1 ## This file imports items from the wx package into the wxPython package for
2 ## backwards compatibility. Some names will also have a 'wx' added on if
3 ## that is how they used to be named in the old wxPython package.
5 import wx
7 __doc__
= wx
9 _createhtmlmail
= wx
10 _sendmail
= wx
11 _startmailerwithhtml
= wx
12 _writehtmlmessage
= wx
13 wxPyDestroyErrorDialogIfPresent
= wx
14 wxPyFatalError
= wx
15 wxPyFatalErrorDialog
= wx
16 wxPyFatalErrorDialogWithTraceback
= wx
17 wxPyFatalOrNonFatalError
= wx
18 wxPyNewErrorDialog
= wx
19 wxPyNonFatalError
= wx
20 wxPyNonFatalErrorDialog
= wx
21 wxPyNonFatalErrorDialogWithTraceback
= wx
22 wxPyNonWindowingError
= wx
23 wxPyNonWindowingErrorHandler
= wx
24 wxPyResizeHTMLWindowToDispelScrollbar
= wx
25 wxPythonRExec
= wx