]> git.saurik.com Git - wxWidgets.git/blob - utils/wxPython/src/gdi.i
Added wxSashWindow, wxSashEvent, wxLayoutAlgorithm, etc.
[wxWidgets.git] / utils / wxPython / src / gdi.i
1 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 // Name: gdi.i
3 // Purpose: SWIG interface file for wxDC, wxBrush, wxPen, wxFont, etc.
4 //
5 // Author: Robin Dunn
6 //
7 // Created: 7/7/97
8 // RCS-ID: $Id$
9 // Copyright: (c) 1998 by Total Control Software
10 // Licence: wxWindows license
11 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
14 %module gdi
16 %{
17 #include "helpers.h"
18 #include <wx/metafile.h>
19 #ifndef __WXMSW__
20 #include <wx/dcps.h>
21 #endif
22 %}
24 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
26 %include typemaps.i
27 %include my_typemaps.i
29 // Import some definitions of other classes, etc.
30 %import _defs.i
31 %import misc.i
33 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
35 class wxBitmap {
36 public:
37 wxBitmap(const wxString& name, long type);
38 ~wxBitmap();
40 #ifdef __WXMSW__
41 void Create(int width, int height, int depth = -1);
42 #endif
43 int GetDepth();
44 int GetHeight();
45 wxPalette* GetPalette();
46 wxMask* GetMask();
47 int GetWidth();
48 bool LoadFile(const wxString& name, long flags);
49 bool Ok();
50 bool SaveFile(const wxString& name, int type, wxPalette* palette = NULL);
51 void SetDepth(int depth);
52 void SetHeight(int height);
53 void SetMask(wxMask* mask);
54 #ifdef __WXMSW__
55 void SetPalette(wxPalette& palette);
56 #endif
57 void SetWidth(int width);
58 };
60 %new wxBitmap* wxEmptyBitmap(int width, int height, int depth=-1);
61 wxBitmap* wxNoRefBitmap(char* name, long flags);
63 %{ // Alternate 'constructor'
64 wxBitmap* wxEmptyBitmap(int width, int height, int depth=-1) {
65 return new wxBitmap(width, height, depth);
66 }
68 // This one won't own the reference, so Python won't call
69 // the dtor, this is good for toolbars and such where
70 // the parent will manage the bitmap.
71 wxBitmap* wxNoRefBitmap(char* name, long flags) {
72 return new wxBitmap(name, flags);
73 }
74 %}
76 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
78 class wxMask {
79 public:
80 wxMask(const wxBitmap& bitmap);
81 ~wxMask();
82 };
84 %new wxMask* wxMaskColour(const wxBitmap& bitmap, const wxColour& colour);
85 %{
86 wxMask* wxMaskColour(const wxBitmap& bitmap, const wxColour& colour) {
87 return new wxMask(bitmap, colour);
88 }
89 %}
92 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
95 class wxIcon : public wxBitmap {
96 public:
97 #ifdef __WXMSW__
98 wxIcon(const wxString& name, long flags,
99 int desiredWidth = -1, int desiredHeight = -1);
100 #endif
101 ~wxIcon();
103 int GetDepth();
104 int GetHeight();
105 int GetWidth();
106 bool LoadFile(const wxString& name, long flags);
107 bool Ok();
108 void SetDepth(int depth);
109 void SetHeight(int height);
110 void SetWidth(int width);
111 };
113 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
115 class wxCursor : public wxBitmap {
116 public:
117 #ifdef __WXMSW__
118 wxCursor(const wxString& cursorName, long flags, int hotSpotX=0, int hotSpotY=0);
119 #endif
120 ~wxCursor();
121 bool Ok();
122 };
124 %name(wxStockCursor) %new wxCursor* wxPyStockCursor(int id);
125 %{ // Alternate 'constructor'
126 wxCursor* wxPyStockCursor(int id) {
127 return new wxCursor(id);
128 }
129 %}
131 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
133 class wxFont {
134 public:
135 // I'll do it this way to use long-lived objects and not have to
136 // worry about when python may delete the object.
137 %addmethods {
138 wxFont( int pointSize, int family, int style, int weight,
139 int underline=FALSE, char* faceName = "") {
141 return wxTheFontList->FindOrCreateFont(pointSize, family, style, weight,
142 underline, faceName);
143 }
144 // NO Destructor.
145 }
148 wxString GetFaceName();
149 int GetFamily();
150 #ifdef __WXMSW__
151 int GetFontId();
152 #endif
153 int GetPointSize();
154 int GetStyle();
155 bool GetUnderlined();
156 int GetWeight();
157 void SetFaceName(const wxString& faceName);
158 void SetFamily(int family);
159 void SetPointSize(int pointSize);
160 void SetStyle(int style);
161 void SetUnderlined(bool underlined);
162 void SetWeight(int weight);
163 };
165 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
167 class wxColour {
168 public:
169 wxColour(unsigned char red=0, unsigned char green=0, unsigned char blue=0);
170 ~wxColour();
171 unsigned char Red();
172 unsigned char Green();
173 unsigned char Blue();
174 bool Ok();
175 void Set(unsigned char red, unsigned char green, unsigned char blue);
176 %addmethods {
177 PyObject* Get() {
178 PyObject* rv = PyTuple_New(3);
179 PyTuple_SetItem(rv, 0, PyInt_FromLong(self->Red()));
180 PyTuple_SetItem(rv, 1, PyInt_FromLong(self->Green()));
181 PyTuple_SetItem(rv, 2, PyInt_FromLong(self->Blue()));
182 return rv;
183 }
184 }
185 };
187 %new wxColour* wxNamedColour(const wxString& colorName);
188 %{ // Alternate 'constructor'
189 wxColour* wxNamedColour(const wxString& colorName) {
190 return new wxColour(colorName);
191 }
192 %}
195 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
197 typedef unsigned long wxDash;
199 class wxPen {
200 public:
201 // I'll do it this way to use long-lived objects and not have to
202 // worry about when python may delete the object.
203 %addmethods {
204 wxPen(wxColour* colour, int width=1, int style=wxSOLID) {
205 return wxThePenList->FindOrCreatePen(*colour, width, style);
206 }
207 // NO Destructor.
208 }
210 int GetCap();
211 wxColour& GetColour();
213 int GetJoin();
214 int GetStyle();
215 int GetWidth();
216 bool Ok();
217 void SetCap(int cap_style);
218 void SetColour(wxColour& colour);
219 void SetJoin(int join_style);
220 void SetStyle(int style);
221 void SetWidth(int width);
223 #ifdef __WXMSW__
224 // **** This one needs to return a list of ints (wxDash)
225 int GetDashes(wxDash **dashes);
226 wxBitmap* GetStipple();
227 void SetDashes(int LCOUNT, wxDash* LIST);
228 void SetStipple(wxBitmap& stipple);
229 #endif
230 };
232 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
234 class wxBrush {
235 public:
236 // I'll do it this way to use long-lived objects and not have to
237 // worry about when python may delete the object.
238 %addmethods {
239 wxBrush(wxColour* colour, int style=wxSOLID) {
240 return wxTheBrushList->FindOrCreateBrush(*colour, style);
241 }
242 // NO Destructor.
243 }
245 wxColour& GetColour();
246 wxBitmap * GetStipple();
247 int GetStyle();
248 bool Ok();
249 void SetColour(wxColour &colour);
250 void SetStipple(wxBitmap& bitmap);
251 void SetStyle(int style);
252 };
254 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
258 class wxDC {
259 public:
260 // wxDC(); **** abstract base class, can't instantiate.
261 ~wxDC();
263 void BeginDrawing();
264 bool Blit(long xdest, long ydest, long width, long height,
265 wxDC *source, long xsrc, long ysrc, long logical_func);
266 void Clear();
267 void CrossHair(long x, long y);
268 void DestroyClippingRegion();
269 long DeviceToLogicalX(long x);
270 long DeviceToLogicalXRel(long x);
271 long DeviceToLogicalY(long y);
272 long DeviceToLogicalYRel(long y);
273 void DrawArc(long x1, long y1, long x2, long y2, long xc, long yc);
274 void DrawEllipse(long x, long y, long width, long height);
275 void DrawEllipticArc(long x, long y, long width, long height, long start, long end);
276 void DrawIcon(const wxIcon& icon, long x, long y);
277 void DrawLine(long x1, long y1, long x2, long y2);
278 void DrawLines(int LCOUNT, wxPoint* LIST, long xoffset=0, long yoffset=0);
279 void DrawPolygon(int LCOUNT, wxPoint* LIST, long xoffset=0, long yoffset=0,
280 int fill_style=wxODDEVEN_RULE);
281 void DrawPoint(long x, long y);
282 void DrawRectangle(long x, long y, long width, long height);
283 void DrawRoundedRectangle(long x, long y, long width, long height, long radius=20);
284 void DrawSpline(int LCOUNT, wxPoint* LIST);
285 void DrawText(const wxString& text, long x, long y);
286 void EndDoc();
287 void EndDrawing();
288 void EndPage();
289 void FloodFill(long x, long y, const wxColour& colour, int style=wxFLOOD_SURFACE);
290 wxBrush& GetBackground();
291 wxBrush& GetBrush();
292 long GetCharHeight();
293 long GetCharWidth();
294 void GetClippingBox(long *OUTPUT, long *OUTPUT,
295 long *OUTPUT, long *OUTPUT);
296 wxFont& GetFont();
297 int GetLogicalFunction();
298 int GetMapMode();
299 bool GetOptimization();
300 wxPen& GetPen();
301 %addmethods {
302 %new wxColour* GetPixel(long x, long y) {
303 wxColour* wc = new wxColour();
304 self->GetPixel(x, y, wc);
305 return wc;
306 }
307 }
308 void GetSize(int* OUTPUT, int* OUTPUT); //void GetSize(long* OUTPUT, long* OUTPUT);
309 wxColour& GetTextBackground();
310 void GetTextExtent(const wxString& string, long *OUTPUT, long *OUTPUT,
311 long *OUTPUT, long *OUTPUT);
312 wxColour& GetTextForeground();
313 long LogicalToDeviceX(long x);
314 long LogicalToDeviceXRel(long x);
315 long LogicalToDeviceY(long y);
316 long LogicalToDeviceYRel(long y);
317 long MaxX();
318 long MaxY();
319 long MinX();
320 long MinY();
321 bool Ok();
322 void SetDeviceOrigin(long x, long y);
323 void SetBackground(const wxBrush& brush);
324 void SetBackgroundMode(int mode);
325 void SetClippingRegion(long x, long y, long width, long height);
326 void SetPalette(const wxPalette& colourMap);
327 void SetBrush(const wxBrush& brush);
328 void SetFont(const wxFont& font);
329 void SetLogicalFunction(int function);
330 void SetMapMode(int mode);
331 void SetOptimization(bool optimize);
332 void SetPen(const wxPen& pen);
333 void SetTextBackground(const wxColour& colour);
334 void SetTextForeground(const wxColour& colour);
335 void SetUserScale(double x_scale, double y_scale);
336 bool StartDoc(const wxString& message);
337 void StartPage();
340 %addmethods {
341 // This one is my own creation...
342 void DrawBitmap(wxBitmap& bitmap, long x, long y, bool swapPalette=TRUE) {
343 wxMemoryDC* memDC = new wxMemoryDC;
344 memDC->SelectObject(bitmap);
345 if (swapPalette)
346 self->SetPalette(*bitmap.GetPalette());
347 self->Blit(x, y, bitmap.GetWidth(), bitmap.GetHeight(), memDC,
348 0, 0, self->GetLogicalFunction());
349 memDC->SelectObject(wxNullBitmap);
350 delete memDC;
351 }
352 }
353 };
356 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
358 class wxMemoryDC : public wxDC {
359 public:
360 wxMemoryDC();
362 void SelectObject(const wxBitmap& bitmap);
363 }
365 %new wxMemoryDC* wxMemoryDCFromDC(wxDC* oldDC);
366 %{ // Alternate 'constructor'
367 wxMemoryDC* wxMemoryDCFromDC(wxDC* oldDC) {
368 return new wxMemoryDC(oldDC);
369 }
370 %}
373 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
375 class wxScreenDC : public wxDC {
376 public:
377 wxScreenDC();
379 bool StartDrawingOnTop(wxWindow* window);
380 %name(StartDrawingOnTopRect) bool StartDrawingOnTop(wxRect* rect = NULL);
381 bool EndDrawingOnTop();
382 };
384 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
386 class wxClientDC : public wxDC {
387 public:
388 wxClientDC(wxWindow* win);
389 };
391 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
393 class wxPaintDC : public wxDC {
394 public:
395 wxPaintDC(wxWindow* win);
396 };
398 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
400 class wxWindowDC : public wxDC {
401 public:
402 wxWindowDC(wxWindow* win);
403 };
405 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
407 #ifndef __WXMSW__
408 class wxPostScriptDC : public wxDC {
409 public:
410 wxPostScriptDC(const wxString& output, bool interactive = TRUE, wxWindow* win = NULL);
411 };
412 #endif
414 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
416 #ifdef __WXMSW__
417 class wxPrinterDC : public wxDC {
418 public:
419 wxPrinterDC(const wxString& driver, const wxString& device, const wxString& output,
420 bool interactive = TRUE, int orientation = wxPORTRAIT);
421 };
422 #endif
424 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
426 #ifdef __WXMSW__
427 class wxMetaFileDC : public wxDC {
428 public:
429 wxMetaFileDC(const wxString& filename = wxPyEmptyStr);
430 wxMetaFile* Close();
431 };
432 #endif
434 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
435 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
438 %readonly
439 extern wxFont *wxNORMAL_FONT;
440 extern wxFont *wxSMALL_FONT;
441 extern wxFont *wxITALIC_FONT;
442 extern wxFont *wxSWISS_FONT;
443 extern wxPen *wxRED_PEN;
445 extern wxPen *wxCYAN_PEN;
446 extern wxPen *wxGREEN_PEN;
447 extern wxPen *wxBLACK_PEN;
448 extern wxPen *wxWHITE_PEN;
449 extern wxPen *wxTRANSPARENT_PEN;
450 extern wxPen *wxBLACK_DASHED_PEN;
451 extern wxPen *wxGREY_PEN;
452 extern wxPen *wxMEDIUM_GREY_PEN;
453 extern wxPen *wxLIGHT_GREY_PEN;
455 extern wxBrush *wxBLUE_BRUSH;
456 extern wxBrush *wxGREEN_BRUSH;
457 extern wxBrush *wxWHITE_BRUSH;
458 extern wxBrush *wxBLACK_BRUSH;
459 extern wxBrush *wxTRANSPARENT_BRUSH;
460 extern wxBrush *wxCYAN_BRUSH;
461 extern wxBrush *wxRED_BRUSH;
462 extern wxBrush *wxGREY_BRUSH;
463 extern wxBrush *wxMEDIUM_GREY_BRUSH;
464 extern wxBrush *wxLIGHT_GREY_BRUSH;
466 extern wxColour *wxBLACK;
467 extern wxColour *wxWHITE;
468 extern wxColour *wxRED;
469 extern wxColour *wxBLUE;
470 extern wxColour *wxGREEN;
471 extern wxColour *wxCYAN;
472 extern wxColour *wxLIGHT_GREY;
474 extern wxCursor *wxSTANDARD_CURSOR;
475 extern wxCursor *wxHOURGLASS_CURSOR;
476 extern wxCursor *wxCROSS_CURSOR;
478 extern wxBitmap wxNullBitmap;
479 extern wxIcon wxNullIcon;
480 extern wxCursor wxNullCursor;
481 extern wxPen wxNullPen;
482 extern wxBrush wxNullBrush;
483 extern wxPalette wxNullPalette;
484 extern wxFont wxNullFont;
485 extern wxColour wxNullColour;
487 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
489 class wxPalette {
490 public:
491 wxPalette(int LCOUNT, byte* LIST, byte* LIST, byte* LIST);
492 ~wxPalette();
494 int GetPixel(byte red, byte green, byte blue);
495 bool GetRGB(int pixel, byte* OUTPUT, byte* OUTPUT, byte* OUTPUT);
496 bool Ok();
497 };
499 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
502 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
504 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
505 //
506 // $Log$
507 // Revision 1.12 1999/01/30 07:30:11 RD
508 // Added wxSashWindow, wxSashEvent, wxLayoutAlgorithm, etc.
509 //
510 // Various cleanup, tweaks, minor additions, etc. to maintain
511 // compatibility with the current wxWindows.
512 //
513 // Revision 1.11 1998/12/18 15:49:05 RR
514 //
515 // wxClipboard now serves the primary selection as well
516 // wxPython fixes
517 // warning mesages
518 //
519 // Revision 1.10 1998/12/17 18:05:50 RD
520 //
521 // wxPython 0.5.2
522 // Minor fixes and SWIG code generation for RR's changes. MSW and GTK
523 // versions are much closer now!
524 //
525 // Revision 1.9 1998/12/17 14:07:37 RR
526 //
527 // Removed minor differences between wxMSW and wxGTK
528 //
529 // Revision 1.8 1998/12/16 22:10:54 RD
530 //
531 // Tweaks needed to be able to build wxPython with wxGTK.
532 //
533 // Revision 1.7 1998/12/15 20:41:18 RD
534 // Changed the import semantics from "from wxPython import *" to "from
535 // wxPython.wx import *" This is for people who are worried about
536 // namespace pollution, they can use "from wxPython import wx" and then
537 // prefix all the wxPython identifiers with "wx."
538 //
539 // Added wxTaskbarIcon for wxMSW.
540 //
541 // Made the events work for wxGrid.
542 //
543 // Added wxConfig.
544 //
545 // Added wxMiniFrame for wxGTK, (untested.)
546 //
547 // Changed many of the args and return values that were pointers to gdi
548 // objects to references to reflect changes in the wxWindows API.
549 //
550 // Other assorted fixes and additions.
551 //
552 // Revision 1.6 1998/11/25 08:45:24 RD
553 //
554 // Added wxPalette, wxRegion, wxRegionIterator, wxTaskbarIcon
555 // Added events for wxGrid
556 // Other various fixes and additions
557 //
558 // Revision 1.5 1998/10/20 06:43:57 RD
559 // New wxTreeCtrl wrappers (untested)
560 // some changes in helpers
561 // etc.
562 //
563 // Revision 1.4 1998/10/02 06:40:38 RD
564 //
565 // Version 0.4 of wxPython for MSW.
566 //
567 // Revision 1.3 1998/08/18 19:48:16 RD
568 // more wxGTK compatibility things.
569 //
570 // It builds now but there are serious runtime problems...
571 //
572 // Revision 1.2 1998/08/15 07:36:35 RD
573 // - Moved the header in the .i files out of the code that gets put into
574 // the .cpp files. It caused CVS conflicts because of the RCS ID being
575 // different each time.
576 //
577 // - A few minor fixes.
578 //
579 // Revision 1.1 1998/08/09 08:25:50 RD
580 // Initial version
581 //
582 //