Document more events in wxAuiNotebookEvent documentation.
[wxWidgets.git] / interface / wx / aui / auibook.h
1 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 // Name: aui/auibook.h
3 // Purpose: interface of wxAuiNotebook
4 // Author: wxWidgets team
5 // RCS-ID: $Id$
6 // Licence: wxWindows licence
7 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9 /**
10 @class wxAuiNotebook
12 wxAuiNotebook is part of the wxAUI class framework.
13 See also @ref overview_aui.
15 wxAuiNotebook is a notebook control which implements many features common in
16 applications with dockable panes.
17 Specifically, wxAuiNotebook implements functionality which allows the user to
18 rearrange tab order via drag-and-drop, split the tab window into many different
19 splitter configurations, and toggle through different themes to customize
20 the control's look and feel.
22 The default theme that is used is wxAuiDefaultTabArt, which provides a modern,
23 glossy look and feel.
24 The theme can be changed by calling wxAuiNotebook::SetArtProvider.
26 @beginStyleTable
28 Defined as wxAUI_NB_TOP | wxAUI_NB_TAB_SPLIT | wxAUI_NB_TAB_MOVE |
31 @style{wxAUI_NB_TAB_SPLIT}
32 Allows the tab control to be split by dragging a tab.
33 @style{wxAUI_NB_TAB_MOVE}
34 Allows a tab to be moved horizontally by dragging.
36 Allows a tab to be moved to another tab control.
38 With this style, all tabs have the same width.
40 With this style, left and right scroll buttons are displayed.
42 With this style, a drop-down list of windows is available.
43 @style{wxAUI_NB_CLOSE_BUTTON}
44 With this style, a close button is available on the tab bar.
46 With this style, the close button is visible on the active tab.
48 With this style, the close button is visible on all tabs.
50 With this style, middle click on a tab closes the tab.
51 @style{wxAUI_NB_TOP}
52 With this style, tabs are drawn along the top of the notebook.
53 @style{wxAUI_NB_BOTTOM}
54 With this style, tabs are drawn along the bottom of the notebook.
55 @endStyleTable
57 @beginEventEmissionTable{wxAuiNotebookEvent}
58 @event{EVT_AUINOTEBOOK_PAGE_CLOSE(id, func)}
59 A page is about to be closed. Processes a @c wxEVT_COMMAND_AUINOTEBOOK_PAGE_CLOSE event.
60 @event{EVT_AUINOTEBOOK_PAGE_CLOSED(winid, fn)}
61 A page has been closed. Processes a @c wxEVT_COMMAND_AUINOTEBOOK_PAGE_CLOSED event.
63 The page selection was changed. Processes a @c wxEVT_COMMAND_AUINOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGED event.
65 The page selection is about to be changed. Processes a @c wxEVT_COMMAND_AUINOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGING event. This event can be vetoed.
66 @event{EVT_AUINOTEBOOK_BUTTON(id, func)}
67 The window list button has been pressed. Processes a @c wxEVT_COMMAND_AUINOTEBOOK_BUTTON event.
68 @event{EVT_AUINOTEBOOK_BEGIN_DRAG(id, func)}
69 Dragging is about to begin. Processes a @c wxEVT_COMMAND_AUINOTEBOOK_BEGIN_DRAG event.
70 @event{EVT_AUINOTEBOOK_END_DRAG(id, func)}
71 Dragging has ended. Processes a @c wxEVT_COMMAND_AUINOTEBOOK_END_DRAG event.
72 @event{EVT_AUINOTEBOOK_DRAG_MOTION(id, func)}
73 Emitted during a drag and drop operation. Processes a @c wxEVT_COMMAND_AUINOTEBOOK_DRAG_MOTION event.
74 @event{EVT_AUINOTEBOOK_ALLOW_DND(id, func)}
75 Whether to allow a tab to be dropped. Processes a @c wxEVT_COMMAND_AUINOTEBOOK_ALLOW_DND event. This event must be specially allowed.
76 @event{EVT_AUINOTEBOOK_DRAG_DONE(winid, fn)}
77 Notify that the tab has been dragged. Processes a @c wxEVT_COMMAND_AUINOTEBOOK_DRAG_DONE event.
79 The middle mouse button is pressed on a tab. Processes a @c wxEVT_COMMAND_AUINOTEBOOK_TAB_MIDDLE_DOWN event.
80 @event{EVT_AUINOTEBOOK_TAB_MIDDLE_UP(winid, fn)}
81 The middle mouse button is released on a tab. Processes a @c wxEVT_COMMAND_AUINOTEBOOK_TAB_MIDDLE_UP event.
82 @event{EVT_AUINOTEBOOK_TAB_RIGHT_DOWN(winid, fn)}
83 The right mouse button is pressed on a tab. Processes a @c wxEVT_COMMAND_AUINOTEBOOK_TAB_RIGHT_DOWN event.
84 @event{EVT_AUINOTEBOOK_TAB_RIGHT_UP(winid, fn)}
85 The right mouse button is released on a tab. Processes a @c wxEVT_COMMAND_AUINOTEBOOK_TAB_RIGHT_UP event.
86 @event{EVT_AUINOTEBOOK_BG_DCLICK(winid, fn)}
87 Double clicked on the tabs background area. Processes a @c wxEVT_COMMAND_AUINOTEBOOK_BG_DCLICK event.
88 @endEventTable
90 @library{wxaui}
91 @category{aui}
92 */
93 class wxAuiNotebook : public wxBookCtrlBase
94 {
95 public:
96 /**
97 Default ctor.
98 */
99 wxAuiNotebook();
101 /**
102 Constructor. Creates a wxAuiNotebok control.
103 */
104 wxAuiNotebook(wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id = wxID_ANY,
105 const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
106 const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
107 long style = wxAUI_NB_DEFAULT_STYLE);
109 /**
110 Adds a page.
111 If the @a select parameter is @true, calling this will generate a page change event.
112 */
113 bool AddPage(wxWindow* page, const wxString& caption,
114 bool select = false,
115 const wxBitmap& bitmap = wxNullBitmap);
117 /**
118 Adds a new page.
120 The page must have the book control itself as the parent and must not
121 have been added to this control previously.
123 The call to this function may generate the page changing events.
125 @param page
126 Specifies the new page.
127 @param text
128 Specifies the text for the new page.
129 @param select
130 Specifies whether the page should be selected.
131 @param imageId
132 Specifies the optional image index for the new page.
134 @return @true if successful, @false otherwise.
136 @remarks Do not delete the page, it will be deleted by the book control.
138 @see InsertPage()
139 @since 2.9.3
140 */
141 virtual bool AddPage(wxWindow *page, const wxString &text, bool select, int imageId);
143 /**
144 Sets the selection to the next or previous page.
145 */
146 void AdvanceSelection(bool forward = true);
148 /**
149 Changes the selection for the given page, returning the previous selection.
151 This function behaves as SetSelection() but does @em not generate the
152 page changing events.
154 See @ref overview_events_prog for more information.
155 @since 2.9.3
156 */
157 virtual int ChangeSelection(size_t n);
159 /**
160 Creates the notebook window.
161 */
162 bool Create(wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id = wxID_ANY,
163 const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
164 const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
165 long style = 0);
167 /**
168 Deletes all pages.
169 @since 2.9.3
170 */
171 virtual bool DeleteAllPages();
173 /**
174 Deletes a page at the given index.
175 Calling this method will generate a page change event.
176 */
177 bool DeletePage(size_t page);
179 /**
180 Returns the associated art provider.
181 */
182 wxAuiTabArt* GetArtProvider() const;
184 /**
185 Returns the currently selected page or @NULL.
186 @since 2.9.3
187 */
188 wxWindow* GetCurrentPage () const;
190 /**
191 Returns the desired height of the notebook for the given page height.
192 Use this to fit the notebook to a given page size.
193 */
194 int GetHeightForPageHeight(int pageHeight);
196 /**
197 Returns the page specified by the given index.
198 */
199 wxWindow* GetPage(size_t page_idx) const;
201 /**
202 Returns the tab bitmap for the page.
203 */
204 wxBitmap GetPageBitmap(size_t page) const;
206 /**
207 Returns the number of pages in the notebook.
208 */
209 size_t GetPageCount() const;
211 /**
212 Returns the page index for the specified window.
213 If the window is not found in the notebook, wxNOT_FOUND is returned.
214 */
215 int GetPageIndex(wxWindow* page_wnd) const;
217 /**
218 Returns the tab label for the page.
219 */
220 wxString GetPageText(size_t page) const;
222 /**
223 Returns the currently selected page.
224 */
225 int GetSelection() const;
227 /**
228 Returns the height of the tab control.
229 */
230 int GetTabCtrlHeight() const;
232 /**
233 InsertPage() is similar to AddPage, but allows the ability to specify the
234 insert location.
235 If the @a select parameter is @true, calling this will generate a page change
236 event.
237 */
238 bool InsertPage(size_t page_idx, wxWindow* page,
239 const wxString& caption,
240 bool select = false,
241 const wxBitmap& bitmap = wxNullBitmap);
243 /**
244 Inserts a new page at the specified position.
246 @param index
247 Specifies the position for the new page.
248 @param page
249 Specifies the new page.
250 @param text
251 Specifies the text for the new page.
252 @param select
253 Specifies whether the page should be selected.
254 @param imageId
255 Specifies the optional image index for the new page.
257 @return @true if successful, @false otherwise.
259 @remarks Do not delete the page, it will be deleted by the book control.
261 @see AddPage()
262 @since 2.9.3
263 */
264 virtual bool InsertPage(size_t index, wxWindow *page, const wxString &text,
265 bool select=false, int imageId=NO_IMAGE);
267 /**
268 Removes a page, without deleting the window pointer.
269 */
270 bool RemovePage(size_t page);
272 /**
273 Sets the art provider to be used by the notebook.
274 */
275 void SetArtProvider(wxAuiTabArt* art);
277 /**
278 Sets the font for drawing the tab labels, using a bold version of the font for
279 selected tab labels.
280 */
281 virtual bool SetFont(const wxFont& font);
283 /**
284 Sets the font for measuring tab labels.
285 */
286 void SetMeasuringFont(const wxFont& font);
288 /**
289 Sets the font for drawing unselected tab labels.
290 */
291 void SetNormalFont(const wxFont& font);
293 /**
294 Sets the bitmap for the page. To remove a bitmap from the tab caption, pass
295 wxNullBitmap.
296 */
297 bool SetPageBitmap(size_t page, const wxBitmap& bitmap);
299 /**
300 Sets the image index for the given page. @a image is an index into
301 the image list which was set with SetImageList().
302 @since 2.9.3
303 */
304 virtual bool SetPageImage(size_t n, int imageId);
306 /**
307 Sets the tab label for the page.
308 */
309 bool SetPageText(size_t page, const wxString& text);
311 /**
312 Sets the font for drawing selected tab labels.
313 */
314 void SetSelectedFont(const wxFont& font);
316 /**
317 Sets the page selection. Calling this method will generate a page change event.
318 */
319 size_t SetSelection(size_t new_page);
321 /**
322 Sets the tab height. By default, the tab control height is calculated
323 by measuring the text height and bitmap sizes on the tab captions. Calling this
324 method will override that calculation and set the tab control to the specified
325 height parameter. A call to this method will override any call to
326 SetUniformBitmapSize().
328 Specifying -1 as the height will return the control to its default auto-sizing
329 behaviour.
330 */
331 virtual void SetTabCtrlHeight(int height);
333 //@{
334 /**
335 Split performs a split operation programmatically. The argument @a page
336 indicates the page that will be split off. This page will also become the
337 active page after the split.
339 The @a direction argument specifies where the pane should go, it should be one
340 of the following: wxTOP, wxBOTTOM, wxLEFT, or wxRIGHT.
341 */
342 virtual void SetUniformBitmapSize(const wxSize& size);
343 virtual void Split(size_t page, int direction);
344 //@}
346 /**
347 Shows the window menu for the active tab control associated with this notebook,
348 and returns @true if a selection was made.
349 */
350 bool ShowWindowMenu();
351 };
355 /**
356 @class wxAuiTabArt
358 Tab art class.
362 @library{wxaui}
363 @category{aui}
364 */
365 class wxAuiTabArt
366 {
367 public:
368 /**
369 Constructor.
370 */
371 wxAuiTabArt();
373 /**
374 Clones the art object.
375 */
376 virtual wxAuiTabArt* Clone() = 0;
378 /**
379 Draws a background on the given area.
380 */
381 virtual void DrawBackground(wxDC& dc, wxWindow* wnd, const wxRect& rect) = 0;
383 /**
384 Draws a button.
385 */
386 virtual void DrawButton(wxDC& dc, wxWindow* wnd, const wxRect& in_rect,
387 int bitmap_id, int button_state, int orientation,
388 wxRect* out_rect) = 0;
390 /**
391 Draws a tab.
392 */
393 virtual void DrawTab(wxDC& dc, wxWindow* wnd, const wxAuiNotebookPage& page,
394 const wxRect& rect, int close_button_state,
395 wxRect* out_tab_rect, wxRect* out_button_rect, int* x_extent) = 0;
397 /**
398 Returns the tab control size.
399 */
400 virtual int GetBestTabCtrlSize(wxWindow*, const wxAuiNotebookPageArray&, const wxSize&) = 0;
402 /**
403 Returns the indent size.
404 */
405 virtual int GetIndentSize() = 0;
407 /**
408 Returns the tab size for the given caption, bitmap and state.
409 */
410 virtual wxSize GetTabSize(wxDC& dc, wxWindow* wnd, const wxString& caption,
411 const wxBitmap& bitmap, bool active,
412 int close_button_state, int* x_extent) = 0;
414 /**
415 Sets flags.
416 */
417 virtual void SetFlags(unsigned int flags) = 0;
419 /**
420 Sets the font used for calculating measurements.
421 */
422 virtual void SetMeasuringFont(const wxFont& font) = 0;
424 /**
425 Sets the normal font for drawing labels.
426 */
427 virtual void SetNormalFont(const wxFont& font) = 0;
429 /**
430 Sets the font for drawing text for selected UI elements.
431 */
432 virtual void SetSelectedFont(const wxFont& font) = 0;
434 /**
435 Sets the colour of the inactive tabs.
437 @since 2.9.2
438 */
439 virtual void SetColour(const wxColour& colour) = 0;
441 /**
442 Sets the colour of the selected tab.
444 @since 2.9.2
445 */
446 virtual void SetActiveColour(const wxColour& colour) = 0;
448 /**
449 Sets sizing information.
450 */
451 virtual void SetSizingInfo(const wxSize& tab_ctrl_size, size_t tab_count) = 0;
452 };
454 /**
455 @class wxAuiNotebookEvent
457 This class is used by the events generated by wxAuiNotebook.
459 @beginEventEmissionTable{wxAuiNotebookEvent}
460 @event{EVT_AUINOTEBOOK_PAGE_CLOSE(id, func)}
461 A page is about to be closed. Processes a @c wxEVT_COMMAND_AUINOTEBOOK_PAGE_CLOSE event.
462 @event{EVT_AUINOTEBOOK_PAGE_CLOSED(winid, fn)}
463 A page has been closed. Processes a @c wxEVT_COMMAND_AUINOTEBOOK_PAGE_CLOSED event.
464 @event{EVT_AUINOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGED(id, func)}
465 The page selection was changed. Processes a @c wxEVT_COMMAND_AUINOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGED event.
467 The page selection is about to be changed. Processes a @c wxEVT_COMMAND_AUINOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGING event. This event can be vetoed.
468 @event{EVT_AUINOTEBOOK_BUTTON(id, func)}
469 The window list button has been pressed. Processes a @c wxEVT_COMMAND_AUINOTEBOOK_BUTTON event.
470 @event{EVT_AUINOTEBOOK_BEGIN_DRAG(id, func)}
471 Dragging is about to begin. Processes a @c wxEVT_COMMAND_AUINOTEBOOK_BEGIN_DRAG event.
472 @event{EVT_AUINOTEBOOK_END_DRAG(id, func)}
473 Dragging has ended. Processes a @c wxEVT_COMMAND_AUINOTEBOOK_END_DRAG event.
474 @event{EVT_AUINOTEBOOK_DRAG_MOTION(id, func)}
475 Emitted during a drag and drop operation. Processes a @c wxEVT_COMMAND_AUINOTEBOOK_DRAG_MOTION event.
476 @event{EVT_AUINOTEBOOK_ALLOW_DND(id, func)}
477 Whether to allow a tab to be dropped. Processes a @c wxEVT_COMMAND_AUINOTEBOOK_ALLOW_DND event. This event must be specially allowed.
478 @event{EVT_AUINOTEBOOK_DRAG_DONE(winid, fn)}
479 Notify that the tab has been dragged. Processes a @c wxEVT_COMMAND_AUINOTEBOOK_DRAG_DONE event.
480 @event{EVT_AUINOTEBOOK_TAB_MIDDLE_DOWN(winid, fn)}
481 The middle mouse button is pressed on a tab. Processes a @c wxEVT_COMMAND_AUINOTEBOOK_TAB_MIDDLE_DOWN event.
482 @event{EVT_AUINOTEBOOK_TAB_MIDDLE_UP(winid, fn)}
483 The middle mouse button is released on a tab. Processes a @c wxEVT_COMMAND_AUINOTEBOOK_TAB_MIDDLE_UP event.
484 @event{EVT_AUINOTEBOOK_TAB_RIGHT_DOWN(winid, fn)}
485 The right mouse button is pressed on a tab. Processes a @c wxEVT_COMMAND_AUINOTEBOOK_TAB_RIGHT_DOWN event.
486 @event{EVT_AUINOTEBOOK_TAB_RIGHT_UP(winid, fn)}
487 The right mouse button is released on a tab. Processes a @c wxEVT_COMMAND_AUINOTEBOOK_TAB_RIGHT_UP event.
488 @event{EVT_AUINOTEBOOK_BG_DCLICK(winid, fn)}
489 Double clicked on the tabs background area. Processes a @c wxEVT_COMMAND_AUINOTEBOOK_BG_DCLICK event.
490 @endEventTable
492 @library{wxaui}
493 @category{events,bookctrl}
495 @see wxAuiNotebook, wxBookCtrlEvent
496 */
497 class wxAuiNotebookEvent : public wxBookCtrlEvent
498 {
499 public:
500 /**
501 Constructor.
502 */
503 wxAuiNotebookEvent(wxEventType command_type = wxEVT_NULL, int win_id = 0);
505 wxEvent *Clone();
506 };