]> git.saurik.com Git - wxWidgets.git/blob - docs/latex/wx/ttoolbar.tex
applied patch 433352 (fix for wxTextCtrl::SetForegroundColor())
[wxWidgets.git] / docs / latex / wx / ttoolbar.tex
1 \section{Toolbar overview}\label{wxtoolbaroverview}
3 Classes: \helpref{wxToolBar}{wxtoolbar}
5 The toolbar family of classes allows an application to use toolbars
6 in a variety of configurations and styles.
8 The toolbar is a popular user interface component and contains a set of bitmap
9 buttons or toggles. A toolbar gives faster access to an application's facilities than
10 menus, which have to be popped up and selected rather laboriously.
12 Instead of supplying one toolbar class with a number
13 of different implementations depending on platform, wxWindows separates
14 out the classes. This is because there are a number of different toolbar
15 styles that you may wish to use simultaneously, and also, future
16 toolbar implementations will emerge which
17 cannot all be shoe-horned into the one class.
19 For each platform, the symbol {\bf wxToolBar} is defined to be one of the
20 specific toolbar classes.
22 The following is a summary of the toolbar classes and their differences.
24 \begin{itemize}\itemsep=0pt
25 \item {\bf wxToolBarBase.} This is a base class with pure virtual functions,
26 and should not be used directly.
27 \item {\bf wxToolBarSimple.} A simple toolbar class written entirely with generic wxWindows
28 functionality. A simple 3D effect for buttons is possible, but it is not consistent
29 with the Windows look and feel. This toolbar can scroll, and you can have arbitrary
30 numbers of rows and columns.
31 \item {\bf wxToolBarMSW.} This class implements an old-style Windows toolbar, only on
32 Windows. There are small, three-dimensional buttons, which do not (currently) reflect
33 the current Windows colour settings: the buttons are grey. This is the default wxToolBar
34 on 16-bit windows.
35 \item {\bf wxToolBar95.} Uses the native Windows 95 toolbar class. It dynamically adjusts its
36 background and button colours according to user colour settings.
37 CreateTools must be called after the tools have been added.
38 No absolute positioning is supported but you can specify the number
39 of rows, and add tool separators with {\bf AddSeparator}.
40 Tooltips are supported. {\bf OnRightClick} is not supported. This is the default wxToolBar
41 on Windows 95, Windows NT 4 and above. With the style wxTB\_FLAT, the flat toolbar
42 look is used, with a border that is highlighted when the cursor moves over the buttons.
43 \end{itemize}
45 A toolbar might appear as a single row of images under
46 the menubar, or it might be in a separate frame layout in several rows
47 and columns. The class handles the layout of the images, unless explicit
48 positioning is requested.
50 A tool is a bitmap which can either be a button (there is no `state',
51 it just generates an event when clicked) or it can be a toggle. If a
52 toggle, a second bitmap can be provided to depict the `on' state; if
53 the second bitmap is omitted, either the inverse of the first bitmap
54 will be used (for monochrome displays) or a thick border is drawn
55 around the bitmap (for colour displays where inverting will not have
56 the desired result).
58 The Windows-specific toolbar classes expect 16-colour bitmaps that are 16 pixels wide and 15 pixels
59 high. If you want to use a different size, call {\bf SetToolBitmapSize}\rtfsp
60 as the demo shows, before adding tools to the button bar. Don't supply more than
61 one bitmap for each tool, because the toolbar generates all three images (normal,
62 depressed and checked) from the single bitmap you give it.
64 \subsection{Using the toolbar library}
66 Include {\tt "wx/toolbar.h"}, or if using a class directly, one of:
68 \begin{itemize}\itemsep=0pt
69 \item {\tt "wx/msw/tbarmsw.h} for wxToolBarMSW
70 \item {\tt "wx/msw/tbar95.h} for wxToolBar95
71 \item {\tt "wx/tbarsmpl.h} for wxToolBarSimple
72 \end{itemize}
74 Example of toolbar use are given in the sample program ``toolbar''. The
75 source is given below. In fact it is out of date because recommended
76 practise is to use event handlers (using EVT\_MENU or EVT\_TOOL) instead of
77 overriding OnLeftClick.
79 {\small
80 \begin{verbatim}
81 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
82 // Name: test.cpp
83 // Purpose: wxToolBar sample
84 // Author: Julian Smart
85 // Modified by:
86 // Created: 04/01/98
87 // RCS-ID: $Id$
88 // Copyright: (c) Julian Smart
89 // License: wxWindows license
90 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
92 // For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx/wx.h".
93 #include "wx/wxprec.h"
95 #ifdef __BORLANDC__
96 #pragma hdrstop
97 #endif
99 #ifndef WX_PRECOMP
100 #include "wx/wx.h"
101 #endif
103 #include "wx/toolbar.h"
104 #include <wx/log.h>
106 #include "test.h"
108 #if defined(__WXGTK__) || defined(__WXMOTIF__)
109 #include "mondrian.xpm"
110 #include "bitmaps/new.xpm"
111 #include "bitmaps/open.xpm"
112 #include "bitmaps/save.xpm"
113 #include "bitmaps/copy.xpm"
114 #include "bitmaps/cut.xpm"
115 #include "bitmaps/print.xpm"
116 #include "bitmaps/preview.xpm"
117 #include "bitmaps/help.xpm"
118 #endif
122 // The `main program' equivalent, creating the windows and returning the
123 // main frame
124 bool MyApp::OnInit(void)
125 {
126 // Create the main frame window
127 MyFrame* frame = new MyFrame((wxFrame *) NULL, -1, (const wxString) "wxToolBar Sample",
128 wxPoint(100, 100), wxSize(450, 300));
130 // Give it a status line
131 frame->CreateStatusBar();
133 // Give it an icon
134 frame->SetIcon(wxICON(mondrian));
136 // Make a menubar
137 wxMenu *fileMenu = new wxMenu;
138 fileMenu->Append(wxID_EXIT, "E&xit", "Quit toolbar sample" );
140 wxMenu *helpMenu = new wxMenu;
141 helpMenu->Append(wxID_HELP, "&About", "About toolbar sample");
143 wxMenuBar* menuBar = new wxMenuBar;
145 menuBar->Append(fileMenu, "&File");
146 menuBar->Append(helpMenu, "&Help");
148 // Associate the menu bar with the frame
149 frame->SetMenuBar(menuBar);
151 // Create the toolbar
152 frame->CreateToolBar(wxNO_BORDER|wxHORIZONTAL|wxTB_FLAT, ID_TOOLBAR);
154 frame->GetToolBar()->SetMargins( 2, 2 );
156 InitToolbar(frame->GetToolBar());
158 // Force a resize. This should probably be replaced by a call to a wxFrame
159 // function that lays out default decorations and the remaining content window.
160 wxSizeEvent event(wxSize(-1, -1), frame->GetId());
161 frame->OnSize(event);
162 frame->Show(TRUE);
164 frame->SetStatusText("Hello, wxWindows");
166 SetTopWindow(frame);
168 return TRUE;
169 }
171 bool MyApp::InitToolbar(wxToolBar* toolBar)
172 {
173 // Set up toolbar
174 wxBitmap* toolBarBitmaps[8];
176 #ifdef __WXMSW__
177 toolBarBitmaps[0] = new wxBitmap("icon1");
178 toolBarBitmaps[1] = new wxBitmap("icon2");
179 toolBarBitmaps[2] = new wxBitmap("icon3");
180 toolBarBitmaps[3] = new wxBitmap("icon4");
181 toolBarBitmaps[4] = new wxBitmap("icon5");
182 toolBarBitmaps[5] = new wxBitmap("icon6");
183 toolBarBitmaps[6] = new wxBitmap("icon7");
184 toolBarBitmaps[7] = new wxBitmap("icon8");
185 #else
186 toolBarBitmaps[0] = new wxBitmap( new_xpm );
187 toolBarBitmaps[1] = new wxBitmap( open_xpm );
188 toolBarBitmaps[2] = new wxBitmap( save_xpm );
189 toolBarBitmaps[3] = new wxBitmap( copy_xpm );
190 toolBarBitmaps[4] = new wxBitmap( cut_xpm );
191 toolBarBitmaps[5] = new wxBitmap( preview_xpm );
192 toolBarBitmaps[6] = new wxBitmap( print_xpm );
193 toolBarBitmaps[7] = new wxBitmap( help_xpm );
194 #endif
196 #ifdef __WXMSW__
197 int width = 24;
198 #else
199 int width = 16;
200 #endif
201 int currentX = 5;
203 toolBar->AddTool(wxID_NEW, *(toolBarBitmaps[0]), wxNullBitmap, FALSE, currentX, -1, (wxObject *) NULL, "New file");
204 currentX += width + 5;
205 toolBar->AddTool(wxID_OPEN, *(toolBarBitmaps[1]), wxNullBitmap, FALSE, currentX, -1, (wxObject *) NULL, "Open file");
206 currentX += width + 5;
207 toolBar->AddTool(wxID_SAVE, *(toolBarBitmaps[2]), wxNullBitmap, FALSE, currentX, -1, (wxObject *) NULL, "Save file");
208 currentX += width + 5;
209 toolBar->AddSeparator();
210 toolBar->AddTool(wxID_COPY, *(toolBarBitmaps[3]), wxNullBitmap, FALSE, currentX, -1, (wxObject *) NULL, "Copy");
211 currentX += width + 5;
212 toolBar->AddTool(wxID_CUT, *(toolBarBitmaps[4]), wxNullBitmap, FALSE, currentX, -1, (wxObject *) NULL, "Cut");
213 currentX += width + 5;
214 toolBar->AddTool(wxID_PASTE, *(toolBarBitmaps[5]), wxNullBitmap, FALSE, currentX, -1, (wxObject *) NULL, "Paste");
215 currentX += width + 5;
216 toolBar->AddSeparator();
217 toolBar->AddTool(wxID_PRINT, *(toolBarBitmaps[6]), wxNullBitmap, FALSE, currentX, -1, (wxObject *) NULL, "Print");
218 currentX += width + 5;
219 toolBar->AddSeparator();
220 toolBar->AddTool(wxID_HELP, *(toolBarBitmaps[7]), wxNullBitmap, FALSE, currentX, -1, (wxObject *) NULL, "Help");
222 toolBar->Realize();
224 // Can delete the bitmaps since they're reference counted
225 int i;
226 for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
227 delete toolBarBitmaps[i];
229 return TRUE;
230 }
232 // wxID_HELP will be processed for the 'About' menu and the toolbar help button.
234 BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(MyFrame, wxFrame)
235 EVT_MENU(wxID_EXIT, MyFrame::OnQuit)
236 EVT_MENU(wxID_HELP, MyFrame::OnAbout)
237 EVT_CLOSE(MyFrame::OnCloseWindow)
238 EVT_TOOL_RANGE(wxID_OPEN, wxID_PASTE, MyFrame::OnToolLeftClick)
239 EVT_TOOL_ENTER(wxID_OPEN, MyFrame::OnToolEnter)
242 // Define my frame constructor
243 MyFrame::MyFrame(wxFrame* parent, wxWindowID id, const wxString& title, const wxPoint& pos,
244 const wxSize& size, long style):
245 wxFrame(parent, id, title, pos, size, style)
246 {
247 m_textWindow = new wxTextCtrl(this, -1, "", wxPoint(0, 0), wxSize(-1, -1), wxTE_MULTILINE);
248 }
250 void MyFrame::OnQuit(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
251 {
252 Close(TRUE);
253 }
255 void MyFrame::OnAbout(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
256 {
257 (void)wxMessageBox("wxWindows toolbar sample", "About wxToolBar");
258 }
260 // Define the behaviour for the frame closing
261 // - must delete all frames except for the main one.
262 void MyFrame::OnCloseWindow(wxCloseEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
263 {
264 Destroy();
265 }
267 void MyFrame::OnToolLeftClick(wxCommandEvent& event)
268 {
269 wxString str;
270 str.Printf("Clicked on tool %d", event.GetId());
271 SetStatusText(str);
272 }
274 void MyFrame::OnToolEnter(wxCommandEvent& event)
275 {
276 if (event.GetSelection() > -1)
277 {
278 wxString str;
279 str.Printf("This is tool number %d", event.GetSelection());
280 SetStatusText(str);
281 }
282 else
283 SetStatusText("");
284 }
285 \end{verbatim}
286 }