABELS.</p>
774 <p>Applied patch #208286, MediaCtrl DirectShow rewrite.</p>
775 <p>DocView patches from Morgan Hua: bug fixes, and additional SVN
776 commands, also added a default template that uses the text editor for
777 any unknown file type.</p>
778 <p>wxMSW: Use the system IDC_HAND cursor for wx.CURSOR_HAND and only fallback
779 to the strange wxWidgets version if the system one is not available.</p>
780 <p>wx.grid.Grid: Merge the cell size attribute the same way that other
781 attributes are merged, e.g., if it is already set to a non-default
782 value in the current GridCellAttr object then don't merge from the
783 other.</p>
784 <p>wx.lib.evtmgr: Fixed to use wx._core._wxPyDeadObject</p>
785 <p>wx.lib.gridmovers: Don't scroll when the mouse is dragged outside of
786 the grid, unless the mouse is kept in motion.</p>
787 <p>wxMSW: Applied patch #1213290 incorrect logic in
788 wx.TopLevelWindow.ShowFullScreen.</p>
789 <p>Applied patch #1213066 correct device names for Joystick in Linux.</p>
790 <p>wxGTK: Applied patch #1207162 wx.TextCtrl.SetStyle fix for overlapping
791 calls.</p>
792 <p>wx.FileConfig: fixed DeleteEntry to set the dirty flag properly so the
793 change will get written at the next flush.</p>
794 </div>
795 <div class="section">
796 <h1><a id="id13" name="id13"></a></h1>
797 <ul class="simple">
798 <li>30-May-2005</li>
799 </ul>
800 <p>Added wx.BrushFromBitmap to create a stippled brush in a single step.
801 Also added missing brysh style flags: wx.STIPPLE_MASK
803 <p>wxMSW: Fix for default control colours when the system text fg colour
804 is not black.</p>
805 <p>wxGTK: Patch #1171754, It is now possible to have a menu item that
806 both has an icon and is a submenu.</p>
807 <p>wxMSW: Patch #1197009, better refreshes when windows are moved and
808 resized.</p>
809 <p>wxMSW: Patch #1197468. Keeps track of pending size/position changes
810 in case there is more than one adjustment for a window in a single
811 DeferWindowPos set, then the pending values can be used for defaults
812 instead of current values.</p>
813 <p>Fixed the typemap that converts a Python list of strings to a
814 wxArrayString so it uses the wxPython default encoding.</p>
815 <p>Several docstrings added and updated. Lots more to go.</p>
816 <p>wxMac: Strings added to the clipboard or used in DnD no longer have an
817 extra null character at the end.</p>
818 <p>Added wx.GetXDisplay that returns a raw swigified pointer for the X11
819 Display, or None for the non-X11 platforms.</p>
820 <p>wxMenu: Don't send an event when selecting an already selected radio
821 item.</p>
822 <p>Added wx.LaunchDefaultBrowser.</p>
823 <p>wxMSW: Fixed erroneous selection of content in wx.ComboBox when within
824 a wx.StaticBox.</p>
825 <p>wxMSW: Fixed alpha blitting to take into account source position.</p>
826 <p>Ensure that Python is still in an initialized state before doing any
827 locking or unlocking in wxPyBeginBlockThreads and wxPyEndBlockThreads
828 as these can be triggered after Python has been finalized in embedding
829 situations.</p>
830 <p>Added alternate constructors for wx.Font: wx.FontFromPixelSize,
831 wx.FFont, wx.FFontFromPixelSize. See the docstrings or new api docs
832 for details.</p>
833 <p>Added wx.lib.hyperlink from Andrea Gavana. It is a control like
834 static text that acts like a hyper-link, launching the system's
835 default browser in response to the clicks.</p>
836 <p>Added an optional parameter to that allows you to
837 specify that the extra components specified in the version string are
838 required. For example, if you ask for &quot;2.6-unicode&quot; but only the ansi
839 version is installed then by default the ansi version will be selected
840 as it considered close enough since the version numbers match. If you
841 want to force the options to be required then you can just add a True
842 parameter, like this:</p>
843 <pre class="literal-block">
844 import wxversion
845;2.6-unicode&quot;, True)
846 import wx
847 </pre>
848 <p>Tweaked wx.lib.buttons such that flat buttons (e.g. have no bevel and
849 a wx.BORDER_NONE style flag) paint themed backgrounds if there are
850 transparent areas and the parent is displaying a theme.</p>
851 <p>wxMSW: Fix for wrong sash colour of wx.SplitterWindow in the silver
852 theme on XP.</p>
853 <p>Added a wx.xrc.XmlResourceHandler for the Ticker class. See
854 wx/lib/</p>
855 <p>wxSTC: Fixed CmdKeyAssign key bindings for Ctrl-Backspace.</p>
856 <p>wxMSW: Fixed a bug in wx.TextCtrl where all the lines were being used
857 to calculate the best size, instead of using a reasonable limit.</p>
858 <p>XRCed: Use wx.GetDefaultPyEncoding/wx.SetDefaultPyEncoding for
859 changing active encoding. Fixed pasting siblings (Ctrl key pressed
860 while pasting).</p>
861 <p>wx.lib.filebrowsebutton: Bug fix from Chad Netzer for when
862 self.history is None.</p>
863 <p>wx.ogl: Patch from Davide Salomoni that adds an optional point
864 parameter to LineShape.InsertLineControlPoint allowing one to
865 optionally specify where the new control point has to be drawn.</p>
866 <p>wxMSW: setting foreground colour for wx.CheckBox now works when using
867 XP themes.</p>
868 <p>More updates to the docview library modules and sample apps from the
869 ActiveGrid folks. Their sample IDE is now able to integrate with
870 Subversion.</p>
871 <p>wx.grid.Grid: Ensure that the grid gets the focus when it is
872 left-clicked. Note that if you have custom widgets that handle the
873 EVT_LEFT_DOWN event but do not call event.Skip() then you will
874 probably want to add a call to self.SetFocus in the event handler.</p>
875 <p>wxGTK: Add wxSTAY_ON_TOP support [Patch 1206023]</p>
876 <p>wx.TreeCtrl: wx.EVT_TREE_ITEM_MENU event made consistent on all
877 platforms. The location of the click or the item is included in the
878 event as well.</p>
879 <p>wxGTK: Setting background colour of a window now only affects the
880 window itself, not the borders, scrollbars, etc. (Bug #1204069)</p>
881 <p>Print framework: Add more paper sizes and code to fallback to an
882 explicit paper size if a known paper size is not found for the
883 printer.</p>
884 <p>wxMac: Applied patch for bug #1206181 Option-key decodes are wrong,
885 also applied patch for bug #1205691 Modified Fn keys don't work.</p>
886 <p>wx.Image: Fixed to preserve alpha channel in Rotate90 method.</p>
887 <p>wxMSW: Fixed incorrect background colour on wx.CheckListBox.</p>
888 <p>wxMSW: Fixed drawing of owner drawn buttons with multiline labels</p>
889 <p>Removed a bunch of unnecessary files, and removed or replaced images
890 that we're not sure of their origin or license.</p>
891 <p>The default DoGetBestSize is updated to not always return the current
892 size if the window has no sizer, children, or minsize set. Instead
893 the current size is set as the minsize. This solves the occasional
894 problem where a sizer may cause a childless panel to grow but never
895 shrink.</p>
896 <p>wxMSW: When converting a wx.Icon to a bitmap check if the icon has an
897 alpha channel and set the bitmap to use it.</p>
898 <p>Fixed the wrong class name used in wx.PyScrolledWindow's call to
899 _setCallbackInfo.</p>
900 <p>wxMSW: patch #1207202, Fixes GDI leak when using stock cursors.</p>
901 <p>wx.calendar.CalendarCtrl: Patch #1207531, Keeps the CalendarCtrl wide
902 enough even when the weekday names for the locale are shorter than
903 usual.</p>
904 <p>Made GridCellNumberEditor.StartingKey also insert the typed char when
905 there is a range of allowed values (so a wx.SpinCtrl is used instead
906 of a wx.TextCtrl.)</p>
907 </div>
908 <div class="section">
909 <h1><a id="id14" name="id14"></a></h1>
910 <ul class="simple">
911 <li>26-Apr-2005</li>
912 </ul>
913 <p>wxMSW: Fixed wx.TransientPopupWindow (and therefore wx.TipWindow) to
914 auto-dismiss when the mouse is clicked outside of the popup like it is
915 supposed to.</p>
916 <p>wxMSW: Fixed bug #1167891 wx.Notebook display problem with wx.NB_MULTILINE.</p>
917 <p>wxMSW: Fixed bad cliping of hidden windows inside of wx.StaticBox.</p>
918 <p>wxGTK: The configure flags for selecting GTK+ 1.2.x or 2.x has
919 changed slightly. It is now --with-gtk[=VERSION] where VERSION is
920 either '1', '2' or 'any'. The default is '2'.</p>
921 <p> Added the following methods for alternate ways
922 to set and fetch text from the document buffer. They work similarly
923 to the existing methods of the same name, except that they don't go
924 through the same string/unicode &lt;--&gt; wxString conversions. The &quot;Raw&quot;
925 methods will do no conversions at all and in a unicode build of
926 wxPython the strings will be in the utf-8 encoding and in an ansi
927 build no assumption is made about the encoding. The &quot;UTF8&quot; functions
928 will attempt to always get/set utf-8 text, which it will always be
929 able to do in a unicode build, and in an ansi build it will depend on
930 the content of the utf-8 used being compatible with the current
931 encoding, (you'll get an exception otherwise.)</p>
932 <blockquote>
933 <table border="1" class="docutils">
934 <colgroup>
935 <col width="49%" />
936 <col width="51%" />
937 </colgroup>
938 <tbody valign="top">
939 <tr><td>AddTextRaw</td>
940 <td>AddTextUTF8</td>
941 </tr>
942 <tr><td>InsertTextRaw</td>
943 <td>InsertTextUTF8</td>
944 </tr>
945 <tr><td>GetCurLineRaw</td>
946 <td>GetCurLineUTF8</td>
947 </tr>
948 <tr><td>GetLineRaw</td>
949 <td>GetLineUTF8</td>
950 </tr>
951 <tr><td>GetSelectedTextRaw</td>
952 <td>GetSelectedTextUTF8</td>
953 </tr>
954 <tr><td>GetTextRangeRaw</td>
955 <td>GetTextRangeUTF8</td>
956 </tr>
957 <tr><td>SetTextRaw</td>
958 <td>SetTextUTF8</td>
959 </tr>
960 <tr><td>GetTextRaw</td>
961 <td>GetTextUTF8</td>
962 </tr>
963 <tr><td>AppendTextRaw</td>
964 <td>AppendTextUTF8</td>
965 </tr>
966 </tbody>
967 </table>
968 </blockquote>
969 <p> Added the StyleSetFontEncoding(style, enc)
970 method that allows you to set the encoding to be used by the font for
971 a particular style.</p>
972 <p>wxMac: Fixed wx.ComboBox to forward the EVT_CHAR, EVT_KEY_DOWN,
973 EVT_KEY_UP and EVT_TEXT events from its embedded text control.</p>
974 <p>wxMac: Corrected refresh bugs in wxGrid.</p>
975 <dl class="docutils">
976 <dt>XRCed: Updated to version 0.1.5.</dt>
977 <dd><ul class="first last simple">
978 <li>Added wxWizard, wxWizardPageSimple (only from pull-down menu).</li>
979 <li>Hide command for test window.</li>
980 <li>Replacing classes works better.</li>
981 <li>Added Locate tool.</li>
982 </ul>
983 </dd>
984 </dl>
985 </div>
986 <div class="section">
987 <h1><a id="id15" name="id15"></a></h1>
988 <ul class="simple">
989 <li>8-Apr-2005</li>
990 </ul>
991 <p>wxMSW: Fixed bug #1022383, 'several ComboBoxes appear selected'</p>
992 <p>wx.grid.Grid: Fixed bug #1163384. Moved the code that handles
993 activating the cell editors to a EVT_CHAR event handler. This is done
994 so the character inserted into the editor will be the &quot;cooked&quot; char
995 value (including accented or composed keys) rather than the raw code
996 provided by the EVT_KEY_DOWN event.</p>
997 <p>Added orient parameter to wx.MDIParentFrame.Tile()</p>
998 <p>wxMSW: wxTextCtrl with wx.TE_RICH2 style now uses RichEdit 4.1 if
999 available.</p>
1000 <p>Added GetCount, GetCountRGB, and GetCountColour methods to
1001 wx.ImageHistogram.</p>
1002 <p>wxMSW: wx.Window.Refresh changed to explicitly refresh all children as
1003 well as the parent. Previously it was implicitly done because parents
1004 did not clip their children by default. Now that they always clip
1005 children then Refresh needed to be fixed to do a recursive refresh.
1006 This also fixes the Freeze/Thaw problems that some people had with
1008 <p>wx.SplitterWindow: Send EVT_SPLITTER_SASH_POS_CHANGED only once after
1009 end of dragging and not after each CHANGING event (modified patch
1010 #1076226)</p>
1011 <p>wx.glcanvas.GLCanvas: applied patch fixing problems with X server
1012 crash when using nVidia cards (patch 1155132)</p>
1013 <dl class="docutils">
1014 <dt>wx.lib.mixins.listctrl: Patches from Toni Brkic:</dt>
1015 <dd><ul class="first last simple">
1016 <li>Bugfix for TextEditMixin when the view can't be scrolled</li>
1017 <li>Enhancement for ListCtrlAutoWidthMixin, allowing it to manage
1018 the width of any column.</li>
1019 </ul>
1020 </dd>
1021 </dl>
1022 <p>wxMac: removal and reusing toolbar tools like the other platforms is
1023 now possible.</p>
1024 <p>wxMac: Correct radio tool selection after calling Realize a 2nd time.</p>
1025 <p>wxMSW: Applied patch #1166587, removes all flicker from wx.StaticBox</p>
1026 <p>Added wx.lib.foldpanelbar, Andrea Gavana's port of Jorgen Bodde's C++
1027 wxFoldPanelBar classes to Python.</p>
1028 <p>wxGTK: Applied patch #1173802, reimplementation of GtkFileChooser
1029 wxFileDialog by Mart Raudsepp. Note that this new file dialog is only
1030 used on GTK2 &gt;= 2.4. For earlier GTK2 versions and GTK1 then the
1031 older generic file dialog is used.</p>
1032 <p>wxMSW: fixes to static box borders calculations (finalizes patch
1033 #1166587)</p>
1034 <p>wx.Image: Use Python's buffer interface API for all image data and
1035 alpha Set/Get methods and the ImageFromData* constructors. They all
1036 still copy the buffer except for SetDataBuffer and SetAlphaBuffer, but
1037 this gives more flexibility on where the data can come from.</p>
1038 <p>Added MDI support to XRC</p>
1039 <p>Added wx.animate module and a demo. The wx.animate module provides a
1040 control that is able to display an animated GIF file.</p>
1041 <p> Applied patch from Werner F. Bruhin that allows either
1042 vertical and/or horizontal gridlines.</p>
1043 <p>wxMSW: Extra space given for top border of wx.StaticBoxSizer so the
1044 upper line is not cliped when there is no label.</p>
1045 <p>wxMSW: Restored old behaviour of wx.StaticBox.SetBackgroundColour only
1046 affecting the label.</p>
1048 events in a wx.TreeCtrl.</p>
1049 <p>Added wx.GetTopLevelWindows() function which returns a copy of the
1050 list of top-level windows that currently exist in the application.</p>
1051 <p>Updated docview library modules and sample apps from the ActiveGrid
1052 folks.</p>
1053 <p>Added the ActiveGrid IDE as a sample application.</p>
1054 </div>
1055 <div class="section">
1056 <h1><a id="id16" name="id16"></a></h1>
1057 <ul class="simple">
1058 <li>16-Mar-2005</li>
1059 </ul>
1060 <p>wx.Sizer Add, Insert, and Prepend functions now return a reference to the
1061 wx.SizerItem that was added to the sizer, and the wx.SizerItem has a
1062 GetRect accessor to give the position of the item on the parent window.</p>
1063 <p>Added wx.Sizer.GetItem method which returns the wx.SizerItem for the given
1064 wx.Window, wx.Sizer or position index.</p>
1065 <p>wxMSW: wx.RadioButtons in the same group no longer have to be
1066 consecutive (there may be intervening controls). Without this fix, an
1067 out-of-sync assert is generated when clicking on a radio button and
1068 then calling GetValue().</p>
1069 <dl class="docutils">
1070 <dt>Some XRC changes:</dt>
1071 <dd><ul class="first last simple">
1072 <li>Added 'icon' property to wxFrame and wxDialog</li>
1073 <li>No longer ignores menu bitmaps on non-MSW platforms</li>
1074 <li>Notebook page bitmaps are now supported</li>
1075 <li>added system colours and fonts support (based on patch #1038207)</li>
1076 </ul>
1077 </dd>
1078 </dl>
1079 <p>wxMSW: fix for [ 1052989 ] TextCtrl.SetBackgroundColour(wx.NullColour)
1080 bug.</p>
1081 <p>Added wx.PasswordEntryDialog analagous to wx.TextEntryDialog, allows
1082 detecting entering an empty string vs. cancel unlike the
1083 wx.GetPasswordFromUser dialog function.</p>
1084 <p>OGL patch from Shane Holloway:</p>
1085 <blockquote>
1086 <p>Two simple problems found in the new python ogl code. First is
1087 the patch for Essentially:</p>
1088 <pre class="literal-block">
1089 dx = abs(dc.LogicalToDeviceX(x - self._firstDragX))
1090 dy = abs(dc.LogicalToDeviceY(y - self._firstDragY))
1091 </pre>
1092 <p>was incorrect because (x,y) and (self._firstDragX,
1093 self._firstDragY) are both already in Logical coordinates.
1094 Therefore the difference between the two is also in logical
1095 coordinates, and the conversion call is an error. This bug
1096 surfaces when you have OGL on a scrollwin, and you are far from
1097 the origin of the canvas.</p>
1098 <p>The second change in basically removes the assumption
1099 that the child is in both self._children and self._divisions.
1100 Causes many problems when it's not. ;)</p>
1101 </blockquote>
1102 <p>Fixed GetSaveData and SetSaveData in wx.lib.multisash to not depend on
1103 the default way that class objectss are converted to strings.</p>
1104 <p>Fixed problem in StyledTextCtrl.Set[HV]ScrollBar that could leave the
1105 internal scrollbar visible.</p>
1106 <p>Added wx.StandardPaths which provides methods for determining standard
1107 system paths for each platform.</p>
1108 <p>wxMSW: The window background is now only erased by default if the
1109 background colour or background mode has been changed. This better
1110 allows the default system themed behaviour to show through for
1111 uncustomized windows. Explicit support added for using the correct
1112 theme texture for wx.Notebook pages and their children.</p>
1113 <p>wx.Image: Added support for alpha channels in interpolated and
1114 non-interpolated image rotation. Added ConvertAlphaToMask helper
1115 method for turning shades of grey into shades of alpha and a colour.</p>
1116 <p>wxGTK2: Reimplemented DoDrawRotatedText() by way of a rotation of an
1117 alpha blended text bitmap. It would be better if Pango could draw
1118 directly into an wxImage (as FreeType can,) but that is for later...</p>
1119 <p>Added wrappers and a demo for the wx.MediaCtrl class, which can play
1120 various forms of audio/video media using native codecs install on the
1121 system. So far it is only implemented for Windows and OSX.</p>
1122 <p>wxGTK: Patch applied for Freeze()/Thaw() for wxTextCtrtl.</p>
1123 <p>Added &quot;gravity&quot; for splitter window (patch 1046105). Gravity is a
1124 floating-point factor between 0.0 and 1.0 which controls position of
1125 sash while resizing the wx.SplitterWindow. The gravity specifies
1126 how much the left/top window will grow while resizing.</p>
1127 <p>wxMSW: wx.Slider's C++ implementation rewritten to be more
1128 maintainable and hopefully less buggy. The position of the labels has
1129 also been changed in order to better comply with Microsoft's examples
1130 of how to use the control.</p>
1131 <p>wxMSW: Fix wx.TreeCtrl to end label editing if the control loses
1132 focus (a slightly modified patch 1084592.)</p>
1133 <p>Added wx.EXEC_NODISABLE flag for wx.Execute, which will prevent all
1134 the app's windows being disabled while a synchronous child process is
1135 running.</p>
1136 <p>wxMSW: Much work to correct painting (or leaving transparent) of
1137 control backgrounds, properly using background themes on XP, etc.</p>
1138 <p>Fixed a circular reference problem with wx.Timer. It will now
1139 completely cleanup after itself when the last reference to the timer
1140 is removed. If you were previously using timer.Destroy() to cleanup
1141 your timers it will no longer work. Instead you should hold a
1142 reference to the timer and then del the reference when you are
1143 finished with the timer.</p>
1144 <p>Updated to 1.3.24 of SWIG. All of my big patches have been applied to
1145 the main SWIG source tree, but unfortunatly there were also some bugs
1146 added that affected the wxPython build and a few details in my
1147 original patch were changed/removed, so we are still not free of
1148 patches. A new patch for SWIG is located in the wxPython/SWIG
1149 directory of the wxPython source tree. SWIG 1.3.24 plus this patch
1150 should be used by anyone who is making custom modifications to
1151 wxPython's .i files, or building their own extension modules or
1152 etc. that need to interact with the wxPython swigged types. For the
1153 morbidly curious, here are a few more details:</p>
1154 <blockquote>
1155 <ul class="simple">
1156 <li>Since it is now possible easily and simply share the SWIG type
1157 tables across modules I reverted to always using the stock SWIG
1158 runtime instead of my slightly hacked up version of it exported
1159 via the wxPython C API.</li>
1160 <li>The %name directive is now deprecated so I replaced most uses of
1161 it with a custom %Rename macro that uses %rename internally.
1162 These will evetually need to be replaced with a DocDecl macro
1163 when docstrings are added for those items.</li>
1164 <li>The &quot;this&quot; attribute of all SWIGged classes is no longer a
1165 string containing a &quot;swigified pointer&quot;, but rather a custom
1166 built-in type that holds the real C pointer to the object and
1167 the type info. It can be converted to a string like the old
1168 value using str() or to the long integer value of the pointer
1169 using long().</li>
1170 </ul>
1171 </blockquote>
1172 <p>Added SetDefaultPyEncoding and GetDefaultPyEncoding functions which
1173 will set/get the encoding used by wxPython to convert string or
1174 unicode objects to/from wxString objects. Previously the default
1175 Python encoding was always used, but unless the user had tweaked their
1176 file it is always &quot;ascii&quot;, which would result in
1177 errors if the strings contained character codes &gt;= 128.
1178 SetDefaultPyEncoding will now allow you to control which encoding will
1179 be used to do those conversions. The default encoding is set to the
1180 value of <cite>locale.getdefaultlocale()[1]</cite> when wxPython is first
1181 imported. Please see <a class="reference" href=""></a>
1182 for information on the differences between the common latin/roman
1183 encodings.</p>
1184 <p>Added wxStdDialogButtonSizer, which is a a special sizer that knows
1185 how to order and position standard buttons in order to conform to the
1186 current platform's standards. You simply need to add each <cite>wx.Button</cite>
1187 to the sizer, and be sure to create the buttons using the standard
1188 ID's. Then call <cite>Realize</cite> and the sizer will take care of the rest.</p>
1189 <p>wxMSW Toolbar: pass correct tool id (and not always -1) to the
1190 EVT_TOOL_RCLICKED handler</p>
1191 <p>wxGTK: Applied patch for combo box SELECTED events (no longer get
1192 lots of surplus events)</p>
1193 <p>wxGTK: Applied patch for proper menu highlight colour detection in
1194 wx.SystemSettings.</p>
1195 <p>wxGTK: Commited scrollbar patch #1093339 which sends lineup, linedown
1196 events based on intercepting the mouse down events.</p>
1197 <p>wxGTK: Applied patch #1102789 which solved conflicts between wxWidgets
1198 and GTK+'s context menu code.</p>
1199 <p>wxGTK: Applied patch #1100327 for correct feedback from DND actions
1200 (not all actions are allowed).</p>
1201 <p>Fixed memory leak in wxGrid::UpdateAttr[Rows][Or][Cols] (patch 1104355)</p>
1202 <p>For efficiency reasons, text controls no longer set the string for
1203 each text updated event, but rather query for the string value only
1204 when GetString is called from an event handler.</p>
1205 <p>Added wx.SL_INVERSE style which will cause wx.Slider to invert the min
1206 and max ends of the slider.</p>
1207 <p>Several patches applied, such as #1111174, #1110252 and others, that
1208 make the generic wx.TreeCtrl (used on wxGTK and wxMac) be more
1209 conistent with the wxMSW native wx.TreeCtrl.</p>
1210 <dl class="docutils">
1211 <dt>XRCed:</dt>
1212 <dd><ul class="first last simple">
1213 <li>Edit-&gt;Locate command (Ctrl-L) for quick selection of items.
1214 Works with event-handling controls (buttons, text fields) but
1215 not with labels/sizers.</li>
1216 <li>Some improvements: relative paths for files supplied as command-
1217 line argument work correctly, notebook panels are highlighted
1218 better.</li>
1219 </ul>
1220 </dd>
1221 </dl>
1222 <p>wxMac: Fixed a long-standing issue where wxSlider controls with a
1223 hardcoded size would misplace their labels behind the slider control.</p>
1224 <p>wx.HtmlListBox fixed so calling RefreshLine(s) will cause the data for
1225 that line to be refetched from the overridden methods in the derived
1226 class.</p>
1227 <p>The default DoGetBestSize now includes the difference (if any) between
1228 the client size and total size of the window, (such as the size of
1229 borders.) Code that sets the client size using the best size, or that
1230 added extra space to sizers to compensate for this bug may need to be
1231 changed.</p>
1232 <p>Can suppress themed notebook pages with the wxNB_NOPAGETHEME style or
1233 setting system option msw.notebook.themed-background to 0.</p>
1234 <p>wxSyledTextCtrl updated to use Scintilla 1.62.</p>
1235 <p>Can now set the system option to 1 to
1236 eliminate weird refresh behaviour (delays between a window being
1237 erased and repainted, giving a ghostly gradual-redraw effect). May be
1238 a temporary 'fix' until properly fixed before 2.6.</p>
1239 <p>wxMac: Toolbar is now more native looking with borderless toolbar
1240 buttons.</p>
1241 <p>wxMac: Switched wx.Bitmap to use newer Quartz object types and APIs
1242 internally. This results in faster display and better alpha support.</p>
1243 <p>Added wx.DatePickerCtrl.</p>
1244 <p>wx.html.HtmlWindow now supports background images.</p>
1245 <p>Added wx.lib.gestures module from Daniel Pozmanter which supports
1246 using Mouse Gestures in an application.</p>
1247 <p>wxGTK2: ENTER and LEAVE mouse events are now sent for multi-line text
1248 controls.</p>
1249 <p>wxMSW: &quot;Alt&quot; key (VK_MENU) now results in WXK_ALT keyboard event, not
1250 WXK_MENU</p>
1251 <p>Added modules from Peter Yared and Morgan Hua that implement the wx
1252 Doc/View framework in pure Python code. See wx.lib.docview for the
1253 base implementation and wx.lib.pydocview for Python-specific
1254 extensions. There are also a couple sample applications located in
1255 samples/docview.</p>
1256 <p>Added GetBitmap, GetIcon to wx.ImageList.</p>
1257 <p>wxGTK wx.Button.SetLabel no longer invalidates/resets the font.</p>
1258 <p>wx.Sizer.AddWindow, AddSizer, AddSpacer and etc. have now been
1259 undeprecated at the request of Riaan Booysen, the Boa Constructor team
1260 lead. Boa needs them to help keep track of what kind of item is being
1261 managed by the sizer. They are now just simple compatibility aliases
1262 for Add, and etc.</p>
1263 <p>The old C++ version of the OGL lib is no longer built by default. Use
1264 the Python version in the wx.lib.ogl package instead.</p>
1265 <p>The wx.iewin module is no longer built by default. You can use the
1266 wx.lib.iewin version instead.</p>
1267 <p>Fixed wx.BufferedPaintDC for scrolled windows to work whether the
1268 buffer is covering only the client area or the full virtual area of
1269 the scrolled window. By default it will assume that only the client
1270 area is covered. This is different than the old behavior so to
1271 indicate that the entire virtual area is covered simply add a
1272 style=wx.BUFFER_VIRTUAL_AREA parameter.</p>
1273 <p>wx.gizmos.TreeListCtrl: Add support for the EVT_TREE_ITEM_GETTOOLTIP
1274 event.</p>
1275 <p>Added Resize, SetRGBRect, Size, and GetOrFindMaskColour methods to
1276 wx.Image.</p>
1277 <p>Added wx.Rect.IsEmpty</p>
1278 <dl class="docutils">
1279 <dt>wxGTK:</dt>
1280 <dd><ul class="first last simple">
1281 <li>Corrected wx.ListBox selection handling</li>
1282 <li>Corrected default button size handling for different themes</li>
1283 <li>Corrected splitter sash size and look for different themes</li>
1284 <li>Fixed keyboard input for dead-keys</li>
1285 </ul>
1286 </dd>
1287 </dl>
1288 </div>
1289 <div class="section">
1290 <h1><a id="id17" name="id17"></a></h1>
1291 <ul class="simple">
1292 <li>9-Nov-2004</li>
1293 </ul>
1294 <p>wxMac focus and border refreshes corrected.</p>
1295 <p>Updated internal PNG library.</p>
1296 <p>wxMac fix for metal appearance on wx.ToolBar.</p>
1297 <p>wx.grid.Grid fix allowing DoGetBestSize to be called before CreateGrid
1298 (which means that a min size doesn't need to be specified.)</p>
1299 <p>wxMac fix for not sending a native click to a control if it is not
1300 enabled (does an enable itself)</p>
1301 <p>Added wx.lib.ogl.DrawnShape, and fixed various little bugs in the new
1302 OGL.</p>
1303 <p>Added support to XRC and XRCed for the 3-state checkbox flags and also
1304 for wx.ToggleButton. Updated the generic window styles supported by
1305 XRCed.</p>
1306 <p>It is now possible to create &quot;stock&quot; buttons. Basically this means
1307 that you only have to provide one of the stock IDs (and either an
1308 empty label or a label that matches the stock label) when creating the
1309 button and wxWidgets will choose the stock label to go with it
1310 automatically. Additionally on the platforms that have a native
1311 concept of a stock button (currently only GTK2) then the native stock
1312 button will be used. For example, the following will result in a
1313 button with &quot;Cancel&quot; as the label and if run on wxGTK2 then there will
1314 also be an image of a red X:</p>
1315 <pre class="literal-block">
1316 b = wx.Button(parent, wx.ID_CANCEL)
1317 </pre>
1318 <p>Added wx.lib.ticker.Ticker class from Chris Mellon.</p>
1319 <p>Fix some incorrect clipping regions in wxSTC on wxGTK.</p>
1320 <p>Added wrapper for wx.grid.Grid.GetOrCreateCellAttr.</p>
1321 <p>Removed my copy of distutils from the wxPython source tree. Now that
1322 I am no longer doing builds on Python 2.1 the newest distutils is no
1323 longer needed. (There is still one small bug in Python 2.2 distutils
1324 on win32, but it is easily worked around.) This sovles the problem of
1325 incorrect builds on some systems where the system installed distutils
1326 has been patched to behave slightly differently, for example SuSE on
1327 x86_64 or Chandler's build.</p>
1328 <p>Updated to SWIG 1.3.22 (plus my patch.) See wxPython/SWIG/README.txt
1329 in the source tree if you need to use SWIG when building your own copy
1330 of wxPython, or other extension modules that need to integrate with
1331 the wxPython modules.</p>
1332 <p>Added wx.Frame.RequestUserAttention which, if the platform suports it,
1333 will do something (such as flash the task bar item) to suggest to the
1334 user that they should look at that window.</p>
1335 <p>&quot;Fixed&quot; wx.grid.Grid.SetDefaultEditor and SetDefaultRenderer by making
1336 them register the editor or renderer for the &quot;string&quot; data type.</p>
1337 <p>Added depth param to wx.Image.ConvertToBitmap.</p>
1338 <p>Extended the wx.calendar.CalendarCtrl class with methods that get/set
1339 a Python datetime or date object. (These will only work with Python
1340 2.3+) The methods are PySetDate, PyGetDate, PySetLowerDateLimit,
1341 PySetUpperDateLimit, PySetDateRange, PyGetLowerDateLimit, and
1342 PyGetUpperDateLimit. Also, CalendarEvent was extended with PySetDate
1343 and PyGetDate methods.</p>
1344 <p>wxMSW: SetBackgroundColour on a wx.Choice or a wx.ComboBox will now
1345 also set the colour of the dropdown.</p>
1346 <p>wxMac: MessageDialog now supports wx.NO_DEFAULT style</p>
1347 <p>wxMSW: added AssociateHandle and DissociateHandle to wx.Window</p>
1348 <p>wxMac: fix for toolbar tooltips</p>
1349 <p>wx.Sizer.Show (and Hide) now take an optional parameter specifying if
1350 the item to be shown should be searched for recursivly in subsizers,
1351 and return a boolean value indicating if the item was found.</p>
1352 <p>wxMSW: fixed MaximizeEvent generation in wx.Frame</p>
1353 <p>wxMSW: fixed sending duplicate EVT_COMBOBOX events</p>
1354 <p>Smoother time estimation updates in wx.ProgressDialog (patch 992813)</p>
1355 <p>Made wx.Listbook events more consistent with wx.Notebook ones (patch
1356 1001271)</p>
1357 <p>Fixed rounding errors in variable status bar panes widths computation
1358 (patch 1030021)</p>
1359 <p>Added possibility to specify printer bin (patch 910272)</p>
1360 <p>wxMSW: fixed wx.ListCtrl's SetWindowStyleFlag() to not remove
1361 WS_VISIBLE; also refresh the control automatically (closes bug
1362 1019440)</p>
1363 <p>Added wx.Choicebook, yet another notebook-like control.</p>
1364 <p>wxMSW: Make radiobutton tab behaviour the same on MSW as in standard
1365 MSW app, i.e. tab into the activated, not necessarily the first radio
1366 button.</p>
1367 <p>Added limited support for wxEventLoop (you can't derive from a
1368 wx.PyEventLoop version yet...) Updated and moved the sample showing
1369 how to replace the MainLoop to samples/mainloop/</p>
1370 <p>The C++ xrc lib has been moved out of contrib and into the core, so it
1371 is always built by default. wxPython's build has also changed
1372 accordingly and will build the xrc module as part of the core set of
1373 modules built by default. If you were axplicitly using BUILD_XRC then
1374 it will no longer be recognized as a build option, otherwise you
1375 should notice no difference.</p>
1376 <p>wxMac: Fixed radio toolbar buttons to correctly untoggle the others
1377 when a new one is selected.</p>
1378 <p>wxMac: Fixed GetLineLength and GetLineText for MLTE text controls</p>
1379 <p>wxMac: wx.TaskBarIcon is implemented by allowing you to change the
1380 app's icon on the Dock and also specifying a menu that should be
1381 merged with the normal dock popup menu. See the MigrationGuide for
1382 more details and a warning.</p>
1383 <p>Added wx.TopLevelWindow.IsActive() which tells you if the frame or
1384 dialog is or containts the active window with the keyboard focus.</p>
1385 <p>Added ability to create a font based on pixel size rather than point
1386 size via the FontFromPixelSize constructor.</p>
1387 <p>Updated the Scintilla used by StyledTextCtrl to version 1.61</p>
1388 <p>Improved image HitTest for TreeListCtrl.</p>
1389 <p>Added wx.App.IsMainLoopRunning.</p>
1390 <p>wxGTK: Make wxComboBox spit out a bit fewer surplus events when
1391 holding down the mouse button.</p>
1392 <p>wxGTK: Enable key based navigation through notebook tabs as in the
1393 native control with Left and right keys. Support for vetoing.</p>
1394 <p>FloatCanvas updates from Chris Barker</p>
1395 <dl class="docutils">
1396 <dt>PyPlot updates from Gordon Williams:</dt>
1397 <dd><ul class="first last simple">
1398 <li>Added bar graph demo</li>
1399 <li>Modified line end shape from round to square.</li>
1400 <li>Removed FloatDCWrapper for conversion to ints and ints in
1401 arguments</li>
1402 <li>Imported modules given leading underscore to name.</li>
1403 <li>Added Cursor Line Tracking and User Point Labels.</li>
1404 <li>Demo for Cursor Line Tracking and Point Labels.</li>
1405 <li>Size of plot preview frame adjusted to show page better.</li>
1406 <li>Added helper functions PositionUserToScreen and
1407 PositionScreenToUser in PlotCanvas.</li>
1408 <li>Added functions GetClosestPoints (all curves) and GetClosestPoint
1409 (only closest curve) can be in either user coords or screen
1410 coords.</li>
1411 </ul>
1412 </dd>
1413 <dt>MaskedEdit updates from Will Sadkin:</dt>
1414 <dd><ul class="first last simple">
1415 <li>Added '*' mask char that means &quot;all ansii chars&quot; (ords 32-255)</li>
1416 <li>Added proper unicode support to masked controls and</li>
1417 <li>Fixed two reported missing import bugs introduced by package
1418 creation</li>
1419 <li>Converted masked package doc strings to reST format for better
1420 epydoc support</li>
1421 <li>lots of doc string improvements and function hiding to better
1422 reflect package's public contents.</li>
1423 </ul>
1424 </dd>
1425 </dl>
1426 <p>Restructured the installer packages slightly to help facilitate having
1427 multiple versions of wxPython installed at the same time. See the
1428 Migrarion Guide for more information.</p>
1429 <dl class="docutils">
1430 <dt>Applied patch from Pim Van Heuven that modifies 4 files:</dt>
1431 <dd><ul class="first last simple">
1432 <li>wxPython/demo/ (new demo)</li>
1433 <li>wxPython/demo/ (include new demo in demo app)</li>
1434 <li>wxPython/wx/lib/mixins/ (several improvements to
1435 TextEditMixin)</li>
1436 <li>wxPython/wx/lib/ (some small fixes)</li>
1437 </ul>
1438 </dd>
1439 </dl>
1440 <p>Added (thanks to Kevin Ollivier!) wrappers for wx.WebKitCtrl for the
1441 OSX build. Other platforms will raise an exception if you try to use
1442 it.</p>
1443 <p>wxPython on OSX can now be built in Unicode mode, can support multiple
1444 version installs, and comes with an uninstaller script.</p>
1445 </div>
1446 <div class="section">
1447 <h1><a id="id18" name="id18"></a></h1>
1448 <ul class="simple">
1449 <li>27-Aug-2004</li>
1450 </ul>
1451 <p>Predominantly a bug-fix release.</p>
1452 <blockquote>
1453 <ul class="simple">
1454 <li>Fixed fatal error due to improper wrapping of wx.FSFile.</li>
1455 <li>Fixed return type of EditableListBox.GetListCtrl</li>
1456 <li>Give generic tree and list controls a DoGetBestSize so they play
1457 nicer with sizers when there is no minimal size.</li>
1458 <li>Some tweaks in the demo and samples to correct layout, some
1459 flicker problems, and namespace use.</li>
1460 <li>Add wx.Image.ConvertAlphaToMask</li>
1461 <li>Minor corrections in wx.lib.dialogs</li>
1462 <li>wx.FileHistory constructor now accepts the documented 2nd
1463 parameter.</li>
1464 <li>Corrections for exceptions in the new ogl</li>
1465 <li>Fixed XRCed to not use reparenting of windows to implement caching
1466 of property panels, since Reparent on wxMac is not implemented.</li>
1467 <li>Add support for wxTAB_TRAVERSAL to the XRC handler for
1468 wxScrolledWindow.</li>
1469 <li>Add support for all wxListBox styles to the XRC handler for
1470 wxCheckListBox.</li>
1471 <li>Fix for wx.Listbook.DeleteAllPages to really delete everything.</li>
1472 <li>wxGTK2 now supports alpha blended bitmap drawing</li>
1473 <li>Made wx.grid.Grid play nicer with sizers.</li>
1474 <li>etc.</li>
1475 </ul>
1476 </blockquote>
1477 </div>
1478 <div class="section">
1479 <h1><a id="id19" name="id19"></a></h1>
1480 <ul class="simple">
1481 <li>14-Aug-2004</li>
1482 </ul>
1483 <p>wx.ADJUST_MINSIZE is now the default behaviour for window items in
1484 sizers. This means that the item's GetMinSize and/or GetBestSize will
1485 be called when calculating layout and the return value from that will
1486 be used for the minimum size used by the sizer. The wx.FIXED_MINSIZE
1487 flag was added that will cause the sizer to use the old behaviour in
1488 that it will <em>not</em> call the window's methods to determine the new best
1489 size, instead the minsize that the window had when added to the sizer
1490 (or the size the window was created with) will always be used. Please
1491 see the Sizers section in the Migration Guide for more details.</p>
1492 <p>Added new MaskedEditControl code from Will Sadkin. The modules are
1493 now locaed in their own sub-package, wx.lib.masked. Demos updated.</p>
1494 <p>The changes that implemented the incompatible wx.DC methods in
1495 have been reverted. The wx.DC methods are now compatible with the 2.4
1496 implemetation. In addition a set of renamed methods have been added
1497 that take wx.Point and/or wx.Size objects instead of individual
1498 parameters.</p>
1499 <p>Added wx.lib.mixins.listctrl.TextEditMixin, a mixin class that allows
1500 all columns of a wx.ListCtrl in report mode to be edited.</p>
1501 <p>Deprecated the wx.iewin module.</p>
1502 <p>Deprecated the wx.Sizer.AddWindow, AddSizer, AddSpacer methods as well
1503 as their Insert* and Prepend* counterparts.</p>
1504 <p>Added a generic StaticBitmap class in wx.lib.statbmp for the same
1505 reasons that stattext was created, so it could be mouse sensitive on
1506 all platforms like normal windows. Also updated and
1507 to handle attribute (font &amp; colour) defaults and
1508 inheritance the new way. If you have custom controls of your own you
1509 should review or one of the others to see how it is to be
1510 done.</p>
1511 <p>wx.InitAllImageHandlers is now an empty function that does nothing but
1512 exist for backwards compatibility. The C++ version is now called
1513 automatically when wxPython is initialized. Since all the handlers
1514 are included in the wxWidgets shared library anyway, this imposes only
1515 a very small amount of overhead and removes several unneccessary
1516 problems.</p>
1517 <p>Replaced wx/lib/ with a version that uses weak references to
1518 track the subscribers, plus other fixes/additions. Thanks go to
1519 Oliver Schoenborn and Robb Shecter.</p>
1520 <p>wxGTK now uses gtk_init_check so wxPython can raise an exception if
1521 there is no DISPLAY available or other initializaion problem.</p>
1522 <p>wx.GetKeyState now has an implementation for wxGTK and is able to
1523 detect the up/down or toggle state of modifier and toggle keys.</p>
1524 <p>The LC_NUMERIC locale is now reset back to &quot;C&quot; (compatibility) when
1525 running on wxGTK to work around the fact that GTK requires the locale
1526 to be set to the system settings but Python depends on LC_NUMERIC
1527 remaining compatible with &quot;C&quot;.</p>
1528 <p>Switched gizmos.TreeListCtrl to the newer version of the code from the
1529 wxCode project.</p>
1530 <p>OGL is dead! LONG LIVE OGL! (Oops, sorry. A bit of my dramatic side
1531 leaked out there...) The wx.ogl module has been deprecated in favor
1532 of the new Python port of the OGL library located at wx.lib.ogl
1533 contributed by Pierre Hjälm. This will hopefully greatly extend the
1534 life of OGL within wxPython by making it more easily maintainable and
1535 less prone to getting rusty as there seems to be less and less
1536 interest in maintaining the C++ version. At this point there are just
1537 a couple minor known compatibility differences, please see the
1538 <a class="reference" href="MigrationGuide.html">MigrationGuide</a> file for details.</p>
1539 <p>EVT_STC_POSCHANGED has been removed as it has been deprecated in
1540 Scintilla for several releases now.</p>
1541 <p>All the Window and GDI (pen, bitmap, etc.) class constructors and also
1542 many toplevel functions and static methods will now check that a
1543 wx.App object has already been created and will raise a
1544 wx.PyNoAppError exception if not.</p>
1545 <p>Added more default args as needed to allow most window types to be
1546 constructed with only the parent window arg. In some cases other args
1547 may be required for normal operation, but they can usually be set
1548 after construction.</p>
1549 <p>Removed the deprecated ErrorDialogs and PythonBitmaps modules. If you
1550 were using these in your apps then please join wxPython-dev and assist
1551 with a more modern reimplementation.</p>
1552 <p>Added a new version (0.8.3) of FloatCanvas from Chris Barker. It's now
1553 in a subpackage of wx.lib.</p>
1554 <p>It is now possible to change the tab traversal order of controls on a
1555 panel or dialog. For details see the new MoveAfterInTabOrder and
1556 MoveBeforeInTabOrder methods of wx.Window.</p>
1557 <p>Applied (and heavily modified) a patch from Eugene
1558 &lt;<a class="reference" href="mailto:svip123&#64;">svip123&#64;</a>&gt; that allows the sample modules in the demo to be
1559 edited and reloaded, all from within the demo. You can switch back
1560 and forth between the default and your edited version, and any errors
1561 ocurring upon the reload are reported on the Demo tab.</p>
1562 <p>Added a menu item in the demo that will open a PyShell window that has
1563 the app and demo frame preloaded in the namespace. This is another
1564 good way to explore and play with the objects in the currently running
1565 sample. For example, load the Button sample and then do the following
1566 in the PyShell:</p>
1567 <pre class="literal-block">
1568 &gt;&gt;&gt; b = frame.demoPage.GetChildren()[0]
1569 &gt;&gt;&gt; for x in range(0, 500, 10):
1570 ... b.Move((x, 50))
1571 ... app.Yield(True)
1572 ... wx.MilliSleep(10)
1573 </pre>
1574 <p>wxGTK: Applied wxNO_BORDER patch (#1098374) for text control and combo
1575 box.</p>
1576 </div>
1577 <div class="section">
1578 <h1><a id="the-this-is-not-a-joke-release" name="the-this-is-not-a-joke-release"> (the 'this is <em>not</em> a joke' release)</a></h1>
1579 <ul class="simple">
1580 <li>2-Apr-2004</li>
1581 </ul>
1582 <p>(See also the <a class="reference" href="MigrationGuide.html">MigrationGuide</a> file for details about some of the
1583 big changes that have happened in this release and how you should
1584 adapt your code.)</p>
1585 <p>The wxWindows project and library is now known as wxWidgets. Please
1586 see <a class="reference" href=""></a> for more details. This won't
1587 really affect wxPython all that much, other than the fact that the
1588 domain name will be changing to, so mail
1589 list, CVS, and etc. addresses will be changing. We're going to try
1590 and smooth the transition as much as possible, but I wanted you all to
1591 be aware of this change if you run into any issues.</p>
1592 <p>Many, many little fixes, changes and additions done as part of the move
1593 to wxWidgets 2.5 that I have forgotten about.</p>
1594 <p>Added wxMirrorDC.</p>
1595 <p>Added wxIconLocation</p>
1596 <p>Added Python wrappers and demos for the new wxVScrolledWindow,
1597 wxVListBox, and wxHtmlListBox classes.</p>
1598 <p>Added wrappers for wxBookCtrl and wxListbook. wxNotebook now derives
1599 from wxBookCtrl.</p>
1600 <p>Added Gordon Williams' PyPlot module to the library, available as the
1601 wx.lib.plot module.</p>
1602 <p>I made a small but important change in the code that aquires the
1603 Python Global Interpreter Lock to try and prevent deadlocks that can
1604 happen when there are nested attempts to aquire the GIL.</p>
1605 <p>The RPMs will now install menu items on Mandrake Linux in
1606 Applications/Development/Tools for PyCrust, XRCed, etc. The RPMs are
1607 also installing icons and <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">*.desktop</span></tt> items in the generic KDE and
1608 GNOME locations, but I don't know yet if they are resulting in menu
1609 items on non-Mandrake systems. (It didn't automatically do it on my
1610 RH-9 build box but I didn't chase it very far...) If you have ideas
1611 for how to improve the .spec file to work better and/or on more
1612 distros please send me a patch.</p>
1613 <p>The RPMs are now built on a fairly generic RH-9 box, and I have tested
1614 installing them also on my main Mandrake 9.2 box.</p>
1615 <p>There are some big changes in the OS X disk image. The actual
1616 Installer package now <em>only</em> installs the wxMac dynlibs, wxPython
1617 extension modules and Python packages, and also the command-line tool
1618 scripts. The remaining items (demo, samples, and application bundles
1619 for the Demo, PyCrust and XRCed) are now top-level items in the disk
1620 image (.dmg file) that users can just drag and drop to wherever they
1621 want to put them.</p>
1622 <p>The wxWave class has been renamed to wxSound, and now has a slightly
1623 different API.</p>
1624 <p>Updated the AnalogClockWindow with many enhancements from E. A. Tacão.</p>
1625 <p>wxMac now has wx.ToggleButton!</p>
1626 <p> has been updated to version 1.58 of Scintilla.</p>
1627 <p>To help with the performance issues on wxMac
1628 I've added a SetUseAntiAliasing method (and GetUseAntiAliasing too)
1629 that will turn off the use of antialiased fonts in the wxSTC, allowing
1630 it to bypass the slow text measuring routines and use the fast and
1631 simple one instead. By default the setting is turned off (on wxMac
1632 only.) When run on OSX the Py* apps have a new item on the Options
1633 menu for controlling this setting if you would like to experiment with
1634 it.</p>
1635 <p>Updated wx.lib.calendar with many fixes and enhancements from Joerg
1636 &quot;Adi&quot; Sieker.</p>
1637 <p>Added wx.Display and wx.VideoMode.</p>
1638 <p>AppleEvents can be handled by overriding wx.App methods MacOpenFile,
1639 MacPrintFile, MacNewFile, and MacReopenApp.</p>
1640 <p>Added wx.PlatformInfo which is a tuple containing strings that
1641 describe the platform and build options of wxPython. See the
1642 MigrationGuide for more details.</p>
1643 <p>Created a new extension module &quot;activex&quot; from Lindsay Mathieson's
1644 newest <a class="reference" href="">wxActiveX</a> class. (The existing iewin module used an older
1645 version of this code, but only exposed the wxIEHtmlWin class.) This
1646 new module will (in theory ;-) ) allow you to host arbitrary ActiveX
1647 controls in a wx.Window, <strong>without</strong> requiring the use of the win32com
1648 and other PyWin32 modules! This should eliminate the cronic problems
1649 that have resulted from minor mismatches in how PyWin32 handles the
1650 GIL and tstate when making callbacks, etc. The older iewin module
1651 will be left in this release as the new stuff is not fully backwards
1652 compatible, but you should migrate your code to the new IEHtmlWindow
1653 in wx.lib.iewin, so the old one can be eventually removed.
1654 Additionally, I've always considered that the wx.lib.activexwrapper
1655 module is an ugly hack that I only included in the lib because I
1656 couldn't figure out anything better. Well now we have something that,
1657 if it isn't already, has the potential to be better. So consider
1658 migrating away from using activexwrapper as well. Please see the
1659 MigrationGuide for more details on using the new module.</p>
1660 <p>Floats are allowed again as function parameters where ints are expected.</p>
1661 </div>
1662 <div class="section">
1663 <h1><a id="id21" name="id21"></a></h1>
1664 <ul class="simple">
1665 <li>1-Oct-2003</li>
1666 </ul>
1667 <p>Use wxSTC in the demo for displaying the soucre code of the samples.</p>
1668 <p>Lots of bug fixes and such from the wxWindows folks.</p>
1669 <p>Added wxPython.lib.newevent from Miki Tebeka. Its usage is
1670 demonstrated in the Threads sample in the demo.</p>
1671 <p>Updates to wxMaskedEditCtrl.</p>
1672 <p>Added wxMaskedNumCtrl.</p>
1673 <p>Added Chris Barker's FloatCanvas.</p>
1674 </div>
1675 <div class="section">
1676 <h1><a id="id22" name="id22"></a></h1>
1677 <ul class="simple">
1678 <li>19-Jun-2003</li>
1679 </ul>
1680 <p>Added wxScrolledPanel from Will Sadkin</p>
1681 <p>Added SetShape method to top level windows (e.g. wxFrame.)</p>
1682 <p>Changed wxSWIG to not generate Python code using apply, (since it will
1683 be deprecated in the future) wxSWIG will use <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">spam(*args,</span> <span class="pre">**kw)</span></tt> syntax
1684 instead. Also changed the generated __repr__ methods to be a bit more
1685 informative.</p>
1686 <p>Made the version number information more robust and uh, informative.
1687 Also added asserts to check that the major.minor versions of wxPython
1688 and wxWindows match.</p>
1689 <p>Added the new wx &quot;renamer&quot; package that will dynamically import from
1690 the wxPython package and rename wxFooBar --&gt; FooBar. That means that
1691 people can do imports without <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">&quot;import</span> <span class="pre">*&quot;</span></tt> and can use names like
1692 wx.Frame instead of wx.wxFrame. This is phase 1 of a full transition
1693 to the new namespace.</p>
1694 <p>Updated Scintilla to 1.52. I also changed it to use wxListCtrl
1695 instead of wxListBox for the AutoComplete window, added the ability to
1696 use custom bitmaps in the margin and in the AutoComplete windows, and
1697 worked out how to do proper clipping of child windows on wxGTK.</p>
1698 <p>Patrick O'Brien's PyCrust package has been renamed to Py and now
1699 includes several new tools. As part of the change the location of the
1700 pacakge has changed as well, it is now accessible as &quot;from wxPython
1701 import py&quot; (or &quot;from wx import py&quot; using the new namespace.) There
1702 are still some transition modules in the wxPython.lib.PyCrust package
1703 that will issue a warning and then import what is needed from the new
1704 package. These will be removed in a future release.</p>
1705 <p>Added __nonzero__ method to wxTreeItemId, wxBitmap, wxImage, wxFont,
1706 and most other classes that have an Ok or IsOK method. This allows
1707 code like &quot;if obj: ...&quot; to be the same as &quot;if obj.IsOk(): ...&quot;</p>
1708 <p>Toolbars on wxMac can now have controls on them.</p>
1709 <p>Added wxPython.lib.analogclock module based on samples that were
1710 passed back and forth on wxPython-users a while back.</p>
1711 <p>Added masked edit controls (wxPython.lib.maskededit) by Jeff Childers
1712 and Will Sadkin. Updated wxTimeCtrl to use MaskedEdit.</p>
1713 <p>When the __class__ of a dead object is replaced with _wxPyDeadObject
1714 the __del__ of the original class is now called first.</p>
1715 <p>Added wxTreeListCtrl. (Looks like a wxTreeCtrl embedded in a
1716 wxListCtrl, but actually is just giving multiple columns to a
1717 wxTreeCtrl.)</p>
1718 <p>Added wxFutureCall, a subclass of wxTimer that makes it easy to delay
1719 a call to any Python callable object.</p>
1720 <p>Added wxPy versions of wxPrintPreview, wxPreviewFrame, and
1721 wxPreviewControlBar so they can be derived from in Python and be able
1722 to override the C++ virtual methods.</p>
1723 <p>Simplified how the wxSizer methods are wrapped, changed the name of
1724 the &quot;option&quot; parameter to &quot;proportion&quot; to match the docs (&quot;option&quot; is
1725 still accepted for compatibility, but this will go away in a future
1726 release,) SetItemMinSize can now take a wxSize (or 2-tuple) parameter,
1727 and Spacers can be specified with a wxSize (or 2-tuple) parameter</p>
1728 <p>Added wxCursorFromBits.</p>
1729 </div>
1730 <div class="section">
1731 <h1><a id="id23" name="id23"></a></h1>
1732 <ul class="simple">
1733 <li>24-Mar-2003</li>
1734 </ul>
1735 <p>Gave up on generating a warning upon the use of the old true/false or
1736 TRUE/FALSE values.</p>
1737 <p>Fixed wxGenericTreeCtrl (used on wxGTK and wxMac for wxTreeCtrl) so
1738 that it can successfully handle lots of nodes instead of overflowing
1739 when the virtual height of the widget overflowed a 16-bit value.</p>
1740 <p>Fixed the typemap that converts strings to wxColours to also accept
1741 unicode.</p>
1742 <p>Fixed problem where the wrong class name could sometimes be used for
1743 OOR.</p>
1744 <p>Fixed an interpreter lock problem in the __eq__ and __ne__ methods in
1745 wxSize and etc.</p>
1746 <p>Updated PyCrust to version 0.9</p>
1747 <p>Instead of always logging C++ assertions, added wxPYAPP_ASSERT_LOG
1748 flag to turn it on. In most cases turning it into an exception (the
1749 default behavior) is enough. See below in the notes for more
1750 details.</p>
1751 </div>
1752 <div class="section">
1753 <h1><a id="a-k-a-the-i-m-so-stupid-release" name="a-k-a-the-i-m-so-stupid-release"> (a.k.a. the I'm so stupid release)</a></h1>
1754 <ul class="simple">
1755 <li>11-Mar-2003</li>
1756 </ul>
1757 <p>The new deprecation class for the old true/false symbols can now be
1758 returned from OnInit. And I promise to be sure I am testing what I
1759 think I am testing in the future...</p>
1760 </div>
1761 <div class="section">
1762 <h1><a id="a-k-a-the-blame-it-on-kevin-release" name="a-k-a-the-blame-it-on-kevin-release"> (a.k.a. the blame it on Kevin release)</a></h1>
1763 <ul class="simple">
1764 <li>7-Mar-2003</li>
1765 </ul>
1766 <p>A few little but annoying bug fixes.</p>
1767 <p>Updated pycolourchooser.</p>
1768 <p>Updated to 0.9b of PyCrust.</p>
1769 </div>
1770 <div class="section">
1771 <h1><a id="id24" name="id24"></a></h1>
1772 <ul class="simple">
1773 <li>7-Mar-2003</li>
1774 </ul>
1775 <p>Added missing wxRect methods</p>
1776 <p>Add OOR support for wxApp objects too.</p>
1777 <p>Added wxCursorFromImage, which works on wxMSW and wxGTK so far.</p>
1778 <p>All platforms now send EVT_DESTROY_WINDOW. Be warned that at the time
1779 the event is sent the window is in the process of being deconstructed,
1780 and so calling some (most?) methods of the window itself may cause
1781 problems.</p>
1782 <p>Fixed SF Bug #689481, a method in the OGL wrappers was using the wrong
1783 return type.</p>
1784 <p>Fixed SF Bug #689958, an endless loop in</p>
1785 <p>Added EVT_WINDOW_CREATE_ID and EVT_WINDOW_DESTROY_ID so these events
1786 can be associated with a specific window ID and more easily caught by
1787 the parent window.</p>
1788 <p>Fixed copy-paste error in wxListCtrl.GetFirstSelected.</p>
1789 <p>Added missing Init method (and an overloading wrapper) to wxLocale
1790 wrapper.</p>
1791 <p>Added a wxBitmap.SetMaskColour convenience method.</p>
1792 <p>Changed how the dynamic event tables (used for all Python wx classes,
1793 C++ wx classes typically use static event tables) are searched such
1794 that they behave from a Python perspective more like the static tables
1795 in C++. Namely that if there are identical event bindings in a base
1796 Python class and a derived Python class that the one in the derived
1797 class will be found first and that if Skip is called that the one in
1798 the base class will still be found instead of skipping directly to the
1799 static stable in the C++ class.</p>
1800 <p>Switched to using True/False in the wxPython lib and demo instead of
1801 true/false or TRUE/FALSE to prepare for the new boolean type and
1802 constants being added to Python. Added code to to test for the
1803 existence of the new constants and to create suitable values if not
1804 present.</p>
1805 <p>Added some static wxApp functions that help with integration with the
1806 Mac UI. They are no-ops on other platforms so it doesn't hurt to
1807 always call them. The functions are:</p>
1808 <pre class="literal-block">
1809 wxApp_GetMacDefaultEncodingIsPC
1810 wxApp_GetMacSupportPCMenuShortcuts
1811 wxApp_GetMacAboutMenuItemId
1812 wxApp_GetMacPreferencesMenuItemId
1813 wxApp_GetMacExitMenuItemId
1814 wxApp_GetMacHelpMenuTitleName
1815 wxApp_SetMacDefaultEncodingIsPC
1816 wxApp_SetMacSupportPCMenuShortcuts
1817 wxApp_SetMacAboutMenuItemId
1818 wxApp_SetMacPreferencesMenuItemId
1819 wxApp_SetMacExitMenuItemId
1820 wxApp_SetMacHelpMenuTitleName
1821 </pre>
1822 <p>Refactored, enhanced and added capabilities for the DrawXXXList
1823 functions, inspired by code from Chris Barker.</p>
1824 <p>The wxWindows .mo language catalog files are now installed in a
1825 subdirectory of the wxPython package dir on MSW since that platform
1826 doesn't have a standard place for them.</p>
1827 <p>Added missing deselect methods for wxGrid.</p>
1828 <p>Fixed typemaps for wxGridCellCoordsArray.</p>
1829 <p>Updated to the 0.9a version of PyCrust</p>
1830 </div>
1831 <div class="section">
1832 <h1><a id="id25" name="id25"></a></h1>
1833 <ul class="simple">
1834 <li>23-Jan-2003</li>
1835 </ul>
1836 <p>Several bug fixes.</p>
1837 <p>Added wxIntCtrl from Will Sadkin.</p>
1838 <p>Added wxPyColourChooser by Michael Gilfix.</p>
1839 </div>
1840 <div class="section">
1841 <h1><a id="id26" name="id26"></a></h1>
1842 <ul class="simple">
1843 <li>10-Jan-2003</li>
1844 </ul>
1845 <p>No major new features since, mostly bug fixes and minor
1846 enhancements.</p>
1847 <p>Added function wrappers for the common dialogs from Kevin Altis. See
1848 wxPython/lib/ for more details.</p>
1849 </div>
1850 <div class="section">
1851 <h1><a id="id27" name="id27"></a></h1>
1852 <ul class="simple">
1853 <li>21-Dec-2002</li>
1854 </ul>
1855 <p>Various bug fixes.</p>
1856 </div>
1857 <div class="section">
1858 <h1><a id="id28" name="id28"></a></h1>
1859 <ul class="simple">
1860 <li>18-Dec-2002</li>
1861 </ul>
1862 <p>Updated XRCed and wxTimeCtrl contribs.</p>
1863 <p>Show a couple new wxGrid features in the demo.</p>
1864 <p>Several bug fixes in wxWindows.</p>
1865 <p>Added wxHtmlFilter.</p>
1866 <p>wxASSERT and related C++ runtime diagnostics are now converted to
1867 Python exceptions. When an assert happens a wxPyAssertionError
1868 (which derives from AssertionError) exception is created and when
1869 control returns back to the Python code that invoked the C++ API it
1870 will be raised. The same exception restrictions are in place as
1871 before, namely that exceptions can't cross from one Python layer
1872 through C++ to another Python layer. That simply means that if you
1873 want to catch wxPyAssertionError or any other exception that you need
1874 to do it before control returns to C++ at the end of your event
1875 handler or callback code. There is some test code in demo/
1876 you can use to play with this new feature.</p>
1877 <p>Added some methods to wxApp (SetAssertMode and GetAssertMode) that let
1878 you control how C++ assertions are processed. Valid modes are:
1880 wxPYAPP_ASSERT_DIALOG. Using _SUPPRESS will give you behavior like
1881 the old &quot;final&quot; builds and the assert will be ignored, _EXCEPTION is
1882 the new default described above, and _DIALOG is like the default in
1883 and prior &quot;hybrid&quot; builds. You can also combine _EXCEPTION
1884 and _DIALOG if you wish, although I don't know why you would.</p>
1885 <p>You can now overload OnInitGui, OnExit and OnAssert in your classes
1886 derived from wxApp.</p>
1887 <p>Added GetSelectedCells, GetSelectionBlockTopLeft,
1888 GetSelectionBlockBottomRight, GetSelectedRows, GetSelectedCols nethods
1889 to wxGrid.</p>
1890 <p>Added Python == and != operators for some basic classes</p>
1891 <p>Fixed the Python wrappers for wxInputStream so they no longer block
1892 when reading from a wxProcess on wxGTK. They now work more or less as
1893 they did before but the dual meaning of eof() has been
1894 removed. There is now a CanRead() method that lets you know if there
1895 is data waiting to be read from the pipe.</p>
1896 <p>Fixed method name clash in wxIEHtmlWin, renamed Refresh to RefreshPage.</p>
1897 <p>Added Throbber from Cliff Wells to the library and the demo.</p>
1898 <p>Windows installer prompts to uninstall old version first.</p>
1899 <p>Added wxPython.lib.evtmgr by Robb Shecter, which is an easier, more
1900 &quot;Pythonic&quot; and more OO method of registering handlers for wxWindows
1901 events using the Publish/Subscribe pattern.</p>
1902 <p>Added wxPython.lib.popupctl by Gerrit van Dyk which is a combobox-like
1903 gizmo for poping up arbitrary controls. It is currently using
1904 wxDialog because of some issues with wxPopupWindow...</p>
1905 <p>Added wxPython.lib.gridmovers by Gerrit van Dyk which facilitates the
1906 dragging of columns and/or rows in a wxGrid.</p>
1907 <p>Added wxPython.lib.multisash by Gerrit van Dyk which is a nice
1908 implementation of allowing the user to split a window any number of
1909 times either horizontally or vertically, and to close the split off
1910 windows when desired.</p>
1911 <p>Added helpviewer tool that displays HTML books similarly to how MS
1912 HTMLHelp viewer does. Changed how the wxPythonDocs tarball is built
1913 and added a script to launch the doc viewer.</p>
1914 </div>
1915 <div class="section">
1916 <h1><a id="id29" name="id29"></a></h1>
1917 <ul class="simple">
1918 <li>19-Sep-2002</li>
1919 </ul>
1920 <p>Added wxSplashScreen.</p>
1921 <p>Added wxGenericDirCtrl.</p>
1922 <p>Added wxMultiChoiceDialog.</p>
1923 <p>The calltip window and autocomplete window in wxSTC will now use a
1924 wxPopupWindow if available on the platform (and functioning correctly)
1925 so they can extend beyond the client area of the STC if needed.</p>
1926 <p>Finished wrapping and providing typemaps for wxInputStream and also
1927 added the stream ctor and other methods for wxImage so images can now
1928 be loaded from any Python &quot;file-like&quot; object.</p>
1929 <p>Changed the img2py tool to use PNG instead of XPM for embedding image
1930 data in Python source code, and the generated code now uses streams to
1931 convert the image data to wxImage, wxBitmap, or wxIcon.</p>
1932 <p>Added the wxPython.lib.rcsizer module which contains RowColSizer.
1933 This sizer is based on code from Niki Spahiev and lets you specify a
1934 row and column for each item, as well as optional column or row
1935 spanning. Cells with no item assigned to it are just left blank.
1936 Stretchable rows or columns are specified and work the same as in
1937 wxFlexGridSizer.</p>
1938 <p>Updated XRCed from Roman Rolinsky</p>
1939 <p>Added wxBufferedDC.</p>
1940 <p>Upgraded wxSTC from Scintilla 1.40 to Scintilla 1.45, and then again
1941 to version 1.47, and one more time to 1.48! &lt;wink&gt;</p>
1942 <dl class="docutils">
1943 <dt>UNICODE!</dt>
1944 <dd><p class="first">wxWindows/wxPython can be compiled with unicode support enabled or
1945 disabled. Previous to wxPython 2.3.3 non-unicode mode was always
1946 used. Starting with 2.3.3 either mode is supported, but only if
1947 it is also available in wxWindows on the platform. Currently
1948 wxWindows only supports unicode on MS Windows platforms, but with
1949 the recent release of GTK+ 2.0 it is only a matter of time until
1950 it can be done on wxGTK (Linux and other unixes) as well.</p>
1951 <p>Unicode works best on platforms in the NT branch of the Windows
1952 family tree (NT, win2k, XP) but it is now also possible to use the
1953 same unicode binaries on win95/98/ME platforms as well! This is
1954 done by using a special library and DLL with the application
1955 called MSLU, (Microsoft Layer for Unicode). It simply gets out of
1956 the way if the app is run on an NT box, otherwise if run on a
1957 win9x box it loads a special DLL that provides the unicode
1958 versions of the windows API. So far I have not been able to get
1959 this to work perfectly on win9x. Most things work fine but
1960 wxTaskBarIcon for example will cause a crash if used with the
1961 unicode build on win95.</p>
1962 <p class="last">So how do you use it? It's very simple. When unicode is enabled,
1963 then all functions and methods in wxPython that return a wxString
1964 from the C++ function will return a Python unicode object, and
1965 parameters to C++ functions/methods that expect a wxString can
1966 accept either a Python string or unicode object. If a string
1967 object is passed then it will be decoded into unicode using the
1968 converter pointed to by wxConvCurrent, which will use the default
1969 system encoding. If you need to use a string in some other
1970 encoding then you should convert it to unicode using the Python
1971 codecs first and then pass the unicode string to the wxPython
1972 method.</p>
1973 </dd>
1974 </dl>
1975 <p>Added wxListCtrlAutoWidthMixin from Erik Westra.</p>
1976 <p>Added wxIconBundle and wxTopLevelWindow.SetIcons.</p>
1977 <p>Added wxLocale and wxEncodingConverter.</p>
1978 <p>A little black magic... When the C++ object (for a window or
1979 whatever) is deleted there is no way to force the Python shadow object
1980 to also be destroyed and clean up all references to it. This leads to
1981 crashes if the shadow object tries to call a method with the old C++
1982 pointer. The black magic I've done is to replace the __class__ in the
1983 Python instance object with a class that raises an exception whenever
1984 a method call (or other attribute access) is attempted. This works
1985 for any class that is OOR aware.</p>
1986 <p>Added OOR support for wxGridCellRenderer, wxGridCellEditor,
1987 wxGridCellAttr, wxGridCellAttrProvider, wxGridTableBase and their
1988 derived classes.</p>
1989 <p>Added wxImage.GetDataBuffer which returns an in-place edit buffer of
1990 the image data. (Patch #546009)</p>
1991 <p>Added a sample that shows how to embed wxPython in a wxWindows C++
1992 application.</p>
1993 <p>Added wxPyWindow, wxPyPanel and wxPyControl which are just like their
1994 wx counterparts except they allow some of the more common C++ virtual
1995 methods to be overridden in Python derived classes. The methods
1996 supported are:</p>
1997 <blockquote>
1998 <p>DoMoveWindow
1999 DoSetSize
2000 DoSetClientSize
2001 DoSetVirtualSize
2002 DoGetSize
2003 DoGetClientSize
2004 DoGetPosition
2005 DoGetVirtualSize
2006 DoGetBestSize
2007 InitDialog
2008 TransferDataFromWindow
2009 TransferDataToWindow
2010 Validate
2011 AcceptsFocus
2012 AcceptsFocusFromKeyboard
2013 GetMaxSize
2014 AddChild
2015 RemoveChild</p>
2016 <p>If there are other methods that you think should be supported
2017 please let me know.</p>
2018 </blockquote>
2019 <p>Changed wxGenButton to derive from wxPyControl and overload
2020 DoGetBestSize and AcceptsFocus.</p>
2021 <p>Added wxArtProvider.</p>
2022 <p>Added wxCallAfter which is a helper function that registers a function
2023 (or any callable Python object) to be called once the next time there
2024 are no pending events. This is useful for when you need to do
2025 something but it can't be done during the current event handler. The
2026 implementation is very simple, see wxPython/</p>
2027 <p>Fixed a boatload of reference leaks.</p>
2028 <p>Added a demo of using a sizer in a wxScrolledWindow, in effect
2029 creating a ScrolledPanel.</p>
2030 <p>Added a sample to the demo that shows how to use radio menu items, and
2031 other menu stuff.</p>
2032 <p>Added wxIEHtmlWin. This is essentially the same as using IE with the
2033 ActiveXWrapper already in the library, but it is implemented all in
2034 C++ and therefore does not need any of the modules from win32all and
2035 so it is less fragile in the face of changes.</p>
2036 <p>Fixed the ActiveXWrapper problem. Looks like when the win32com
2037 modules make a &quot;callback&quot; that they (incorrectly, IMHO) allocate a
2038 transient thread state structure. Since wxPython is now saving
2039 tstates for it's own callbacks it ended up using garbage after
2040 win32com got rid of the temporary tstate...</p>
2041 <p>Added a generic static text control to wxPython.lib.stattext. This is
2042 so things like Boa and PythonCard can have a static text that can
2043 respond to mouse events and etc.</p>
2044 <p>Changed the wxDateTime.Parse* methods to return an int that will be -1
2045 on failure, and the index where parsing stopped otherwise.</p>
2046 <p>Moved tools to be a Python package in, added scripts to
2047 import and launch each tool. This will let you import and use the
2048 tools in your own scripts or apps as needed. On Linux and OS X the
2049 tool scripts are installed to {prefix}/bin so you should be able to
2050 easily launch them from the command line. For example, PyCrust can be
2051 started with just the &quot;pycrust&quot; command.</p>
2052 <p>Added a sample to the demo that catches various key events and
2053 displays the details of the event.</p>
2054 <p>Added wxWizard, wxWizardPage, wxWizardPageSimple and wxPyWizardPage.</p>
2055 <p>Added wxXmlResourceHandler which allows you to create custom handlers
2056 for nonstandard class types in XRC resources. See the demo for an
2057 example.</p>
2058 <p>Added wxPython.lib.mixins.rubberband module from Robb Shecter.</p>
2059 <p>Added wxTimeCtrl from Will Sadkin.</p>
2060 </div>
2061 <div class="section">
2062 <h1><a id="id30" name="id30"></a></h1>
2063 <ul class="simple">
2064 <li>20-Dec-2001</li>
2065 </ul>
2066 <p>Changed (again) how the Python global interpreter lock is handled as
2067 well as the Python thread state. This time it works on SMP machines
2068 without barfing and is also still compatible with Python debuggers.</p>
2069 <p>Added some patches from library contributors.</p>
2070 </div>
2071 <div class="section">
2072 <h1><a id="id31" name="id31">2.3.2</a></h1>
2073 <ul class="simple">
2074 <li>11-Dec-2001</li>
2075 </ul>
2078 wxContextMenuEvent, wxContextHelp, wxContextHelpButton, wxTipWindow,
2079 and a demo to show them in action.</p>
2080 <p>Deprecated PyShell and PyShellWindow, added a snapshot of PyCrust (see
2081 <a class="reference" href=""></a>. )</p>
2082 <p>Added the new virtual list capabilities to wxListCtrl.</p>
2083 <p>Added a wxSTC style editor from Riaan Booysen to the sample apps.</p>
2084 <p>Added XRCed to the wxPython Tools directory, contributed by Roman
2085 Rolinsky.</p>
2086 <p>Added a new &quot;constructor&quot; to most of the window classes that calls the
2087 default C++ constructor, (the one with no parameters) and also added the
2088 corresponding Create(...) method. This allows you to do a 2-step
2089 creation of windows which is sometimes required for doing things such
2090 as setting extended style flags before the window is created, or for
2091 passing the object to the XRC resource system to be created from the
2092 resource. The name of the new &quot;constructor&quot; is the original name of
2093 the class with a &quot;Pre&quot; in it. For example, wxPreWindow, wxPreFrame,
2094 etc.</p>
2095 <p>Updated to version 1.40 of Scintilla and updated wxStyledTextCtrl
2096 accordingly. While doing this update I dropped the wxLB_SORT style
2097 from the wxListBox created for the AutoComplete functionality. This
2098 means that you will have to sort the keyword lists yourself, but you
2099 are free to do case sensitive or case insensitive sorts and set the
2100 wxSTC flag accordingly.</p>
2101 <p>Updated wxColumnSorterMixin to also be able to place sort icons on the
2102 column headers, and updated the wxListCtrl demo to show it off by
2103 using wxColumnSorterMixin.</p>
2104 <p>Added wxGenBitmapTextButton, TablePrint, etc. contribs from Lorne White.</p>
2105 <p>Added wxNativeFontInfo and wxFontMapper.</p>
2106 <p>Added pySketch to the samples.</p>
2107 <p>Significantly changed how the Python interpreter lock and thread state
2108 are managed, which should fix the problem of running on a
2109 multi-processor machine.</p>
2110 <p>Added wxPyLog so log targets can be created in Python to handle log
2111 messages however is wished. See demo/ for an example.</p>
2112 <p>Added wxFindReplaceDialog.</p>
2113 <p>The second phase of OOR is implemented for wxEvtHandler, wxSizer,
2114 wxShape and derived classes. This means that functions and methods
2115 that return an object derived from wxEvtHandler that was originally
2116 created in Python, will return the original Python object (if it still
2117 exists) instead of letting SWIG wrap a new shadow object around the
2118 original C++ pointer.</p>
2119 <p>Added some optimization methods to wxDC: GetBoundingBox, DrawLineList,
2120 DrawPointList.</p>
2121 <p>Added a set of sophisticated Error Dialogs from Chris Fama.</p>
2122 <p>Added wxRightTextCtrl from Josu Oyanguren to wxPython.lib for aligning
2123 text in a wxTextCtrl to the right side.</p>
2124 <p>Added wxURLDataObject and an example showing drag and drop of URLs to
2125 and from web browsers. It's still not 100% bullet-proof for all types
2126 of browsers, but it works for the majority of cases with the popular
2127 browsers on Windows. On wxGTK it seems that only Netscape 4.x works,
2128 if anybody has any suggestions about this please bring it up on the
2129 wx-dev list.</p>
2130 <p>Added wxStopWatch.</p>
2131 <p>Added wxMimeTypesManager and wxFileType.</p>
2132 <p>Passing None for the handler parameter to one of the EVT_** functions
2133 will now Disconnect the event.</p>
2134 <p>Added wxPopupWindow and wxPopupTransientWindow.</p>
2135 <p>Added wxFileHistory.</p>
2136 <p>Added wxDynamicSashWindow, which allows you to endlessly split windows
2137 by dragging a little tab next to the scrollbars. Added a demo to show
2138 this and also the ability of multiple wxStyledTextCtrls to share the
2139 same document.</p>
2140 <p>Added wxEditableListBox gizmo.</p>
2141 <p>Updated wxEditor with lots of enhancements from Steve Howell and Adam
2142 Feuer.</p>
2143 <p>Added the &quot;SplitTree gizmos&quot; which are a collection of classes that
2144 were designed to operate together and provide a tree control with
2145 additional columns for each item. The classes are
2146 wxRemotelyScrolledTreeCtrl, wxTreeCompanionWindow,
2147 wxThinSplitterWindow, and wxSplitterScrolledWindow, some of which may
2148 also be useful by themselves.</p>
2149 <p>Added wxDllWidget from Vaclav Slavik which allows wx widgets derived
2150 from wxWindow to be loaded from a C++ .dll (or .so) and be used in a
2151 wxPython program, without the widget having to be SWIGged first. The
2152 visible API of the widget is limited to wxWindow methods plus a
2153 SendCommand method, but it is still quite powerful. See
2154 wxPython/contrib/dllwidget and wxPython/demo/dllwidget for more
2155 details.</p>
2156 </div>
2157 <div class="section">
2158 <h1><a id="id32" name="id32">2.3.1</a></h1>
2159 <ul class="simple">
2160 <li>10-Jul-2001</li>
2161 </ul>
2162 <p>Added EVT_GRID_EDITOR_CREATED and wxGridEditorCreatedEvent so the user
2163 code can get access to the edit control when it is created, (to push
2164 on a custom event handler for example.)</p>
2165 <p>Added wxTextAttr class and SetStyle, SetDefaultStyle and
2166 GetDefaultStyle methods to wxTextCtrl.</p>
2167 <p>Added ability to use xml resource files. Still need to add ability to
2168 subclass wxXmlResourceHandler, etc...</p>
2169 <p>Added wxGridAutoEditMixin to the mixins library package.</p>
2170 <p>Made ColourSelect be derived from wxButton.</p>
2171 <p>Fixed img2py to work correctly with Python 2.1.</p>
2172 <p>Added enhanced wxVTKRenderWindow by Prabhu Ramachandran</p>
2173 </div>
2174 <div class="section">
2175 <h1><a id="id33" name="id33">2.3.0</a></h1>
2176 <ul class="simple">
2177 <li>22-May-2001</li>
2178 </ul>
2179 <p>Removed initial startup dependency on the OpenGL DLLs so only the
2180 glcanvasc.pyd depends on them, (on wxMSW.)</p>
2181 <p>Changed wxFont, wxPen, wxBrush to not implicitly use the
2182 wxThe[Font|Pen|Brush]List objects behind the scenes, but to use normal
2183 ctor and dtors.</p>
2184 <p>Exposed the wxThe[Font|Pen|Brush]List to wxPython.</p>
2185 <p>Also added wxTheColourDatabase and added a library module (in the
2186 wxPython.lib.colourdb module) to load LOTS more colour names into the
2187 colour database.</p>
2188 <p>Added wxWakeUpMainThread, wxMutexGuiEnter, wxMutexGuiLeave,
2189 wxMutexGuiLocker and wxThread_IsMain to assist with dealing with GUI
2190 access from non-GUI threads.</p>
2191 <p>wxPyOnDemandOutputWindow is now (more) thread safe if non-GUI threads
2192 use print, sys.stdout.write, etc.</p>
2193 <p>Added CreateTextSizer and CreateButtonSizer to wxDialog</p>
2194 <p>Added wxPython/lib/ from Chris Fama. It contains a class
2195 that can be used in place of wxPyOnDemandOutputWindow.</p>
2196 <p>Added, and an updated to
2197 wxPython/lib from Lorne White.</p>
2198 <p>Added patch to wxPoint_LIST_helper from Tim Hochberg that should make
2199 it gobs faster in certain situations.</p>
2200 <p>Added tools that will take an image file in a wx supported format and
2201 convert it to data embedded in a Python source file. The image is
2202 converted to XPM format which is essentially a list of strings
2203 containing info about each pixel. The image's transparency mask is
2204 included, if there is one, or a mask can be added if a mask colour is
2205 specified on the command line. It is then pickled and optionally
2206 compressed and written to a Python source file along with functions to
2207 convert it to either a wxBitmap or a wxImage. See
2208 wxPython/demo/ for examples, and wxPython/Tools/ for
2209 the implementation.</p>
2210 <p>Fixed wxStyledTextCtrl to be much faster on wxGTK. There was some
2211 experimental code that got left in place that ended up causing way too
2212 many refreshes.</p>
2213 <p>A couple more hacks in so wxPython can be built with
2214 the distutils that comes with Python 2.1.</p>
2215 <p>Added a ton of missing methods for wxPrintData.</p>
2216 <p>Switched to InnoSetup for MSW distributions.</p>
2217 <p>Added wxToggleButton.</p>
2218 <p>Fixed bug that prevented wxTreeCtrl.OnCompareItems from being called.</p>
2219 <dl class="docutils">
2220 <dt>Added some methods to wxGrid:</dt>
2221 <dd>GetCellHighlightPenWidth
2222 GetCellHighlightROPenWidth
2223 SetCellHighlightPenWidth
2224 SetCellHighlightROPenWidth
2225 GetGridWindow
2226 GetGridRowLabelWindow
2227 GetGridColLabelWindow
2228 GetGridCornerLabelWindow</dd>
2229 </dl>
2230 <p>Added wxGetClientDisplayRect which on wxMSW returns a wxRect
2231 representing the area on screen not occupied by the taskbar and such.
2232 On other platforms it is equivallent to wxGetDisplaySize.</p>
2233 <dl class="docutils">
2234 <dt>OOR:</dt>
2235 <dd><p class="first">Implemented the first phase of OOR (Original Object Return). See
2236 the text in the demo for more details of what this means, but in a
2237 nutshell methods such as wxWindow.GetParent or FindWindowById will
2238 now return a shadow object of the proper type if it can. By
2239 &quot;proper type&quot; I mean that if the wxWindow pointer returned from
2240 FindWindowById really points to a wxButton then the Python object
2241 constructed will be of a wxButtonPtr class instead of wxWindowPtr
2242 as before. This should reduce or eliminiate the need for
2243 wxPyTypeCast. (Woo Hoo!) The objects returned are still not the
2244 original Python object, but that is the next step. (Although it
2245 will probably only work on Python 2.1 and beyond because it will
2246 use weak references.)</p>
2247 <p class="last">This first phase of the OOR plan is fairly significant and has
2248 required a lot of changes all over wxPython, most of which should
2249 be transparent to you, however I'm not 100% sure that it didn't
2250 introduce any new bugs that are hiding somewhere and didn't get
2251 stomped on during my testing. So please be sure to test everything
2252 thoroughly when you install this version and be sure to report any
2253 object-type related oddities to me.</p>
2254 </dd>
2255 </dl>
2256 <p>There is now a wxObject class that most other classes derive from like
2257 in C++, but the methods provided don't really match but are wxPython
2258 specific. It could have been added long ago but OOR required it so it
2259 finally got done.</p>
2260 <p>Finally added wxPyLineShape.GetLineControlPoints, which has been on my
2261 list for a while. The above OOR modification made this easier.</p>
2262 <p>Fixed the __cmp__ methods for wxPoint and others.</p>
2263 <p>Added wxWave.</p>
2264 <p>Added the wxPython.lib.mixins package to the library, it is where
2265 useful mix-in classes can be placed. Currently there is one to help
2266 make the columns in a wxListCtrl sortable, and the MagicIMageList from
2267 Mike Fletcher. If you have any custom code that can be factored out
2268 of existing classes into a mix-in that would be useful to others
2269 please send it to me for inclusion in this package.</p>
2270 <p>Added a few little sample applications to help newbies to get started
2271 by having smaller functional apps to play with. They can be found in
2272 wxPython/samples.</p>
2273 </div>
2274 <div class="section">
2275 <h1><a id="id34" name="id34">2.2.7</a></h1>
2276 <ul class="simple">
2277 <li>19-Jun-2001</li>
2278 </ul>
2279 <p>No changes happened in the Python wrappers for this release, only
2280 changes and fixes in the wxWindows library.</p>
2281 </div>
2282 <div class="section">
2283 <h1><a id="id35" name="id35">2.2.5</a></h1>
2284 <ul class="simple">
2285 <li>30-Jan-2001</li>
2286 </ul>
2287 <p>New typemaps for wxString when compiling for Python 2.0 and beyond
2288 that allow Unicode objects to be passed as well as String objects. If
2289 a Unicode object is passed PyString_AsStringAndSize is used to convert
2290 it to a wxString using the default encoding.</p>
2291 <p>Fixed the generic buttons so tool tips work for them.</p>
2292 <p>Fixed a bug in the demo's tree control.</p>
2293 <p>Added a listbox to the listbox demo that shows how to find items with
2294 a matching prefix as keys are typed.</p>
2295 <p>Added code to the wxListCtrl demo to show how to get text from a
2296 column in report mode.</p>
2297 <p>Added code to the toolbar demo to clear the long help from the status
2298 bar after 2 seconds.</p>
2299 <p>Added wxJoystick.</p>
2300 <p>Fixed wxTimer so it can be used as described in the docs, either with
2301 a Notify method in a subclass, or sending an event to a wxEvtHandler
2302 object, (usually a window.)</p>
2303 <p>Added wxNotifyEvent.Allow()</p>
2304 <p>Fixed GOBS of reference leaks.</p>
2305 <p>Massive code changes and cleanup to allow wxPython to be split into
2306 multiple extension modules again. A Python CObject is used to allow
2307 the &quot;export&quot; of SWIG functions and other common helper functions from
2308 the wxc module to other modules, even if they are in separate shared
2309 libraries. Should also be usable from 3rd party code, just include
2310 wxPython/src/export.h</p>
2311 <p>Changed the default setup so the following are built as separate
2312 extension modules: calendar, glcanvas, grid, html, ogl, stc, and
2313 utils. Will probably add more later.</p>
2314 <p>Changed the wxPrinterDC to use the new constructor taking a
2315 wxPrintData object. The old ctor is still there using the
2316 wxPrinterDC2 name.</p>
2317 <p>Added from Riaan Booysen. It contains a class
2318 that implements Delphi's Anchors with wxLayoutConstraints.</p>
2319 <p>Added wxPython.lib.fancytext from Timothy Hochberg.</p>
2320 <p>Changed the GenericButtons to send their event in idle time, so the
2321 mouse won't be captured when the event handler is called.</p>
2322 <p>Added wxPython.lib.rpcMixin from Greg Landrum, although it's not
2323 integrated with the demo yet. It allows a wxPython GUI to be an
2324 XML-RPC server.</p>
2325 </div>
2326 <div class="section">
2327 <h1><a id="new-in-2-2-2" name="new-in-2-2-2">New in 2.2.2</a></h1>
2328 <ul class="simple">
2329 <li>26-Oct-2000</li>
2330 </ul>
2331 <p>Significantly changed how the wxStyledtextCtrl code that wraps
2332 Scintilla is implemented. Most of it is now automatically generated
2333 from an interface definition file provided by Scintilla. This means
2334 that it will be much easier to stay in sync with new Scintilla
2335 releases, but also means that some of the method and identifier names
2336 have changed. See wxPython/demo/data/stc.h for a copy of the C++
2337 interface from which the Python interface is generated. There is now
2338 some inline documentation in that file that should really help explain
2339 how things work.</p>
2340 <p>I am now using the Python Distutils to build wxPython and to make some
2341 of the distribution files. (See <a class="reference" href=""></a>)
2342 This means no more messing with my kludgy hack,
2343 builds will be more consistent with other Python extensions that also
2344 use Distutils, and will hopefully make wxPython easier to build for
2345 platforms where there have been troubles before. If you are building
2346 wxPython for Python 1.5.2 or for 1.6, then you will need to get and
2347 install version 1.0 of Distutils from the website above. If you are
2348 using Python 2.0 then you already have it.</p>
2349 <p>Added wxInputStream and the wxFileSystem family of classes,
2350 contributed by Joerg Baumann.</p>
2351 <p>Added wxProcess and support for it to wxExecute. wxProcess lets you
2352 get notified when an asyncronous child process terminates, and also to
2353 get input/output streams for the child process's stdout, stderr and
2354 stdin.</p>
2355 <p>Removed the old python sizers.</p>
2356 <p>Added __add__, __sub__ and __cmp__ (equality check only) for wxPoint
2357 and wxRealPoint.</p>
2358 <p>Changed the build to make one big extension module instead of one for
2359 the core and each contrib. This allowed me to do away with the
2360 on unix systems.</p>
2361 <p>Lots of little fixes here and there.</p>
2362 <p>Some hacks on wxGTK to try and make the AutoComplete listbox in the
2363 wxStyledTextCtrl to behave better. It's still not as nice as on
2364 wxMSW, but at least it's a bit more usable now.</p>
2365 </div>
2366 <div class="section">
2367 <h1><a id="new-in-2-2-1" name="new-in-2-2-1">New in 2.2.1</a></h1>
2368 <ul class="simple">
2369 <li>22-Aug-2000</li>
2370 </ul>
2371 <p>Various tweaks, fixes, missing methods, etc.</p>
2372 <p>Added example use of wxTaskBarIcon to the demo.</p>
2373 </div>
2374 <div class="section">
2375 <h1><a id="new-in-2-2-0" name="new-in-2-2-0">New in 2.2.0</a></h1>
2376 <ul class="simple">
2377 <li>17-Jul-2000</li>
2378 </ul>
2379 <p>Added wxLog and friends.</p>
2380 <p>Added wxFrame.ShowFullScreen for MSW.</p>
2381 <p>Added PyShellWindow to the wxPython.lib package.</p>
2382 </div>
2383 <div class="section">
2384 <h1><a id="new-in-2-1-16" name="new-in-2-1-16">New in 2.1.16</a></h1>
2385 <ul class="simple">
2386 <li>12-Jun-2000</li>
2387 </ul>
2388 <p>Added an attribute named labelDelta to the generic buttons that
2389 specifies how far to offset the label when the button is in the
2390 depressed state.</p>
2391 <p>Added wxTipProvider and friends. See the demo for an example.</p>
2392 <p>wxGrid can now change the cell highlight colour.</p>
2393 <p>Added wxDragImage.</p>
2394 <p>Fixed printing on wxGTK.</p>
2395 <p>Added wxDateTime, wxTimeSpan, and wxDateSpan to wxPython.utils.</p>
2396 <p>Added wxCalendarCtrl.</p>
2397 <p>WARNING: A while back I asked what should be done about the Magic
2398 Method Names. (Methods that are automatically turned into event
2399 handlers by virtue of their name.) The consensus was that it is more
2400 confusing to have them than to try and expand them to have greater
2401 coverage. I am finally getting around to removing the code that
2402 generates the event binding. This means that if you are using any of
2403 the following method names without a EVT_* call that you need to
2404 modify your code to add the EVT_* to hook the event to the method.</p>
2405 <blockquote>
2406 OnChar
2407 OnSize
2408 OnEraseBackground
2409 OnSysColourChanged
2410 OnInitDialog
2411 OnPaint
2412 OnIdle
2413 OnActivate
2414 OnMenuHighlight
2415 OnCloseWindow
2416 OnScroll</blockquote>
2417 <p>Added wxSpinCtrl.</p>
2418 </div>
2419 <div class="section">
2420 <h1><a id="new-in-2-1-15" name="new-in-2-1-15">New in 2.1.15</a></h1>
2421 <ul class="simple">
2422 <li>25-Apr-2000</li>
2423 </ul>
2424 <p>Fixed wxTreeCtrl.HitTest to return both the tree item as well as the
2425 flags that clairify where the click was in relation to the item.</p>
2426 <p>Fixed thread state problem in wxTreeCtrl.GetBoundingBox and
2427 GetSelections.</p>
2428 <p>Fixed some problems in OGL. Also wxShape.SetClientData and
2429 .GetClientData can now deal with Python objects.</p>
2430 <p>Added wxListCtrl.SortItems and changed the demo to show how to use it.</p>
2431 <p>Plugged a memory leak.</p>
2432 <p>Wrapped the new wxGrid and friends. The old wxGrid class is no longer
2433 available. There are some incompatibilities, and unfortunately the
2434 new classes are not documented yet, (however the methods are more
2435 consistent with each other now so you may be able to guess pretty
2436 good...)</p>
2437 <p>Updated and with changes from their
2438 authors. There is now a FileBrowseButtonWithHistory class (what a
2439 mouthful!) and wxCalendar has printing support.</p>
2440 <p>Added ActiveXWrapper to the library, and some good demos of it too.
2441 It works great for embedding a COM (a.k.a OCX, a.k.a ActiveX) control
2442 in a window and calling its methods. It actually creates a new class
2443 on the fly that derives from wxWindow, the COM CoClass and others
2444 needed to make it all work. The resulting class can be instantiated
2445 just like wxWindow, used in sizers, etc. It also responds to all COM
2446 method calls, properties, etc., and if the class or a mix-in has
2447 matching method names, then the COM events will be propogated back to
2448 them.</p>
2449 <p>Created a typemap that allows a string to be used for parameters
2450 expecting a wxColour type. The string is either a colour name as
2451 defined in the wxColourDatabase, or a colour spec of the form
2452 &quot;#RRGGBB&quot;. See the wxStyledTextCtrl demo for an example.</p>
2453 <p>I almost forgot to mention the wxStyledTextCtrl! Yes, the
2454 wxStyledTextCtrl is finally in wxPython!! (And the crowd goes
2455 wild...) There's no documentaTion yet (the crowd boos and hisses...)
2456 but I've included a very readable source file in the
2457 wxPython/demo/data directory, a couple fairly good examples, and you
2458 can also refer to the Scintilla documentaion at
2459 <a class="reference" href=""></a> to help fill in the gaps
2460 until the docs are done. (The croud murmers contentedly as the tool
2461 provider smiles convincingly and removes his flame-proof suit.)</p>
2462 </div>
2463 <div class="section">
2464 <h1><a id="what-s-new-in-2-1-13" name="what-s-new-in-2-1-13">What's new in 2.1.13</a></h1>
2465 <ul class="simple">
2466 <li>3-Feb-2000</li>
2467 </ul>
2468 <p>Skipped a version number to match what has been released for wxGTK.</p>
2469 <p>Updated wxMVCTree and added a demo for it, also fixed layout on GTK
2470 and some flicker problems.</p>
2471 <p>Added a wrapper class for the Visualization ToolKit (or VTK) in the
2472 wxPython.lib.vtk module. (<a class="reference" href=""></a>)</p>
2473 <p>Fixed wxTreeCtrl.SetItemImage and GetItemImage to recognise the new
2474 &quot;which&quot; parameter.</p>
2475 <p>Added wxPython.lib.spashscreen from Mike Fletcher.</p>
2476 <p>Added wxPython.lib.filebrowsebutton also from Mike Fletcher.</p>
2477 <p>Renamed wxTreeCtrl.GetParent to GetItemParent to avoid a name clash
2478 with wxWindow.GetParent.</p>
2479 <p>Added wxIntersectRect to compute the intersection of two wxRect's.
2480 It is used like this:</p>
2481 <blockquote>
2482 intersect = wxIntersectRect(rect1, rect2)</blockquote>
2483 <p>If r1 and r2 don't intersect then None is returned, otherwise the
2484 rectangle representing the intersection is returned.</p>
2485 <p>Some bug fixes for Clipboard and Drag-n-Drop.</p>
2486 <p>Rotated text!!! WooHoo! (See wxDC.DrawRotatedText())</p>
2487 <p>Added a set of Generic Buttons to the library. These are simple
2488 window classes that look and act like native buttons, but you can have
2489 a bit more control over them. The bezel width can be set in addition
2490 to colours, fonts, etc. There is a ToggleButton as well as Bitmap
2491 versions too. They should also serve as a good example of how to
2492 create your own classes derived from wxControl.</p>
2493 <p>The C++ wxToolBar classes have been redone, and so have the wxPython
2494 wrappers. There have been slight modifications to some of the methods
2495 but shouldn't impact anybody too much. I took the opportunity to add
2496 support for setting user data on each toolbar tool. The new AddTool
2497 methods look like this:</p>
2498 <blockquote>
2499 <dl class="docutils">
2500 <dt>def AddTool(ID,</dt>
2501 <dd>bitmap,
2502 pushedBitmap = wxNullBitmap,
2503 toggle = FALSE,
2504 clientData = NULL,
2505 shortHelpString = &quot;&quot;,
2506 longHelpString = &quot;&quot;)</dd>
2507 <dt>def AddSimpleTool(ID,</dt>
2508 <dd>bitmap,
2509 shortHelpString = &quot;&quot;,
2510 longHelpString = &quot;&quot;,
2511 toggle=FALSE)</dd>
2512 </dl>
2513 </blockquote>
2514 <p>There are also corresponding InsertTool and InsertSimpleTool methods
2515 that additionally take an integer position as the first parameter.</p>
2516 <p>Added a wrapper for the new PCX and TIFF ImageHandlers.</p>
2517 <p>wxRect now simulates attributes named left, right, top and bottom.</p>
2518 <p>Removed all non wx stuff from the glcanvas module since DA's PyOpenGL
2519 is better and compatible with the wxGLCanvas. You can get it at
2520 <a class="reference" href=""></a>.</p>
2521 <p>Added some missing EVT functions.</p>
2522 <p>Added Dirk Holtwic's editor classes to the wxPython.lib.editor
2523 package.</p>
2524 <p>Changed all the &quot;LIST&quot; parameter names to &quot;choices&quot; to match the docs.</p>
2525 <p>More fixes for the wxFloatBar, and it now works on wxGTK even better
2526 than wxMSW! (The feat is accomplished by using the wxTB_DOCKABLE
2527 style flag instead of trying to float it ourselves.)</p>
2528 </div>
2529 <div class="section">
2530 <h1><a id="what-s-new-in-2-1-11" name="what-s-new-in-2-1-11">What's new in 2.1.11</a></h1>
2531 <ul class="simple">
2532 <li>13-Nov-1999</li>
2533 </ul>
2534 <p>Skipped a few version numbers so wxMSW, wxGTK and wxPython are all
2535 syncronized.</p>
2536 <p>wxImage.SetData now makes a copy of the image data before giving it to
2537 wxImage. I mistakenly thought that wxImage would copy the data
2538 itself.</p>
2539 <p>Fixed wxMSW's notebook so the pages get their size set as they are
2540 being added. This should remove the need for our
2541 wxNotebook.ResizeChildren hack.</p>
2542 <p>wxPanels now support AutoLayout, and wxNotebooks and wxSplitterWindows
2543 no longer tell their children to Layout() themselves. This will
2544 probably only effect you if you have a wxWindow with AutoLayout inside
2545 a notebook or splitter. If so, either change it to a wxPanel or add
2546 an EVT_SIZE handler that calls Layout().</p>
2547 <p>Fixed deadlock problem that happened when using threads.</p>
2548 <p>Added new HTML printing classes.</p>
2549 <p>Added wxWindow.GetHandle</p>
2550 <p>Apparently wxMouseEvent.Position has been deprecated in wxWindows as
2551 it is no longer available by default. You can use GetPositionTuple
2552 (returning a tuple with x,y) instead, or GetPosition (returning a
2553 wxPoint.)</p>
2554 <p>Added wxPostEvent function that allows events to be posted and then
2555 processed later. This is a thread-safe way to interact with the GUI
2556 thread from other threads.</p>
2557 <p>Added Clipboard and Drag-and-Drop classes.</p>
2558 <p>Added wxFontEnumerator.</p>
2559 <p>Many updates to wxMenu, wxMenuBar.</p>
2560 <p>wxPyEvent and wxPyCommandEvent derived classes now give you the actual
2561 Python object in the event handler instead of a new shadow.</p>
2562 <p>Added a Calendar widget from Lorne White to the library.</p>
2563 <p>Made some fixes to the wxFloatbar. It still has some troubles on
2564 wxGTK...</p>
2565 <p>Added an MVC tree control from Bryn Keller to the library.</p>
2566 </div>
2567 <div class="section">
2568 <h1><a id="what-s-new-in-2-1-5" name="what-s-new-in-2-1-5">What's new in 2.1.5</a></h1>
2569 <ul class="simple">
2570 <li>12-Oct-1999</li>
2571 </ul>
2572 <p>This is a quick bug-fix release to take care of a few nasties that
2573 crept in at the last minute before 2.1.4 was called done. No new
2574 major features.</p>
2575 </div>
2576 <div class="section">
2577 <h1><a id="what-s-new-in-2-1-4" name="what-s-new-in-2-1-4">What's new in 2.1.4</a></h1>
2578 <ul class="simple">
2579 <li>7-Oct-1999</li>
2580 </ul>
2581 <p>This release is NOT syncronized with a snapshot release of wxGTK or
2582 wxMSW. For MSW this isn't much of a problem since you can get the
2583 binaries from the web site. For other platforms you'll have to build
2584 wxGTK from CVS. (See <a class="reference" href=""></a>)
2585 To get the same set of sources from CVS that I used, checkout using
2586 the wxPy-2-1-4 tag.</p>
2587 <p>Now back to what's new...</p>
2588 <p>Much more support for event-less callbacks and add-on modules.</p>
2589 <p>Created add-on module with wxOGL classes.</p>
2590 <p>Added wxWindow.GetChildren(). Be careful of this. It returns a <em>copy</em>
2591 of the list of the window's children. While you are using the list if
2592 anything changes in the real list (a child is deleted, etc.) then the
2593 list you are holding will suddenly have window references to garbage
2594 memory and your app will likely crash. But if you are careful it works
2595 great!</p>
2596 <p>Added a bunch of new and missing methods to wxTreeCrtl. The
2597 SortChildren method is now supported, but currently only for the
2598 default sort order.</p>
2599 <p>Added typemaps for wxSize, wxPoint, wxRealPoint, and wxRect that allow
2600 either the actual objects or Python sequence values to be used. For
2601 example, the following are equivallent:</p>
2602 <pre class="literal-block">
2603 win = wxWindow(parent, size = wxSize(100, 100))
2604 win = wxWindow(parent, size = (100, 100))
2605 </pre>
2606 <p>Super-charged the wxHtml module. You can now create your own tag
2607 handlers and also have access to the parser and cell classes. There
2608 is a tag handler in the library at wxPython.lib.wxpTag that
2609 understands the WXP tag and is able to place wxPython windows on HTML
2610 pages. See the demo for an example.</p>
2611 <p>A bunch of the methods of wxMenuBar were previously ifdef'd out for
2612 wxGTK. Added them back in since the methods exist now.</p>
2613 <p>Wrapped the wxHtmlHelpController and related classes.</p>
2614 <p>Wrapped the C++ versions of wxSizer and friends. The Python-only
2615 versions are still in the library, but deprecated. (You will get a
2616 warning message if you try to use them, but the warning can be
2617 disabled.) The usage of the C++ versions is slightly different, and
2618 the functionality of wxBorderSizer is now part of wxBoxSizer. I have
2619 added a few methods to wxSizer to try and make the transition as
2620 smooth as possible, I combined all Add methods into a single method
2621 that handles all cases, added an AddMany method, etc. One step I did
2622 not take was to make the default value of flag in the Add method be
2623 wxGROW. This would have made it more backward compatible, but less
2624 portable to and from wxWin C++ code. Please see the docs and demo for
2625 further details.</p>
2626 <p>Added wxPyEvent and wxPyCommandEvent classes, derived from wxEvent and
2627 wxCommandEvent. Each of them has SetPyData and GetPyData methods that
2628 accept or return a single Python object. You can use these classes
2629 directly or derive from them to create your own types of event objects
2630 that can pass through the wxWindows event system without loosing their
2631 Python parts (as long as they are stored with SetPyData.) Stay tuned
2632 for more info and examples in future releases.</p>
2633 <p>Added wxPython.lib.grids as an example of how to derive a new sizer
2634 from the C++ sizers. In this module you will find wxGridSizer and
2635 wxFlexGridSizer. wxGridSizer arrainges its items in a grid in which
2636 all the widths and heights are the same. wxFlexgridSizer allows
2637 different widths and heights, and you can also specify rows and/or
2638 columns that are growable. See the demo for a couple examples for how
2639 to use them.</p>
2640 <p>Added the wxValidator class, and created a class named wxPyValidator
2641 that should be used for the base class of any Python validators. See
2642 the demo for an example. Please note that you MUST implement a Clone
2643 method in your validator classes because of the way some things work
2644 in the underlying C++ library. I did not add wxTextValidator because
2645 of some issues of how it transfers data to and from a wxString, which
2646 in wxPython is automatically translated to and from Python strings, so
2647 there would never be a concrete wxString that would hang around long
2648 enough for the validator to do its job. On the other hand, it should
2649 be real easy to duplicate the functionality of wxTextValidator in a
2650 pure Python class derived from wxPyValidator.</p>
2651 <p>I've finally added a feature that has been on my list for close to two
2652 years! Ever wondered what that zero is for when you create your app
2653 object? Well now you can leave it out or explicitly set it to a true
2654 value. This value now controls what is to be done with sys.stdout and
2655 sys.stderr. A false value leaves them alone, and a true value sets
2656 them to an instance of wxPyOnDemandOutputWindow. (On windows the
2657 default is true, on unix platforms the default is false.) This class
2658 creates a frame containing a wxTextCtrl as soon as anything is written
2659 to sys.stdout or sys.stderr. If you close the window it will come
2660 back again the next time something is written. (You can call
2661 app.RestoreStdio to turn this off.) If you would rather that the stdio be
2662 redirected to a file, you can provide a second parameter to your app
2663 object's constructor that is a filename. If you want to use your own
2664 class instead of wxPyOnDemandOutputWindow you can either implement
2665 RedirectStdio() in you app class or change the value of
2666 wxApp.outputWindowClass like this:</p>
2667 <pre class="literal-block">
2668 class MyApp(wxApp):
2669 outputWindowClass = MyClass
2671 def OnInit(self):
2672 frame = MyFrame()
2673 self.SetTopWindow(frame)
2674 return true
2675 </pre>
2676 <p>Please see the implementation of wxPyOnDemandOutputWindow and wxApp in
2677 for more details. A few words of caution: if you are running
2678 your app in a debugger, changing sys.stdout and sys.stderr is likely
2679 to really screw things up.</p>
2680 <p>Added wxCaret. Unfortunately it's author has still not documented it
2681 in the wxWindows docs...</p>
2682 <p>Some new 3rd party contributions in wxPython.lib. PyShell, in
2683 is an interesting implementaion of an interactive Python
2684 shell in wxWindows. has a class derived from wxToolBar
2685 that can sense mouse drags and then reparent itself into another
2686 frame. Moving the new frame close to where it came from puts the tool
2687 bar back into the original parent. (Unfortunately there is currently
2688 a bug in wxGTK's wxFrame.SetToolBar so the FloatBar has some
2689 problems...)</p>
2690 </div>
2691 <div class="section">
2692 <h1><a id="what-s-new-in-2-1b3" name="what-s-new-in-2-1b3">What's new in 2.1b3</a></h1>
2693 <ul class="simple">
2694 <li>1-Sep-1999</li>
2695 </ul>
2696 <p>This release is syncronized with release 2.1 snapshot 9 of wxWindows.</p>
2697 <p>Switched to using SWIG from CVS (see <a class="reference" href=""></a>)
2698 for some of the new features and such. Also they have encorporated my
2699 patches so there is really no reason to stick with the current (very
2700 old) release... This version of SWIG gives the following new
2701 features:</p>
2702 <blockquote>
2703 <ol class="arabic">
2704 <li><p class="first">Keyword arguments. You no longer have to specify all the
2705 parameters with defaults to a method just to specify a
2706 non-default value on the end. You can now do this instead:</p>
2707 <blockquote>
2708 <p>win = wxWindow(parent, -1, style = mystyle)</p>
2709 </blockquote>
2710 </li>
2711 <li><p class="first">There is now an an equivalence between Python's None and C++'s
2712 NULL. This means that any methods that might return NULL will
2713 now return None and you can use none where wxWindows might be
2714 expecting NULL. This makes things much more snake-ish.</p>
2715 </li>
2716 </ol>
2717 </blockquote>
2718 <p>There is a new build system based on a new Python program instead of
2719 raw makefiles. Now wxPython builds are virtually the same on MSW or
2720 Unix systems. See the end of this file for new build instructions and
2721 see distrib/ for more details.</p>
2722 <p>wxDC.Bilt now includes the useMask parameter, and has been split into
2723 two different versions. wxDC.BlitXY is like what was there before and
2724 takes raw coordinants and sizes, and the new wxDC.Blit is for the new
2725 interface using wxPoints and a wxSize.</p>
2726 </div>
2727 <div class="section">
2728 <h1><a id="what-s-new-in-2-1b2" name="what-s-new-in-2-1b2">What's new in 2.1b2</a></h1>
2729 <ul class="simple">
2730 <li>6-Aug-1999</li>
2731 </ul>
2732 <p>Added the missing wxWindow.GetUpdateRegion() method.</p>
2733 <p>Made a new change in SWIG (update your patches everybody) that
2734 provides a fix for global shadow objects that get an exception in
2735 their __del__ when their extension module has already been deleted.
2736 It was only a 1 line change in .../SWIG/Modules/pycpp.cxx at about
2737 line 496 if you want to do it by hand.</p>
2738 <p>It is now possible to run through MainLoop more than once in any one
2739 process. The cleanup that used to happen as MainLoop completed (and
2740 prevented it from running again) has been delayed until the wxc module
2741 is being unloaded by Python.</p>
2742 <p>I fixed a bunch of stuff in the C++ version of wxGrid so it wouldn't
2743 make wxPython look bad.</p>
2744 <p>wxWindow.PopupMenu() now takes a wxPoint instead of x,y. Added
2745 wxWindow.PopupMenuXY to be consistent with some other methods.</p>
2746 <p>Added wxGrid.SetEditInPlace and wxGrid.GetEditInPlace.</p>
2747 <p>You can now provide your own app.MainLoop method. See
2748 wxPython/demo/ for an example and some explaination.</p>
2749 <p>Got the in-place-edit for the wxTreeCtrl fixed and added some demo
2750 code to show how to use it.</p>
2751 <p>Put the wxIcon constructor back in for GTK as it now has one that
2752 matches MSW's.</p>
2753 <p>Added wxGrid.GetCells</p>
2754 <p>Added wxSystemSettings static methods as functions with names like
2755 wxSystemSettings_GetSystemColour.</p>
2756 <p>Removed wxPyMenu since using menu callbacks have been deprecated in
2757 wxWindows. Use wxMenu and events instead.</p>
2758 <dl class="docutils">
2759 <dt>Added alternate wxBitmap constructor (for MSW only) as</dt>
2760 <dd>wxBitmapFromData(data, type, width, height, depth = 1)</dd>
2761 </dl>
2762 <p>Added a helper function named wxPyTypeCast that can convert shadow
2763 objects of one type into shadow objects of another type. (Like doing
2764 a down-cast.) See the implementation in for some docs.</p>
2765 <p>Fixed wxImage GetData and SetData to properly use String objects for
2766 data transfer.</p>
2767 <p>Added access methods to wxGridEvent.</p>
2768 <p>New Makefile/Setup files supporting multiple dynamic extension modules
2769 for unix systems.</p>
2770 <p>Fixes for the wxGLCanvas demo to work around a strange bug in gtk.</p>
2771 <p>SWIG support routines now compiled separately instead of being bundled
2772 in wx.cpp.</p>
2773 </div>
2774 <div class="section">
2775 <h1><a id="what-s-new-in-2-1b1" name="what-s-new-in-2-1b1">What's new in 2.1b1</a></h1>
2776 <ul class="simple">
2777 <li>28-Jun-1999</li>
2778 </ul>
2779 <p>Fixed wxComboBox.SetSelection so that it actually sets the selected
2780 item. (Actually just removed it from wxPython and let it default to
2781 wxChoice.SetSelection which was already doing the right thing.)</p>
2782 <p>Added the Printing Framework.</p>
2783 <p>Switched back to using the wxWindows DLL for the pre-built Win32
2784 version. The problem was needing to reinitialize static class info
2785 data after loading each extension module.</p>
2786 <p>Lots of little tweaks and additions to reflect changes to various
2787 wxWindows classes.</p>
2788 <p>Fixed a bug with attaching objects to tree items. Actually was a
2789 symptom of a larger problem with not obtaining the interpreter lock
2790 when doing any Py_DECREFs.</p>
2791 <p>wxSizer and friends. Sizers are layout tools that manage a colection
2792 of windows and sizers. Different types of sizers apply different
2793 types of layout algorithms. You saw it here first! These classes are
2794 not even in the wxWindows C++ library yet!</p>
2795 </div>
2796 <div class="section">
2797 <h1><a id="what-s-new-in-2-0b9" name="what-s-new-in-2-0b9">What's new in 2.0b9</a></h1>
2798 <ul class="simple">
2799 <li>1-May-1999</li>
2800 </ul>
2801 <p>Bug fix for ListCtrl in (Was a missing file... DSM!)</p>
2802 <p>Bug fix for occassional GPF on Win32 systems upon termination of a
2803 wxPython application.</p>
2804 <p>Added wxListBox.GetSelections returning selections as a Tuple.</p>
2805 <p>Added a wxTreeItemData that is able to hold any Python object and be
2806 associated with items in a wxTreeCtrl. Added test to show
2807 this feature off.</p>
2808 <p>Added wxSafeYield function.</p>
2809 <p>OpenGL Canvas can be optionally compiled in to wxPython.</p>
2810 <p>Awesome new Demo Framework for showing off wxPython and for learning
2811 how it all works.</p>
2812 <p>The pre-built Win32 version is no longer distributing the wxWindows
2813 DLL. It is statically linked with the wxWindows library instead.</p>
2814 <p>Added a couple missing items from the docs.</p>
2815 <p>Added wxImage, wxImageHandler, wxPNGHandler, wxJPEGHandler,
2816 wxGIFHandler and wxBMPHandler.</p>
2817 <p>Added new methods to wxTextCtrl.</p>
2818 <p>Fixed some problems with how SWIG was wrapping some wxTreeCtrl
2819 methods.</p>
2820 </div>
2821 <div class="section">
2822 <h1><a id="what-s-new-in-2-0b8" name="what-s-new-in-2-0b8">What's new in 2.0b8</a></h1>
2823 <ul class="simple">
2824 <li>28-Mar-1999</li>
2825 </ul>
2826 <p>Support for using Python threads in wxPython apps.</p>
2827 <p>Several missing methods from various classes.</p>
2828 <p>Various bug fixes.</p>
2829 </div>
2830 <div class="section">
2831 <h1><a id="what-s-new-in-2-0b7" name="what-s-new-in-2-0b7">What's new in 2.0b7</a></h1>
2832 <ul class="simple">
2833 <li>15-Mar-1999</li>
2834 </ul>
2835 <p>Added DLG_PNT and DLG_SZE convienience methods to wxWindow class.</p>
2836 <p>Added missing constructor and other methods for wxMenuItem.</p>
2837 </div>
2838 <div class="section">
2839 <h1><a id="what-s-new-in-2-0b6" name="what-s-new-in-2-0b6">What's new in 2.0b6</a></h1>
2840 <ul class="simple">
2841 <li>4-Mar-1999</li>
2842 </ul>
2843 <p>Just a quickie update to fix the self-installer to be compatible with
2844 Python 1.5.2b2's Registry settings.</p>
2845 </div>
2846 <div class="section">
2847 <h1><a id="what-s-new-in-2-0b5" name="what-s-new-in-2-0b5">What's new in 2.0b5</a></h1>
2848 <ul class="simple">
2849 <li>25-Feb-1999</li>
2850 </ul>
2851 <p>Well obviously the numbering scheme has changed. I did this to
2852 reflect the fact that this truly is the second major revision of
2853 wxPython, (well the third actually if you count the one I did for
2854 wxWindows 1.68 and then threw away...) and also that it is associated
2855 with the 2.0 version of wxWindows.</p>
2856 <p>I have finally started documenting wxPython. There are several pages
2857 in the wxWindows documentation tree specifically about wxPython, and I
2858 have added notes within the class references about where and how wxPython
2859 diverges from wxWindows.</p>
2860 <p>Added wxWindow_FromHWND(hWnd) for wxMSW to construct a wxWindow from a
2861 window handle. If you can get the window handle into the python code,
2862 it should just work... More news on this later.</p>
2863 <p>Added wxImageList, wxToolTip.</p>
2864 <p>Re-enabled wxConfig.DeleteAll() since it is reportedly fixed for the
2865 wxRegConfig class.</p>
2866 <p>As usual, some bug fixes, tweaks, etc.</p>
2867 </div>
2868 <div class="section">
2869 <h1><a id="what-s-new-in-0-5-3" name="what-s-new-in-0-5-3">What's new in 0.5.3</a></h1>
2870 <ul class="simple">
2871 <li>30-Jan-1999</li>
2872 </ul>
2873 <p>Added wxSashWindow, wxSashEvent, wxLayoutAlgorithm, etc.</p>
2874 <p>Various cleanup, tweaks, minor additions, etc. to maintain
2875 compatibility with the current wxWindows.</p>
2876 </div>
2877 <div class="section">
2878 <h1><a id="what-s-new-in-0-5-0" name="what-s-new-in-0-5-0">What's new in 0.5.0</a></h1>
2879 <p>Changed the import semantics from <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">&quot;from</span> <span class="pre">wxPython</span> <span class="pre">import</span> <span class="pre">*&quot;</span></tt> to
2880 <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">&quot;from</span> <span class="pre">wxPython.wx</span> <span class="pre">import</span> <span class="pre">*&quot;</span></tt> This is for people who are worried about
2881 namespace pollution, they can use &quot;from wxPython import wx&quot; and then
2882 prefix all the wxPython identifiers with &quot;wx.&quot;</p>
2883 <p>Added wxTaskbarIcon for wxMSW.</p>
2884 <p>Made the events work for wxGrid.</p>
2885 <p>Added wxConfig.</p>
2886 <p>Added wxMiniFrame for wxGTK.</p>
2887 <p>Changed many of the args and return values that were pointers to gdi
2888 objects to references to reflect changes in the wxWindows API.</p>
2889 <p>Other assorted fixes and additions.</p>
2890 </div>
2891 <div class="section">
2892 <h1><a id="what-s-new-in-0-4-2" name="what-s-new-in-0-4-2">What's new in 0.4.2</a></h1>
2893 <ul class="simple">
2894 <li>21-Oct-1998</li>
2895 </ul>
2896 <p>wxPython on wxGTK works!!! Both dynamic and static on Linux and
2897 static on Solaris have been tested. Many thanks go to Harm van der
2898 Heijden for his astute detective work on tracking down a nasty DECREF
2899 bug. Okay so I have to confess that it was just a DSM (Dumb Stupid
2900 Mistake) on my part but it was nasty none the less because the
2901 behavior was so different on different platforms.</p>
2902 <p>The dynamicly loaded module on Solaris is still segfaulting, so it
2903 must have been a different issue all along...</p>
2904 </div>
2905 <div class="section">
2906 <h1><a id="what-s-new-in-0-4" name="what-s-new-in-0-4">What's New in 0.4</a></h1>
2907 <ul class="simple">
2908 <li>2-Oct-1998</li>
2909 </ul>
2910 <p>1. Worked on wxGTK compatibility. It is partially working. On a
2911 Solaris/Sparc box wxPython is working but only when it is statically
2912 linked with the Python interpreter. When built as a dyamically loaded
2913 extension module, things start acting weirdly and it soon seg-faults.
2914 And on Linux both the statically linked and the dynamically linked
2915 version segfault shortly after starting up.</p>
2916 <ol class="arabic simple" start="2">
2917 <li>Added Toolbar, StatusBar and SplitterWindow classes.</li>
2918 <li>Varioius bug fixes, enhancements, etc.</li>
2919 </ol>
2920 </div>
2921 <div class="section">
2922 <h1><a id="wxpython-0-3" name="wxpython-0-3">wxPython 0.3</a></h1>
2923 <ul class="simple">
2924 <li>9-Aug-1998</li>
2925 </ul>
2926 <p>The first &quot;modern&quot; version of wxPython. See
2927 <a class="reference" href=""></a></p>
2928 </div>
2929 </div>
2930 </body>
2931 </html>