]> git.saurik.com Git - wxWidgets.git/blob - wxPython/wx/lib/dialogs.py
Insure suitable choices of path/drive separator on OS/2.
[wxWidgets.git] / wxPython / wx / lib / dialogs.py
1 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
2 # Name: wxPython.lib.dialogs
3 # Purpose: wxScrolledMessageDialog, wxMultipleChoiceDialog and
4 # function wrappers for the common dialogs by Kevin Altis.
5 #
6 # Author: Various
7 #
8 # Created: 3-January-2002
9 # RCS-ID: $Id$
10 # Copyright: (c) 2002 by Total Control Software
11 # Licence: wxWindows license
12 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
14 from wxPython import wx
15 from layoutf import Layoutf
17 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
19 class wxScrolledMessageDialog(wx.wxDialog):
20 def __init__(self, parent, msg, caption, pos = wx.wxDefaultPosition, size = (500,300)):
21 wx.wxDialog.__init__(self, parent, -1, caption, pos, size)
22 x, y = pos
23 if x == -1 and y == -1:
24 self.CenterOnScreen(wx.wxBOTH)
25 text = wx.wxTextCtrl(self, -1, msg, wx.wxDefaultPosition,
26 wx.wxDefaultSize,
28 ok = wx.wxButton(self, wx.wxID_OK, "OK")
29 text.SetConstraints(Layoutf('t=t5#1;b=t5#2;l=l5#1;r=r5#1', (self,ok)))
30 ok.SetConstraints(Layoutf('b=b5#1;x%w50#1;w!80;h!25', (self,)))
31 self.SetAutoLayout(1)
32 self.Layout()
35 class wxMultipleChoiceDialog(wx.wxDialog):
36 def __init__(self, parent, msg, title, lst, pos = wx.wxDefaultPosition,
37 size = (200,200), style = wx.wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE):
38 wx.wxDialog.__init__(self, parent, -1, title, pos, size, style)
39 x, y = pos
40 if x == -1 and y == -1:
41 self.CenterOnScreen(wx.wxBOTH)
42 dc = wx.wxClientDC(self)
43 height = 0
44 for line in msg.splitlines():
45 height = height + dc.GetTextExtent(line)[1] + 2
46 stat = wx.wxStaticText(self, -1, msg)
47 self.lbox = wx.wxListBox(self, 100, wx.wxDefaultPosition,
48 wx.wxDefaultSize, lst, wx.wxLB_MULTIPLE)
49 ok = wx.wxButton(self, wx.wxID_OK, "OK")
50 cancel = wx.wxButton(self, wx.wxID_CANCEL, "Cancel")
51 stat.SetConstraints(Layoutf('t=t10#1;l=l5#1;r=r5#1;h!%d' % (height,),
52 (self,)))
53 self.lbox.SetConstraints(Layoutf('t=b10#2;l=l5#1;r=r5#1;b=t5#3',
54 (self, stat, ok)))
55 ok.SetConstraints(Layoutf('b=b5#1;x%w25#1;w!80;h!25', (self,)))
56 cancel.SetConstraints(Layoutf('b=b5#1;x%w75#1;w!80;h!25', (self,)))
57 self.SetAutoLayout(1)
58 self.lst = lst
59 self.Layout()
61 def GetValue(self):
62 return self.lbox.GetSelections()
64 def GetValueString(self):
65 sel = self.lbox.GetSelections()
66 val = []
67 for i in sel:
68 val.append(self.lst[i])
69 return tuple(val)
73 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
74 """
75 function wrappers for wxPython system dialogs
76 Author: Kevin Altis
77 Date: 2003-1-2
78 Rev: 3
80 This is the third refactor of the PythonCard dialog.py module
81 for inclusion in the main wxPython distribution. There are a number of
82 design decisions and subsequent code refactoring to be done, so I'm
83 releasing this just to get some feedback.
85 rev 3:
86 - result dictionary replaced by DialogResults class instance
87 - should message arg be replaced with msg? most wxWindows dialogs
88 seem to use the abbreviation?
90 rev 2:
91 - All dialog classes have been replaced by function wrappers
92 - Changed arg lists to more closely match wxWindows docs and wxPython.lib.dialogs
93 - changed 'returned' value to the actual button id the user clicked on
94 - added a returnedString value for the string version of the return value
95 - reworked colorDialog and fontDialog so you can pass in just a color or font
96 for the most common usage case
97 - probably need to use colour instead of color to match the English English
98 spelling in wxWindows (sigh)
99 - I still think we could lose the parent arg and just always use None
100 """
102 class DialogResults:
103 def __init__(self, returned):
104 self.returned = returned
105 self.accepted = returned in (wx.wxID_OK, wx.wxID_YES)
106 self.returnedString = returnedString(returned)
108 def __repr__(self):
109 return str(self.__dict__)
111 def returnedString(ret):
112 if ret == wx.wxID_OK:
113 return "Ok"
114 elif ret == wx.wxID_CANCEL:
115 return "Cancel"
116 elif ret == wx.wxID_YES:
117 return "Yes"
118 elif ret == wx.wxID_NO:
119 return "No"
122 # findDialog was created before wxPython got a Find/Replace dialog
123 # but it may be instructive as to how a function wrapper can
124 # be added for your own custom dialogs
125 # this dialog is always modal, while wxFindReplaceDialog is
126 # modeless and so doesn't lend itself to a function wrapper
127 def findDialog(parent=None, searchText='', wholeWordsOnly=0, caseSensitive=0):
128 dlg = wx.wxDialog(parent, -1, "Find", wx.wxDefaultPosition, wx.wxSize(370, 120))
130 wx.wxStaticText(dlg, -1, 'Find what:', wx.wxPoint(7, 10))
131 wSearchText = wx.wxTextCtrl(dlg, -1, searchText,
132 wx.wxPoint(70, 7), wx.wxSize(195, -1))
133 wSearchText.SetValue(searchText)
134 wx.wxButton(dlg, wx.wxID_OK, "Find Next", wx.wxPoint(280, 5), wx.wxDefaultSize).SetDefault()
135 wx.wxButton(dlg, wx.wxID_CANCEL, "Cancel", wx.wxPoint(280, 35), wx.wxDefaultSize)
136 wWholeWord = wx.wxCheckBox(dlg, -1, 'Match whole word only',
137 wx.wxPoint(7, 35), wx.wxDefaultSize, wx.wxNO_BORDER)
138 if wholeWordsOnly:
139 wWholeWord.SetValue(1)
140 wCase = wx.wxCheckBox(dlg, -1, 'Match case',
141 wx.wxPoint(7, 55), wx.wxDefaultSize, wx.wxNO_BORDER)
142 if caseSensitive:
143 wCase.SetValue(1)
144 wSearchText.SetSelection(0, len(wSearchText.GetValue()))
145 wSearchText.SetFocus()
147 result = DialogResults(dlg.ShowModal())
148 result.text = wSearchText.GetValue()
149 result.wholeword = wWholeWord.GetValue()
150 result.casesensitive = wCase.GetValue()
151 dlg.Destroy()
152 return result
155 def colorDialog(parent=None, colorData=None, color=None):
156 if colorData:
157 dialog = wx.wxColourDialog(parent, colorData)
158 else:
159 dialog = wx.wxColourDialog(parent)
160 dialog.GetColourData().SetChooseFull(1)
161 if color is not None:
162 dialog.GetColourData().SetColour(color)
163 result = DialogResults(dialog.ShowModal())
164 result.colorData = dialog.GetColourData()
165 result.color = result.colorData.GetColour().Get()
166 dialog.Destroy()
167 return result
169 # it is easier to just duplicate the code than
170 # try and replace color with colour in the result
171 def colourDialog(parent=None, colourData=None, colour=None):
172 if colourData:
173 dialog = wx.wxColourDialog(parent, colourData)
174 else:
175 dialog = wx.wxColourDialog(parent)
176 dialog.GetColourData().SetChooseFull(1)
177 if colour is not None:
178 dialog.GetColourData().SetColour(color)
179 result = DialogResults(dialog.ShowModal())
180 result.colourData = dialog.GetColourData()
181 result.colour = result.colourData.GetColour().Get()
182 dialog.Destroy()
183 return result
186 def fontDialog(parent=None, fontData=None, font=None):
187 if fontData is None:
188 fontData = wx.wxFontData()
189 if font is not None:
190 aFontData.SetInitialFont(font)
191 dialog = wx.wxFontDialog(parent, fontData)
192 result = DialogResults(dialog.ShowModal())
193 if result.accepted:
194 fontData = dialog.GetFontData()
195 result.fontData = fontData
196 result.color = fontData.GetColour().Get()
197 result.colour = result.color
198 result.font = fontData.GetChosenFont()
199 else:
200 result.color = None
201 result.colour = None
202 result.font = None
203 dialog.Destroy()
204 return result
207 def textEntryDialog(parent=None, message='', title='', defaultText='', style=wx.wxOK | wx.wxCANCEL):
208 dialog = wx.wxTextEntryDialog(parent, message, title, defaultText, style)
209 result = DialogResults(dialog.ShowModal())
210 result.text = dialog.GetValue()
211 dialog.Destroy()
212 return result
215 def messageDialog(parent=None, message='', title='Message box',
216 aStyle = wx.wxOK | wx.wxCANCEL | wx.wxCENTRE,
217 pos=wx.wxDefaultPosition):
218 dialog = wx.wxMessageDialog(parent, message, title, aStyle, pos)
219 result = DialogResults(dialog.ShowModal())
220 dialog.Destroy()
221 return result
224 # KEA alerts are common, so I'm providing a class rather than
225 # requiring the user code to set up the right icons and buttons
226 # the with messageDialog function
227 def alertDialog(parent=None, message='', title='Alert', pos=wx.wxDefaultPosition):
228 return messageDialog(parent, message, title, wx.wxICON_EXCLAMATION | wx.wxOK, pos)
231 def scrolledMessageDialog(parent=None, message='', title='', pos=wx.wxDefaultPosition, size=(500,300)):
232 dialog = wxScrolledMessageDialog(parent, message, title, pos, size)
233 result = DialogResults(dialog.ShowModal())
234 dialog.Destroy()
235 return result
238 def fileDialog(parent=None, title='Open', directory='', filename='', wildcard='*.*',
239 style=wx.wxOPEN | wx.wxMULTIPLE):
240 dialog = wx.wxFileDialog(parent, title, directory, filename, wildcard, style)
241 result = DialogResults(dialog.ShowModal())
242 if result.accepted:
243 result.paths = dialog.GetPaths()
244 else:
245 result.paths = None
246 dialog.Destroy()
247 return result
250 # openFileDialog and saveFileDialog are convenience functions
251 # they represent the most common usages of the fileDialog
252 # with the most common style options
253 def openFileDialog(parent=None, title='Open', directory='', filename='',
254 wildcard='All Files (*.*)|*.*',
255 style=wx.wxOPEN | wx.wxMULTIPLE):
256 return fileDialog(parent, title, directory, filename, wildcard, style)
259 def saveFileDialog(parent=None, title='Save', directory='', filename='',
260 wildcard='All Files (*.*)|*.*',
261 style=wx.wxSAVE | wx.wxHIDE_READONLY | wx.wxOVERWRITE_PROMPT):
262 return fileDialog(parent, title, directory, filename, wildcard, style)
265 def dirDialog(parent=None, message='Choose a directory', path='', style=0,
266 pos=wx.wxDefaultPosition, size=wx.wxDefaultSize):
267 dialog = wx.wxDirDialog(parent, message, path, style, pos, size)
268 result = DialogResults(dialog.ShowModal())
269 if result.accepted:
270 result.path = dialog.GetPath()
271 else:
272 result.path = None
273 dialog.Destroy()
274 return result
276 directoryDialog = dirDialog
279 def singleChoiceDialog(parent=None, message='', title='', lst=[],
280 style=wx.wxOK | wx.wxCANCEL | wx.wxCENTRE):
281 dialog = wx.wxSingleChoiceDialog(parent,
282 message,
283 title,
284 lst,
285 style)
286 result = DialogResults(dialog.ShowModal())
287 result.selection = dialog.GetStringSelection()
288 dialog.Destroy()
289 return result
292 def multipleChoiceDialog(parent=None, message='', title='', lst=[], pos=wx.wxDefaultPosition, size=(200,200)):
293 dialog = wxMultipleChoiceDialog(parent, message, title, lst, pos, size)
294 result = DialogResults(dialog.ShowModal())
295 result.selection = dialog.GetValueString()
296 dialog.Destroy()
297 return result
300 if __name__ == '__main__':
301 class MyApp(wx.wxApp):
303 def OnInit(self):
304 frame = wx.wxFrame(wx.NULL, -1, "Dialogs", size=(400, 200))
305 panel = wx.wxPanel(frame, -1)
306 self.panel = panel
308 frame.Show(1)
310 dialogNames = [
311 'alertDialog',
312 'colorDialog',
313 'directoryDialog',
314 'fileDialog',
315 'findDialog',
316 'fontDialog',
317 'messageDialog',
318 'multipleChoiceDialog',
319 'openFileDialog',
320 'saveFileDialog',
321 'scrolledMessageDialog',
322 'singleChoiceDialog',
323 'textEntryDialog',
324 ]
325 self.nameList = wx.wxListBox(panel, -1, (0, 0), (130, 180), dialogNames, style=wx.wxLB_SINGLE)
326 wx.EVT_LISTBOX(panel, self.nameList.GetId(), self.OnNameListSelected)
328 tstyle = wx.wxTE_RICH2 | wx.wxTE_PROCESS_TAB | wx.wxTE_MULTILINE
329 self.text1 = wx.wxTextCtrl(panel, -1, pos=(150, 0), size=(200, 180), style=tstyle)
331 self.SetTopWindow(frame)
333 return 1
335 def OnNameListSelected(self, evt):
336 import pprint
337 sel = evt.GetString()
338 result = None
339 if sel == 'alertDialog':
340 result = alertDialog(message='Danger Will Robinson')
341 elif sel == 'colorDialog':
342 result = colorDialog()
343 elif sel == 'directoryDialog':
344 result = directoryDialog()
345 elif sel == 'fileDialog':
346 wildcard = "JPG files (*.jpg;*.jpeg)|*.jpeg;*.JPG;*.JPEG;*.jpg|GIF files (*.gif)|*.GIF;*.gif|All Files (*.*)|*.*"
347 result = fileDialog(None, 'Open', '', '', wildcard)
348 elif sel == 'findDialog':
349 result = findDialog()
350 elif sel == 'fontDialog':
351 result = fontDialog()
352 elif sel == 'messageDialog':
353 result = messageDialog(None, 'Hello from Python and wxPython!',
354 'A Message Box', wx.wxOK | wx.wxICON_INFORMATION)
355 #wx.wxYES_NO | wx.wxNO_DEFAULT | wx.wxCANCEL | wx.wxICON_INFORMATION)
356 #result = messageDialog(None, 'message', 'title')
357 elif sel == 'multipleChoiceDialog':
358 result = multipleChoiceDialog(None, "message", "title", ['one', 'two', 'three'])
359 elif sel == 'openFileDialog':
360 result = openFileDialog()
361 elif sel == 'saveFileDialog':
362 result = saveFileDialog()
363 elif sel == 'scrolledMessageDialog':
364 msg = "Can't find the file dialog.py"
365 try:
366 # read this source file and then display it
367 import sys
368 filename = sys.argv[-1]
369 fp = open(filename)
370 message = fp.read()
371 fp.close()
372 except:
373 pass
374 result = scrolledMessageDialog(None, message, filename)
375 elif sel == 'singleChoiceDialog':
376 result = singleChoiceDialog(None, "message", "title", ['one', 'two', 'three'])
377 elif sel == 'textEntryDialog':
378 result = textEntryDialog(None, "message", "title", "text")
380 if result:
381 #self.text1.SetValue(pprint.pformat(result.__dict__))
382 self.text1.SetValue(str(result))
384 app = MyApp(0)
385 app.MainLoop()