]> git.saurik.com Git - wxWidgets.git/blob - include/wx/debug.h
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[wxWidgets.git] / include / wx / debug.h
1 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 // Name: wx/debug.h
3 // Purpose: Misc debug functions and macros
4 // Author: Vadim Zeitlin
5 // Modified by:
6 // Created: 29/01/98
7 // RCS-ID: $Id$
8 // Copyright: (c) 1998 Vadim Zeitlin <zeitlin@dptmaths.ens-cachan.fr>
9 // Licence: wxWindows license
10 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
12 #ifndef _WX_DEBUG_H_
13 #define _WX_DEBUG_H_
15 #include <assert.h>
17 #include "wx/wxchar.h"
19 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
20 // Debugging macros
21 //
22 // All debugging macros rely on ASSERT() which in turn calls user-defined
23 // OnAssert() function. To keep things simple, it's called even when the
24 // expression is TRUE (i.e. everything is ok) and by default does nothing: just
25 // returns the same value back. But if you redefine it to do something more sexy
26 // (popping up a message box in your favourite GUI, sending you e-mail or
27 // whatever) it will affect all ASSERTs, FAILs and CHECKs in your code.
28 //
29 // Warning: if you don't like advices on programming style, don't read
30 // further! ;-)
31 //
32 // Extensive use of these macros is recommended! Remember that ASSERTs are
33 // disabled in final (without __WXDEBUG__ defined) build, so they add strictly
34 // nothing to your program's code. On the other hand, CHECK macros do stay
35 // even in release builds, but in general are not much of a burden, while
36 // a judicious use of them might increase your program's stability.
37 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
39 // Use of these suppresses compiler warnings about testing constant expression
40 WXDLLEXPORT_DATA(extern const bool) wxTrue;
41 WXDLLEXPORT_DATA(extern const bool) wxFalse;
43 // Macros which are completely disabled in 'release' mode
44 #ifdef __WXDEBUG__
45 /*
46 this function may be redefined to do something non trivial and is called
47 whenever one of debugging macros fails (i.e. condition is false in an
48 assertion)
50 parameters:
51 szFile and nLine - file name and line number of the ASSERT
52 szMsg - optional message explaining the reason
53 */
54 void WXDLLEXPORT wxOnAssert(const wxChar *szFile, int nLine, const wxChar *szMsg = (const wxChar *) NULL);
56 /*
57 notice the usage of else at the end of wxASSERT macro: this ensures that
58 the following code
60 if ( ... )
61 wxASSERT(...);
62 else
63 ...
65 works like expected: if there were no "else", the one in the code above
66 would be matched with a wrong "if"
67 */
69 // generic assert macro
70 #define wxASSERT(cond) if ( !(cond) ) wxOnAssert(__TFILE__, __LINE__); else
72 // assert with additional message explaining it's cause
73 #define wxASSERT_MSG(cond, msg) \
74 if ( !(cond) ) wxOnAssert(__TFILE__, __LINE__, msg); else
75 #else
76 // nothing to do in release modes (hopefully at this moment there are
77 // no more bugs ;-)
78 #define wxASSERT(cond)
79 #define wxASSERT_MSG(x, m)
80 #endif //__WXDEBUG__
82 // special form of assert: always triggers it (in debug mode)
83 #define wxFAIL wxASSERT(wxFalse)
85 // FAIL with some message
86 #define wxFAIL_MSG(msg) wxASSERT_MSG(wxFalse, msg)
88 // NB: the following macros work also in release mode!
90 /*
91 These macros must be used only in invalid situation: for example, an
92 invalid parameter (NULL pointer) is passed to a function. Instead of
93 dereferencing it and causing core dump the function might try using
94 CHECK( p != NULL ) or CHECK( p != NULL, return LogError("p is NULL!!") )
95 */
97 // check that expression is true, "return" if not (also FAILs in debug mode)
98 #define wxCHECK(x, rc) if (!(x)) {wxFAIL; return rc; }
100 // as wxCHECK but with a message explaining why we fail
101 #define wxCHECK_MSG(x, rc, msg) if (!(x)) {wxFAIL_MSG(msg); return rc; }
103 // check that expression is true, perform op if not
104 #define wxCHECK2(x, op) if (!(x)) {wxFAIL; op; }
106 // as wxCHECK2 but with a message explaining why we fail
107 #define wxCHECK2_MSG(x, op, msg) if (!(x)) {wxFAIL_MSG(msg); op; }
109 // special form of wxCHECK2: as wxCHECK, but for use in void functions
110 // NB: there is only one form (with msg parameter) and it's intentional:
111 // there is no other way to tell the caller what exactly went wrong
112 // from the void function (of course, the function shouldn't be void
113 // to begin with...)
114 #define wxCHECK_RET(x, msg) if (!(x)) {wxFAIL_MSG(msg); return; }
116 #endif // _WX_DEBUG_H_